Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

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Post by Banano »

England is not happier abroad, most of English guys moved to Pattaya :)


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Post by Winston »

Check out what MJay1978 said about my new four point comparison pamphlet at
MJay1978 wrote:As far as your four point status, just from my experiences alone of being out there in the social crowd in this country, I strongly agree with your view points and this is how America really is! I used to be that guy who used to go to the clubs and bars alone ever since I lived here in America (mainly in the state of Michigan). From my age of 21 to 26, I used to go to these kind of venues alone. If the crowd doesn't know you, even the girls, they will not come up and talk to you. It seems as if they're too clicky, or these people have some kind of anti social force field around them. If a girl is to approach a man, it very rarely happens. A man should not have high expectations of American women to approach him if he goes to these venues solo.

I even remember a night I used to go to. There was one night I wore a trench coat and this girl came up to me and started mocking me. She even jokingly called me a terrorist just because I was wearing a trench coat that night! Lol! As far as making a video, I book marked your page link so I can do a video on this subject later on. As far as what I think, it is facts. Keep this page up Winston. You speak the truth on many levels as far as how this country really is and what most of these American women are really like.
And look what Rock's friend Monkro said about it:
Your four-point comparison is one of the best things you have ever written. I love it. I could talk for perhaps an entire hour on why I strongly relate to each of the four points you made about the U.S. and also each of the four points you made about being abroad. In my experience in both the U.S. and abroad, all your points are highly accurate.
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Post by Winston »

Check out my new masterpiece. It's a 7 point comparison treatise of America vs. Abroad. It's very comprehensive and covers a lot of points in 7 major categories. It will be one of the most enlightening and liberating things you ever read. It will tell you truths you won't hear anywhere else! When you read it, you will understand more than ever, why you will definitely be "Happier Abroad"! :)

Please read it and pass it on!
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by Winston »


I've updated our main distribution pamphlet to cover FIVE comparison areas now. So it is now a 5 point comparison pamphlet and is two pages, so you can print it on one piece of paper on both sides.

New HA Five Point Comparison Pamphlet:

What do you think?
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:Hi all,
I've revised and updated the three point comparison on the home page and in the main pamphlet to reflect my new observations. Here is the new version. What do you all think? Does it summarize our movement succinctly on one page? This three point comparison is supposed to be the crux and cornerstone of our movement.

In America:

1. The social environment is isolating and devoid of human connection. There is no real connection, friendship, community or camaraderie with others. An “ice barrier� exists between strangers (hence the term "breaking the ice"). People don't talk to strangers unless it's business-related. Trying to meet people feels awkward and unnatural. Social interaction is restricted within closed cliques. People are isolated, segregated and don't know their neighbors. They act distant, standoffish and paranoid. Friendships are mostly a facade.
2. Women are unapproachable, unfriendly, hateful, paranoid, difficult, stuck up, spoiled and have a bad attitude. Thus they are extremely difficult to meet and connect with. They are conditioned to hate men, viewing them as fools, creeps and predators. They hate femininity and view it as oppressive. Men are feminized and women are masculinized, screwing up both genders. Most women are overweight. The decent looking ones are either taken or super picky. Single men seem to outnumber single women. Divorce rates are high and rising. Flirtation is offensive and inappropriate. Men do not feel wanted or needed. It’s no-win scenario for many men.
3. The social culture is toxic, dysfunctional and erodes your mental health. The social vibe and energy is highly toxic, hostile, inauthentic and dysfunctional. It makes you feel inadequate and insecure, like you're never good enough. No one feels accepted for who they are. So they pump themselves with pseudo-confidence, brag, act phony, develop inferiority complexes, or lose it and go crazy. Acting fake and aloof is the norm, so if you are genuine and down-to-earth you feel like a misfit. Depressed degenerates are everywhere. America has the highest rates of mental illness in the world. Everything seems upside down: Good is bad, bad is good, etc.

