Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

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Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Boxman »

In this current era of mass insanity with the bullsh*t coronavirus scare and this manufactured race war looming on the horizon, what are the best countries to flee to? I've been meticulously planning my exit for years, and have now amassed enough passive income from my rentals that I can live comfortably anywhere that isn't ridiculously expensive (like Tokyo or Stockholm for example). So my point is, I could go anywhere.

You guys keep up not just with the insanity in the west, but you keep up with the rest of the world also. Which nations are looking the most attractive for a reasonably well-funded white guy in his late 40's? I just want to find a good woman, settle down and raise a family somewhere relatively free of coronavirus fearmongering, not overly contaminated with feminist dogma and loony left nonsense, and preferably safe.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Light »

Boxman wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 8:56 pm
In this current era of mass insanity with the bullsh*t coronavirus scare and this manufactured race war looming on the horizon, what are the best countries to flee to? I've been meticulously planning my exit for years, and have now amassed enough passive income from my rentals that I can live comfortably anywhere that isn't ridiculously expensive (like Tokyo or Stockholm for example). So my point is, I could go anywhere.

You guys keep up not just with the insanity in the west, but you keep up with the rest of the world also. Which nations are looking the most attractive for a reasonably well-funded white guy in his late 40's? I just want to find a good woman, settle down and raise a family somewhere relatively free of coronavirus fearmongering, not overly contaminated with feminist dogma and loony left nonsense, and preferably safe.

Any suggestions?
Yes, I could offer some suggestions. What continent would you prefer to live and what continents would you consider? What ethnic groups or races would you like? Are you American and if you are then do you have a second passport that would make it easier to live in some places?
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by gsjackson »

I was just about to submit substantially the same post. But Jester asked the same question a month ago, without getting any really satisfactory responses, and I don't see that anything has changed since then.

All the countries in budget Europe that I would ordinarily recommend -- e.g., Romania, Serbia, Poland, etc. -- went even more bonkers over the corona scamdemic than the U.S. Having learned from this medical martial law how much I value freedom -- more than I ever thought when I was paying lip service to it with facile rhetoric -- I'd really like to go somewhere that has navigated the scam without going completely insane, and I'm not sure there is such a place.

But the decision to leave altogether and for good was made today by my employer, which will be requiring face diapers when work starts back up again. I haven't spent decades working hard to maintain my health just to undermine it with the toxic regimen of breathing into a mask all day. Guess I'm headed first to Mexico once finances set up.

Wish I had a good answer for you, but my only suggestion is to be careful with rentals. Property managers can screw you over as badly as tenants. Long distance ownership of rentals has plenty of hazards.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by hypermak »

In Europe, the only countries that got relatively untouched by the virus and the pandemic social panic are some of the former Eastermn bloc: Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, even Greece. Apart from Greece, these are culturally interesting but very cold countries, if I was a US citizen I wouldn't personally considering fleeing the US to relocate there for good.

The Philippines where I am living aren't faring that bad, TBH. The resort I work in is slowly opening up. Technically all restaurants are allowed to open up to 50% capacity but the sad reality is, very few people have money to afford fine dining or even high street dining, after 2 or 3 months of reduced or no income. The backbone of the international resort I work for are Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists and we will be missing that inflow for heaven knows how much longer.

I read that Australia have chosen to close their border until at least the end of the year. It might be good news for those who live there but not so good for those who plan to travel there.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Boxman »

gsjackson wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 9:25 pm
Guess I'm headed first to Mexico once finances set up.
After initially blowing off coronavirus (good on you, President Obrador!), Mexico's leadership caved to the very vocal minority of whiners in their country and went into full panic mode just like the US. I've heard Mexico's coronavirus insanity is even more oppressive than California.

What are you hearing?
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by gsjackson »

Boxman wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 9:35 pm
gsjackson wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 9:25 pm
Guess I'm headed first to Mexico once finances set up.
After initially blowing off coronavirus (good on you, President Obrador!), Mexico's leadership caved to the very vocal minority of whiners in their country and went into full panic mode just like the US. I've heard Mexico's coronavirus insanity is even more oppressive than California.

