12 Logical Reasons Why Rock's Taiwan Claims Can't Be True

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Post by Winston »

I'm surprised at the lack of critical thinking in this thread. This is not a discussion about my looks, but a logical analysis of the big picture, taking into account all data vs. Rock's over the top claims which contradict a lot of data in a lot of categories. So stick with that please.

Anyway, I've been working on this addendum post for a long time now. Here it is finally. It will be a bombshell and clincher.

Addendum: Logical reasons #8, 9, 10

Here are three more logical reasons to add to my OP of 7 reasons, which I will notate in the OP for a total of 10 logical reasons:

8. Everywhere in Taiwan, I see everyone MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS. No guy is cold approaching girls or trying to meet them, except at parties of course. Rock is the ONLY guy I see trying to cold approach girls. So, if picking up girls in Taiwan is as easy as picking up flies for 99/100 guys, as Rock insinuates, then WHY aren't others trying to cold approach girls here? Yet I NEVER see anyone in public trying to meet new girls or chatting them up. Not even young handsome tall guys in Taiwan are cold approaching any girls! They just mind their own business, similar to how it is in the USA. Again, the fantasy image of TW that Rock portrays does not fit the Taiwan I see in reality at all.

The thing is, if everyone around you is minding their own business, it feels kind of creepy and inappropriate to approach girls, because you will get nasty stares from guys who are minding their own business and expect you to too. That's what makes it so difficult. No one denies this, except a bunch of white guys and anonymous people, besides Rock. So how can 99/100 guys be picking up girls like flies here? It doesn't add up again.

9. If Taiwan is such a dating paradise for Rock, then WHY isn't he dating any hot girls here himself?! Instead, he's been going to Thailand and the Philippines to seek another home to relocate to!

This is perhaps the most auspicious one, and speaks volumes, since "actions speak louder than words". All the girls he showed me before in his private album that he's bagged are either unattractive or BBW's. None of them are thin. They are women that no one else wants. So if he has the pick of the litter here, why isn't he choosing any ATTRACTIVE women? You gotta wonder. Could it be that he can't get any attractive girls in TW? If so, how can it be a dating paradise to him?

Also, his long time girlfriend here that he still lives with, is likely not attractive either, for several reasons. First, Rock doesn't usually choose attractive girls. He tends to pick chubby/BBW types. That's been his pattern. Second, he refuses to show me her picture. If she was hot and he was proud of her, then he would at least show me a picture, either digitally or by hard copy. The fact that he won't, indicates that he's probably ashamed of her. (Come to think of it, an old friend of mine in Oregon who married a wealthy BBW also will not show me any pics of her lol) Third, I heard her voice on the phone and it does not sound like that of an attractive woman. Now I'm not saying that "judging attractiveness by voice" is an accurate science, but my impressions from voices tend to be right over 50 percent of the time at least. Fourth, Rock claims that his live-in girlfriend was very possessive and calling him all the time to check on him. Attractive women aren't usually possessive - they don't have to, because everyone is trying to possess them while they are trying to keep their freedom and options open. This is especially true of attractive middle class women, which he claims she is.

So these four reasons make it unlikely that she's attractive. So you gotta wonder, why would someone who can get anyone here pick someone that's not that attractive?

Furthermore, Rock says he's banged 100 women here, all for free. Ironically, he claims that he slowly worked them up to intimacy through chatting and relationship building. Huh? Who has the time to gradually work up 100 women into bed?! LOL WTF? That sounds odd. Not impossible, but improbable.

But anyway, if he can bag 100 women that easily here, then now that he's single again (he says he and his live in girl are just friends now), you gotta wonder, WHY isn't he bagging another 100 women or starting on it? If one can bag 100 women, surely one can continue doing it? You'd think so.. But instead, he has been flying to Thailand, and even the Philippines, to look for property and scout out new areas to relocate to. He's said to me and on this forum, that he is considering moving out of Taiwan cause it's getting boring.

Now that also doesn't add up. If he can easily bag high quality middle class women in Taiwan, why would he want to bag lower quality women in poorer countries? Or try to relocate from here? Again, it doesn't make sense.

Btw, on a side note: Forum member "dragonboy", told me before he left Taiwan that he just had sex for hours with a girl he met at a Halloween party last year. But he said he couldn't meet me as we planned, because he was in a rush to get to Thailand. His reason was this: He was tired of having sex with girls who got attached to him, as he was doing in Taiwan. He felt it was better to PAY for sex in Thailand, so that it will be no strings attached! WTF? Do any of you buy that?! LOL

What kind of a guy would PREFER to PAY for sex rather than getting it free, just because they want it with no strings attached?! LOL I've never heard of a guy in real life that prefers that, unless of course, it's another typical BSer who prefers to remain anonymous. LOL Go figure. After he told me that, he was on a plane to Thailand the next day, so I never got to meet him. Gee, I guess all the free sex he was getting in Taiwan was too scary for him, so he had to rush to get on a plane to Thailand instead! LOLOLOL These guys are unbelievable!

