Does Magic Exist?

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Do you believe magic exists?

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Does Magic Exist?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Hey guys. I wondered what you all think of magic. Do you think it exists? Or is it a load of hocus pocus :lol:

Magic has existed (or so people have believed) since the cradle of civilisation in Mesopotamia. In ancient Mesopotamia they believed that magic was the only viable way to fight off ghosts and demons. The ancient Mesopotamians had evil sorcerers who would cast curses against people and the victims of these curses would have to take counter measures against these curses.

Mesopotamians also had spells and rituals to do with love magic. I believe @willymonfrete wrote something about this a while ago.

Most magical rituals in ancient Mesopotamia were intended to be performed by an āšipu, an expert in the magical arts. These were esteemed individuals who would act as priests, scribes, physicians and scholars. Their patron god was Enki, who was the ultimate source of all arcane knowledge for the Mesopotamians. With this knowledge in mind @kukushka, we can see there is a clear inconsistency with this idea that Enki is Yahweh, particularly since Yahweh had forbidden such knowledge and deemed it as evil.

Ancient Egyptians also practiced magic and occultism. They had magical incantations inscribed on amulets and they were worn for protection. The word for their magical system was Heka and this was supposedly a beneficence gifted to humanity by the creator. The main pronciple of Heka was the power of words used to bring things into being. Similar to the double slit experiment which changes particles that form wave patterns into particle patterns when observed by a conscious observer, the Egyptians believe something can materialised with the power of words.

Ancient China also had shamanic practices. @Winston, did you know that Taoism has some of its origins from Chinese Shamanism? Ancient Taoists used similar techniques to the Ancient Egyptians as mentioned above; amulets inscribed with magical incantations, rituals and mantras. Mantras being the same power of the word mentioned by the Ancient Egyptians.

Even the Jews use occultism, despite such practices being forbidden by Yahweh. This is esoteric stuff mentioned in a thread @Lucas88 wrote about the esotericism in the Kabbalah or Talmud.

So there is a little history of magic use and belief dating back as far as the cradle of civilisation. Below I'll reference some examples of different kinds of magic:



This type of magic is all about healing. Healing the body, mind and soul.

Christians believe Jesus was a healer. You can't accept the stories of Jesus Christ without acknowledgement of the existence of magic.

What do the Christians around here think? @MrMan, @Outcast9428, @Cornfed, @Mr. Mistoffelees, @gsjackson, @TruthSeeker?

@Lucas88 also experienced some distance healing when he was having his Kundalini crisis. He talked about this in a thread written by @WilliamSmith about Chi energy. Basically this guy half way across the country and managed to cool down the burning sensation in Lucas88's legs with chakra meditations.



This is all about the art of deception. Magic which fools the senses and alters your perception of the world. We see this kind of magic often with street magicians and people like Derren Brown on TV. But the truth is that illusion magic is much more prevalent in our lives than we think.

The society we live in is a world of illusion. We are brainwashed since childhood about things like "The American Dream" etc. Freedom is a lie. Democracy is a lie. This is one of the largest illusion spells ever cast in the history of humanity.

The benevolence of governments, religious institutions, even corporations like Big Pharma, all an illusion to fool you. (Especially corporations! viewtopic.php?style=11&f=42&t=46528&sid ... 8a24a2a7c5)

Even most friendships and family is nothing but an illusion. I have family that I have nothing in common with at all. We are related by blood, but that's about all we have in common. For the most part I view my family as nothing more than strangers or distant acquaintances. Family closeness is an illusion.

Luckily, Shiva intends on returning to this planet and tearing away the veils of illusion shrouding this planet and keeping everyone bound under this spell. Shiva is the destroyer of illusion.

I want to talk more about our world of illusion, but in a different thread.



What about divination and clairvoyance? Is this not a kind of magic? Mysticism magic covers these kind of things.

I wrote a thread about Mediumship and Clairvoyance here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=47201

I've been to see a medium several times and every time I've been to see her what she predicted has come true. I've also tried my hand at tarot card reading and things like that.

There's also prophetic dreams and their interpretation. I had an interesting conversation about this with @Tsar last night. I'll include contents of what I asked him in my dreams thread viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=47200



This type of magic involves changing things, as the name suggests. For example the study of cymatics and music. Music creates vibrations which can directly effect your mood. This is kind of like alteration magic, is it not?

There's another example of this in the Bible, where Jesus supposedly changed water into wine. This is alteration magic. Taking one thing and changing its properties.

In Hermetic philosophy the Kyballion talks about transmutation, which is a kind of mental/spiritual alchemy. It is a process of transmuting your thoughts to improve, purify, perfect, expand your mind and, ultimately, your life. This is alteration magic. Being in control of your thoughts and emotions.



