Falcon is a strange bird but we can learn from him (Photos)

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Post by Falcon »

Julia from the bookstore did tell me and Rock that chatting up strangers is weird ("guai guai de"). She told Rock that meeting women through classes and organized activities would be much better. But, Rock told me that breaking the rules wouldn't really matter so much, since Taiwanese usually don't react in hostile ways.

On the other hand, the Filipinas that I met at the malls and bus terminals found meeting young, good-looking strangers to be completely normal and natural. At the mall, when Mguy tried to take pictures of two women from mainland China, they were taken aback. I had to tell them in Mandarin that the Philippines is simply more laid-back in order to convince them to have a photo taken of them.

My cousin, who had a long chat with Rock about dating in Taiwan, also defends Taiwan. When I tell my cousin that Taiwanese women are often stuck-up princesses, right away he'd say, "No, not necessarily, I believe there are still many good ones around." When I tell this to my dad, he would say, "No, you really have to look at them by individuals, and there are some good ones around too", even though he is open-minded enough to agree that the US is even more isolating than Taiwan.

momopi wrote:Taiwanese men do not bother with such nonsense, if they cannot find a girl locally, they'd simply import one (or export themselves to China).
And I just exported myself to the Philippines. :D
Winston wrote:So you see Rock, you've made two basic ERRORS. I think you owe him an apology for trying to shame him like that, even if you didn't mean it that way. You still came across the wrong way.
Rock doesn't owe me any apology, haha. He's just being Rock. I would actually thank him for all the time and energy he's spent together with me in Taipei. And, nothing he wrote actually offended me, although I wouldn't necessarily agree with everything he wrote or the way he'd phrase things (e.g., "animal looking people from the anthropological book he had just purchased").

Overall, Taiwanese women can be cold, stand-offish, soft, and narrow-minded, but they're not hostile or angry the way American women. So it's still a step up, though not enough for me.
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Post by Winston »

I know you're not angry or offended by what Rock said, and you did not take offense at his "confidence" shaming tactic. However, the point is that it is wrong and unethical of him to use deceit and BS to try to defend Taiwan. When it comes to Taiwan, he puts loyalty above truth and is no longer a truth seeker. It's sad, but that's the way he is. He's done it time and time again. And it damages his credibility when he puts truth on a backburner like that.

Here is another case where he said something he knew was false in order to defend Taiwan. One time when I asked him why Russian girls are a million times more approachable to me than Taiwan girls are, his explanation was:

"Because Russian girls are taller than you and can kick your ass. But Taiwanese girls are more fragile, small and weaker, so they are afraid of you."

Anyone can see that this is a false statement, especially if they've been to Taiwan and Russia. Even Rock knows it's not true. Debunking it is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Two reasons that explanation is false:

1) If that were true, then Taiwanese girls who are taller than me or bigger than me would be approachable. But they are not. So case closed.

2) Many of the Russian girls in my photos and videos that I approached were shorter than me or petite too. They were not all tall and muscular like Rock falsely purports. Yet they were sweet, relaxed, friendly and approachable, as anyone can see in my videos. They did not fear me and did not have that bitchy paranoid "I'm too good to talk to you" look on their faces.

These two things COMPLETELY DESTROY Rock's explanation 100 percent. Even he knows that. Yet he's NEVER apologized for admitted he was wrong. In contrast, my friend Steve has apologized multiple times when he turned out to be wrong. A real man is not afraid to admit when he's wrong. Why can't Rock be a real man like Steve is?

So it's sad that Rock doesn't care about what's true or what's false when it comes to Taiwan. To him, Taiwan is more important than the truth. And it is worth lying to defend it. That's very sad and doesn't bode well for his character and credibility.

The real truth is: Russians are very different from Taiwanese, like a different breed and species. Ladislav or anyone who's been to Russia will corroborate this. Russians are fearless and passionate. Taiwanese live in a high state of fear, and are cold and passionless. That's the truth. Rock knows it deep down but he doesn't have the guts to admit it.