In many other countries:

1. People are more open, authentic, alive and easier to connect with. The social atmosphere is relaxed, open and inclusive. People are more down-to-earth and easier to meet and connect with. Talking to strangers feels natural. There is true connection, community and camaraderie with others. Friendships feel truer and families are close. People seem more alive, with real emotions and souls. Thus you feel more alive as well.
2. Women are feminine, thin, sweet, friendly, modest, down-to-earth, appreciative and treat men better. Dating and relationships come naturally. Females are kinder, nicer and more approachable. They are easier to meet and connect with. Generally, they are thin, not overweight. Women cherish their femininity, have values and seek a partner, not a competitor. They appreciate good men and treat them well. Men feel needed and valued. Niceness counts. Flirtation is appreciated, reciprocated and creates energy and excitement.
3. The social environment is relaxed, natural and conducive to good mental health. You feel more accepted, like you can be yourself. "Self-esteem� and “confidence" are not even issues, and neither is "trying to fit in". There is no need to develop inferiority complexes or mental problems. People have real friends and family to talk to about their problems, so seeing a shrink is unheard of. They can distinguish between good and bad.

Note: The master index of HA pamphlets can be accessed here for print and distribution:
Winston this is a great chart comparison!!!! I think I will make some copies of that pdf. It's too bad that our corporate-controlled, pro-feminist/gynocentric, and "politically correct" mainstream media never makes this stuff known.
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by Winston »

That one is outdated. Here is my new 5 point comparison pamphlet. What do you think? You can print it out onto one two sided page.

Here is the text of the new 5 point comparison pamphlet:

5 Ways Your Life Will Be Better Abroad
How and Why You Can Solve Your Problems By Getting Out of America!

• Are you a single male fed up with the horrible dating scene and lack of social connection in America?
• Do you find it hard or impossible to meet or date any decent quality single women in America?
• Do you prefer sweet feminine genuine women over independent masculine women who don't need you?
• Do you feel alienated by America’s fake, inauthentic, toxic, soulless, superficial culture and people?
• Are you fed up with the high cost of living in America, its overly inflated prices, and unhealthy food/lifestyle?
• Do you feel like America is trying to destroy, corrupt or torture your soul? Is it making you go crazy?

If so, I’ve got Great News for you: The problem is NOT you and there is a Real Solution! I’m Winston Wu, Founder of In 2002 I made the greatest discovery of my life, which was that: I could solve all the problems above by simply GETTING OUT of America! That's it! It's very simple yet very taboo, because we are taught by western culture to blame ourselves for our problems and stay in our own culture to try to work things out. Therefore I have a great message and life-changing secret to share with YOU: If you go abroad to one of the many authentic saner foreign cultures, you will have: A better social life, dating and love life, mental health, physical health and food, lower cost of living and more freedom! That’s it. No joke. That's 5 major areas of life that will be greatly improved by leaving America! 5 huge benefits of going abroad. This is the greatest Secret that America doesn’t want you to know! Let me explain.

1. Social Life, Social Culture and Friendships

America’s social culture is isolating, lonely, and extremely lacking in social connection and authenticity. The social atmosphere and vibe feel highly negative, toxic and uptight, as well as isolating, lonely and disconnected. There is no social connection or social harmony with others. It's so hard to make any real friends or to even have healthy social contact. There is this weird tension between people that isn’t there in most other cultures. People don't talk to strangers unless it's business-related. They are paranoid, uptight and cliquish. Most don’t even know their neighbors. Friendships are superficial and more like acquaintances. Everyday life is stressful and demanding, with too many rules and regulations, yet feels empty and meaningless. All that matters is making money and consumerism -- which is supposed to fulfill you but does not. American culture is largely based on BS, phoniness, hype, illusion, exaggeration and self-delusion. You’ve got to be a poser to adapt. If you are authentic or have a soul, you will be alienated and out-of-place. People are too fake, arrogant and egotistical, making them very hard to get along with. Modern Americans seem cold, emotionless and soulless, as depicted in modern TV/movies -- which if contrasted with that of the 1970’s and prior, reveal a shocking difference in the authenticity of emotions and characters. America’s moral values have degenerated greatly since the 1950’s, as can be see from its media/pop culture.

