Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by chanta76 »

I'm curious to what others will say about this . I mean there are number of posters married to filipina with kids. I don't know if they see their own kids being half inferior just because they have Filipino blood in them and at the same time what does it say about the men who date or marry filipina that they are dating marrying lower quality people?

Is it any wonder why some hapa have major issues? I mean imagine a white father telling his hapa son that you less than half just because you have Asian blood in you and the Asian mother is sell out. Is it any wonder that hapa kids come out with issues.

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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Citizen »

Winston wrote:
Adama wrote: I'm not arguing equality. I was only inquiring about genetic superiority and inferiority. I don't even think any of this was in reference to IQs or food or any of that. I think it was only in reference to the phenotype. That's one thing. Instead, why not just say that on average Chinese women are hotter? Why's everyone going to inferiority of the genes?

If you are arguing that those positive traits are from genes alone, rather than the environment, then you are on the infamous "slippery slope." Is Brad Pitt genetically superior to an average man just because he is considered to be better looking by some women? No, it just means he was blessed in a particular area. That's it. It doesn't mean he's more genetically fit or superior, despite any indicators for "high testosterone" or any of that nonsense. Good looks does not mean genetic superiority, just as not so hot looks does not imply genetic inferiority.

(You'll note also that high intelligence and good looks are not correlated either. How is that possible though when both indicate genetic superiority? Shouldn't the good looking people also be extremely intelligent due to those superior genes?)

Also, Winston, not everyone thinks that the true measure of a person is their wealth. That might be a Chinese consideration but not a Filipino consideration at all.

Some people find Chinese food revolting, and I hear much of that infamous cuisine is Americanized and not really all that compared the the original.

I'm not an expert on Filipino food, but having worked with some around the holidays, I've sampled some, I can say I was not horrified or disgusted in anyway. It was actually good.

As for IQ, well you'll find throughout the world in warmer climates people are relaxed about life. Not everyone wants to aim for the hustle and bustle of the major cities of the West.
Sorry man. You aren't very worldly and you don't know much outside of Christianity. Tons of mistakes in your post. Genetics are a factor in everything. Yeah. So it environment. Most scientists say it's about 50/50. Most Americans prefer to believe it's all environment or mostly. It's an American thing. I don't know why.

When I say "superior" I merely mean "higher quality". It isn't meant to sound racist. When you go to the store, there are higher quality products and lower quality products. You know that. Not everything is equal. Why should all races be equal in every way? They are not.

What race are you? White or black? You seem to have a bias here. The 8 examples I gave above indicate that Chinese race is higher quality. That's all.

I never said that wealth is superior. But think of wealth in terms of resources. Those who are better at acquiring resources are better survivors.

You are wrong. There is a correlation between looks and intelligence. Google "looks and intelligence correlation". That was established long ago. Man you need to be more educated. Not counting freethinkers, intellectuals and geniuses, among the mainstream, there is a correlation in that attractive people do tend to have slightly higher IQ's than ugly people. I'm not saying that good looking people are geniuses, but they tend to be a little more intelligent than ugly people among the mainstream.

There is also a correlations between female beauty and singing voice talent. That's why you usually see women with talented voices also have attractive faces.

Additionally, richer countries tend to have higher IQ's than third world poorer countries. So yeah, there is a correlation between IQ and wealth too.

Actually, Filipinos are very materialistic too. They want to be rich too, not poor. Given the chance, they become snobs too. Their upper class is overly snobby. Filipinos consider wealth to be a symbol of higher class. Didn't you know that? Man you are so untraveled.

I don't care if some people don't like Chinese food or if you don't mind Filipino food. I don't give a f**k what you think. We are talking about the world international scene here. Chinese cuisine is internationally famous and considered one of the most popular foreign cuisines in the world. Even Europe and Russia has Chinese restaurants. Sure the Americanized Chinese food may be yuck, but sometimes it's good too. I'm not talking about Americanized Chinese food anyway dummy. I was talking about Chinese cuisine in general.