I know that Rock isn't a history buff like me. But he ought to watch a documentary on "The Battle of Stalingrad" during WWII. He can go to YouTube and type in "Battle of Stalingrad" to find several documentaries about it. It explains how in that pivotal battle, the Russians were outgunned, yet they fought fearless without fear of death, for 5 months defending the city. It was the most gruesome and long drawn out battle of WWII. And it shows how tough, fearless and unyielding the Russians are. The Nazi minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, wrote that the Russians seemed like beasts with no regard for their own life and no fear of death. Would anyone write that about the Taiwanese? HELL NO!!!

If Rock would learn about the Russians from battles like this, he would understand the reason why Russian women are so much more approachable than Taiwanese women or American women, and would not have to make up lies and false explanations like that. Anyone here can see that Rock's explanation was false. It's a shame that he would lie and BS like that. Very shameful.

Ask Rock this: If the Nazis had invaded Taiwan, do you think the Taiwanese could fearlessly fight for five months, tooth and nail, to defend Taipei from the most powerful army in the world? HELL NO!!! The Taiwanese would surrender immediately without a fight. In fact, Japan captured Taiwan easily during WWII. And if communist China invaded Taiwan now, it would win easily.

No one can deny that Taiwanese are not as fearless and brave as the Russians are. No one in the universe can deny that. Every man, woman, dog and cat knows it. Taiwanese live and breathe fear. They run on fear, like Americans do. Everyone knows that, even if they don't admit it.

It's too bad Rock doesn't try to learn some real history instead of using BS to excuse Taiwan so that he doesn't have to admit the truth about Taiwanese women. When I told Falcon about Rock's explanation above, even he knew that it was BS.

No man of truth and logic would believe that it was worthy to lie and BS in order to defend and excuse Taiwan from criticism. That's simply dishonest. I don't respect that, and I wish Rock would care more about the truth than about playing devil's advocate and arguing little things without basis, just to argue, and inventing false explanations he knows are wrong, in order to defend Taiwan. That's dishonest and not respectable.

Aren't I right Falcon?
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Post by Repatriate »

Interesting theory Winston but there are major holes in it. Taiwan was a fairly willing participant in being colonized by Japan. At that time Taiwan was full of more hokkien speaking Taiwanese who were far removed from mainland Chinese politics. Imperial Japan made it clear that Taiwan would be treated as more of an "equal" and went to great lengths in cultural integration. The plan was to absorb Taiwan into the Japanese cultural island chain. It wasn't the rape and slaughter fest that Japan initiated in other countries. There was little reason for Taiwanese to fight this kind of relatively "soft" colonization.

The KMT did fight a lot of bloody wars during WW2 against the Japanese and Communists. These are less known in western history but the casualties were staggering on all sides.

I don't think the Taiwanese are cowardly or fearful by nature I think this sort of social distrust/paranoia was drilled into them around the 60's. There are quite a few movies that talk about the bad old days of Taiwan and mention the general social decay that was happening and hopeless feeling. A lot of Taiwanese and especially the KMT transplants, saw themselves as a transient culture with no home. Taiwanese who were there before the KMT takeover suddenly found themselves on the fringe of the social and political power bloc and even persecuted in some cases. This created a rift in Taiwan society. Thus a lot of people turned inward into their families and were generally suspicious of outsiders. This kind of fearful and paranoid mentality was carried forward into the present generations.

There are historical reasons for this sort of mentality. It's not because Taiwanese people are innately fearful, introverted, and anal retentive about stuff. Look at mainland Chinese..they come in all types of personalities and Taiwanese are still ethnic and culturally Chinese after all.

Btw Winston were your relatives Jap sympathizers? Were they ever thrown in jail for collaborating with Imperial Japan? :lol:
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Post by Winston »

Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing. But the KMT is a political party with a military. The military may fight. But during the Battle of Stalingrad, ordinary Russian civilians were doing the fighting, not just soldiers. Was there a case where ordinary civilians in Taiwan fought tooth and nail for 5 months, fearlessly, as in the Battle of Stalingrad?

