Is life better for men without having kids?

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Boner_Jones wrote: Holy jesus...that's harsh. I mean... damn :shock:
It happens to be true and I do not waiver from speaking the truth. Why should I?
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Dogboy86 wrote:My son is seven and has enriched my life in more ways than I can count.
Get back to me when he is kidnapped and abused and refuses to talk to you and hates on you.

Let me know how that goes for you, eh?

For that is the fate of many a good father who said what you said when their sons were younger.

I am disgusted in my two former sons. They are pathetic manginas who do not deserve the right to life, liberty, property or the pursuit of happiness.

They were spineless gutless jellyfish in the face of a criminal mother.


I have no respect for them and will never have respect for them. Indeed, I will be putting all four children on trial accused of aiding and abetting a known criminal so as to teach them a lesson in life. When you see a crime you denounce it and you ensure that the victim of a crime is given a community supported path to justice. To do less is to enable more crime.

Like I said. I am disgusted at all four of my former children. I do think the boys have a chance of turning out decent men one day. But the two girls are beyond all hope of salvage to be decent human beings. They will be disgusting liars and criminals like their mother. The apple did not fall far from the tree.
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Post by Dogboy86 »

Funny you say this PAN. I have laid the ground work with my son, he knows he is smarter then his mother and runs her shit, she marches to his beat. I have him half of the time or more because she knows he is more then she can handle. I have paid my pound of flesh and made the best of my situation. Please do not project you failures on me PAN...
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Boner_Jones wrote:i don't have children...yet. But I don't know... maybe i would regret it years later?

Like... I know women want's like they are programmed to want them...

what happens if when I'm 40...50...60.... will i look back wishing i had kids?

Please take no offense, but it sounds like some females have gotten into your head. Men don''t sit and worry that they might regret not having kids later on, unless women plant that seed of their own doubt into a man's head.

You also expressed concern that you fear not having kids to take care of you later on. This is also a female's weak justification for having kids.

If you reason like a man, you will know if you want the burden, sacrifice, and expense of caring for a woman's children who just happen to have your DNA. Don't let women brainwash you into doing something against your best interest.
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Post by Blue Murder »

Yo, don't have kids. DO NOT have kids. Do the action of creating offspring, not. Not is what you should do when it comes to having kids.

Do. Not. Have. ANY. Children. Ever. AT ALL!

People who spout that "carry on my name/legacy" or "populate the human race" bullshit are worthless, pathetic losers with nothing of their own to live for. They find value in other people -- your kids ARE other people, they count as such. You project your failures, accomplishments and dreams onto them. Why do you think shows like Toddlers in Tiaras, or Dance Moms exist?

Exactly. I don't even like the concept of parenting. I'd rather the human race populate itself using more systemic means like some in-vitro-colony-egg shit.

But most people who've posted in this thread are spot-on.

I, for one, never had kids, don't have kids, and never will have kids. They waste time, money, effort, and they're stupid.

I have spoken.
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Post by Winston »

Check out what all these mothers said about motherhood. They said that it's the WORST thing that's ever happened to them, that they regret it very much, and that it's a NIGHTMARE that never ends, where they have to suffer EVERYDAY!

Below are just a few revealing comments out of hundreds on that page. ... e-a-bitch/

Anonymous 6 months ago
I would just like to point out that we, DID warn you!!! We, who don't have children, have decided not to have them because we did the research. You, on the other hand, just blindly followed the breeders. WE observed, gathered information and used your brain. YOU refused to listen and likely mooed about how you just HAD to have a baby. There are forums, boards, communities. There's plenty of information to be had for those who put some thought into the life-altering decision of popping out a sprog. Honestly, I put more thought into what kind of vacuum cleaner to buy than most people do about having a kid!

There's another concept I would like to introduce you to. There's this cool invention. It's called abortion. For the sake of everything that is decent, if you're too dumb to figure out birth control, at least abort the little Mystakey.