In addition, this dragonboy also told me that he had a successful website, but he didn't want to tell me what it was! Yeah right. That's so credible. I'm sure I'll believe everything this anonymous guy with an anonymous website says... Sure! LOL

But of course, Rock will buy and believe any story about Taiwan, as long as it's positive, due to his strong confirmation bias, which I will elaborate more on in the next section.

10. Taiwanese consider America to be more open and expressive. Use some basic logic here. Taiwanese and Japanese consider Americans to be more open and expressive than their own people are. Given what we know about Americans not being open with strangers and being cliquish and not talking to their neighbors, how can this be? Think about it. You won't find a Frenchmen, Italian, Spaniard or Mexican saying that Americans are more open and expressive than people in their own culture. No way. They usually say that Americans are LESS open, not more. So how come only Taiwanese and Japanese think this? The reason is obvious: Because THEY themselves are among the most closed and nonexpressive in the world. That's why they would see Americans as more open. This fact by itself SPEAKS VOLUMES. And of course, it is HUGE evidence against Rock's claim that most guys in Taiwan are able to cold approach women successfully.

Question of credibility

If you read all of Rock's posts about Taiwan, you will notice that he has hundreds of stories of guys who picked up girls like flies in Taiwan, but only 1 or 2 stories of guys who couldn't get any girls or dates. What this infers is that something like 99/100 guys can get dates/sex/romance/girlfriends easily here anytime, as long as they try. This is improbable for the reasons I cited above.

Suppose I told you all that 99/100 guys in Los Angeles could get chicks easily there, and that you were the only ones who couldn't. Yet this contradicted what you saw all around you. Would you believe me? What if I told you that I was honest and credible and was all about facts?

You gotta understand that just because a guy is intelligent and articulate and a great talker, does not mean that he is totally credible and factual and objective. President Obama is intelligent, articulate and claims to be honest too. But the facts about his birth certificate just don't add up. And like Rock, Obama has an anonymous past that no one knows about. No one at his schools or college remembers him, for example, which is very suspicious. So there is no logical reason to believe that Obama is credible since he has no references or track record to look at.

Rock claims that he is all about facts and truths, and tells it like it is. But how can that be when what he says doesn't add up, and doesn't match the facts, common sense and everyday experience around you?

Furthermore, how can you know how credible he is? He won't even tell anyone his real name, and when he checks into hotels, he uses a fake name! Do you know anyone who does that, unless he's a fugitive? Obviously that's not normal and is indicative of someone with something to hide. What do you think? What do you make of that?

Moreover, since he won't tell anyone his real name, he obviously doesn't have any references either. No personal or professional references. This means that no one knows his past, how he became financially independent, nor can anyone verify anything he says. All they can do is take his word for it that he is "honest and truthful". On the other hand, I have many personal and professional references, which can be verified here: http://www.happierabroad.com/References.htm

Now how credible do you think someone is who is anonymous, will never tell you his real name, (even if you are his friend) and checks into hotels using a FAKE name?! Is that a sign of credibility? I don't know. You tell me.

It could be that Rock is a credible person. But we simply can't know, since he has no references, no past, and no proof. But what he says about Taiwan doesn't add up, and there is a strong indication that he filters out all contrary data that doesn't fit into his "everyone gets laid in Taiwan" paradigm, which is like a religion to him when you look at it.

Rock, do you even have an old friend who's known you for years, that we can contact as a reference? Or a neutral source? Everyone has some, so why wouldn't you? (Unless you have some dark horrible past that you don't want to be unveiled)

Strong evidence for Rock's confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance

It would seem that Rock treats Taiwan like a religion, in that all contrary data to what he says about Taiwan is filtered out. It's similar to how you can show a Christian preacher a mountainful of Bible contraditions, but he will filter them all out. It's cognitive bias. But in this case, Rock's religion is that "everyone gets laid in Taiwan because it is a dating/sex paradise" and he is VERY adamant about it, to the point of filtering out all contrary data. I wonder why. Perhaps he has too much stock or emotion invested in TW? It's odd though, that he takes it personally everytime I attack Taiwan for something, such as in that article I wrote about the myth of Taiwan youth being open.

You could give him 10 examples or testimonials of guys who disagree with him about Taiwan, or who say that I'm right (such as the Chicago guy and German guy I brought up), and he will filter it out of his memory.

