Donald Trump has officially lost the 2020 presidential election. What's next?

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Donald Trump has officially lost the 2020 presidential election. What's next?

Post by Italianman »

I called it over a month ago. Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump CRAZY train!. His handlers want to maintain credibility. Everyone who’s not deluded or a grifter, and who’s in it for the long haul, has distanced themselves, in some way, from the MAGA farce :lol:



Do we all recall the Q anon theory about that guy Trump fired putting secret watermarks on all the ballots to catch the cheating dems....and that DHS was going to arrest the entire DNC imminently... right down to they were battering down the door outside Biden's house: lol: now it's dominion software that has just been buried by a hand recount....strangely NO ONE CONSPIRACY HAS Proved FACT :lol:




They are going to have to section him and cart him off in a straight jacket :lol:


I'm sure his hairdresser was given a wad of cash to use the wrong type of dye just to discredit him :lol:


Imagine being dumb enough to believe trumps nonsense about the election being rigged. I bet these drips struggle with light switches. Funny thing is they want the Senate votes to be certified but not the Presidential. They wanted Arizona to continue counting and Georgia to stop. Where they were trailing, they wanted votes to be counted, and where they were leading they wanted it to stop. Then they asked for a recount, and now they dont want the recount. You really cant make this stuff up. No wall, no health plan, no pandemic plan, and Hilary still not "locked up". 

Trump though he had the perfect plan. Slow down the mail. He knew mainly democrats would be voting by mail, so he met with the post master general, and they removed mail boxes and cut over time for postal workers. 

Trump thought that if the liberals ballots hadn't arrived by nov. 3rd, then he could steal hundreds of thousands of their votes. What he didnt count on was a judge ruling that all mail in votes were to be accepted, as long as they were post date nov. 3. 

Right then is when trump realized he had suppressed his own vote.

He had spent a year telling his supporters not to vote by mail, because he didn't want his votes getting thrown out with the democrats

Now I hear Trump is creating a fund raising org :lol: The Trumpsters will be screaming TAKE MY MONEY!!! Its all to drive money into his pocket of course. What he's really doing is raising money to make that balloon payment on his mortgages next year, and to pay what is surely to be mounting legal fees. Trump's businesses are a chain of debt constantly borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and Trump skimming off the top to sustain his lifestyle. 

Half of the donations that people make to the defense fund actually go to the defense fund, while the other half purportedly go toward paying off Trump's reelection campaign costs. In fine print, the page states that donations given to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee by an Individual/Federal Multicandidate Political Committee would have 60% of the money given put towards election debt, even less than the initial 50%. The other 40% would be sent to the RNC.

I am waiting for him to form The Trump Mega Church - there will be millions who would continue to worship him and give him their hard-earned money (or government check). The new Rev Jim Jones. I hope he leads his followers to an equal fate. Cleansing for the world, just like covid :lol:


Last edited by Italianman on November 24th, 2020, 5:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Winston »

That's not what Tucker said PAG you dumb low IQ twit. You took his words out of context. Here's what he really said below. Play the video below. Powell doesn't want to leak her proof now, she's saving it for the courts, so the criminals can't cover it up before its exposed. It's smart tactical strategy.

Why you so dumb PAG? The leftists and communists are using libtards like you. They don't really care about you? Don't you even know that? Why are you so stupid and gullible?

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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »

Yeah okay, idiot. You have never been right anything, ever :lol:

As I said in another thread. The USA has a quasi-capitalist system. The Democrats keep it balanced in the centre. Right wingers want to tilt it to the right to benefit themselves. When you tilt it to the right you take money out of the system and unmotivated people. Then people start turning to ideologies like Marxism/communism.




Image ... e-2016.pdf ... hite-house

You don't know what you're talking about, at ALL.

Unchecked capitalism (that Republicans want) CAUSES Marxism and social decline when people realize the system isn't working for them! They go looking for something that works! Competition and capitalism will always tend towards monopolies and oligopolies, they serve the goal of defeating competition and gaining profit. An even playing field is fundamentally against the goals of individual competing big businesses who want to maximize their profit and consolidate their power for further profits. So they will do what they can to make it unfair. After a while you get 500 people in the system with all the wealth (just like in the board game Monopoly) and 60+ millions living in total squalor with zero aspirations. Just take a look Italy or Russia. There are 60 million people in Italy but only 245,000 Millionaire households. California has 39 million people but 1,147,251 Millionaire households. Shit, even a small state like Massachusetts HAS more Millionaire households than Italy ... index.html Go tell an avg Russian or Italian that they can be rich and you'll be ridiculed and attacked. You see THAT mentality here and broke republicans red states.