Maybe the school, media and their peers made Taiwanese fearful? Taiwanese girls have told me that the news media constantly tells them not to talk to strangers because it's dangerous to do so.

My older relatives can speak Japanese. But they have not said whether they supported the Japanese or not. None that I know have been thrown in jail.

But anyway, the point is, you do agree that Rock's explanation above for why Russian girls are more approachable, is OBVIOUSLY FALSE right? It's ok, you know, to admit that Rock is wrong about something. You know that right? Agreed?

The man may be knowledgeable, but he does make mistakes and does use deception to defend Taiwan. But of course, he has a stubborn ego and will never admit to being wrong nor apologize for anything.
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Post by Repatriate »

Winston wrote:Repatriate,
Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing. But the KMT is a political party with a military. The military may fight. But during the Battle of Stalingrad, ordinary Russian civilians were doing the fighting, not just soldiers. Was there a case where ordinary civilians in Taiwan fought tooth and nail for 5 months, fearlessly, as in the Battle of Stalingrad?

He rallied the Taiwanese people and successfully fought off a much more technologically advanced european enemy the Dutch.
Maybe the school, media and their peers made Taiwanese fearful? Taiwanese girls have told me that the news media constantly tells them not to talk to strangers because it's dangerous to do so.
It's a product of the 60's social decay and rebuilding. Plus Taiwan has a social rift and some of the old school Taiwanese were partially acculturated as Japanese. Thus people became more anal retentive, introverted, etc.. From what my parents told me if you look far enough back Taiwan was way more SE Asian in behavior. This is probably prior to Japanese colonization which means early 20th century and before..
But anyway, the point is, you do agree that Rock's explanation above for why Russian girls are more approachable, is OBVIOUSLY FALSE right? It's ok, you know, to admit that Rock is wrong about something. You know that right? Agreed?
Yes, I would agree with that but i'm just pointing out the cultural reasoning is wrong.
The man may be knowledgeable, but he does make mistakes and does use deception to defend Taiwan. But of course, he has a stubborn ego and will never admit to being wrong nor apologize for anything.
I think Rock defends Taiwan because maybe he had a decent time there and it's a place where he has exotic value. Plus from what Falcon said he has kind of a Taiwanese personality now which means those things that bother people like you probably don't bother him. He's chosen the path of least resistance and has decided to go with the flow and acculturate himself. Whereas you like to stand in the path of these cultural forces and insist on not adapting..perhaps to your detriment socially speaking.
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Post by Winston »

I'm sure Taiwan was friendlier in the distant past. I've asked my older relatives and they do say that Taiwan was much more friendly and open in the distant past. Neighbors talked to each other and were closer before.

Yes you are right that Rock is probably more Taiwanese on the inside than you or I. You definitely don't have a Taiwanese personality either Repatriate. lol

I wonder why Rock doesn't vibe with Taiwanese men though, since he is Taiwanese inside himself. lol. He told me that he does not befriend Taiwanese men.

Thank you for at least admitting that Rock's explanation above is wrong and false.

Rock may have had happy times in Taiwan, but he does not seem to get hot chicks there. Also, there is an improbable discrepancy in one of his claims.

He claimed that he slept with around 100 Taiwanese women. Yet he also claims that he gradually worked them up by calling them a lot on the phone for several weeks or several months, before they slept with him.

Yet how can you "build up a gradual connection" with 100 women? It doesn't add up. To sleep with that many women, they'd have to be one night stands a lot or hookers. Even in 10 years, you could not build gradual relations with 100 women.

I've asked a few Taiwanese about this, and they agree that his claim is improbable and doesn't sound believable.

But we can never know what to believe, because anyone can lie and BS, and you can never prove or disprove it. Every man will claim to be honest. But that doesn't mean every man in the world is honest, right? All we can do is assess probability and likelihoods.
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:A few caveats:

1. Whenever I take a photo with flash, passersby in Taiwan often jump back and have shocked expressions on their faces. It's like reflexes they've learned from childhood beatings or something. This is the only country I've seen where people react like this to camera flash. Not even people in China do this.

