The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

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Whale or Pattaya
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by Whale or Pattaya »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:08 pm
You know I have approached several women in my life but only when they make it obvious that they want to be approached.

You see in America women have completely stopped initiating their part of the mating game. Women have to actually make eye contact with you, smile, be feminine, and act like they will be receptive to you coming up to them and talking to them. How many guys have this actually happen to them?......very few I imagine. In a lot of cases because of this sick society guys just get beat down to where they don't even recognize a woman doing this if they do it at all.

You see women are supposed to be the ones signalling that they are open to you. Then the man is supposed to approach and initiate further from there.

The few times I have approached I have gotten phone numbers without even asking also but this has only happened a few times. I even went out with a few of these women but nothing really happened as I wasn't really into them.
I agree with this. My experience pre 2002 or so (before online dating/social media/mobile phone boom). For me after 2003 it is very rare for an average slim woman to signal to a man on her SMV level.

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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by dancilley »

I have approached no females in over 4.5 years. The reason is that I decided that I want to only date females seriously for marriage. Then, I came to the realization that the only really datable females are virgin...and then I realized that it is lawful to marry a girl of any age in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, etc., and have sex with her if you are married. The problem that I have had is that I have been too unhealthy, lazy, and occupied with other activities to be motivated to actually work full-time and establish a solid income so that I could actually attract girls for marriage.

One thing that is causing my lack of motivation is the internet. When I filmed females on the streets of Downtown L.A. in 2015-16, I had no internet at home, no cell phone, no TV, no radio, etc., so I was bored, and the boredom was the mother of my invention of "accosting women" videos.

Tragically, I was convicted (unconstitutionally) of annoying a minor, so also I am afraid of evil and irrational people wrongfully prosecuting and convicting me again.

People do not understand biology, that females reach sexual maturity usually by age 14 (the U.S. government defines this) and that they naturally begin to engage in socializing and dating and lose their virginity soon after. People also assume it is illegal to have sex with anyone under 18 if you are an adult and are ignorant about the age of consent being 17 or 16 in many, many states.

So, it seems to be a very uphill battle to successfully attract and marry a virgin girl, because so many people are against it. At least in South Dakota, there is an organization that promotes abstinence until marriage (called the Abstinence Clearinghouse), and wants others to organize father-daughter purity ball dances for girls 12-18. They do not state any age a girl should be at marriage, which is good. However, I think the minimum age the girl has to be is 16 in South Dakota.

People do not acknowledge that females become ruined once they lose their virginity and break up with the boy. People do not place value upon virginity at all these days, but the truth is that virginity in a girl enables her to pairbond to the man very strongly, to believe in love, to love fully, to be in a state of enthusiasm and positive emotion in general, etc.

If a female has been ruined, she will be in a state of negative emotion, or at least will act cynical or at least independent and will not fall for the man or love him as fully nearly as much.

Every marriage that happens later in life, such as at age 26-30 is very fake because the female has been used by many men, so is very hardened, masculine, independent, versus her 14-year-old virgin self. At age 26 or whatever, the female acts as nice and sweet as possible in order to attract the best man she can, but underneath the surface, she is filled with sadness, regret, trauma, negativity, etc.

The man who marries a non-virgin female is very low in value, except for his resources. The reason an older female chooses him is primarily for his resources, not his physical attractiveness. She has a lot of sex with him during the courting phase, but that is only to sell herself to him so that he commits to her and marries her, so that she will be able to enjoy the social status of a married woman, and the status of having children (if you don't get married and have children in life you are considered weird and abnormal by normal people). So, once married, due to the fact that the wife doesn't find the man physically attractive, the amount of sex she is willing to have plummets. It would be like marrying an old or hugely fat woman just for the money: you have no interest in sex with such women, so would only have sex out of obligation to keep the marriage and the lifestyle that she is providing you going, all while you fantasize about teens, and when you see a teen or a twenty-something female who is fit and attractive, you become very, very aroused and passionate about her, sexually.

So, maybe one big reason is that men just are not passionate about approaching women...maybe subconsciously, they are waiting until they meet a young, sweet, virgin girl.

So many females are overweight, walk in a masculine way, talk in a self-assured, confident way, have tattoos, etc. which are annoying and unattractive characteristics. I rarely in recent years have seen a female who has turned me on and made me almost *have to* approach her.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Whale or Pattaya wrote:
December 9th, 2022, 5:23 am
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:08 pm
You know I have approached several women in my life but only when they make it obvious that they want to be approached.

