New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

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Re: Re:

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:
July 12th, 2020, 4:37 am
WorldTraveler wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 9:05 pm
Winston wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 8:02 am
Bill Gates didn't just practice computer programming. He was good at it. And his success came when he bought a DOS operating system and sold it to IBM and improved on it and mass marketed it. Then he developed Windows. Men like that aren't soley responsible for their success. They get help from wealthy investors who either believe in them, or have teamed up with them, and maybe help from other people higher up that we weren't told too. The system doesn't let you become a billionaire, unless you are in the club and play by their rules and are controllable and go along with their agenda. Every independent person who goes up far enough eventually gets visited I heard, by the network and told what they must do in order to continue rising up the ladder. If they don't join the club they can't continue. I know this sounds like conspiracy theory, but many rock stars have admitted this to be true and admitted they sold their soul to the devil or something. Whether it was literal or metaphorical, I don't know. But there's probably some truth to it, even if its metaphorical.
One thing about Bill Gates that you fail to mention is how smart he is. The same goes for Jeff Bezos. These really men created their industries out of thin air. They didn't get where they are by making a deal with the Illuminati or new world order. Sorry there is no conspiracy.
There are some good videos about how Bill really made his money and how he was connected to the ruling class who really run the world....
Right. Every story has an official story and the real story hidden underneath. We all know that. Politicians all do that too, they have a cover story and a real story. That's how the world is.

Btw, my point about Bill Gates wasn't about any hidden secrets or stories about him. My point about him in this thread is that he had strong exceptional TALENT in his field of computers and computer programming. It wasn't just about him practicing for thousands of hours. If he had little or no talent he wouldn't have been successful, no matter how much he practiced. Same if he was stupid and low IQ and not smart.

So the self help books and New Age authors are wrong when they say that intelligence or talent don't matter, and that all that matters is believing in yourself and persistence and a "never give up" attitude, and that nothing is impossible and that limits don't exist unless you impose them upon yourself, etc. As if the universe were your playground where you could "do anything" and "make anythinng into reality" blah blah. All that is bullshit of course, and easily disprovable, but New Age readers and followers and fans gobble it up like Pac Man, because it sounds good and they want to believe it. But if they take it all literally, they will be sorely disappointed of course. It seems most people in this world are lemmings who believe anything even if it contradicts basic logic and common sense.

Do you think if Mozart or Beethoven had little or no musical composition TALENT that they could have produced their masterpieces, using hard work, persistence and belief in themselves alone? LOL. NO WAY! Do you think John Barry could compose hit soundtracks like "Dances with Wolves" if he had little or no talent in musical composition? NO WAY of course!

So why do self help and New Age authors constantly LIE about it? Don't they know it's wrong to lie?
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Moretorque »

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:
July 22nd, 2020, 3:15 pm
Welcome to Communism...... :D Where girls are boys and boys are girls.... :lol:
But in Russia and China, Communism didnt produce feminism. Men were men and women were women. How do you explain that?
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Moretorque »

They always experiment to move forward and make long range plans as they add new plays to the book......
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Btw @WorldTraveler, keep in mind that every super successful person can't do it all by himself. He has to be helped by other parties too, such as investors, politicians, secret funders/benefactors, alliances with other parties, etc. No one builds an empire or industry alone.

For example, did you know that was not making any profit for years, yet outside investors kept subsidizing it and keeping it afloat? That's odd and unusual. Investors don't keep every non-profitable business afloat like that. There's gotta be a special reason why they would do that for Amazon.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Our whatsapp discussion about confidence and new age bs:

[9/29, 3:44 AM] Winston Wu: Some blacks are fake too. Did u know the boxer mike tyson thinks having confidence makes up for everything even if youre ugly? Lol

[9/29, 3:44 AM] Winston Wu: He says an ugly person with confidence will always be successful even more successful than a beautiful person with low confidence. Lol. Right.

[9/29, 3:44 AM] Winston Wu: Mike tyson doesnt sound very intelligent or down to earth.

