The Nature of Reality

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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 5:08 am

I've been thinking about the Hermetic Principles and how some of them are subverted in modern society. All of this is by design, similar to how society is designed to attack your chakras and prevent them from functioning properly. I wrote about this in my thread about Society and Spiritual Anatomy which you can read here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686

The Principle of Mentalism is subverted by society promoting this nihilistic notion that we are nothing. That we are soulless automatons or meat puppets and consciousness is a byproduct of several sections of the brain all mechanically working in conjuction with each other.

Under this nihilist belief system we are dismissed as accidents and only the continuation of the species matters and the individual is completely irrelevant. This is obviously pushed to convince people they have no purpose, how can you in an accidental and mechanical universe. The reason they want to make us feel like we have no purpose is so that they can determine our purpose for us. And what they decide is that our purpose is to work for various companies.

The Principle of Correspondence is subverted as this idea of interconnectedness is destroyed in modern society. In modern society we are alienated from nature as well as each other. From school we are instilled with this dog eat dog ethos and brainwashed with toxic individualism. Not only that, but we have somehow reached this idea that humanity is separate from nature and not a part of it.

The Principle of Polarity is subverted through the promotion of toxic ideologies which cause further division. Take radical feminism and these toxic MGTOW incels like @88jose88. Feminism and MGTOW are just two opposites of the same toxic mindset which blames all societies issues on the opposite sex.

Left and right wing ideologies are just as toxic with idiotic snowflakes from the left and stupid idiots from the right who want to cry and complain about immigrants and hating nigs and all that other boring shit. I'm not surprised @yick puts these idiots in their places. This forum has become a f***ing tampon for all these big babies to cry and complain about women and blacks. It's tedious as f**k.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is subverted through the shift of blame constantly moving from one group of people to another. This is one thing I wanted to say to @fschmidt who always talks about hoe much he hates modern scum, whilst giving praise to evil "philanthropists". It seems to elude him that modern scum are the effect and so we must identify and rectify rhe cause in order to mend the almost irreparable damage done to society.

The system we live in is toxic and wrong. Shit rolls downhill and it all seems from these assholes at the top. The banks, corporate CEOs, "philanthropists" and world leaders (puppets of the aforementioned assholes) these cunts who meet at Davos every year who pass legislation to make our lives worse in order to make themselves richer.

These are the people who are the cause of the modern scum effect in society. It isn't in human nature to be so solipsitic and evil. This is learnt behaviour indoctrinated through their education system.

I don't understand why some people refuse to acknowledge the truth and see these villains for what they really are. @MrMan.

The cause and effect principle also applies to immigration and ghetto "nigs" who cause problems. These things are the effect! But people tend not to look much further than that. This is what I explained to @WanderingProtagonist in another thread.

The Principle of Gender is subverted through the recent left wing extremist bullshit being pushed right now. Particularly onto our children. Fathers like myself, MrMan and @MarcosZeitola find this extremely concerning....

It isn't Hinduism that is to blame, as MrMan likes to say. The Hindu idea of Lingam and Yoni are not the same as gender, they are merely masculine and feminine energies and do not mean a man who has high Yoni energy is a woman. They are just like Yin and Yang.

I wonder what people who supported the "science" during covid now think of the recent wave of gender confusion making Big Pharma millions in profit at the expense of young and confused school kids being encouraged to have hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery. It's something that makes me sick! @HouseMD @CaptainSkelebob2

So what do you all think of my reflections?
I dont like blacks at all period, ghetto or not. And the mutual is the same with them as well. You think most blacks really give a shit about each other? Deep down they really don't, not even the civilized ones don't. That's the reason why when they make a lot of money the first thing they do is run off to live among white people. Black Athelets always avoid black women and marry White women because black men are 100% racist toward colored women which is why they have all these excuses as to why they avoid them when they should just come out and say it. "I hate other blacks!" When they say "I don't like black women" That's exactly what the fuckers are saying. But they hide behind their fake ass Pro-Blackness especially when they get to virtue signal like a lot of them were doing in 2020.

And how many black celebrities do you know bother to adopt African kids? It's only white people that do that shit which is also part of their virtue signaling nonsense. Face it Negros hate negros. Even when they tried living in Africa to get away from "Racism" in America, they found out just how much Africans in Africa strongly hate blacks in America and they said the racism in Africa toward blacks in America was so off the charts they couldn't even believe it. Yet in America blacks get everything handed to them now. Even AI bullshit on google wants people to believe that George Washington was a negro, or that the Renaissance age was full of Blacks... It's all propaganda horseshit pushed by the dogshit Far Left.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 2nd, 2024, 4:39 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 5:08 am

I've been thinking about the Hermetic Principles and how some of them are subverted in modern society. All of this is by design, similar to how society is designed to attack your chakras and prevent them from functioning properly. I wrote about this in my thread about Society and Spiritual Anatomy which you can read here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686

The Principle of Mentalism is subverted by society promoting this nihilistic notion that we are nothing. That we are soulless automatons or meat puppets and consciousness is a byproduct of several sections of the brain all mechanically working in conjuction with each other.

