Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

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Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by HenryGeorge »

Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

April 27, 2017 by Michael Snyder

Do you ever feel like you have been completely abandoned by the world? Do you struggle with feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression? If so, you are far from alone. Thanks to technology Americans are more isolated than they have ever been before, and as you will see below, this is really starting to cause a major national crisis. Humans were designed to be social creatures, and researchers have found that a lack of interaction with others can cause major mental, emotional and social problems. Not only that, it can also lead to premature death. We actually have a need to love others and to be loved by them, and if those needs are not met the consequences can be quite dramatic.

Unfortunately, our society has evolved to the point where we hardly interact with one another anymore. First of all, the size of the average household has declined from about 4.5 people to about 2.5 people over the past 100 years, and we lead the world in the number of one person households.

So for most of us, the number of people that we interact with in our homes is quite limited.

For children, at least there is quite a bit of interaction with others at school, but once you become an adult things are very different.

Most adults get up in the morning and drive by themselves to work. Even if you take mass transportation, it is very rare to actually have a meaningful discussion with anyone. I remember the days when I would take the Metro into Washington D.C. every morning, and most of the time there was complete silence even though the trains were usually completely packed during rush hour. Most people would either close their eyes, read a book or spend the entire trip staring into their phones.

I have to say that cell phones have probably done more to damage real human interaction than almost any other invention in human history. So many people just walk around like zombies obsessively staring into their little phones while life goes on all around them. And it is the worst with young people. For some of them, it is virtually impossible to get them to put those things down long enough to have a real conversation with them.

Once most Americans get to their places of employment there is some human interaction, but it is generally limited to topics related to work. Yes, some very deep and meaningful relationships can be built at work, but these days that is fairly rare.

At the end of the day, most people get back into their vehicles and head home. Perhaps a stop is made for a quick shopping trip, but randomly engaging other shoppers in conversation is not something that is typically done.

In the evenings, the vast majority of us spend several hours staring into our flickering television sets consuming whatever “entertainment” the corporate media giants have concocted for us. Like the cell phone, the television has been one of the worst things to ever happen to human interaction. In the old days, families would sit out on their front porches and get to know their neighbors, but these days a lot of people don’t know their neighbors at all.

What I am trying to point out is that we have become a deeply lonely nation, and some are describing this as “a public health crisis”…

Truly, a public health crisis is in the making. Transcending all demographics, loneliness is an epidemic which is literally killing us.

After 35 years of multiple studies, Brigham Young University researchers have found that loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of premature death by 32 percent (on par with the risk of obesity). In our ever “connected” world of the Internet and social media, reaching out to someone is as easy as tapping a few buttons, but the amount of people that say they have no one to talk to has tripled in the last 20 years.

In addition to greatly increasing your risk of dying early, loneliness has a whole host of other negative health effects as well…

Research indicates that perceived social isolation (i.e. loneliness) is a risk factor for, and may contribute to, poorer overall cognitive performance, faster cognitive decline, poorer executive functioning, increased negativity and depressive cognition, heightened sensitivity to social threats, a confirmatory bias in social cognition that is self-protective and paradoxically self-defeating, heightened anthropomorphism and contagion that threatens social cohesion.

I don’t know what all of that means, but it sounds really bad.

Sometimes I wish that scientists would just speak to us in plain English.

Loneliness is particularly chronic among the elderly. The following comes from the New York Times…

“The profound effects of loneliness on health and independence are a critical public health problem,” said Dr. Carla M. Perissinotto, a geriatrician at the University of California, San Francisco. “It is no longer medically or ethically acceptable to ignore older adults who feel lonely and marginalized.”

In Britain and the United States, roughly one in three people older than 65 live alone, and in the United States, half of those older than 85 live alone. Studies in both countries show the prevalence of loneliness among people older than 60 ranging from 10 percent to 46 percent.

If you have a parent or a grandparent that is living alone, please visit them on a regular basis.