Rate Bury

Anonymous 6 months ago
Your twat will never be the same. Never EVER f***ing let anyone tell you otherwise. I stay fit as much as I can, I've tried everything to get it back but my husband doesn't even want to look at me half the time. I hate being a mother. I HATE IT! Whoever the f**k tells you it's wonderful is full of shit. It's horrible. Please, please don't make the same damn mistake. It's not worth it. It really f***ing isn't. My son is a screaming devil child. My husband is a worthless asshole. I'm afraid to leave for work everyday because my husband has no job and has to stay home and watch my son. I don't have a f***ing clue as to what they're doing but I know when I come home it's the same living hell over and over. I've thought about running away more times than I can count. It's not a "phase", no amount of Mommy support can help me. I just need to get the f**k out of here. Please, anyone reading this, don't believe the lie society tells you. Motherhood is f***ing horrible. It's not for everyone. If you can handle it, good for you but f**k, don't fall for it!

Rate Bury

Anonymous 6 months ago
Thank you everyone on here that is telling the truth. I never want children and am sick to death of everyone telling me how great it is when I know they're lying!! I feel for you guys. I'm not gonna just say bed, made, lie because you probably got the same bullshit I've been getting - 'It's your job as a woman', 'It'll make you and your husband closer', 'It's all worth it'.

Well, ladies, I am truly sorry you all are suffering like this . But thank you, you have saved me.

Rate Bury

Anonymous 6 months ago
I do have to feel some pity for the mothers posting about how they felt duped by society & family/friends into the Myth Of Motherhood....but I honestly don't know how they ever fell for it. I suppose really young girls would have more easily fallen for the "it's the bestest thing ever - motherhood is awesome", line. But, as a 33 year old woman married for 9 years to the love of my life, I always suspected it was mostly bullshit. Anytime I have observed a mother out in public with her child, the majority of the time it didn't seem like much of a fulfilling or rewarding experience. Especially when the child is out of infancy and starting to become more willful, it looks like total hell. Hearing a kid parrot back "I love you" with no concept of what love really is, wouldn't make it all worth it to me. I get so sick of hearing "oh , it's different when it's your own!", and then finding hundreds of confessions on numerous sites from miserable parents who tell the truth about what a thankless drudgery it really is. I always knew it was; it does baffle me a little bit that women would think any differently....but, it all depends on what you experienced growing up & the influence of family/friends/media, etc., I suppose.

I am also sick of hearing parents tell me that I'll "die alone" and be lonely and regretful in my last years. You know what? Even if they're right to some degree - even if I AM lonely & a bit sad in my final years, I'll have had the satisfaction of living the VAST majority of my life on my own terms; doing whatever I like & answering to nobody. Living happily for the majority of my life, not having to be responsible for anyone but myself, will have made any loneliness in my elder-years worth it.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Dogboy86 wrote:Funny you say this PAN. I have laid the ground work with my son, he knows he is smarter then his mother and runs her shit, she marches to his beat. I have him half of the time or more because she knows he is more then she can handle. I have paid my pound of flesh and made the best of my situation. Please do not project you failures on me PAN...
I did not project my "failures" on to you because I do not have any such failures to project on to you. That my former daughters are a total disgrace is a not a failure on MY part. I did a great job as a father to my former daughters. It was their MOTHER who sabotaged her daughters. She even said so.

Ditto for my former sons. It was their MOTHER and the mangina men around them that undermined them.

I view my role as father and husband as being VERY successful. There are VERY few men who can do something like inspire their son to fight for his own life to beat cancer after he has given up. If you talked to ANYONE prior to my divorce, INCLUDING MY WIFE, you would be told I was a fabulous father. Here are my wifes own words. ... fault.aspx

Let me quote them to you.
As people have gotten up to speak I have seen aspects of my way of
being reflected in their stories. As I listened the possibility has dawned
on me that while I have complained of being bullied by you I have actually
been the bully. I have been so stubborn as to make our marriage unworkable.
I have resisted nearly everything you suggested, all to show you that you
are not the boss of me. I guess after all these years and divorce on the
table it should be pretty clear to both of us that that's the case.

