Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by MarcosZeitola »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 3:54 am

Why are pointed noses better? Yeah they are better looking but how does it make them better dating material or better women with better character? I don't get that.
Just the physical part that's all lol. I just cannot stand flat noses. So I'd always look for the unicorn, the needle-in-the-haystack girls that had pointy noses and mestiza features. I'm glad last year I was finally able to find one who was up to my standards. Took me long enough. :lol:
Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 3:54 am

Oh I see. It's a pun on the word "pointed" and "disappointed"? lol
Yep. That's all there is to my comment. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

kangarunner wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 5:14 pm
Before I go into this, @Winston are you really this delusional to think that "girls" want to be with a short, old, fat guy that is twice their age?
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
But she had a ton of red flags too.
Honestly, I think you have a ton of red flags. You're around 50 years old and believe "girls" in their 20s will fall in love with you. RED FLAG.
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
She's the beauty pageant girl who was infatuated with me for a week.
That was a lie. Those "girls" will say anything. She was attempting to finesse you out of cash. Did she show you any photos of her in the beauty pageant or did you just believe her?
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
She acted very interested in me at first. But as usual, something makes them do a 180 as if a force or curse flips a switch inside them and turns them against me. Perhaps karma or a disturbance in the Force, as Star Wars would say. I dunno.
Exactly @Winston , you f***ing idiot. It's the universe's fault. Not yours. It's the magical cosmic forces in the sky that are interfering with these girls' infatuation with you....YES! That's the right conclusion. It couldn't be that they see you as a walking cash dispenser and are working you over for money? No that's not it at all.
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
Something in the universe seems to not want me to be happily in love.
@Winston Exactly, just keep living in "la la land" where unicorns fly in the sky and Winston marries the hottest Filipina girl in the country and they have lots and lots of sex all day long.
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
I am planning to find a good New Age psychic to see if they have any insight as to why.
I think you should see a psychiatrist.
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 1:51 pm
A lot of past life regression videos say that patterns from past life will keep repeating so I am trying to do that too, but the past life regression videos on YouTube don't seem to work well for me since I'm immune to hypnosis and suggestion.
Yes keep trying to find the answer on Youtube videos.

You are a short, fat, and old man. GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR. THE TRUTH HURTS.
Hey asshole. At least I'm better than you. I don't backstab my friends the way you do. And I don't sound retarded and like a redneck too. Anyone who backstabs their friends is a scumbag and a bad person. I would never do that. I have honor and respect. What did I ever do to you? I even stood up for you when others badmouthed you. You obviously are a sociopath with NO MORALS. I don't respect that. You also have multiple personality disorder.

A psychiatrist wouldn't do anything but give out drugs, which do not solve my problems.

Curses do exist. I've seen paranormal things that support them. Also several psychics have said that I have an soul attachment or entity attachment. More than one. And most of them were NOT PAID and had no profit motive or anything to sell. They were just giving their honest opinion. No joke.

Anyway f**k You Andrew. You DO NOT have a right to badmouth me any time you want. One more time and you are BANNED. You have already shown that you are a bad person and a scumbag and a backtabber. No one should have any respect for you. At least I have morals. You don't. I don't trust you. There is something off about you. You pretend to be a friend and then you backstab people in the back. Why do I attract scum and degenerates like you? God tell me?
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Also @kangarunner. Yes she showed me photos of her beauty pageants and some videos too. I sent them to you on Whatsapp remember? I can add them to the album if you want. But so what? Like PD said, beauty pageants are common in the PH and don't mean that much. She is ok looking but not a model type. The problem is I am a hopeless romantic and these girls only care about money. It's sickening and disgusting.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 2:34 pm
Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 2:09 pm
No I didn't sleep with her MZ. I didn't even get a private date with her. She always brought a chaperone. She said she was a virgin and never had a boyfriend before even. I would believe her because in person she had a prudish vibe and was cold to the touch. Not as warm as the typical Filipina. Plus she wasn't a whore so I treated her with respect and didn't push her for sex, which would have been in vain anyway, because she already warned me in advance that she doesn't like physical contact on the first date. This was a red flag, because even a conservative girl, if she likes you, will hold hands with you at least, but when I held her hand, it felt cold like she was uncomfortable and kept pulling it away. But she kept saying she liked me and so I believed it because I wanted to of course. Nothing about her made any sense. But I don't mind taking things slow if the girl is a quality girl, which she pretended to be.