[9/29, 3:46 AM] Jethro: Confidence always helps, but can't get you laid easily in the US now.

[9/29, 3:46 AM] Winston Wu: Americans take that confidence bullshit like gospel truth or something. Its crazy and illogical and not even proven.

[9/29, 3:47 AM] Winston Wu: Confidence has to have a basis though. If i say im confident i can fix your car or win in basketball but i suck and dont know how it aint gonna help me one bit. Also ugly people who act confident dont appear more attractive. Just more arrogant.

[9/29, 3:47 AM] Winston Wu: The attitude isnt justified.

[9/29, 3:48 AM] Winston Wu: No u have to be her type too. Being confident isnt enough. It has no value unless backed up by something real.

[9/29, 3:48 AM] Winston Wu: Way overrated in america.

[9/29, 3:49 AM] Winston Wu: Everyone loves to hear "you can do anything and accomplish anything if u believe in yourself. There are no limits unless u impose the limits on yourself". Etc. Such BS. Why does everyone gobble it up as gospel truth? Crazy! Lol.

[9/29, 3:50 AM] Winston Wu: Maybe confidence helps u if are reaching for something realistic or achievable. For example if i act confident on camera i can make better videos for youtube. But not if its an unrealistic goal. If i act confident that i can become madonna then its useless.

[9/29, 4:00 AM] Jethro: Total horseshit. The whole self help industry tries to sell this. I want to be a rock star and a professional basketball player. I have confidence but no talent. I'm still waiting!

[9/29, 4:04 AM] Winston Wu: Lol

[9/29, 4:10 AM] Winston Wu: Any professional coach will tell u that if u aint got talent and u aint young theres no point in training you and that no amount of training or hard work or confidence is gonna make u succeed if u dont have the talent or athletic aptitude first. Only new agers lie and claim that belief in yourself can accomplish anything. I dont get why so many fall for that? Including intelligent people.

[9/29, 4:10 AM] MartellThaCool: New age is nonsense to me

[9/29, 4:12 AM] Winston Wu: It seems mostly white people fall for new age and self help. U dont see blacks or asians buying all that BS about how "nothing is impossible". Even at Deepak chopra or wayne dyer seminars its almost all white people who love to hear fake things and believe fake cliches.

[9/29, 4:15 AM] MartellThaCool: Snow people are delusional and ignorant believing in their own bullshit 😂

[9/29, 4:18 AM] Winston Wu: Even the most intellectual new agers like gregg braden and david wilcock believe that crap. Yet they have an encyclopedia of knowledge. Go figure. How can people that smart believe in something like the law of attraction? Which contradicts basic logic and common sense and has no real proof to support it?

[9/29, 4:18 AM] MartellThaCool: Law of attraction never did makes sense to me

[9/29, 4:19 AM] Winston Wu: Right. The law of attraction contradicts basic life events and life experiences. Why do so many new agers believe in it so easily with no skepticism or common sense? Very bizarre.

[9/29, 4:20 AM] Winston Wu: If i could get what i want with positive thinking then all my thoughts would be positive and nothing would ever go wrong and id never experience any disappointment. Duh.

[9/29, 4:23 AM] Winston Wu: Im sure Jethro is a staunch believer in the law of attraction and that we create our own reality. Lol. (Sarcastic)

[9/29, 4:26 AM] Winston Wu: How come only middle class people believe in things like law of attraction and the secret? You never see poor black people believing in it. Lol

Except for oprah winfrey. She buys all that new age stuff. Lol. Isn't oprah winfrey a down to earth spiritual black woman? Lol

[9/29, 4:29 AM] Winston Wu: We need to make a video series exposing new age cliches that no one questions.

[9/29, 4:32 AM] Winston Wu: I would love to ask new agers who say this: "we are all one consciousness having different experiences. There is no self. Im just you in another form."

Id love to ask them this: "if im just u in another form then why dont u let me sleep with your wife? Lol. Im you right? So your wife is mine too. Why dont u share your bank account with me too? Isnt it mine too since im you?" Lololololol.