2. Rock has a Taiwanese attitude on the inside. He can get nit-picky about small things, like constantly asking whether my backpack is too heavy or about the way I hold things, or things on the table or personal mannerisms. And when I'd point out that those are really Taiwanese-like traits, he would say, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't have any bad intentions (wo bu shi huai yi)". Like the "Oh sorry, sorry (bu hao yi shi)" kind of talk. :P
Well the flash is kinda startling when you're in your own inner world. I was once in a Taipei stock brokerage trading floor by myself and some people came in and took some pictures catching me by surprise. I went up to them and asked to see the photos and if I was in any of them, to please delete on the spot. They politely complied. I can understand why certain people may not wanna be in random photos.

So maybe people in other countries you've been to are more relaxed about it. But it really depends on the culture. I took photos around Patpong during Songkran once and some African guy in the vicinity went nuts, insisting n seeing the last 20 photos I took and making sure he wasn't in any of them. You know, people objected to me taking photos a lot in Haiti and the African countries I visited too.

Didn't mean to nitpick you about the backpack (I don't remember the how you hold things part). I was just showing hospitality and consideration to you as was my ex. That pack was over 20 pounds I think and quite bulky. Waling around the bookstore and in Xinyi District with it seemed a bit awkward. That's why I offered to have you leave it in my place.

As for the chopsticks, that's my own silly quirk. I don't like chopsticks across from my pointing directly at my heart. I also don't chopsticks stuck upright in a bowl of rice.
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:
FYI, Julia, the NTU student we met at the bookstore, looked kind of like this (face-wise):

If anyone wants to see what Julia's face looked like, see the first 2 photos of my link in the OP. Those are both of her. To me, this girl looks somewhat different. In any case, why look at a likeness when you can see the real deal?
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:Rock,
With all due respect, come on now. You're smarter than that. Why are you using the typical shaming tactics of American women? I could say that you lack confidence to approach American girls too, but we all know that's a pure myth and shaming tactic.

Furthermore, you err in a number of ways. Pointing them out is like shooting fish in a barrel.

1) First, Taiwanese girls do not find confidence attractive. That's an American shaming tactic that has no reality or substance. Hardly any Taiwanese guys are confident. They are passive, docile, soft spoken, humble, non-confrontational, and not brave at all. Yet they get girlfriends. Explain that. It has NOTHING to do with confidence. You have no basis for saying that.

I have tons of confidence, yet Taiwanese girls don't find me attractive for that. If I'm not their type and they don't like my look and vibe, then confidence doesn't matter. Looks are surface deep. After that, all that matters is chemistry, connection and synergy.

2) Second, you can't say that Falcon is not confident. No way. He is WAY more confident than any Taiwanese guy I know. How many Taiwanese, or Americans, would venture down into Mexico, especially alone? No way. Taiwanese and Americans live in FEAR and consider Mexico to be dangerous. You know that. We all know that. Give Falcon some credit for his bravery. Not even I would have the guts to venture down to Mexico. It takes GUTS to be a nonconformist too.

3) Third, when Falcon was at my house, we talked to three mainland Chinese women on the phone. He talked to them for a long time during our three way conversation and was able to hold a long enjoyable smooth conversation with them. The conversation was natural and down to earth. How was he able to do that if he has no confidence? lol. Come on now. Get real. It's not Falcon's fault if young Taiwanese girls aren't easy to hold conversations with.

When I introduced Rock to a nice girl I knew in Taipei, he reported that when he met her, they had nothing to talk about. She did not put much into the conversation. So it went nowhere and was awkward. Does that mean that Rock lacks confidence too? lol

So you see Rock, you've made two basic ERRORS. I think you owe him an apology for trying to shame him like that, even if you didn't mean it that way. You still came across the wrong way.
Ha ha, so you want me to apologize to Falcon? You mean the way this guy apologizes below, lol?


But seriously for what? Shaming him? Most of my OP is just factual with interpretational overlay by me.

