Why Women Hate MGTOW

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Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by jamesbond »

This video explains why women hate the idea of MGTOW.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

I see the merit of MGTOW more and more. Perhaps the ones who continue to chase the proverbial grass is always greener are the idiots not the MGTOWs ;)
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:I see the merit of MGTOW more and more. Perhaps the ones who continue to chase the proverbial grass is always greener are the idiots not the MGTOWs ;)
Oh the grass definitely is greener on the other side, my friend! It just takes a gardener's eye to see green grass where a pessimist sees only weed. :wink:
or you just keep on chasing greener and greener and never be happy. sort of like people who become richer and richer and are never happy. You get a 6 then you want a 7. You get a loyal wife but then you fatnasize about freedom or no kids or a hotter wife. The grass is never greener. Just more and more wants in a vicious cycle.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:or you just keep on chasing greener and greener and never be happy. sort of like people who become richer and richer and are never happy. You get a 6 then you want a 7. You get a loyal wife but then you fatnasize about freedom or no kids or a hotter wife. The grass is never greener. Just more and more wants in a vicious cycle.
I think the vicious circle is just you describing yourself. All I ever wanted was a simple life, a loyal wife and a loving family. I am perfectly happy with what I have, and the only improvements to my life I may seek are for the sake of my loved ones. The life I live is a more traditional and simple one. The food is good, the beer is cheap, the wife is sweet and I have a beautiful daughter. I'm pretty much a tall white Filipino at this point. I discovered I do not fit into the culture of the West, so I went to a country where I fit in better. By next year I will have saved enough money to move abroad permanently, and generate a stable income. You still make more in a month then I do in a year, but in the province our income is above average.

The more, more, more!- mentality is a WESTERN mentality. It is a 21th century mentality. I do not have a 21th century mentality and I'm perfectly happy with having less. Sometimes, less is more. I get to appreciate the little things in life, without putting a pricetag on it. I get to experience love, without paying for a surrogate relationship. I get to experience being a husband, a father, a friend, and found happiness in this role. I no longer live just to please me, but for my family. In a way I went, and am going, my own way. But for me, my own way is not motivated by selfishness.
Well as long as you have sustainable income that is guaranteed pretty much to be there always thats the most important. Most foreigners just try to wing it by starting some business there which often doesn't pan out or are on some unstable online income that could come and go and send them packing when it doesn't work out. They may be making 1 or 2K a month online for the next 5 years but that is no guarantee of the future. For example I think winston has a stable model but theres no guarantee that in 5 years he might have a bunch of competitors and his traffic dies and he loses alot of income or he loses his rank in the search engines. I got devastated by google in 2012 but i learned a whole new approach and niche and now i make more than almost anyone on the net. My income is really unreliable on many fronts so im safer back in america and unattached at least for now till i can get more comfortable. I think though all this stuff is easier said than done and you will always wish for more bigger lifestyle because thats what you were used to. you working for her family business or something?

Its human nature to want more and more the best of what we can get. Ironcally its not material possesions i seek its time, freedom, the ability to travel, power, and the hottest woman. Unfortunately though money often is needed for some or all of those things. you can't have freedom and time and power and often even a hot woman unless you have some money and the more you have the better you can acheive that things.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by fightforlove »

I've introduced MGTOW and other Manosphere stuff to American Leftists and they respond vehemently with the usual "dem der bunch er racist, sexist males! dem dam angry white males! waaahhh..." emotionally-driven hypocrisy. Leftists are too funny. :P

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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by MrMan »

MarcosZeitola wrote:To be fair: it's not just women who hate them. I personally find their attitude and worldview rather shitty, pessimistic, defeatist and weak. Rather then going their own way in the West, men ought to go AWAY to better places, with better women and better opportunities. I'm missing that good old fashioned cowboy pioneer mentality of exploring and adventuring, finding your own place under the sun.
The MGTOW philosophy as a reaction to feminism seems cowardly to me. If a man doesn't care much for sex and marriage and he wants to be a mountain man living off the land by himself, that's fine with me. But if he really would want to marry but he decides to go MGTOW because he's been reading about how bad feminism is on manosphere websites, going MGTOW over that seems stupid and cowardly to me.