Under this nihilist belief system we are dismissed as accidents and only the continuation of the species matters and the individual is completely irrelevant. This is obviously pushed to convince people they have no purpose, how can you in an accidental and mechanical universe. The reason they want to make us feel like we have no purpose is so that they can determine our purpose for us. And what they decide is that our purpose is to work for various companies.

The Principle of Correspondence is subverted as this idea of interconnectedness is destroyed in modern society. In modern society we are alienated from nature as well as each other. From school we are instilled with this dog eat dog ethos and brainwashed with toxic individualism. Not only that, but we have somehow reached this idea that humanity is separate from nature and not a part of it.

The Principle of Polarity is subverted through the promotion of toxic ideologies which cause further division. Take radical feminism and these toxic MGTOW incels like @88jose88. Feminism and MGTOW are just two opposites of the same toxic mindset which blames all societies issues on the opposite sex.

Left and right wing ideologies are just as toxic with idiotic snowflakes from the left and stupid idiots from the right who want to cry and complain about immigrants and hating nigs and all that other boring shit. I'm not surprised @yick puts these idiots in their places. This forum has become a f***ing tampon for all these big babies to cry and complain about women and blacks. It's tedious as f**k.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is subverted through the shift of blame constantly moving from one group of people to another. This is one thing I wanted to say to @fschmidt who always talks about hoe much he hates modern scum, whilst giving praise to evil "philanthropists". It seems to elude him that modern scum are the effect and so we must identify and rectify rhe cause in order to mend the almost irreparable damage done to society.

The system we live in is toxic and wrong. Shit rolls downhill and it all seems from these assholes at the top. The banks, corporate CEOs, "philanthropists" and world leaders (puppets of the aforementioned assholes) these cunts who meet at Davos every year who pass legislation to make our lives worse in order to make themselves richer.

These are the people who are the cause of the modern scum effect in society. It isn't in human nature to be so solipsitic and evil. This is learnt behaviour indoctrinated through their education system.

I don't understand why some people refuse to acknowledge the truth and see these villains for what they really are. @MrMan.

The cause and effect principle also applies to immigration and ghetto "nigs" who cause problems. These things are the effect! But people tend not to look much further than that. This is what I explained to @WanderingProtagonist in another thread.

The Principle of Gender is subverted through the recent left wing extremist bullshit being pushed right now. Particularly onto our children. Fathers like myself, MrMan and @MarcosZeitola find this extremely concerning....

It isn't Hinduism that is to blame, as MrMan likes to say. The Hindu idea of Lingam and Yoni are not the same as gender, they are merely masculine and feminine energies and do not mean a man who has high Yoni energy is a woman. They are just like Yin and Yang.

I wonder what people who supported the "science" during covid now think of the recent wave of gender confusion making Big Pharma millions in profit at the expense of young and confused school kids being encouraged to have hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery. It's something that makes me sick! @HouseMD @CaptainSkelebob2

So what do you all think of my reflections?
I dont like blacks at all period, ghetto or not. And the mutual is the same with them as well. You think most blacks really give a shit about each other? Deep down they really don't, not even the civilized ones don't. That's the reason why when they make a lot of money the first thing they do is run off to live among white people. Black Athelets always avoid black women and marry White women because black men are 100% racist toward colored women which is why they have all these excuses as to why they avoid them when they should just come out and say it. "I hate other blacks!" When they say "I don't like black women" That's exactly what the fuckers are saying. But they hide behind their fake ass Pro-Blackness especially when they get to virtue signal like a lot of them were doing in 2020.

And how many black celebrities do you know bother to adopt African kids? It's only white people that do that shit which is also part of their virtue signaling nonsense. Face it Negros hate negros. Even when they tried living in Africa to get away from "Racism" in America, they found out just how much Africans in Africa strongly hate blacks in America and they said the racism in Africa toward blacks in America was so off the charts they couldn't even believe it. Yet in America blacks get everything handed to them now. Even AI bullshit on google wants people to believe that George Washington was a negro, or that the Renaissance age was full of Blacks... It's all propaganda horseshit pushed by the dogshit Far Left.
Amen to that. I'm sick of those chimps getting free handouts from the gubment while Asians and Whites have to work hard and get "tax raped" by the IRS every year. Yeah I notice that too, even African blacks don't like American blacks because how they are so entitled and whine about everything. I have to listen to their black history month bullsh*t just like the Jewish Holohoax bullsh*t in school and in the media.