In many other countries: The social atmosphere is more open, natural and inclusive, and people are more authentic and down-to-earth. It is easier to meet people and talking to strangers feels more natural and relaxed. Making friends is easier and comes more naturally. Friendships are truer and families are closer. People are more genuine and alive, with real emotions and souls. Thus YOU feel more alive as well. There is real connection and camaraderie with others. Happiness is shared and social harmony is emphasized, placing group cooperation over competition. You never feel isolated or truly alone, even when you are physically alone. People are humble, modest, and down-to-earth, not arrogant or fake, so they are easier to get along with than Americans. You notice this right when you get off the plane overseas after leaving America.

2. Women, Dating and Relationships

America’s dating scene is the worst for men -- excessively difficult, problematic, unnatural and unfriendly. American women are generally unfriendly, unapproachable and spoiled with toxic personalities. They are very closed, uptight and paranoid with a cold shield. Being arrogant, narcissistic and self-absorbed, along with having a bad attitude, they are extremely hard to connect with. Since they don’t need men and have too many choices, they’ve become super picky or prefer to be alone. They have no interest in nice normal good men. Nice guys are treated like dirt. Every desirable female is either taken, too picky, too young or not looking. Every girl you ask out claims to have a boyfriend (even if they don’t). There are more dateless men than in any other country. Single men seem to outnumber single women. Women are masculinized and men are feminized, inverting both genders against their nature, thus ruining normal male/female relationships. Feminism has conditioned women to believe that they don’t need men, whereas men still need women, thus creating imbalance and inequality (ironically). Women are conditioned to harbor deep hatred and contempt for men, viewing them as fools, creeps and predators. Thus their attitude is very anti-male. Flirtation with women is a taboo, considered creepy and violating. The divorce rate is among the highest in the world. Overall, the US dating scene is a NO WIN situation for many single men.

In many other countries: Females are feminine, sweet, genuine and down-to-earth, so dating and relationships come more naturally. Thus foreign females are much easier to meet, connect with, befriend and date. They are more friendly, approachable, good-natured and exude genuine warmth. And they are generally thin and look wholesome. They cherish their femininity and appreciate good men, so they seek a partner, not a competitor. Nice guys are appreciated and valued because niceness counts. Flirtation with women creates energy and excitement. Women are flattered by compliments and girls still giggle and blush because they are feminine. Quality single women are in abundance abroad, not in scarcity like in America. In China, for instance, virtually all females are super feminine, and most are attractive and down-to-earth, the ideal package! In contrast, nearly all women in modern America are masculine, and most are not attractive. Not surprisingly, American men who date overseas usually say that they NEVER want to deal with American women again. It has almost become a cliché.

3. Mental Health, Psychology and Freedom To Be Yourself

America’s toxic fake culture undermines your mental health and personality. People are conditioned to feel insecure and inadequate to the core. No one feels accepted for who they are. They constantly grapple with self-esteem issues and always feel they have to prove themselves. To compensate, people develop big egos, brag, act tough and arrogant, become assholes, or lose it and go crazy, resulting in toxic personalities, deep insecurity and inferiority complexes. The fake culture requires you to become a phony poser to fit in, thus creating an internal schism from your true self, which degrades your mental health and psyche. Not surprisingly, America has the highest rates of mental illness and psychiatric drug use in the world, as well as the biggest mental health industry. In fact, the World Health Organization has reported that if you live in America you have a 50 percent chance of developing a mental disorder! What’s worse, the vibe in America feels like it’s trying to destroy your soul or corrupt it, so if you try to retain your soul, you will feel tortured and suffer.

In many other countries: The social culture is authentic and natural and allows you to be yourself. Since the people and culture are more genuine, you feel accepted and free to be your real self, which is very liberating, since no freedom is greater than the freedom to be yourself. You don’t have to grapple with "self-esteem” and “confidence" issues, at least not in the pseudo way that you do in America. Thus you develop a normal healthy personality with much less psychological baggage. People have real friends/family to talk to about their problems. So no one needs to see a therapist or psychiatrist, just as no one did in past history before the modern industrial age which mechanized us and robbed our souls.

4. Physical Health and Food

America is a very unhealthy nation with the highest rates of obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease in the world. Everyone knows America is the fattest nation. Its food contains too many unhealthy processed ingredients, harmful toxins, GMO's (genetically modified organisms) and fluoridated water. Trying to eat healthy at organic health stores is too complicated and expensive. Not only is food addictive, but Americans overeat to fill their emptiness and void as well, since they have no true social connection or authentic lives to fulfill them. People drive everywhere and don’t walk enough.