Here is one clear incontrovertible example where he clearly erased his own memory, which I experienced firsthand:

In Taichung, at a pub, the waitress sitting with us told Rock that the reason women here are more open to him is because he is white. She agreed that they are not as open with Asian men. This is common sense and known by everyone. Even Rock's date that night agreed with this. So that's two women! But for some reason, Rock, a Taiwan expert, does not know this or doesn't want to.

Since she was in effect saying that I was right, I told her to REPEAT it again to Rock. I wanted to make DOUBLY SURE that he heard her this time, so that he wouldn't try to deny it later. So she did. There, it was settled, or so I thought.

But amazingly, after that, Rock erased his memory about what she said and claimed to not remember it! WTF?! I couldn't believe it! I made DOUBLY SURE that he understood what she said. And he just forgets it like that?! WTF?!?! CLEARLY that was a case of cognifitive dissonance. Rock didn't want to believe it, so he filtered it out of his memory! Sheesh!

Yet in spite of this, he claims to be factual and objective?! LOL RIGHT!!!

Several Taiwan girls have told him that I'm right, but he seems to convenient forget that EVERY TIME!

I don't know. But it seems like Rock, although seemingly sincere, has warped views about TW and only sees what he WANTS to see. He is obviously not neutral or objective and filters out the info he doesn't like. We all do to some extent, but he has a strong confirmation bias about TW for some reason. I don't know why. All I know is what I see and experience.

He also believes that anyone who doesn't enjoy Taiwan has an attitude problem. My German friend that I talked about in another thread, had some very valid reasons why he felt alienated in Taiwan, despite the hospitable attention he was getting. He did not have an attitude problem. His Couchsurfing profile has many positive references from others. So, Rock seems to have a victim blaming mentality here, another indication that Taiwan is a religion to him.

He won't even admit that Taiwanese are repressed, which is something that everyone here knows. How can Rock not know something that every average person here knows?

Also, Rock is a good writer, but how come he couldn't figure out the card tricks I did, including the simplest one, yet the cocktail waitress could figure them all out?! LOL Ok well Rock figured out one of them, but only after I did it many times over because I couldn't believe that he couldn't figure out such an obvious trick.

It was the one where I guess the cards accurately as I picked them up. What I did was I bent the cards quickly for a fraction of a second, as I picked each one up in order to see the corners. This is an obvious trick and nearly every Asian person figures it out at first glance. White people don't seem as good at figuring them out for some reason. (I've noticed this ever since doing these tricks since I was 13) I guess it's true that East Asians have higher IQ's. lol.

So, I would say that seeing through BS, deceit and lies is not Rock's forte. Catching BS doesn't appear to be one of his strengths. Therefore, he is likely to believe any guy who BSes to him, or at least give him the benefit of the doubt, esp in regard to Taiwan.

Anyway, it ticks me off when I'm struggling here, depressed and frustrated as hell, with all these cold repressed faces around me ignoring me, in an environment where everyone is minding their own business and not trying to talk to any strangers, and here Rock is claiming that 99/100 guys can pick up girls in TW like flies, and offering no proof. Yeah right.

I see no proof or evidence of his over the top claims. Instead, I see a ton of evidence to the contrary, for the reasons I cited above.

Therefore, the bottom line again is that overall, his claims are HIGHLY IMPROBABLE, when you look at the big picture and 10 reasons above, and furthermore, he seems to have a STRONG CONFIRMATION BIAS and cognitive dissonance that FILTERS out all contrary data to his religious belief that "anyone can get laid in Taiwan" or at least 99/100 or 9/10 can.

I'm not saying that he's dishonest, nor am I saying that he's honest either. Just that what he says does NOT match what I see all around me, and does NOT match what genuine down to earth people here say. Nor does it match basic common sense either. And he definitely has a strong BIAS toward a certain view of Taiwan that FILTERS out contrary data. Most revealing is that the critical questions under reason #10 above about him not getting any hot girls in TW himself are very telling, and perhaps speak volumes, since "actions speak louder than words".

He tries to sidestep this by saying that "some" do well in Taiwan and others don't, which is vague and can apply to anywhere, but he never gives a percentage of this "some". However, from the sheer volume of his testimonials on Taiwan, he definitely is claiming that the majority of men in Taiwan can easily pick up chicks.

I can believe that people like Rock have a knack for getting Taiwanese people to open up to him. That I can buy. But his claim that 9/10 or most guys are able to cold approach Taiwanese girls is definitely NOT TRUE, for the many reasons that have been elaborated on so far. It just doesn't work that way here.

All in all, there is a mountain of evidence and reasons against what he claims, which he religiously sticks to despite all contrary data.