I love how those chimps "chimpout" and burn down part of Sh*tcago and parts of other cities whether there is one niggah receiving some police brutality. Niggahs jump up and down, burning and looting sh*t every time there is a Black Lives Matter Protest. :lol:
Haven't those Niggahs learned anything from Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Ghandi, and other unknown Jewish Civil rights Leaders like Yick said before? Well I guess not. :lol: I guess they don't really give a f*ck.

All heil Martin Luther King JR! He would be so proud! :lol:

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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Tsar wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 5:27 am
I think you're right. The Elites who govern this world want to be worshipped as gods, control the minds, and deprive people of their true potential.
They don't want people to know they're actually potential gods with the divine spark or fire of the gods. They just want to reinforce this idea that we're all random accidents so they can get us to do menial tasks which keep them rich and powerful. If people knew that they were actually much more than what we're told I doubt anyone would settle for a life of serfdom.
One of my theories is that the human body is a host for a soul and that soul isn't necessarily human. We exist as humans but we may not be humans. I will be writing a book all about this to possibly be a masterpiece about spirituality.
I think consciousness is remote. I don't believe it's a byproduct of different functions of the brain. It's not that simple or mechanical! Scientists have admitted that they have no idea what consciousness is or why it happens. All they have on the matter is theories and guesswork.

What do you mean our souls are not human? I think our souls are human, but carry the divine spark of the gods. We have the potential for divinity. But the esoteric practice and occultic methods have been obscured from us by Muslims, Christians and Jews who destroyed this knowledge when they rose to power.

A book about spirituality sounds interesting. What kind of things will you talk about in it?
Also, cause and effect is not always true. Sometimes there is no causality from our world explainable by science.

I have experienced things beyond this world. They have no causality from our world or dimension or plane.

That's true. There are a lot of things that happen that cannot be explained by using the traditional scientific method. I've experienced out of body experiences and things like that through psilocybin mushrooms. They've also helped me with my depression. @Lucas88 has also had a lot of paranormal and supernatural experiences.

When I was talking about cause and effect I wasn't talking in the scientific sense. I was talking more like why people are so ignorant and stupid. Why there are idiotic ghetto blacks or why women are such twats to men etc. And the cause is likely the system, corrupt Elites pushing agendas and also poverty, desperation etc.
Our understanding is also being limited because research into metaphysics isn't funded when it should be.

I assume this has to do with Jewish control and the Abrahamic control matrix. Atheism is just another part of that control. They don't want true spirituality, non-Abrahamic religions and spirituality, or a true awakening to paganism and other true beliefs.

That's why I have slowly been piecing together things and applying my divine abilities to unlock the secrets of reality. What we have been told by the system is a total lie.
I agree with you. Research into things like metaphysical stuff like OBE and NDE should definitely get more serious time invested into it by scientists. But the reason it isn't is as already pointed out, because they don't want us to realise there's more to life than working in their shitty jobs all our lives. @Lucas88 can provide more insight into NDE or OBE research. He's looked into all this and even found research which shows evidence of mediumship being real.

I think it may have been @gsjackson who talked about how the elites decide what science is valid and what is bullshit. I do have to agree with him to a degree. If we think of the theory of evolution and the big bang theory. These things seem completely made up. How the f**k can they know these things?
I know for a fact that I am a deity in human form and when I die, I will go to one of the worlds of Norse mythology welcomed by my true family. The Demiurge has sabotaged my mortal form.

This world is controlled by evil and of negative souls inhabit some humans, they are ruling this world and destroying it.
Do you think they are reptilian souls like @Winston said in one of his threads? Or do you just think they are evil humans? Also the soul trap is something to consider. If Freyja or other Norse gods or goddesses appeared at the end of a tunnel of light beckoning you home how would you know they are truly the gods and goddesses you think they are and not malevolent entites posing as those you love?

I also agree that this system is pure evil. I absolutely f***ing detest it. My own life circumstances aren't even that bad compared to most and I've still considered suicide on multiple occasions because this system makes me so depressed. It's one of the things that makes me so mad at people like @MrMan who defend evil. He defends an evil God, evil predatory system and evil Jews who run the banks and keep us enslaved in a system controlled by debt. I don't understand why people do that unless they themselves are also evil.
When I am in Europe, that's where I tap into the most powerful energies because I am spiritually bound to Europe. Then I have some connection to the Atlantic Circle.

If history of our planet truly has Master Civilizations, the some humans are also possibly connected to the survivors of ancient bloodlines.

