The Antichrist & Revelation

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The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've seen posts made by @Winston asking about Jesus Christ and who he was. @WilliamSmith Also recently made a thread on Jesus as well during one of his last visits to the forum.

We all know who Jesus Christ was/is, but what about the Antichrist?

When I was Christian back in the day, @Lucas88 and myself used to debate about the book of revelation and the identity of the Antichrist. There was some conspiracy videos online who accused the Pope or King Charles of being the Antichrist which presented some circumstantial evidence relating to the Bible about why this is the case. But are they accurate?

I'm interested in hearing the perspectives of our Christian contigent of the forum and their thoughts and beliefs regarding the Antichrist and the book of revelation.

@Mr. Mistoffelees

I am not Christian, nor am I a gambling man unlike the recently banned CaptainSkelebob, but if I had to put my money on anyone being the Antichrist I would put my money on Bill Gates being the one. In my perspective he is the most evil man on the planet.

If we just look at his actions recently we can see that he already has sway over the world's leaders, proving irrefutably that democracy is a just an illusion. He attends World Economic Forum meetings with world leaders to discuss issues and which direction to take the planet in. Why? He's not a world leader or an elected official! Why should he get a say in anything?!

Then the recent evil with the vaccination lie. Bill Gates, a massive shareholder in Pharmaceutical corporations, "donates" money to mainstream media outlets who promote his poisonous vaccines. This results in deaths globally. As Cornfed said its just a deadly clot shot.

Then Bill Gates gets Indian Prime Minister to pass legislation to force Indian farmers to use Monsanto products which some farmers couldn't either because it's too expensive or because of ethical reasons. This caused a massive wave of suicides in India and then Bill Gates procured their farmland. He's buying farmland in America and all over the globe. Why does he want to control the worlds food supply? @WilliamSmith said something before about how this little gremlin openly admits he wants to spike our food with these spike proteins to ensure everyone globally is vaccinated.

And again with the Globo Homo agenda. The trans thing being vehemently pushed on society and children. Again, Big Pharma makes the biggest profit and their projected profit margins for the future just sky rocket. :roll: Big Pharma, who implored us to follow the science during covid (conveniently their profit making science and nobody else's to the contrary) are now saying f**k science and biology and gender. Men can have babies.

This is all evil as f**k. If Big Pharma stand to make the biggest profits from all this evil, then their "philanthropic" shareholders like Kill Gates must be making a killing in profits....

So what do you guys think? Is Bill Gates the Antichrist? If you disagree who do you think is a suitable candidate?
Let's not forget, my Christian friends, about the message of revelation. The shit about not being able to buy a loaf of bread without the mark of the beast. Possibly a chip inside a vaccine? It almost happened with covid. And since then the WHO have been given new powers over world governments to ensure compliance and forced vaccinations to tackle new pandemics. Pandemics undoubtedly created by servants of evil cunts like Bill Gates and Fauchi.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by vlkmo »

It is most likely here and it is very sad. I don't want the world to end this way. I am relatively younger person and wish the next decades or centuries can be more or less like any other in history and not this very dark shit. I am on the rim of being agnostic. I feel like this whole universe and everything is scripted to happen by God, including the evil stuff.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by fschmidt »

I am not Christian, but at least I know Bill Gates. I talked to him a fair amount when I worked at Microsoft. He is mostly motivated by greed. I think truly evil people are more motivated by power than greed. His business with vaccines and farmland are mostly about money, not power. Bill Gates also values intelligence, and I am sure he realizes that the covid "vaccine" is eugenic. Killing a few billion morons who take it is certainly good for the human gene pool. His family has a history of supporting eugenics. Of course I agree with him on this.

My pick for most evil person would be George Soros. He is very much into power, and his values are purely evil. Above all, he supports globalism and destroying national cultures. Unlike Bill Gates, Soros has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas. He has obviously done far more harm to America than Gates has, with his brilliant strategy of taking over American cities by funding district attorneys. I never met Soros, but my parents knew him because all Hungarian Jews in the New York area knew each other. Of course Jews don't like Soros much because Soros worked with the Nazis.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by publicduende »

fschmidt wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 5:15 pm
I am not Christian, but at least I know Bill Gates. I talked to him a fair amount when I worked at Microsoft. He is mostly motivated by greed. I think truly evil people are more motivated by power than greed. His business with vaccines and farmland are mostly about money, not power. Bill Gates also values intelligence, and I am sure he realizes that the covid "vaccine" is eugenic. Killing a few billion morons who take it is certainly good for the human gene pool. His family has a history of supporting eugenics. Of course I agree with him on this.