Chinese food abroad is usually adapted to fit the taste of the local community. That's why in Russia, Chinese food is adapted to Russian taste, and likewise in America. In Asia, people don't like sweet and sour pork for instance, that's an Americanized Chinese dish.

Man get an education! Sheesh. Get out of America and you will see all these things. I hate explaining every simple thing to you that you should already know. Stop playing devil's advocate. It's wasting my time.

You don't see Filipino restaurants abroad except in Filipino communities. They are not popular outside of Philippines. Everyone knows that. Just accept it man. Stop looking for little exceptions. Little exceptions prove nothing.

99 percent of expats in Asia dislike Filipino food. So I don't care if you like it or not.

Btw, you never explained why when FIlipinos and Chinese are in the same country, like America, the Chinese still do better. They get better grades in school, earn more money, become more successful, acquire more assets, cook better food, etc. So even in the same environment, they still do better. Thus it's not all environment, like I said.
You see McDonald`s restaurants everywhere. Does that mean McDonald`s is superior? Nope. Getting better grades? Thought this was just memorization not free thinking?
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by starchild5 »

Rock wrote:
Hey Starchild, you know me better than that. We've met before a couple times around Gramercy remember? I'm not like that.

We were just walking around the Spanish town area of Intramurous and Winston got all excited by the sight of 2 Chinese tourists. He looked at them, said hi, and next thing we know, they were asking to take photos with us. My plan was to have my Filipina friend take a photo of Winston and me with them and then I would switch places with her and do a second one of her and Winston with them. But since we were saying it all in Chinese (I hadn't explained it to her yet), she didn't know what was going on and right after helping us take the first photo, she abruptly handed the camera phone back and stormed off without saying a word. I went after her but she just jumped into a taxi passing by on the street and went off. I called her phone with no answer and texted her asking why she ran off so suddenly. She didn't respond till the next day but apologized saying she felt left out thought I liked those girls so was jealous too. Mind you, the whole scene played out in less than 5 minutes.

The video Winston posted was of a subsequent meeting that night with the girls after going back to Makati. Winston really wanted to ask them out to see whether or not he might be able to win one of them over. I personally was not interested at all, even for friendship, because I did not like their general style or speaking manner. And my first impression of them was that they are rather shallow, less educated type, with questionable work and background.

But Winston is my friend and I know he was really into them. So I tried to see if there might be a chance that at least one of them was potential dating material for him. My conclusion after that night was they would be nothing but time wasters.

That Filipina is a good friend of mine and invited us to her house for lunch and bonding a couple days later. She is a quality person who loves and raises dogs and has a big heart. She's also very easygoing with calm disposition. It's just that she has a small glitch in her personality which causes her sometimes to overreact by temporarily unfriending on FB or in this special case, walking off.

BTW, how is it that you are the one doing the preaching when you've been with "close to a thousand filipina women" lol?

Seriously, I'm not the one talking about how great mainland Chinese women are, Winston is. For me, they are mostly too lacking in curves and in many cases difficult to relate to. When I used to date Sino girls, I much preferred the Taiwanese to mainlanders overall. And I have great respect and appreciation for many of the Filipinos I've met, for real. I also relate very well to some of them on a deeper level.
Yeah. That's what I thought. I was confused as we have met in Manila and you were not how Winston wrote briefly on the encounter with the chinese girls. The way he wrote, it did not sound right, that's why I needed more clarification as It was not something that I think you will do nor Winston. Now, its very clear, what happened.

Winston wording were very confusing may be he got too excited by being with his own kind 8) ...that's what i thought first..hmmm...Rock would not do that...something is missing here...Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Video of me dancing in High Society disco in Angeles City. High Society is a new popular disco on Walking Street (near McDonald's) that has lots of freelancers (p4p) that will go with you for cheap if they like you. It's cheaper than paying barfines for bar girls in bars. Many bar girls also go there after work. Barfines on Fields Ave are now 2000 or 3000 pesos. But the girls in High Society will go for 1000 or 1500 pesos. And if they've known you for a while and are familiar with you and like you, then they will take even less, and go down to 800 pesos. This disco is open and every day and there are always lots of girls there. Most of them are friendly and make eye contact with guys.