We can't trust almost anything the Elites tell us because science, religion, and history are all corrupted. They even changed the frequency of music and language isn't the beautiful ancient languages. We need to restore the world to it's pagan glory.
So what part of Europe do you think your soul resonates with most? Slavic countries? Lucas88 believes he has a Mediterranean soul, and I totally understand why. The Mediterranean seems much nicer in general than dreary shitty UK...

I think there was likely a forgotten period of our history when gods walked the earth with mankind and taught us advanced civilisation as well as the secrets of the universe. This would serve as the catalyst for a war between the two factions of gods, one faction which sought our spiritual advancement as gods and one faction which believed we are unworthy of such evolution.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Tsar »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
Tsar wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 5:27 am
I think you're right. The Elites who govern this world want to be worshipped as gods, control the minds, and deprive people of their true potential.
They don't want people to know they're actually potential gods with the divine spark or fire of the gods. They just want to reinforce this idea that we're all random accidents so they can get us to do menial tasks which keep them rich and powerful. If people knew that they were actually much more than what we're told I doubt anyone would settle for a life of serfdom.
Yes, and their monetary system of paper and digital bytes being money, and the idea of credit making people's net worth drop below 0 is all meant to control the masses to force them to play by the unfair corrupt rules of the Elites. All the earth and it's resources being concentrated into the ownership of the few.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
One of my theories is that the human body is a host for a soul and that soul isn't necessarily human. We exist as humans but we may not be humans. I will be writing a book all about this to possibly be a masterpiece about spirituality.
I think consciousness is remote. I don't believe it's a byproduct of different functions of the brain. It's not that simple or mechanical! Scientists have admitted that they have no idea what consciousness is or why it happens. All they have on the matter is theories and guesswork.

What do you mean our souls are not human? I think our souls are human, but carry the divine spark of the gods. We have the potential for divinity. But the esoteric practice and occultic methods have been obscured from us by Muslims, Christians and Jews who destroyed this knowledge when they rose to power.

A book about spirituality sounds interesting. What kind of things will you talk about in it?
Souls may not be human because we could be other beings. Whose to say some people in human form aren't actually other beings on a soul level? If this is true, it makes more sense why the Elites would seek to change the frequency of music and the Elites promote toxic music to lower vibrations.

Also, some souls can become gods while still human or awaken to what they currently are on a soul level.

I will be discussing many things in my spiritual book. Too many to list.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
Also, cause and effect is not always true. Sometimes there is no causality from our world explainable by science.

I have experienced things beyond this world. They have no causality from our world or dimension or plane.

That's true. There are a lot of things that happen that cannot be explained by using the traditional scientific method. I've experienced out of body experiences and things like that through psilocybin mushrooms. They've also helped me with my depression. @Lucas88 has also had a lot of paranormal and supernatural experiences.

When I was talking about cause and effect I wasn't talking in the scientific sense. I was talking more like why people are so ignorant and stupid. Why there are idiotic ghetto blacks or why women are such twats to men etc. And the cause is likely the system, corrupt Elites pushing agendas and also poverty, desperation etc.

I've also had many supernatural experiences, even many not on anything. Most people wouldn't believe it but it completely changed my perspective of reality. Now, after the things I've seen and experienced since last year, I know there's a lot more to this reality. The beings don't reveal themselves to everyone. Also, the more intense the things that happen, it's my theory they are both making contact and telling someone they are extremely special to the higher beings. The people controlling this world, want to suppress the divine nature and also weaken the divine beings and higher beings.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
Our understanding is also being limited because research into metaphysics isn't funded when it should be.

I assume this has to do with Jewish control and the Abrahamic control matrix. Atheism is just another part of that control. They don't want true spirituality, non-Abrahamic religions and spirituality, or a true awakening to paganism and other true beliefs.

That's why I have slowly been piecing together things and applying my divine abilities to unlock the secrets of reality. What we have been told by the system is a total lie.
I agree with you. Research into things like metaphysical stuff like OBE and NDE should definitely get more serious time invested into it by scientists. But the reason it isn't is as already pointed out, because they don't want us to realise there's more to life than working in their shitty jobs all our lives. @Lucas88 can provide more insight into NDE or OBE research. He's looked into all this and even found research which shows evidence of mediumship being real.

I think it may have been @gsjackson who talked about how the elites decide what science is valid and what is bullshit. I do have to agree with him to a degree. If we think of the theory of evolution and the big bang theory. These things seem completely made up. How the f**k can they know these things?

I was channelling certain people so I know that this exists. So does the power of prophecy. If people could awaken their abilities, it would shatter the Elites power and make for a new age of magic.

Supernatural abilities definitely exist. Some are likely also bestowed by the higher or divine beings and interdimensional beings.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
I know for a fact that I am a deity in human form and when I die, I will go to one of the worlds of Norse mythology welcomed by my true family. The Demiurge has sabotaged my mortal form.