PS - Ok let's say my 99/100 or 9/10 claim by Rock is an exaggeration. But even if Rock claimed that 5/10 or even 1/10 guys he knew in Taiwan could cold approach women successfully, I still wouldn't believe it, because if you come here and look all around you, you will see that NO ONE is doing that. If they are, it's extremely rare. 1 out of 10 is not rare, so even if Rock claims 1 out of 10, it would still be unbelievable. Come here and experience the real Taiwan, and you will see. Everyone minds their own business. Cold approaching or flirting is considered creepy, inappropriate and out of flow. It isn't part of the matrix here. Sure some can get away with it, but it's NOT part of the everyday flow of things. You are definitely walking AGAINST the tide if you try to do it. Even other white guys in Taiwan don't do it, which says a lot. I will show you some letters from them in the next post.

These 10 logical reasons are like Photon Torpedos that obliterate Rock's illusion about Taiwan, turning it into an exploding Death Star. lol

Last edited by Winston on June 7th, 2012, 3:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

Hey all,
Check this out. I asked two decent looking white Canadian guys who have lived in Taiwan for many years (one of them has been here for 10 years, as long as Rock has) about my depression from no eye contact with strangers in Taiwan, which feels so lonely and invalidating. Check out what they wrote back to me, which is in total CONTRAST with Rock's claims.

One guy even berated me for considering the idea of "cold approach" in Taiwan. Here is what he said:
Hi Winston,

So, people here are efficient when eating. No talking, heads near bowls and eating their whatever. You are supposed to eat with your head towards the bowl, not looking around. What's your problem?

People here don't make much eye contact, which is fine with me. I tolerate this because I mind my own damn business and enjoy my meal and other activities. I can live here because I am comfortable here. I hate it when people make eye contact or stare. The only time no eye contact bothers me is when they don't make eye contact and they're the driver and I'm the pedestrian. Overall, it's NATURAL (for Asia, that is).

If you know you can't change their behaviour, don't get uptight. Yes, there is something wrong with you. Hahaha.

I get it about what really bothers you about Taiwan. "Cold approaches" put off girls here, and maybe you come on too strong. Stop complaining, and adapt. Observe what local men do, and copy. Girls are conservative here. Change your methods. Start slow if you want to meet a girl.

Here or back in Canada, I've never done cold approaches. It's dumb dumb dumb, because females anywhere think they are being treated like objects rather than human beings.

You're depressed because you aren't having things YOUR WAY. Life is not like that. Be like wheat and flow with the wind. Or better yet, make a windmill and turn that wheat into bread. If you resist adapting OF COURSE YOU WILL BE DEPRESSED.

Yes, you are a misfit. See you soon.
Oh well. He wasn't that sympathetic. But at least he was honest and did not try to misportray Taiwan as a pickup paradise.

And the other Canadian guy who's been here for 10 years said this:
ya, this is kind of the way Taiwan is. or, i should say Chinese society and probably east asian society (i.e., korea, japan, china). i've actually tried to explain it too. chinese are very very nice and helpful if they know you personally. if you are a friend, they will really bend over backwards to be nice and helpful. but, for people they dont know, there really is zero connection. the reason i know that is because if you go in an elevator, you will see lots of girls fixing their makeup or their hair in the mirror with lots of other people in the elevator. they have zero self-consciousness about the other people in the elevator because they dont know them and its like they dont exist. for us, we would not be able to do that just because we would still feel their presence. but, for chinese, they dont know these people, therefore its like the dont exist.

you're right. it's tough. and it's one of the difficult things that ive had to deal with living in taiwan. and maybe why i like going to phil so often.

actually, i was just reading an article that a guy wrote in Japan that sounds very similar to experiences in Taiwan. you should check it out.

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/fl2012 ... E.facebook
This is so true. Chinese are very good to you if they know you. But if you are a stranger, you simply don't exist to them. It's a strange characteristic inherent in Chinese people. I noticed this growing up in California around Chinese people too. This is common knowledge, so I don't know why it's not talked about publicly on any travel sites or programs. And I don't know why Rock, who's been in Taiwan for 10 years, will not admit to this. Denial and cognitive dissonance are more powerful than I thought.

The same guy later admitted that Taiwan often gets lonely, when I brought it up, which is rare since guys don't like to admit to loneliness since it exposes them to vulnerability. He said:
yes, it does feel very isolated and lonely here. sometimes i walk by restaurants and see large groups of chinese having dinner after work and know that i will likely never be invited to those kinds of gatherings. i've even tried to invite myself along to events like that, but i usually get, "i'll see if my other friends are ok with it", which usually means no.

sure, i guess u can post what u wrote last time. as long as i can see the video u are talking about haha
And of course, my retired therapist friend, who is an expert in psychology, told me that Taiwan is socially not much different than America:
Hey Winston,

Of course it is normal to feel the depressive feelings you are feeling in the sterilized culture of Taiwan. You are in a place where you feel isolated and have few people that understand you and so far as I know, you do not even speak the local languauge. As I told you, I have been to Taiwan and it is not much different (to me) socially than being in the United States.
You probably need to make a move and plan your trip to China because otherwise you will probably sink more into a depressive funk. It is quite normal given your lack of sexual, lack of connection and feelings of being misunderstood (which are real feelings) by your family and the culture at large.