My pick for most evil person would be George Soros. He is very much into power, and his values are purely evil. Above all, he supports globalism and destroying national cultures. Unlike Bill Gates, Soros has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas. He has obviously done far more harm to America than Gates has, with his brilliant strategy of taking over American cities by funding district attorneys. I never met Soros, but my parents knew him because all Hungarian Jews in the New York area knew each other. Of course Jews don't like Soros much because Soros worked with the Nazis.
Dude, you have a book to write, with such first and second degree connections :)
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 12:54 pm
When I was Christian back in the day, @Lucas88 and myself used to debate about the book of revelation and the identity of the Antichrist. There was some conspiracy videos online who accused the Pope or King Charles of being the Antichrist which presented some circumstantial evidence relating to the Bible about why this is the case. But are they accurate?
I am not a Christian either and indeed de-converted from the religion in the early 2010s when I realized what a bizarre, sicko, fruitcake cult it is upon deeper investigation of its teachings and scriptures (Christianity is nothing more than Judaism for Gentiles and its central ritual is shockingly a celebration of blood sacrifice together with mock cannibalism and vampirism), but when I was still part of the fold many Protestant Christians who I knew as well as Christian content creators on the internet regarded the Vatican and Papal authorities as the Antichrist.

Some Protestant Christians associate the Beast who appears in Revelation 13 with the Vatican and assert that all of the popes have been Antichrist figures who usurp the authority of Christ (Jesus alone is supposed to be the spiritual leader of the Church) and teach false doctrines (Catholicism) in place of the Gospel. Some of them even speculate that 666 refers to the Latin phrase "Vicarius Filii Dei" (i.e., Vicar of the Son of God) whose gematria incidentally adds up to that infamous number, even though in reality Vicarius Filii Dei has never been an official title of the Pope. Moreover, some of those same anti-Catholics claim that the "woman who rides the Beast" and "who sits on seven mountains" in Revelation 17 likewise denotes a false church - the antithesis of the "bride of Christ" or true church - located in the city of Rome - i.e., the Roman Catholic Church.

Similarly, Seventh Day Adventist eschatology teaches that the "Little Horn" in Daniel 7, which emerges from the fourth beast (empire) with 10 horns and then speaks against god and persecutes the saints, refers to the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church and equates it with the Beast of Revelation 13.

The above are Christian theories with regard to the identity of the Antichrist.

However, I personally now believe that Christianity and its New Testament eschatology are nothing more than a deceptive calque of esoteric Jewish eschatology modified for the Gentiles and serve to get everybody manifesting into existence the Messianic Age of Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement through their prayers and direction of psychic energy towards the (((second coming))) and the (((New Jerusalem))). Gentile believers unwittingly give power to this Jewish egregore and its thoughtforms. They think that they are praying for a savior who will rescue them from this dystopian world in the end times when in reality they are only contributing to the manifestation of the New World Order of the Kabbalist elite on Earth.

This brings us back to Revelation and the concept of the Antichrist. The whole narrative, which is undeniably a Jewish concoction, is simply a "good cop, bad cop" kind of setup. We are told that the Antichrist system (created by the Jewish elite) rules over the world in the end times and that we must pray to Yahweh/Christ for salvation, but that same "Christ" program is simply a Jewish con (remember that Christianity is just Judaism for Gentiles) and through it people are unwittingly manifesting the entire Jewish apocalyptic agenda from the war of Armageddon and Gog and Magog to the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the enslavement of all nations to Israel (that is the true face of the New Jerusalem!!!). In the end, both Yahweh/Christ and the so-called Antichrist are simply two facets of the same Jewish spiritual matrix and evil system.

Wake up, people! The Jews (or at least an occultist elite within Judaism) have always been slimy conmen and schemers and the Christ program is just another Jewish program to disarm you and enslave you to the Jewish egregore and world domination agenda - one that goes way back and was concocted largely by the murdering hook-nosed sociopath Saul of Tarsus after his "vision" on the road to Damascus. You guys have been tricked into worshiping the Jewish god Yahweh, recognizing a Jew as your Messiah, believing that "the Jews are god's chosen people" and that "salvation comes from the Jews", accepting Jewish scriptures as "the truth", and praying for the manifestation of Jewish "prophecies" and the Jewish "Messianic Age" (i.e., the destruction and enslavement of Gentiles, all of whom the Kabbalists consider evil "Qlipthoth" from the "Sitra Achra").
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by vlkmo »