The fact that there are millions of non-feminist women in countries around the world undercuts the MGTOW argument. Feminism doesn't have a stranglehold on everyone. Even in the US, there are women who aren't feminist in their thinking. It's a continuum. On the far non-feminist extreme there are Amish. There are also conservative home schooled families. Then there are religious subcultures and other ethnic groups in the US where the man is in charge. Then there are plenty of other countries where feminism is not prominent in the media. Indonesia was like that while I was there. Sit around with co-workers and say that wives should submit to their husbands or you are looking for a wife who knows how to cook and you are unlikely to get an evil feminist scowl back or feel that tension you might feel in the US.
Life with a bad woman may be a nasty experience, but life without a solid relationship and simply flying solo for all your life, seems just as miserable to me.
Some of the MGTOW videos I saw on YouTube argue that if you don't marry, you get to save and keep your money. Single men earn less (probably mostly a motivation/responsibility issue issue.) But if they earn a lot of money, what are they going to do with it? Die and leave the money to their dog? What's the point of having a lot of money if you don't have anyone to share it with? You can go eat at the most expensive restaurant in town, but do it by yourself or with some other dude, your fishing buddy instead of a woman? It sounds like a drag to me. They talk about the risk of a 50% divorce rate (which you can reduce greatly in the US by choosing carefully), but isn't actually getting to have sex in life worth the risk of losing some of your finances for most men anyway?

I'm fine with men gifted to be celibate for life who devote themselves to noble causes. Staying away from women and marriage when you really want it out of fear of divorce is foolish though.
MGTOW may freak out Western women, and rightfully so, but what freaks them out a lot more is men going abroad because once they do, they lost their grip on these men forever. The man abroad is happier, succesfull (if he plays his cards right), and women see this. A Western woman does not hate MGTOW to the same degree because at least MGTOW have the decency to be miserable bastards, and this confirms Western women in their line of thinking.
Percentagewise, both of these are small. The nice wall flower women who aren't sleeping around probably don't like the idea of good-looking men with decent jobs going MGTOW or marrying abroad. Neither do slutty feminists who want to eventually marry after they have used up their youth and sexuality and are ready to settle down.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by starchild5 »

As a guy in a third world country. I see MGTOW having great potential for humanity and western guys in general.

MGTOWs can really change the world....I think they are using Feminism and other tools to make you feel guilty and come back to a controlled society and fight a useless controlled war with FemiNazi when you have so much potential to be greater going your own way and not minding anything

1. MGTOWs won't join Military Industrial Complex - That would solve half of the world problems. The elites can't outsource everything to third world countries - for real stuff like operating a nuclear powered sub marines etc..They need western mind, discipline etc to execute their evil plans on the ground.

2. No corporate slavery - Even if few % of western men go MGTOW - Corporations would loose its steam greatly and won't have the men on ground to execute their evil plans.

3. No money - No Consumer Spending - No Walmart - No McDo - The consumer, mindless culture of the world would stop when the west puts a stop on it.

Essentially, MGTOW = Elites not finding quality men to do their dirty work. We third world can only do so much.

MGTOW has really great potential to change the world - only issue is Elites infilterating the movement and putting their own trolls and its leaders and misleading the movement, muddying the water etc...

Don't Join it _ Be it and go your own way
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by Jester »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
MGTOW may freak out Western women, and rightfully so, but what freaks them out a lot more is men going abroad because once they do, they lost their grip on these men forever. The man abroad is happier, succesfull (if he plays his cards right), and women see this. A Western woman does not hate MGTOW to the same degree because at least MGTOW have the decency to be miserable bastards, and this confirms Western women in their line of thinking.

If you want to REALLY piss Western women off, don't go your own way at home, but go away to a new home abroad and find true, lasting happiness in a superior culture.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by starchild5 »

MGTOW >> Philippines :D :D
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by Archangel_hawksnest »

Sandman's premise is flawed. I don't think women hate MGTOW rather I think women could care less. women are not attracted to the men who would be attracted to MGTOW. women want the badboy scumbag and they are attracted to that type of guy almost every time. these women also can't figure out why the badboy scumbag is acting like a scumbag and cheating on them.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by lasttry »

MrMan wrote: Some of the MGTOW videos I saw on YouTube argue that if you don't marry, you get to save and keep your money. Single men earn less (probably mostly a motivation/responsibility issue issue.) But if they earn a lot of money, what are they going to do with it? Die and leave the money to their dog? What's the point of having a lot of money if you don't have anyone to share it with? You can go eat at the most expensive restaurant in town, but do it by yourself or with some other dude, your fishing buddy instead of a woman? It sounds like a drag to me. They talk about the risk of a 50% divorce rate (which you can reduce greatly in the US by choosing carefully), but isn't actually getting to have sex in life worth the risk of losing some of your finances for most men anyway?
Depends if you like your job. I hated mine, though it was high-paying. I hated and still hate all work. Getting rid of wife and children opened the door to early retirement, which is way more important to my happiness than sex. What the point of money if you don't have anyone to share it with? Are you living under a rock? Go live in a homeless shelter for a while to understand why money is valuable other than because it helps you get sex with women. Poor people put up with all sorts of shit in this world.