1. My ex and Falcon's cousin were the ones who cited Falcon's lack of confidence as an issue affecting his performance with Taiwan women. But I tend to agree. The critical nuance which you are missing is that 'confidence' means something different here than it does in all the literature out of the States and from the PU community that you love to hate on. First of all, it's simply having the balls to step-up when the opportunity emerges and not be all shaky and flustered.

a. Read my thread on Sinbadsailor. He acted natural and comfortable in his own skin even though I was the one who did the initial icebreaking in most cases. In just a couple handful of approaches on one weeknight, he scored 3 pearls (if I remember right) and two of them were clearly into him. I sincerely believe he could have gotten intimate with at least one of them within 1-2 dates! The first one he talked to in bookstore was super excited that a guy like him would be interested in her. And those girls were all handpicked by him.

b. Falcon's cousin does well with Taiwan women according to what Falcon told me in Bangkok. He even showed me several pictures of Taipei girls his cousin hangs out with. Although I've not seen him with women, after chatting with him for a couple hours, I can tell you he seems very self assured and clear about himself. There is no nervousness about him and he's very mature for being mid-20s.

c. As for you, yes there are definitely other issues at play when you interact with Taiwan girls which act as barriers. It's not just about confidence.

d. Personally, I don't have a problem holding conversations with a lot of Taiwan girls I've met. But that one you sent my way was a dud, lol. I guess she just clicks better with you.

e. Talking on the phone to someone is a totally different dynamic than talking to someone in person. And talking to someone who is a stranger is very different from talking to someone who was just introduced to you by someone else who knows her well. Don't compare apples to oranges.

2. Falcon did lack confidence in front of the one Taiwan girl we talked to. He comes across as nervous and not sure of himself. When I had her warmed up and comfortable and dropped the "he would really like to get to know a girl like you line, why don't you exchange numbers", the girl gave a slight nod with her eyes and head but he missed it and hesitated for like a whole minute before finally connecting the dots and pulling out his phone. That does not make a good impression. Hesitating like that looks awkward.

3. So Falcon is rough around the edges and needs some work to do well here. But understand, if Falcon wanted to, he could date and even marry a Taipei girl of the same caliber as Julia. He would just have to put in the ramp-up effort. I think someone like his cousin could help him a lot with that. I could too. Odd that after so many years, he didn't seem interested in hanging out with his young and confident relative. I guess that guy just can't compete with Miss Indonesia.
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Post by Falcon »

Rock wrote:2. Falcon did lack confidence in front of the one Taiwan girl we talked to. He comes across as nervous and not sure of himself. When I had her warmed up and comfortable and dropped the "he would really like to get to know a girl like you line, why don't you exchange numbers", the girl gave a slight nod with her eyes and head but he missed it and hesitated for like a whole minute before finally connecting the dots and pulling out his phone. That does not make a good impression. Hesitating like that looks awkward.

3. So Falcon is rough around the edges and needs some work to do well here. But understand, if Falcon wanted to, he could date and even marry a Taipei girl of the same caliber as Julia. He would just have to put in the ramp-up effort. I think someone like his cousin could help him a lot with that. I could too. Odd that after so many years, he didn't seem interested in hanging out with his young and confident relative. I guess that guy just can't compete with Miss Indonesia.
Taiwanese women look stiff and cold, so naturally I would feel stiff and cold around them too. But Miss Indonesia does not, so I'm totally natural and bubbly around her.

My cousins pay almost no attention at all to my Indonesian lady. Even she told me that they act like she doesn't exist.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote: It's a shame that in your religious need to defend Taiwan at all costs, you are willing to distort the truth. That makes you less credible in my view, even though you are credible in other areas. For some reason, you defend Taiwan like a Christian defends the Bible. My dad does this too. Both you and my dad refuse to admit that Taiwanese girls are unfriendly to strangers, unapproachable and stuck up, no matter how much evidence you see to prove it.

Deep down you KNOW that's true. But for some reason, you have a need to whitewash it. It's ridiculous. Even Sean, our friend in Taiwan who has been there for 10 years, admits that me, Falcon and others are RIGHT about Taiwan. Unlike you, he has no religious need to hide the truth. Momopi admits the truth too.