You see in America women have completely stopped initiating their part of the mating game. Women have to actually make eye contact with you, smile, be feminine, and act like they will be receptive to you coming up to them and talking to them. How many guys have this actually happen to them?......very few I imagine. In a lot of cases because of this sick society guys just get beat down to where they don't even recognize a woman doing this if they do it at all.

You see women are supposed to be the ones signalling that they are open to you. Then the man is supposed to approach and initiate further from there.

The few times I have approached I have gotten phone numbers without even asking also but this has only happened a few times. I even went out with a few of these women but nothing really happened as I wasn't really into them.
I agree with this. My experience pre 2002 or so (before online dating/social media/mobile phone boom). For me after 2003 it is very rare for an average slim woman to signal to a man on her SMV level. is very rare for a woman to even do this....which makes things really screwed up. So, now you have the retarded PUA types just randomly going up to women who don't want to be approached and you have the other guys who don't approach at all. It is an extremely confusing situation for men. But, I am seeing this type of behavior less and less to the extent I rarely see guys even approaching women at all. I don't blame these guys either for not approaching because I rarely do it either. In most cases, its not even worth it. A few of the girls I have approached were not even on my level attractiveness wise but they were so friendly and open that it was flattering that they were like this. The approach and conversation happened very naturally and easy.

I think you make the point of prior to online dating and mobile phones. I remember when groups of women/girls would basically talk to guys and try to encourage them to date one of their friends if they were never see that now. Hell, I remember a few times girls would call my house phone to talk with couldn't imagine that happening today. What a screwed up anti-social world it is now.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 11:21 am
Cornfed wrote:
June 6th, 2022, 1:32 pm
So once again, is it thought to be somehow desirable to go around panhandling random skanks for sex? Surely panhandlers of any sort should be exterminated out of general principle.
It's just stupid anyway, some random girl walking the streets isn't going to want to hookup with any random guy who chats her up. Life isn't some Hollywood romantic comedy... I've never seen any of that stuff work in actual real life on anyone, and I have never personally even bothered to try.
I don't have anything against your preference of using a social networking approach, but you're just talking total hogwash in saying that direct approaches doesn't work:
The fact that you guys don't use this approach doesn't mean it doesn't work!! (Sorry, but: DUHHHH.)
This isn't f-ing rocket science. Cornfed's deranged ranting about how approaching women supposedly entails some concession to "radical feminism" isn't relevant, it's just a question of which viable method any given man decides is best for him to get women:
In my case, I don't like loud clubs, the concept of online dating apps (I've never used them) weirds me out even though I have nothing against them in theory (and I know they work like nothing else for tons of shier and more traditional people), and I've written some other post recently explaining in some detail how I learned to do this because I didn't want to get involved wasting time in social networks full of annoying men who are a waste of my time when what I really only want is the women. (+ I also commented on my inability to control my angst-ridden lust when I see a woman with a big ass bouncing and heaving down the street and just letting her pass out of my life without seeing if I can approach, another good reason to use direct approach for those various "hungry" individuals like myself, LOL.)

However, the key point is: The fact is that I (and thousands of other men) prefer to do it this way because it's easier for us and less of an embarrassment or hassle than the other methods.

Also, @Outcast9428 is great, but his completely irrational ranting about "PUAs" isn't relevant, because the fact you might meet women with a direct approach does not mean that you inherently have to be a "PUA" going for one-night-stands or whatever. In theory all these "tradpill" types could use it.
The fact the approach method didn't suit him personally doesn't mean it "doesn't work," any more than if I irrationally claimed that social networking / nightlife / dating apps "didn't work" and dismissed them all as a supposed Hollywood fantasy.
Just stating the dead obvious that any one already should have realized using basic logic and reason.

