Why are Filipinos so stupid?

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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by livefreeordie »

JeyanCalderone wrote:
Winston wrote:Some researchers in race and genetics have said that in hot humid climates, people can live off the land, so they don't need to be smart to survive and reproduce. So the stupidest people can pass on their genes. But in colder climates like Europe or Russia, it requires intelligent management of resources, so only intelligent people pass on their genes. There are published papers on this. If you want to see them, I can show you links. They are posted in other threads.
Winston, please provide links and evidence on the research. I want the scientific proof to show to other Filipinos so their monkey brains will explode! Just joking. Monkeys are actually intelligent.

The most beautiful girls I ever had sex with were Mestiza Filipinas (mixed Eurasian blood). They were always horny. God bless them.
Can you please elaborate on where I can find these beautiful girls?

Sometimes I want to grab some hotel staff by the collar, for example at this pain in the arse hotel i was staying at, they wanted 600 pesos for a stain on a towel, before they had even washed it. I got pretty annoyed at that and tried to explain that they should try and wash it first, then charge me accordingly, which only served to gt them to dig their heels in like a stubborn old mule. Serves me right for going to cheaper hotels in manila

I've met a BPO owner from Australia, and he says you can find talent on par with tech talent from Australia, so I don't think it applies to everyone. Ive certainly had fairly intelligent conversations with some Filipinos, but i think there is a horrible amount of ignorance here, in terms of hygiene and washing hands and sterilizing things properly (40% of food workers in manila apparently have parasites ) and just asking questions about food can be annoying. Its only really silly how there is an insistence on adding sugar to everything, like having a fresh juice bar then adding white sugar to it lol. I think all the preservatives and generally low quality diet, pollution, and plastic waste breaking down all leads to a loss of IQ points

But yes this is a tropical climate where food is naturally abundant, but other tropical climates have had advances and i dont think its necessarily completely that, perhaps a combination of many factors
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by cdnFA »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
OutWest wrote:What was your GFs back ground? Would you be comfortable if she was smarter than you ? Most foreign men complain about this when it becomes obvious that they are picking at their own level, girls from bars or other desperate circumstances. My wife is a civil engineer and her father is a mining engineer.

To be fair to your comment, it's true, a lot of Filipinos are not so bright. It's a good thing for the Earl buttcracks prowling the Philippines...they might find a girl dumb enough to marry them.

Exactly! People tend to end up with those who are, more or less, on the same level as them. A lot of low quality men end up with low quality women. A lot of the foreigners I have seen with Filipina women are low quality men back home. Not just the old ones, the fat ones, many of whom had a good career back home. But especially the younger ones, the tattood low-lives in sleeveless shirts with beer bellies and the type of vocabulary my two year old would be ashamed of. It's no surprise these men don't end up with a rocket scientist, they're hardly Nobel material themselves.

I think there's also some alternative motives at work here - this thread was started by a troll. And posters like the one you replied to sign up here, make a single post complaining about Filipino stupidity, and then leave. It's most likely trolls trying to change public perception for whatever weird reason or obsession they have.

Last month I met an American guy, who trains Filipino nurses and worked for a long time in Hong Kong. His wife, a Filipina, is the professor of my sister-in-law who goes to a local college. They are an attractive, intelligent and high quality couple. The man was clearly a high quality man, and he ended up with a high quality woman as a result. They seemed like a perfect match physically, mentally, intellectually. But this is the exception rather then the rule. And most foreigners who go abroad specifically to find a wife, aren't always the most desirable ones - this man came over for business, when he met his wife. It's a different dynamic, a different type of man. Not a bricklayer on leave trying to be a sex god for a while in Angeles city as a one week millionaire.
None of this suggests that he is wrong. Yes there are exceptions to every rule [duh] but if you are in a moronic country it makes it harder both to find someone and just living day to day.

Also it has been said that the higher class in the PI will generally not have anything to do with foreigners at least unless they bring a lot to the table in which case they wouldn't have to leave home to find someone. I'd guess the same applies to the smart ones.