I would say number 1 is true too because this has happened many times in my life, even when I did nothing wrong. But even if I did something wrong, we all know that people who really like you, whether friend or lover, will forgive you if you make clumsy mistakes or have misunderstandings. Only people looking to dump you will use a mistake or misunderstanding to break up with you. It's not like I hit anyone or was abusive. This is common sense. So you gotta look at the big picture.
But you know that a pageant winner who is tall and well-built with a good face, like her, is definitely a top-tier girl in most settings in the Philippines, right? As in, this is a girl with a TON of options. Maybe she thought she could swindle you and squeeze money out of you without much effort and time and when she discovered this wasn't the case, bailed.

I mean guys like you don't usually get girls like that unless they're absolutely loaded and generous with their money. And if a Filipina, a smart and pretty Filipina, sees a middle aged Chinese gentleman like yourself, the first thing that goes through her mind is: "Wow this guy must be rich. Probably richer than white expats". Because you kind of do give of this aura of wealth in your photos, somehow. Like you look out of place in seedy little bars and shady establishments, gallavanting with whores. You look more like a Taiwanese businessman on vacation who is about to hit the golf club for a few games but can't be arsed to dress fancy because he's on vacation and he's letting it all out. That's your vibe. It isn't "broke, unfortunate truthseeker", it's "wealthy middle-aged Asian male".

If a poor Filipina is hunting for a husband, and I'm sure @publicduende would attest to this, she'll sort of "scout" for one. And she'll look at what he can offer her, potentially. How easily impressed he is. How generous he is. Or whether or not he is tight-fisted, perhaps, in which case she'll bail with a quickness. You have been sized up, weighed and found lacking, somehow. And you're not even aware of it. I'm not discounting your previous life experiences but at this point in your life, lets be honest, it's almost certainly theory number two, and deep inside you know that. ;)
Yeah that's what @publicduende suspected too. But he changed his mind later. You guys assume the worst about women. Rock had a more logical explanation. He said that sometimes women THINK they like you in their MIND but in their HEART they do not. So they give mixed messages and flake and their ACTIONS contradict their words. It doesn't mean they are hard core scammers. A hard core scammer will have a method of luring you in and asking you for a lot of money at some point. They are more formulaic and will target any guy, whether he's handsome or not, old or young. So Rock's theory is that this girl thought she liked me but realized she didn't. That's why women's actions and words are not consistent.

This isn't the first time this has happened. It's happened in America and Russia and China too, where I have amazing chemistry with a woman and then she does a 180 for no reason and then she uses any misunderstanding she can to argue with me and break up. It must be sort of a curse, because like I said before, this has happened with almost 10 soulmates I've had. It's almost paranormal and I could sense the energy disturbance and paranormal events that indicated some energy field was being disrupted because the universe doesn't want me to be in love or in a state of bliss. That's when the universe will curse you. Kind of like the story of Romeo and Juliet. They had a perfect love and so the universe cursed them to die in a cruel twist of fate. Shakespeare has a lot of truths about human nature in his stories, so it reflects truth. I'm sure some of you have experienced the same. Not just me. Life is not random. Even other guys like @GoingAwol has experienced the universe ruining his plans many times in a way that cannot be normal or random.

You guys can deny this, but it doesn't make it any less true. We all have a path and script and some people are destined for what they have and the universe keeps it that way.

Curses do exist. Even the Kennedy family and the Bruce Lee family had a curse and there's lots of evidence for it. Denying it doesn't make it not true.