Conjuration is the art of summoning deities, spirits or demons whether intentional or not.

I've spoken in my psychedelics thread about my interaction with various gods and goddesses such as Shiva and Hathor. I remember calling for Shiva when I was tripping and then I was standing in a garden with him. He gave me some very wise advice on how to deal with some circumstances in my life. The thread is here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45587

I'm sure @MrMan would argue that I wasn't speaking with Shiva, but a demon instead. :roll:

People also use things like a ouija board. Personally the idea of summoning spirits in this manner freaks me out. Has anyone ever used one?



This magic is what people would consider the most destructive side of magic. Things like hexes and all things chaotic and destructive that can cause death upon one's enemies.

The Mesopotamians saw all magic as neutral, and only the wielder and and their intentions was considered "evil" like the sorcerers they sought to protect themselves from.

We can see examples of destruction magic being used by gods and goddesses throughout various mythologies and their respective flood myths. The gods used the forces of nature to cause widespread destruction upon the world in an attempt to eradicate humanity.

In modern times, our governments have used similar technologies such as "cloud seeding" in the Vietnam war to prolong the monsoon season. There is also the conspiracy that the governments have HAARP technology to control weather, potentially to use it in a destructive capacity.

What about nuclear weapons? Is it not like magic to harness the power of the atom to use in such a destructive way? Although if you asked @gsjackson he would argue this is more like illusion magic :mrgreen:


The ancient civilisations from Ancient Mesopotamia through Ancient Egypt saw most magic as neutral and saw no difference between science and magic. In this thread I've proposed the same kind of perspective, postulating that there is a connection between science, spirituality and magic. Everything in nature is intrinsically connected. Including us to each other. So what are your thoughts on magic?

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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 3:58 am
The ancient civilisations from Ancient Mesopotamia through Ancient Egypt saw most magic as neutral and saw no difference between science and magic. In this thread I've proposed the same kind of perspective, postulating that there is a connection between science, spirituality and magic. Everything in nature is intrinsically connected. Including us to each other. So what are your thoughts on magic?
Magic is the manipulation of energy with the mind. Everything is ultimately energy. Through its manipulation one brings about transformations in the physical world.

Magic is normally done through rituals which involve meditation or the concentration of the mind together mantras, recitations or the use of images such as sigils. The practitioner seeks to affect the energy which makes up the more fundamental level of existence and thereby reprogram reality to bring about specific desired results.

Most people are unable to do this because they have a weak aura and haven't trained the mind but a well-trained occultist with years of meditation practice can do magic much more effectively. If your mind is trained enough, you can use concentration and certain mantras to attract desirable things such as wealth and love/romance.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 3:58 am
@Lucas88 also experienced some distance healing when he was having his Kundalini crisis. He talked about this in a thread written by @WilliamSmith about Chi energy. Basically this guy half way across the country and managed to cool down the burning sensation in Lucas88's legs with chakra meditations.
Yes, I've written about this before. In the fall of 2020, I experienced a premature Kundalini awakening which wreaked havoc on my body's energy system and even caused some energy channels (what are called "meridians" in Traditional Chinese Medicine) to go into reverse flow and become blocked. The symptoms of this included energy stagnation in the lower body, horrific burning and heaviness which resulted from this, and complete erectile dysfunction, not to mention considerable psychological trauma.

At the end of that same year, I consulted an energetic healer and had a "distance healing" session with him. I was in my hometown and he was hundreds of miles away in London and we interacted through a WhatsApp video call. Despite the obvious spatial distance between us, the energetic healer was able to manipulate and reroute some of the excess Kundalini energy which I had awakened within myself, making it go up a more appropriate channel (the Sushumna along the spine). That intervention served to relieve much of the pressure and restore my ability to get an erection. Seriously, the guy did it over the internet through mental action at a distance and I could literally feel in real time the energy inside me being moved by his mind, the Sushumna channel opening, the energy flow being redirected, and the 100% tangible relief which followed.

As you already know, the rerouting of the Kundalini energy by the healer only offered some temporary relief. It removed a lot of the excess pressure which was causing me extreme pain and discomfort. What none of us realized at the time was that I had severe blockages in various parts of meridians in the upper body - all caused by the shock of the Kundalini's violent ascent - and I would need a great deal of acupuncture treatment to reopen those blocked meridians. In fact, this is the real reason why I'm still stuck in the UK and haven't been abroad during the last three years.

In summary, I can definitely testify that the distance healing phenomenon is 100% real. I experienced it myself and felt the tangible benefits at a time when my own body's qi/bioenergy was massively messed up after a Kundalini awakening gone wrong.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

Yes,Magic IS REAL for sure

Wether it is purely demonic,or actual manipulation of energy thru the mind,I do not know.Maybe you can debunk the former and prove the latter for us?