This world is controlled by evil and of negative souls inhabit some humans, they are ruling this world and destroying it.
Do you think they are reptilian souls like @Winston said in one of his threads? Or do you just think they are evil humans? Also the soul trap is something to consider. If Freyja or other Norse gods or goddesses appeared at the end of a tunnel of light beckoning you home how would you know they are truly the gods and goddesses you think they are and not malevolent entites posing as those you love?

I also agree that this system is pure evil. I absolutely f***ing detest it. My own life circumstances aren't even that bad compared to most and I've still considered suicide on multiple occasions because this system makes me so depressed. It's one of the things that makes me so mad at people like @MrMan who defend evil. He defends an evil God, evil predatory system and evil Jews who run the banks and keep us enslaved in a system controlled by debt. I don't understand why people do that unless they themselves are also evil.

Their vibration, energy, and potentially scent. I've smelled divine feminine scents during my first awakenings. I smelled a masculine scent once. None had an earthly origin and the entire air smelled that way.

When I awoke in the UK during my visit, it was like I had been covered in flowers and could smell an overpowering strong flowering scent that made my eyes water. Almost like I had been somehow coated in a flower scent.

Then, twice now, there have been the scents of absolute evil because the entire air itself smelled like smoke and that is torture. Imagine breathing in air with the scent of smoke that burns the nostrils.

Beings have scents to them even if they can't be observed physically.

I don't know about reptilians. But I do know that Positive and Negative Beings exist.

I've heard evil Imams, saw hordes of mentally retarded people walking, and experienced engrams of evil beings. Evil Beings caused me to throw up after I looked up Billie Elish on Wikipedia after evil beings telepathically sent me her name. She was wearing clothing with the words Nausea and Drop Dead. I was forced to spit for a day when I saw a guy spit. He was asking questions I refused to answer because I sensed he was at least being used as a drone for evil beings and I refused to take money from him that he claimed was mine because it could have been a trick and accepting things from certain beings is bad. That was during a day I experienced reality shifts. At the end, that night, there was a telepathic evil Imam shouting words in Arabic. I don't know for a fact the telepathic Imam was evil but the other Imams were evil. I also has compulsions placed on me.

Meanwhile, positive beings told me things about myself. One was my star and one was my soul color and the other a crystal to use. Things all relate. They also told me that I am a Star. And the Star Tarot Card is linked to the Divine Feminine and that is a goddess, or goddesses. We are also in the Age of Aquarius ruled by the Divine Feminine. I was told my soul is female. It makes sense because I never really belonged as a guy and wish I was a girl. The positive beings made me realize that.

One way beings communicate is also through synchronities. These are most observable during spiritual experiences.

Abrahamic religion is led by evil people, created to destroy this world and the positive beings. All they do is indoctrinate into a singular ideology based on Judaism.

Also, there are three negative paths. Not one. Earth may be neutral which is why both positive and negative beings interact on Earth.

My Occult Awakening began 2022 (remember my Occult Thread) but even before that I have had experiences.

People can be evil through ignorance and indoctrination.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 1:31 am
When I am in Europe, that's where I tap into the most powerful energies because I am spiritually bound to Europe. Then I have some connection to the Atlantic Circle.

If history of our planet truly has Master Civilizations, the some humans are also possibly connected to the survivors of ancient bloodlines.

We can't trust almost anything the Elites tell us because science, religion, and history are all corrupted. They even changed the frequency of music and language isn't the beautiful ancient languages. We need to restore the world to it's pagan glory.
So what part of Europe do you think your soul resonates with most? Slavic countries? Lucas88 believes he has a Mediterranean soul, and I totally understand why. The Mediterranean seems much nicer in general than dreary shitty UK...

I think there was likely a forgotten period of our history when gods walked the earth with mankind and taught us advanced civilisation as well as the secrets of the universe. This would serve as the catalyst for a war between the two factions of gods, one faction which sought our spiritual advancement as gods and one faction which believed we are unworthy of such evolution.
Europe, all of it, but I can't put an exact region. I'm connected to all the European deities but most of all a specific goddess. I've encountered other beings too. Either in some true way or metaphorical or for several years felt very connected to them after reading about them.

Different religions have wars with the Deities but not all the ways were evil. Maybe the War you're referring to is a war between all the Pagan deities (Positive Beings) and the Abrahamic Beings (assuming they're some of the Negative Beings and Evil). Maybe similar to Stargate between the Ancients and Ori.

One Engram was a compulsion controlling my body doing the sign of the cross and I don't believe in Roam Catholicism or Christianity. That's a sign the Abrahamic beings want total control. My bodily possessions by all negative beings is over. Some Negative Beings hate luxury and others hate the positive beings. Others hate love. They messed with my mind. I know for a fact some of the evil beings that interacted with me hate beings like Freyja, Sol Invictus, and Baba Yaga.