I'm not trying to be a downer, but a recurring pattern is a recurring pattern. Several psychics that were not related said they saw a soul attachment to me that was very deep. Most of them did not charge money so they had no profit motive to lie. That is very telling and not random. This soul attachment could be ruining things and causing women to change their mind about me even if they like me at first.

The American girlfriend in Reno who did a 180 on me had no profit motive at all. So you can't blame everything on money. Same with my Chinese ex Lisa. Everything with her was perfect too. So you can't blame money. We did have a real connection. But something supernatural ruined it. I even saw paranormal events happen as if I was in a horror movie. No joke! Be open guys. Stop being so f***ing closed minded.

Btw you can ask people that know me and have hung out with me. I do not have any obvious defects in my personality. I am kind and gentle and radiate goodness and good energy. So logic cannot explain this. That's for sure. It could also be like the video above said about Blue Ray Starseeds, that we trigger people just by breathing the wrong way, because our aura is different from others. Watch the video above about Blue Ray Starseeds and you will see what I mean. My soul is definitely different from others. My closest friends and even Dianne will vouch for that.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

publicduende wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 5:34 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 2:34 pm
But you know that a pageant winner who is tall and well-built with a good face, like her, is definitely a top-tier girl in most settings in the Philippines, right? As in, this is a girl with a TON of options. Maybe she thought she could swindle you and squeeze money out of you without much effort and time and when she discovered this wasn't the case, bailed.
First of all, as you probably already know, there are thousands of beauty pageants all over the Philippines every year. Hell, almost every barangay has one. Every girl whose skin is fairer than average, looks a bit more mestiza than the average and is (or her family is) into this kind of thing, can join and win.

Having said that, this particular pageant is a good couple of notches above the standard you could find in AC bargirl. The way Winston described it to me on the WhatsApp private group, she was happy to hang out with Winston, on brief dinner and shopping "dates", but never with too much intimacy. Winston obviously brought up the sex argument and she simply replied that she wasn't feeling ready, she wanted commitment, Then Winston switched to promises of commitment, and she went another level of reluctant...I don't know...I lost my feelings.

I think every girl who is not completely desperate and/or knows her worth, will always try to maximise her own profit while, at the same time, minimising the inconvenient, hard part. In other words, for this particular girl the agenda seemed to be "how much dinners and gifts can I get out of this guy without ever even kissing him?. I agree with Winston on this, this is no prostitution and not even sugard daddying. We can say a lot of things about Winston, but not that he doesn't act as an absolute gentleman with the ladies. He would never even imagine to hurt a girl. The same "extract and pretend" game with the wrong man could turn out to be dangerous.
MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 2:34 pm
I mean guys like you don't usually get girls like that unless they're absolutely loaded and generous with their money. And if a Filipina, a smart and pretty Filipina, sees a middle aged Chinese gentleman like yourself, the first thing that goes through her mind is: "Wow this guy must be rich. Probably richer than white expats". Because you kind of do give of this aura of wealth in your photos, somehow. Like you look out of place in seedy little bars and shady establishments, gallavanting with whores. You look more like a Taiwanese businessman on vacation who is about to hit the golf club for a few games but can't be arsed to dress fancy because he's on vacation and he's letting it all out. That's your vibe. It isn't "broke, unfortunate truthseeker", it's "wealthy middle-aged Asian male".

If a poor Filipina is hunting for a husband, and I'm sure @publicduende would attest to this, she'll sort of "scout" for one. And she'll look at what he can offer her, potentially. How easily impressed he is. How generous he is. Or whether or not he is tight-fisted, perhaps, in which case she'll bail with a quickness. You have been sized up, weighed and found lacking, somehow. And you're not even aware of it. I'm not discounting your previous life experiences but at this point in your life, lets be honest, it's almost certainly theory number two, and deep inside you know that. ;)
That's another thing you nailed, @MarcosZeitola. Glad it's so noticeable it appear obvious. To convince one of these girls to go with you, even commit to you, you have to put your goods on the table. Nightlife places, from London to Vegas, Pattaya to Makati, abound with fake wealthy men who would scratch the bottom of their last credit card (the 35% APR one LOL) just to buy one more champagne bottle and make that crazy night just a tad longer, and crazier, and impress the girls even more.