Remember, it is not YOU--it is THEM!!!! You are just in a place that doesn't fit your needs and it is beginning to wear on you. Find a place that fits your needs and the rest will take care of itself.
Obviously, the reality of Taiwan is nothing like Rock portrays at all. He tries to sidestep this by saying that "some" do well in Taiwan and others don't, which is vague and can apply to anywhere, but he never gives a percentage of this "some". Regardless, Taiwan is not an easy "pickup paradise" as Rock likes to claim.

The above letters, along with my own experience, that of others, and the 11 logical reasons in this thread, constitute a GIGANTIC MOUNTAIN OF REAL EVIDENCE against Rock's claims. EVERYTHING in EVERY CATEGORY is against Rock's claims. So you gotta wonder, "What's Rock smoking?!"

These letters are like Photon Torpedos that obliterate Rock's illusion about Taiwan, turning it into an exploding Death Star. lol

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Post by Winston »

Rock wrote: As I've written previously, rural China is clearly getting the best of you. You behave like a passive aggressive troll who is obsessed with Winston and full of negative energy. If you don't shape up, he'll probably ban you before too long. But this time around, you'll leave with your tail between your legs.
Nah. Globetrotter may be a jackass and annoying. But he hasn't done anything illegal or broken any rules. So I would not ban him just for being a prick. He obviously is miserable inside, or else he would not make such posts.

I don't see why he doesn't just move to the city in China. Or why he won't date Chinese women in their 40's, many of which are still very gorgeous, as I posted in this thread:


Also, there is no reason why he shouldn't come clean about his identity. He has nothing to lose by admitting that he's Globetrotter. So his behavior is most illogical.
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Post by Rock »

I don't have time to read all your new posts here now but have skimmed a few lines from first couple. I will do so in a few days when I do have time. But I will throw out some new information for you to chew-on in the meantime.

-I gave u ample opportunity to visit Monkro and I in Taiwan (Taipei and Taichung) for nearly a month. U never even responded to my open invitation let alone took me up on it. I invited you directly several times as my text messages and posts can prove. So where do u get off daring ph_visitor to visit all the way from China? That sounds like an empty challenge cus u know he won't do it. And you wouldn't either even tho we were as close as a 1 hour bus ride to your home when we were in Taichung. Stop posing as some guy who really wants to get to the bottom of the facts on this. U don't! U just wanna believe wht u wanna believe, end of story.

- Between the time I returned to Taiwan from SE Asia and when I left for States again last week-end (about a month in total), I've been out with 3 different Taiwan girls on multiple 1-on-1 dates and already had intimacy with them. I met 2 of them just by accident going out with Monkro and the third one I knew previously and she was visiting Taiwan from Europe where she now lives. I also met 2 additional ones who I am in contact with through email and text. One of the new girls I've been dating (a 24 year old nurse) just called me on Viber earlier this evening. And guess how I met each and every one of them (all 5)??? Also, guess how I met my ex who I still go out with as friends sometimes???

So you are going to claim I am BSing or that the girls I am referring to are ugly or unattractive. Well for the BSing part:
- I have photos and vids I can show u
- your close friend (Anne) already saw me out with one of them and spoke with here for awhile
- Monkro and/or Asian Dragon can back me up too as they've met some of them.

Are they unattractive or ugly? That's a subjective call but I'm happy to show you (not email) photos/vids or let u meet some of them if you would ever get your ass out of your parent's basement where u so frequently obsess about how unapproachable Taiwan girls are. I certainly believe they are all better looking than the Taichung girl I set you up with who u were so attracted to and excited about but who ended up ditching u and driving away. You be the judge.
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Post by Winston »

I talked about me and Rock's debate with a Taiwanese lady I know in Taichung who is 38, tall and skinny. She also met Rock last week when he went to Taichung. She said some interesting things that are worth sharing:

- She said that Rock does well in Taiwan because he is tall and skinny, not just because he's white, and that he has a comfortable personality to be around, whereas many foreign guys here don't. He is also a good talker who does not have a bad temper, but is very mild mannered. These are things I already knew though. But what she also said that was new, was that Rock has a feminine type of face, which Taiwanese girls like. Now that I didn't know. So I guess if you are a guy with a feminine type of face, then the super feminine women here will resonate with that more. Maybe women who are extremely feminine are turned off by a face that's too masculine for them? lol Anyway, that's an interesting thing to know.

