Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura, energy and health?

Post by MrMan »

Btw, I reread the title really quick after having not seen this thread in a while, and for some reason thought I saw 'urethra' instead of 'aura.'
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by zerowing1 »

It is absolutely true. After sex with numerous sex workers I have so many vile, criminal, unspeakable thoughts and impulses; my whole character/personality is depraved. I was originally lower middle class, but bright (80s style Asian nerd) aspiring to upper middle class. But now I'm afraid of what I might do or what will happen to me (prison, getting murdered, etc.). I've already been homeless for 6 months once. It's pretty safe to assume that the men who have sex with sex workers are far from the best people, or even normal and decent guys. Third world gutter language flows out of my mouth; it isn't just imitation, it's coming from my guts and on par with my (new, low) level of consciousness.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by Eric »

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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by Eric »

I've felt like that before, I've done some things I'd regret, and looked back on them I really found them degrading - trust me, you're not alone. We all do that. Some of us more than others. It's been my experience I did those things out of some kind of reaction, experience etc....I hadn't or wouldn't of done them if I was balanced. The worst sex I've ever had - by far - has been with sex workers when I did it, or any paid sex. It was awful, not memorable. I can't believe I paid for it...
Bar girls are ok, I haven't had much experience with bar girls, maybe some. It was okay. The best sex I ever had was with a friend, she was a freak in bed I'm talking wet sheets, soaked mattress.... It was awesome, and by far the best sex ever. She wasn't even that attractive, but it was the best sex.
There was another girl I took home from a bar on her 24th birthday, she was very attractive and hot as hell, she wanted to call me Daddy...and me to do weird things to her.

Don't do anything you don't want to do, you wouldn't do or had any weird inclination not to do.
I had this problem I'm still working on, it's a way of thinking that's kind of wacky. ...It's related to perfectionism. I don't know how exactly, hard to explain. Sometimes I'll get these fantastical ideas in my head, they are often ideas - they stem from my belief system which tries to control things, so I make things up in my mind. As you can imagine, that lands me in a lot of trouble... often. It's related to constructs I come up in my mind which are far from reality, often I take things too far, it's just not good. It was basically me against reality all the time. I admit this. I don't know how it started. It's just a form of's like a war on reality or life. Man trying to set his own structure up amidst it, deny it or control it. That's what it is, as such it's very bad.
I also believe it rubs females the wrong way unintentionally. I don't even know that I'm doing it. It's no wonder I believe God punished me for it... In a way it's worse than Satanism, because actual Satanism at least doesn't try to deny or control God or reality. This stuffs hard to talk about, but it's the truth. I don't know why I was like this when I was younger. It's like this proud obstinance I pray for God to get rid of in me. I understand you when you're talking about God understanding or knowing having compassion why you are the way you are. But complaining doesn't do anything about it, God doesn't work that way...the only thing that matters is Correction. It's true God punishes our children into the 2nd and 3d generations...Our children, who didn't do anything. I think God understands this and that's why he's given me so many second chances. .. So many choices we have to make so early on that are so important. I think humility is a blessing and so is guidance and making good decisions.
Youth is often a rebellion against authority, in my case it was rebellion against reality because authority was my reality. I really missed out on women because I did not apply these things to them, instead arrogantly applied my own ways and was blind and completely misunderstood them. I was so arrogant. It behooves you as you get older to be practical, humble and smart. It behooves us to be humble and smart. And open.
There is this idea that we should be able to sleep with anyone, have no borders. That sex should be free, that it should be easy and cheap and we can just walk out and get it and the girl will also. It's not true. It doesn't work like that...
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by Adama »

"Receiving in themselves, that recompense of their error which was meet."
"And thou mourn at the last when they flesh and thy body are consumed."

When people are having intercourse, their bodies are joined and two become one. And if two bodies become one, do their souls then also make contact with one another? It seems a person may be able to come into contact with spiritual garbage, if they share their hearts with each other.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by Eric »

Notice how Winston doesn't respond or say anything - at all, anything...after someone helps him with thoughtful and relevant advice? How he just ignores it, stays quiet, it's like it doesn't even go through his head or register for him. People pour their advice into him...and he just keeps posting about dumb shit. These are people who never want to change or get better.

It's just someone who's firmly convinced in going his own way and, perpetuating his own dysfunctional lifestyle the same as he always was.
Watch, as he posts about dumb shit later on, aliens, Hitler ....magic or auras and talking about how bad he wants to ditch his son. Or moving abroad, this guy's running thoroughly from himself and his own problems.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my aura energy and health?

Post by MrMan »

Eric, it generates website traffic.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Winston »

Could this explain what happened to me?