The irony is that, from what I can understand, Winston comes from an affluent family and he has unlimited access to his family money. He could show off 10, 100 times more than any of those pathetic Americans or Koreans in AC, yet he chooses not to. He is naturally frugal and money conscious, and I believe that's a positive right there. One might think that he treats girls to cheap meals and gifts because he knows they are not worth much, until they realise that he also treats himself that way.

Judging from his photos, I have never seen him staying in a hotel room worth more than 2-stars, maybe low-3. I have seen him in front of decent, heartily meals, but never in a place where you know even the entree will set you for P500.

His being frugal is definitely a positive. However, those girls have a different mentality: they are looking for a splurging mature man who will continue to splurge on them once they are committed. Better still, a mature man who will send them $500 USD a month every month, but only visit once or twice a year. So they get the best of both world: the continuous streams of cash and the freedom not to have sex with a man who looks like their dad (or granpa), and maybe look for another gullible Kano on the side.

I/we am not saying this to rain on Winston's parade. These are pure and simple facts. It's what happens when you are looking for girls who, in their lives, saw nothing but pain and poverty. If they think they can have a shot, they will absolutely obsess themselves with the search for a way out.

At that point, even a sleazy psycho like PAG might look like a way out.
But @publicduende. This doesn't make sense. No guy is gonna throw tons of money at a girl he just met. That doesn't happen in real life. Maybe some Koreans do that. But no reasonable sane man does that. What was I expected to do? Give out tons of free cash to every girl I meet? No one does that. Do you?

Yeah women tend to think I am well off with lots of extra cash. I don't know why. Just because I have a pot belly? Does every guy with a pot belly get that kind of treatment, like he must be super generous and giving to all women he meets? lol. What is it about me that makes people think I am super generous and loose with his wallet?

I am not stingy. If a woman is nice to me and treats me good, I become more and more generous, but the generosity has to be EARNED. It's not a free gift to all women. I don't get why all the women I meet don't get that.

Btw, you can't blame everything on AC. Filipinos in general are highly materialistic and MONEY OBSESSED. That's how they are in GENERAL. Sure there are always exceptions I'm sure. Have you met any exceptions PD?

Regardless I haven't done anything wrong or illogical or unreasonable. I give people what they deserve. If they are good people I treat them good. If they are bad people I treat them bad. Isn't that just? Isn't that what everyone hopes that God will do? So what is the problem then?

To @MarcosZeitola:

Btw I forgot to mention in the last post that me and PD came to the conclusion that that beauty pageant girl was just a romance hustler, not a hard core scammer. Rock agrees. Some girls pretend to love you and hope they get something out of it. They just hope to get free benefits that's all. They see nothing wrong with it. To them we are Santa Claus. They see it as natural and probably have a Robin Hood mentality too in their belief that those with more money ought to give to those who are poorer. So they see it as their morality too. They don't see themselves as criminals or scammers.

But the problem is that they LIE and say things they don't mean and don't think that deception is wrong. But that's normal in the PH and why I don't like their ghetto animalistic culture with no class and no refinement. They believe that LYING is OK and is a normal tactic to get what they want and have no moral qualms about it. That's one thing I definitely do not like about Filipino culture and character. Anyone that has lived in the PH has found this out.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Btw guys. That beauty pageant girl didn't ask for money directly. She just asked for little favors here and there, like transportation money and me using Food Panda to send meals to her house. Filipinos love to do that. It's innocent usually. But she didn't ask me for a lot of cash. So she can't be a hard core scammers. Just a leech or romance hustler who hopes to get stuff from Santa Claus. Maybe she was planning to ask for money later and doing a slow burn at first. That's why I can't call her a scammer, maybe a hustler, but not a hard core scammer. Keep in mind that hustling and leeching is normal in the PH. It's not a moral country. It's a country of leeches who see leeching and hustling as NORMAL. They do NOT share our western values. Don't forget that.