But it IS real.It can be verified in lab settings.PSI can aswell,beyond a doubt.

I really hope it's really energy manipulation thru the mind,because it might be the only way to heal my ocd,quickly.

OCD is a blockage of the third eye chakra,like a thick brick blocking the chakra that is very hard to penetrate even after initial sessions of Reiki and energy healing modalities.Once it has been unblocked and penetrated,the ocd usually goes away completely.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

'inert'objects exist,they manifest,they appear which is an action.There can be no action without an actor,the two are nondual,only conceptually differentiated,like light and illumination,there is no difference,for quality and substance are the same(those two words are just synonyms for the same concept anyway).

Everything that 'exists'is acting,without knowledge there could be no actor or action,for everything would be truly inert and thus nonexistant.

changeless change,opposites are nondual and mutually affirming.

the reality of life is circular and curved,not linear,so up is down,out is in etc and opposites are the same,it's all our perspective.

the concept of 'death'is so nonsensical seeing all this.Kashmiri Shaivite master Somananda made this syllogism in his book,basically everything that exists is causally efficacious,which is the hallmark of Shiva nature.So everything is cannot be refuted.

the unconditioned is the conditioned and vice versa.

Since everything has the same quality of being causally efficacious,it also has the same ESSENCE,since quality and substance are nondual.Meaning we are literally the exact same consciousness,only seemingly differentiated by compression of our one consciousness.

it's simple and cannot be refuted.

But atheists,theistic dualists and buddhists have issues with basic kindergarten logic.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

@Yohan what are your thoughts on the two videos presented where telekinesis masters and a the chi kung master John chang displays actual supranormal powers?
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Magic do exist, but I think it's effects are much more subtle and nuance then what your typical fantasy spellcasters in World of Warcraft can do, such as throwing fireballs, summoning a giant monster, etc. It will take a long time to explain it all.. I'll just pick out some examples.

I mean one example of magic is the rituals and architecture by the Illuminati.
It can be counted as alteration, MYSTICISM, dark healing, and conjuration
If you look down bird's eye view on Washington DC,
Image ... 1594772665

All the buildings are aligned in a masonic symbol to draw in the dark energy from the occult and act as the "dark throne" for the elites.

And the statue of the owl in Bohemian Grove where our leaders dress up in illuminati cloaks and burn the fire in front of a giant statue of a owl..
That can be counted as conjuration of dark energy, power, wealth, etc.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 10:03 am

Magic do exist, but I think it's effects are much more subtle and nuance then what your typical fantasy spellcasters in World of Warcraft can do, such as throwing fireballs, summoning a giant monster, etc. It will take a long time to explain it all.. I'll just pick out some examples.

I mean one example of magic is the rituals and architecture by the Illuminati.
It can be counted as alteration, MYSTICISM, dark healing, and conjuration
If you look down bird's eye view on Washington DC,
Image ... 1594772665

All the buildings are aligned in a masonic symbol to draw in the dark energy from the occult and act as the "dark throne" for the elites.

And the statue of the owl in Bohemian Grove where our leaders dress up in illuminati cloaks and burn the fire in front of a giant statue of a owl..
That can be counted as conjuration of dark energy, power, wealth, etc.
if I ever became a Siddha and expert mantrika I'd use my powers only to help humanity(by killing off our enemies in minecraft thru my siddhis).
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

willymonfrete wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 10:36 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 10:03 am

Magic do exist, but I think it's effects are much more subtle and nuance then what your typical fantasy spellcasters in World of Warcraft can do, such as throwing fireballs, summoning a giant monster, etc. It will take a long time to explain it all.. I'll just pick out some examples.

I mean one example of magic is the rituals and architecture by the Illuminati.
It can be counted as alteration, MYSTICISM, dark healing, and conjuration
If you look down bird's eye view on Washington DC,
Image ... 1594772665

All the buildings are aligned in a masonic symbol to draw in the dark energy from the occult and act as the "dark throne" for the elites.

And the statue of the owl in Bohemian Grove where our leaders dress up in illuminati cloaks and burn the fire in front of a giant statue of a owl..
That can be counted as conjuration of dark energy, power, wealth, etc.
if I ever became a Siddha and expert mantrika I'd use my powers only to help humanity(by killing off our enemies in minecraft thru my siddhis).
I'm looking forward to that. :lol: 8)
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 11:08 am
willymonfrete wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 10:36 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 10:03 am

Magic do exist, but I think it's effects are much more subtle and nuance then what your typical fantasy spellcasters in World of Warcraft can do, such as throwing fireballs, summoning a giant monster, etc. It will take a long time to explain it all.. I'll just pick out some examples.