Das Mit 1 year ago
SEX IS NO GAME. It is sensationalized in the media as a casual thing. However, you must be forewarned. When you engage in sexual intercourse with another human being you are letting off energy that according to many reputable sources is used in sorcery or divination. This is why occult organizations involve themselves in orgies and sex acts with children because the energy that this gives off is used in the summoning of dark entities. This is also why after people have intercourse they report feeling depressed and some even suicidal. DO NOT BE MISLEAD, SEX IS VERY, VERY SERIOUS. This is why ceremonies are performed before couples are to be joined in this VERY SACRED ACT.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by droid »

I'm similar to you in some aspects but in this context my experience has been the complete opposite.

Getting emotionally involved with regular girls, while it has many pluses, is extremely draining and exhausting, I feel like a wild horse being led to a stall, in a way. On the other hand, bargirls and p4p girls always fill me with energy and I feel extremely revitalized, I've done it a lot in the past and I don't regret it one bit. Actually haven't done it in over two years now and really need to do something about it at this point.

Complete 180 experience from your OP.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

Winston wrote:
January 8th, 2018, 2:55 pm
Could this explain what happened to me?

Das Mit 1 year ago
SEX IS NO GAME. It is sensationalized in the media as a casual thing. However, you must be forewarned. When you engage in sexual intercourse with another human being you are letting off energy that according to many reputable sources is used in sorcery or divination. This is why occult organizations involve themselves in orgies and sex acts with children because the energy that this gives off is used in the summoning of dark entities. This is also why after people have intercourse they report feeling depressed and some even suicidal. DO NOT BE MISLEAD, SEX IS VERY, VERY SERIOUS. This is why ceremonies are performed before couples are to be joined in this VERY SACRED ACT.
Sex is a game you play with your mind, body - and soul. One of the real historical weaknesses of Western culture was that it struggled to conceptualise that sex could and should be sacred, preferring instead to view it as inherently base. This contrasts strongly with the position in Taoism, Hinduism, Sufism/Islamic mysticism, Buddhism etc., which view sex as a path to God ((maybe the ultimate one), so long as the context is divinely sanctioned.

Just as insane, ego-smashing and delirious sex with a beautiful woman who loves you can bring you to the highest plane of ecstasy, emptily smashing females for rent can take you to the lowest depths of self-doubt, anxiety and pain. That much appears perfectly logical and it is not, in fact, surprising.

The question as to why many if not most men choose the bar girls over the bliss is a tough one to answer, but I think that a lot of it has to do with self-esteem and self-belief. Because they don't feel worthy (or able) to be with magical women, they believe that these women are out of their league. If they have no chance with said women, they may as well try and bonk whatever level of women they can easily access.

Of course, the problem is that it's a catch-22 situation, because the more they consume prostitutes, strippers and pornography, the more such things end up consuming them; the crappier they feel about themselves; and the less chance they ever have of being loved by a top woman.

My honest two centavos' worth:

1. Aim for the top;

2. Apologise to whatever God you believe in and pray for a clean start; and

3. Try and do as much good as you can while hanging out with, helping and learning from beautiful, virtuous women.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Winston »

Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
January 12th, 2018, 4:19 pm
Winston wrote:
January 8th, 2018, 2:55 pm
Could this explain what happened to me?

Das Mit 1 year ago
SEX IS NO GAME. It is sensationalized in the media as a casual thing. However, you must be forewarned. When you engage in sexual intercourse with another human being you are letting off energy that according to many reputable sources is used in sorcery or divination. This is why occult organizations involve themselves in orgies and sex acts with children because the energy that this gives off is used in the summoning of dark entities. This is also why after people have intercourse they report feeling depressed and some even suicidal. DO NOT BE MISLEAD, SEX IS VERY, VERY SERIOUS. This is why ceremonies are performed before couples are to be joined in this VERY SACRED ACT.
Sex is a game you play with your mind, body - and soul. One of the real historical weaknesses of Western culture was that it struggled to conceptualise that sex could and should be sacred, preferring instead to view it as inherently base. This contrasts strongly with the position in Taoism, Hinduism, Sufism/Islamic mysticism, Buddhism etc., which view sex as a path to God ((maybe the ultimate one), so long as the context is divinely sanctioned.

Just as insane, ego-smashing and delirious sex with a beautiful woman who loves you can bring you to the highest plane of ecstasy, emptily smashing females for rent can take you to the lowest depths of self-doubt, anxiety and pain. That much appears perfectly logical and it is not, in fact, surprising.

The question as to why many if not most men choose the bar girls over the bliss is a tough one to answer, but I think that a lot of it has to do with self-esteem and self-belief. Because they don't feel worthy (or able) to be with magical women, they believe that these women are out of their league. If they have no chance with said women, they may as well try and bonk whatever level of women they can easily access.

Of course, the problem is that it's a catch-22 situation, because the more they consume prostitutes, strippers and pornography, the more such things end up consuming them; the crappier they feel about themselves; and the less chance they ever have of being loved by a top woman.