You may never know how much it means to them.

Of course loneliness is a big problem on the other end of the age spectrum as well. The following comes from U.S. News & World Report…

The American Freshman Survey collected responses from about 153,000 full-time, first-year students at more than 200 four-year public and private institutions in 2014. An increasing number of students – now 38.8 percent – said they spend less than five hours each week with friends, while just 18 percent said they spend more than 16 hours weekly with friends. It’s the opposite of the picture student responses painted in 1987, when two-thirds said they spent more than 16 hours each week socializing.

Those numbers are absolutely staggering. Because so many of us are feeling so lonely and so isolated, it should come as no surprise that depression is at epidemic levels in this country.

In fact, the number of Americans that have been formally diagnosed with depression is increasing at a rate of about 20 percent a year, and at this moment approximately one out of every six Americans is on an anti-depressant or some other sort of psychiatric drug.

According to the New York Times, more than 30 million Americans are currently taking antidepressants, and each year more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants are issued.

As technology takes over our lives, the trends that I have discussed in this article will likely accelerate even more, and our need for real human interaction will become even greater.

So make it a point to reach out and love those around you, because our world is becoming a very cold place. ... -depressed
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Adama »

It might be best to be alone many times. Nowadays there are many ravening wolves in sheeps clothing. That is people pretending to be your friend who secretly hate you and seek to confuse you or slander you behind your back, delighting in your failures and even trying to help it along. Also women who pretend they want to love you but secretly they have ulterior motives to destroy you over the long term plan.

These are wolves in sheeps' clothing, pretending to be good, coming to you under the guise of friendship or love, who only seek to destroy you and to delight in that destruction; the spiritual children of Satan who are wise in how to commit evil, while the sheep are mostly simple-minded and naive about everything.

So it might be better to be alone if you can't figure out who is a wolf and who is a sheep. But it seems to me nowadays most people are wolves, and wolves are wise to evil, and love evil, and delight in evil, and they delight in doing it secretly by stealth with words.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Eric »

None of basic needs are fulfilled in the society we have created. You have to swallow it, literally - and not ask questions. You must act like all the other trendies and idiots and blend in with the weird, strange forward 'progress-loving' crowd...if you want jobs, and a gf. You must not ask questions.
You will have a $ lifestyle of apartments and single hookups with single girls, meaningless trivial, pointless relationships that have no roots... pointless interaction and communication, and changing jobs. You have to literally lose your common sense and go with it.

You have to do all this if you want to 'be happy in modern today's society'. I tell my Mom how unsatisfied, and unhappy I am in society - and she tells me I must accept it and just get along with the world.
Whatever the f**k that means. Then, when I come home after years at college, don't have a job or don't have savings....have lived a shallow, fruitless, trivial life - she's like "well, why didn't you do need to make friends, communicate, and have relationships. "

I really just want to smash my face into a wall. We have the same cyclical conversations for years. It's me explaining how f***ed up our society is - she is always telling me to "go out, make friends, communicate" if the problem is my fault.

We are not seeing eye to eye on something. Think she doesn't understand that it's really messed up, the structure and roots are gone. And that there really is an epidemic problem of people who feel lonely, isolated and unable to form community or roots at all - and that is a serious problem In fact it's so serious for me it's causing mental health problems, physical pains...
It is so bad as to the point where it's affecting your ability to to think, be calm, have or get a job, have relationships.....or just feel ok. It's absolutely necessary we have a base from which to work up from, all the social needs supports all the higher things - like work, having a job, moving up...that requires stablity. Whoever planned out this society did a shitty job of it.
Seriously. I can't even think anymore. I'm so sick of the emptiness....Everything's back asswards and upside down, here.