The point of my post though is not to just yell at other members of our idiosyncratic little "community" here though, but to point out you guys shouldn't be talking nonsense that potentially discouraged young men (or possibly inexperienced older men who are learning the ropes), since they might end up being in the group like me who prefers a more direct approach. :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by gsjackson »

Ditto to William Smith. Did my first cold approach in 1980 and for years was batting a thousand with it. What else are you supposed to do if you're picky about the look you want in a woman? Wait for one to approach you, or for fortune to bring her your way in normal social interactions? Good luck with that, unless you're on very good terms with Dame Fortuna. What I've done is the exact opposite of the PUA's and their "numbers game." Once a year or so I'll see a woman who's exactly what I'm looking for, and give it a go. That's the only way I'd recommend doing it -- when you're highly motivated because the woman is just stunning.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
December 13th, 2022, 3:22 am
Ditto to William Smith. Did my first cold approach in 1980 and for years was batting a thousand with it. What else are you supposed to do if you're picky about the look you want in a woman? Wait for one to approach you, or for fortune to bring her your way in normal social interactions? Good luck with that, unless you're on very good terms with Dame Fortuna. What I've done is the exact opposite of the PUA's and their "numbers game." Once a year or so I'll see a woman who's exactly what I'm looking for, and give it a go. That's the only way I'd recommend doing it -- when you're highly motivated because the woman is just stunning.
Thank you, thank you!

Rather synchronicitous, considering I just posted this:
I was slightly off topic from @fschmidt's cheery original thread topic "Why I want to exterminate the American people," (not a sentiment I share, I might add) but I took the liberty of an aside by commenting about how @CaptainSkelebob isn't actually off the mark on all topics, since he and I are the only ones I've noticed pointing out that the direct approach IS a potential option, even if not the only one:

But I'm glad we have your wiser and more experienced voice added to agree that the radical concept of direct approaches can work, even if it's totally OK if other men prefer some other workable approach.

And this has nothing to do with me seeking validation of my personal views, but I can't help wanting to counteract some of the flagrant disinfo out there trying to convince younger less experienced men that they supposedly can't learn how to be successful with women.
I can't even fathom the suffering these poor younger men, the so-called "incels", go through, based on the total disinfo that has convinced them that they are supposedly incapable of getting women, which has never been the case.
I'm not saying it's as easy as learning how to snap your fingers, but damn, don't ever believe you supposedly can't do it.

If "incels" are all obsessed with Natasha Henstridge look-alikes** or something along those lines and won't settle for less, they're not doing themselves any favors, but I wish (for their sake, and more importantly for the sake of all the women) that they'd consider getting more dialed into their own biology and thinking about things as if they were a man who could go after and get what he wants, and then ask themselves what women you would really find desirable?

All the men obsessed with monogamy and fantasies of "tradpill" as the supposed only way of doing anything probably won't like what I'm saying... but I see a split between their impractical idealism, vs what I see as the worthwhile side of the "traditional" worldview where we share a belief (at least I hope we do) of wanting both a positive father figure and mother figure to be present in every household where there's children to take care of.
Over some decades, I've learned about how big a deal that is, both from observing women and hearing what they have to say (with most of my own favorites coming from single mother households like myself), but also from studying hypnotherapy.... more on that later, since here I go again on a late-night HA marathon and it's time to tap the mat before my muscles shrink even more...

(** Re: the Natasha Henstridge comment: I'm showing my age again, I was thinking of "Species" and "Maximum Risk" with Van Damme, but the young'uns probably don't even know who I'm talking about LOL. Or maybe I'm behind the times and she's now been changed into a man after taking a payoff from some satanic jews? LOL)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by Tsar »

dancilley wrote:
December 9th, 2022, 8:37 pm
. People do not understand biology, that females reach sexual maturity usually by age 14 (the U.S. government defines this) and that they naturally begin to engage in socializing and dating and lose their virginity soon after. People also assume it is illegal to have sex with anyone under 18 if you are an adult and are ignorant about the age of consent being 17 or 16 in many, many states.


People do not acknowledge that females become ruined once they lose their virginity and break up with the boy. People do not place value upon virginity at all these days, but the truth is that virginity in a girl enables her to pairbond to the man very strongly, to believe in love, to love fully, to be in a state of enthusiasm and positive emotion in general, etc.

If a female has been ruined, she will be in a state of negative emotion, or at least will act cynical or at least independent and will not fall for the man or love him as fully nearly as much.

Every marriage that happens later in life, such as at age 26-30 is very fake because the female has been used by many men, so is very hardened, masculine, independent, versus her 14-year-old virgin self. At age 26 or whatever, the female acts as nice and sweet as possible in order to attract the best man she can, but underneath the surface, she is filled with sadness, regret, trauma, negativity, etc.