Would love to see the look on their face. Yet no one dares to ask them these type of questions. They just all believe it with a hive mind like the borg collective. Lol. How ironic.

[9/29, 4:34 AM] Winston Wu: Even david icke says that new age crap. Hes only skeptical of the government but never skeptical of new age cliches. Go figure. No one is skeptical of their own beliefs.

[9/29, 4:37 AM] Jethro: Wbite people have money and no sex or love, so they have to dream!

[9/29, 4:40 AM] Jethro: Poor people don't believe that shit, because they have to work to eat.

[9/29, 4:42 AM] Winston Wu: The most amazing and revolutionary discovery from the book "the secret" and the greatest secret of all time that will totally transform your life is:

..... Get ready.....

"Your thoughts create your reality!"

Wow! That is so mind blowing! Lol. Now i know the secret of getting everything i want and dream of! And how to solve all my problems! Yoo whoo! Yippee! (Sarcastic)

Yet many new agers actually believe that literally! No joke. How can anyone buy that?!

[9/29, 4:43 AM] Jethro: Yeah, it works. I sit at home and think about having sex w beautiful girls and they magically line up outside and wait patiently to get shagged.

[9/29, 4:45 AM] Winston Wu: Lol well the believers in the secret claim your thoughts arent powerful enough yet. So if u could condition your mind to believe in infinite potential then yes you could get hot girls lining up for you and accomplish much more! You just gotta remove years of negative conditioning first to unblock your full potential! Lol

Theyve told me that too!

[9/29, 4:53 AM] Winston Wu: I dont get something though. Dr. Bruce Lipton says that his greatest discovery is that our thoughts are so powerful that it can even alter our DNA and physiology in our body. He wrote a book about this called "the biology of belief".

New agers love this and they all hail it as a groundbreaking amazing life changing discovery. Wow. And they see it as a gospel truth and dogma too. One that u cant question.

However i dont get something. If thoughts can alter your DNA and biology then why is dr. Bruce Lipton old and bald and gray? Why cant he use the super power of his thoughts to regrow his hair or reverse his grey hair or reverse his aging?

Its an obvious question but no one dares to ask it. Why? Maybe its a rude question to ask him. But isnt it a logical question to ask him since his message seems to be that thoughts are all powerful? Lol. Yet no one in the new age movement has the guts to ask him such questions. Lol. Should i be the first one? Lol

[9/29, 5:00 AM] Winston Wu: @⁨MartellThaCool⁩
Didnt u find it odd that people believe in the law of attraction? Doesnt it defy basic everyday experience and common sense? And make u scratch your head?

[9/29, 5:10 AM] Jethro: A positive attitude is important, but you have to set goals and work toward them.

[9/29, 5:12 AM] Winston Wu: Right but the goals have to be realistic and achievable too. Otherwise u set yourself up for disappointment. But it takes wisdom to know what is achievable and what isnt. It has to be part of your path or destiny too it seems. If the goal is just a little beyond achievable that could work too and could be semi-achieved.

[9/29, 5:15 AM] Winston Wu: I hate how self help and new age books say that everyone has the potential to be a great entrepreneur and great leader. No way. Only a small percentage have that potential. Most people will never be more than mediocre. Was true 2000 years ago and is true today too. Leadership isnt for everyone. Nor is greatness or starting a successful business.

[9/29, 5:16 AM] Jethro: 95% of the businesses started fail

[9/29, 5:16 AM] Matt Hanson: What about online businesses or passive income ?

[9/29, 5:16 AM] Winston Wu: Fortunately though moving abroad is an achievable goal that involves practical steps to make it happen. Which involves money too of course. But its not an impossible goal.

[9/29, 5:17 AM] Winston Wu: Possible but most people arent gonna succeed in it. Only some. However u can make a little money if u try hard enough. But doesnt mean u can make a lot. Depends on a lot of factors.