And you're somehow, supposed to do it without any of that. You're just supposed to be alone all the time, or somehow make or meet or find a community to be part of. You're supposed to do all of that - while simultaneously blending with and avoiding the pitfalls of modern culture - where no one knows quite what's ahead or what or why they're doing it.
Welcome to America. Land of the confused, half-tepid, easily led ..... experimentals.

I'm tired of being an experiment.

We need a community.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by MrMan »

Adama wrote:It might be best to be alone many times. Nowadays there are many ravening wolves in sheeps clothing. That is people pretending to be your friend who secretly hate you and seek to confuse you or slander you behind your back, delighting in your failures and even trying to help it along. Also women who pretend they want to love you but secretly they have ulterior motives to destroy you over the long term plan.

These are wolves in sheeps' clothing, pretending to be good, coming to you under the guise of friendship or love, who only seek to destroy you and to delight in that destruction; the spiritual children of Satan who are wise in how to commit evil, while the sheep are mostly simple-minded and naive about everything.

So it might be better to be alone if you can't figure out who is a wolf and who is a sheep. But it seems to me nowadays most people are wolves, and wolves are wise to evil, and love evil, and delight in evil, and they delight in doing it secretly by stealth with words.
In the Bible, Jesus warns of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. The typical slanderer is not a false prophet. Most aren't religious leaders. Most aren't pretending to know everything about God, pretending to be some type of spiritual leader.

I've spent a lot of my time in recent decades overseas or in parts of the US that are atypical of the US as a whole. Maybe some of the younger generation have some really nasty characteristics. But it just seems to me like you are overreacting. Just about anywhere you live, you are going to be surrounded by sinners. But does that mean you'd be better off not striking up a conversation with a stranger on the train? You might be extrapolating a bit too much out of some bad experiences. Jesus used to be accuse by religious leaders because he ate and drank with sinners.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by MrMan »

Eric wrote:You will have a $ lifestyle of apartments and single hookups with single girls, meaningless trivial, pointless relationships that have no roots... pointless interaction and communication, and changing jobs. You have to literally lose your common sense and go with it.
You are talking about the 'way things are' as opposed to how you act, right? You say your Roman Catholic, right? Your religion teaches against 'hookups.' You should be preparing yourself for marriage.
You have to do all this if you want to 'be happy in modern today's society'. I tell my Mom how unsatisfied, and unhappy I am in society - and she tells me I must accept it and just get along with the world.
Whatever the f**k that means. Then, when I come home after years at college, don't have a job or don't have savings....have lived a shallow, fruitless, trivial life - she's like "well, why didn't you do need to make friends, communicate, and have relationships. "

I really just want to smash my face into a wall. We have the same cyclical conversations for years. It's me explaining how f***ed up our society is - she is always telling me to "go out, make friends, communicate" if the problem is my fault.
Honestly, it sounds like your mom is right. You could be right, too. Maybe you live in a very unfriendly place. There is some variation in the US as to how friendly people are. You could live in a city where people are kind of cold. But, on the other hand, you have to overcome it. It's just like on other threads, sitting on one's behind and complaining about how the job market is stacked against you isn't going to get you a job. Well, standing around smashing your face against the wall and complaining about how unfriendly the world is isn't going to get you any friends, either.

If you are bitter against life, or just kind of negative and depressed, other people you try to befriend might pick up on it and not want to hang out. So you may need to tone it down and make a conscious effort to get along with people. You can join some kind of club or organization where you are a part of a group and use that as a position from which to start friendships. I"ve gone to church since I was small, and it's not too hard to make friends if you are a part of a small group within the church that interacts with each other, like a small Bible study. I don't go just for that, but wanting 'fellowship' is a legitimate desire, too.

As far as jobs go, I'm not sure about all the English job markets, but if you did go out and get a degree and can't find a job, it may still be easy to teach English. You can probably get a job just with a degree and no training, which may not be the best way to do it, but you can also get a teaching certificate online. I talked to an engineer, by education, recently who made a career of teaching English overseas. He got into teaching standardized tests and the engineering background was good for teaching the math component of those tests.