These beings have abilities to know who truly believes. I was in EE last year and that's when both sets of beings first interacted with me in this physical world. The positive Pagan beings have most of their power in Europe and while I don't like America that much, the European Pagan deities can interact somewhat in America.
Last edited by Tsar on March 3rd, 2024, 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

88jose88 wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 2:34 pm
Nigs and liberated women are systenic problems in society which can be measured by their toxic effects.
"Liberated women" you're just another tradcuck loser who can't get laid so comes online crying about it and demanding some kind of sexual communism where women are penned up like cattle and forced into relationships with second rate losers who they wouldn't touch otherwise.

You complain about women and nigs all the time and it's grating. How can you call anyone toxic when you're clearly just as toxic a person.
You just summarized the principle of polarity,so it's clearly good vs evil or the sun vs the moon and masculine sun should dominate.
Maybe you misunderstood the meaning of the principle, or in this case the subversion of it. In my example that you responded to I was highlighting the fact that many of these ideologies are polar opposite of the same value, particularly with regard to their toxicity. Radical feminism is the same as toxic incel MGTOW ideology.

Both blame the other for the breakdown of relationships between men and women, both are equally toxic and stupid as the other. In-between these two toxic extremes you have healthier variants of the the ideology. Like @Lucas88 for example imbues a healthy idea of what MGTOW should be. He's happy to do his own thing, he's happy being single and investing his time and energy into his own creative projects and personal development. He has absolutely zero hatred towards women as a whole, he simply can't be arsed with them.

So it isn't "good vs evil" all of these ideals are evil in their level of unnecessary hatred and toxicity. Its evil because it causes more conflict and division, more disharmony and unbalance. As a society we will never function so long as one toxic ideology has dominion over the other. It will only function normally when all these toxic ideologies cease to exist in the first place.
My problem with negeos,is that they're stupid,violent and ugly so I don't want them soiling superior races with their genes or presence.
Blah blah blah the same asinine ignorant pig headed bullshit on constant repeat. What a f***ing bore you are. Let me tell you something, I live in a predominantly white area. It's a small town and there isn't much of a diverse culture here. Most, if not all the people around here are absolute f***ing bumpkins that look like direct descendants of neanderthals. If it wasn't for Lucas88 I would've gone f***ing insane a long time ago.

Stupidity, violence and ugliness are nothing to do with a particular race. I've mentioned before that black people contributed some awesome genres of music like jazz and blues. There have been some awesome musicians who were black. Creativity is a sign of intelligence. So this idea that all "nigs" are stupid rock bashing apes is just the vitriolic hatred of someone who IS stupid and ignorant.

Are you this talented? I don't think you are. How does it feel to be inferior to these "apes"? Your opinion is probably based on the fact that you personally haven't had good experiences with black people. And yes, a percentage of them are f***ing detestable idiots. Especially the ghetto types. They are just a blight on society.
my issue with liberated women is they're npcs,f**k like rabbits and hate superior civilizational men and deny men sex unless top 1%.
This is most people in general. Most people are idiotic NPCs. Most people are solipsistic scum bags. There's still a percentage of decent women though who are alright. I judge everyone based on personal merit, not based on a general basis.

I've got plenty of sex in my time and I'd hardly classify myself as 1% :lol: I'm handsome, make no mistake 😎 but not in the 1% of men I wouldn't think. Anyone can get laid with the right attitude. Just look at our resident whore @CaptainSkelebob2 who's bagged over 100 women! (Some of them only partly women :lol: ) all it takes is confidence and a good attitude.
88jose88 wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 2:38 pm
My roommate saw laura gonzalez miss universe and said I looked like her twin brother,I am a situational incel not a real one.
What's the difference? You're not getting the poon and you harp on incessantly about how women are too liberated and they should be subservient to men etc. You sound like a typical bitter incel.
today a 11 year old girl stopped me on the street to tell me she liked my looks.
What the f**k am I supposed to take away from this?
I need money and a apartment to get a girlfriend,and due to my mental disabilities I live in a group home,and I don't have a state ID to get a job training and job.

I live off 35 dollars a week spending money.ANYone would be 'incel'in my position.
I'm sorry to hear about those circumstances, they do sound restraining. But keep in mind it isn't a woman's fault you have mental illnesses. It's also not women who dictate how much you should have to live on each week. I'd love to see these assholes in government try to live on $35 a week. That's ridiculous!
I am not mgtow.I am mgtow regarding western women unless they're unicorns but I'd still pump and dump em.
What's a unicorn? Aside from a mythical beast. Why be MGTOW regarding women at all? If you don't like a certain culture or something you don't have to interact with them. You can just do your own thing.
You have a bias against me because I disdain to blacks,and you have a black gf.that's all it is.You're biased.
Well I do feel insulted by some of the things you say. Of course I would! I love my girlfriend and I think she's amazing. But to be fair you have never said anything about her directly. So as long as your racism is kept general and not directed at my partner then I don't care because you have freedom of speech here.


