Why Are We Here?

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Why Are We Here?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Ontology is a branch of philosophy which has always fascinated me. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Do we even have one? These are questions anyone of a philosophical disposition should ask themselves. I cannot fathom ever having lived my life without giving a single deep thought towards this question.

It's fundamental, an advanced being should know that if they exist they exist for a reason. Should we not aspire to comprehend that reason? To understand the meaning of it all? I have never been able to accept the atheistic notion that all this is accidental and has no purpose. I'm of the position that everything in life has purpose. If it didn't have purpose it wouldn't exist in the first place.

Does anyone remember the thread about Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality? Link here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45751

Let's have a look into the three different belief systems and their explanation for being and purpose.


We'll start with Atheism. By far the worst of the three belief systems. A religion of anti-religion. A belief system which favours hedonism and serves the corporate agenda very well by encouraging cutthroat individualism and nihilistic materialism.

Is this the kind of world you would choose for humanity? Can you believe some people see working and consumerism as some kind of purpose for life? What a f***ing waste...

But what is our purpose according to this belief system? Simply put: there isn't any. We live in a random universe where everything is purely accidental and has no purpose at all. Because of this, atheists primarily believe that our purpose should be the continuation of the species. The preservation of decent genetics and continuation of family bloodlines etc. I take issue with this as this means that ontologically the individual is irrelevant and only the species as a whole matters.


In Christian ontology our purpose is outlined in a book written by man, which is apparently the word of God almight himself. The main theme of this religion is all about self abnegation, self sacrifice and most importantly blind submissive subservience to figures of authority.

The religion promotes passivity and weakness. Like Atheism promotes that we are insignificant specks floating through the universe, Christianity promotes the idea that humanity is inherently evil and unworthy of the divine due to its sinful nature (even though we are supposedly made in God's image...)

Our purpose is to serve Yahweh. To obey his dictatorial edicts and submit to his authority and his will or else fave eternal damnation. I take issue with this religion and the values it promotes. It is ideal for the global elite to have a society of God fearing Christians or nihilistic atheists, neither of which would ever have the strength or inclination to fight against oppression.

How can people be blinded by such cognitive dissonance to believe such rubbish? Does this sound like an all loving creator God to you? viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243

Yahweh is a psychopath who murdered countless people in history, and yet today is completely absent. I refuse to accept this religion bears any truth and is simply a programme of control promoted by the Jews.


Unlike Christianity, Spirituality has no need of holy books to spread the truth of its existence. It is something experienced by thousands of people globally, especially through the use of entheogenic plants which are natural phenomenon and not created by man like the Bible was.


Different philosophies such as Hermeticism and older religions incorporate elements of the spiritual and promote the alchemy of the soul. All of which give a comprehensive and in depth explanation about the nature of reality and our purpose, which is to grow from our experiences and attempt to raise our Kundalini, raise the chakras and obtain godhood, which is our birthright and our purpose here on Earth.

Here is a thread I wrote about Hermetic Philosophy.

And here one about our spiritual anatomy and the functioning of the chakras. Blocked by the system imposed upon us which causes both physical and mental illnesses.

I think out of the three Spirituality makes the most sense when we think about our purpose here on Earth and in the physical.

In the Hindu school of Samkhya philosophy the universe is regarded as consisting of two independent realities. The substance dualism of pure consciousness (purusa) and physical matter (prakrti) this dualism is similar to the dualistic nature of both body and mind.

Samkhya sees the mind as being the subtle part of prakrti and consists of three faculties: the sense mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), and finally the ego (ahaṁkāra) these faculties all have their own individual functions, but are unable to develop consciousness, this is something for which Purusa alone is responsible. From this we could interpret that consciousness is remote and different from our physical bodies.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by kukushka »

I think we're God experiencing itself, we exist because we can, its an experience
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

kukushka wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 10:10 am
I think we're God experiencing itself, we exist because we can, its an experience
I agree with this to a certain degree. I think the Hindu conception of consciousness is what resonates the most with myself. I believe that Brahman is the ultimate consciousness and we are all individuated units of consciousness derived from this source.