I think you can go teach in Korea for a degree for about $2000 a month plus an apartment to stay in while you are there. They fly you in and out. If you are single, you pay for your food and entertainment. Split shifts are tough. The other option used to be afternoons and Saturday. Koreans are a bit stiff, but the ones who speak English would single me out for conversation, including the women. IMO, a lot of young Korean women are pretty. I remember the subway stop in Kangnam. It seemed to be flooded with 8s for looks, all over the place. I hear there are college campuses in that area. A lot of the English teachers when I was there that put forth some effort got girlfriends. I didn't choose to date that much, but the girls I asked out said 'yes' and I dated a couple of girls while I was there. One was from Indonesia, though, but the other was Korean.

I believe jobs in China pay better. If you go work in one of these countries, whether the country is more friendly or not, some people want to befriend you to practice their language or just because you are different and exotic, depending on where you live. Some girls, maybe a small percentage, are attracted to white men. When you are one-in-a-million, it may be a small percentage, but a lot of women may find you attractive.

I don't know if Roman Catholic churches are the same way, but I hear in a lot of churches in Japan, there are more women than men. The women want to marry a Christian husband, so if a Christian man joins the church, it may be easy to get married. I hear that pastors (like managers and other leaders or authority figures) in Japan might suggest relationship or marriage matches. That's probably less likely than foreigners. But if you are looking for some help, you can ask. I've heard of Korean pastors doing the same thing.

I hear in China, even though there are more marrying-aged women than men, in a lot of the churches, there are more women than men. And some of the girls do like western men, there, too.

I have taught English in Indonesia. The jobs advertised on back when I was looking paid lower than those in the richer Asian countries. But the cost of living is cheaper. If you worked for EF, you could look for something better once you got in the country.

If you wanted to teach English overseas, daves website has been open since the 1990's before the Internet was a big deal, and they have always had lots of jobs advertized. If the country you choose is more friendly than the US, you might appreciate it. If not, it might feel like it to you since you'd stand out in a crowd and some people might want to get to know you.
We are not seeing eye to eye on something. Think she doesn't understand that it's really messed up, the structure and roots are gone. And that there really is an epidemic problem of people who feel lonely, isolated and unable to form community or roots at all - and that is a serious problem In fact it's so serious for me it's causing mental health problems, physical pains...
It is so bad as to the point where it's affecting your ability to to think, be calm, have or get a job, have relationships.....or just feel ok. It's absolutely necessary we have a base from which to work up from, all the social needs supports all the higher things - like work, having a job, moving up...that requires stablity.
Honestly, I think a lot of your problems are internal, like your own emotional situation and how you respond to stress. That would be an argument against going abroad. If you aren't able to build a support network of friends, etc., you wouldn't have your mom to talk to or to take care of you. Maybe if you and someone you knew both went overseas to work together, that would help if you chose that route and couldn't find work in the US. But you'd probably get farther working on your own mental state and attitude.

Why don't you get up every morning and say or sing, "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." There is a song for that. Get some scriptures like that and post them on the mirror or wall. Quote them. Say them when you get depressed. There is a lot of bad stuff in the world. You don't need to sit around being depressed about it.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Adama »

This guy seriously believes that only false preachers are ravening wolves. Some of us only can understand the letters and nothing more. While others have received the deeper meaning. And obviously the Proverbs and Psalms also have no meaning to some. (The Proverbs and Psalms are ALL about these prideful people who are slanderers, hiding their hatred with lying lips, using devouring words, and speaking with guile, those who love evil more than good, those who love lies, who trust in their own hearts rather than the Lord. Some people just never absorbed the meaning of the words!)

MrMan, please stop contending with me. You don't understand anything I write, and we will have to just let it go.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Eric »

It's not that, I think fschmidt hit upon it awhile ago. I was raised very, very differently than what society has gone today. It's like total opposite. I think that's a source of a major problem. I came from a military background and a Conservative republican background. I'm not saying I think totally like that, today - but it's where I came from and it's a base.

