Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

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Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

Here is a book that @Cornfed, White Nationalists, White Preservationists, White Race Realists, and White Aryans will like.

This is the book that inspired and influenced Hitler's beliefs, it's called "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" by Alfred Rosenberg. It looks interesting and fascinating, because it says things that are very different from what the Zionist controlled media tell us. Who can know which side is right? But one ought to study both sides if one is a truth seeker.

Here is a PDF copy of it you can read online or download. You can right click the link below and download it, or go to the web version and click the download button at the top right. ... entury.pdf

Amazon link: ... 0082CA5WG/

Here is an outline of it on Wikipedia. ... th_Century
Outline of contents of the book[edit]

Rosenberg's racial interpretation of history concentrates on the negative influence of the Jewish race in contrast to the Aryan race. He equates the latter with the Nordic peoples of northern Europe and also includes the Berbers from North Africa and the upper classes of Ancient Egypt.[8] According to Rosenberg, modern culture has been corrupted by Semitic influences (cf. anti-Semitism), which have produced degenerate modern art, along with moral and social degeneration. In contrast, Aryan culture is defined by innate moral sensibility and an energetic will to power. Rosenberg believed that the higher races must rule over the lower and not interbreed with them, because cross-breeding destroys the divine combination of physical heredity and spirit. He uses an organic metaphor of the race and the State and argues that the Nazis must purify the race soul by eliminating non-Aryan elements in much the same ruthless and uncompromising way in which a surgeon would cut a cancer from a diseased body.

In Rosenberg's view of world history, migrating Aryans founded various ancient civilizations which later declined and fell due to inter-marriage with lesser races. These civilizations included the Indo-Aryan civilization, ancient Persia, Greece, and Rome. He saw the ancient Germanic invasions of the Roman empire as "saving" its civilization, which had been corrupted both by race mixing and by "Judaized-cosmopolitan" Christianity. Furthermore, he claimed that the persecutions of Protestants in France and other areas represented the wiping out of the last remnants of the Aryan element in those areas, a process completed by the French revolution. In contemporary Europe, he saw the northern areas that embraced Protestantism as closest to the Aryan racial and spiritual ideal.

Following H. S. Chamberlain and other völkisch theorists, he believed that Jesus was an Aryan (specifically an Amorite or Hurrian Hittite), and that original Christianity was an "Aryan" (Iranian) religion, but had been corrupted by the followers of Paul of Tarsus. The "Mythus" is very anti-Catholic, seeing the Church's cosmopolitanism and "Judaized" version of Christianity as one of the factors in Germany's spiritual bondage. Rosenberg particularly emphasizes the anti-Judaic teachings of the heresies Marcionism and "Aryo-Persian" Manicheanism as more representative of the true, "anti-Judaic" Jesus Christ and more suited to the Nordic world-view. Rosenberg saw Martin Luther and the Reformation as an important step forward toward reasserting the "Aryan spirit", but is ultimately ambiguous in not having gone far enough in its founding of just another dogmatic church.

When he discussed the future of religion in the future Reich, he suggested that a multiplicity of forms be tolerated, including "positive Christianity", neo-paganism, and a form of "purified" Aryan Hinduism. He saw all these religious systems as allegorical after the manner of Schopenhauer's teaching of religion as "folk-metaphysics", and was skeptical that the Nordic gods, of which the keys of interpretation had been largely lost in involutive time, could gain a foothold in modern times, without even conceding the desirability of the possibility.

Another myth, to which he gave "allegorical" and esoteric credence, was the hermetical idea of Atlantis, which he felt might preserve a memory of an ancient Aryan homeland:

"And so today the long derived hypothesis becomes a probability, namely that from a northern centre of creation which, without postulating an actual submerged Atlantic continent, we may call Atlantis, swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever renewed and incarnate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape."

This account of world history is used to support his dualistic model of human experience, as are ideas co-opted from Nietzsche and Social Darwinist writers of the era.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical facts...

Post by Winston »

Some more books and essays about white Aryan race superiority. White Nationalists and White Preservationists and White Aryans will love these. These books also explain why race matters and why different races are really different, using logic and facts that no one can refute, but can only ridicule with disdain. @Cornfed will love these. lol ... 00gobi.pdf ... -races.pdf

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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

This book from the late 1800's is supposedly the precursor to "Myth of the 20th Century". It's called "Foundations of the 19th Century" and also inspired Hitler and the Nazis.

