Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Post by sea_dragon »

I think all American women should be treated like utter shit. They are worthless and without a doubt deserve those bad boys they want.

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Post by jamesbond »

sea_dragon wrote:I think all American women should be treated like utter shit. They are worthless and without a doubt deserve those bad boys they want.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Array9 »

matthewcoury wrote:this is a very common fallacy created by TV and these pickup gurus.....iam a badboy and i know other guys who are badboys......none of us can get a woman here to save our life
Hmmmm, interesting. Where are the women going then? Tell us some of your experiences. I thought women spread for guys who treated them like crap. Are women changing now?
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Post by Array9 »

jamesbond wrote:
travelsouth wrote:If you want to date American women or just need some local action you have to treat the women poorly to get what you are after. Dating overseas has been healthy for my outlook on life. When you have to treat women like crap you aren't a happy person.
Just look at the way these women allow themselves to be degraded by having "slime" poured all over them. There are hundreds of YouTube videos of girls getting pied in the face and slimed and these girls seem to love it. WTF?

If you think that's bad, just look at many of the p#rn stars who have male slime pasted on them. Unfortunately, these females will find a sucker to marry them later in life.
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Post by Jonny Law »

Dear Wolfeye,

Mangina feminist supporting men such as yourself should be ashamed of themselves. But everyone knows that Worthless Feminist minded brainwashed retards such as yourself have no shame. You are just a piece of sh!t.

I think you will enjoy this article

Thanks and Enjoy :)

Wolfeye wrote:Anatol & Jonny Law: The both of you seem to be so down-trodden (probably in every direction) that you're just looking for an easier victim & figure women would be exactly that. You both seem to be so women-bashing that I'd think you be looking for a man! Maybe all this complaining about women is because of you seeing them as competition? Not for nothing, but neither one of you seem to want women to be out in public & that's where a man would be most of the time- maybe hoping for a sausage fest?

Anatol specifically: I don't want a gender to be TOTALLY different than males, simply because it would be creepy. TOTALLY different would be animal- or dead. If you wanted to dial it back a bit in intensity, should a woman be bald so as to be different than a man that has hair? Should she be fat & stink, since the man would be in shape & bathe? Should she, perhaps, be stupid & incompetant with everything so that now I have more shit that I have to do?

This all creates a hardship for a man, so I've got to wonder if you're just looking to sabotage people. Maybe you're just f***ed-up for whatever reason & are just looking to take down everyone else with you? Maybe a false accusation & some rough prison time, now you're pissed-off in all directions? Maybe a real accusation?

Jonny Law specifically: Me having accuracy & a sense of pack loyalty does not make me a "Feminist minded brainwashed retard." Your logic is that one of MY relatives should have problems because a bunch of guys that get off by looking at their own fathers have a problem with women? No, maybe YOU or one of YOUR relations- but then, I'll bet that's what you're into anyway.
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Post by Wolfeye »

Jonny Law: Well, someone feeling constantly ashamed of themselves might very well look for an avenue to feel some sense of superiority- maybe by finding fault with everything someone that they figure is weaker than them says & does. Any kind of attack against them would be congruent with a situation like the one they believe & feel like it's affirming their stance which gives them a high. Effectively, someone's trying to jerk-off mentally & becomes a jerk-off situationally.

I'm brainwashed? I'm a "mangina"? No, it's quite masculine to be of a protective alignment toward family- sometimes even just toward people that "don't have it coming." I don't buy into the whole "men are a means" style of thinking or that a guy doesn't mean shit because some woman got slapped-around in the 50s, but I DO think that people with your mentality are assholes & probably fags with competition issues.

If someone were to go after one of my cousins & I were to kill him, I should be ASHAMED? You're out of your f***ing mind!
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Post by Jonny Law »

Dear Sir Wolfeye,

You are a a lost cause. Of course everyone can see that you have no shame and no dignity just like all feminist Manginas.