Both have the same opinion as you with regard to blacks and immigrants. It's a position I disagree with despite my relationship. I don't exclusively date black girls like pussyslayer @WilliamSmith does. I've dated mostly white women, as i said above my area is predominantly white so I met most of my ex girlfriends here. And all of them are rotten cheating cunts who disrespected me. @Lucas88 has met most of them and I think he hated them all. Then I dated a slavic girl and she was possessive and obsessed with me. That wasn't love at all. My current girlfriend is a British Jamaican girl. Sometimes she pisses me off, and I piss her off. But we respect each other. We love each other. We talk through any issues we have.

The reason I've been "against" You so to speak, is because lately your posts and threads are all negative and about hating nigs and women. One thread seemed like you were trying to bait me talking about how men who like black girls are worse than incels.
I never said you were a bad person or morally evil for having the opposite opinions to me and worshipping the devil(Enki),but you are so narrow minded like all progressives and npc new agers that anyone that doesn't agree with you is evil.tolerant only towards absolute 'tolerant'cucks.
I never said you were a bad person or morally evil either. I've said I think you're an idiot and at one point I said you are a crybaby incel bitch or some such, but I reckon you've got a thick enough skin to take that.

Enki is slandered as the devil, but if you actually read the sumerian texts there is nothing at all that he does which is evil. He is only slandered as evil by Yahweh or the Demiurge because he taught humanity the secrets of heaven and earth. Enki is our true benefactor. I've already told you about all this in a different thread but you didn't respond.

How am I an NPC? I don't follow any of mainstream societies doctrines. I don't subscribe to any of the mainstream religions and I don't even regard myself as new age. I think the new age is complete bullshit and full of namby pamby fantasies about star seeds and all that crap! I've developed my own unique conception of the world around me based on what I've learned and experienced. I'm a free thinker and examine things with a critical and open mind.

I'd say ignorance is the cornerstone of stupidity, ignorance and stupidity being two main traits of NPC souls who are incapable of critical thinking and live a life of confusion or absolute servitude. You are all over the place, flip flopping between abrahamic belief systems to neoplatonism to whatever else. Your opinions are contrived and ignorant. Most of the time I just think you're an idiotic troll who wants to provoke others. This is why so many have just added you to their foe list on your willymonfrete, kalinago, 69ixine accounts and whatever other accounts you flood the forum with.

So by my reasoning, I'd say you're way more of an NPC than I am. You're brainwashed by NPC ideology in their more toxic forms. Far right bullshit, misogynistic bullshit and toxic mgtow hatred towards women. You're a moron.
88jose88 wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 2:48 pm
Yick is a 50 year old loser that takes pride in his afrointreoductions matches and doesn't even get fuckable ethiopians off there like I do.

he's a bully that is hiding his massive failure to have kids and a family already at his age.he hasn't put anyone in his place at all,he just repeats the same shit about me balding and being short,which is not true except the short part and that is because I was born 3 months early.
Well that's your opinion. I'll let @yick address this diatribe directly.
alot of women prefer short guys anyway.and even if they did not,looks aren't everything like hsi shallow latino culture thinks despite most of them needing bbl's,ass injections and provacative clothes to look good.only the spaniard elite look good naturally.northern american natives are much better looking than the typical men of mestizo extraction are laughing jokes to women,yet like asians they are the first to be judgemental despite being subhuman on average.
Whatever you say. :roll:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Tsar »

@Pixel--Dude Another theory I have is that a person's vibration and frequency before death can influence the beings that appear after death. Belief, frequency, vibration, virtue, and true nature.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

88jose88 wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 2:48 pm
Yick is a 50 year old loser that takes pride in his afrointreoductions matches and doesn't even get fuckable ethiopians off there like I do.

he's a bully that is hiding his massive failure to have kids and a family already at his age.he hasn't put anyone in his place at all,he just repeats the same shit about me balding and being short,which is not true except the short part and that is because I was born 3 months early.