[9/29, 5:18 AM] Winston Wu: Like they say "if something is easy then everyone would be doing it".

[9/29, 9:35 PM] Winston Wu: Btw im not making straw man arguments here. A lot of new age books literally have as the title that your thoughts control your reality. Examples:

- "change your thoughts, change your life" by dr. Wayne dyer.

- "what you think you become" by joel osteen

And many others. So its not a straw man that i make up when i say new agers believe that the solution to all your problems is to change your thoughts. As if your thoughts are all powerful or something. Yeah right.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Gali »

There is this guy Leo Gura. I am not a fan of him but I find his approach interesting because he tries to get around the critic of the new age believes. He studied philosphy. Then he was a webmaster. He was into pick up and was a techer as well. He was close with the pick up guy Tyler from RSD.

He made his yt channel that was about selfimprovement in general and getting girls. Then he adapted some spritual elements. He thinks we are all one god that because he is bored gives himself some stuff to do. That is living a life as a human.

He has a big forum where he has a politics section. It's a bit leftleaning and anti Trump but still not that hardcore.

Another interesting thing is he believes in spiral dynamics from Ken Wilber. So there is a personal and societal development from basically being ego driven to less ego driven that is conscious. It reminds of Maslow's pyramid of needs.

As I said I am not a fan from him but the level of discussion is relatively high there. People there do a lot of selfimprovement work and fight their egos.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Reply to a comment in my blog post: ... 4351137412
Outlaw0888January 12, 2021 at 8:36 AM
Yes. I think all the critics of Wayne Dyer especially are unhappy in their lives and unsuccessful because their heads is so far up their own ass. That is a negative mindset for sure.

My mom met Wayne Dyer, he was a nice person to her. I admire his teachings and they do help set the tone for a positive mindset.

For crying out loud, he is a HUMAN BEING, he is NOT perfect. In fact I read on his website that he admitted he didnt always follow his own advice but it has helped others. So why ruin it ya know?

It's understandable some people havent had success with teachings. But really just because you didnt have success doesnt mean it doesnt work for someone else.
You don't understand the basis of my criticism. Read my LOA article here:

Yes Wayne Dyer is nice and positive, and has some good advice, but like religion and the Bible, he mixes truth with lies, either knowingly or unknowingly, for marketing purposes, because BS sells, truth does not. Americans especially love positivity even if its false positivity.

Dyer makes MISLEADING claims which cause his fans to become delusional and sets them up for disappointment. Some examples:

"You create your own reality"
"Your mind is all powerful. There are no limits unless you impose limits on yourself. Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is."

No these are not straw mans. Dyer and other New Agers say these things in their New Age books and lectures, literally. But these are common lies and misleading statements in the New Age and self-help industry. They are not even true. Your mind can influence your body and health yes, but that's it, they do not have power over your external reality. For example, those with genuine telekinesis can only move small objects like toothpicks under a glass bowl. Research parapsychology and you will see that. No one can move large objects with their mind like you see the Jedi doing in Star Wars. To claim you can is a lie. Yes psi does exist, but the effect is very miniscule.

Look up my friend Darryl Sloan on YouTube. He is one of the most honest researchers and has authentic psi demonstrations where he moves a paper wheel left or right. I've done this myself and I know it's real. But that's it. Very miniscule effect. NOT all powerful as Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and other New Age authors claim! You do not create your own reality, if you could then you'd live in a dream world where nothing went wrong. Duh! You'd have powers like Q from Star Trek The Next Generation where you could manifest anything instantly. But no one can do that. Show me just ONE person, JUST ONE, who can lift large objects into the air like the Jedi do in Star Wars. JUST ONE! You can't! Because it's impossible, not because we believe it's impossible as Yoda told Luke in Empire Strikes Back, but because it IS IMPOSSIBLE. To deny that is a lie. Yet Dyer and other New Age authors do just that, they lie and make false statements that delude New Age people and set themselves up for disappointment.