With regard to experience and purpose I think growth is the fundamental purpose of everything. In nature everything strives to grow and flourish. I think that Brahman itself is an imperfect creator God which seeks its own evolution and growth as well. So in this sense our relationship with Brahman is symbiotic and it grows and evolves through our experiences here in the physical realm of action.

The problem I have with what you suggested, that we are all the source experiencing itself is that this notion removes any form of individuality. Whereas the above explanation, derived from Hindu schools of thought, maintains the idea of individuality that are derived from the source consciousness rather than being the same consciousness experiencing itself. Your interpretation sounds more like a New Age type of spin on the whole thing.

I believe humans are individuated units of consciousness. Capable of independent action and thought. We all come from the same source, but we are not all the same.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by kukushka »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 10:33 am
kukushka wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 10:10 am
I think we're God experiencing itself, we exist because we can, its an experience
I agree with this to a certain degree. I think the Hindu conception of consciousness is what resonates the most with myself. I believe that Brahman is the ultimate consciousness and we are all individuated units of consciousness derived from this source.

With regard to experience and purpose I think growth is the fundamental purpose of everything. In nature everything strives to grow and flourish. I think that Brahman itself is an imperfect creator God which seeks its own evolution and growth as well. So in this sense our relationship with Brahman is symbiotic and it grows and evolves through our experiences here in the physical realm of action.

The problem I have with what you suggested, that we are all the source experiencing itself is that this notion removes any form of individuality. Whereas the above explanation, derived from Hindu schools of thought, maintains the idea of individuality that are derived from the source consciousness rather than being the same consciousness experiencing itself. Your interpretation sounds more like a New Age type of spin on the whole thing.

I believe humans are individuated units of consciousness. Capable of independent action and thought. We all come from the same source, but we are not all the same.
well, I guess we have to agree to disagree then. I think the saying "separation is an illusion" exists for a reason. yes we are individuals on the surface but beyond that at the most primordial level we're all one. I believe that the individual is derived from the source consciousness as a way for the same consciousness being able to experience itself.

my interpretation is actually derived from hinduism + ancient greek philosophy/gnosticism (monad and dyad etc). I completely avoid new age stuff because I personally think its subpar (although its good enough for many people)
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Cornfed »

We are here to serve God's purpose as determined by the traditions of our ancestors. Anything else, anything you pull out of your ass and call spirituality, anything that serves the Satanic system instead of God and you are defective fruit to be pruned from the tree of life.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Moretorque »

Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 11:06 am
We are here to serve God's purpose as determined by the traditions of our ancestors. Anything else, anything you pull out of your ass and call spirituality, anything that serves the Satanic system instead of God and you are defective fruit to be pruned from the tree of life.
OK, explain GOD oh great one.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

kukushka wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 11:00 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 10:33 am
kukushka wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 10:10 am
I think we're God experiencing itself, we exist because we can, its an experience
I agree with this to a certain degree. I think the Hindu conception of consciousness is what resonates the most with myself. I believe that Brahman is the ultimate consciousness and we are all individuated units of consciousness derived from this source.

With regard to experience and purpose I think growth is the fundamental purpose of everything. In nature everything strives to grow and flourish. I think that Brahman itself is an imperfect creator God which seeks its own evolution and growth as well. So in this sense our relationship with Brahman is symbiotic and it grows and evolves through our experiences here in the physical realm of action.

The problem I have with what you suggested, that we are all the source experiencing itself is that this notion removes any form of individuality. Whereas the above explanation, derived from Hindu schools of thought, maintains the idea of individuality that are derived from the source consciousness rather than being the same consciousness experiencing itself. Your interpretation sounds more like a New Age type of spin on the whole thing.

I believe humans are individuated units of consciousness. Capable of independent action and thought. We all come from the same source, but we are not all the same.
well, I guess we have to agree to disagree then. I think the saying "separation is an illusion" exists for a reason. yes we are individuals on the surface but beyond that at the most primordial level we're all one. I believe that the individual is derived from the source consciousness as a way for the same consciousness being able to experience itself.

my interpretation is actually derived from hinduism + ancient greek philosophy/gnosticism (monad and dyad etc). I completely avoid new age stuff because I personally think its subpar (although its good enough for many people)
I agree about the New Age. I think that's just a bunch of assholes that decided to turn spirituality into their own organised religion. They also come up with bullshit concepts like The Secret and other such nonsense about Ascended Masters and Pleiadians and shit like that. The New Age is like a modern religion designed to catch spiritual people and have them follow doctrines similar to Christianity and the weak values promoted by that religion. Such as working off negative karma, the Eastern version of original sin. There's also some shit about loving your enemies and all of us being one. I just think the New Age is a joke.