The real TRUTH, that you try to whitewash over is this:

Falcon just doesn't vibe with them. He is on a different wavelength than them, and both he and they can feel it. He's not a conformist who is trying to be accepted. He does what he wants. He does not try to fit into cliques and groups. People like him (and all of us here) are different than the mainstream in Taiwan or the US. Most of us here would not vibe well in Taiwan either. The type of guys who fit into Taiwan do not usually like our behavior and tone on this forum. They prefer passiveness and political correctness.

To vibe with Taiwan girls, you have to:

- Be conformist. Not a freethinker.
- Be politically correct without unpopular views.
- Be group oriented, meaning that you seek to fit into groups because you have no individual identity.
- Be narrow-minded, not broad-minded.
- Live in fear and paranoia, which is reflected in your vibe. This means you are uncomfortable talking to strangers.
- Have a judgmental shallow mentality that says "ewww" to anything or anyone different from you.

I think pretty much all of us here would not vibe with the above. We aren't on that kind of wavelength.

The truth is, Taiwanese girls DO NOT like cold approaches. They've admitted that and told me so. It's common knowledge. 30 million Taiwanese people will admit that if asked. They prefer meeting people through classmates and workmates. To meet people in Taiwan, you go to school or get a job and connect through there. That's the way it's always been. Outside of that, they are uncomfortable with strangers. We all know that. Even you do, whether you admit it or not. The truth is the truth. It is wrong and unethical for you to try to deceive people about that.

Also, Taiwanese girls are now spoiled, bitchy and act like divas. Totally airheadish too. We all know that. Sean has reported that too. And many in the older generation of Taiwan complain about this too. The young generation's values and character have gone to shit. It's obvious for anyone to see. But for some reason, you have a need to defend it. You might as well defend American women too. The point is, that's not Falcon's fault. And it has NOTHING to do with his confidence. He simply doesn't vibe with divas, airheads, shallow people, stuck up people, snobby people, narrow people, degenerate people, cold cliquish people, materialistic people, conformists, and people who are NOT down to earth.

What's hypocritical is that you also cannot get any hot girls in Taiwan either. You only date the women that local guys don't want. So doesn't that mean that you lack confidence to get them as well? lol

Anyhow, it's obvious that you are wrong about Falcon. I know you probably won't apologize either for using cheap shaming tactics like that of American women. One thing about my friend Steve R is that he is a real man and not afraid of admitting when he's wrong. He has admitted to being wrong on many occasions when I pointed them out. So I have a lot of respect for him. In this area, he is above you because as far as I know, you've NEVER admitted to being wrong even when it was obvious or proven to you. Instead, you whitewash when cornered or checkmated.

For example, your explanation of why Russian women are more approachable than Taiwanese women are was TOTALLY and ABSOLUTELY WRONG. I pointed it out several times and you ignored it. You never apologized or admitted it. When I told Falcon about it, even he knew that you were wrong and that your logic was terrible in your explanation. I have more examples too of where you were obviously wrong about simple things. Yet not once do you ever apologize.

I wish you'd be a real man like Steve R is, and admit when you're wrong. Most men don't. But I do, and so does Steve R. Also, Steve gets it. I don't have to explain anything to him twice. He understands me fully right away. With you, I've had to explain things many times yet you still don't get it. How come Steve R understands my points and observations the first time immediately? When he gets everything I say, I wonder "Why doesn't Rock get it the way Steve does?" He understands 100 percent why I felt more alive and happier and out of my shell in Russia and Eastern Europe, for example, and he could see it in my videos. Yet all you do is try to downplay it. Very weird.

Steve may not be as well traveled as you, or knowledgeable about Asia as you, but he understands me a lot better and is on the same page. I never have to repeat anything to him. He never twists what I say. That's refreshing. And he tells it like it is and his statements are very spot on and accurate.

Btw Rock, there is a thread on this forum that you can learn a lot from called "The Myth of Confidence".


Please come down to reality and stop using whitewashing tactics and twisting/distorting things. The truth is the truth. We all hate bullshit here. I hope you will learn that deception is wrong too. Read the Boy Who Cried Wolf parable. It teaches that it's unethical to deceive.