Seriously, do you know why the Communist Party swiped over Russia and China? Because there was no upward mobility. Everything was owned by 10+ people :lol: ... rtain.html -- aka if you are still believing in santa claus or the godly equivalent of that dogma, you too will ignore the evidence behind unseating a belief structure... ah the wonders of developed inference conceptual structures acting as interference to sensory perception at abstraction levels above input senses... gotta love being aware of the dynamics in your brain :)
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Winston »


First of all, anyone can make up statistics like that. They are super easy to manipulate and paint any way you want. But the fact is, during economic booms like the 1950's and 1980's, the Presidents were Republicans, Einsenhower and Reagan respectively. Truman can't take credit for anything because the 1940's economy boomed because it was a wartime economy. Not because of anything he did.

Dude. lol. You sound like you're an uneducated black from the 70's and 80's. That's a very OUTDATED view of Republicans and was long debunked long ago. Only the lowest IQ people still believe that. You should know better. That's the kind of brainwashing that is used to recruit blacks into voting Democrat. It no longer works fortunately. So I'm surprised you still believe something everyone else knows is no longer true.

The thing is, both Republicans and Democrats are corrupted and infiltrated by the deep state. The reason they hate Trump isn't because he's Republican. It's because he's an OUTSIDER, not part of the system and cabal. That's why. So this isn't about partisan politics. He's a real game changer. The status quo is threatened by him. That's why they hate him. Has nothing to do with Republican or conservative.

The fact is, the richest bankers and capitalists are the ones that funded Communism, not justice seeking poor people. Come on. Communism is not a grass roots movement of the downtrodden. That was the propaganda long ago, but no one buys it anymore.

If you can't understand why rich elites would fund Communism, please see this documentary by G. Edward Griffin that explains it. Or see the book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen. As you can see, the left is a "Capitalist Conspiracy". They are your REAL ENEMY dude, not the conservatives.

For example, the rich capitalist George Soros is the one that funds Black Lives Matter and Antifa and leftist movements like you. Why do you think that is? Because he cares about the poor? lol. No he does it for the reasons outlined in the documentary above. Do you think Soros funds groups like The John Birch Society? lol. No way.

So you see, you got things BACKWARDS. They brainwashed you you fool. You fell for the leftist con hook line and sinker, just like Russia did in 1917. Don't you ever learn from history?
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by gsjackson »

The key thing Tucker said was to frame the issue: "the biggest crime in American history." Powell will produce evidence -- if she didn't after announcing she would so strongly on TV it would be grounds for disciplinary action by her Bar. And Tucker now has his audience prepped to think it's a huge deal.

I don't know what the inter-personal dynamics at play were. Tucker may be getting a little big for his britches with all the adulation he gets on the right, and perhaps thinks any public issue important to the right needs to go through him. But these lawyers are working around the clock against tight deadlines preparing voluminous evidence for presentation in court. Tucker's delusional if he thinks they're going to take time out to give everyone a preview of their case on his show.

Taking bets now: How long after Trump's inauguration will it take Pag to reappear in some new identity? Get your number down.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »

Winston wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 6:11 am

First of all, anyone can make up statistics like that. They are super easy to manipulate and paint any way you want. But the fact is, during economic booms like the 1950's and 1980's, the Presidents were Republicans, Einsenhower and Reagan respectively. Truman can't take credit for anything because the 1940's economy boomed because it was a wartime economy. Not because of anything he did.

Dude. lol. You sound like you're an uneducated black from the 70's and 80's. That's a very OUTDATED view of Republicans and was long debunked long ago. Only the lowest IQ people still believe that. You should know better. That's the kind of brainwashing that is used to recruit blacks into voting Democrat. It no longer works fortunately. So I'm surprised you still believe something everyone else knows is no longer true.

The thing is, both Republicans and Democrats are corrupted and infiltrated by the deep state. The reason they hate Trump isn't because he's Republican. It's because he's an OUTSIDER, not part of the system and cabal. That's why. So this isn't about partisan politics. He's a real game changer. The status quo is threatened by him. That's why they hate him. Has nothing to do with Republican or conservative.