It also says that after Jesus "conquers" the Antichrist system, he would then establish another universal kingdom ruled by Jesus and his father. How is that going to necessarily be any less controlling than the previous system? :?
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Pixel--Dude »

vlkmo wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 7:25 pm
It also says that after Jesus "conquers" the Antichrist system, he would then establish another universal kingdom ruled by Jesus and his father. How is that going to necessarily be any less controlling than the previous system? :?
Hahaha! Good point. A system where if you don't relentlessly bow down and worship Yahweh and Jesus as a subservient slave you will be destroyed. :lol:
Lucas88 wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 6:51 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 12:54 pm
When I was Christian back in the day, @Lucas88 and myself used to debate about the book of revelation and the identity of the Antichrist. There was some conspiracy videos online who accused the Pope or King Charles of being the Antichrist which presented some circumstantial evidence relating to the Bible about why this is the case. But are they accurate?
I am not a Christian either and indeed de-converted from the religion in the early 2010s when I realized what a bizarre, sicko, fruitcake cult it is upon deeper investigation of its teachings and scriptures (Christianity is nothing more than Judaism for Gentiles and its central ritual is shockingly a celebration of blood sacrifice together with mock cannibalism and vampirism), but when I was still part of the fold many Protestant Christians who I knew as well as Christian content creators on the internet regarded the Vatican and Papal authorities as the Antichrist.

Some Protestant Christians associate the Beast who appears in Revelation 13 with the Vatican and assert that all of the popes have been Antichrist figures who usurp the authority of Christ (Jesus alone is supposed to be the spiritual leader of the Church) and teach false doctrines (Catholicism) in place of the Gospel. Some of them even speculate that 666 refers to the Latin phrase "Vicarius Filii Dei" (i.e., Vicar of the Son of God) whose gematria incidentally adds up to that infamous number, even though in reality Vicarius Filii Dei has never been an official title of the Pope. Moreover, some of those same anti-Catholics claim that the "woman who rides the Beast" and "who sits on seven mountains" in Revelation 17 likewise denotes a false church - the antithesis of the "bride of Christ" or true church - located in the city of Rome - i.e., the Roman Catholic Church.

Similarly, Seventh Day Adventist eschatology teaches that the "Little Horn" in Daniel 7, which emerges from the fourth beast (empire) with 10 horns and then speaks against god and persecutes the saints, refers to the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church and equates it with the Beast of Revelation 13.

The above are Christian theories with regard to the identity of the Antichrist.

However, I personally now believe that Christianity and its New Testament eschatology are nothing more than a deceptive calque of esoteric Jewish eschatology modified for the Gentiles and serve to get everybody manifesting into existence the Messianic Age of Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement through their prayers and direction of psychic energy towards the (((second coming))) and the (((New Jerusalem))). Gentile believers unwittingly give power to this Jewish egregore and its thoughtforms. They think that they are praying for a savior who will rescue them from this dystopian world in the end times when in reality they are only contributing to the manifestation of the New World Order of the Kabbalist elite on Earth.

This brings us back to Revelation and the concept of the Antichrist. The whole narrative, which is undeniably a Jewish concoction, is simply a "good cop, bad cop" kind of setup. We are told that the Antichrist system (created by the Jewish elite) rules over the world in the end times and that we must pray to Yahweh/Christ for salvation, but that same "Christ" program is simply a Jewish con (remember that Christianity is just Judaism for Gentiles) and through it people are unwittingly manifesting the entire Jewish apocalyptic agenda from the war of Armageddon and Gog and Magog to the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the enslavement of all nations to Israel (that is the true face of the New Jerusalem!!!). In the end, both Yahweh/Christ and the so-called Antichrist are simply two facets of the same Jewish spiritual matrix and evil system.

Wake up, people! The Jews (or at least an occultist elite within Judaism) have always been slimy conmen and schemers and the Christ program is just another Jewish program to disarm you and enslave you to the Jewish egregore and world domination agenda - one that goes way back and was concocted largely by the murdering hook-nosed sociopath Saul of Tarsus after his "vision" on the road to Damascus. You guys have been tricked into worshiping the Jewish god Yahweh, recognizing a Jew as your Messiah, believing that "the Jews are god's chosen people" and that "salvation comes from the Jews", accepting Jewish scriptures as "the truth", and praying for the manifestation of Jewish "prophecies" and the Jewish "Messianic Age" (i.e., the destruction and enslavement of Gentiles, all of whom the Kabbalists consider evil "Qlipthoth" from the "Sitra Achra").
Some good info shared here dude. But I don't think the Vatican or any of the Papacy are as strong a candidate as Bill Gates for world's most evil person, or a candidate for the Antichrist if we're speaking from a Christian point of view.

When we woke up from Christianity we both said that Satan and the Devil are just scapegoats for Yahweh to blame for all his own evil deeds. When if you read the Bible most deeds the majority of people would consider evil are committed by Yahweh himself and Satan is simply just evil in name only.