@publicduende I met a girl on walking street once who then sent me a hospital bill of her brother in Manila who just had surgery. The bill was for 90,000p, or about 2000 USD. What was I supposed to do? Help her out with that? Even though I met her for only 30 min and had a drink with her and she told me she was a normal girl and not a whore? If so, then shouldn't I never talk to any girl in Angeles City lest I feel obligated to give them 2000 dollars in assistance just because they have some family emergency that occurs right after I meet them? Isn't it better to not talk to any girl there, so I can save money and not feel obligated? If so, why go to AC at all then? Every girl I meet I risk feeling obligated to give them 2000 USD even if they claim to be innocent and not a whore? lol. Isn't it better not to talk to any girl there then?

I forwarded you her photo on Whatsapp and the 90,000p hospital bill remember? lol. Does she think a random guy who flirted with her on the street is just gonna hand her 90,000p just like that? lol

Recently that girl claimed a Korean man gave her 80,000p and solved her problem, because he was so kind and understanding. Awwwww. Is that so? Are Korean men that dumb and will give 80,000p to a girl just because she has a family emergency? She claimed that in exchange she stayed with him for a whole month. Do you guys buy that?

Who knows. Anything could be a lie. Most people are scum, even on this forum, as @kangarunner has shown by backstabbing me and trash talking me even though I never did anything wrong to him. Couldn't he be behind the Mercer troll? After all he seems to have no morals either and seems kinda evil. No good person would backstab their friends openly like that, just because I'm a nice good guy, he thinks he has free reign to backstab me all he wants. Very evil and scumbaggish. Is he a sociopath with no conscience? How do men like him do bad things and not feel any guilt for it? Especially to his own friends? With friends like that, who needs enemies? Moreover, why does the universe always pair me up with scumbags and psychos like that? Why not pair me up with good normal people like @Pixel--Dude? I'm not evil so I should not attract evil people. But then again this is not a just universe ruled by a just god. That's for sure.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by WilliamSmith »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 3:59 am
Anyway f**k You Andrew. You DO NOT have a right to badmouth me any time you want. One more time and you are BANNED. You have already shown that you are a bad person and a scumbag and a backtabber. No one should have any respect for you. At least I have morals. You don't. I don't trust you. There is something off about you. You pretend to be a friend and then you backstab people in the back. Why do I attract scum and degenerates like you? God tell me?
My guess; It's probably because you're a good guy who tries to allow actual free speech on your forum, so trolls who want free speech shut down come in playing their games pretending to be friendly at first, and then turn on you hoping it'll get things shut down or make you throw in the towel...
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

I found the pics of the girl who sent me the hospital bill for 90,000p. She said she was shy and not a whore and doesn't sleep with men for money. But apparently she isn't shy about sending out bills for 90,000p to men she just met.



So any girl I talk to on the street becomes a risk where I will be hit with a 90,000p bill? If so isn't it better not to talk to anyone? What kind of nightmarish Satanic matrix is this? Isn't this world some kind of purgatory like Matt McKinley said? Very sickening.