Forum member WorldTraveler said that most girls there refused to go with him, but that's not my experience. Most girls that I met there were willing to go with me if I wished. I've taken several before. My girlfriend before, Roselyn, took this video of me when we were there dancing.


Below is a video clip I took of Roselyn dancing. She was shy about being filmed so you can see that she's a bit uncomfortable about it. lol

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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by starchild5 »

Philippines is shooting itself in the foot....When Cambodia is planning unlimited long term visa for fraction of cost, Philippines is increasing price everywhere.

If South East Asian countries wants to compete with Thailand. reduce the freaking rates.

Why would anyone go to Philippines, when the bar fine is 3000 pesos and in Manila its crazy 4000 plus extra money for girls....Electric price is expensive, everything is expensive even with Duterte who is fighting drugs than doing things that would bring the price down first.


Pattaya makes billions,Its not only hookers, there is hotels, restaurants, foreign exchange, airlines, taxi's etc etc..The entire economy would rise like in Pattaya...

Even before tourist starts coming, they have this Environmental Fee everywhere in Philippines plus 100 other stupid fees to milk tourist..People don't like get cheated like that...Make things free first before adding price...

Thailand has so far this year 40 mil tourist while Ph...mere 5 mil...shame...
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by celery2010 »

Winston wrote:
Adama wrote:Why would you men say that Filipinas have inferior DNA? That doesn't sound very nice. Filipinas running away from superior Chinese? The way you men talk, the Chinese women are pretty but stuck up, gold digging, green card seeking and calculating. While the Filipinas are an inferior race but extremely cool unless she's a scammer.
No it's just that one Chinese girl I mentioned above that's like that. Most mainland Chinese girls I know aren't like that. I also seem to attract gold diggers and girls who expect me to be generous. Rock and Ethan_sg noticed this too. They said that something about me makes women think that I am supposed to be generous and giving, like a sugar daddy or Santa Claus. I don't know why. Something on my face looks generous and well off. Rock says I may look opulent to women for some reason. It's like they EXPECT generosity and money from me. But Ethan_sg's girlfriends and dates don't usually expect him to be generous for some reason. They love or like him for him. So certain guys attract gold diggers, like me for instance. I don't know why. In reality I'm very frugal, not generous to women, but my face doesn't reflect my frugal nature for some reason.

Why are you so politically correct about race and DNA? I was taking a shot at Marcos Zeitola because he always debates me on that and it irks him when I talk about Chinese being superior to Filipinos. So I was teasing him again to get his attention. lol

Look at the obvious facts here:

1. Chinese women age better than Filipinos. Their skin is more white and smooth and higher quality. They are smarter and more educated too with higher IQ.

2. Even in the Philippines, Chinese light skinned women are considered more beautiful than Filipino women. Light skin is the standard of beauty in Asia. It's also common knowledge that Chinese are better in business and run businesses better than Filipinos do. Everyone knows that.

3. Chinese have higher IQ's and intelligence than Filipinos, in general. All IQ charts show this drastic difference. The Chinese language is also more complicated to learn and write.

4. Chinese food is considered one of the best cuisines in the world, alongside Italian food and Thai food. But Filipino food is considered the worst in Asia, and is not internationally famous at all. They say that food is a strong reflection of culture. In this case, Filipino culture and food are considered low class, in Asia and all around the world. This is their reputation.

5. Filipino culture, food and infrastructure are all considered low class and third world in Europe. That's not a coincidence. Obviously, genes and intelligence plays a factor in that. Internet speed is also the slowest in Asia. Again, no coincidence.

6. The Chinese wrote famous books such as "Sun Tzu's Ancient Art of War" which is required reading in US military academies such as West Point. They also have classics such as "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu. Filipinos have written no books like that. They have no great treatises that are required reading in US military academies. Chinese have invented many Kung Fu styles and martial art styles, but Filipinos have invented no martial arts styles. I could go on and on.

7. Chinese overall are richer and have more money and assets than Filipinos. So they are economically superior of course.

