The Length Western Women Will Go To Avoid Males

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Post by jamesbond »

sushiman wrote:The "perm-a-scowl" I'm going to use that from now on, excellent term!
It describes the look American women have on their faces perfectly! :D
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by have2fly »

Yeah, actually WTF is with that "perm-a-scowl" look? That is exactly how most American Women look, especially young girls. No wonder they need a "funny guy to make her laugh 24/7" as they write on all dating websites cuz they are so depressed with themselves. Why have that face? In the same time when I have face without a smile, girls at clubs or parties ask me why am I upset? LOL, I am just "NOT" smiling! Amazing, Russian girls would ask me and try to uplift me somehow, American girls just ask and run away, lol. So dumb, so dumb, so dumb...
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Post by ajvf97 »

Exactly. When I'm abroad and women ask me why I am upset or I don't look relaxed or like I'm having a good it's always at the beginning of my trip and I tell them it's the ultra bitch ameriskanks back home that I flew thousands of miles to get the f**k away from. Ironically, when americunts ask me the same question they twist it around to make it my fault (because here it's always the man's fault due to feminism) saying my lack of smiling is a "f**k-off" mentality or standoffish attitude and that I shouldn't do that. But you see? They imply that I should now be nice. I tried that years ago and got nowhere with being a nice guy in The United States of Americunts and I know I'm not the only one who suffered.

Let me get this straight. They screw over the nice guy and instead choose the degenerate asshole douchebag and after suffering aplenty from the "f**k n' chuck syndrome (getting f***ed, f***ed over and done away with by the asshole they feel the need to patronize a guy who used to be nice only to tell him to be nice again? These morons simply don't know what they're talking about. They just don't have a clue about anything. As far as the "perm-a-scowl" look goes, expect to see more of that look as guys like me and others here date foreign women instead of americunts.

Seriously, ameribitches. f**k off.
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Post by E_Irizarry »


Perm-a-scowl is like they are mad like somebody took their plaground toy away from them for not sharing it with a boy that came into the same sandbox they are in.
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Just wanted to post another story for you guys. This happened today.

I live in a apartment building, and I have a bucket in my car that I use to wash my rims because my car kicks up tons of brake dust. I use the bucket for the purpose of cleaning my wheels at least once a week.

So I went out to my car and retrieved my bucket and went back inside the apartment complex where in the hallway there is a laundry room with a sink to get water that I used to fill my bucket.

So as I got to the laundry room, I see there is a young woman (my neighbor) just finishing up putting in her laundry. She briefly glances at me waiting to come in and use the sink, she then puts in soap or something in the washer, then leaves the laundry room. Well as she leaves she has to go past me to get to her door and I notice that she has a cold look with no smile, nor does she not even look at me, it's as if I don't even exist.

I'm somewhat confused because even though I never see her (my apartment complex is big) she's is still my neighbor and you would think that at least your neighbor would give you common courtesy and acknowledge you no matter how infrequent you cross paths.

I then say, "Hi" and I look dead at her as she continues to walk by me. She says nothing, and to make matters worse, the more I look at her and follow her with my head (only because she did not respond to "hi") as she is going past me she looks down and away from me. She is practically looking LEFT (away from me) as she is walking forward to her door.

I have done NOTHING to this, at least, 28 year old woman who lives with her BF. I go to work just like everybody else in this building. I'm probably one of the quietest people in this building. I'm just as clean cut and middle class looking as everybody else around here.

This is just sick and disturbing.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

tmr wrote:Why do you care so much? Ignore the people who are ignoring you.

This is destructive behavior men engage in. You gave all of your energy to someone who wasn't interested in engaging with you and if there was someone around who was well you wouldn't have noticed her, how would you? You've wasted that much time and energy of your life. Her lack of interest is what draws you, you want what you can't have. Guys you have to drop this destructive behavior. Want what you can have and you will be very happy. If you need challenges go climb a mountain or something.

What is it you are looking for anyway? That every woman has an obligation to be nice to you and be interested in you? Why? Are you that way with everyone else? Why do you need so much validation?