The fact is, the richest bankers and capitalists are the ones that funded Communism, not justice seeking poor people. Come on. Communism is not a grass roots movement of the downtrodden. That was the propaganda long ago, but no one buys it anymore.

If you can't understand why rich elites would fund Communism, please see this documentary by G. Edward Griffin that explains it. Or see the book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen. As you can see, the left is a "Capitalist Conspiracy". They are your REAL ENEMY dude, not the conservatives.

For example, the rich capitalist George Soros is the one that funds Black Lives Matter and Antifa and leftist movements like you. Why do you think that is? Because he cares about the poor? lol. No he does it for the reasons outlined in the documentary above. Do you think Soros funds groups like The John Birch Society? lol. No way.

So you see, you got things BACKWARDS. They brainwashed you you fool. You fell for the leftist con hook line and sinker, just like Russia did in 1917. Don't you ever learn from history?
Unfortunately, my policy is not to debate the uneducated and mentally disturbed. Sorry dude. It is a waste of time altogether. Now for the wider audience (I believe this board may have four reg viewers), let's look at some simple factual errors in his statement above to highlight this point.

1. Such figures can be checked on the website of the United States Treasury Department. So all this other dumb nonsense just doesn't need to be debunked. But lets go anyway.. 

2. He says Truman should take credit for nothing because the economy of the 1940s was booming because it was a war economy... All right, didn't Eisenhower become president during the Cold War? Now the reason why the economy of Eisenhower was not so great (about one in every five Americans lived in poverty by the end of 1960) was that federal spending as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), a measure of the overall size of the U.S. economy, dropped from 20.4 to 18.4 percent. During no presidency since Eisenhower’s has there been a decrease of any size in federal spending as a percentage of GDP.

3. There was truly no boom at all under Reagan's trickle down economics. Generally, trickle-down economics does not work because: lowering taxes for the rich also does not translate in the long-term into increased job rates, consumer spending, and government revenues. A surge of debt, both from the financialization of the private sector and from deficit spending that you could call Keynesian, was the Reagan "boom." Years later, with a depressed and deleveraging economy, we began paying the price.

4. Another dumb video on Youtube that concocts a world of machine-like precision, engineered by nefarious powers, blah blah.

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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »

gsjackson wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 6:20 am

Taking bets now: How long after Trump's inauguration will it take Pag to reappear in some new identity? Get your number down.
:lol: @ Trump's inauguration.

What are you smoking dude?
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Italianman wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 8:07 am
I gotta admit. This sums up Winston pretty well. :lol:

But back to "Cucker" Carlsen, he is a marriage-slavery advocate. Nothing he says is worth paying attention to.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Winston »

Italianman wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 8:07 am
Unfortunately, my policy is not to debate the uneducated and mentally disturbed. Sorry dude. It is a waste of time altogether. Now for the wider audience (I believe this board may have four reg viewers), let's look at some simple factual errors in his statement above to highlight this point.

1. Such figures can be checked on the website of the United States Treasury Department. So all this other dumb nonsense just doesn't need to be debunked. But lets go anyway.. 

2. He says Truman should take credit for nothing because the economy of the 1940s was booming because it was a war economy... All right, didn't Eisenhower become president during the Cold War? Now the reason why the economy of Eisenhower was not so great (about one in every five Americans lived in poverty by the end of 1960) was that federal spending as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), a measure of the overall size of the U.S. economy, dropped from 20.4 to 18.4 percent. During no presidency since Eisenhower’s has there been a decrease of any size in federal spending as a percentage of GDP.

3. There was truly no boom at all under Reagan's trickle down economics. Generally, trickle-down economics does not work because: lowering taxes for the rich also does not translate in the long-term into increased job rates, consumer spending, and government revenues. A surge of debt, both from the financialization of the private sector and from deficit spending that you could call Keynesian, was the Reagan "boom." Years later, with a depressed and deleveraging economy, we began paying the price.

4. Another dumb video on Youtube that concocts a world of machine-like precision, engineered by nefarious powers, blah blah.
LOL. You dumbass. Everyone considers the 1950's the golden years of America. Everything didn't cost an arm and a leg like it does now in America. Calling the plumber or TV repairman didn't cost an arm and a leg like it does now. Neither did doctor visits. Everyone knows that.

Of course federal spending increased, but it was because of FDR's New Deal and social services to try to take care of everyone. Then after WW2 the US government wasted tons of money on nuclear weapons during the Cold War.

