Why science is better than prayer

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Why science is better than prayer

Post by CaptainSkelebob2 »

Fellas, my dumb bible basher ma invited me to a church prayer meeting for peace in the middle east last week. Of course I said no. I went clubbing instead and got pissed up on te town. My ma used to go clubbing with me. She was a fun girl before those mental weirdos got to her with their sky fairy cult.

Anyway it got me thinking about just how useless prayer really is. I though of a hypothetical scenario. A ladyboy can pray to any one of the religion's sky fairy for a nice p***y as hard as she likes and the sky fairy of her choosing still won't magically turn her sissy schlong into the p***y she desires. God, jesus or even buddha won't do shit for her. Instead she has to go to a surgeon who is trained in modern science and qualified in medicine and ladyboy p***y surgery. It's modern science that can give her a beautiful artistically sculpted post-op tuppie. Not prayer which is completely useless.

So fellas, I think it's clear that science is superior to religion and superstition like prayer. Science drives the evolution of society and post-op ladyboys are the next stage in the evolution of woman. The example I provided proves beyond doubt the superiority of science. Scientifically illiterate knuckle-dragging sky fairy cult worshipper dinosaurs like @MrMan can't refute this point!

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Re: Why science is better than prayer

Post by MrMan »

Your example is an ironic one. Why would God answer a prayer like that?

Psalm 66:18
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;

God made a man a man and so that is what he is. The doctors can make a man certain parts of a man look like those of a woman, with a lot of painful surgeries, drugs, but this is still a man because God made him that way.

Your interest in this seems to be your desire to have homosexual sex with these men who have undergone these torturous surgeries, and that is also sinful.

I benefit from the hard work of scientists and other people through an abundance of food, electricity, heat, etc. I'm not against science. I suspect I know about research methodologies used in science (social science at least) than the average poster on on this forum because of various doctoral seminars and such. A lot of scientific research is also based on assumption, and the general public, and sometimes scientists, are not aware of this.

I have found prayer to be very effective. God decides to answer prayers, and how some of that works out is a mystery to me. I've had a list of lots of things, maybe 5 to 7, that I asked God to speak to my wife about when she was being a bit difficult as a pregnant woman. Everything was turning into an argument with her, even innocuous statements. A couple of days later, she wants to talk to me. Uh-oh, another argument, but no, she looked friendly. So she tells me I'm a good husband, then tells me God spoke to her about some things, and went through most of my list, but way in much more detail than what I had prayed. One of them was something I don't think I'd even had a chance to explain to her in the years we were married, about the model of what her parents showed her in marriage and how that affecter her perceptions and marriage. Also, there were ideas from different Bible verses. One of the points I'd prayed about she didn't tell me about at the time. A few weeks later, she said the Lord told her something in the kitchen, and that was the thing I'd prayed about that she didn't mention.

What triggered the prayer was two things, one the way she was acting. Another was her telling me how the Lord had told her such and such about a woman from church, then the woman mentioned that. My wife prophesies from time to time, and I have been around prophecy a bit. On a few occasions I've gotten knowledge about other people supernaturally, or I'll pray in great detail about someone's problem while praying with them, something I couldn't know about naturally. I had met this guy maybe once and started praying about a replacement for his car. His car wheel had started squeaking, and I had no clue about his car. I was praying with him about other issues, too. That sort of thing has happened a lot to me.

One time, it was nearly 2 AM, and I was out with a friend who was street witnessing as they call it, and he wanted to leave. I sensed it wasn't time, and prayed if it was the Lord's will for us to stay for the Lord to send someone around the corner wearing a specific outfit, including blue shoes. My friend said we'd be there all night, so I finished my prayer, and set my stop watch "in the next two minutes." He said he'd pass out if that happened, but he waited. Maybe 10 or 20 seconds shy of two minutes, a guy wearing the outfit I described walked around the corner.

When I was in grad school, I wasn't working a regular job. We had a small business, and before we were going to have to leave after I had graduated, our business picked up quite a bit, but we still needed more money. It was too far and we were going to have to fly to the next location. The rental company had offered, verbally, a month to month, claimed to have mailed the contract, but I watched for it and it never came. I thought I'd go on month-to-month so I could leave when I graduated, and I had to anyway on the rental. But they wanted to sell the unit and kicked me and my kids out mid-semester. It didn't make sense to rent locally, financially since I didn't have a job, and it was expensive to move far away.

The Lord knew we needed money, and He provided and people started giving us money. We didn't ask people, though. We've waited in silence during times of financial problems, though I did borrow from parents and pay them back at different points in life. But my wife, more of a social butterfly while I was working on my dissertation, was the one they were giving money to. So one night my wife told me sister so and so gave her $400. I remember praying, I wish someone would give me $400. The money was coming in through gifts, but it was coming through my wife. If I didn't have a job, I'd like some of the provision to at least come into the househould at that time through me. We were at a prayer meeting, and I saw this lady and her son from church who I knew didn't have a car. So I offered them a ride. We'd tried to give them our van as we were leaving. They seemed like they could use it, but they preferred to use buses. So when she tells me as she gets out of the car that she and her husband had prayed about this and put $400 into my hands, I was going to refuse it. But when I saw that it was $400 and just remember I'd prayed for $400, I dared not give it back. I told her about my prayer and told her I believe that God would bless them. We were poor, and he that is poor lends to the LORD, after all.

I've experienced other answers to prayer, too. If I sat down with my wife, I could probably recall other very specific examples.

I mentioned I have been around prophesying a lot. I cannot tell you the numbers of occasions when someone who didn't know someone else prophesied details about their lives. Having travelled a lot I've gone to one place and someone prophesies or gives me a 'word' about something, usually at church, that I know to be true about myself that other people who didn't know me at other places do also. I get told by Christians I just met I am a teacher a lot, which is both my main spiritual gift and part of my vocation. I've seen a lot more detailed prophecies, though, like prophecies to the young person who was going to work on a cruise ship about what would happen on the cruise ship, or prophecies about my dad being an electrician from a guest speaker from out of town who didn't know anyone there. It was interesting to watch his prayer for some teens about their friend named 'Toby' who was a wild driver. I don't think I've even met a Toby in that part of the country.

I've known some people who were supernaturally healed. A student a year ahead of me at a small school had vision problems, coke bottle glasses that magnified the appearance of her eyes many times over, and severely crossed eyes. An evangelist came to our church, laid hands on her, and she was healed. Her eyes were obviously not crossed after that. I asked her about it before school one morning and could see up close that she was healed. I've had a few people report back to me that they were healed when I prayed for them over the years.

There is a lot of mundane every day life that happens, too. Not every answer to prayer is as specific of immediate. I am glad to be reconciled to God through His grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who paid the price for our sins and was declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection of the dead. But I would hate to live the dull life on an unbeliever trusting in something as boring as science as opposed to the living God.
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Re: Why science is better than prayer

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I have a good example of how science is better than prayer which relates to our troll infestation.

I prayed Mercer would f**k off and leave this forum forever. But my prayers were never answered.

Pushing the ban button gets rid of him every single time :lol:

Science is better than prayer :mrgreen:

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