Why do Filipinas always talk about their financial problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

publicduende wrote:
July 12th, 2023, 12:52 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2023, 1:42 pm
I've seen that scene, too, briefly. Never liked it. It's the same in any town, any city, be it in the province or away from it; there are bars, bar girls, and their sad, tired patrons. No one there is truly happy. No one is truly fooled. It's a sad, tragic little world of make belief. At some point you hope a man would age out of it. But perhaps Winston has become too jaded. His resistance to change will continue to be the number one source of his lack of fulfillment in life. Him, and many others. Such is life.
You couldn't have put it in better words, @MarcosZeitola.

Thing is, most of those tired patrons are also extremely disillusioned people, with more divorces under their belts than actual money in the bank. They know AC is the minimum common denominator for cheap "GF experience" (but not so much anymore, according to @ladislav and even my own impression) sex.

I think @Winston is trapped in this cognitive dissonance of wanting, or deserving, a better woman, one who is sweet, romantic and dedicated, and who listens (and even engages) to his intellectual arguments with genuine interest. The PH are a country of almost 100M people and the kind of mentally-open, quirky and intellectual girl does exist, especially in Metro Manila and the large college towns. Even for someone like Winston who lacks spirit of initiative, the possibilities of finding one such girl at an non-mainstream movie, a cultural event space or an independent coffee shop are non-zero. I truly believe that.

Yet, it's a bit like that famous joke, where a man is constantly praying Jesus to let him win the lottery. Does it first time, nothing happens. He prays harder. Second time, same. He prays even harder. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth time, nothing. At the 30th attempt, Jesus finally appears to him in all his blazing glory and speaks: "dude, work with me...buy the f***ing ticket!". :)

This is more or less what I believe is happening to Winston. Lots of praying (his intellectual argumentation) and wishful thinking...but he has yet to buy his ticket out of Whoreville.
Public Duende, I like you and your an outstanding guy.
I know you and Marcos Zeitola meant well, but it seems it has been a decade or so trying to give Winston all kinds of advice.. but it didn't work. Winston is still in cognitive dissonance mode.
Winston should just start a cult instead in the Philippines 8) :D So he can get unlimited money, power, sex, and respect. I don't think Winston wants to do any additional work. You should all stop wasting your time and let it go. I am just saying...
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by publicduende »

yick wrote:
July 12th, 2023, 12:33 pm
I think the Philippines would be a great place to meet a wholesome lady. We have talked about this before but I don't think Angeles City is where I would head personally. I have heard about Iloilo City - some reasonably well off city with a good infrastructure and go and spend my days at the mall :lol: wear my nice aftershaves and my Hawaiian shirts and people watch - find out the cafes that have cute waitresses.

Like you said, he doesn't have to push against the earth, just a few small changes would do it.
I was also of that advice, when I first arrived here. I thought that finding a young, pretty, well educated, "wholesome lady" would be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

In reality it's not that simple because poverty and the collective mindset of the Filipino corrupts the mind and the soul, and from a very early age. Most people here, boys, girls. adults, everyone, learn that they are on their own and whatever "grace" they might receive (money, success, luck) has to be shared with their extended family, leaving very little for them. There is no real incentive to remain innocent and wholesome, in a society which quickly swallows those kinds of people.

Of course people who live in a bubble, like the scion of rich families, can afford to be whatever they want to be. For the remaining 90%, it's a constant struggle for survival. Some, and I mean few, of the girls who have some goods, especially beauty and some smarts, know their worth and strive to remain "high-prized trophies", hoping to marry into a family of better lineage and wealth. Most of the others grow in total despair and accept that their lives will be all about getting pregnant with the street corner babaero (playboy) and struggling all their lives to put food on the table for themselves and their children.

For those ladies, and it's a majority, staying "wholesome" is not an option, if they ever could think about it as an option, that is. For those ladies, hooking up with a foreigner, maybe one 20-30 older than them, is a way to survive and escape poverty. That is their priority, not how old or tall or well-groomed is the man. That's why, as you can see in many of the dating documentaries or read in the forums, getting the hand of a poor girl is not much more than just turning up to the girls' parents with a few clumsy Tagalog words of appreciation, maybe a box of Ferrero Rochers, and telling their skinny, toothless fathers that they are "in love" with their daugheters and would be happy to take care of them for life.