I never said that under Reagan, everyone was well off. But some people benefited a lot during the 80's. Not just the upper class. In the SF Bay Area where I grew up, the Asian Americans there all benefited during the 80's and got wealthy in assets and cash and drove up real estate prices. My family and relatives benefited a lot financially during that era too. So you see, some people benefited from it, though not all.

The 1800s is when America boomed the most, with no inflation either. No Democrats were responsible for that, because back then, no one voted for Democrats or Socialism or big government.

I told you, both parties are tied to the deep state, that's why when Presidents change, policies always remain the same. Only game changers like Trump can make real changes. What did Obama do during his 8 years in office? NOTHING! All he did was obey the deep state and maintain the status quo and bullshit all day long on the mic and podium. What a worthless piece of shit. All talk and no action. Yet you like him just because he's black and a bullshitter like you? lol

This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. The last game changer was JFK, who was a Democrat, but because he rocked the apple cart, they got rid of him. They can't do that again so easily today and get away with it.

No that documentary is not "just another video on YouTube". It's a documentary by G. Edward Griffin, who is considered VERY credible by everyone. Everything in the documentary is well documented, well researched, and FACTUAL. I challenge you to find one error in it. You can't, because every fact in it has been well resesarched and documented. Please watch it and get a real education about how America really works. It's not a theory, just facts and documented history that no one can dispute. Watch it and you will see. If you wanna remain dumb, that's your problem.

At least lose that dumb outdated claim that "Republicans are the party of rich capitalists who wanna hog all the wealth to themselves". That's an old line used to recruit blacks into the Democrat party that no longer works, except on low IQ folks like yourself. No one believes that anymore.

Tell me something. If the Republicans are the party of the rich capitalists, then how come all the rich capitalists in Silicon Valley are against Trump and defending Biden and the deep state and fake news media? Why are they so liberal? You see what I mean? No one believes anymore that Democrats are all poor downtrodden masses. That lost believability long ago. I'm surprised you still believe it. You must be dumber than I thought. No offense.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Winston »

Also PAG. Keep in mind that President Trump has done more for black people like yourself, than any other President since Abraham Lincoln. Keep that in mind. You are betraying the President who helped your kind the most and did the most for your kind than any other President since Lincoln.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »

Lol, the guy is utterly mentally ill/uneducated and not worth mentioning, as you can see above. Let's concentrate on a few issues.

1. The 1950's were not the golden years of America. Eisenhower's commitment to balancing the budget and paying down the national debt resulted in his reluctance to increase government spending. 40 million Americans were left in poverty. The economy chugged along with an average annual growth rate of 2.4 percent under Eisenhower's eight years in office, less than the 4 percent average growth rate over the Truman years.

A Democrat, John F. Kennedy, who initiated what he called the New Frontier, succeeded Eisenhower in January 1961. Again under the Democrats, the economy increased by 5.3 per cent. Eisenhower's vice president, Richard Nixon, defeated an anti-war candidate, George McGovern, in the November 1968 race. President Nixon believed in the same fiscal discipline as Eisenhower had sought. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average plummeted 36 percent between November 1968 and May 1970. Unemployment was up to 6.6 per cent by the end of 1970.

There was also a spike in dollar printing during the Nixon administration, and dollars were sent abroad at a higher than average pace to pay for the effort to avoid what was perceived as a Communist takeover of Vietnam. What Americans had been unwilling to pay to the government in the form of higher taxes, they were now paying in the form a declining dollar. From the third quarter of 1974 to the first quarter of 1975 there was negative economic growth. In May 1975, unemployment hit 9 percent.

The official unemployment rate was 7.7 percent when Ford left office. When Reagan took office, he retained the man Carter had named as president of the Federal Reserve Board: Paul Volcker, a Democrat. Under Reagan, to squeeze inflation out of the economy, Volcker continued his policy of high interest rates.

Business failures in 1982 were three times what they were in 1979. Unemployment was at 10.8 percent by the end of 1982, the peak since the 1930s. The economy contracted by 2.2 percent in 1982. In June, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. And the cover of a journal for builders had an illustration of Volcker's "wanted poster. It accused Volcker of killing millions of small businesses. Congressmen moved to impeach Volcker or appoint Federal Reserve Board members who would sympathize with farmers, workers, consumers and small businesses.