The man who marries a non-virgin female is very low in value, except for his resources. The reason an older female chooses him is primarily for his resources, not his physical attractiveness. She has a lot of sex with him during the courting phase, but that is only to sell herself to him so that he commits to her and marries her, so that she will be able to enjoy the social status of a married woman, and the status of having children (if you don't get married and have children in life you are considered weird and abnormal by normal people). So, once married, due to the fact that the wife doesn't find the man physically attractive, the amount of sex she is willing to have plummets. It would be like marrying an old or hugely fat woman just for the money: you have no interest in sex with such women, so would only have sex out of obligation to keep the marriage and the lifestyle that she is providing you going, all while you fantasize about teens, and when you see a teen or a twenty-something female who is fit and attractive, you become very, very aroused and passionate about her, sexually.

So, maybe one big reason is that men just are not passionate about approaching women...maybe subconsciously, they are waiting until they meet a young, sweet, virgin girl.

So many females are overweight, walk in a masculine way, talk in a self-assured, confident way, have tattoos, etc. which are annoying and unattractive characteristics. I rarely in recent years have seen a female who has turned me on and made me almost *have to* approach her.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 13th, 2022, 4:08 am
gsjackson wrote:
December 13th, 2022, 3:22 am
Ditto to William Smith. Did my first cold approach in 1980 and for years was batting a thousand with it. What else are you supposed to do if you're picky about the look you want in a woman? Wait for one to approach you, or for fortune to bring her your way in normal social interactions? Good luck with that, unless you're on very good terms with Dame Fortuna. What I've done is the exact opposite of the PUA's and their "numbers game." Once a year or so I'll see a woman who's exactly what I'm looking for, and give it a go. That's the only way I'd recommend doing it -- when you're highly motivated because the woman is just stunning.
Thank you, thank you!

Rather synchronicitous, considering I just posted this:
I was slightly off topic from @fschmidt's cheery original thread topic "Why I want to exterminate the American people," (not a sentiment I share, I might add) but I took the liberty of an aside by commenting about how @CaptainSkelebob isn't actually off the mark on all topics, since he and I are the only ones I've noticed pointing out that the direct approach IS a potential option, even if not the only one:

But I'm glad we have your wiser and more experienced voice added to agree that the radical concept of direct approaches can work, even if it's totally OK if other men prefer some other workable approach.

And this has nothing to do with me seeking validation of my personal views, but I can't help wanting to counteract some of the flagrant disinfo out there trying to convince younger less experienced men that they supposedly can't learn how to be successful with women.
I can't even fathom the suffering these poor younger men, the so-called "incels", go through, based on the total disinfo that has convinced them that they are supposedly incapable of getting women, which has never been the case.
I'm not saying it's as easy as learning how to snap your fingers, but damn, don't ever believe you supposedly can't do it.

If "incels" are all obsessed with Natasha Henstridge look-alikes** or something along those lines and won't settle for less, they're not doing themselves any favors, but I wish (for their sake, and more importantly for the sake of all the women) that they'd consider getting more dialed into their own biology and thinking about things as if they were a man who could go after and get what he wants, and then ask themselves what women you would really find desirable?

All the men obsessed with monogamy and fantasies of "tradpill" as the supposed only way of doing anything probably won't like what I'm saying... but I see a split between their impractical idealism, vs what I see as the worthwhile side of the "traditional" worldview where we share a belief (at least I hope we do) of wanting both a positive father figure and mother figure to be present in every household where there's children to take care of.
Over some decades, I've learned about how big a deal that is, both from observing women and hearing what they have to say (with most of my own favorites coming from single mother households like myself), but also from studying hypnotherapy.... more on that later, since here I go again on a late-night HA marathon and it's time to tap the mat before my muscles shrink even more...

(** Re: the Natasha Henstridge comment: I'm showing my age again, I was thinking of "Species" and "Maximum Risk" with Van Damme, but the young'uns probably don't even know who I'm talking about LOL. Or maybe I'm behind the times and she's now been changed into a man after taking a payoff from some satanic jews? LOL)
Ur right!! The little beta faggot tradpill fellas wont like what ur saying coz they are little feminized faggots with no balls (or beady lil faggot balls at the most)
But as alphas we shouldnt care what beta pussys think
Leave them to fantasize about their traditionalist dream worlds while the real men like us go out and get all the poon
We shouldnt care what they think
Do you care what an amoeba thinks??? :lol:
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by Whale or Pattaya »

As a teen or young man in the 1990's you could approach a teen or young woman on campus, in a park, amusement arcade (remember Mortal Kombat?), shopping mall, pub, bar, disco, badminton sports club etc. without any fear of histrionics. You got turned down... cool..... move on to the next. There was no internet, no mobile phones, only 4 or 5 TV channels (here in UK) so you had to go out to meet people.