But you're absolutely right about what you said about Kabbalist Jews using Christianity as a means of subterfuge to weaken the Gentile nations in the West. The word of the Bible teaches blind subservience and seeks to eradicate the warrior spirit within one's self. It is a tool of deception and it just pacifies and declaws the Gentiles.

@Cornfed and @Outcast9428 having the opinion you have on the Jews and knowing their modus operandi, how can you both believe in the Bible when you know the truth about the Kabbalist Jews?

@MrMan how do you reconcile with the information that Kabbalist Jews openly preach about subjugation and destruction of the Gentiles? Then the Bible talks about how the Jews are god's chosen people? Well of course it does! The Jews wrote the Bible!
fschmidt wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 5:15 pm
I am not Christian, but at least I know Bill Gates. I talked to him a fair amount when I worked at Microsoft. He is mostly motivated by greed. I think truly evil people are more motivated by power than greed. His business with vaccines and farmland are mostly about money, not power. Bill Gates also values intelligence, and I am sure he realizes that the covid "vaccine" is eugenic. Killing a few billion morons who take it is certainly good for the human gene pool. His family has a history of supporting eugenics. Of course I agree with him on this.

My pick for most evil person would be George Soros. He is very much into power, and his values are purely evil. Above all, he supports globalism and destroying national cultures. Unlike Bill Gates, Soros has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas. He has obviously done far more harm to America than Gates has, with his brilliant strategy of taking over American cities by funding district attorneys. I never met Soros, but my parents knew him because all Hungarian Jews in the New York area knew each other. Of course Jews don't like Soros much because Soros worked with the Nazis.
Both are good candidates for the Antichrist. Although I would argue that yearning for power is a massive part of what drives greed for money. Bill Gates acquiring farmland and such would make him powerful. He doesn't value intelligence. He values compliance. That's why he has mainstream media pushing his narrative about vaccines. He's an evil cunt.

Bill Gates probably wants to enslave everyone or indoctrinate them with LGBT ideological programming etc. He stands in direct opposition to your own goals. Your Arkian Idea isn't something Bill Gates would support. He wants people like you and "degenerate scum" alike to submit to him.

There isn't just him though. Soros as well, Fauchi and others like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. All these super rich and global elite alike are all as evil and greedy as each other.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Cornfed »

vlkmo wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 7:25 pm
It also says that after Jesus "conquers" the Antichrist system, he would then establish another universal kingdom ruled by Jesus and his father. How is that going to necessarily be any less controlling than the previous system? :?
By that logic if I were hit by a car and immobilized I shouldn't care whether the people who discovered me wanted to take care of me and take me to the hospital or whether they wanted to rob me and torture me to death, since I would lack autonomy either way.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 16th, 2023, 1:53 pm
Hahaha! Good point. A system where if you don't relentlessly bow down and worship Yahweh and Jesus as a subservient slave you will be destroyed. :lol:
That's right. Lol! With Christianity, if you don't blindly submit to the god of the Jews, Rabbi Jewsus and the New Jerusalem, you are considered wicked and deserve to burn in hell for eternity. Or so we are told by Saul of Tarsus and ilk in the Jew Testament. Remember Goyim, salvation comes from the Jews! Submit to the Jewish Mashiach! :roll:

I find it quite telling how the Kabbalah and Christianity - both Jewish through and through - teach more or less the same misanthropic view about man. The Kabbalah teaches that all Gentile/non-Jewish souls originate from Adam Belial (i.e., Adam the Wicked) and belong to the Sitra Achra or dark and chaotic side of Creation and are therefore inherently impure and evil and either deserve to be annihilated or redeemed and enslaved to the Jews once the Messiah comes (Jewish souls, on the other hand, are said to come from Adam Kadmon and the realm of divine light and are therefore supposedly inherently pure). Meanwhile, Christianity, which Saul of Tarsus peddled to the Gentiles as faraway as Rome, likewise teaches that all human beings are born sinful and deserve to be condemned to hell if they don't accept Yahweh god of Israel as their one and only lord together with the blood sacrifice of Jesus the Jew for a promised place in the coming New Jerusalem ruled by Yahweh's chosen people.

Both of these garbage philosophies straight from Judea tell us that we are evil and perverse and that our only hope of avoiding the destruction that we supposedly deserve is by submitting to the Jewish god, a Jewish Messiah for the Gentiles and (spiritual) Israel. But, of course, most Gentiles don't see this since they're too distracted by Jewish fables about "baby Jesus" and the Jew Testament mantra of "god is love". :?
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 16th, 2023, 1:53 pm
Some good info shared here dude. But I don't think the Vatican or any of the Papacy are as strong a candidate as Bill Gates for world's most evil person, or a candidate for the Antichrist if we're speaking from a Christian point of view.