What are you hearing?
That it depends on the state. All currently have a "red light" or "orange light" status denoting how open they are. Jalisco, where I would go, currently has the less oppressive orange light. At least Mexico has the target destination of green lights, and presumably some desire to get there. In the U.S. the objective is to keep the population as miserable and demoralized as possible at least until the election.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by gsjackson »

hypermak wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 9:33 pm
In Europe, the only countries that got relatively untouched by the virus and the pandemic social panic are some of the former Eastermn bloc: Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, even Greece. Apart from Greece, these are culturally interesting but very cold countries, if I was a US citizen I wouldn't personally considering fleeing the US to relocate there for good.

The Philippines where I am living aren't faring that bad, TBH. The resort I work in is slowly opening up. Technically all restaurants are allowed to open up to 50% capacity but the sad reality is, very few people have money to afford fine dining or even high street dining, after 2 or 3 months of reduced or no income. The backbone of the international resort I work for are Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists and we will be missing that inflow for heaven knows how much longer.

I read that Australia have chosen to close their border until at least the end of the year. It might be good news for those who live there but not so good for those who plan to travel there.
Bulgaria has a reasonably temperate four-season climate, for Europe anyway. High marks for female pulchritude for the first three countries. Never been to Greece.

Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by HappyGuy »

Boxman wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 8:56 pm
what are the best countries to flee to?
Every 1st world country and China will be like this for years possibly the whole decade. And then it will be even worse! Developing countries may buy you some time. But even the UK, France or Germany will be a better place to be than the USA if not by much. They're less likely to be involved in upcoming wars. They are less isolated and spread out and the transportation system is better so they will cope better with suddenly being poor. The food in Europe may become much more "American" this decade but it's not there yet, it still provides nutrition and taste. The food in America is already prison-grade so just imagine what will happen in the next few years! Actually prisoners in Western Europe probably eat better food than upper middle class Americans. @Das verlorene Reich says France and Germany have gotten as bad or worse than the USA but I don't believe him. :lol:
enough passive income from my rentals that I can live comfortably anywhere that isn't ridiculously expensive
You might want to sell some of those if you haven't already, if the dollar greatly devalues which is inevitable given the political goals of those in power then the income from your rentals won't get you far if you're abroad.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Das verlorene Reich »

HappyGuy wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 10:42 pm
@Das verlorene Reich says France and Germany have gotten as bad or worse than the USA but I don't believe him. :lol:
In France you can still get good food if you have money and search for it (look for local small businesses like butcheries and bakeries). In Germany you have better beer than the US/UK crap. Transportation is indeed better. But you just have to look at recent news. I won't provide links but you can google it and find it easily. In France we had armed gangs fighting each other on the streets of Dijon with AK47s a few days ago. Chechens versus Maghrebines. Guess who stopped that? The local police? Not at all they were ordered to watch and do nothing! It's the local mosque that organised a meeting and stated that it was against Allah's will to fight between muslims... In Belgium some BLM equivalents vandalized the statues of Albert Ier and Julius Caesar. In Germany, France and Belgium, some cities are nearing 50% foreign imported population, split between Subsaharians on one side and Maghrebines on the other. On Tuesday, I saw myself that the "Napoleon Bridge" (a pedestrian bridge above the local canal in my city that dates back to the Napeolonic era) had been vandalized too with "Justice for Georges Floyd" and "ACAB" graffitis. What more do you need? Take a plane and come see for yourself if you don't believe me haha

To the author of the topic I'd say do you speak European languages? Only Eastern Europe seems still on its feet and I think it's hard to integrate there if you speak only english. I have spoken multiple times to Polish truck drivers in one of my jobs and they barely know any english, I had to talk to them in german which they actually knew better. Maybe places like the Philippines, Australia or even Malta or other countries that have english as one of the official languages would be better suited.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by hypermak »

gsjackson wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 10:09 pm
Bulgaria has a reasonably temperate four-season climate, for Europe anyway. High marks for female pulchritude for the first three countries. Never been to Greece.
I met a few Bulgarian young men and women in Malta. They are essentially Slavic people with a higher percentage of "Turkic" ancestry and DNA. So the girls tend to look more Mediterranean than the Romanian and Polish. Agree with you, nice pieces of a$$ :D
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Moretorque »

The real ? is who has amassed so much power they can shut the world down on such a scam ?

How can you run from this ?, You want a family the way things are today everywhere ? There are not many places left if any.