For a girl whose other prospect is continuous struggle for a few hundreds pesos a week, or maybe marriage to an equally impoverished boy with no job and no prospects. the foreigners is pure gold. Love, respect, attraction, chemistry, they're all optional, in fact they don't even matter. What matters is fixing their money problems, right there and then.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by yick »

publicduende wrote:
July 12th, 2023, 1:03 pm
yick wrote:
July 12th, 2023, 12:33 pm
I think the Philippines would be a great place to meet a wholesome lady. We have talked about this before but I don't think Angeles City is where I would head personally. I have heard about Iloilo City - some reasonably well off city with a good infrastructure and go and spend my days at the mall :lol: wear my nice aftershaves and my Hawaiian shirts and people watch - find out the cafes that have cute waitresses.

Like you said, he doesn't have to push against the earth, just a few small changes would do it.
I was also of that advice, when I first arrived here. I thought that finding a young, pretty, well educated, "wholesome lady" would be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

In reality it's not that simple because poverty and the collective mindset of the Filipino corrupts the mind and the soul, and from a very early age. Most people here, boys, girls. adults, everyone, learn that they are on their own and whatever "grace" they might receive (money, success, luck) has to be shared with their extended family, leaving very little for them. There is no real incentive to remain innocent and wholesome, in a society which quickly swallows those kinds of people.

Of course people who live in a bubble, like the scion of rich families, can afford to be whatever they want to be. For the remaining 90%, it's a constant struggle for survival. Some, and I mean few, of the girls who have some goods, especially beauty and some smarts, know their worth and strive to remain "high-prized trophies", hoping to marry into a family of better lineage and wealth. Most of the others grow in total despair and accept that their lives will be all about getting pregnant with the street corner babaero (playboy) and struggling all their lives to put food on the table for themselves and their children.

For those ladies, and it's a majority, staying "wholesome" is not an option, if they ever could think about it as an option, that is. For those ladies, hooking up with a foreigner, maybe one 20-30 older than them, is a way to survive and escape poverty. That is their priority, not how old or tall or well-groomed is the man. That's why, as you can see in many of the dating documentaries or read in the forums, getting the hand of a poor girl is not much more than just turning up to the girls' parents with a few clumsy Tagalog words of appreciation, maybe a box of Ferrero Rochers, and telling their skinny, toothless fathers that they are "in love" with their daugheters and would be happy to take care of them for life.

For a girl whose other prospect is continuous struggle for a few hundreds pesos a week, or maybe marriage to an equally impoverished boy with no job and no prospects. the foreigners is pure gold. Love, respect, attraction, chemistry, they're all optional, in fact they don't even matter. What matters is fixing their money problems, right there and then.
Sounds rough :lol: thanks for the heads up though, much appreciated.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by publicduende »

yick wrote:
July 12th, 2023, 1:09 pm
Sounds rough :lol: thanks for the heads up though, much appreciated.
Rough it is. Which is why the people who usuall get "the best deals" in terms of girl quality are those who are either culturally pragmatic (like Northern Asians, who know that being with the girl has nothing to do with "love") or made cynical and disillusioned by life events.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by rudder »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 11th, 2023, 11:01 am
rudder wrote:
July 10th, 2023, 4:55 pm
That was actually pretty deep. Good on you for the quality post.
It isn't all that deep, as much as it is simple common sense. The problem with @Winston is how he wants everything to be "deep". He comes up with all these crazy, elaborate theories in his head as to why he's failing in life, failing in love, and why he isn't getting the type of woman he wants... he seems to resent practical advice, which is why he'll respond when someone calls flat earth theory retarded (I recently did this) but will ignore solid, factual advice.

And my advice is super simple: he's in a shithole town full of bars and whores and strippers... and this is all he's lived in, all he's seen and experienced, in the Philippines. Therefore Winston doesn't really know the Philippines, yet he continues to make huge, broad generalizations of the whole country. He's selling the country short, and himself, by not venturing out more. I've been with girls who are professors, lawyers, professionals, entrepeneurs, once even the daughter of a politician... if I went to and stayed in a place like Angeles, I wouldn't have gotten with any of them... I'd be just as jaded and cynical as Winston is.

The difference between men like me and @publicduende and Winston is that we're not self-defeatist and we're more goal-oriented. Whereas Winston is more "here's some fanciful deep-sounding reasons for why I cannot reach my goals" oriented.

Bottom line: all the members of this forum who went to the Philippines have had a number of relationships with often quite cute girls, most have eventually gotten married, have had families, and are now quite stable and happy with their life choices. Winston is the only one, to my knowledge, who ended up empty-handed.
I remember an old movie (I think it was depicting an earlier era perhaps WWII, or the vietnam war or something). Anyway some of the caucasian protagonists or soldiers get stranded somewhere at night and end up essentially getting jumped by a bunch of asian women in the bushes and the women all seemed crazed with lust and could not resist trying to get with the men and tearing their clothes off. That is how I always imagined the Philippines. Is that true? For all I know the movie could've been depicting Cambodia. Wish I could remember the movie. I'd know the scene if I saw a clip of it.