In today's world when a man approaches a woman, one, two or three things will happen:

1. The man will be rejected, humiliated and called every vile name in the book, "creep", "pervert", "predator", "dangerous", "you think your gods gift to women" despite being polite in his approach. Its all based on the woman's emotional reaction to the mans looks. Remember a skinny British 5/10 woman thinks she's a 7+, so she'll be cruel to a skinny or fit male "5" looksmatch and absolutely cruel to a fat or ugly dude sub 4.

2. The man will be arrested if its a place not considered 'normal' to express interest in a woman, i.e. bookstore, cafe, train platform. They've already made this a law under the guise of "harassment" in UK. Yep, just saying "good morning" to a woman waiting for a train on a platform could land you in the local Police interview room.

3. If shes a work colleague that gave you mixed signals and you ask to grab a coffee with, expect the whole workplace to know about it the next day. Enter P.R > fired.... or at the very least your now expected to leave as you've Poisoned The Well. If its a Whale you've turned down at work... expect the same fireworks that your the bad guy.

Gentlemen I ask you, why bother with these sociopaths/psychopaths? I say, let women get a job, support themselves, deal with the Chads they hook with online and let them deal with the consequences of not forming a secure nuclear family unit.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by MrMan »

I'm in my early 50's. I got married in the late 1990's. So I'm not going around approaching women and asking for dates. I see a lot of girls in their early 20's walking around in their 20's, but I'm not around when guys hit them up for dates or whatever.

I live in a part of the country where strangers greet each other on the streets and in elevators. I don't think the police would pay any attention to someone complaining about a stranger saying 'Good morning' around here. I lived in the midwest in the early 2000's. I didn't see as many strangers greeting each other, but you could do it and you wouldn't get arrested.

I have seen recent videos of young men going on college campuses on the west coast and other places hitting on girls with pick up lines who didn't get arrested. Maybe half of video clips or more involve actual conversation with the girl. Some with interest from the girl. Maybe the girls considered him good-looking and that was the difference. Some of this was on the west coast, so if that is one of those difficult places to talk to women, it can still work.

I don't think picking up random girls walking around makes much sense, not for me, looking for some with the same faith and specific values that do not necessarily align with those of everyone walking around. If I were young, single, and looking for a wife in a college setting, I might try to get to know young women in a Bible study. Given my own life experience, I might go to Indonesia. I was single there around ages 25 and 26, and either I had just started picking up on vibes that girls were interested, or just a lot of them were interested. It was probably the latter, a combination of some girls liking white guys, my looks appealing to a number of Indonesian women, their hitting prime marrying age where many women marry at about the same age in their early to mid 20's, and my being single and available at the prime age where they want to marry.

I'd imagine a white man whose a 5 could be a 6 or 7 in Indonesia because he's different and may appeal to young women who like white men. It's like how some men who are Asiaphiles in the US will see a chubby Asian girl with plain, rounded, undistinctive facial features, and think she is so cute, just because she's Asian.

I also read that on the east coast, New York and places like that, there are also more single women than men. That information may be stale, a few years old. But if that is still the case, that can work in a man's favor. The west coast is supposed to be the opposite. New York City is kind of know outside of that part of the country for having an unfriendly culture. But there are people going there from all around. Women don't like being cat-called by strangers in New York. I haven't lived there since I was two, but I do wonder if a man whose into getting to know strangers can still get away with starting a conversation by asking a young woman for the time in the age of smart phones. Or he could ask directions or something along those lines. I would hope those kinds of interactions with strangers could be a way to start a conversation. Then transition to, "I hope I am not being too forward, but I thought I would take the chance anyway. I don't know much about you, but you seem really nice and you are beautiful, and I was wondering if you would like to get a cup of coffee with me some time" or say dinner or whatever. Or say you don't have a date to see a Broadway show or whatever they do up in New York. Can men do this nowadays in New York City? Does it work for a good-looking man? What if he's wearing an expensive suit?