It's also just the sheer insanity of today's society...It would affect anyone. Working on my own mental state? Idk what to do about that. Not that I haven't tried or been trying my whole life. Not much will replace support and community. This society simply overwhelms me, I want something much, simpler.
I've always felt that way. And I'm not sure what to do about it. The real problem is, I also have problems with getting overwhelmed with my thinking, and that runs me in circles and is very stressful, time consuming. It seems I don't really get anywhere and beat myself up. I often get overloaded with input and thoughts. There's not much I can do about that except moving forward and continuing; there's then lots to be afraid of.

But, you have to at some point let go of a sense of control, and just move on. A lot of things I don't like about that, but that's life. Maybe, that's what I have to accept.
Last edited by Eric on April 29th, 2017, 6:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Adama »

Psalm 55 King James Version (KJV)
11 Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets.

12 For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

13 But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.

14 We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.

Psalm 35King James Version (KJV)
3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.

11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.
15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:

16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

Psalm 52 King James Version (KJV)

2 Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.

3 Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.

4 Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.

There are many Psalms about stuff like this. Many of the verses in the Proverbs also touch on these subjects.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Eric »

I wasn't raised in the right way - for this environment. I would've functioned reasonably, probably really well inside the military, or some other civilization. Note that I said "civilization"', because the USA is anything but a civilized society. I feel that anybody that takes pride, has boundaries or needs or requires discipline in their attitude, will have a hard time here.

This place and culture simply does not support it. It's a giant circus/zoo.
You can't even sit at a coffee shop or a library to try to get some work done. It's mostly females with scantily clad bodies that have attention spans of goldfish and will go out of their way to get your eye and distract you. It's just a giant circus.
I once read in the Protocols that by making everyone obsessed with sex, no one would be able to concentrate on anything at all. Sounds true.
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Adama »

MrMan wrote:
Adama wrote:It might be best to be alone many times. Nowadays there are many ravening wolves in sheeps clothing. That is people pretending to be your friend who secretly hate you and seek to confuse you or slander you behind your back, delighting in your failures and even trying to help it along. Also women who pretend they want to love you but secretly they have ulterior motives to destroy you over the long term plan.

These are wolves in sheeps' clothing, pretending to be good, coming to you under the guise of friendship or love, who only seek to destroy you and to delight in that destruction; the spiritual children of Satan who are wise in how to commit evil, while the sheep are mostly simple-minded and naive about everything.

So it might be better to be alone if you can't figure out who is a wolf and who is a sheep. But it seems to me nowadays most people are wolves, and wolves are wise to evil, and love evil, and delight in evil, and they delight in doing it secretly by stealth with words.
In the Bible, Jesus warns of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. The typical slanderer is not a false prophet. Most aren't religious leaders. Most aren't pretending to know everything about God, pretending to be some type of spiritual leader.
Ezekiel 22 King James Version (KJV)

27 Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Adama »

Here's a post from JonnyLaw (I have removed some of his sentences that are not entirely relevant). Here he describes how, in his opinion, some Thai women pretend to be good but inside some of them are plotting evil on a long term plan.

This would make those offenders ravening wolves in sheeps clothing, as I said: Coming under the pretense of love, but really seeking to destroy by stealth:
Jonny Law wrote:
Jonny Law News!
I live in a small town in Thailand. I am immersed within Thai Culture and Society.

This just in. Thai women are racist. Thai women Hate you White Boy Asian Men are treated much better by Thai women.
They just want your baby White Boy and the divorce rape you. Just from the White friends I know here.
Jonny Law wrote:
Jonny Law Update:
* I have lived in a small vilage and a small town in Thailand.
The women in Thai Small-Towns and VIllages are whores and they lecture you about how f***ing pure and innocent they are.
they say: "This is not America, in Thailand we do not hug or kiss until marriage:"
Meanwhile she is a whore and f***s anything that moves.
And when you call them out on what a joke they are, they have the nerve to get upset.
Almost every recent post of Jonny's describes this. Hidden in plain sight, using deception and guile to pretend as if they are good and true, but inwardly filled with hypocrisy and iniquity.