You are the Samson that holds up the roof of the wortld over me and our
family. I have been Delialh pretending to love you while undermining your
strength. I am so sorry for that. I realise that for us to have the
relationship of my possibility I will have to give up making you wrong. I am
committed to having this possibility in my life. I will have head-over-heels
love with someone and you are my first choice.

I know you feel the relationship with our children is secondary and I have
always made you wrong for that. I want our relationship to be complete
freeing you to be a father to them. Will you be their father? No amount of
mother love can compensate them for the loss of you.

Now I have created a possibility for my life do you think it is one I might
enroll you in? I invite you to share a life with me more wonderful than we
could ever have apart.

My offer to you is nothing less than myself, utterly, totally and

With all my love Jenni
Now. This is my wife BEGGING ME for one more chance in May 2007. However, she refused to live up to the minimum requirement. HONESTY.

She took the position that she had the RIGHT to lie to me and the RIGHT to steal money from the family finances. She was given an ultimatum. Hand over ALL MONEY to me so that I could ENSURE that we would be well off in retirement or DIVORCE.

She chose DIVORCE as she did not trust me to take care of the family finances and she wished to retain the RIGHT to steal from the family finances and LIE TO ME.

So no.

I reject the notion that I FAILED in my marriage in any way, shape or form.

I reject the notion that I failed in ANY WAY to meet my obligations as a FATHER or husband.

When my rights were violated I was very clear.


If 2% if abused fathers had the GUTS I have then this mess would be over. But they don't. They just take their criminal abuse and then pretend that they are somehow "manly" for being criminally abused and allowing that criminal abuse to stand. Nope. Such men are actually betraying their sons to more of the same.

Now what I DID say was "Get back to me when he is kidnapped and abused and refuses to talk to you and hates on you."

That my former two sons are spineless gutless jellyfish is a result of the spineless gutless jellyfish that call themselves "men" in Australia and the women who make them that way.

Clearly, I am not one of them. But me leading by example also does not lead to OTHER MEN following my example because they too are spineless gutless jellyfish who tolerate criminal abuse of themselves and their sons.

If, in the future, my former sons are criminally abused then they DESERVE that criminal abuse. Tolerating criminal abuse begets MORE criminal abuse.

Me? I will remedy the criminal abuse I have suffered if it takes me my whole life to do that. No one criminally abuses me and gets away with it. I have made sure that those who criminally abused me can not kill me. I have the rest of my life to bring justice to those who criminally abused me. They know this. And they will be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives wondering when justice will finally be dispensed to them. There is not a single person who has criminally abused me who does not know that I absolutely WILL bring justice to them one day. Not one.

What do other men do? They just take it up the arse and try and tell other men how "manly" they are in tolerating criminal abuse.

They are cowards and they KNOW IT.

This is how Russian men deal with criminal abuse in marriage.

This is why Russian women are FAR more friendly in marriage and ALMOST NEVER create acrimonious divorces.

Russian men are not gutless whimps like western men.

Given what this guy did to his wife and mother in law? Do you think the NEXT russian woman in london is going to screw her husband over this badly? I think not. The women will only screw over men they are VERY confident will not fight back from criminal victimisation.
Last edited by PeterAndrewNolan on June 18th, 2012, 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blue Murder »

Good. That's what men should start doing right there -- letting bitches know that their shit stinks.

I'd never get married -- that won't EVER change. So best believe that whatever bitch is lucky enough to become mine can (and most likely will) be thrown out of my house if she so much as gets two-ways with me.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Hi Winston,
yes...those comments show you how SICK western women are now.

My mother told me every day in every way that she was happy that I was alive.

As a little boy, when I came for my breakfast, she would say to me "darling, sweetheart, treasure of mine, would you like something nice to eat?"

I told my fav#1 this years ago and she took to calling me "darling, sweetheart, treasure of mine" with her VERY sexy accent.

This is how GOOD WOMEN treat their children and their men. Not the hate filled diatribes you have copied from their blogs.