The idea of them being stupid isn't a troll thing, it seems to be a common theme. One that you tend not to hear about Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Viet etc... I am guessing there is something to it.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by livefreeordie »

Bringing a lot to the table doesn't even work with spoiled rotten Australian women

Im young, considered good lucking, affluent, and live by the beach, that didnt seem to help very much either

I dont care about snobby filipinas, ive met some and they are so judgemental and superficial it hurts, i wonder how someone can be so judgemental so quickly. You will find shallow snobs everywhere, usually they are wannabe rich and yuppies, not actually wealthy people in my experience
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by cdnFA »

livefreeordie wrote:
I dont care about snobby filipinas, ive met some and they are so judgemental and superficial it hurts, i wonder how someone can be so judgemental so quickly. You will find shallow snobs everywhere, usually they are wannabe rich and yuppies, not actually wealthy people in my experience
OTOH if you live in a place filled with slobbering morons like the PI seems to be as well as moochers and people who would whore their daughters out to avoid having to work you might get a bit judgemental pretty fast.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by starchild5 »

Really? How about this?..Surely, they are smarter than the west, since they beat even Singapore and China in Maths

PH wins 208 medals to top Singapore math contest
http://www.mb.com.ph/ph-wins-208-medals ... Jh95CXJ.99

The Philippines emerged as the most bemedaled among 13 countries and territories by winning 26 gold, 50 silver and 132 bronze medals in the 12th International Mathematics Contest (IMC) held from July 29 to August 1.

And for the first time, two Filipino students won as champion in their respective grade levels in the contest.

They are gold medalists Julian Raymund Yu of British School Manila who topped the Grade 9 level and Jarrett Ian Lim of the Philippine Academy of Sakya in the Grade 10 level, according to Dr. Isidro Aguilar, Dr. Eduardo dela Cruz and Dr. Simon Chua, all of the Mathematics Trainers Guild (MTG)-Philippines.

Besides Yu and Lim, the other Filipino gold medalists are Alysa Corinne Llantero, De La Salle University Integrated School; Miguel Cayetano, Tuguegarao West Elementary School; Maria Bernadette Landicho, Stonyhurst Southville International School; Alvann Walter Paredes Dy, St. Jude Catholic School; Rovi Gabriel Dela Cruz, Pasig Catholic College; John Florence Dizon, Calamba Elementary School Special Science School; Juan Rafael Landicho, Stonyhurst Southville International School; Ambrose James Torreon, Rainbow of Angels Learning Center; Christopher James Yap, St. John’s Institute Bacolod City; Martin Gabriel Lopez, First Asia Institute of Technology & Humanities; Armea Helena Sien Dimayacyac, Notre Dame of Greater Manila; Jerome Samuel Tan, Makati Hope Christian School; Aiman Andrei Kue, Zamboanga Chong Hua High School; Jose Lorenzo Abad, Philippine Science High School-Main; Sted Micah Cheng, Hope Christian High School; Vincent Dela Cruz, Valenzuela City School of Math & Science; Daryll Carlsten Ko, St. Stephen’s High School; Genrish Wendell Ng, St. Jude Catholic School; Matthew Shawn Tansiongkun, Xavier School; Al Patrick Castro, Makati Science High School; Dan Alden Baterisna, Colegio San Agustin-Makati; Robert Gerard Uy, St. John’s Institute; Jan Vincent Simbol, BHC Educational Institution; and Kirk Patrick Bamba, Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales.

In the medal tally,

the Philippines topped the contest followed by

China with 196 medals consisting of 25 gold, 57 silver and 114 bronze medals;

Singapore, 123;

Vietnam, 82; and

Taiwan 71.

Other participating countries are South Korea, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India and Laos, and Hong Kong.

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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by starchild5 »

That's really unfair...because, we already know every country has stupid people including singapore and China but this Philippines is STUPID is a rare one.