As for individuality. Like I said I agree to an extent. I do think we are all derived from Brahman, the Supreme consciousness. But at the same time I think we are individuated units of consciousness. I see it like this, Brahman is the tree, the roots of which provide the basis for reality itself and everything else. We are the leaves that spring forth from its branches. The Brahman is the All and the supreme consciousness and we are the Atman, which is an individual soul.

It's true that Brahman evolves and grows through us. That is its purpose. The same as all things on earth. Our purpose is to grow spiritually, physically, mentally. Brahman grows through our growth and experiences. But not just ours, all living things.
Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 11:06 am
We are here to serve God's purpose as determined by the traditions of our ancestors. Anything else, anything you pull out of your ass and call spirituality, anything that serves the Satanic system instead of God and you are defective fruit to be pruned from the tree of life.
So you believe our purpose is to grovel and submit ourselves to the will of a psychopath deity which demands our subjugation?

What basis do you have to believe the Bible is the true guide to ontological purpose other than you simply wanting it to be true? You just gravitated to the mainstream religion promoted in the culture you were part of through accident of birth. If you were born in Saudi Arabia you would be a Muslim :lol:

All the Abrahamic religions are bullshit, for reasons specified above. They depend on the dissemination of their values through missionary work and holy books and edicts. Without those books your religion would vanish forever.

Whereas spirituality is an integral part of being, experienced independently by all peoples of all cultures. It can be experienced through the use of entheogenic plants and therefore is part of nature.

The Bible is written by man and the "good word" is spread by man. Unless of course your god is just lazy and can't be bothered to teach his children right and wrong for himself? Though I suspect anyone of discernment can figure out the truth for themselves.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:32 pm
So you believe our purpose is to grovel and submit ourselves to the will of a psychopath deity which demands our subjugation?
You have to be on board and doing your job. It is not so much subjugation as being part of the team rather than doing silly stuff of your own or Satan's concoction. The Bible makes it clear that God does not want automatants but rather partners in creation.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:39 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:32 pm
So you believe our purpose is to grovel and submit ourselves to the will of a psychopath deity which demands our subjugation?
You have to be on board and doing your job. It is not so much subjugation as being part of the team rather than doing silly stuff of your own or Satan's concoction. The Bible makes it clear that God does not want automatants but rather partners in creation.
I don't think we've been reading the same bible... but in any case you still haven't provided any reason why the Bible should be accepted as truth over other religions. As usual your argument boils down to nothing other than "because I said so."
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 1:49 pm
Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:39 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:32 pm
So you believe our purpose is to grovel and submit ourselves to the will of a psychopath deity which demands our subjugation?
You have to be on board and doing your job. It is not so much subjugation as being part of the team rather than doing silly stuff of your own or Satan's concoction. The Bible makes it clear that God does not want automatants but rather partners in creation.
I don't think we've been reading the same bible... but in any case you still haven't provided any reason why the Bible should be accepted as truth over other religions. As usual your argument boils down to nothing other than "because I said so."
I think we've discussed why Christianity is correct in other threads.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Moretorque »

Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 1:59 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 1:49 pm
Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:39 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 12:32 pm
So you believe our purpose is to grovel and submit ourselves to the will of a psychopath deity which demands our subjugation?
You have to be on board and doing your job. It is not so much subjugation as being part of the team rather than doing silly stuff of your own or Satan's concoction. The Bible makes it clear that God does not want automatants but rather partners in creation.
I don't think we've been reading the same bible... but in any case you still haven't provided any reason why the Bible should be accepted as truth over other religions. As usual your argument boils down to nothing other than "because I said so."
I think we've discussed why Christianity is correct in other threads.
Oh great one...
Last edited by Moretorque on May 29th, 2023, 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by kukushka »