Reagan supported Volcker through 1982, and in January 1983 his approval rating was down to 35 percent, with 56 percent disapproving – as the economy was beginning to recover. Interest rates dropped from over 20 percent to 10 percent, and the economy had a growth rate equivalent to 2.6 percent per year in the first three months of 1983. The economy expanded at an annual rate of 10.9 percent during the second three months (quarter) of the year. Inflation was just 3.2 percent in 1983, down from 10.3% in 1981. And the growth rate of the economy hovered between 5 and 7.4 percent during the last half of 1983 and 1984.

The medicine, which so many hated, worked. There was a booming economy. Joy was spreading out to Wall Street. In March 1982, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had bottomed at 784 and in April 1983 it had risen to a new peak of 1,200 in expectation of recovery. On election day, unemployment was down to 7.2 percent in early November 1984. Walter Mondale, who had told the country that he would increase taxes, lost to Reagan

When Reagan left office the economy was growing at a rate of 3.4 percent compared to an average rate of 1.9 percent per year for Nixon, 3.4 for Carter, 2.4 for Eisenhower, and 2.7 for Ford. Unemployment was listed as 5.5 percent. Employment growth was chugging along at around 2 percent per year and had been since 1985, which is about the same as it had been under Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. In Reagan's last year in office, the unemployment rate averaged 5.5 percent, the same as it was for Eisenhower in his final year, 1960.

He also left the nation with a sharp increase in credit market debt. With an increased use of credit cards that had started under Carter but was accelerating under Reagan, a new borrowing culture was underway.

2. The USA has a structure that is quasi-capitalist. In the centre, the Democrats keep things balanced. To help themselves, right wingers wish to tip it to the right. When you tilt it to the right, you take money and unmotivated individuals out of the scheme. Then individuals tend to turn to views such as Marxism/communism. That is why affluent capitalists are against Trump in Silicon Valley.

Unchecked capitalism (which Republicans want) induces Marxism and social degradation when people realize the system isn't working for them! They go in search of something that works! Competition and capitalism will always tend towards monopolies and oligopolies, they serve the goal of defeating competition and gaining profit. An even playing field is fundamentally against the goals of individual competing big businesses who want to maximize their profit and consolidate their power for further profits. So they will do what they can to make it unfair. After a while, you have 500 people with all the money in the economy (just as in the board game Monopoly) and 60+ million people with zero dreams living in utter squalor.

3. President Trump claim that he has done more for black people than any other President since Abraham Lincoln is another fabrication for dumb people. This lie is based on the aphorism of "a rising tide lifts all boats" with the assumption that all participants would benefit from an improved economy. Trump says his administration's economic success is "unprecedented." Thus he has done more for black people than any other President. No, the economic growth under Trump is not “unprecedented”. GDP growth during his tenure to date ranks a whopping 7th among his prior 11 predecessors.

The only thing Trump has managed to do is not utterly mess up the strong economy he inherited from Obama. When the Obama administration left office, the economy had experienced 76 consecutive months of job growth, a streak that extended to 113 months under Trump before the pandemic struck with a vengeance. Likewise, unemployment fell from 10 percent at the height of the recession under Obama to 4.7 percent when he left office. It continued to fall under Trump until the latest economic catastrophe occurred.

Obama inherited the economy in the midst of the financial crisis, a situation former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke called “the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression".



As you can see, almost everything falls apart when you add a bit of data to what Wilcox says, because he doesn't know how to do research and is totally uneducated. He's a total tool :lol:
Last edited by Italianman on November 28th, 2020, 9:22 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 9:01 am
Italianman wrote:
November 21st, 2020, 8:07 am
I gotta admit. This sums up Winston pretty well. :lol:

But back to "Cucker" Carlsen, he is a marriage-slavery advocate. Nothing he says is worth paying attention to.
Yeah, now I see why he says he was an abandoned dumpster baby :/

Marriage works for some, it depends on your options.

It's over. She's won

Post by HappyGuy »


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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump train. Is it all over for MAGA fanatics?

Post by Italianman »




Looks like I called it right yet again! I guess it's pretty much over for Trump :lol:
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Re: Even Tucker Cuntson is NOW trying to get off the Trump CRAZY train! MAGA fanatics TO commit mass suicide??

Post by Italianman »

Trump has somehow gone from being a real estate developer to reality TV star to politician and now to cult leader. (The general definition of a cult includes veneration of the cult’s leader, and belief in stuff that’s considered nonsensical outside of the cult. The cult of Trump is a secular cult; it doesn’t involve the belief in anything supernatural.)


Last edited by Italianman on November 24th, 2020, 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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