Download here: ... th_Century
Published in German, the book focuses on the controversial notion that Western civilization is deeply marked by the influence of the Teutonic peoples. Chamberlain grouped all European peoples—not just Germans, but Celts, Slavs, Greeks, and Latins—into the "Aryan race", a race built on the ancient Proto-Indo-European culture. At the helm of the Aryan race, and, indeed, all races, he saw the Nordic or Teutonic peoples.

Chamberlain's book focused on the claim that the Teutonic peoples were the heirs to the empires of Greece and Rome, something which Charlemagne and some of his successors also believed. He argued that when the Germanic tribes destroyed the Roman Empire, Jews and other non-Europeans already dominated it. The Germans, in this scenario, saved Western civilization from Semitic domination. Chamberlain's thoughts were influenced by the writings of Arthur de Gobineau (1816–1882), who had argued the superiority of the "Aryan race". This term was increasingly being used to describe Caucasian or European peoples, as opposed to Jews, who were conceptualised[by whom?] as "infusing Near Eastern poison into the European body politic".[citation needed] For Chamberlain the concept of an Aryan race was not simply defined by ethno-linguistic origins. It was also an abstract ideal of a racial élite. The Aryan, or "noble" race was always changing as superior peoples supplanted inferior ones in evolutionary struggles for survival.
Some quotes from it:

"Certain anthropologists would fain teach us that all races are equally gifted; we point to history and answer: that is a lie! The races of mankind are markedly different in the nature and also in the extent of their gifts, and the Germanic races belong to the most highly gifted group, the group usually termed Aryan... Physically and mentally the Aryans are pre-eminent among all peoples; for that reason they are by right ... the lords of the world. Do we not see the homo syriacus develop just as well and as happily in the position of slave as of master? Do the Chinese not show us another example of the same nature?[2]

Certain anthropologists would fain teach us that all races are equally gifted; we point to history and answer: that is a lie! The races of mankind are markedly different in the nature and also in the extent of their gifts, and the Germanic races belong to the most highly gifted group, the group usually termed Aryan... Physically and mentally the Aryans are pre-eminent among all peoples; for that reason they are by right ... the lords of the world. Do we not see the homo syriacus develop just as well and as happily in the position of slave as of master? Do the Chinese not show us another example of the same nature?[2]

The noble Moor of Spain is anything but a pure Arab of the desert, he is half a Berber (from the Aryan race) and his veins are so full of Gothic blood that even at the present day noble inhabitants of Morocco can trace their descent back to Teutonic ancestors.[6]"
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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

Another book that influenced the Nazis, written in 1907 called "Race Life of the Aryan Peoples". Cornfed will love it. lol ... an_Peoples
Race Life of the Aryan Peoples is a book written by Joseph Pomeroy Widney, published in New York by Funk & Wagnalls in 1907, of the history of the Aryan race, a hypothesized race commonly described in the late 19th and early 20th century[1][2] as consisting of native Indo-European Language-speaking peoples of Caucasian ancestry,[3] i.e., those ethnic groups that are the native speakers of Indo-European Languages regarded as descended from the original speakers of Proto-Indo European.

At the time the book was published, the Aryan race was generally regarded as one of the three major branches of the Caucasian race, along with the Semitic race and the Hamitic race. These sub-categories are now regarded by some as scientific racism.

Outline of the content of the book[edit]

In this massive best-selling two volume work, Joseph Pomeroy Widney, the chancellor of the University of Southern California, describes what he believed was the origin of the "Proto-Aryans" in Central Asia about 7000 years ago, and how they spread out and formed the great "Aryan empires." He included empires which were predominantly Indo-European language-speaking: The Hittite empire, Persian empire, Mauryan empire, Macedonian empire, Roman empire, Gupta empire, Spanish empire, French empire, and British empire, finally resulting in the colonization of North America by the "Aryans", with the entire process culminating in the manifest destiny of the "Aryan Americans" of the United States to establish an American Empire.