Of course sex with a woman is worth money, the question is how much. The problem with sex with a woman who isn't trash is that you may fall in love and the next thing you know, you've slid all the way down the slippery slop into the "full catastrophe: wife, house, kids everything". It isn't just men. Women are brainwashed to want marriage and children even more than men, and are more depressed when they get them. Everyone here bitches about single mothers. You think all these woman are happy? A lot of them are in a daze at what a mess they've made of their lives. Children can be cute when they're young, but they are ungrateful little bastards once they get to their teens. A lot of women are very sorry they ever had children, and especially single mothers. They're just terrified of admitting it because they'd face shitstorm of social condemnation if they said anything bad about their kids.

You can avoid the slippery slope problem by only having sex with women you dislike so much there's no chance of falling in love, marrying and having children. But that is probably as bad as being alone.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by Jester »

+1 Marcos.
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Re: Why Women Hate MGTOW

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
lasttry wrote:
MrMan wrote: Some of the MGTOW videos I saw on YouTube argue that if you don't marry, you get to save and keep your money. Single men earn less (probably mostly a motivation/responsibility issue issue.) But if they earn a lot of money, what are they going to do with it? Die and leave the money to their dog? What's the point of having a lot of money if you don't have anyone to share it with? You can go eat at the most expensive restaurant in town, but do it by yourself or with some other dude, your fishing buddy instead of a woman? It sounds like a drag to me. They talk about the risk of a 50% divorce rate (which you can reduce greatly in the US by choosing carefully), but isn't actually getting to have sex in life worth the risk of losing some of your finances for most men anyway?
Depends if you like your job. I hated mine, though it was high-paying. I hated and still hate all work. Getting rid of wife and children opened the door to early retirement, which is way more important to my happiness than sex. What the point of money if you don't have anyone to share it with? Are you living under a rock? Go live in a homeless shelter for a while to understand why money is valuable other than because it helps you get sex with women. Poor people put up with all sorts of shit in this world.

Of course sex with a woman is worth money, the question is how much. The problem with sex with a woman who isn't trash is that you may fall in love and the next thing you know, you've slid all the way down the slippery slop into the "full catastrophe: wife, house, kids everything". It isn't just men. Women are brainwashed to want marriage and children even more than men, and are more depressed when they get them. Everyone here bitches about single mothers. You think all these woman are happy? A lot of them are in a daze at what a mess they've made of their lives. Children can be cute when they're young, but they are ungrateful little bastards once they get to their teens. A lot of women are very sorry they ever had children, and especially single mothers. They're just terrified of admitting it because they'd face shitstorm of social condemnation if they said anything bad about their kids.

You can avoid the slippery slope problem by only having sex with women you dislike so much there's no chance of falling in love, marrying and having children. But that is probably as bad as being alone.
All I see is a whole bunch of generalizations and assumptions. Marriage, a wife, children... they are a catastrophe if you see it as one, a blessing if you see it as one. We are not "brainwashed" to want children anymore then we are "brainwashed" to have sex, or eat dinner: we simple have the need, the urge. Some people lack this urge. For every woman that is unhappy she had children, there's an aging spinster wasting away in a house full of cats who wished she had. And for every man who's so happy he never had a family, there's that man who dies a miserable recluse and whos body remains undiscovered for weeks before a neighbor gets suspicious. The path to happiness is different for all of us, but it's too simple too say kids equal unhappiness, and kids equal happiness by default.

Of course having children in the West is a very different experience from having children in the East, too. In the West we push our elderly away into retirement homes, whereas in the East they take them in their families and often live with three or four generations together in one house. The elderly have a value there still, are respected, get discounts on food or public transport and help raising their grandchildren and even their great-granchildren if they live long enough. Here, they get a visit maybe once a month if they're lucky, and if they are unlucky their kids moved far away and they never see more of them then a birthday card in the post every once in a while.

Families are not the same everywhere, and neither are people. The pessimism you have for this "slippery slope" you describe, is best reserved for the Western world. If you go to Asia things simple work differently, and that slippery slope becomes a rather enjoyable and meaningful experience. Families in the West are often colder, more distant, whereas in Asia, Latin America and other countries they are warmer and more close-knit. If you are a loner, the West will suffice, but if you are a family oriented peoples-person, HappierAbroad is a solution.
isn't that what your doing though your abandoning your parents to live in asia?
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