My honest two centavos' worth:

1. Aim for the top;

2. Apologise to whatever God you believe in and pray for a clean start; and

3. Try and do as much good as you can while hanging out with, helping and learning from beautiful, virtuous women.
Well of course i aim for the top and prefer meaningful sex with magical energy and ecstasy. Doesnt every man? But most men dont have the luxury of choosing that. Thats hard to find and when you find it, it never lasts.

I had a wiccan american girlfriend before that was beautiful and made love like the devil. Took me to ecstasy. It was so surreal. I mentioned this before. But she lost her car keys in the snow and it set up a chain of events that wrecked everything. And she did a 180. All of it was out of my control. I did nothing wrong. I never forgave the universe for that.

Its not like i often get such relationships. They only come once in a blue moon. You act like any guy can simply choose a magical relationship that gives them ecstasy. Yeah right. What world do you live on?

Theres a saying or adage that when everything is perfect that means everything is about to come crashing down. Ive experienced that. Havent any of you? So the adage seems true. We are meant to struggle and suffer, not to experience ecstasy. If we experience ecstasy like the relationships you see in the movies, the universe soon takes it away from us and leaves us in pain and withdrawal. Because its easy to move up but not to fall back down.

Ive had such sexual ecstasies again a few times only. Once in Russia and a few times in Thailand. But they dont usually last and are just flings or p4p.

The universe and murphys law are definite factors in all this and in life in general. The more you study life and the universe and the wiser you get and the more truths you uncover, the more you realize that there are no coincidences, not even in nature or biology or cosmology or physics. And that everything happens for a reason and that there is an order to things thats way out of your cognition and awareness, yet its very real.

If you are spiritual or wise you should have figured that out by now.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

Winston wrote:
January 14th, 2018, 3:25 am
Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
January 12th, 2018, 4:19 pm
Winston wrote:
January 8th, 2018, 2:55 pm
Could this explain what happened to me?

Das Mit 1 year ago
SEX IS NO GAME. It is sensationalized in the media as a casual thing. However, you must be forewarned. When you engage in sexual intercourse with another human being you are letting off energy that according to many reputable sources is used in sorcery or divination. This is why occult organizations involve themselves in orgies and sex acts with children because the energy that this gives off is used in the summoning of dark entities. This is also why after people have intercourse they report feeling depressed and some even suicidal. DO NOT BE MISLEAD, SEX IS VERY, VERY SERIOUS. This is why ceremonies are performed before couples are to be joined in this VERY SACRED ACT.
Sex is a game you play with your mind, body - and soul. One of the real historical weaknesses of Western culture was that it struggled to conceptualise that sex could and should be sacred, preferring instead to view it as inherently base. This contrasts strongly with the position in Taoism, Hinduism, Sufism/Islamic mysticism, Buddhism etc., which view sex as a path to God ((maybe the ultimate one), so long as the context is divinely sanctioned.

Just as insane, ego-smashing and delirious sex with a beautiful woman who loves you can bring you to the highest plane of ecstasy, emptily smashing females for rent can take you to the lowest depths of self-doubt, anxiety and pain. That much appears perfectly logical and it is not, in fact, surprising.

The question as to why many if not most men choose the bar girls over the bliss is a tough one to answer, but I think that a lot of it has to do with self-esteem and self-belief. Because they don't feel worthy (or able) to be with magical women, they believe that these women are out of their league. If they have no chance with said women, they may as well try and bonk whatever level of women they can easily access.

Of course, the problem is that it's a catch-22 situation, because the more they consume prostitutes, strippers and pornography, the more such things end up consuming them; the crappier they feel about themselves; and the less chance they ever have of being loved by a top woman.

My honest two centavos' worth:

1. Aim for the top;

2. Apologise to whatever God you believe in and pray for a clean start; and

3. Try and do as much good as you can while hanging out with, helping and learning from beautiful, virtuous women.
Well of course i aim for the top and prefer meaningful sex with magical energy and ecstasy. Doesnt every man? But most men dont have the luxury of choosing that. Thats hard to find and when you find it, it never lasts.

I had a wiccan american girlfriend before that was beautiful and made love like the devil. Took me to ecstasy. It was so surreal. I mentioned this before. But she lost her car keys in the snow and it set up a chain of events that wrecked everything. And she did a 180. All of it was out of my control. I did nothing wrong. I never forgave the universe for that.

Its not like i often get such relationships. They only come once in a blue moon. You act like any guy can simply choose a magical relationship that gives them ecstasy. Yeah right. What world do you live on?

Theres a saying or adage that when everything is perfect that means everything is about to come crashing down. Ive experienced that. Havent any of you? So the adage seems true. We are meant to struggle and suffer, not to experience ecstasy. If we experience ecstasy like the relationships you see in the movies, the universe soon takes it away from us and leaves us in pain and withdrawal. Because its easy to move up but not to fall back down.