When we woke up from Christianity we both said that Satan and the Devil are just scapegoats for Yahweh to blame for all his own evil deeds. When if you read the Bible most deeds the majority of people would consider evil are committed by Yahweh himself and Satan is simply just evil in name only.

But you're absolutely right about what you said about Kabbalist Jews using Christianity as a means of subterfuge to weaken the Gentile nations in the West. The word of the Bible teaches blind subservience and seeks to eradicate the warrior spirit within one's self. It is a tool of deception and it just pacifies and declaws the Gentiles.
The discussion about who is the best candidate for the "Antichrist" is a moot point because the whole thing is just some Jewish bullshit made up for the purpose of creating a false boogeyman supposedly antithetical to the god of Israel and then getting the Gentile masses to pray ardently for the manifestation of the god of Israel's New Jerusalem (of Gentile enslavement and destruction - aka the Jew World Order) when in reality Yahweh himself is the only bad guy and Israel (both spiritual and physical) is a great bane for all Gentiles!!! The so-called Antichrist as the fictitious boogeyman that it is can be projected onto just about anything depending on the whims and theological fancies of the Christian interpreter.

Christianity did much more harm than just instilling subservience and destroying the warrior spirit. It got millions of Gentiles believing in the Jewish worldview and giving their psychic energy through prayer, devotion and theological fixation to the Jewish egregore and its thoughtforms (Armageddon, Gog and Magog, the Messiah, New Jerusalem, etc.) and thereby unwittingly manifesting them in the material world. They're literally feeding on an occult level the Jewish matrix which aims for their enslavement and destruction!!!

Then, on top of this already colossal insanity, Christianity also prohibited all genuine occult knowledge and separated most Gentiles from their own indigenous spiritual traditions and their corresponding energetic egregores. The result of this was tragic. It only served to disarm Gentiles and render them defenseless in the face of Jewish occult magic and then consequently slaves to pernicious Jewish egregores and thoughtforms (things like heaven, hell, original sin, second coming, judgment, New Jerusalem, etc.). Meanwhile, the high-level Kabbalists learn advanced occult techniques and even admit this themselves. They want us weak and defenseless while they themselves hold all occult power. Christianity with its prohibition of all genuine occult knowledge is what allowed them to do this.

By the way, I know that the occult is 100% real; I've studied it myself for about 10 years and experienced the likes of Kundalini and energy work in the flesh.

Even though I support freedom of religion in a sane society and believe that faith is a private matter, I am happy that increasing numbers of Europeans who are redpilled on the JQ are now cutting ties with (Judeo-)Christianity, seeing it as the Jewish hoax that it is and reconnecting with the old religions of their Pagan ancestors in the best way they can. While an accurate revival of the various forms of indigenous Paganism might be out of the question due to lack of extant historical sources, at least the adoption of those Pagan faiths will serve to disconnect those European from the egregores of the Abrahamic religions and thereby allow for a non-Judaized base from which to develop their own occult powers. The war is partially occult as the Kabbalist enemies themselves admit. But even if adopting reconstructed Pagan faiths simply allows Europeans to de-Judaize themselves and cultivate a stronger connection to their own ethnic roots then that too can only be a positive.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 16th, 2023, 4:03 pm
That's right. Lol! With Christianity, if you don't blindly submit to the god of the Jews, Rabbi Jewsus and the New Jerusalem, you are considered wicked and deserve to burn in hell for eternity. Or so we are told by Saul of Tarsus and ilk in the Jew Testament. Remember Goyim, salvation comes from the Jews! Submit to the Jewish Mashiach! :roll:

I find it quite telling how the Kabbalah and Christianity - both Jewish through and through - teach more or less the same misanthropic view about man. The Kabbalah teaches that all Gentile/non-Jewish souls originate from Adam Belial (i.e., Adam the Wicked) and belong to the Sitra Achra or dark and chaotic side of Creation and are therefore inherently impure and evil and either deserve to be annihilated or redeemed and enslaved to the Jews once the Messiah comes (Jewish souls, on the other hand, are said to come from Adam Kadmon and the realm of divine light and are therefore supposedly inherently pure). Meanwhile, Christianity, which Saul of Tarsus peddled to the Gentiles as faraway as Rome, likewise teaches that all human beings are born sinful and deserve to be condemned to hell if they don't accept Yahweh god of Israel as their one and only lord together with the blood sacrifice of Jesus the Jew for a promised place in the coming New Jerusalem ruled by Yahweh's chosen people.