They have been winning consistently. I noticed this when they won in India and we Indians consider good in Maths.

Philippines is overall champion in India math contest

http://interaksyon.com/article/100893/p ... th-contest

In Europe

Pinoy students win 5 medals in Romania math contest

...Why invoke this exception clause for Philippines only?

They competed against the best. In India, they beat the best as I know the Indians background, all from reputed school not at all average.

We have already established that majority of humans are stupid, they are spread everywhere not just Philippines....otherwise, we wouldn't be having slow death through loneliness back home :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by livefreeordie »

Looks like that generalisation is busted then

Perhaps in a country of 100 million combined with the societal problems, adds up to being more likely in meeting stupid ignorant people that don't know any better. I'm sure that given the opportunity with up to date teaching methods like interactive online education they would surprise you,but the general poverty and cultural problems might skew your experiences. Overall I don't think Philippines would be the number 1 rising outsourcing destination for very technical jobs like I. T and programming if this was true that 'they are stupid'
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by publicduende »

Filipinos are no more stupid than anybody else on the planet. All it takes to make a dumb mind into a refined one is a family who teaches them the value of curiosity, lifelong learning and hard work, coupled with cheap to free access to education, and of course a job marker where their talents can flourish. Other motivating factors are also the way a society reflects on itself. In a country maimed by multiple colonial rules, whether hard (the Spaniards) or soft (the Americans), the Filipinos don't shine for collective self-esteem and confidence in their capacities.

Give them, especially the youth, that confidence and you will see how things can change. The main reason why the intellectual elites gave their support to rough and tough Duterte is precisely because they know his presidency and leadership would have a vigorous effect on all strata of society. For the first time since Marcos, perhaps, the Filipinos are not told that they can be great people of the world, they have seriously started to believe it.

Contrary to popular belief, the Philippines have one of the best educational system in the entire SEA, far better than the Thai, which is notoriously atrocious, and the Indonesian one, which forces virtually any student whose family have the financial means to flee and study in Australia, the US or Europe. From what I could gather, I would dare say they are only second, albeit a distant second, to Singapore.

There are excellent high schools and colleges, including a network of science-focused high schools (Philippine Science) that are completely free for deserving students, and universities (University of the Philippines). Religious orders established in the Philippines for centuries run most of the best private institutions: Lasallian have La Salle colleges, Jesuits run the Ateneo network, Dominicans have gems like University of Santo Tomas (the "Cambridge" of the Philippines), Benedictines have San Beda Colleges, and so on.

Some of the best and brightest Filipino minds, in the country and abroad, will have been educated at one of those institutions. The Philippine Science + UP or Philippine Science + Mapua (another quasi-public prestigious technical college) combos are very common academic credentials in the highest circles of corporate, government and professional services circles. One of the brightest electrical engineers around, who among other things theorized a device currently being developed to bring supercomputing to the next level (the memristor), is Filipino. Yes, he lived in the US for most of his life, but he was born and formed in the Philippines. His name is Leon Chua, and he is no else than the father of "tiger mom" Amy Chua.

It's quite telling that finally Filipino youth are starting to shine at international levels. Look at their surnames and make no mistake: most of them come from Filipino-Chinese families who will have instilled them the values of success through hard work and discipline. Still, traces of this Confucian pragmatism are found everywhere in Filipino society. The Jesuits, the Dominicans, the Lasallians are known to be teaching their pupils that their gift of intelligence, talent and high-quality education must be employed for the greater good of society, to serve with humility and devotion. I know quite a few people, many of whom I have the honour to call friends, who live by this predicament.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by publicduende »

cdnFA wrote:OTOH if you live in a place filled with slobbering morons like the PI seems to be as well as moochers and people who would whore their daughters out to avoid having to work you might get a bit judgemental pretty fast.
The things you just mentioned happen because of poverty and ignorance, which are still endemic in the Philippines, but so are in a bunch of other countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia.