- She also said that my looks are on the positive side, and that I'm in the attractive category here, but that I could be improved by losing weight and dressing more like an upscale businessman or boss. She offered to take me shopping this weekend to try to improve my fashion sense and take me to meet someone as well. So I will be seeing her this weekend.

It does seem that when women reach their 30's here, they begin to open up more and become less shy.

Anyway, even if we agree that Rock is good at approaching girls in Taiwan, still, that's not what I'm disputing. What I'm disputing is his claim that the majority or 9/10 guys in Taiwan have no problem cold approaching girls in Taiwan. The three letters above, which Rock again FILTERED OUT (he definitely filters out data, no question about it), testify to this, as does Ethan's posts and others.
Last edited by Winston on May 25th, 2012, 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

Rock, if you have photos and videos, feel free to email them to me. You can do so any time. No excuses. You won't even show me any pics of your long time gf here. You keep making excuses.

See reasons #9, 10, and 11 above. They are VERY logical, and were listed using the same logic I use that can beat 99 percent of people in chess and 95 percent of Taiwanese people at Chinese chess, and basic chess computers up to mid-level.

Yeah right. Every girl gets intimate with you. No one is platonic with you Rock. You almost never get rejected. Uh huh. Ok well every girl gets intimate with me too. Girls are crazy! I can't get rid of them. They are so sex-starved! Man! LOL Casual sex is sooo easy! Everyone is getting it! There's no need for any bars in Phils or Thailand. They will go out of business soon. There is no need for dating sites either. Thousands of dating sites are going out of business, because anyone can get dates and casual sex here. Yaddy ya ya.

Typical white guy talk. Everyone sleeps with me within three dates. Sex is easy. Every girl wants sex with me. Yaddy ya ya.

You never approach attractive type of girls, and if you do, you probably wouldn't get much out of it either.

Here's what someone said about this thread and reasons #9, 10, 11:
Yea I strongly agree with everything you've said and I think Rock just has denial issues. I guess it's painful for him to admit the fact that Taiwan is not a very friendly place as he hoped it would be (judging from what you've said) and what pains him even more is the fact that he ran away from the land of opportunity to come to Taiwan because of the exact same problem.....unfriendly behavior. So it's like déjà vu to him.

I guess he just can't stand pessimism and always tries to see the good in everything or at least delude himself into thinking that everything is ok; of course except for the almighty US of A which was the reason he relocated to Taiwan in the first place. I have a friend like this who is always bragging about how good life is or how good his own life is but of course, the negativity that a realist witnesses everyday would always contradict the bullshit that he keeps yapping about. Anytime I bring up something thats negative but true, he'll tell me I'm wrong and try to say something good about it. People like Rock and my friend can't stand to hear the truth about something bad
What WorldTraveler (who considers me the only guy he knows who doesn't BS) said about this thread and reasons #9, 10, 11:
Actions speak always. If you see a guy with ugly girls always, he dates ugly girls. If he found it easy in Taiwan he wouldn't be leaving. Did you ever see him have success with a girl in Taiwan? Guys that always brag about how good it is are 90% the time liars. If a guy tells you he goes to Phil and dates girls that don't ask him for money or are easy to handle, then I know he's either never been or is a total liar!

My friend in the USA wants me to go to the beach w/ him this weekend, but claims he dating this girl regularly. I say BS or else he wouldn't be asking me to go to the beach w/ him!
Again, if you have photos and videos, feel free to email them. I won't post them, but I'll tell you objectively what they show and what they don't.

But even if you had photos, that doesn't mean that they would address or refute reasons #9, 10, 11 and the other 8 reasons before it. All 11 logical reasons constitute a VERY POWERFUL case that your claim that the vast majority of guys you know can cold approach girls successfully in Taiwan is NOT TRUE in all probability, from 11 different angles and lines of evidence.

I challenge you to refute all 11 logical arguments one by one. I'll bet money that you can't. Altogether they constitute a very airtight case from multiple angles that your basic claim can't be true.

Also, the 3 letters above seem to have been filtered out of your memory banks yet again, as usual. There is no question that you have a filtering system (aka cognitive dissonance). That I can prove and have proven already.

At least my other white guy friend here, Mark, tries to help me by introducing me to different girls here, who he is no longer interested in or who have rejected him, and passing their contact info onto me. A few turned out to be duds. But I've met one hot Taiwanese girl through him, who is in her 20's and from Tainan. She and I have been talking for hours the last few days on the phone and by Skype. I constantly make her giggle and laugh. She is tall, skinny and attractive. Very much my type. I will email you her photos later.

So anyway, at least this Mark guy actually does something to help me, rather than making outrageous claims that defy 11 logical reasons. lol

If you are half as successful as you claim here, you would have tons of contact info that you could pass on to other guys. But instead, all you have are excuses, such as your gf destroyed them all, etc. People with lots of friends are able to introduce some to others. This is true in any country. As WorldTraveler said above, actions speak louder than words.