And is natural for men to bond casually and for women to be separate. Men have always had their groups and women too. Go to a more normal culture and you will find the same thing, men socialize with each other, women with their own group and a woman will usually at most speak to her husband and her male family members and that is it. So it wasn't anyway different before and in this respect it isn't anyway different in other cultures either. The only difference is that in a normal culture when a guy goes to a barber's shop he does not expect to have casual conversations with any women there nor is he hoping to get phone numbers.

It is that expectation that is the problem and it is fuelled by the assumption that casual sex is possible, that she *might* be available for a quick affair. When sex is possible or the guy thinks it is possible he immediately tunes his radar to it and gives all his energy to it. When it is not he gives his energy to other things.

When a woman talks to a guy there is a tension there and sometimes that tension is useful and sometimes it is not. If the girl is taken then it is not.

Next time when you go somewhere forget about the girl who isn't giving you attention and look around to see if there is one who is. If there is give her your attention back. You might be pleasantly surprised :)

Mostly men and women can't be friends and whatever you see presented in popular culture is fake. If a man and a woman are spending time together as 'friends' it usually means at least one person is going home disappointed and continually hoping that something will happen unless they find each other completely unattractive or it is a student teacheresque 'spiritual' friendship (these do happen). Why do you want women friends anyway? That is a pointless waste of your energy too.

So drop all the negativity, the focus on things that are useless and get going already!
Good post and I agree with most of it. The thing is, (though it would be nice) I'm not looking for sexual favors from all the women I'm interacting with, so that's not the point.

The point is, I'm just venting that if women are walking around in the public, they need to have some basic mannerisms and acknowledge other people who behave like adults as well. Why is that so hard?
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Post by sushiman »

Winston u need to help us publicize the term perm-a-scowl!!! We need this everywhere! We need guys everywhere twitterizing it and spreading it. Everyone "gets it" when they hear that word. Raise awareness!!!

We need radio stations doing perm-a-scowl public service announcements!

You guys aren't the only ones. When I talk to people in China and Korea they HATE these visiting American women with this look on their face and all their neighbors disown them.
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Post by jamesbond »

sushiman wrote:Winston u need to help us publicize the term perm-a-scowl!!! We need this everywhere! We need guys everywhere twitterizing it and spreading it. Everyone "gets it" when they hear that word. Raise awareness!!!

We need radio stations doing perm-a-scowl public service announcements!

You guys aren't the only ones. When I talk to people in China and Korea they HATE these visiting American women with this look on their face and all their neighbors disown them.
That's funny, we could have people like Tom Leykis do a "perm-a-scowl" update on his radio show (when he comes back to radio next year). Saturday Night Live could do skit's involving American women and their "perm-a-scowls." :D
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

I figure I keep this going and just update it like a blog:

Yesterday I was walking into a building and a 30ish aged woman beat me to the door; I was right behind her.

1. She did not turn to me or say "hi", she just kept walking without even acknowledging me.

2. She opened first door and did not even turn around and look to see if I was right behind her, I still said "thank you" for not slamming the door in my face however I got no response from her.

3. She opened the second door and once again did not look or acknowledge that I was behind her though this time there was a slight pause to hold the door open for me. I said thank you anyway and she once again said NOTHING in return nor did she look back.

Personally, I really no longer like to follow women behind going into a building because they usually just slam the door in your face or they seem to look uncomfortable that a male is following right behind them.
Last edited by NorthAmericanguy on June 8th, 2011, 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

Northamericanguy wrote:I figure I keep this going and just update it like a blog:

Yesterday I was walking into a building and a 30ish aged woman beat me to the door; I was right behind her.

1. She did not turn to me or say "hi", she just kept walking without even acknowledging me.

2. She opened first door and did not even turn around and look to see if I was right behind her, I still said "thank you" so she could hear me.

3. She opened the second door and once again did not look or acknowledge that I was behind her though this time there was a slight pause to hold the door open for me. I said thank you anyway and she once again said NOTHING in return.