How does a woman who hates her child think she can raise it to be a decent human being.

As one black pastor questioned in an article I read.....
"if black women consistently tell their sons that women do not need men, how do you think you are going to raise your boys to be men? And what do you think your boys will think about women when they get to be a man?"
The HATRED of women is right under the surface in the west. You do not see this kind of pathological hatred in women from eastern europe...or at least I have not seen it.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Dogboy86 wrote: I have him half of the time or more because she knows he is more then she can handle.
So you are one of these men who allowed his right to be the father he chose to be violated and you took it up the arse anyway, eh?

Cowards. The LOT of you.
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Post by Dogboy86 »

PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Dogboy86 wrote: I have him half of the time or more because she knows he is more then she can handle.
So you are one of these men who allowed his right to be the father he chose to be violated and you took it up the arse anyway, eh?

Cowards. The LOT of you.
No PAN, cowards run and hide from a situation. I delt with mine the best I could with the responces I had at the time. You on the other hand have taken it up the arse as much as anyone. Claiming to be an alpha and yelling stupid shit at a magistrate did little more that to make you appear as a mentally deranged individual. I might not like the rules but at least I understand that saying they arnt so dosnt change them. Being in denial of reality dosnt change it PAN. Claiming everyone that isn't in march step with you is ASIO is also a delusional projection. You have lost as much as anyone here in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children. I chose to handle my business in a way I could still have access in the fathering of my son. I have little doubt he will choose to live with me full time at the age of twelve. Like I said I have laid ground work with him and I trust his ability to reason and make the right choice when the time comes. If I am wrong so be it and I leave free and clear knowing I did all I could. This is my choice as a free individual to make and choose my own path. I do not agree or support the criminal laws of my land but I will bend to have a chance to be the father of the remarkable individual who is my son, I do not run from him or this challenge.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Boner_Jones wrote:i don't have children...yet. But I don't know... maybe i would regret it years later?

Like... I know women want's like they are programmed to want them...

what happens if when I'm 40...50...60.... will i look back wishing i had kids?
Last edited by NorthAmericanguy on June 30th, 2012, 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Boner_Jones »

shit man... it seems like the TRUE MAN must live and die alone... he is condemned... to a life of alienation and loneliness. no wife... no children... no progeny... to carry human life down the line into eternity...

What use are we independent misfits... in the larger picture? Because...the others... the masses... the sheeple retard going along with the herd who thought he needed to have kids... THEY are the ones who have families and children.... isn't that why we exist? how the world exists?

maybe they are uninformed but... THEY are what makes the world go round n'round... Because if not for THEM... there wouldn't be a community... a society... a world....or even a group of disgruntled men going against the herd... Without the stupid mindless masses... independent thinking man couldn't exist...

So... if the world = mindless sheeple, what was ever worth preserving in this world in the 1st place?

sorry for rambling.. I had a little bit o'whiskey now
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Dogboy86 wrote:
PeterAndrewNolan wrote:
Dogboy86 wrote: I have him half of the time or more because she knows he is more then she can handle.
So you are one of these men who allowed his right to be the father he chose to be violated and you took it up the arse anyway, eh?

Cowards. The LOT of you.
No PAN, cowards run and hide from a situation. I delt with mine the best I could with the responces I had at the time. You on the other hand have taken it up the arse as much as anyone. Claiming to be an alpha and yelling stupid shit at a magistrate did little more that to make you appear as a mentally deranged individual. I might not like the rules but at least I understand that saying they arnt so dosnt change them. Being in denial of reality dosnt change it PAN. Claiming everyone that isn't in march step with you is ASIO is also a delusional projection. You have lost as much as anyone here in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children. I chose to handle my business in a way I could still have access in the fathering of my son. I have little doubt he will choose to live with me full time at the age of twelve. Like I said I have laid ground work with him and I trust his ability to reason and make the right choice when the time comes. If I am wrong so be it and I leave free and clear knowing I did all I could. This is my choice as a free individual to make and choose my own path. I do not agree or support the criminal laws of my land but I will bend to have a chance to be the father of the remarkable individual who is my son, I do not run from him or this challenge.
No. You didn't deal with them as best you could. You bent over and took it up the arse and called that the best you could deal with it. You allowed your unalienable right to be the father you chose to be get violated and settled for being a "part time father". That approach DISGUSTS me but it is the gutless approach most men take.