Of course I do no not expect you to feel shame because that is what human beings do. And you by your actions are a sub-human piece of sh!t.

"I don't buy into the whole "men are a means" style of thinking."
-NEWSFLASH- No one gives a shit what you think. You are a cousin-loving piece of shit and no one cares what shit thinks.

And your feminist minded thinking is a minority here on this website, in the Islamic countries, in China and India. In the whole world your thinking is shunned for what it is. The thinking of a piece of shit.

Here is a an article you should enjoy :)
http://www.returnofkings.com/44443/femi ... he-retreat

Thanks for your time and have a wonderful day :)
Wolfeye wrote:Jonny Law: Well, someone feeling constantly ashamed of themselves might very well look for an avenue to feel some sense of superiority- maybe by finding fault with everything someone that they figure is weaker than them says & does. Any kind of attack against them would be congruent with a situation like the one they believe & feel like it's affirming their stance which gives them a high. Effectively, someone's trying to jerk-off mentally & becomes a jerk-off situationally.

I'm brainwashed? I'm a "mangina"? No, it's quite masculine to be of a protective alignment toward family- sometimes even just toward people that "don't have it coming." I don't buy into the whole "men are a means" style of thinking or that a guy doesn't mean shit because some woman got slapped-around in the 50s, but I DO think that people with your mentality are assholes & probably fags with competition issues.

If someone were to go after one of my cousins & I were to kill him, I should be ASHAMED? You're out of your f***ing mind!
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Post by Wolfeye »

Jonny Law: I'm a piece of shit? At least I don't eat it, motherf***er! You keep dodging the point about you being a fag, have I hit a nerve? Maybe something you need to come to terms with? What, exactly, should I be ashamed of? Just out of curiousity?

And I could give a shit less what's typical in Islamic countries, as they think it's okay for an adult to marry a nine-year-old! That's something you champion? f**k you!
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Re: Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Post by Nell »

I've always had a philosophy of why things happen: Water seeks its own level. Dysfunctioning people usually seek out dysfunctioning people. American women have devolved into a state of perpetual childhood, always seeking thrills. They date bad boys b/c they believe that being a rebel in its own right has a reward. American women see it as some form of charm that they can tame the bad boy, like a doctor trying to tame a mustang. Once these women fail, then they mature. But by that time, they've hit the wall, where Father Time pays them their dues. Truthfully, women who date bad boys have no intellectual or moral standards whatsoever. I avoid them. I'm glad that I'm the nice guy that they looked over. Now I know many of them who're seeking me or my type, but to no avail. These women turn bitter & hate the world for not bowing down to correct their poor decisions in their lives. Karma never excuses ignorance, though.
Even the most feminine woman from any western nation is equal to the most androgynous woman an any non-western country.

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Re: Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Post by Mercury »

Tonitrus wrote:
September 25th, 2011, 12:09 pm
This is the one AW behavior I have never understood. AW seem to look for guys with no principles, no values, and no futures. They lust over their attitudes and their total disregard makes them swoon. But why?
In all of my experiences with foreign girls (which admittedly are limited compared to those of the other members of this site) I have never found this to be the case. In my dealings with women I try to behave like a gentleman. I am protective but not over-bearing, I have self-control but can also be spontaneous when appropriate, I am compassionate but not overly mushy, I hold my ground but I am open to suggestion. In life I have always worked hard, always been goal oriented, I never took the quick and easy path.
And yet, never did American girls find this attractive, they preffered the bad boys, the gangsters, the thugs, the the drug addicted rock musicians who would never make it out of their mom's basement. This is the one AW behavior I have never been able to understand, why they would choose degenerate children over mature adults.
Perhaps it doesn't matter, thus far I have had several good relationships with foreign girls: a down to earth Chilena, a sweet little Mexicana, and now a kind-hearted girl from Russia. They all noticed these good qualities in me and they all loved me for them. These girls loved me for the qualities that every AW overlooked in an instant. These AW don't want men, they want little boys, and I say let them. I don't care anymore, I don't need their approval.
Because American women are spoiled and toxic. There are American women even as old as 50 years of age that act like they are 12 years old! American women themselves are toxic, so they go for guys that are toxic. Every social butterfly guy in America has, I'm sure, experienced it before. You're at a concert, a 4th of July event, or even a ball game. You see a young dating couple nearby, you approach them with the intent of making a couple new friends, but as you get within less than ten feet of them, the woman puts her arms around her boyfriend and buries her face in his shoulder, using him as a "hiding wall," and the boyfriend says; "Back off, man! Go away!" Or worse, the boyfriend either throws you to the ground and starts kicking you around like a soccer ball, or even pulls a gun and shoots you.