People still get boyfriends, girlfriends, and get married.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by MrMan »

dancilley wrote:
December 9th, 2022, 8:37 pm
I have approached no females in over 4.5 years. The reason is that I decided that I want to only date females seriously for marriage. Then, I came to the realization that the only really datable females are virgin...and then I realized that it is lawful to marry a girl of any age in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, etc., and have sex with her if you are married. The problem that I have had is that I have been too unhealthy, lazy, and occupied with other activities to be motivated to actually work full-time and establish a solid income so that I could actually attract girls for marriage.

One thing that is causing my lack of motivation is the internet. When I filmed females on the streets of Downtown L.A. in 2015-16, I had no internet at home, no cell phone, no TV, no radio, etc., so I was bored, and the boredom was the mother of my invention of "accosting women" videos.

Tragically, I was convicted (unconstitutionally) of annoying a minor, so also I am afraid of evil and irrational people wrongfully prosecuting and convicting me again.

People do not understand biology, that females reach sexual maturity usually by age 14 (the U.S. government defines this) and that they naturally begin to engage in socializing and dating and lose their virginity soon after. People also assume it is illegal to have sex with anyone under 18 if you are an adult and are ignorant about the age of consent being 17 or 16 in many, many states.
I don't think it is immoral for a man to marry and have sex with a girl who is physically able to bear children. For a lot of girls, 14 isn't quite it yet. They don't have hips, etc. Girls may actually have periods younger now than their ancestors. I read it was around 15 or 16 in Sweden in some really old study. I heard (on 'Holywood squares' so it must be true, right?) that a girl's breasts grow until she is about 18, too. If you bump up your age that you are looking for, then you don't face some of the taboos. If you are out of your early 20's, it is taboo for you to want to have sex with a girl under 18 or so.

My impression of you from your videos is that you lack a filter. You don't seem to pay much attention to the emotional environment, how others perceive you, and how that can get you in trouble. When you'd talk to girls about how you might be perceived as a creep or dangerous, it was said in a way that might make them feel threatened, instead of in a winsome way that felt like a joke, to make you feel 'dangerous' in a playful way that might appeal to them. (I'm thinking of one or two videos that I saw.)

You live in this society, so you need to be conscious of the mores and taboos and adjust your marriage and reproductive strategy accordingly. Just don't mention being attracted to girls under 18. I occasionally see a teen whose pretty. Just don't look at her with lust. They are allowed to be pretty. And don't say anything about sex with teens, marrying girls under 18. Especially not in court. A judge would throw the book at you if you read a treatise on how natural it is to desire sex with teens in court, thinking he's protecting society.
So, it seems to be a very uphill battle to successfully attract and marry a virgin girl, because so many people are against it. At least in South Dakota, there is an organization that promotes abstinence until marriage (called the Abstinence Clearinghouse), and wants others to organize father-daughter purity ball dances for girls 12-18. They do not state any age a girl should be at marriage, which is good. However, I think the minimum age the girl has to be is 16 in South Dakota.
I saw a video about that. But I would imagine these are conservative Christians, which emphasize the power and role of the father in the home. Many of the girls may be home schooled. If I were young and single, that sounds appealing, especially if the girls were trained to honor the man in the home and obey their husband from a young age, and also to be homemakers. Some of these might be the type of homeschoolers that teach the girls to bake bread and make candles and soap and that sort of thing. Not quite an Amish culture with electricity, but there are some similarities.

Their fathers probably don't want to give their daughters to a man obsessed with sex with a harem of teenagers who wants to start a granola polygamy cult focused on health and lots of sex with teenage girls. I definitely would not want to. I wouldn't give one of my teenage daughters to you in marriage if your beliefs are the same as they were, or even based on what you posted here, and these folks may be a bit more socially conservative than I am.

I don't care for father-daughter dances like that. It's a little weird to me, btw. But I do appreciate their general concept as I understand it.

If you sincerely converted to Christianity and got involved in their church communities, you might be able to find a wife that way. But I would imagine if there was a guy 30 or less who was responsible in terms of career and finances, that would be the preference.
People do not acknowledge that females become ruined once they lose their virginity and break up with the boy. People do not place value upon virginity at all these days, but the truth is that virginity in a girl enables her to pairbond to the man very strongly, to believe in love, to love fully, to be in a state of enthusiasm and positive emotion in general, etc.