"Better to allow criminal acts against me and have SOME time with my kids than to stand up for my rights so NO OTHER MEN ARE SIMILARLY CRIMINALLY VICTIMISED".

I did what was RIGHT. I refused to allow my rights to be violated and I continue to refuse those rights violations and I demand a community supported path to justice. Should my community NOT provide that path to justice then I will dispense SUMMARY JUSTICE MYSELF. I have NEVER waived the right to dispense summary justice against those who commit crimes against me.

Only problem is...99.9% of WESTERN men are GUTLESS WHIMPS like you in that when a man makes a request for a community supported path to justice your gutless response is "you should accept criminal acts against you and I will not provide you with a community supported path to justice"

In short, under the universal natural law "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" gutless cowards like YOU make the claim that "I claim other men are not entitled by RIGHT to a path to justice and therefore I am not entitled to a path to justice". And then gutless cowards like YOU wonder how you got criminally victimised.

I have NEVER consented to being criminally victimised and I never will. I want my remedy. And I am telling your men that men JUST LIKE YOU are the ones who have BETRAYED THEM with your gutlessness and cowardice.

"Claiming to be an alpha and yelling stupid shit at a magistrate did little more that to make you appear as a mentally deranged individual"

"All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed."

And that is all that is. You have NO IDEA what was happening on that video and so you ridicule me because you are stupid and ignorant. Meanwhile, men who KNOW what is happening in that video call it the GREATEST piece of work to that date.

Getting that video was one of the GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS OF MY LIFE and those who understand what is happening agree.

Yet you are showing off your stupidity and ignorance by ridiculing me when you do not even know what is happening on the video! LOL!!

One of the things that makes it OBVIOUS that most men like you are stupid and ignorant is that all you can come up with is ridicule and hate speech for a man who has done a GREAT DEAL for YOUR BENEFIT. Men are SO STUPID they actually attack the man who is doing MORE THAN ANY OTHER to re-introduce the rule of law across the english speaking world.

"No, no, no...we do not want the rule of law, we WANT to be governed, we are sheeple, to govern ourselves is not within our ability, we are children, we must be told what to do, and anyone who says they can govern themselves must be crazy because we know that is not possible"

And you men wonder why I call you stupid?

Go and beg the criminals in your guvment and legal fraternity to stop committing crimes against you, to stop oppressing you, to stop making up arbitrary rules and then punishing you for "breaking the law". Let me know how you get on with that.

As for my losses? I have not paid more income tax than ALL THE MONEY STOLEN OFF ME. I was AHEAD ON THE DEAL INSIDE TWO YEARS in terms of MONEY.

And "losing" or "disowning" my former children? They do not deserve a good father and their character shows that they were no loss at all to me. I am better off without them and the world would be a better place without them. I am sorry I did such a dis-service to my fellow humans in paying for the older two and bringing the younger two into the world. men are stupid.
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Post by Dogboy86 »

PAN you are a two bit con man at best. I ridicule you because you are beond ridiculous. You have disowned your children and claim to be a good father. SACRIFICE not self aggrandizement is what being a good father is about. I choose not to abandon my child the way you have your four but I have betrayed men and am a coward. Lol There is no justice in this world PAN, but keep on selling snake oil I'm sure someone will buy it.

I saw plenty in your videos PAN, I saw a scared man not completely in grasp of his facilities attempting to reach above his level. If that was greatness I'm happy to be inept and ignorant. Your claim to be an alpha is just that, a claim. Like everything else about you its more hot air, smoke and mirrors. I'm just a lowly ignoramus so I'm sure the comprehension of such things is above me. I'm glad there are strong alpha males like you to lead the way for all of the rest of us... What a joke!
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