In many other countries: People are healthier and thinner, which is easily visible and well documented. Food is healthier and more natural and organic. In Europe for example, mainstream food is already healthy so there is no need for health food stores. My friends and I have all lost significant weight in China, Russia and Europe. So when you eat abroad, you will be healthier and lose weight. It's the biggest weight loss secret that the US nutrition industry doesn't want you to know (because there’s no profit in it). People abroad also walk more because there is better public transportation, so they get more exercise. Moreover, foreign cultures are less toxic and more authentic which is better for your better mental health, as explained earlier, which results in better physical health as well since there is a proven mind-body connection.

5. Cost of Living and Healthcare

America’s cost of living and prices are higher than in most countries. This forces people to work ever more for less, and become debt slaves with little or no freedom or free time. Prices on everything are overly inflated due to the inflation caused by the fraudulent fiat money system created by the private central banks (Federal Reserve). Healthcare and medical costs are ridiculously expensive, and are the #1 cause of bankruptcies. America is the only developed nation with no universal healthcare, because it places profit over health, which is insane. You have to “live to work” rather than “work to live”.

In many other countries: Cost of living is lower and more affordable, allowing people more freedom and leisure time. Prices are more reasonable and affordable, which gives you more purchasing power. There are many ways to live cheaply abroad. Universal healthcare is provided in all other developed nations, including those with low income taxes such as Taiwan. But even in countries without it, healthcare is still cheap or affordable. (See the Michael Moore documentary “Sicko”)


So overall, America is highly toxic and detrimental to one’s mind, body, soul and social relationships. But as you know, you cannot change your society or culture. It’s much easier to buy a plane ticket. Therefore, our solution of simply GETTING OFF the “sinking ship” of America makes perfect logical sense. We know that once you go abroad and experience all this, your life will change forever! Our site provides abundant material -- in the form of articles, photos, videos, podcasts, testimonials, trip reports, blogs, ebooks and an online community -- that support and prove all these comparisons conclusively. We’ve changed lives and inspired many like you into becoming “Happier Abroad" :)

So let us open your eyes and show you a better life overseas!
Visit today!
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by Rock »

If you were to hand this out to me on the street, I would probably give it a cursory glance then as soon as I was out of your sight, toss it in the nearest bin. There's just way too many words. Do you realize that you can probably convey around 90% of this message with just 30% or less of the word count???

I hate long paragraphs with small words. Some of your pithys overlap and your writing style is very repetitive. You are a talented writer in that you can go delve deeply into subjects. But I personally do not appreciate your writing STYLE. I just couldn't bear more than a few pages of your ebook.

Brevity is the soul of the wit (who said that?). Anyway, it's an elegant art form to say something well with as few words as possible. I bet theres an easy way to squeeze out at least 30% of the words and loose virtually none of the message. Squeeze out over half and still your message will remain largely intact if the editing is done skillfully.
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:IraqVet,
That one is outdated. Here is my new 5 point comparison pamphlet. What do you think? You can print it out onto one two sided page.

Here is the text of the new 5 point comparison pamphlet:

5 Ways Your Life Will Be Better Abroad
The Greatest Self-Help Secret Being Kept From You In America!

Winston excellent post!!!!! I'm so glad for the internet and to have found out about !!!!
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by Winston »

Rock i dont care if you think the pamphlet is too long. Im concerned about whether its convincing, accurate, logical and makes sense. You cant discredit a book or essay just because its a little long. Come on now.

Why are you able to read a book on kindle but not a two page pamphlet?

Two pages is not long. It contains important points that you agree with. Many pamphlets and gospel tracts are longer.

Also Rock, if you were unhappy in America and had never been abroad before, you just might take the time to read a two page pamphlet that could change your life. So put yourself in those shoes. Two pages of life changing information and secrets is not too long. A great movie can be three hours yet fans will still watch it and not feel it's too long, e.g. Dances With Wolves.
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Re: Winston's Comparison Pamphlet of America vs. Abroad

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Hey Winston, I thought you might like this link that is related to your post:

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