Both of these garbage philosophies straight from Judea tell us that we are evil and perverse and that our only hope of avoiding the destruction that we supposedly deserve is by submitting to the Jewish god, a Jewish Messiah for the Gentiles and (spiritual) Israel. But, of course, most Gentiles don't see this since they're too distracted by Jewish fables about "baby Jesus" and the Jew Testament mantra of "god is love". :?
I think we said before that no Gentile in the West would've accepted such a vengeful and murderous god of the Old Testament. That's why they needed to create the New Testament to make the religion more palatable to gullible Gentiles who would gravitate to the loving and forgiving father figure portrayed in the Bible. :roll:

Everything about the Bible is an inversion. Our true gods are slandered as demons when the biggest demon, Yahweh himself, is exalted as the benefactor of humanity and a force of good. For those of discernment, we all know the Jewish God Yahweh is in fact a murderous psychopath who only seeks the enslavement of humanity at the hands of his Jewish servants. For anyone interested I placed Yahweh on a murder trial in this thread here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=48243

It should be little wonder that this religion holds Jews as its chosen people. The Kabbalistic Jews inverted who the evil race is! Blaming Gentiles as evil beings descending from darkness when they themselves are the chosen people of a degenerate psychopathic god who seeks to slave and destroy humanity.

As I have said before. I don't see why Christianity should be accepted as true. And it baffles me that people like @Cornfed someone who is redpilled on the JQ and someone who opposes the insanity of the elites and their murderous agendas could be hoodwinked by a slave programme of the Kabbalist Jews. :o
The discussion about who is the best candidate for the "Antichrist" is a moot point because the whole thing is just some Jewish bullshit made up for the purpose of creating a false boogeyman supposedly antithetical to the god of Israel and then getting the Gentile masses to pray ardently for the manifestation of the god of Israel's New Jerusalem (of Gentile enslavement and destruction - aka the Jew World Order) when in reality Yahweh himself is the only bad guy and Israel (both spiritual and physical) is a great bane for all Gentiles!!! The so-called Antichrist as the fictitious boogeyman that it is can be projected onto just about anything depending on the whims and theological fancies of the Christian interpreter.

Christianity did much more harm than just instilling subservience and destroying the warrior spirit. It got millions of Gentiles believing in the Jewish worldview and giving their psychic energy through prayer, devotion and theological fixation to the Jewish egregore and its thoughtforms (Armageddon, Gog and Magog, the Messiah, New Jerusalem, etc.) and thereby unwittingly manifesting them in the material world. They're literally feeding on an occult level the Jewish matrix which aims for their enslavement and destruction!!!

Then, on top of this already colossal insanity, Christianity also prohibited all genuine occult knowledge and separated most Gentiles from their own indigenous spiritual traditions and their corresponding energetic egregores. The result of this was tragic. It only served to disarm Gentiles and render them defenseless in the face of Jewish occult magic and then consequently slaves to pernicious Jewish egregores and thoughtforms (things like heaven, hell, original sin, second coming, judgment, New Jerusalem, etc.). Meanwhile, the high-level Kabbalists learn advanced occult techniques and even admit this themselves. They want us weak and defenseless while they themselves hold all occult power. Christianity with its prohibition of all genuine occult knowledge is what allowed them to do this.
Well, yes! I absolutely agree with you about the Antichrist. I agree that this is a boogeyman who just takes on the blame of all Yahweh's evil deeds. We are on the same page. The purpose of the discussion was because I was talking about this with a Christian I work with and was interested and curious to hear the opinions of some of the Christians here such as @Cornfed, @MrMan, @Outcast9428 and even @Mr. Mistoffelees. I am curious about their interpretations of revelations and Antichrist. Of course, debating the authenticity of the entire religion is okay in this thread as well :mrgreen:

I know that metaphysically speaking giving too much energy to the Christian egregore will make the religion more powerful. But as for manifesting the prophecies in reality, that all sounds like an amalgamation of Christianity and New Age philosophical thought like The Secret :lol: besides which, the Kabbalist Jews run the world and control the elite. They can make their prophecies self fulfilling in the physical reality without needing too many believers empowering the Christian egregore. They can just control everything and influence the world leaders to do whatever they want regardless.

I think rather than using metaphysical energy in the Christian egregores to manifest their prophecies it is probably weakening the spiritual anatomy of those who give the ideology their energy. At the very least its just a tool of brainwashing which indoctrinates the followers with passivity and obedience to authority.

[/quote]By the way, I know that the occult is 100% real; I've studied it myself for about 10 years and experienced the likes of Kundalini and energy work in the flesh.[/quote]

Yeah, with distance healing and acupuncture to help with the energetic flow of the meridians. I remember a lot of conversations you had with both myself and then @WilliamSmith in his thread about energy and Chi. I've also experienced accidental astral projection, psychedelic experiences which were extremely spiritual and philosophical.