Does she look innocent? lol
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:41 am
Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 3:59 am
Anyway f**k You Andrew. You DO NOT have a right to badmouth me any time you want. One more time and you are BANNED. You have already shown that you are a bad person and a scumbag and a backtabber. No one should have any respect for you. At least I have morals. You don't. I don't trust you. There is something off about you. You pretend to be a friend and then you backstab people in the back. Why do I attract scum and degenerates like you? God tell me?
My guess; It's probably because you're a good guy who tries to allow actual free speech on your forum, so trolls who want free speech shut down come in playing their games pretending to be friendly at first, and then turn on you hoping it'll get things shut down or make you throw in the towel...
So guys like kangarunner could be bots or NPCs who are just proxies for the dark matrix or Notnilc system to f**k with me? How do I know who is real and who isn't? Couldn't anyone around us be a bot or NPC and used by the matrix to screw with us? Or am I in a nightmare dream where no one is real at all? It's impossible to rule that out you know? Solipsism I mean.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:44 am
I found the pics of the girl who sent me the hospital bill for 90,000p. She said she was shy and not a whore and doesn't sleep with men for money. But apparently she isn't shy about sending out bills for 90,000p to men she just met.



So any girl I talk to on the street becomes a risk where I will be hit with a 90,000p bill? If so isn't it better not to talk to anyone? What kind of nightmarish Satanic matrix is this? Isn't this world some kind of purgatory like Matt McKinley said? Very sickening.

Does she look innocent? lol
Please tell me you didn't send her any money. I wouldn't trust someone who asked for money from me when I barely know them. You should block this girl.

As for @kangarunner, I don't know why he said those things about you! I agree that he shouldn't have done that. Maybe he deserves a warning or temporary ban if that's what you think he deserves. Even though he said these things about you I still think that rip-off report was written by someone else.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:53 am
Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:44 am
I found the pics of the girl who sent me the hospital bill for 90,000p. She said she was shy and not a whore and doesn't sleep with men for money. But apparently she isn't shy about sending out bills for 90,000p to men she just met.



So any girl I talk to on the street becomes a risk where I will be hit with a 90,000p bill? If so isn't it better not to talk to anyone? What kind of nightmarish Satanic matrix is this? Isn't this world some kind of purgatory like Matt McKinley said? Very sickening.

Does she look innocent? lol
Please tell me you didn't send her any money. I wouldn't trust someone who asked for money from me when I barely know them. You should block this girl.

As for @kangarunner, I don't know why he said those things about you! I agree that he shouldn't have done that. Maybe he deserves a warning or temporary ban if that's what you think he deserves. Even though he said these things about you I still think that rip-off report was written by someone else.
No of course not. I'm not that gullible. I only bought her a drink or milkshake. But for some reason, they assume I will just give out 90,000p to any girl with a SOB story? Huh? Who would do that? It doesn't make sense. These girls are also very stingy. They never treat you like Chinese girls do. Only Filipinos and Russians are that stingy in expecting you to treat them 100 percent of the time. I don't like that. I don't like people who are 100 percent takers and 0 percent givers. It's too extreme. And they have no shame in it. That's a turn off. They better have other good traits to compensate.

I told that girl directly that I was looking to meet new friends and find a decent girl to date. Somehow she tried to take advantage of that. She didn't ask for money directly. She just implied it by sending me that huge bill the day after we met, which was odd. She said she was just sharing her problems with me. Yeah right. For what? So every girl I meet just happens to have a big family emergency the next day? lol. Stupid.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Keep in mind guys that I am nice and do NOT pressure any of these girls for sex. I only wanna have sex with them if the feeling and attraction is mutual. But I do not push for sex like most men, including many men here, do. So I am nice and gentlemenly and civilized. I do not think that women are all about sex. I enjoy their company and companionship too. I am not all about the sex, like many guys are. So no I am not like that at all, unlike some of you. Also I live for romance and am a hopeless romantic type, like women used to be traditionally. So I am not like most men at all.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by WilliamSmith »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:47 am
So guys like kangarunner could be bots or NPCs who are just proxies for the dark matrix or Notnilc system to f**k with me? How do I know who is real and who isn't? Couldn't anyone around us be a bot or NPC and used by the matrix to screw with us? Or am I in a nightmare dream where no one is real at all? It's impossible to rule that out you know? Solipsism I mean.
I honestly wish I knew how you could solve that problem, but I doubt you're just in a nightmare dream since you're not the only one who's under the gun to be shut down by trolls as part of the ongoing campaign that (((the matrix))) is waging to eliminate free speech and internet freedom at this time. :wink:

All I can say is I promise personally not to turn on you and start plastering you with ad hominem attacks.
So for better or worse: I'm still here El Guapo!
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 4:21 am
But @publicduende. This doesn't make sense. No guy is gonna throw tons of money at a girl he just met. That doesn't happen in real life. Maybe some Koreans do that. But no reasonable sane man does that. What was I expected to do? Give out tons of free cash to every girl I meet? No one does that. Do you?