If a female has been ruined, she will be in a state of negative emotion, or at least will act cynical or at least independent and will not fall for the man or love him as fully nearly as much.

Every marriage that happens later in life, such as at age 26-30 is very fake because the female has been used by many men, so is very hardened, masculine, independent, versus her 14-year-old virgin self. At age 26 or whatever, the female acts as nice and sweet as possible in order to attract the best man she can, but underneath the surface, she is filled with sadness, regret, trauma, negativity, etc.
Your views are too extreme on this. I agree that marrying a virgin can aid in pair bonding. I wanted a virgin more for moral reasons, not wanting to violate the two becoming one flesh principal. I saw marrying a virgin as desirable in the Bible. I wanted a sexually moral woman with self-control.

It isn't true that all girls in their late 20's have had sex. My wife had just turned 24 when I married her. I am a few years longer than her. We didn't have sex during courtship. For about two and a half years after marriage, I had a sexual buffet... maybe not quite that, but sexual release every 24 hours except during some times of sickness or travel. Every other night was intercourse between periods. The rest of the nights I got 'release'. Some pregnancy issues late in the pregnancy stopped the gravy train for a while. It took a while to restart and wasn't as frequent as it was before. I probably should have started with sexual release twice a day to set the bar higher for later in marriage. If that were cut in half or by a third, it would have been better.

There are women who aren't virgins who marry and make decent wives. They don't all divorce, though the chances are much higher if they aren't virgins. I would imagine a virgin who marries and becomes a widow through no fault of her own could be sexually moral and faithful to the second husband. She's not in that situation through divorce.

There are places in the world where virginity into the 20's is not uncommon. I got the impression that it was still the norm in Indonesia. If you like white women, Georgians (the country not the state) are known for protecting the virginity of their women.
So many females are overweight, walk in a masculine way, talk in a self-assured, confident way, have tattoos, etc. which are annoying and unattractive characteristics. I rarely in recent years have seen a female who has turned me on and made me almost *have to* approach her.
Yeah, its slim pickings for the women, past a certain age, at least. My kids go to youth, and my son is getting close to an age where he might marry. There are some sweet girls in his little sister's youth groups... they go to church... and I don't see any tats. There still are some nice sweet, presumably virgin, girls around. But this is probably a case where you kind of need to be on the same wavelength, have the same faith and morals, and be responsible, etc. to attract them.

Hitting on strange women on the street is an unlikely way to find a nice girl.

You should focus on being reconciled to God and practical matters like being in a situation where you could actually take on the responsibility to care for a wife. If finding a wife in the US doesn't work, there are other countries.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by tiagomoncada »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:08 pm
You know I have approached several women in my life but only when they make it obvious that they want to be approached.

You see in America women have completely stopped initiating their part of the mating game. Women have to actually make eye contact with you, smile, be feminine, and act like they will be receptive to you coming up to them and talking to them. How many guys have this actually happen to them?......very few I imagine. In a lot of cases because of this sick society guys just get beat down to where they don't even recognize a woman doing this if they do it at all.

You see women are supposed to be the ones signalling that they are open to you. Then the man is supposed to approach and initiate further from there.

The few times I have approached I have gotten phone numbers without even asking also but this has only happened a few times. I even went out with a few of these women but nothing really happened as I wasn't really into them.
I am an average looking male, and I have many women make eye contact, and smile. More so in some cities than others, and even in one city, or one street, I can get 10 eye contacts in one day, but if I return to the same exact spot for the next 10 days get 0 eye contacts, or smile. To be honest, the reason why most guys don't approach is because of the low success rates. I know a bunch of guys who approach women (uninvited) regularly, and none of them ever get any responses. A few of the more articulate guys get phone numbers, but not calls back, which is the same as not getting a number at all. I was just talking to a 13 year old boy yesterday, and he said that females come up to him regularly, and he said something to the effect of "my body count is twice my age". He also went on to say that he carries 30 condoms around. He might just be bragging, or maybe females do approach males. I told this boy, I don't remember it being that way when I was a kid. I also went on to ask him if he actually spends any money on these females, and he said no. It sounds like all they do is smash.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

tiagomoncada wrote:
September 1st, 2023, 11:42 am
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
June 15th, 2022, 4:08 pm
You know I have approached several women in my life but only when they make it obvious that they want to be approached.