[I agree about the New Age. I think that's just a bunch of assholes that decided to turn spirituality into their own organised religion. They also come up with bullshit concepts like The Secret and other such nonsense about Ascended Masters and Pleiadians and shit like that. The New Age is like a modern religion designed to catch spiritual people and have them follow doctrines similar to Christianity and the weak values promoted by that religion. Such as working off negative karma, the Eastern version of original sin. There's also some shit about loving your enemies and all of us being one. I just think the New Age is a joke.
I agree with you partially. I think karma is a legitimate concept but its probably misunderstood in a contemporary context. I think loving enemies and all of us being one is also legitimate, because "all of us being one" is basically realizing that we're all part of brahman, there is no actual separation
As for individuality. Like I said I agree to an extent. I do think we are all derived from Brahman, the Supreme consciousness. But at the same time I think we are individuated units of consciousness. I see it like this, Brahman is the tree, the roots of which provide the basis for reality itself and everything else. We are the leaves that spring forth from its branches. The Brahman is the All and the supreme consciousness and we are the Atman, which is an individual soul.

It's true that Brahman evolves and grows through us. That is its purpose. The same as all things on earth. Our purpose is to grow spiritually, physically, mentally. Brahman grows through our growth and experiences. But not just ours, all living things.
well it doesnt sound like we're disagreeing on much because I also believe that we're all individuated units of consciousness (on a surface level at least). im not sure if I agree with you about the growth thing. I get the impression that brahman wants to experience everything, including both growth and decay. I dont believe that brahman necessarily desires to grow, if thats even possible because brahman already is. brahman is everything, its already whole and complete, it has no growth to do, and no reason for it since its already everything there is.

I think there might be some semantic confusion here; you are probably thinking about growth in a different way than im perceiving it. we probably have *mostly* the same opinion, but mentally associate the idea of brahman experiencing itself with different words (you use growth to describe this process while I use the idea of brahman experiencing itself)
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 9:51 am
Ontology is a branch of philosophy which has always fascinated me. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Do we even have one? These are questions anyone of a philosophical disposition should ask themselves. I cannot fathom ever having lived my life without giving a single deep thought towards this question.

It's fundamental, an advanced being should know that if they exist they exist for a reason. Should we not aspire to comprehend that reason? To understand the meaning of it all? I have never been able to accept the atheistic notion that all this is accidental and has no purpose. I'm of the position that everything in life has purpose. If it didn't have purpose it wouldn't exist in the first place.
I am of the view that we are all fragments of the pure consciousness of the Transcendental Absolute incarnated in the material world in order to experience all kinds of activities and phenomena and thereby evolve through our material experiences. Our souls are individuated parts of the Supreme Being. All reality exists so that the Supreme Being can experience itself through its own Creation and all created beings therein.

The purpose of life is to experience material existence in many forms. The goal is to grow as a soul and fragment of the Transcendental Absolute. The world is an arena for action and activity. Our bodies are like avatars through which we live various distinct lives. In each life we must pursue certain objectives and face certain challenges in accordance with a particular life plan. We aim to gain as much valuable experience as possible for our own edification. This may involve exploring new horizons, making new discoveries, conquering new domains, learning new skills and areas of knowledge, creative pursuits, etc. Through all of these things our souls acquire further growth.

If you want to be of service to the Supreme Being, seek out edifying experiences, cultivate your own physical, mental and spiritual attributes and grow. The purpose of material incarnation is experience and growth alone, not abstract notions of "morality" or "getting into heaven". If the purpose weren't experience, then we would have never incarnated into this world of many experiences in the first place. The world isn't moral but rather clearly dualistic with both good and evil existing simultaneously and being creations of the Supreme Being. Both of these dualistic polarities are necessary for meaningful experiences in the material world and the growth that can be obtained through these.