Singling out the Philippines, which is actually one of the fastest-improving countries in this bracket, is unfair.

If you, like several other posters here, have found nothing but dumb as rock girls (and their destitute families) in your journey to the Philippines, it's perhaps because you visited with no real intention to discover the culture, and were happy to mingle with the first few young ladies met on a dating site.

It takes patience and time, a lot of time, to discover the best of Filipino people. As MarcosZeitola or Outwest might agree on, the pleasure of succeeding in doing so might be incommensurate to the effort.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by davewe »

publicduende wrote:
cdnFA wrote:OTOH if you live in a place filled with slobbering morons like the PI seems to be as well as moochers and people who would whore their daughters out to avoid having to work you might get a bit judgemental pretty fast.
The things you just mentioned happen because of poverty and ignorance, which are still endemic in the Philippines, but so are in a bunch of other countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia.

Singling out the Philippines, which is actually one of the fastest-improving countries in this bracket, is unfair.

If you, like several other posters here, have found nothing but dumb as rock girls (and their destitute families) in your journey to the Philippines, it's perhaps because you visited with no real intention to discover the culture, and were happy to mingle with the first few young ladies met on a dating site.

It takes patience and time, a lot of time, to discover the best of Filipino people. As MarcosZeitola or Outwest might agree on, the pleasure of succeeding in doing so might be incommensurate to the effort.
And the truth is it doesn't take that much effort, just the desire to discover the Filipino culture. I am on a bunch of Philippines expat forums (a guilty pleasure) and in most cases it is the expats who are dumb as rocks. Seriously, with some of these guys it's amazing that they are able to live in their own culture, let alone a foreign one.

There are a million examples but here's one tiny one I have heard multiple times, including here on HA. "The girls are so stupid they can't even get he/she right. They refer to their girlfriend as he or their father as she. What morons!" In reality the use of personal pronouns in Filipino languages is not the same as in English. Saying "Ibibigay ko sa kaniyá," means "I will give it to him/her." So when they learn English, a language with very distinct he/she differences, it's a challenge.

But then again, the expat or tourist has to want to understand the differences and for many it's more fun to simply say they're all idiots, but cute idiots who will sleep with us. One of the joys of being married to someone from a very different culture is learning the differences. But that's something mongers are not interested in.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by publicduende »

davewe wrote:"The girls are so stupid they can't even get he/she right. They refer to their girlfriend as he or their father as she"
That's another interesting thing, though. For a country that likes to sport the second highest number of English-speaking people outside the US, the level of English fluency in most of the population are not only quite low, but vary very dramatically across socio-cultural strata. My business partner is educated at Philippine Science and UST, one of the best academic combo available, and he speaks English all the time with everyone, regardless of whether he is Pinoy or foreigner. He told me most kids of his generation and his academic background speak English as their first language.

Then I was quite shocked when I realised that it's his Tagalog that is not up to standard! He admitted to having "conversational" Tagalog and no knowledge of any other dialect (he is from Cavite anyway, where they speak Tagalog as their local dialect).

Most educated people I know in Davao speak perfectly fluent English, many speak Spanish and of course perfect Tagalog and Bisaya (and sometimes Chavacano, Ilonggo or Dabawenyo, all local dialects of Mindanao). All private universities like Ateneo forbid their students to speak other than English during classes. They have actual academic sanctions if you are heard conversing in Tagalog in class.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by joesixpack »

Not sure how anyone can argue with the assertation that Filipinos are just not very smart, on average. 1 in 5 are borderline mentally retarded, and even most college grads are barely up to 100 IQ. And their EQ scores must be even worse, seeing how most of them behave several years younger than they are, even with many adults acting very childish. One might even think growing up here would encourage common sense learning or develop street-smarts, but wrong again.

Why is this? It begins early with poor nutrition, lack of sleep in infancy, and bad parenting. Filipinos spoil their kids way too much, and hinder their cognitive development. They don't encourage independence with feeding, movement, learning. They treat them like little dolls, coddle them and it's short-sighted. Usually the parent isn't even involved, as Lola, Auntie, or a yaya cater to every need and whim of the kid.