How is Mark able to help me out in ways that you can't? That's odd. He is older than you and balding too. So it's odd that he can do things that you can't.
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Post by Dogboy86 »

Not everyone that compliments you is your friend, not everyone that hurts your feelings is your enemy. When you prefer to have your ears tickled over hearing the facts you only stagnate yourself.

Men that routinely pay for sex have a hard time believing that there are men that get sex without paying for it. This is true of you Winston because you can not believe the plain truth that many men get and have sex without an up front cash exchange. Make all the excuses you want, bash and name call all those that lend you advice but it dosnt change the fact the that you live in denial of every day truths and realities... :)
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Post by Winston »

Dogboy86 wrote:Not everyone that compliments you is your friend, not everyone that hurts your feelings is your enemy. When you prefer to have your ears tickled over hearing the facts you only stagnate yourself.

Men that routinely pay for sex have a hard time believing that there are men that get sex without paying for it. This is true of you Winston because you can not believe the plain truth that many men get and have sex without an up front cash exchange. Make all the excuses you want, bash and name call all those that lend you advice but it dosnt change the fact the that you live in denial of every day truths and realities... :)
True, however I don't think that analogy applies in this case, because my 10 logical reasons are also TRUE, along with the many opinions of many others, all of which totally debunk what Rock claims about Taiwan being a pickup/cold approach paradise for everyone except me. Even our forum members such as Ethan_sg, Falcon and Momopi do not support Rock's ludicrous and disproven laughable claim. I SWEAR IT!

Note: Reasons #1 and 2 were about the same, so I combined them. There are now 10 logical reasons, which is the perfect number. :)

Two points I want to elaborate on:

- Taiwanese women are VERY conservative. In fact, they are the most conservative women I've ever met, along with their culture, out of all the countries I've been to. Everyone in Taiwan agrees that the girls here are very "bao so" (conservative, shy, closed). They are even more conservative than girls in the Middle East, who in contrast are easy and natural to chat up. Obviously, extremely conservative women are not "easy to approach or date for everyone or most guys except Winston". It's a no brainer.

- Taiwanese females are VERY picky. They are very particular about who they befriend or date, especially if they are young. You got to be part of their clique, group, school, age range, look a certain way, etc. Obviously, super picky girls are not "easy to pick up, date or approach for everyone or most guys except Winston". And even if you do meet them, like through introductions and mutual friends, most of the time they flake out and act flighty, always making excuses and being busy. Either that, or they keep everything strictly platonic with no flirtation.
Last edited by Winston on June 7th, 2012, 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

What I wrote a bunch of friends this morning about last night:

"Last night a russian girl I met on okcupid took me to a niteclub here in chiayi. Later we were joined by five young white guys. They were all young and good looking. We met many girls, but they were all foreign girls. One guy even went home with a mongolian girl that I invited to our table. But all the taiwanese girls were very cold and not open to us, even to the five young white guys with me. I kept daring the guys with us to approach the hot taiwanese girls at the table next to us. they wouldn't. So finally I did and sure enough, they were cold and standoffish. This is TOTAL PROOF that rock was wrong in his ludicrous claim that "everyone or most guys can cold approach women easily in Taiwan except Winston". I will tell my forum and show them the pictures, and then everyone will finally believe me for sure. this is a huge bombshell. I have won the debate with rock many times already, about 1,000,000 times already! He is so stubborn not to concede when he has lost 1,000,000 times. This time, I have many pictures to prove my point. haha.


One of the five white guys even knew me from online and said that I was infamous and that he was a fan of mine."

A response I got to my note above from Sean, a white Canadian in Taipei who has lived here for 10 years, as long as Rock has, but is far more realistic, down to earth, and more honest about his vulnerabilities:
I didnt realize there were so many hot and international women in such a small town as Chia-yi haha

but, you know, i think i might be starting to believe you. dont get me wrong, as a white guy in Taiwan, I've done ok with the ladies. But, most of those have taken some work, and certainly, at the beginning, most of those women were cold and standoffish like you mentioned. But, after considering they way u describe it, i think my success with women here (what little i've had) is probably inspite of the situation here, not because of it. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a single middle-aged guy, ok looking, not overweight, have a respectable job, dress well, speak fluent Chinese, i'm even a private pilot for goodness sake. in any other country, i would probably be getting way more women than i am here. it's just so hard to get past that cold wall they all have.....maybe that's why i find myself spending more and more time in the Philippines....
My response to him:

"I didn't either. I guess you have to know students in college dorms to meet the international people. I was pretty shocked too.

There is a weird wall here. The foreign girls I talked to also said that they could not vibe with Taiwanese because they were on a different wavelength. The Russian girl that took me there said she didn't have hardly any Taiwanese friends. It's just too hard to connect with them.