Ive had such sexual ecstasies again a few times only. Once in Russia and a few times in Thailand. But they dont usually last and are just flings or p4p.

The universe and murphys law are definite factors in all this and in life in general. The more you study life and the universe and the wiser you get and the more truths you uncover, the more you realize that there are no coincidences, not even in nature or biology or cosmology or physics. And that everything happens for a reason and that there is an order to things thats way out of your cognition and awareness, yet its very real.

If you are spiritual or wise you should have figured that out by now.
Hey there Winston,
Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to respond to my post in such detail. This is sincerely appreciated!

Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you.

Just to clarify one thing: I wasn't primarily referring to sexual ecstasy, more spiritual ecstasy. The latter can encompass the former, however.

Re: your main point, I respect 100% what you are saying. However, there seems to be a fundamental tension between your stated aims and the position on the ground. Namely: if you are aiming for the top – and you say you are, and I believe you – then it is difficult to reconcile that with having sex with bar girls for money.

Think about this: would you really, deep down, want your fantasy woman to know that you had done something such as pay for sex? Do you think that she would be pleased with that action?

I am guessing that the answer on both those counts is 'no', because a fantasy woman is not just a stunning-looking lady. There are plenty of those. She is a stunning-looking lady who cares about you and would not wish you to do something which ultimately demeans you. Only then can we say we are in soulmate territory.

The central issue is that no one can have it both ways. You can have bar girls, pornography etc. on the one hand, or a stable, loving and fulfilling relationship on the other. Not both. They are in basic opposition to each other. Even if they can somehow coexist, this will be a temporary state of affairs.

The question that you and we all have to ask ourselves is simple: what do we really want? It sounds to me like you would ideally like to aim for an amazing figure, but are being held back by the relationship equivalent of gorging on empty calories.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by droid »

^^That's mostly just shaming language. I think guys that haven't done it should not be talking about p4p.

Let's be real, who are those men having 'magical' love-making-spiritual-ecstasy with great looking girls, when most men have no access to them, and arguably most good looking women suck personality-wise. If anything, with a girl you develop great esteem for (even assuming you're lucky and she looks good too), you feel a bit guilty having sex with or at least you can't fully feel free to fulfill all fantasies. Although perhaps I can't speak for all men.
The central issue is that no one can have it both ways. You can have bar girls, pornography etc. on the one hand, or a stable, loving and fulfilling relationship on the other. Not both. They are in basic opposition to each other. Even if they can somehow coexist, this will be a temporary state of affairs.
As Winston has stated before, some of us are multidimensional and can have different aims at different times, it doesn't have to be all simultaneous.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

droid wrote:
January 23rd, 2018, 12:27 am
^^That's mostly just shaming language. I think guys that haven't done it should not be talking about p4p.

Let's be real, who are those men having 'magical' love-making-spiritual-ecstasy with great looking girls, when most men have no access to them, and arguably most good looking women suck personality-wise. If anything, with a girl you develop great esteem for (even assuming you're lucky and she looks good too), you feel a bit guilty having sex with or at least you can't fully feel free to fulfill all fantasies. Although perhaps I can't speak for all men.
The central issue is that no one can have it both ways. You can have bar girls, pornography etc. on the one hand, or a stable, loving and fulfilling relationship on the other. Not both. They are in basic opposition to each other. Even if they can somehow coexist, this will be a temporary state of affairs.
As Winston has stated before, some of us are multidimensional and can have different aims at different times, it doesn't have to be all simultaneous.
The problem with 'multidimensionality' is that it assumes that one can neatly separate out different aspects of one's life as if they could have no effect at all on each other. But precisely the opposite is the case. Going through a phase of sleeping with prostitutes will profoundly shape a person and their attitude towards relationships.

In terms of men having access to great-looking girls with nice personalities, I completely agree with Mr Wu when he says that location is a key factor in determining said access. However, regardless of location, it has to be said that most men are not even trying to get access to great-looking girls with nice personalities, a fact which never fails to amaze me. Instead, their behaviour is that of instant gratification seekers who are desperate for pretty much any kind of sex.

If they managed to go without Internet pornography, prostitutes and alcohol for even 90 days, that would at least allow them to begin to gauge where they might be able to get with top-class females. As things stand, the statistics say that the majority of men in much of the developed world are incapable of precisely this.
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Re: Sex with bar girls damaged my energy and health and gave me nightmares?

Post by Adama »

Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
January 26th, 2018, 4:18 pm

If they managed to go without Internet pornography, prostitutes and alcohol for even 90 days, that would at least allow them to begin to gauge where they might be able to get with top-class females. As things stand, the statistics say that the majority of men in much of the developed world are incapable of precisely this.
Some unmarried Christian men go far longer than 90 days without any of these. They must not be in the statistics.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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