I'm not too familiar with Winston. I'm just thankful for him because he created this website. Other than that, I don't pay too close attention to his psychological habits or anything like that. That's why I thought you offered some good insight. If what you're saying is true, then that is a real shame. He should stop writing theses about why his life sucks. That sort of thing doesn't do anyone any good. If you know what's wrong, you also know what you need to do.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 1:13 am
The only way any man would get such a treatment is if he's actually a man of quality. As in, he's the sort of man who would get "looks" from girls and have plenty of female attention even in his home country. The idea that any random average-to-below-average foreign dude will be a "King" in the Philippines is laughably false, really. You'll get people fawning over you, sure, but for it to happen a lot, and with females of quality, you need to be a man of quality yourself. Or at least look like one, portray yourself as one successfully. Or else, you're shit out of luck. No one lusts after dumpy looking losers... their wallets, perhaps, but surely not with 'rip off their clothes from their body' levels of passion lol. :lol:
This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 4:28 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 1:13 am
The only way any man would get such a treatment is if he's actually a man of quality. As in, he's the sort of man who would get "looks" from girls and have plenty of female attention even in his home country. The idea that any random average-to-below-average foreign dude will be a "King" in the Philippines is laughably false, really. You'll get people fawning over you, sure, but for it to happen a lot, and with females of quality, you need to be a man of quality yourself. Or at least look like one, portray yourself as one successfully. Or else, you're shit out of luck. No one lusts after dumpy looking losers... their wallets, perhaps, but surely not with 'rip off their clothes from their body' levels of passion lol. :lol:
This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by galii »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 6:27 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 4:28 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 1:13 am
The only way any man would get such a treatment is if he's actually a man of quality. As in, he's the sort of man who would get "looks" from girls and have plenty of female attention even in his home country. The idea that any random average-to-below-average foreign dude will be a "King" in the Philippines is laughably false, really. You'll get people fawning over you, sure, but for it to happen a lot, and with females of quality, you need to be a man of quality yourself. Or at least look like one, portray yourself as one successfully. Or else, you're shit out of luck. No one lusts after dumpy looking losers... their wallets, perhaps, but surely not with 'rip off their clothes from their body' levels of passion lol. :lol:
This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
I think what Dr. Wiseton should do is what he is doing now. He should change absolutely nothing. Obviously the system works. Dr. Wiseton likes to rant about something. So it is part of the fun.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 7:59 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 6:27 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 4:28 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 1:13 am
The only way any man would get such a treatment is if he's actually a man of quality. As in, he's the sort of man who would get "looks" from girls and have plenty of female attention even in his home country. The idea that any random average-to-below-average foreign dude will be a "King" in the Philippines is laughably false, really. You'll get people fawning over you, sure, but for it to happen a lot, and with females of quality, you need to be a man of quality yourself. Or at least look like one, portray yourself as one successfully. Or else, you're shit out of luck. No one lusts after dumpy looking losers... their wallets, perhaps, but surely not with 'rip off their clothes from their body' levels of passion lol. :lol:
This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
I think what Dr. Wiseton should do is what he is doing now. He should change absolutely nothing. Obviously the system works. Dr. Wiseton likes to rant about something. So it is part of the fun.
True, I agree. I don't understand why Public Duende, Lucas88, Marcos Zeitlos, and others would waste their time giving Winston advice anyway.
They should all move on already.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by galii »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:08 am
galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 7:59 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 6:27 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 4:28 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 1:13 am
The only way any man would get such a treatment is if he's actually a man of quality. As in, he's the sort of man who would get "looks" from girls and have plenty of female attention even in his home country. The idea that any random average-to-below-average foreign dude will be a "King" in the Philippines is laughably false, really. You'll get people fawning over you, sure, but for it to happen a lot, and with females of quality, you need to be a man of quality yourself. Or at least look like one, portray yourself as one successfully. Or else, you're shit out of luck. No one lusts after dumpy looking losers... their wallets, perhaps, but surely not with 'rip off their clothes from their body' levels of passion lol. :lol:
This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
I think what Dr. Wiseton should do is what he is doing now. He should change absolutely nothing. Obviously the system works. Dr. Wiseton likes to rant about something. So it is part of the fun.
True, I agree. I don't understand why Public Duende, Lucas88, Marcos Zeitlos, and others would waste their time giving Winston advice anyway.
They should all move on already.
They are locked into their own world like Dr. Wiseton. They get triggered. They feel the need to critique.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:17 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:08 am
galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 7:59 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 6:27 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 4:28 am