Unfortunately, by grade six, many of them have to drop out of school to work or watch the younger siblings. Most provincial schools have twice the number of kids in 2nd grade as in 6th grade. If the kid is still in school and earning high marks, he will be shamed and bullied relentlessly by the other kids for actually trying to get ahead in life. That's not acceptable in the land of crabs. Everyone must stay on the same dull level, or else.

All of this and more results in many Filipinos not striving for excellence or even being encouraged to do so. It's more admirable here to be clever than smart. Be able to manipulate others and get over on someone, rather than to actually have a thirst for knowledge. It's that social corruption again and a product of the culture rather than an innate stupidity. Filipinos have the potential to be as smart as anyone, but much like becoming a considerate, polite, respectful person....there's just no merit in that here.

btw, this is Filipinos, in general. Hopefully all of you with mensa-candidate genius-level relatives and friends won't feel insulted. :D
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Rock »

davewe wrote:
publicduende wrote:
cdnFA wrote:OTOH if you live in a place filled with slobbering morons like the PI seems to be as well as moochers and people who would whore their daughters out to avoid having to work you might get a bit judgemental pretty fast.
The things you just mentioned happen because of poverty and ignorance, which are still endemic in the Philippines, but so are in a bunch of other countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia.

Singling out the Philippines, which is actually one of the fastest-improving countries in this bracket, is unfair.

If you, like several other posters here, have found nothing but dumb as rock girls (and their destitute families) in your journey to the Philippines, it's perhaps because you visited with no real intention to discover the culture, and were happy to mingle with the first few young ladies met on a dating site.

It takes patience and time, a lot of time, to discover the best of Filipino people. As MarcosZeitola or Outwest might agree on, the pleasure of succeeding in doing so might be incommensurate to the effort.
And the truth is it doesn't take that much effort, just the desire to discover the Filipino culture. I am on a bunch of Philippines expat forums (a guilty pleasure) and in most cases it is the expats who are dumb as rocks. Seriously, with some of these guys it's amazing that they are able to live in their own culture, let alone a foreign one.

There are a million examples but here's one tiny one I have heard multiple times, including here on HA. "The girls are so stupid they can't even get he/she right. They refer to their girlfriend as he or their father as she. What morons!" In reality the use of personal pronouns in Filipino languages is not the same as in English. Saying "Ibibigay ko sa kaniyá," means "I will give it to him/her." So when they learn English, a language with very distinct he/she differences, it's a challenge.

But then again, the expat or tourist has to want to understand the differences and for many it's more fun to simply say they're all idiots, but cute idiots who will sleep with us. One of the joys of being married to someone from a very different culture is learning the differences. But that's something mongers are not interested in.
Thats a great point. What I've noticed in general is that the language or dialect people speak from a very early age and/or most frequently often contaminate, to a superficial degree, the way they speak a second language which they may also be fluent in.

A couple examples:

In Jamaica, a country with similar mean IQ as Phils, I noticed a lot of very fluent English speakers use 'me' where they should use 'I' due to influence of Jamaican Creole.

In Taiwan where people on average much more intelligent than in Phils, those who speak English well often make the same 'he' and 'she' error in speaking as they do in Phils since in both Mandarin and Hokkien, the pronouns for he, she, and it sound exactly the same.

According to Wikipedia, Phils. has the 6th largest number of English speakers in the world after USA, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and UK with a fluency rate of 63%.

I think this 63% figure is plausible because I've often encountered Filipinos in all three areas (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindinao) who seemed unable to speak or comprehend English. Also, keep in mind that roughly 16% of the population falls below the 71 IQ mark if the country IQ bell curve data of mean 86 and SD 15 is accurate. Most of this below 1 SD segment probably did not grasp much in school nor become fluent in English.
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