You see in America women have completely stopped initiating their part of the mating game. Women have to actually make eye contact with you, smile, be feminine, and act like they will be receptive to you coming up to them and talking to them. How many guys have this actually happen to them?......very few I imagine. In a lot of cases because of this sick society guys just get beat down to where they don't even recognize a woman doing this if they do it at all.

You see women are supposed to be the ones signalling that they are open to you. Then the man is supposed to approach and initiate further from there.

The few times I have approached I have gotten phone numbers without even asking also but this has only happened a few times. I even went out with a few of these women but nothing really happened as I wasn't really into them.
I am an average looking male, and I have many women make eye contact, and smile. More so in some cities than others, and even in one city, or one street, I can get 10 eye contacts in one day, but if I return to the same exact spot for the next 10 days get 0 eye contacts, or smile. To be honest, the reason why most guys don't approach is because of the low success rates. I know a bunch of guys who approach women (uninvited) regularly, and none of them ever get any responses. A few of the more articulate guys get phone numbers, but not calls back, which is the same as not getting a number at all. I was just talking to a 13 year old boy yesterday, and he said that females come up to him regularly, and he said something to the effect of "my body count is twice my age". He also went on to say that he carries 30 condoms around. He might just be bragging, or maybe females do approach males. I told this boy, I don't remember it being that way when I was a kid. I also went on to ask him if he actually spends any money on these females, and he said no. It sounds like all they do is smash.
Yeah, I agree with what you are saying. I've gotten phone numbers only for it to lead to nowhere as well. It really depends on the day too on how women are out there if they are paying attention or not....sometimes it is feast or famine.

In regard to the part about carrying 30 condoms around at don't know any guys that were doing that at 13. My gf at the time freaked out when I put my leg over her at that part of the country is this?

The guys who approach women uninvited are not going to be successful at all and that is exactly what I mean. If a woman isn't inviting you to talk with her through body language then you are just wasting your time. These uninvited approaches don't help men either especially hitting on everything that moves just either gasses up women or freaks them out depending on the woman.
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by vlkmo »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 16th, 2022, 6:36 am
I don't approach women at all anymore. It's become too much of a minefield out there where its uncertain whether or not a girl wishes to be approached. Thanks to feminism and other aspects of elite social engineering I think relationships between men and women are likely f***ed, for lack of a better word.

The only way I will ever have another girlfriend is if me and the girl had a preexisting friendship which developed into romance by itself. Aside from this very slim probability (since most females I respect are already in romantic relationships) it's unlikely I'll ever date again. I just can't be arsed with all the bullshit. I think the only interaction I'll have with women now is through prostitutes.
You also can take into account that a sizeable amount of those relationships are temporary or at least not for life.

Can people on here remind me why cold approaching is supposed to be the end-all?
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Re: The Reason Why 99% Of Men Have Never Approached A Woman In Their Life

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

vlkmo wrote:
September 28th, 2023, 8:15 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 16th, 2022, 6:36 am
I don't approach women at all anymore. It's become too much of a minefield out there where its uncertain whether or not a girl wishes to be approached. Thanks to feminism and other aspects of elite social engineering I think relationships between men and women are likely f***ed, for lack of a better word.

The only way I will ever have another girlfriend is if me and the girl had a preexisting friendship which developed into romance by itself. Aside from this very slim probability (since most females I respect are already in romantic relationships) it's unlikely I'll ever date again. I just can't be arsed with all the bullshit. I think the only interaction I'll have with women now is through prostitutes.
You also can take into account that a sizeable amount of those relationships are temporary or at least not for life.

Can people on here remind me why cold approaching is supposed to be the end-all?
That's depressing @Pixel--Dude but I understand what you mean when you say this. Plus I find it even more strange how men who do the cucking stuff even have women, like why would women even date men like that who want to be cucked? I feel the entire Western world is just gone especially after being on RooshV site and observing the convo they've been having about the Invasions of America and Europe with the migrant shit happening...It's mad depressing because now I have no desire to ever visit Europe as long as it's being transformed like that. Plus there aren't many places to even go to anymore, I live in the West, and California at that......I feel worse than an incel at this point even though I'm not one of them.
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