More advanced souls should pursue our own ascension to godhood through the raising of the Kundalini and the completion of the alchemical Great Work. This is so that we may reach the next stage of our natural evolution - that of an immortal and supremely evolved being with all kinds of psychic and otherworldly powers and with the ability to determine our own fate. The spirituality of the Kundalini and godhood was known to ancient peoples such as the Egyptians and Indians. Traces of it can be found in various pre-Christian religious traditions and mythologies. However, it was discouraged by later forms of Hinduism such as the corrupt Vedanta and outright prohibited by the Jew-created religions which only seek to reduce us to the condition of servile slaves. This true spiritual knowledge was only preserved among certain underground groups of initiates and on the periphery of what is today considered "Eastern spirituality".

The goal of authentic spirituality is to evolve into higher godlike beings. It isn't to escape from material reality and return to "source" in the form of "Moksha" or "Nirvana". The Supreme Being has brought forth our souls as created beings so that they may inhabit and experience its Creation. Why then would we want to be reabsorbed into the Supreme Being? That doesn't make any sense.

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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by kukushka »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 3:48 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 9:51 am
Ontology is a branch of philosophy which has always fascinated me. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Do we even have one? These are questions anyone of a philosophical disposition should ask themselves. I cannot fathom ever having lived my life without giving a single deep thought towards this question.

It's fundamental, an advanced being should know that if they exist they exist for a reason. Should we not aspire to comprehend that reason? To understand the meaning of it all? I have never been able to accept the atheistic notion that all this is accidental and has no purpose. I'm of the position that everything in life has purpose. If it didn't have purpose it wouldn't exist in the first place.
I am of the view that we are all fragments of the pure consciousness of the Transcendental Absolute incarnated in the material world in order to experience all kinds of activities and phenomena and thereby evolve through our material experiences. Our souls are individuated parts of the Supreme Being. All reality exists so that the Supreme Being can experience itself through its own Creation and all created beings therein.

The purpose of life is to experience material existence in many forms. The goal is to grow as a soul and fragment of the Transcendental Absolute. The world is an arena for action and activity. Our bodies are like avatars through which we live various distinct lives. In each life we must pursue certain objectives and face certain challenges in accordance with a particular life plan. We aim to gain as much valuable experience as possible for our own edification. This may involve exploring new horizons, making new discoveries, conquering new domains, learning new skills and areas of knowledge, creative pursuits, etc. Through all of these things our souls acquire further growth.

If you want to be of service to the Supreme Being, seek out edifying experiences, cultivate your own physical, mental and spiritual attributes and grow. The purpose of material incarnation is experience and growth alone, not abstract notions of "morality" or "getting into heaven". If the purpose weren't experience, then we would have never incarnated into this world of many experiences in the first place. The world isn't moral but rather clearly dualistic with both good and evil existing simultaneously and being creations of the Supreme Being. Both of these dualistic polarities are necessary for meaningful experiences in the material world and the growth that can be obtained through these.

More advanced souls should pursue our own ascension to godhood through the raising of the Kundalini and the completion of the alchemical Great Work. This is so that we may reach the next stage of our natural evolution - that of an immortal and supremely evolved being with all kinds of psychic and otherworldly powers and with the ability to determine our own fate. The spirituality of the Kundalini and godhood was known to ancient peoples such as the Egyptians and Indians. Traces of it can be found in various pre-Christian religious traditions and mythologies. However, it was discouraged by later forms of Hinduism such as the corrupt Vedanta and outright prohibited by the Jew-created religions which only seek to reduce us to the condition of servile slaves. This true spiritual knowledge was only preserved among certain underground groups of initiates and on the periphery of what is today considered "Eastern spirituality".

The goal of authentic spirituality is to evolve into higher godlike beings. It isn't to escape from material reality and return to "source" in the form of "Moksha" or "Nirvana". The Supreme Being has brought forth our souls as created beings so that they may inhabit and experience its Creation. Why then would we want to be reabsorbed into the Supreme Being? That doesn't make any sense.

I agree 100% with the first half of what you wrote, as for the second half I have no strong opinion either way. I vaguely disagree but its entirely possible that you might actually be right.
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Re: Why Are We Here?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 3:48 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 9:51 am
Ontology is a branch of philosophy which has always fascinated me. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Do we even have one? These are questions anyone of a philosophical disposition should ask themselves. I cannot fathom ever having lived my life without giving a single deep thought towards this question.