This is 100% true. While going to a foreign location where one is perceived as exotic will give you an advantage, a man cannot expect to be regarded as a "king" in that place if he isn't already a man of quality. Even doing the HA thing, one must cultivate virtues and set himself above average in order to get the best results. I myself would be too embarrassed to approach women even in Latin America or Southeast Asia if I didn't look athletic and in good shape. I have too much self-respect to let myself get fat and pudgy and then try to mount a female while bearing an ugly and embarrassing pot belly. @Winston needs to do exercise (he says that he likes martial arts, doesn't he?) and get lean and healthy and then groom himself better in order to get those Filipinas' pussies tingling. As a 50 year old out-of-shape man with his looks dwindling, he can't rely on his perceived status and exoticness as a Taiwanese-American anymore.

Winston, you've gotta put in the work and get into shape if you want girls to continue to find you attractive.
No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
I think what Dr. Wiseton should do is what he is doing now. He should change absolutely nothing. Obviously the system works. Dr. Wiseton likes to rant about something. So it is part of the fun.
True, I agree. I don't understand why Public Duende, Lucas88, Marcos Zeitlos, and others would waste their time giving Winston advice anyway.
They should all move on already.
They are locked into their own world like Dr. Wiseton. They get triggered. They feel the need to critique.
More than 10 years of trying to "give advice to Winston" from MVP @MarcosZeitola and MVP @publicduende. Come on guys! Find something else to do already! Holy F*cking Sh*t Balls. Are you guys trying to break the Guiness Book of World Record on "Longest time giving advice to Winston"? :lol: You guys have a fetish for Winston? Move on already guys! Winston doesn't seem to give a f*ck anyway. He doesn't need your help.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Cornfed »

Arguably this whole thread should be interpreted as Winston complaining about poor service from prostitutes. There is no reason they should be romantically interested in him, but he wants them to pretend. Oh well, I guess the answer is that you just can't get good help these days. There are many reasons for this.
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Cornfed wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 10:02 am
Arguably this whole thread should be interpreted as Winston complaining about poor service from prostitutes. There is no reason they should be romantically interested in him, but he wants them to pretend. Oh well, I guess the answer is that you just can't get good help these days. There are many reasons for this.
What do you think is the "good help" for Winston? Winston doesn't give a f*ck. I think people needs to stop trying to give advice to him.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by galii »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:41 am
galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:17 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 9:08 am
galii wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 7:59 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 6:27 am

No use giving Winston your advice, he doesn't care and won't listen anyway.
Winston should just start his own cult like that Filippino guy, Appolo Quiboloy.
I think what Dr. Wiseton should do is what he is doing now. He should change absolutely nothing. Obviously the system works. Dr. Wiseton likes to rant about something. So it is part of the fun.
True, I agree. I don't understand why Public Duende, Lucas88, Marcos Zeitlos, and others would waste their time giving Winston advice anyway.
They should all move on already.
They are locked into their own world like Dr. Wiseton. They get triggered. They feel the need to critique.
More than 10 years of trying to "give advice to Winston" from MVP @MarcosZeitola and MVP @publicduende. Come on guys! Find something else to do already! Holy F*cking Sh*t Balls. Are you guys trying to break the Guiness Book of World Record on "Longest time giving advice to Winston"? :lol: You guys have a fetish for Winston? Move on already guys! Winston doesn't seem to give a f*ck anyway. He doesn't need your help.
:lol: See you do the same now. Team MVP do not care that Dr. Wiseton does not care. They do it anyway because it is their destiny. We do not have free will :lol:
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Re: Why do Filipinas always talk about their money problems to us rather than about love and romance?!

Post by Cornfed »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 10:05 am
Cornfed wrote:
July 13th, 2023, 10:02 am
Arguably this whole thread should be interpreted as Winston complaining about poor service from prostitutes. There is no reason they should be romantically interested in him, but he wants them to pretend. Oh well, I guess the answer is that you just can't get good help these days. There are many reasons for this.
What do you think is the "good help" for Winston? Winston doesn't give a f*ck. I think people needs to stop trying to give advice to him.
I mean "help" as in employees. The prostitutes these days are just not as good at pretending to like guys like Winston as they might have been in the past.
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