Personally, I really no longer like to follow women behind going into a building because they usually just slam the door in your face or they seem to look uncomfortable that a male is following right behind them.
Oh you're too friggin nice. I would have beat her to the door for one, and for two, I would have opened the door just big enough for me to segue my ass through. I literally bend backwards to outfast those Ameriskanks in "on-foot" "traveling etiquette".
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

TanBoy by DNA | Despedido, Hugo Chavez...Descansa en paz!
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

E_Irizarry wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:I figure I keep this going and just update it like a blog:

Yesterday I was walking into a building and a 30ish aged woman beat me to the door; I was right behind her.

1. She did not turn to me or say "hi", she just kept walking without even acknowledging me.

2. She opened first door and did not even turn around and look to see if I was right behind her, I still said "thank you" so she could hear me.

3. She opened the second door and once again did not look or acknowledge that I was behind her though this time there was a slight pause to hold the door open for me. I said thank you anyway and she once again said NOTHING in return.

Personally, I really no longer like to follow women behind going into a building because they usually just slam the door in your face or they seem to look uncomfortable that a male is following right behind them.
Oh you're too friggin nice. I would have beat her to the door for one, and for two, I would have opened the door just big enough for me to segue my ass through. I literally bend backwards to outfast those Ameriskanks in "on-foot" "traveling etiquette".

Yea, that's the plan now. Either I just beat them too the door OR walk super slow and just give them time to go ahead of me so I won't have to deal with them.

One other thing that came to mind as I went though all this is that American people spend so much time in school, but yet, they LACK such basic common courtesy and etiquette.
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Post by Linc4Love »

American women think we're all rapists in waiting. They really do. That's why you'll never get a smile out of them.

Unless of course you're a biker dude donning spiked boots and everywhere you strut George Thorogood music is playing in the background. Then their panties get wet real fast. :mrgreen:
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

^ American women DO love their thugs.

Just the other day a thug I know (with all kids of tattoos) who is in his 40s told me he just got back from a week of pleasure at a rich woman's estate where he paid nothing and F*** her brains out.

He said the woman's husband died, so at first I was like, "oh, that's cool he's keeping her company." Then he admits to me he was f*** her while her husband was alive then he starts laughing.

This guy was a career criminal all his life and now he's about 40-50% legit.

It's just hilarious how he talks to women he's F****. I over heard him tell some other girl that he was going to knock her teeth out. Then he hangs up the phone on her...
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Post by pete98146 »

Northamericanguy wrote:. I'm probably one of the quietest people in this building. I'm just as clean cut and middle class looking as everybody else around here.
Hate to say it Northamericanguy but there's your problem right there. Conservative guys are NOT NOT NOT the flavor of the month right now with American women. They do not think of you as bf material, they view you as the target. Let me explain. All femininists have a master plan of surpassing men. So all conservative looking men are labeled as competition. Simply stated, these broads have NO intention of sleeping with the enemy.

Hey I know this. I'm a conservative looking insurance agent. I often wear suit and tie around. Right now my mojo with American women is ZERO. I'm also tall at 6'4 and still don't get any play. What does this tell you? Just like that dork on the videos showing how to pick up women, you'll need to play their game. Change your appearance by getting the cheesy fake tan, the tats, muscle shirts, longer hair and ugly jewelry and walla you no longer look like Mr. Conservative and your odds increase dramatically.

Me, I like my conservative ways so I married a foreign woman.

Unfortunately this is how the world works in American right now.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

pete98146 wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:. I'm probably one of the quietest people in this building. I'm just as clean cut and middle class looking as everybody else around here.
Hate to say it Northamericanguy but there's your problem right there. Conservative guys are NOT NOT NOT the flavor of the month right now with American women.
You're absolutely right. Check this out:

"A Philadelphia assistant district attorney was yanked from prosecuting two men accused of attempting to murder an alleged drug dealer after authorities discovered she had struck up a romance with the victim, the Daily News has learned."

"Sources confirmed that Mitrick had been replaced by a prosecutor from the state Attorney General's Office after authorities stumbled onto the relationship she developed with Michael Wilson, the alleged Rastafarian drug dealer who survived a gunshot to the head during a Sept. 25, 2008, attack at his West Philadelphia home, on Jefferson Street near 61st." ... cutor-case
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