Also, I notice that 80 percent of the girls here are good looking, but they are just empty dolls with nothing inside.

And the odds are against you. 90 percent of the girls I know here flake out or avoid my calls. If they have something against me, I will never know it, because they never tell me about it, so you're always left wondering what you did wrong. Don't you hate that?

The girls are way thinner and more attractive than in America, but their flakiness is just the same."

PS - You know, you gotta wonder if the reason Rock hides his real name from everyone, including hotel receptionists, is because he is running from lawsuits filed against him for giving people false hopes and false claims, or some similar reason.
Last edited by Winston on June 7th, 2012, 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Alright here are some photos from last night that PROVES my claims and show that I've been right all along!!!!!!!!!! They are the perfect supplement to my 10 logical reasons against Rock's ridiculous disproven claims. They show HARD EVIDENCE that supports my claims.

As you can see in the photos at the link below, me and five slim white guys at our table, were all given the cold shoulder by ALL the Taiwanese girls in the club, while ALL the foreign girls there were VERY friendly and open with us! One of the guys in my group even went home with a Mongolian girl. These photos are a CLINCHER! 100 percent of it validates my claims!!!

Last edited by Winston on June 23rd, 2012, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Repatriate »

I give you props Winston for documenting your night out but simply taking one event and pumping it into a "all TW girls are like this, period." is a bitch of a stretch. Plus how do you know these girls are just dolls who are empty inside without knowing them? Is it because they don't vibe with you?

It's just that you don't know these people and haven't broken through to any of them.
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Post by Winston »

Repatriate wrote:I give you props Winston for documenting your night out but simply taking one event and pumping it into a "all TW girls are like this, period." is a bitch of a stretch. Plus how do you know these girls are just dolls who are empty inside without knowing them? Is it because they don't vibe with you?

It's just that you don't know these people and haven't broken through to any of them.
Because it's obvious. Even expats agree. Did you see Sean's letter above? Why are you trying to play devil's advocate? I've proven my point many times over. It's obvious. I've been all over Taiwan. Everyone agrees with me, except a few BSers on the internet with no name.

I don't have to go to every club in Taiwan many times to know what they are like. 1 or 2 times is usually enough. A culture's vibe and atmosphere and characteristics are easy to gauge. Not hard. It's not rocket science dude. Just basic observation. Other western guys concur with my observations too. It's a no brainer. There's nothing to debate. White guys I've met here don't dispute these observations, so why should you?

Come here Repatriate, and you will see. You couldn't have approached those girls either. And if you tried, you would have been given the same cold shoulder. That's how they are. Denying it doesn't change it. Stop BSing and playing word games. They are what they are. Every foreigner I talked to agreed with me about Taiwanese and the cold wall, including both new expats and long time expats. It's an obvious proven fact and a no brainer by now. Everyone here in the forum now realizes the obvious. There is no more debate. I was RIGHT all along, and you know it and everyone knows it. Every piece of evidence from every angle supports my claims over and over and over again.

Anyone here, including you, others, Rock and his little East Indian friend is welcome to come to Chiayi and try cold approaching those hot Taiwanese girls at that club. Or go to Taichung where tons of hot girls are too. There are scores of model type girls at the new Top City mall in Taichung. And even SE Asian girls near the train station at the immigrant workers mall, which Rock has been to, but are cold for some reason. I dare anybody to try approaching girls with a cold wall around them. Then you will know how uncomfortable it is. No talk. No BS. Come here and try it.
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Post by Blue Murder »

I'd take Winston's challenge if I had ca$h.
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Post by davewe »

Repatriate wrote:I give you props Winston for documenting your night out but simply taking one event and pumping it into a "all TW girls are like this, period." is a bitch of a stretch. Plus how do you know these girls are just dolls who are empty inside without knowing them? Is it because they don't vibe with you?

It's just that you don't know these people and haven't broken through to any of them.
Only in the world of Winston does a guy go out, strike out consistently, then declare victory because he's proven that he's right and Rock is wrong.
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Post by Repatriate »

Winston wrote:
Because it's obvious. Even expats agree. Did you see Sean's letter above? Why are you trying to play devil's advocate? I've proven my point many times over. It's obvious. I've been all over Taiwan. Everyone agrees with me, except a few BSers on the internet with no name.
Just because your experiences have been bad doesn't mean others have equally bad experiences. Also, have you tried hooking up with a group of Taiwanese people who are into the local social scene? It seems like 99% of the time you're hanging out with white expats who are equally clueless and only hanging out in certain places that are geared towards that scene. Why don't you find some hip local friends to show you around or get in good with those types?

One thing you have to keep in mind is that you're not white Winston you're asian-american and you have to hang out with a different group to network into the local scene.
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