Ethnic groups traditionally regarded as included in the Aryan race[edit]

The book also discusses the "racial characteristics" of the various subgroups of the Aryan race and their constituent ethnic groups. Widney believed that these characteristics were determined by the soil and climate of the original homeland of each subgroup or individual ethnic group. The original 19th century and early 20th century use of the term Aryan (the original meaning of the term in English), as noted above, refers to "the early speakers of Proto-Indo European and their descendents".[1] Today in academic discourse these human beings would generally be referred to as the Indo-European peoples. These ethnic groups are indicated below:

The Eastern branch includes the Indo-Aryans (including the Maldivians) and the Iranian peoples (including Kurds); the Western branch includes the Armenians, Balts, Slavs, Romani, Albanians, Greeks, Romanics, Teutonics, Celts, Anglo-Americans (includes the European-Americans and the Anglo-Canadians), Québécois, North American White Hispanics, White Latin Americans, Anglo-Australians, Anglo-New Zealanders, British diaspora in Africa, and Boers.[6]

Today, as of 2011, the total population of the Indo-European peoples is approximately 2,405,000,000 people, of which over half, about 1,334,000,000, are those belonging to the Eastern branch of the Indo-European peoples, i.e., the Indo-Iranian peoples; and the rest, about 1,071,000,000, are those belonging to the Western branch of the Indo-European peoples, the European peoples. List of ethnolinguistic groups with populations.
Introduction to the book:

"Every masterful race of the world’s history has its epic. It is the tale of the fathers told to the sons. But side by side with the spoken epic is another, unspoken, yet truer and deeper. It is the tale of the race life, not told in words, but lived in deeds done. And the epic lived is always more wonderful than the epic told. The true epic is found, not in the story of the battles or of the deeds of the rulers, but in the race life. In the perspective of time men become less, man grows greater. Race life is broader, deeper, richer than the life of any man, or of any men. The great men of a race are only an evolution of its race force; and the reserve force is greater than its product. They are indices, race marks. The great man is as the mountain peak; for the mountains that loom up above the widespread plain are not the land; they are only the land-marks, marks of the land. Kings are the accident; the people, the law. The Greek colonies, not Ilium and Atreides Agamemnon, are the true epic of Hellas, vastly more marvelous. So of the Aryan folk; not the Vedas, not the Avestas, not the Iliad, or the Nibelungenlied, or Beowulf, but the marvelous tale of what the Aryan man has lived—how he has subdued the wild and waste lands—how he has made the desert to blossom as the rose—how he has built up empire with ax and plow, and has sailed the unknown paths of the seas—these are his true race epic. The others are only as the fairy tales which old wives tell to their children. We read between the lines of the written epic to find the truer and greater epic which lies beyond. This book is an attempt to unfold somewhat of the race epic which the Aryan peoples have lived. ---Joseph Pomeroy Widney Los Angeles, January 1907.[7]"

Download links to Vol 1 and 2: ... s-Volume-1 ... s-Volume-2
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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

I don't know why I get off and am fascinated by these books. lol. Maybe I was a neo-nazi or white nationalist or white supremacist in my past life. lol. Or perhaps I like radical literature too, because politically correct mainstream literature is soooooooo friggin boring.
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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

Here's something @Cornfed will like. This is a speech paper presented at the London Anthropology Association in 1863 called "The Negro's Place in Nature" by Dr. James Hunt, where he attempted to explain and justify slavery and why blacks should be subservient to whites and why they are more animalistic than civilized. Totally taboo today. I'm sure this made Oprah's Book Club. lol ... Nature.pdf

Also here is a similar one called "An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races" by Arthur De Gobineau. Boy Cornfed will love this too. lol. ... -races.pdf ... uman_Races
Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines (Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, 1853–1855) is the infamous work of French writer Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau, which argues that there are differences between human races, that civilizations decline and fall when the races are mixed and that the white race is superior. It is today considered to be one of the earliest examples of scientific racism.

Expanding upon Boulainvilliers' use of ethnography to defend the Ancien Régime against the claims of the Third Estate, Gobineau aimed for an explanatory system universal in scope: namely, that race is the primary force determining world events. Using scientific disciplines as varied as linguistics and anthropology, Gobineau divides the human species into three major groupings, white, yellow and black, claiming to demonstrate that "history springs only from contact with the white races." Among the white races, he distinguishes the Aryan race as the pinnacle of human development, comprising the basis of all European aristocracies. However, inevitable miscegenation led to the "downfall of civilizations".
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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by Winston »

Btw, the term for the theory that all the different races are separate species is called:
Polygenism is a theory of human origins which posits the view that the human races are of different origins (polygenesis). This view is opposite to the idea of monogenism, which posits a single origin of humanity. Modern scientific views no longer favor the polygenic model, with the monogenic "Out of Africa" theory and its variants being the most widely accepted models for human origins.[1]
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Re: Some anti-semitic/racist books that Cornfed will love. lol

Post by josephty2 »

Nah, the book that determines racism is lord of the rings. Also lotr dvd too.

I'm still confused how it happens.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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