8. Even in the US on a level playing field, Chinese have more money and higher incomes than Filipinos do. They own more property and real estate than Filipinos do. And Chinese students score higher grades on Math and other subjects than Filipinos do.

All this makes it SUPER OBVIOUS that Chinese are superior in genes, intelligence, skin, looks, culture, economics, etc. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBVIOUS from all the above, and common knowledge as well. Why debate it? Don't you at least have common sense and basic logic Adama?

What, are you gonna argue the absurd notion that Chinese and Filipinos are EQUAL????? ROTFL!!!!!!!!! LMAOF!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

If not, then what's your point?

Yick, same goes for you. Why challenge this topic when there's no contest and everything above is super obvious to everyone???!!! Why are you trying to be politically correct here? There's no such thing as EQUALITY. We all know that. All races are not the same.

Not so fast.

The Philippines is a colonized nation and to this day is exploited by the wealthy elite. This is a large part of causes a lot of these issues. Take a look at their cousins, the Indonesians to see what their true potential would be.

The food in Indonesia is tasty and good as well.

However, on the other side, overseas Chinese also form a ruling class in Indonesia as well; however due to the backlash, many of the wealthy are also ethnically Indonesian as well.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Citizen »

starchild5 wrote:Philippines is shooting itself in the foot....When Cambodia is planning unlimited long term visa for fraction of cost, Philippines is increasing price everywhere.

If South East Asian countries wants to compete with Thailand. reduce the freaking rates.

Why would anyone go to Philippines, when the bar fine is 3000 pesos and in Manila its crazy 4000 plus extra money for girls....Electric price is expensive, everything is expensive even with Duterte who is fighting drugs than doing things that would bring the price down first.


Pattaya makes billions,Its not only hookers, there is hotels, restaurants, foreign exchange, airlines, taxi's etc etc..The entire economy would rise like in Pattaya...

Even before tourist starts coming, they have this Environmental Fee everywhere in Philippines plus 100 other stupid fees to milk tourist..People don't like get cheated like that...Make things free first before adding price...

Thailand has so far this year 40 mil tourist while Ph...mere 5 mil...shame...
Maybe the Philippines is saying, "We don't want people like you coming to our country anymore." "We have more FOREX reserves than Germany and France but we are poor and they are rich." They look at Saudi Arabia's situation and they can see reserves mean nothing. They don't need more USD. They need the things that will make them rich. Technology, productive capacity and the ability to kill billions. Only then will the BIS and false jews be afraid of them.
Thailand has been having huge numbers of tourists for decades. They have not lifted Thailand out of poverty. Tourism is not the answer to wealth.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by starchild5 »

Citizen wrote: Maybe the Philippines is saying, "We don't want people like you coming to our country anymore." "We have more FOREX reserves than Germany and France but we are poor and they are rich." They look at Saudi Arabia's situation and they can see reserves mean nothing. They don't need more USD. They need the things that will make them rich. Technology, productive capacity and the ability to kill billions. Only then will the BIS and false jews be afraid of them.
Thailand has been having huge numbers of tourists for decades. They have not lifted Thailand out of poverty. Tourism is not the answer to wealth.
Hope that was true, which would mean thinking heads are in work, but Philippines unfortunately, is not governed by deep thinking but mere thoughts based on social stats.

Tourism promo budget hiked to P523 M in 2017
http://www.philstar.com/business/2016/0 ... 523-m-2017

Philippine tourism budget up 44% in ’16
http://saudigazette.com.sa/business/phi ... get-44-16/

As we can see, Philippines is increasing its budget going insane to attract more visitors exactly like us and then turn around when we visit Philippines to screw us more with stupid Environmental Fee etc :lol:
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Citizen »

starchild5 wrote:
Citizen wrote: Maybe the Philippines is saying, "We don't want people like you coming to our country anymore." "We have more FOREX reserves than Germany and France but we are poor and they are rich." They look at Saudi Arabia's situation and they can see reserves mean nothing. They don't need more USD. They need the things that will make them rich. Technology, productive capacity and the ability to kill billions. Only then will the BIS and false jews be afraid of them.
Thailand has been having huge numbers of tourists for decades. They have not lifted Thailand out of poverty. Tourism is not the answer to wealth.
Hope that was true, which would mean thinking heads are in work, but Philippines unfortunately, is not governed by deep thinking but mere thoughts based on social stats.