It's fundamental, an advanced being should know that if they exist they exist for a reason. Should we not aspire to comprehend that reason? To understand the meaning of it all? I have never been able to accept the atheistic notion that all this is accidental and has no purpose. I'm of the position that everything in life has purpose. If it didn't have purpose it wouldn't exist in the first place.
I am of the view that we are all fragments of the pure consciousness of the Transcendental Absolute incarnated in the material world in order to experience all kinds of activities and phenomena and thereby evolve through our material experiences. Our souls are individuated parts of the Supreme Being. All reality exists so that the Supreme Being can experience itself through its own Creation and all created beings therein.

The purpose of life is to experience material existence in many forms. The goal is to grow as a soul and fragment of the Transcendental Absolute. The world is an arena for action and activity. Our bodies are like avatars through which we live various distinct lives. In each life we must pursue certain objectives and face certain challenges in accordance with a particular life plan. We aim to gain as much valuable experience as possible for our own edification. This may involve exploring new horizons, making new discoveries, conquering new domains, learning new skills and areas of knowledge, creative pursuits, etc. Through all of these things our souls acquire further growth.

If you want to be of service to the Supreme Being, seek out edifying experiences, cultivate your own physical, mental and spiritual attributes and grow. The purpose of material incarnation is experience and growth alone, not abstract notions of "morality" or "getting into heaven". If the purpose weren't experience, then we would have never incarnated into this world of many experiences in the first place. The world isn't moral but rather clearly dualistic with both good and evil existing simultaneously and being creations of the Supreme Being. Both of these dualistic polarities are necessary for meaningful experiences in the material world and the growth that can be obtained through these.

More advanced souls should pursue our own ascension to godhood through the raising of the Kundalini and the completion of the alchemical Great Work. This is so that we may reach the next stage of our natural evolution - that of an immortal and supremely evolved being with all kinds of psychic and otherworldly powers and with the ability to determine our own fate. The spirituality of the Kundalini and godhood was known to ancient peoples such as the Egyptians and Indians. Traces of it can be found in various pre-Christian religious traditions and mythologies. However, it was discouraged by later forms of Hinduism such as the corrupt Vedanta and outright prohibited by the Jew-created religions which only seek to reduce us to the condition of servile slaves. This true spiritual knowledge was only preserved among certain underground groups of initiates and on the periphery of what is today considered "Eastern spirituality".

The goal of authentic spirituality is to evolve into higher godlike beings. It isn't to escape from material reality and return to "source" in the form of "Moksha" or "Nirvana". The Supreme Being has brought forth our souls as created beings so that they may inhabit and experience its Creation. Why then would we want to be reabsorbed into the Supreme Being? That doesn't make any sense.

Thanks for this awesome contribution, @Lucas88 and of course I obviously agree with your position. I've experienced a lot of this stuff for myself through the use of entheogens and I know you have too. We both experienced our consciousness being remote. I also experienced my consciousness being in several places at once during one entheogenic experience, which was strange, but also fascinating.

Then there was the concept of reality being like a radio with a consciousness fixed on this one frequency (the material reality) but I had the experience where reality consists of various layers and we have subtle ethereal presence throughout all of these layers. Part of our purpose here is to align these subtle bodies and bring them all to the same vibration and frequency. To bring the ultimate harmony and balance within ourselves. This can be attained through the occultic arts of yoga and meditation. Yoga, meaning Union. I think once this happens the Kundalini Serpent can successfully rise through the chakras and we can obtain godhood! Until this happens though, any attempt to raise the Serpent can result in spiritual health problems, such as the Kundalini crisis you had.

I agree that religions like Buddhism and Christianity which promote either the idea we are inherently pieces of shit or should reject the material completely are just wrong in terms of purpose. I've said before about Buddhism, the objective of which is to stop desiring things, is an impossible ideal to attain. By ceasing all desire you are desiring not to desire anything, and desire is a natural human emotion.

True traces of spirituality or the forbidden knowledge can be found throughout history, as you say. Especially in Hermeticism which talks about spiritual alchemy. This of course is derived from ancient knowledge from Egypt. Bestowed upon mankind by Hermes Trismigestus.
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