Bad boys are actually not the guys that are still in their mom's basement. They are guys that are involved in crime, illegal drugs, always have a bunch of stolen cash and credit cards that he can always take her somewhere luxurious, and they are also guys who are essentially bodyguards who would keep all other guys at least 50 feet away. American women are turned on by guys that would strike massive fear into other guys who approach at all. And they not only won't date a nice guy, but they won't even date a skinny or average build guy either. They love guys built like heavy brutes. Like nightclub bouncers. Guys that can crush another man like an 18-wheeler running over a cardboard box.
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Re: Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Post by snede »

Because American women no longer have to think about security. No matter what, Big Daddy Government will rescue them from anything they do. No American woman ever goes hungry if she doesn't want to. No American woman ever sleeps on the street unless they want to. So American women chase excitement over security.
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Re: Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Post by onethousandknives »

American girls are especially masculinized at the hormonal and epigenetic level, and societally from being pushed into more masculine roles than foreign girls. If you look at American girls, you'll notice a lot more masculine features compared to even say, girls from Sweden or Germany, or Poland, or what have you. Part of it too isn't something totally insidious, it's that US with pioneer living, etc, required much physically stronger and more dominant women than other countries did. The Vikings for example, in archaeological digs, they find it hard to tell apart male and female bones, because the women got so masculinized living in such a warlike society over hundreds of years. But in more modern times, a bigger issue has been progestin birth control use, which in chromosomally male fetuses is feminizing, but in females is masculinizing. With most mothers over the past 50 years using birth control, anyone born under failed birth control would develop in the womb under the influence of these drugs, and even with purposeful discontinuation, the metabolites will still be present in the system while the fetus is developing unless the mother was off for a year or more. Couple this again, with birth control starting in the mid teens for most women, these drugs are synthetic hormone replacement shutting down all natural hormone function in female bodies, and often times it never goes back to normal. Some women after these drugs develop PCOS, which is a masculinizing disease where women create too much androgens because there's not enough natural progesterone made to offset the estrogen.

So what this does for guys is make it so only the most masculine men are looked at by American women as mating material, because they need someone more dominating than them (or in cases of femdom, etc, dominate the men...) And it so happens that a lot of masculine men with high testosterone a lot of times are criminals/bad boys/etc. Why I feel a lot of "normal" guys can go to normal non-American society, especially Asia, and do well, is the female hormones are more normal and natural there due to less birth control use and also genetics, Asian women have both lower estrogen and androgen levels (also less cancer risk due to this...) Also Asian men have less DHT and less masculine features on the whole, so whites with higher DHT and higher masculine feature levels do well, the same reason blacks do well in USA (blacks have the highest DHT, DHT more than testosterone itself determines masculine features, without DHT you won't even develop a penis...)

In this way, it's all biological, and no amount of game, etc, will make it work, women simply choose mates based on pheromones and hard wired hormonal features in facial structures, etc.
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Re: Why do American Girls like Bad Boys?

Post by Mercury »

There are American women today that are actually accomplices in crime! Their boyfriends/fiancees/husbands may be the main suspect, but the women are accomplices with them in thefts, burglaries, robberies, shootings, and car jackings.
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