Why Do American Women Think They're Beautiful?

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Post by Winston »

TheTeacherWhoHatesLies wrote:
Winston wrote:All men in America ought to go abroad and leave the angry feminists to form their country in America. Then when foreign armies come and invade them, let them fend for themselves and die off in battles. Once they are nearly all gone or killed off in battle, the American men can all return with their foreign brides to recapture the country. :) Then the rest of the feminist women that survived will have learned their lesson and start trying to be normal traditional women again. Problem solved. :)
The implication here is that the American men who go abroad and find foreign brides are worth the toilet paper they wipe their asses with. Who really knows?

The fact is many of the American men who go abroad and marry foreign brides are the same assholes and douchebags they were before. And I don't think foreign brides are going to make a dent in American women's behavior. So why pin your hopes on these men? Better pin your hopes on God instead.
Yes and no. There are asshole men and lowlifes that go abroad, yeah. But there are also sweet down-to-earth good men as well, some of which I know personally and are my friends. You can't generalize like that just to vilify men.

The truth is, American women have the WORST personality in the world, the WORST attitude and the FAKEST personality as well. That is clear and incontrovertible and indisputable. Every guys knows this but most are afraid to speak out about it. That's why foreign women from every other country seem so down to earth and sweet and feminine in comparison. Compared to the worst, everything looks better.

Men and women are not equal. You are programmed to blame men for everything. But the truth is that the women are mostly to blame for the f***ed up dating scene in America. Even Dr. Laura Schlessinger says this in her books.

Women are easier to program than men are. We all know that. Feminism has convinced women that they don't need men, but it CANNOT convince men that they don't need women. Feminism has told women that they should seek self-esteem, not men. But when feminism tries to tell men to do the same, men see the bullshit in that.

Fake artificial self-esteem is NOT going to replace a man's need for women, love, romance and sex. No way. That's the stupidest assumption I ever heard. Self-esteem is not going to replace the need for love or human companionship. It is not going to cure loneliness. Those are all false American assumptions and beliefs.

When women don't need men but men still need women, that's a FORMULA FOR DISASTER. You should blame feminism for that. Women's lib was a trojan horse designed to vilify men and make them weak and subservient to women so they are too weak to start a revolution and threaten the elite.

Humans are not solitary creatures by nature. They are meant to need each other. That's the natural way of things. Only in Satanic America, which is mentally ill and insane, do they try to subvert nature like that.

Women are easier to brainwash too. They care more about what's popular than about what's true. To them, truth is determined by popularity, not by reason, evidence or logic. We all know that.

Men are more down-to-earth than women are too. That's why many women say they prefer male friends, because they say, "Guys are more straight forward and down-to-earth."

So no, there is no equality and women and men are NOT the same. And they are NOT equally to blame for everything. You are spouting political correctness according to your programming here, not the truth. Wake up.
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Post by Winston »

TheTeacherWhoHatesLies wrote:
chanta76 wrote:American women think they are beautiful the same reason why American think they are the best.
Gee, do you think this could be the reason America pulled off the moon-landing hoax? LOL

I can't think of a more monstrous lie ever pulled off by any nation at any time in human history. If America did lie about landing a man on the moon, they better get on their hands and knees and beg for mercy and forgiveness from the Almighty because otherwise they're in for the a**-kicking of their lives.
I agree with this. America is KING when it comes to bullshit, fakery, self-delusion, lies, insanity, etc. No other country is as fake. The culture is mentally ill, insane and Satanic. Everything has declined in America in the past few decades, except technology.

Since everything is built on lies, there is no accountability. The elite rule in secret. They can't be overthrown like kings and emperors. It is a hidden dictatorship that can't be overthrown or held accountable. And it lies about its objectives.

At least the Roman Empire -- which was America's equivalent 2000 years ago -- was more honest and open.
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Post by TheTeacherWhoHatesLies »

You totally misunderstood me, Winston. I don't disagree about American women, or how feminism has brainwashed and ruined women. And I never argued that men and women are the same, or that they are equally to blame for everything. I'm well aware of how women are susceptible to mind control and bullshit propaganda far more than men are. And no, I am not spouting political correctness.

But as bad as feminism and American women are, I still don't place ultimate blame on them. You say that women are mostly to blame for the lousy dating scene in America? Well, what exactly is "dating" to begin with? Because in modern western societies, let's face it: dating is the expectation of pre-marital sexual relations. It is little more than glorified prostitution without the stigma. Really, what does one do when "dating"? And suppose the girl happens to like the guy, so that they're now a "couple." Then what? Where does it lead to? The idea of a "couple" is a joke!!!!!! Most of these "couples" last only a few months! Maybe a few years, at most. Our society has taught/brainwashed young boys and girls to have a girlfriend of boyfriend, just to have recreational sex, and boost self-esteem. BTW, this is the "fake artificial self-esteem" you really mean, Winston. That's what "dating" has been in America and Europe for a VERY long time now.

If this is what "dating" boils down to, then this whole concept of "dating" is not only a big waste of time and money that could have been better spent elsewhere, it's also grossly immoral, and a disgusting exercise in vanity and self-gratification.

One of the biggest reasons why young American and European women are ruined beyond repair is that they "dated" far too early in their adolescence (hell, "dated" at all!), and without any purpose other than to have pre-marital, recreational sex. And don't think men are not guilty in all this: they are VERY much complicit in the ruin of their women. They went along with the whims of these girls just to get nookie, for short term thrills, and for the "fake artificial self-esteem" you mentioned, Winston. They didn't hold out for something better. They were just as stupid as these girls when they were "dating" just to feel less lonely and less like a chump to their friends and peers.

And no, ignorance is no excuse. When you're so desperate to follow the crowd, you'll throw your morals and virtues out the window, and then you will blind yourself to the truth. That is how one becomes ignorant. And the truth is that NO ONE -- man or woman -- should "date," as the word is defined today. Dating should NOT involve pre-marital sexual activity at all because women can't handle it and it ruins them. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend should only be to ultimately marry and form a family.

We naturally expect women to be clueless retards, because that's just who they are. But because our nature as men is to be stronger and smarter, we don't get the same break. We have a higher obligation to endure all the filth and evil around us, no matter how tempting they are BECAUSE we can see past the bullshit much better than women can. Believe it or not, it is actually quite easy to ignore all these evil, disgusting women we see around us today, and find solace in solititude. Just about everyone around in American society is insignificant, and not worth a moment's thought. When you find someone worth having as a wife, then you will know how stupid you were trying to fit in with douchebags and assholes who never mattered, or impressing worthless American or European women. That is why when we "date" we as men are very much to blame, and deserve the consequences.
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Post by Mercury »

Winston wrote:
October 8th, 2014, 1:40 am

The truth is, American women have the WORST personality in the world, the WORST attitude and the FAKEST personality as well. That is clear and incontrovertible and indisputable. Every guys knows this but most are afraid to speak out about it. That's why foreign women from every other country seem so down to earth and sweet and feminine in comparison. Compared to the worst, everything looks better.
It's a shame that men are afraid to speak about it like they think they're in North Korea and will get publicly executed by SWAT for speaking out about the fact that American women are no good for relationships and/or marriage.
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