I mean one example of magic is the rituals and architecture by the Illuminati.
It can be counted as alteration, MYSTICISM, dark healing, and conjuration
If you look down bird's eye view on Washington DC,
Image ... 1594772665

All the buildings are aligned in a masonic symbol to draw in the dark energy from the occult and act as the "dark throne" for the elites.

And the statue of the owl in Bohemian Grove where our leaders dress up in illuminati cloaks and burn the fire in front of a giant statue of a owl..
That can be counted as conjuration of dark energy, power, wealth, etc.
if I ever became a Siddha and expert mantrika I'd use my powers only to help humanity(by killing off our enemies in minecraft thru my siddhis).
I'm looking forward to that. :lol: 8)

What @Pixel--Dude,doesn't understand is it takes DEEKSHA(legitimate unbroken spiritual initiation)into whatever spiritual tradition you're practicing to make any advancement,and there are rules to the Game.

if you break the rules,you could die.I really wonder how we're gonna become full blown Siddhas on the rogue path of do it yourself.

For example,a True Aghori can curse anyone and kill them in 3 days.Finding a legit aghori,and one that will take you,and advancing in the prelimenary phase(20 years)is no game.

Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by MarcosZeitola »

Magic is real.

A girl from the Ifugao tribe in the Philippines, known for its magic, was impregnated by a local boy. Healthy, strong young lad of about 21, 22. He left the girl, abandoning her without support... the girl's family cursed him. He dropped dead in three days, for no apparant reason whatsoever.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by Jonny Law »


Magic does exist and it is powered by Demons.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by willymonfrete »

Jonny Law wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 3:10 pm

Magic does exist and it is powered by Demons.
Black magic may have some pacts with 'demons',that however is saying that because all bananas are yellow,all yellow things are bananas.

'Demons'are a part of the jewish yahweh matrix just like the 72 reptilian angels are,they're two sides of the same coin in judaism.that's why 72 demons in the grimoire and 72 angels in the tree of life.

I think you should chk out Don Danko's posts on truth4satan forums,Satanists are abrahamists and working for the the reign of christ.the illuminatti is christian aswell.Adam Weishaupt was a fanatical Christian his whole life.They use jesus in all their rituals and due pacts with swearing on the new testament.

Yahweh Decieves people openly in the old and new testaments,doesn't that make you wonder if this is just good cop and bad cop(which it is)?
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by kukushka »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 12th, 2023, 3:58 am
Most magical rituals in ancient Mesopotamia were intended to be performed by an āšipu, an expert in the magical arts. These were esteemed individuals who would act as priests, scribes, physicians and scholars. Their patron god was Enki, who was the ultimate source of all arcane knowledge for the Mesopotamians. With this knowledge in mind @kukushka, we can see there is a clear inconsistency with this idea that Enki is Yahweh, particularly since Yahweh had forbidden such knowledge and deemed it as evil.
actually this is what I wrote:
you said that you dont think the two deities correlate with each other at all, but thats untrue because there are clear similarities between them. secondly youre making the mistake of trying to conflate sumerian mythology with hebrew mythology, which I warned you about in the previous post. youre trying to force correlations where there are none. there is *some* overlap between sumerian and hebrew mythology but there are also differences too. problems occur when you try to force things to fit.
I never claimed that Yahweh and Enki were 100% the same, I just claimed that they shared similarities and likely had the same root (which they apparently do). so youre wrong in your assertion. you didnt even bother to read what I originally wrote. for some reason you insist on trying to force mythologies from different cultures together which I keep telling you is a bad practice

furthermore, you have a profound lack of philosophical and historical literacy in spite of acting like you do. I normally refrain from criticizing you when you post stuff but since you tagged me then I feel justified in being honest with you
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by galii »

It may exist but there is no proof that anybody demonstrated in. So to almost 100% it is bullshit. It is close to flat earth territory. Our brains do not work properly. So it is important to always work on the bullshit filter.
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Re: Does Magic Exist?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

kukushka wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 12:18 am
furthermore, you have a profound lack of philosophical and historical literacy in spite of acting like you do. I normally refrain from criticizing you when you post stuff but since you tagged me then I feel justified in being honest with you
No, it's fine. If you have something you want to say, like a criticism of what I write then go ahead if you want to say it. You can always be honest with me. I don't mind at all. :mrgreen:

As for conflating various mythologies, I'm open and honest about a few things. Firstly, that yes I do believe that gods and goddesses from different pantheons are the same beings. The reason I believe this is because of similarities between all mythologies and common themes found throughout. It's up to you if you want to believe otherwise.

And secondly, I've always been honest enough to admit that I could be wrong about things I believe. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. It's as simple as that. :lol:
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