Your in your 40's so you are more than likely going through the beat the clock thing on breeding. Women go through it in their 30's. It's a tough thing to get through but when you look at what humanity has done to this world over the last 100 plus years you better think about it real hard. If you bring kids here during a mass extinction that just doesn't seem right and not only for them but all the other life forms here going extinct.

Our rulers know this, the same people who are doing the shut down and more than likely they have a plan to do a reset of humanity to stop the degredation of the world and it should be shortly because of how the extinction is picking up speed.

I believe they want WW 3 with'in the next couple of years....
Time to Hide!
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by Yohan »

Boxman wrote:
June 19th, 2020, 8:56 pm
In this current era of mass insanity with the bullsh*t coronavirus scare and this manufactured race war looming on the horizon, what are the best countries to flee to? I've been meticulously planning my exit for years, and have now amassed enough passive income from my rentals that I can live comfortably anywhere that isn't ridiculously expensive (like Tokyo or Stockholm for example). So my point is, I could go anywhere.

You guys keep up not just with the insanity in the west, but you keep up with the rest of the world also. Which nations are looking the most attractive for a reasonably well-funded white guy in his late 40's? I just want to find a good woman, settle down and raise a family somewhere relatively free of coronavirus fearmongering, not overly contaminated with feminist dogma and loony left nonsense, and preferably safe.

Any suggestions?
I am living in Japan since 1976 and also retired in Japan, but moved after retirement from Tokyo to a smaller city - Okayama - with a lot more green and much cheaper real estate prices - never divorced, Japanese wife and 2 daughters also adults now. Very satisfied with everything - much better for me than anywhere in Europe.

The entire Okayama province has about 2 million people totally, so far only 25 confirmed corona infections, all recovered, nobody died, since about 3 weeks not even a single patient in the hospital isolation.
All Japanese and legal foreigners have obligatory Japanese health insurance, medical bills are no problem.

The city has about 700.000 people, not really so small by Western standard, all is available, I am about 3 miles out of the city center, and everything here is OK, no feminist here, very few foreigners, and it is also perfectly safe, you can go out day and night to everywhere, nothing to worry about. I have car and motorcycle, but there is public transport available very near to my home (about 90 buses per day) to the city center/railway station.

Of course Japan is not everybody's preference, not suitable for everybody - not so many foreigners there, about 2.9 million people (mostly Asians) - total Japanese population is now 126 million people.

About 'expensive' - major cities in Japan (Greater Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka) have about the same rating as New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Geneve, Singapore, HongKong etc. - if you have your own money and retirement allowance as in my case, smaller, not internationally known cities and rural areas in Japan are much cheaper for living - however no jobs available for foreigners. In my case, we do not pay rent and we have no loans, we are owners of our condominium unit, only pay monthly services fees (elevator, garage for 2 cars, cleaning etc.) and utilites (electricity, water, gas supply, garbage collection etc.)

Japan still has a lot of green area with little population, it offers outside of the large cities much more open space than South Korea and Taiwan, which offer similar good living standard. It is also politically more stable than our two neighbors.

For me Japan was a good choice, I do not regret I moved away from Europe for always. I never came back...
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by MrMan »

My wife and I have talked about scenarios like that, like if there were a war with China and North Korea or some scenario along those lines. I'm not sure if there would be a full scale hot war fought in either of our battle fields, as opposed to a cold war where we fight over other territories like what happened with Russia. China has nuclear weapons, after all, and so do we.

But if there were a war, my wife is from Indonesia and I speak Indonesian, and while it is not Switzerland, it is unlikely to be the battleground for an actual war. Japan did take it for natural resources for a matter of years during WWII, so it has gotten involved in a world war from that respect.

In my case, if I wanted to hide out I could go live up in the highlands with my wife's relatives. If someone were looking for me, they might be able to track me down if I did that, but I could hide out in the big city of Jakarta or go off in some village where I did not know anyone.

I was visiting my mom's house and she and my wife were watching a movie where a hacker was trying to get to Jakarta to flee some faction in the US government. He finally got there, and that meant he would be safe. That was kind of funny to us. I only caught bits and pieces of the movie, and I forget the title. But I did hear a lot of former CIA settle in Jakarta. I knew someone who claimed to be former CIA, but he'd lost his money and was bumming off expats there to support his new baby, and didn't want to take a job teaching English because he thought it was beneath him and might ruin his chances if he wanted to get back into oil trading. He was old, too. They say you can go to Jakarta and either pay of the military or hire former military as body guards and protect yourself that way. I did visit a (Forbe's richest list) billionaire at his home in Jakarta and he had what looked like real military officers at a post in front of the house as guards. The government might protect some of its key industrial leaders.