1. We are all biased by personal experience. You are no exception Winston. Neither am I. I see a lot of good things in Taiwan to this day because of what I achieved here with both women and work. You see a lot of bad things here because it was a failure for you personally.

2. But I have tried to move out of my own head and experience on this one. I've observed many other foreign guys in Taipei, initially white and later Asian, and have been encouraged that some of them have done rather well here with women. I've even put out a real life cases on this forum - French tenant, Dragonboy, Monkro, and myself. I have photos to back up these cases which I can show you privately. Just don't lose sight of my original thesis - the one about the dating and mating handicap certain foreign guys can achieve in Taiwan. I've never focused on initial approachability or smiles.

3. I agree with you completely on your comments,

"Falcon just doesn't vibe with them. He is on a different wavelength than them, and both he and they can feel it."

But when you say,

"The type of guys who fit into Taiwan do not usually like our behavior and tone on this forum. They prefer passiveness and political correctness. ",

remember that I have arguably fit into to Taiwan ok. Momopi probably would too.

4. This comment you made is great,

"The truth is, Taiwanese girls DO NOT like cold approaches. "

So Winston, should I conform and not approach them? If I tried that hard just to make Taiwan girls happy, I would never have met or bonded with my last 3 LT Taiwan girlfriends. So put on your thinking cap here and consider the bigger picture. Do you wanna avoid bothering people at all costs or do you wanna date and mate with girls here? If you are qualified, and not all of us are, cold approach is one of several ways which can work here. If you wanna better understand this concept, try talking sometime with life insurance agents at an insurance branch in Taiwan. Ask them about their early days on the job before they had developed a client network.

5. Regarding your comments,

"Also, Taiwanese girls are now spoiled, bitchy, and act like divas. Totally airheads too.",

I strongly suspect the percentage who are like this has increased over the years, sad to say. And I certainly don't defend it as you claim. I don't want anything to do with those types! But there is still a significant segment which doesn't. I think Julia seemed pretty down to earth for example. Certain other young girls I know here are like that too.

6. "I wish you'd be a real man like Steve R is, and admit when you're wrong."

OK, Steve R is a real man, lol So why doesn't he correct that nonsense he posted or relayed through you about Thailand? If he did and I missed it, my appologies in advance. Otherwise, man-the-f**k-up and post it boy.

7 Explain this exactly,

"For example, your explanation of why Russian women are more approachable than Taiwanese women are was TOTALLY and ABSOLUTELY WRONG. I pointed it out several times and you ignored it. You never apologized or admitted it. When I told Falcon about it, even he knew that you were wrong and that your logic was terrible in your explanation. I have more examples too of where you were obviously wrong about simple things. Yet not once do you ever apologize."

If I believe I'm wrong, I will admit it. It's also very possible that you mis-interpreted my comments or even changed some of my words which you do sometimes. Falcon is also aware that you do this I think will vouch for so much. So tell me, according to your memory and understanding what I said so I can properly address it please?

8. This is hilarious,

"Steve may not be as well traveled as you, or knowledgeable about Asia as you, but he understands me a lot better and is on the same page. I never have to repeat anything to him. He never twists what I say. That's refreshing. And he tells it like it is and his statements are very spot on and accurate. "

Because Winston, you are the one who twists what I say sometimes. When did I twist what you say, lol. In your dreams maybe.

9. Here's another one I wanna address,

"Btw Rock, there is a thread on this forum that you can learn a lot from called "The Myth of Confidence"."

Winston, with all due respect, you are not the most successful guy out there with the fairer sex. Even in Phils, you really didn't gain much traction with regular girls. So how do you know about confidence and girls. I suspect there's a lot more successful people who could shed light on this on a forum like Roosh's.

10. Finally, you say,

"Please come down to reality and stop using whitewashing tactics and twisting/distorting things. The truth is the truth. We all hate bullshit here. I hope you will learn that deception is wrong too. Read the Boy Who Cried Wolf parable. It teaches that it's unethical to deceive."