Tourism promo budget hiked to P523 M in 2017
http://www.philstar.com/business/2016/0 ... 523-m-2017

Philippine tourism budget up 44% in ’16
http://saudigazette.com.sa/business/phi ... get-44-16/

As we can see, Philippines is increasing its budget going insane to attract more visitors exactly like us and then turn around when we visit Philippines to screw us more with stupid Environmental Fee etc :lol:
Yeah you are certainly correct. Just doing another of my broken record rants (must not fight so I vent). Anyways, we know when business is down, prices must go up. It is the way South East Asians think.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

I just arrived in Philippines. Im so glad to be in a country where i feel good again and normal again. I was trapped in taiwan for 5 months against my will and am very very angry and furious about it! I cant get those 5 months back. Its not fair. I could have been happy somewhere the last 5 months. Instead i was miserable and depressed and crippled. I swear the energy and vibe in taiwan is absolutely horrible. It makes me feel weak and insecure and destroys my confidence. Its like poison to my soul. I don't understand why God wants to trap me in a place i dont belong and dont fit. Im not closed and repressed like the Taiwan vibe, which i cannot tolerate. It makes me sick. So why does God want me to suffer? It doesnt make sense. I'll never understand it. Maybe God loves to make people suffer. For the last 5 months, every week something has happened to prevent me from leaving taiwan. That cant be random coincidence. Some dark force or vortex must feed on us when we suffer to make it worse. Google "black goo". German scientists are talking about it now. The vibe in Philippines feels like bliss and nirvana. Like heaven. Its so good. Once you experience it, you will realize that America and Taiwan are hellish and miserable.

Also the last few months i had dreams of being back in Philippines again, only to wake up disappointed that it was only a dream and i was still stuck in taiwan and depressed and weak. Ive been in prison for the last 5 months and lost another year of my life. I am extremely upset and resentful and don't know how to accept that. I can't. Its not logical.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:I just arrived in Philippines. Im so glad to be in a country where i feel good again and normal again. I was trapped in taiwan for 5 months against my will and am very very angry and furious about it! I cant get those 5 months back. Its not fair. I could have been happy somewhere the last 5 months. Instead i was miserable and depressed and crippled. I swear the energy and vibe in taiwan is absolutely horrible. It makes me feel weak and insecure and destroys my confidence. Its like poison to my soul. I don't understand why God wants to trap me in a place i dont belong and dont fit. Im not closed and repressed like the Taiwan vibe, which i cannot tolerate. It makes me sick. So why does God want me to suffer? It doesnt make sense. I'll never understand it. Maybe God loves to make people suffer. For the last 5 months, every week something has happened to prevent me from leaving taiwan. That cant be random coincidence. Some dark force or vortex must feed on us when we suffer to make it worse. Google "black goo". German scientists are talking about it now. The vibe in Philippines feels like bliss and nirvana. Like heaven. Its so good. Once you experience it, you will realize that America and Taiwan are hellish and miserable.

Also the last few months i had dreams of being back in Philippines again, only to wake up disappointed that it was only a dream and i was still stuck in taiwan and depressed and weak. Ive been in prison for the last 5 months and lost another year of my life. I am extremely upset and resentful and don't know how to accept that. I can't. Its not logical.
Yeah. Its the Black Goo. Due to women and natural vibe in Philippines...The black Goo is not able to effect us, when people are respectful to another human being...Its effect becomes lesser and lesser.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Wow look what this cute tall girl i met at the bank today replied to me:

"Hello winst0n..w0w nice name..nice meeting you too.im s0 glad that you appr0ach me thanks.im having my coffee break now phone are not allowed during working hours only at breaks.s0rry for the late reply:)"

Wow can u imagine a girl in America or Taiwan saying that shes glad that i approached her today? Lol
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by fursttamendmint881 »

I have a different outlook on your perception that Philippines culture is so much more friendly and socially accepting.