Indonesia is relatively cheap. I hear it is more expensive than parts of Africa to live in. In Jakarta a couple of years ago, if you ate on the street you could spend a dollar or two. If you ate at the mall, you could eat pretty well for $4 if you got a decent meal. There are more expensive options, of course, at fancy hotels. But out in the smaller towns $3 for a meal in a 'rumah makan' (food house) might be enough. In a smaller city, you could probably find a two-bedroom for $70,000. But there are lower quality options, too.

People tend to be friendly. There are robbers and pick pockets. I had someone burgle stuff I left laying around a few of times in 12 years. But I've never been pick-pocketed or robbed. I lost a camera to someone who was in the house, but it was pretty cheap. I just lost some photos for a trip that were in it, back when digital was still new and expensive. A maid likely pilfered some cash I left laying around.

During WWII Switzerland remained neuteral. Maybe other countries allowed that because having a safe-haven country for banking was advantageous to parties on both sides. The Nazis had bank accounts there. The allied powers could use the country, too. These days, Singapore just might serve a similar role, but it is a part of the British Commonwealth, if I recall correctly, possibly putting it on one side of a conflict. The legal system is much stronger and predictible there than Indonesia's, or so it seems. The country is also more developed, but it is also more expensive. Food and clothing aren't too bad now, but I'd imagine housing is without government subsidy.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by yick »

Everywhere has their pluses and minuses.

What you have to take into consideration is how you will earn a living and are there any pathways for permenant residency or citizenship.

The last point makes most of the world out of bounds unless you have lots and lots and lots of money. Latin America remains the best bet for the latter as they still have reasonable timeframes to accquire citizenship - that goes alongside fluency in Spanish (Brazilian citizenship can be gained via other ways than residency...)

I love living in Asia but there doesn't seem to be any safe, long term residency options outside of marrying one of their citizens.

And though you don't like 'loony left, PC' crap - a lot of these countries are very nationalistic, somewhat xenophobic and a fair few of them are very anti-American - also they partake in bush league shite such as ripping off foreigners, Gringo Tax and other stupid crap.

Life abroad isn't for everyone.
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Re: Best countries to flee to (from America) in the age of coronavirus

Post by MrMan »

yick wrote:
June 20th, 2020, 10:03 pm
Everywhere has their pluses and minuses.

What you have to take into consideration is how you will earn a living and are there any pathways for permenant residency or citizenship.

The last point makes most of the world out of bounds unless you have lots and lots and lots of money. Latin America remains the best bet for the latter as they still have reasonable timeframes to accquire citizenship - that goes alongside fluency in Spanish (Brazilian citizenship can be gained via other ways than residency...)

I love living in Asia but there doesn't seem to be any safe, long term residency options outside of marrying one of their citizens.

And though you don't like 'loony left, PC' crap - a lot of these countries are very nationalistic, somewhat xenophobic and a fair few of them are very anti-American - also they partake in bush league shite such as ripping off foreigners, Gringo Tax and other stupid crap.

Life abroad isn't for everyone.
Indonesia has rather poor laws when it comes to retiring there. You could take up Indonesian citizenship, but who wants that? I did talk to a missionary who had added the Javanese 'ono' ending to his own last name who had taken Indonesian citizenship. He said the officials gave him his US passport back when he'd signed the papers. He could still use it. I think the US paperwork might ask if you have taken foreign citizenship or renounced your US citizenship before a US official or something along those lines when you sign up for a renewed passport, but my memory is fuzzy on that point.

If you did have Indonesian citizenship, you could do whatever an Indonesian could do, and they might not give your home country passport back. Who wants just Indonesian citizenship when you can have citizenship that allows you to travel. There is no equivalent of a greencard where you can work just because you have a local spouse. The retirement visa doesn't allow you to work, even remotely, I've read. So it is kind of lousy from that perspective. I think Singapore and Thailand have some kind of permanent residence for spouses.
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