That's my beef with them. Do you understand? Yes New Age teachings do have truth, but like the Bible, it's truth mixed with lies, for commercial purposes and to sell too, because no one likes to hear that there are limits, everyone likes to believe that there are no limits, so to be a good New Age author you HAVE TO LIE and say that nothing is impossible and that there are no limits and that your mind is all powerful like God, etc. All of this defies basic logic and common sense and is EASILY DISPROVEN of course, but it SELLS in America, so all New Age authors have to say that. Even if they know it's not true. That's the sad part. America is the most delusional country on Earth. That New Age BS doesn't sell in Europe or Russia where people are more real and rational, for example.

Of course, it's also true as others here have said, that New Age teachings are very VICTIM blaming too because it falsely assumes that there are no victims and that everything that happens you must have attracted to you with your negative thoughts, even if it's not your fault. That's cruel and wrong and untrue and cultish too, because New Agers will believe that regardless of contrary data and common sense and basic logic.

Do you see my point? It doesn't matter if Dyer was a nice man. He makes a lot of highly misleading statements and false claims that are easily disproven by basic logic and common sense everyday experience. Thus he should be exposed and blamed for that, it's valid criticism for sure. This is true even if some of his advice is good. Of course you have to mix truth with lies in order to sell something. Sleazy used car salesmen do the same thing, because 100 percent truth does not sell, neither does 100 percent lies, in order to sell well you gotta mix truth and lies properly to create an attractive package full of positivity and lies and exaggerated claims. That's the formula for selling something well. If you think about it, you will understand that's the reality of how things sell in America, which is the land of BS.

One more thing: Yes I do love spirituality and am a very spiritual person myself. I believe in the paranormal and psi too, which has been demonstrated and proven in many ways (look up Dean Radin and Rupert Sheldrake on that). However, just because I'm into spirituality and metaphysics does not mean that I believe in New Age lies and BS claims like "You create your own reality" or "Your mind is all powerful, nothing is impossible unless you think it is" etc. Those are simply untrue and easy to disprove, super easy. Even a child could disprove those claims. So why do New Age adults buy them? It's so delusional. A lie is a lie, even if its cloaked under the guise of "spirituality" and "positive thinking". The problem is that in America, the land of BS, there is this false assumption that everything that sounds positive MUST be true, even if it obviously isn't. It's a strange delusion, but alas, America is a positivity cult essentially, that's why you always gotta give a positive answer when Americans say "How are you doing?" as we all know. Just because I'm spiritual doesn't mean I am going to lie like Wayne Dyer does and not call a spade a spade. A real truth seeker doesn't do that. Think about it.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

As evidence that I am not spouting straw man arguments, here is a New Age documentary called "Enlightenment". If you watch it you will see that they do specifically say that everything is achievable and nothing is impossible and that there are no limits except for those you impose on yourself, etc. These are THEIR words, not mine, so I am not spouting straw man arguments or misrepresenting New Age teachings. They DO claim what I say they do. See the documentary below for proof.

Sadly, even well esteemed parapsychologists like Dr. Dean Radin, who appears in the documentary above, have sold out and are now parroting the New Age lie that we are all gods with unlimited potential and power and that there are no limits and that everything you want is achievable, etc. I thought he was more credible than to peddle such obvious lies, but apparently not. In order to be a popular author on psychic phenomena, he had to sell out and peddle New Age BS it seems. Everyone is a sell out nowadays.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

To Abigail Pattman, a new age woman who claims she is not new age:

Excuse me, but aren't you new age? Who is? New Age people usually don't like labels so they don't call themselves "new age". If so, then who is new age? This is a straw man. In my book, you are new age (even if you don't call yourself that) if you have core new age beliefs such as:

1. You create your own reality.
2. Belief in law of attraction.
3. Tell people to love themselves.
4. Believe that thoughts create reality and positive thinking will create positive outcomes in life.
5. We are all one consciousness.
6. Consciousness creates everything.