I too believe wholeheartedly that the occult and esotericism is 100% real. As I said in a thread about Christianity vs Spirituality vs Atheism (here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45751) spirituality is something which can be experienced directly through the things we've both mentioned. Anyone can find spirituality at any time through gifts from nature such as psilocybin and Ayahuasca. Individuals can find spirituality all by themselves without the need for a set of guidelines within a holy book or without the need of missionaries etc. If we lost all knowledge in the world and all books were destroyed, I think we would rediscover scientific knowledge we lost. We would also rediscover spirituality. But Christianity and Islam etc would all disappear forever because they rely on people to spread them.... a bit like a virus really. :lol:
Even though I support freedom of religion in a sane society and believe that faith is a private matter, I am happy that increasing numbers of Europeans who are redpilled on the JQ are now cutting ties with (Judeo-)Christianity, seeing it as the Jewish hoax that it is and reconnecting with the old religions of their Pagan ancestors in the best way they can. While an accurate revival of the various forms of indigenous Paganism might be out of the question due to lack of extant historical sources, at least the adoption of those Pagan faiths will serve to disconnect those European from the egregores of the Abrahamic religions and thereby allow for a non-Judaized base from which to develop their own occult powers. The war is partially occult as the Kabbalist enemies themselves admit. But even if adopting reconstructed Pagan faiths simply allows Europeans to de-Judaize themselves and cultivate a stronger connection to their own ethnic roots then that too can only be a positive.
Perhaps as the planet moves into a new astrological era the metaphysical ties between humanity and the Christian egregore are becoming weaker, which is why more people are drifting away from the religion.

Soon we will be able to enjoy a world where people celebrate authentic spirituality when people realise they are more than just slaves of Yahweh, but potential gods ourselves. In saying this though, I also support freedom of religion and don't particularly have anything against people who wish to worship the Christian god. I take issue with the religion itself, but not with the people who follow it. If that makes sense.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by vlkmo »

Don't forget about the large current in Christianity that believes all sexual pleasure and other "temporal" pleasures are inherently evil or of suspect.
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 16th, 2023, 5:34 pm
I know that metaphysically speaking giving too much energy to the Christian egregore will make the religion more powerful. But as for manifesting the prophecies in reality, that all sounds like an amalgamation of Christianity and New Age philosophical thought like The Secret :lol: besides which, the Kabbalist Jews run the world and control the elite. They can make their prophecies self fulfilling in the physical reality without needing too many believers empowering the Christian egregore. They can just control everything and influence the world leaders to do whatever they want regardless.
While it is true that at this point the Kabbalist Jews can make their own prophecies come true by financing wars and controlling both sides from within just as they're currently doing with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Kabbalah also includes rituals which serve to strengthen the Jewish egregore and its thoughtforms and thereby manifest the envisioned Messianic Age in the material world. This is simply part of occultism and is seriously practiced by Kabbalist adepts. It's not just some New Age phenomenon.

Creating and empowering thoughtforms is extremely beneficial to the Kabbalists and their agenda. Once those thoughtforms reach a high level of strength they are able to literally possess the minds of millions of people and make them slavishly go along with their aims. How else do you think that the Jews managed to con almost the entire Western world into believing that they are god's chosen people, that Jesus is humanity's Messiah and that Israel is the light of salvation? Christianity is a powerful Jewish egregore which takes complete control of the mind and is constantly being strengthened by the psychic energy of millions of Christians who pray to Jesus, read the Bible and obsessively think about its teachings.

Through Christianity, the Jews succeeded in replacing our indigenous religions with the Jewish worldview and Jewish teachings such as Yahweh as god, the Jews' purported election, Messianism and the New Jerusalem (i.e., Israel's preordained final dominion of the world). Once these thoughtforms took over the Gentile collective consciousness, Europeans became defenseless against Jewish subversion and the rest is history. Now the Jewish elite has complete control over all of the world's finances, billions of naïve Gentiles believing that the Jews are the chosen people from whom salvation entered the world, and almost all nations submitted to Israel. :?
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by TruthSeeker »

I don't know who the Antichrist is. Speculation that it's Prince Charles of Wales has been around 30+ years.

If Prince Charles (I don't call him King. We have no King but Jesus) dies we know this was wrong.

All I know is I want the Antichrist to come because shortly thereafter Jesus is coming!
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by WilliamSmith »

fschmidt wrote:
August 15th, 2023, 5:15 pm
I am not Christian, but at least I know Bill Gates. I talked to him a fair amount when I worked at Microsoft. He is mostly motivated by greed. I think truly evil people are more motivated by power than greed. His business with vaccines and farmland are mostly about money, not power. Bill Gates also values intelligence, and I am sure he realizes that the covid "vaccine" is eugenic. Killing a few billion morons who take it is certainly good for the human gene pool. His family has a history of supporting eugenics. Of course I agree with him on this.