I find Filipinas I meet in particular mostly dishonest. They use this cultural value of saving face and not offending the "group" think to justify lying to you at every turn. Consequently you cannot tell what they think, what they will do or not do, and where they are coming from. It's a royal pain in the butt. I like people who are honest and direct even at the risk of hurting my feelings. I don't like liars and pretenders. Philippines is often referred to as the Pretender nation and nation of scammers.

Also they base everything on gossip which is frequently stuff made up. I have had Filipinas lie to me about people who they don't like with the most outrageous lies conjured out of thin air. Gossip is accepted as fact here often. Also if you do not fit their definition of being "humble", soft-spoken, non-confrontation, they will ostracize you socially. So if you don't possess these personality traits, do not try to live in the Philippines. This is also one of the reasons things never get better in the Philippines. People are to afraid to complain and get things fixed that are clearly wrong or substandard.

Also did you know that the Philippines ranks much higher than Thailand in death of foreigners by assasination. It's not uncommon here, many foreigners are killed by drive by motorcycle asasinations that are never solved.

It's not all roses and cream here as your post suggests. Filipinos have their good qualities too, but it is more a matter of cultural differences than it is of Philippines being better than the U.S.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »


Hi folks,
I'm back in the Philippines now. In Angeles City. I arrived from China. The reasons why are explained here:

It was lonely and alienating in China, especially in Guangzhou. People were always busy and in a rush somewhere. After a while that felt alienating. It is not easy to get girls to make much time for you there either. After a while, all that feels very alienating and makes you feel like you're an outsider, especially since people there seem more like ants in an ant colony, or machines, than real people with real souls. It was also a hassle to get around. China is like a huge maze. Getting takes a lot of walking around, even if you use the subway to go everywhere, which is hard on your feet after a while. It's not cozy or laid back at all, like my personality is. People there are just busy all the time, like machines. That's not my cup of tea. That's not what life ought to be like, but Chinese societies are set up like that, contrary to what I like.

Also I didn't want to celebrate my birthday there alone. I preferred to celebrate it with my close expat friends in Angeles and with Dianne and Angelo too. At least they aren't always busy and always in a rush to be somewhere.

It's amazing that coming from China to the Philippines, the first thing you notice is how warm, soulful and laid back people are in comparison to the cold, rushed, reptilian Chinese. The relative difference is striking and refreshing.

@Ghost in our WeChat group described the difference best when he said: "In China you always feel like an outsider. In the Philippines, there is a warm soothing vibe that China lacks, as Winston said. It's a different vibe. You may be treated like a walking ATM machine, yes, but you never feel like you are an outsider there. So the Philippines does have a special vibe that no other place has." However, I would like to add that even if you look Chinese, like I do, you still feel like an outsider in China, if you are a stranger to them, and you aren't on their narrow/practical ant-like wavelength that only understand rote memorization. lol

Btw, we have a group of expat friends here now that hang out regularly. See here:

If any of you are interested in coming and meeting us and hanging out together, let us know. We are all eccentric, unique, freethinking individuals.

What I've noticed is that everyone else in Angeles City - foreigners, expats, Koreans, local Filipinos - all hang with people that look like them and are of the same race. Many friends even look like twin brothers or twin sisters. So friends tend to look alike, even like twins in many cases too. But me and my HA / expat friends are an exception. We don't look alike, and me as an Asian am hanging out with mostly white friends, which you don't see other Asians doing for some reason. Even the many Korean guys in Angeles City only hang out with other Koreans, and they usually hang out in groups of three, like Asian girls do. lol. I guess that's an Asian thing, to hang out in groups of three. (Since three is a holy trinity number found in many religions and spiritual traditions, so it probably has a feeling of unity I presume. There was even a History Channel episode of Ancient Aliens called "The Power of Three" that explains this in more detail.) So even in Angeles City, which is full of sexpats and whoremongers, I am unique and different. lol. Why am I so atypical and don't follow the patterns of everyone around me? lol
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

fursttamendmint881 wrote:
February 19th, 2018, 1:59 am
I have a different outlook on your perception that Philippines culture is so much more friendly and socially accepting.