I can write many essays about why these are only partial truths. For example, if we create our own reality we would be in a paradise without pain or suffering or economic enslavement to the system. And if positive thoughts create positive results, then everyone will only have positive thoughts and positive outcomes, and nothing would go wrong and nothing bad would happen. Duh. But nothing is ever that simple. So this contradicts basic logic and common sense. New Agers never address this. If you believe in the core new age precepts above, then YES you are new age even if you don't call yourself that.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Gali »

I am partly guilty of it too. I am sometimes checking that maybe here and there is a shortcut. So I check at the Bullshido artists. I think the ROI is bad. I waste too much time with them.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Major flaws of the popular New Age belief that our reality is a School of Life or Classroom

I've never understood why most New Agers claim that our reality is a School of Life or a Classroom to learn lessons from. That may be interesting and pleasant sounding. However, it contains some obvious flaws which New Age intellectuals have not pointed out or considered, and surprises me because these flaws are obvious and apparent and do not require any deep thinking. Allow me to spell it out for them.

1. A school implies that you know you are in a school and you know what the rules and lessons are. However, we are not told by God or the Creators of the matrix that we are in a school or why we are here. That is very cruel and inconsiderate, to throw us here without us knowing why (or remembering why). In a school the students know that they are in a school and what is to be expected of them and what their duties are and what the rules are. Even in military boot camp, the cadets in basic training know why they are there and what the rules are and what is expected of them, and who their commanding officers are. But we are not told any of that by our creators or makers, who keep us in the dark, so how can this world be a school? Isn't that more like a prison? Or a Kafkesque labyrinth like in the movie "Maze Runner" or "Cube"?

2. A school does not contain excessive and unnecessary suffering, tragedy, or death. No one would enroll in a school that contained torture, violence, death, unnecessary pain and suffering, etc. In a school or training camp, you are given some pain, enough to teach you and help you learn and grow, but not an excessive amount that borders on torture and abuse, or even leading to death. Unfortunately this world does contain a lot of unnecessary excessive pain, suffering, tragedy, death, etc. A school would not contain that normally. No one would enroll in a school where you could be killed and tortured, at least most people wouldn't.

After all, what is there to be learned for those who are born in starving families in the third world, only to die young of malnutrition or disease? With no hope or chance to get out of that predicable? Nothing could be gained or learned from that. Either it's an accident out of God's hands, or a punishment from bad karma in a past life, or the result of a cold cruel universe with no sympathy, or of a cruel wicked deity or God, or an emotionally detached experimenter (like the brainy unfeeling aliens in the Star Trek episode "The Empath". It cannot be the work of a just all loving God of course. There's no way around this.

Furthermore, what would be the "learning lesson" from being mutilated or tortured to death, burned at the stake, drowning, or being hanged, drawn, and quartered in Medieval England for treason? NOTHING good could come from that, and no one would choose to experience those things, not even the most curious thrillseeker.

3. A school contains protection from teachers, staff, or security guards to keep the students safe. But as we all know, many innocent people in this world die or get abused, tortured, imprisoned, attacked, hurt, etc. No one protected these victims. So no, this does no seem like a school.

4. A school implies that you enrolled by free will or choice. Or your parents put you there. But we do not remember signing up for this "school of life". We were just born and do not know why we are here and have to figure it out with no conclusive answers. So again, that does not seem like a school, more like a cruel cold experiment or prison or joke or even a "Truman Show" entertainment for the designers of the matrix. Only in a prison is one placed against their will. And if we did something wrong to deserve being in this "prison matrix" we do not even know what it was, since we have no memory of our life before this one. Needless to say, it's cruel to put someone in prison without them knowing why. At least in our prison system, the prisoners know why they are there and remember the crime they committed. But we do not. Hence this seems more like a cruel experiment or entertainment for its creators.