Yeah women tend to think I am well off with lots of extra cash. I don't know why. Just because I have a pot belly? Does every guy with a pot belly get that kind of treatment, like he must be super generous and giving to all women he meets? lol. What is it about me that makes people think I am super generous and loose with his wallet?

I am not stingy. If a woman is nice to me and treats me good, I become more and more generous, but the generosity has to be EARNED. It's not a free gift to all women. I don't get why all the women I meet don't get that.

Btw, you can't blame everything on AC. Filipinos in general are highly materialistic and MONEY OBSESSED. That's how they are in GENERAL. Sure there are always exceptions I'm sure. Have you met any exceptions PD?

Regardless I haven't done anything wrong or illogical or unreasonable. I give people what they deserve. If they are good people I treat them good. If they are bad people I treat them bad. Isn't that just? Isn't that what everyone hopes that God will do? So what is the problem then?

I agree with you. You should not give a date you just met a lot more than she deserves or she is giving back to you. The first date is all about establishing the foundation. Do you like her? Is she into you? Is she the open-minded type, or the "no sex before marriage" kind of person? Most importantly: is she long-term relationship material, only good for some fun, or not even that?

Whether you want to believe it or not, the Philippines are a "land of abundance" when it comes to women and dating. The biggest culture shock for a man coming here, especially one who wishes to settle for a permanently or semi-permanently, is to lose the scarcity mindset associated to our situation in the West, where women have the upper hand. Over here, dating the average Filipina, young, cute, kids or no kids, is literally like shooting fish in a barrel. You can literally go on until your wee wee is red like a capsicum. Dating above average girls, like your beauty pageant, requires some courting but it's also very easy. Even courting top-notch girls like my C isn't even that difficult. You just have to show a genuine interest and be patient about getting physical.

As I have always told you, your biggest problem is that you just want to limit yourself to AC. Yes, AC is a hub for girls coming from all of the poorest parts of the country, to be prostitutes, entertainers, modest bartenders at best. Yes, there are a lot of girls. Yet, there are a lot of a specific type of girls: the ones who are desperate, uneducated, used to rubbing shoulders (and something else hehe) with mature foreigners, used to having these man around and used to playing them to extract whatever little cash or favour they can.

You need to try in a different environment. An urban environment like Metro Manila, Cebu or even Davao. You will find a lot less of the bar girl type and a lot more of the normal type. Then you can come back to me and give me statistics of who rejected you, and why. You'd pleasantly surprised.

Been telling you this for years, Winnie, yet you seem superglued to your comfort zone.
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Re: Photos of Hot, Cute, Sexy Girls I met in Angeles City, Philippines!

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 3:58 am
Just the physical part that's all lol. I just cannot stand flat noses. So I'd always look for the unicorn, the needle-in-the-haystack girls that had pointy noses and mestiza features. I'm glad last year I was finally able to find one who was up to my standards. Took me long enough. :lol:
LOL, that's interesting, I guess you were dialed in to the Filipino beauty standards even as a viking warrior from abroad, since the guys from there (as far as I can tell from what you and @publicduende posted) pretty much set their sights on the, erm... well "whitest" Pinays that they can get their hands on, if possible??

I'm the opposite: I love black women who pretty much always have adorable noses (which I wouldn't exactly describe as "flat," but compared with the super-pointy "Nordic" noses like I've got myself, comparatively so...)

So I guess my daughters will probably look something like Vanity here:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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