I find Filipinas I meet in particular mostly dishonest. They use this cultural value of saving face and not offending the "group" think to justify lying to you at every turn. Consequently you cannot tell what they think, what they will do or not do, and where they are coming from. It's a royal pain in the butt. I like people who are honest and direct even at the risk of hurting my feelings. I don't like liars and pretenders. Philippines is often referred to as the Pretender nation and nation of scammers.

Also they base everything on gossip which is frequently stuff made up. I have had Filipinas lie to me about people who they don't like with the most outrageous lies conjured out of thin air. Gossip is accepted as fact here often. Also if you do not fit their definition of being "humble", soft-spoken, non-confrontation, they will ostracize you socially. So if you don't possess these personality traits, do not try to live in the Philippines. This is also one of the reasons things never get better in the Philippines. People are to afraid to complain and get things fixed that are clearly wrong or substandard.

Also did you know that the Philippines ranks much higher than Thailand in death of foreigners by assasination. It's not uncommon here, many foreigners are killed by drive by motorcycle asasinations that are never solved.

It's not all roses and cream here as your post suggests. Filipinos have their good qualities too, but it is more a matter of cultural differences than it is of Philippines being better than the U.S.
How does your perception differ from mine? I never said they don't gossip or lie behind your back. Sure they do. Lying is not considered wrong or immoral, and there is no code of honor in the Philippines, or sense of moral conscience. They are more instinct driven. But Filipinos are not analytical at all and do not make observations about others the way we do. If they judge others, it is for superficial things, like materialism and social status stuff. They are not judgmental in the western sense or even the NE Asian sense. They never tell you "There's something wrong with you! You need to change to fit society!" That's why every misfit feels accepted here and no one is outcast for being different here.

I don't care if people gossip about me behind my back. Nothing I can do about that. Why would I care? As long as they don't confront me about it, I'll never know and could care less. You gotta release yourself from caring what others think of you, or you will never be free. When you free yourself of caring what others think, and only caring about the truth, only then do you become a true truth seeker. Besides, it's not like Filipinos will confront you and tell you to your face, bad things about you.

They are definitely very easygoing laid back people. We are all unanimous here on that. And other sites all agree about that too. You certainly won't find people as laid back in the USA or Chinese countries for sure.

Also, what did you mean by this: "Also if you do not fit their definition of being "humble", soft-spoken, non-confrontation, they will ostracize you socially." I don't notice that here at all. That's true of Taiwan, oh yeah, but not Philippines. Maybe the snobby middle class Filipinos will ostracize you for little things. But not the lower poor classes, and definitely not in Angeles City. Come here and see. No one really judges you here, as long as you pay your bills and don't cause any trouble. Besides, the foreigners here tend to befriend only other foreigners, and only deal with Filipinos on a business level. As everywhere else, people hang out with members of their own race and culture here. Except for me and my freethinking buddies here of course. lol

Btw, I'll bet you that if you go to Hong Kong for a while. Then go to Guangzhou, China, where I was too. Then from there go to Philippines, you will appreciate the difference I'm talking about, which relatively speaking will be huge compared to HK and China. Remember everything is relative. Compared to HK and China, the Filipinos will seem so much more warm, soulful, and laid back. At least here you never feel like an outsider, like Ghost said above, whereas in China you will always feel like an outsider no matter what. Only when you follow the route I just took, will you appreciate this refreshing difference. Try it and you will see what I mean. @fursttamendmint881

Btw, I never witnessed a foreigner being shot here. But recently, me and my friends saw a Filipino shoot another Filipino in a drive by motorcycle shooting. I only saw the getaway part and police chase, but my friend saw the whole thing. I don't know if he was killed or not. Some of the bullets hit his leg, which suggested that it was a warning shooting, not an assassination. Anyway, @ladislav has explained many times in this forum how rare these events are and what the odds are of getting hurt in the Philippines by random violence, and how astronomically small they are.

@Mr S and @ladislav, what do you think?
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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