This is a disturbing thought, but perhaps the reason why are not told why we are here, is because the truth would be too depressing and grim and would cause many to commit suicide and not even bother participating in this "experiment" and so it has to be kept secret? That's very disturbing, not pleasant of course, but would explain a lot. Instead we are given BS explanations such as "this is a school of life" or "this is a testing ground so you can prove that you are good and earn your way into heaven" or "this is a fallen world by a just all love God and it's all our fault because the first humans chose to sin" etc. because the truth would be too dark, grim, and unbearable to us? So we have to be fed lies and illusion and false hope to keep us going, to keep the experiment running so to speak?

5. Most people's lives are mundane and consist of a routine of work, errands, raising family, etc. They do not learn much lessons, and the lessons they do learn are job related or in school, which are tedious and involve rote memory only. Most people's lives are not like an adventure movie like Indiana Jones or a great hero's journey like Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series. Most only experience great adventures in the movies, like Indiana Jones or Star Wars. The average American's adventure consists of a yearly family vacation to Disneyland and its rides and attractions. Other than that, the average life is very dull, routine, monotonous, and mundane, especially in workaholic cultures like China, Japan, Korea, and America. Average folks do not have any grand lessons or profound exciting truths to learn. If the average person's life was full of exciting adventures, like Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker has, then the school of life model would have some credence. But it isn't. It's sad, but true.

Instead, the average person's life seems more like a slave labor camp than a school. They have to be slaves to their work, money, and they have to PAY to live. The average person has little to no freedom in reality (even if they are told that they have freedom by their BS media which only feeds them lies and illusions, as is the case in America). He or she is a slave to labor, work, paying bills, and is less free every year because the cost of living and inflation keeps rising, as if the system wants them to suffer and labor even more, which is cruel and wicked. Average people even have less freedom than animals in the wild, because animals in the wild do not have to pay to live and can get up anytime they want and do not have to conform to strict rules or schedules or pay taxes or pay bills. That's why many people dream of being an eagle which can get up anytime it wants and fly anywhere it wants.

Hence the average person's life is more like a slave labor camp, or even a concentration camp, than a benevolent "school of life" by an all loving Creator or universe. Yeah right. Get real. Come on. How delusional can you New Agers get? Why don't you wake up and smell the coffee? Am I the only honest thinking New Ager or Truther who sees the obvious and can think and apply basic logic? Sheesh. You folks make me feel like an intellectual giant sometimes, not to brag, but it's true. I don't get you. These things are all so obvious, so why do I have to spell them out to you???!!!

Now don't get me wrong. I would love for the School of Life model to be true. But it has too many major flaws to be taken seriously. I'm not saying this world does not contain lessons to be learned, of course it does, but that doesn't mean that the PRIMARY purpose of the creation of this matrix is to serve as a School or Classroom to learn lessons from. It just doesn't fit for the obvious reasons above. How can New Agers not see this since it's obvious? It seems they just go with whatever is popular and feels good, because the notion that all our suffering and pain in life is part of some "grand lesson in a cosmic school" sounds nuturing and caring, as if the universe cares about them and has a good reason to allow all the suffering that they endured. After all, no one wants to suffer without a purpose, people cannot accept that they suffer for no purpose or meaning, they are only willing to suffer if there's some grand purpose or plan involved in their pain. So they have to believe that it's all for some grand lesson or purpose. Otherwise they could not endure it. So this School of Life model is understandable, but it makes no sense and contradicts basic logic and is too flawed.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Obvious question: If we create our own reality then why do most things go wrong and against our will? That doesn't make sense. If we are like Q in Star Trek, then we would each be living in a paradise where nothing goes wrong and everything goes our way. New Agers never address this or ask this. Why am I the only one to ask this obvious question? Am I the only real soul in this matrix? Am I the only one who can truly think? Am I in some waking dream where no one can think except me? Not to brag, but I gotta wonder. No one thinks these days, they just follow a set paradigm with a hive mind and say whatever everyone in their movement says.