Winston, the so-called truth is very abstract. It's not always an easy matter of fact. You actually come-across very shallow and narrow here. Sometimes it seems you don't know how to distinguish facts from opinions or facts from your own subjective experience. You've demonstrated some strong observation skills in your writings. Unfortunately, they are also sometimes riddled with blind spots!
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:
Taiwanese women look stiff and cold, so naturally I would feel stiff and cold around them too. But Miss Indonesia does not, so I'm totally natural and bubbly around her.
Great point and maybe many or most of them do. So you are like a body language mirror, you give what you get.

I may be wired a bit differently. The types of girls who intimidated me in school were over-confident and judgmental, not shy and fearful of me. I was the one who was afraid. To this day, I'm intimidated by white girls who speak American English to confidently.

When I cold approach a girl and she acts fearful in beginning but still engages me, I find it an enjoyable challenge to see whether or not I can gain her trust in comfort in the limited amount of face time she gives me. It often works. As I said, "my last 3 girlfriends...". That also applies to many other friends and contacts I established.
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:Julia from the bookstore did tell me and Rock that chatting up strangers is weird ("guai guai de"). She told Rock that meeting women through classes and organized activities would be much better. But, Rock told me that breaking the rules wouldn't really matter so much, since Taiwanese usually don't react in hostile ways.
I find it interesting that in spite of this, she engaged us in conversation for like 20 minutes and that I was the one who initiated the exit. Yet I cold approached her lol. Words vs. behavior.

Your cousin even told me that cold approach can work for initiating relationships with Taipei girls provided the guy is a good talker.
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:
Overall, Taiwanese women can be cold, stand-offish, soft, and narrow-minded, but they're not hostile or angry the way American women. So it's still a step up, though not enough for me.
This makes sense for you Falcon. Because you don't demand the classy NE Asian look, education, culture, etc. that some Asian guys do. Path of least resistance for you of course is gonna places like Indo and Phils.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
Here is another case where he said something he knew was false in order to defend Taiwan. One time when I asked him why Russian girls are a million times more approachable to me than Taiwan girls are, his explanation was:

"Because Russian girls are taller than you and can kick your a**. But Taiwanese girls are more fragile, small and weaker, so they are afraid of you."

Anyone can see that this is a false statement, especially if they've been to Taiwan and Russia. Even Rock knows it's not true. Debunking it is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Two reasons that explanation is false:

1) If that were true, then Taiwanese girls who are taller than me or bigger than me would be approachable. But they are not. So case closed.

2) Many of the Russian girls in my photos and videos that I approached were shorter than me or petite too. They were not all tall and muscular like Rock falsely purports. Yet they were sweet, relaxed, friendly and approachable, as anyone can see in my videos. They did not fear me and did not have that bitchy paranoid "I'm too good to talk to you" look on their faces.

These two things COMPLETELY DESTROY Rock's explanation 100 percent. Even he knows that. Yet he's NEVER apologized for admitted he was wrong. In contrast, my friend Steve has apologized multiple times when he turned out to be wrong. A real man is not afraid to admit when he's wrong. Why can't Rock be a real man like Steve is?
OK, this is what you are talking about regarding my Point 7 in an earlier post. Well then, maybe I was wrong. Here is how I remember framing it. Didn't I say something like this to you Winston,

"When you were in Russia, you looked like a tame boyish Asian guy. The girls there are used to macho Russian guys. You looked relatively harmless, like an interesting and maybe even cute novelty which elicited more of a curiosity response than a fear response. On the other hand, in Taiwan, you look more intimidating. You are bigger and more mature now and also the girls here are naturally smaller and more fearful."

So maybe Russian women are not afraid of any guy who approaches them whereas Taiwan girls tend to be shy and also very careful about who they talk to. I've only spent a few days in Russia so I have virtually not on the ground experience there. The Russians I've observed in both China and Thailand have sometimes really surprised me with shit they pull and risks they take, mostly when they are drunk.

So, I am admitting to being wrong here. And it's not the first time I've done so on this forum. Does that make me a 'real man' like Steve R, lol?
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