alot of women prefer short guys anyway.and even if they did not,looks aren't everything like hsi shallow latino culture thinks despite most of them needing bbl's,ass injections and provacative clothes to look good.only the spaniard elite look good naturally.northern american natives are much better looking than the typical men of mestizo extraction are laughing jokes to women,yet like asians they are the first to be judgemental despite being subhuman on average.
You are a bum on the dole who ponces off his sister. :lol: I have two sisters but if I tried parasiting off either of them they would tell me to f**k off and get a job! Which would be good advice for you - it's not me who's 5ft 6ins, living in the ghetto hating his life and a bald spot that is increasingly bigger than his head - that's you - it's not me who wants to be 'Willy Monfret' (had to look him up) I wouldn't want to be him for anything or anyone else because I like being me - being me is great! I don't want a 15 inch dick either because I am not a repressed homosexual who wants to suck a dick that big - that is you - you never hear straight men talk like that - never ever do you and you want to know why? Because most men who have f***ed at least ONE woman knows that very few women would not entertain a 15 inch dick because it is too f***ing big - who would? Some raging poof. Who would call themselves after some french male model as their user name? Some raging poof.

You are a raging poof completely ashamed and in denial about their homosexuality - if you know it or you don't, the sooner you accept it and embrace it, the happier you will be - in all your selfies of your stupid face, you look like an absolute homosexual AND there is nothing wrong with that in today's society - people are more accepting of people who are queer unlike in my dear old dad's day where they would have happily chopped all their heads off.
alot of women prefer short guys anyway.
Says no woman ever :lol: you haven't a clue about women or what they want or how they think - cluelessness (and a stench of homosexual vibe) permeates every f***ing post.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

Also, I love being Latin American and a mestizo with the blood of the Inca, Mapuche and the Spaniard running through my veins! Every time I am there, I feel alive, I feel like a proper human being - I kind of get how when you listen to Jamaicans living in Ghana feel living there - it's going home - even if you have never been there before, when you hit the tarmac and you see the people and see what you see in the mirror every day - it's a very liberating and comforting experience. Luckily for me, I inherited my mothers nationality and have it and it can never ever be took off me - I am as Peruvian as anyone who was born there - I am as Peruvian as the president of the country! :lol: there is no two ways about it I would never ever relinquish that nationality!
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:55 am
Also, I love being Latin American and a mestizo with the blood of the Inca, Mapuche and the Spaniard running through my veins! Every time I am there, I feel alive, I feel like a proper human being - I kind of get how when you listen to Jamaicans living in Ghana feel living there - it's going home - even if you have never been there before, when you hit the tarmac and you see the people and see what you see in the mirror every day - it's a very liberating and comforting experience. Luckily for me, I inherited my mothers nationality and have it and it can never ever be took off me - I am as Peruvian as anyone who was born there - I am as Peruvian as the president of the country! :lol: there is no two ways about it I would never ever relinquish that nationality!
Ah.. very fascinating. So you are a Mestizo Brit with Incan warrior/spanish conquistador blood? A nice combo.
Last edited by Natural_Born_Cynic on March 4th, 2024, 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I honesty don't care who Pixel dude is dating and I don't know why he wants to include me in this discussion. But you have to be careful not to offend him with his girlfriend or he will ban you Wandering protagonist. It has happened to Cornfed. The ban was eventually lifted but Cornfed hasn't come back yet. I only dislike American niggahs and thugs just like Lucas88 disliking chavs and most of his countrymen.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:01 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I honesty don't care who Pixel dude is dating and I don't know why he wants to include me in this discussion. But you have to be careful not to offend him with his girlfriend or he will ban you Wandering protagonist. It has happened to Cornfed. The ban was eventually lifted but Cornfed hasn't come back yet. I only dislike American niggahs and thugs just like Lucas88 disliking chavs and most of his countrymen.
I didn't attack his girlfriend. I was talking about blacks in general.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:18 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:01 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I honesty don't care who Pixel dude is dating and I don't know why he wants to include me in this discussion. But you have to be careful not to offend him with his girlfriend or he will ban you Wandering protagonist. It has happened to Cornfed. The ban was eventually lifted but Cornfed hasn't come back yet. I only dislike American niggahs and thugs just like Lucas88 disliking chavs and most of his countrymen.
I didn't attack his girlfriend. I was talking about blacks in general.
I never said you attacked his girlfriend. I am just saying be careful. Cornfed got banned because of that.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:23 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:18 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:01 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I honesty don't care who Pixel dude is dating and I don't know why he wants to include me in this discussion. But you have to be careful not to offend him with his girlfriend or he will ban you Wandering protagonist. It has happened to Cornfed. The ban was eventually lifted but Cornfed hasn't come back yet. I only dislike American niggahs and thugs just like Lucas88 disliking chavs and most of his countrymen.
I didn't attack his girlfriend. I was talking about blacks in general.
I never said you attacked his girlfriend. I am just saying be careful. Cornfed got banned because of that.
lol, well I'm not afraid of that. :lol: I'll just make an new account, and call myself Mercer Returns LMAO!
Then I can talk about how little my dick is and how I live in a van or whatever.
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