True goodness is shown. It is not bragged about. The very fact that people brag about how righteous and good they are shows that they are using deception and subtle brainwashing (against the simple minded and naive it works) to try to get the person to believe things that are not true, so they can gain an advantage for their egos. Pretending to be good while being a whore; giving lip service to being wife material while being slutty, and even then, plotting to destroy the unsuspecting man. Is this not a ravening wolf? I mean, what else would it be but that?
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Kradmelder »

HenryGeorge wrote:Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

April 27, 2017 by Michael Snyder

Do you ever feel like you have been completely abandoned by the world? Do you struggle with feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression?
Do you sit at home on a computer and on the phone texting when you are out? Then guess what? you will feel isolated and abandoned. who will talk to someone glued to their phone or computer? Why must people always invite you? Take the initiative.

Humans were designed to be social creatures, and researchers have found that a lack of interaction with others can cause major mental, emotional and social problems.
so get up and go and socialise. Someone somewhere must like your company. Unless you are a miserable kunt:
1. Someone with no sense of humour and finds all jokes rubbish, and makes a point of saying so as well.

2. Someone who is always upset and thinks the world is on his or her shoulders and no amount of jokes or light hearted banter snaps them out of it.

3. Doom and gloom nay-sayer or negative nancy that sees the bad in everything and everyone and has no problem pointing it out to everyone either.

4. All of the above rolled into one giant meat bag of repulsive miserable cuntness.
Bob: So, do you like me new suit?
Dave: No.
Bob: Why not?
Dave: Because it looks crap, you look crap, the world looks crap, and basically everything is crap.
Bob: Oh shut the f**k up you miserable cunt!

I have to say that cell phones have probably done more to damage real human interaction than almost any other invention in human history. So many people just walk around like zombies obsessively staring into their little phones while life goes on all around them. And it is the worst with young people. For some of them, it is virtually impossible to get them to put those things down long enough to have a real conversation with them.
Cell phones have done no damage. Only how people use them. I use mine to organise to meet up. Like hey guys see you sunday at 0800 at blah blah. Hey johan, want to meet up fro brekkie on sunday? Ride together or are you doing a group ride, in which case I will go by dirt alone and meet you okes there? etc. They havent ruined my life. On long trips mates track me by tracking software to make sure I havent crashed. See miserable cunt for someone who only sees a phone as negative
In the evenings, the vast majority of us spend several hours staring into our flickering television sets consuming whatever “entertainment” the corporate media giants have concocted for us. Like the cell phone, the television has been one of the worst things to ever happen to human interaction. In the old days, families would sit out on their front porches and get to know their neighbors, but these days a lot of people don’t know their neighbors at all.
I rarely watch TV. After work I have a choice of biker drinks with mates, the GF for dinner. Or if I prefer, alone to read or something. Again why blame a TV for you own pathetic choices. It is a mindless box spouting jew rubbish. why choose to sit there?
What I am trying to point out is that we have become a deeply lonely nation, and some are describing this as “a public health crisis”…
what you are pointing out is that you make pathetic lifestyle choices and try to externalise blame. If you choose to sit alone because everyone is a ravening wolf, a slut, a PUA, a zombie, well all you are really saying is you are a miserable cunt that can see no good, and so no one wants to be around you, I cant blame them. I dont want to be around miserable cunts either. And why must we feel sorry for you?

Sometimes I wish that scientists would just speak to us in plain English.
Do so. To a person, not a screen and stop being a iserbale cunt.