Also, if our minds are as powerful as New Agers claim, then how come in all psychokinesis demonstrations and experiments, the psychic can only move VERY SMALL objects or random number generators slightly? That means that telekinesis is real but it's VERY WEAK, not all powerful as New Agers insinuate. If that's so, then how can we "create our own reality" if the mind can only be honed to move the smallest objects such as paper psi wheels or matches or toothpicks? That doesn't make sense, and again, no one in the New Age movement has addressed this or asked it. Why am I the only one who can see obvious things? I feel like guy in the movie Dark City who is the only one who notices that the Sun never rises, while no one else notices the obvious.

Note that New Agers don't call themselves that, because they don't like labels, however in my book you are New Age if you believe in its central tenets such as "you create your own reality" and "the law of attraction" etc. The tenets one believes in defines them, even if they don't call themselves New Agers. In my book, if one holds New Age beliefs, then one is New Age even if they don't like that label because of its negative connotations.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Winston wrote:
November 16th, 2021, 12:57 am
Obvious question: If we create our own reality then why do most things go wrong and against our will? That doesn't make sense. If we are like Q in Star Trek, then we would each be living in a paradise where nothing goes wrong and everything goes our way. New Agers never address this or ask this. Why am I the only one to ask this obvious question? Am I the only real soul in this matrix? Am I the only one who can truly think? Am I in some waking dream where no one can think except me? Not to brag, but I gotta wonder. No one thinks these days, they just follow a set paradigm with a hive mind and say whatever everyone in their movement says.

Also, if our minds are as powerful as New Agers claim, then how come in all psychokinesis demonstrations and experiments, the psychic can only move VERY SMALL objects or random number generators slightly? That means that telekinesis is real but it's VERY WEAK, not all powerful as New Agers insinuate. If that's so, then how can we "create our own reality" if the mind can only be honed to move the smallest objects such as paper psi wheels or matches or toothpicks? That doesn't make sense, and again, no one in the New Age movement has addressed this or asked it. Why am I the only one who can see obvious things? I feel like guy in the movie Dark City who is the only one who notices that the Sun never rises, while no one else notices the obvious.

Note that New Agers don't call themselves that, because they don't like labels, however in my book you are New Age if you believe in its central tenets such as "you create your own reality" and "the law of attraction" etc. The tenets one believes in defines them, even if they don't call themselves New Agers. In my book, if one holds New Age beliefs, then one is New Age even if they don't like that label because of its negative connotations.
I got a New Age reply to the above. What do you think? Is this a copout? Or am I missing something?

Naturalvita Family
16 hours ago
Actually many ask the question why we create misery for ourselves if we have the power to create our own reality. The answer is that our soul craves the experience. The experience of duality which means experiencing negativity and love. It is the reason why we are here on planet earth. Also, do not limit yourself by a label such as new age. I don't really care for labels like that. If you research Dolores Cannons work or read her books or robert schwartz or many other books regarding the soul and spiritual awakening you will see that we are souls and that we incarnate on earth to experience things simply because we want to experience something other that perfect which is where we originate from. FRom the God source. We are all one and nothing exists outside of God because we are a spark of God. WE are God.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Why do New Agers always talk about free will as it were central? How can there be free will when many of us have mental disorders which compromise our free will, and also there is a perverse murphy's law force in this world that makes things go wrong (yes even if we are positive so no it does not come from negative thinking) and BLOCK our free will, which no one ever addresses or tries to explain?

Furthermore, we do not have power to control most things in life, not even our reality. Telekinesis does exist but only at the microscopic scale, like moving very small objects and spinning paper psi wheels. We cannot move objects or control matter like the Jedi do in Star Wars. So our thoughts aren't as powerful as New Agers claim. Research the field of parapsychology and you will see this. So why do New Agers act like our thoughts and minds are all powerful when that is baseless and not validated even by parapsychology? I don't understand.

Also why do New Agers have a hive mind about these things yet they consider themselves to be freethinkers and freespirits? Go figure. Nothing makes sense. Everyone seems to be a programmed character these days on auto-pilot, like an NPC (non-player character). I often feel like I'm in a simulation or dream where I'm the only real person or soul. Does anyone else feel that way too?

Example of what I mean:

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