My pick for most evil person would be George Soros. He is very much into power, and his values are purely evil. Above all, he supports globalism and destroying national cultures. Unlike Bill Gates, Soros has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas. He has obviously done far more harm to America than Gates has, with his brilliant strategy of taking over American cities by funding district attorneys. I never met Soros, but my parents knew him because all Hungarian Jews in the New York area knew each other. Of course Jews don't like Soros much because Soros worked with the Nazis.
Wow, that's really interesting! See guys @Lucas88 and @Pixel--dude, I told you fschmidt had interesting hidden depths and intellectual merit after I read most of his "Arkian" documents and found some of his ideas and research references thought provoking, even if he frequently reminds us that he hates most of us and thinks we're all "complete morons who deserve to be executed," etc.

I'm not Christian either and I can't say on Gates, but I agree on Soros: Like Schmidt said, he "supports globalism and destroying national cultures and "has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas," all of which any goyim (and any jews capable of actual critical thought rather than just squealing for censorship when anyone criticizes a jew) can easily prove to be true if you read what Soros has written and said many times over the years, even though the likes of Soros continuously pass laws making it illegal to make observations like these.

I disagree with what Schmidt said about Gates presuming it's a good idea to go about depopulating the earth by "killing a few billion morons" (because, like the always giga-based Minister Farrakhan said, "what the hell gives you that right?"), but the fact the likes of Gates and Soros etc think they're entitled to do that should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with judaism.

Not picking on Schmidt since he seems to be an exception to the general rule with this tribe, but I also find it laughable that worst genetic human refuse plaguing the face of the earth like Gates or Soros or the Rothschilds or Rockefellers presume to think they know what is or isn't "eugenic/" since they're the most mutated biologically corrupted inbred sexually perverted and sociopathic breed of people who ever walked the earth and are pretty much the polar opposite of anything "eugenic." But of course that inbred sociopathic personality disorder in their blood (and possibly even in their spirit) is precisely why they're such intolerable sociopaths and have been thrown out of over 100 countries throughout history. :)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: The Antichrist & Revelation

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 12:11 am

Wow, that's really interesting! See guys @Lucas88 and @Pixel--dude, I told you fschmidt had interesting hidden depths and intellectual merit after I read most of his "Arkian" documents and found some of his ideas and research references thought provoking, even if he frequently reminds us that he hates most of us and thinks we're all "complete morons who deserve to be executed," etc.

I'm not Christian either and I can't say on Gates, but I agree on Soros: Like Schmidt said, he "supports globalism and destroying national cultures and "has thought deeply about his evil values and has written books on his ideas," all of which any goyim (and any jews capable of actual critical thought rather than just squealing for censorship when anyone criticizes a jew) can easily prove to be true if you read what Soros has written and said many times over the years, even though the likes of Soros continuously pass laws making it illegal to make observations like these.

I disagree with what Schmidt said about Gates presuming it's a good idea to go about depopulating the earth by "killing a few billion morons" (because, like the always giga-based Minister Farrakhan said, "what the hell gives you that right?"), but the fact the likes of Gates and Soros etc think they're entitled to do that should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with judaism.

Not picking on Schmidt since he seems to be an exception to the general rule with this tribe, but I also find it laughable that worst genetic human refuse plaguing the face of the earth like Gates or Soros or the Rothschilds or Rockefellers presume to think they know what is or isn't "eugenic/" since they're the most mutated biologically corrupted inbred sexually perverted and sociopathic breed of people who ever walked the earth and are pretty much the polar opposite of anything "eugenic." But of course that inbred sociopathic personality disorder in their blood (and possibly even in their spirit) is precisely why they're such intolerable sociopaths and have been thrown out of over 100 countries throughout history. :)
I agree with you about @fschmidt. When I first saw his content here and he was going on about exterminating people I thought he just seemed like a psychopath. But when I actually took the time to read his Arkian Idea I honestly thought it was quite smart, well articulated and it resonated well. Obviously there are some things I don't agree on. But I do like the idea of a test to join the community. I'm a fan of Go and when I read it I went off on a tangent reading stuff about ancient Chinese scholars and their requirements for membership.

You may enjoy this thread if you haven't already seen it: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=30&t=48668

But yeah. Either you, fschmidt himself or myself should write a thread about the Arkian idea. Since it's fschmidt's idea he should post it. We can discuss it more in detail over there. I do think more people should read it. I just think fschmidt should ease off with talk about his desire to exterminate everyone and they might not mistake him for a total psychopath :lol:
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