Here is what I do. I went to a wine festival this weekend and we bought wine. We were a group of 12. see pics below from our table. I am a happy person so people like my company. Notice that the place is a mix of young people and old, including hot young white girls if you are that age. There were whole families, including babies. Notice they are all WHITE, I only go to white places. No darkies like Contra with a 'Wez da white womminz at?' attitude. They would be kept out (because you need a 'ticket', or stomped, like I would be if i went to an all black place and bothered the negresses. But I wouldn't impose myself on a black event. It is right. Let people be amongst their own. They go to places where their own gather for a reason.

The point is I CHOOSE to be with who i want to be, and in environment I want to be in. Or I could sit at home alone and whine and be a miserable kunt and no one would want to be around me. There were some people sitting there glued to their phones. Probably texting about how alone they feel. Boo hoo hoo. I didnt look at my phone 3 times all day. Met so many people I havent see in years as well.




Miserable cunts think they are so clever and talk of some red or blue pill or some other jew BS. But the only ones miserable and unhappy are themselves because of their own choices. Either get up and leave to somewhere you like, or make a good life where you are. But miserable kunts can never be happy anywhere as they take their kak loser mindset with them like a nigger takes his thievery. Or keep on being a miserable kunt and no one will care.

The article says miserable kunts die early. Well it is a lifetsyle choice disease, like AIDS.

I could also make a lifestyle choice to sit at home and piss and moan and find all sorts of excuses to sit at home alone. Or I can go and ride solo, go out with the kids, call a mate or they call me, or these days take the GF to biker places or a nice weekend or a nice lunch. Anything is better than sitting spewing garbage about how kak the world is because they dont want to be around my negative waves.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Eric »

You sure are one compassionate person :D you know that?
Last edited by Eric on April 30th, 2017, 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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Contrarian Expatriate
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

HenryGeorge wrote:Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed
Humans were designed to be social creatures, and researchers have found that a lack of interaction with others can cause major mental, emotional and social problems. Not only that, it can also lead to premature death. We actually have a need to love others and to be loved by them, and if those needs are not met the consequences can be quite dramatic.
The article is onto something, but the above is simply Blue Pill nonsense. As an introvert, I can gladly go days without interacting with people other than brief incidental contact and I love it.

The problem is not so much lack of contact, it is toxic contact. The USA has a toxic social culture and that is what is making people depressed and miserable. Back when I had to work, I was resented by some for not participating in after work social functions which were in my view, toxic. It was as if some of them had to endure those, all of us should.

Overseas and outside of the Anglosphere, the social environment is not nearly as toxic as in the USA. People interact freely, invite new acquaintances to their homes or for a drink, and don't have the pervasive paranoia that rules the day in the USA.

Personally, I find Americans to be a generally miserable people. However, most can't understand the source of their misery so they blame others for it.
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Re: Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Post by Eric »

Yeah - I think those others are from different and less toxic cultures, like South Africa should understand that...try to take it into consideration. The environment here is toxic. You nailed it and, it is a lot to deal with. You should count yourself lucky you are from an upright moral culture - so to speak like SA. It's not that way here...It's very, very different. There is almost no ethics anywhere, and so people lose their morals and become jellyfish...It just happens. Something about the environment just turns you into a vegetable in all ways. Sometimes, I'd think I"d like to be in SA, just to be different. But I'm here, so I have to make it work.
There is a lot of helplessness here.....because people feel like they are drowning. There is no common sense to be found anywhere, in the culture - everywhere you look, and that can make you insane and feel like panic.

Almost nothing worthwhile or good comes out of here, anymore; that's just the truth. It was designed that way. Only easy lays, junk food, if that's what you're into. But...don't eat cake too much lest you become fat. It's a very, very degrading environment.
I find that in a community like SA, you have others who are with you supporting you and are like you. That makes a big difference. It'd be nice to have that by default.
Last edited by Eric on April 30th, 2017, 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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