Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 10:56 am
Winston wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 7:13 am
@Contrarian Expatriate

I posted some important paragraphs for u in the forum from the book "none dare call it conspiracy" by Gary Allen. They are guaranteed to change your mind for sure about conspiracies. Not only do the points make perfect sense but they are points that no one can argue with too. Please read all the paragraphs and think about them. Then u will realize that not only are conspiracies plausible but highly probable too. This book has enlightened many people and opened many eyes and made sense out of the chaos in the world. See here.


Read the whole book online here:

One good point that the book made was this: We all acknowledge that political conspiracies existed in the past like in ancient Rome for example. So why then are we supposed to not believe that political conspiracies exist today? Why are we programmed to laugh at them and ridicule them by the media and establishment, if anyone suggests that political conspiracies exist today? Yet we accept them existing in ancient history as self evident. Why the double standard?

That's a great question. Once u figure out the answer u will realize that we have been mind controlled and conditioned without our knowing it all along. it will open the floodgates to truth.
There you go again trying to move the goalposts to create a red herring. No one said conspiracies do not exist. The question is about conspiracy THEORIES. There is a big difference you know.

I get really skeptical when people try to change an argument mid stream to strengthen their position. It’s both dishonest and deceptive.

As I mentioned before, the Durham Investgation is focused on a conspiracy spearheaded by rogue FBI and DOJ officials. There is already one indictment that’s been handed down.

The difference is that there has been substantial EVIDENCE for this from the beginning. Fake intelligence used to justify a federal warrant against a political campaign was definitely a conspiracy.

So don’t ask me to read about how David Icke’s Reptilian people are trying to take over the central banks so that Jews can castrate white men so that the New World Order can be put into place with both Trump and Biden doing their bidding.
But don't you see the problem CE? If a conspiracy is true and exists, then the powers that be can DENY it by calling it a "conspiracy theory". They've done that with the JFK Assassination for example, which is a PROVEN conspiracy by all standards of proof. So it's MIND CONTROL and propaganda to deny all the crimes you commit and call it a "conspiracy theory".

Take a simple example. Suppose you commit a crime in secret and I catch you, and you deny it and call it a "conspiracy theory". Even though the crime is REAL, and you deny it by calling it a "theory", that doesn't mean it's an unproven theory if you did it. Anyone can LIE or DENY. Remember in X-Files the government's motto is "Deny Everything". My point is that just because the government lies and denies a conspiracy took place when in fact it did take place, doesn't mean that it did not take place when in fact it DID.

Your problem is that YOU assume that if someone DENIES that a conspiracy is true - because they are involved or don't want it to be true - then it's just a theory and not true, even if it is true. Do you see your PROBLEM here? So suppose I murdered you and put drugs next to your body, like in the beginning scene of the movie "Enemy of the State", and the police ruled it a suicide or drug overdose, does that mean that the claim that you were murdered is just a "conspiracy theory" if the powers that be deny it? See what I mean? See how STUPID you are?

Do you see my point? You seem confused here. Everyone knows what a theory is and what a fact is. That's not in debate. What's in dispute is that today, the US government and establishment claim that no conspiracies exist and that all conspiracies are just "theories" including JFK assassination, 9/11 inside job, Princess Diana assassination, NWO agenda, etc. The problem is that YOU and @WorldTraveler assume that lies and denials automatically turn "truth" into "theory" and hence discredit them. Do you see what I mean? In other words, you've BOUGHT the lies and propaganda and have no critical thinking skills, because to you, authority=truth. Just because your research skill SUCK doesn't mean that all conspiracy facts are now conspiracy theories. It just means that YOUR research skills SUCK and YOUR critical thinking skills SUCK. Not that all real conspiracies are just "unproven theories" which is the implication.

Btw, just because you haven't done the research on a conspiracy, doesn't mean it must be false. No. All that means is that YOU didn't do the proper research and are NOT aware of all the facts. For example, if you watched the 5 hour documentary "9/11 The New Pearl Harbor" that I sent you many times, which presents ALL arguments on both sides" you'd conclude that it's 100 percent proven that 9/11 was an inside job to some extent, at least semi. It's inescapable. But you guys didn't watch it because you wanna remain dumb and in denial and call it "just a theory". If you had watched it you'd be an expert on 9/11 and know all the data on both sides and conclude that YES, the 9/11 inside job claim is PROVEN with 100 percent certainty, IF YOU DID THE RESEARCH. But you couldn't even be bothered to watch a 5 hour documentary. Yes 5 hours is long, but if you are real truth seeker, you'd invest the time and watch it and stop believing in lies anymore and know the facts. But you don't. That's YOUR problem, not mine.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 8:32 pm
Cornfed wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 7:11 pm
I'm not sure how people can continue to deny conspiracy theories when the most audacious and damaging conspiracy in human history is being played out before our eyes. If anyone had predicted the corona hoax a year ago almost everyone would have dismissed them as a raving whackjob conspiracy nut.
Well why don't you enlighten us and describe in detail:

- Specifically WHO is behind the coronavirus conspiracy? And when I say specific, that does not mean naming some diffuse groups like bankers, Jews, or elites. It means naming names and citing evidence of culpability, not just your spewing your opinion.

- What exactly is the goal of the conspiracy and where is your evidence for citing that as a goal? Again, your opinion is irrelevant here. Cite EVIDENCE.

- What is your evidentiary proof that the Corona hysteria was a conspiracy instead of chance opportunism to blame and embarrass Trump and affect the election?

- What is your proof that a conspiracy was internationally coordinated so that most countries around the world worked in concert to establish precautionary quarantine and lockdown policies instead of configuring them on their own based on lack of scientific knowledge at the time?

If you don't have intelligent answers to these basic questions, just shut up and quit blaming everyone and everything for why you mope about the house and can barely function as a responsible adult while dreaming about starting some wacky "business" pipe dream.

If there is any evidence about a Coronavirus conspiracy, it was the Chinese who knew about the virus' release and their intentional spreading of information so that the had a chance to obtain and hoard medications, personal protection equipment, and medical equipment. That is credible because several Chinese medical officials disclosed this and this was corroborated by timelines and verified international purchases of this equipment.
We don't know who or what started Covid-19. Neither do you. Just because someone cannot prove that it was man made doesn't mean it was purely accidental and nature made. You are narrow and black and white. If you cannot prove that opposite, that doesn't mean that it was not man made. All it means is that YOU DON'T KNOW and so you cannot say either way. It doesn't mean that there was no conspiracy and that Covid was accidental and natural. It just means that WE DO NOT KNOW! It doesn't disprove a conspiracy or render it false. By definition if something is a secret, then you wouldn't know about it. Are you seriously that arrogant to think that you know ALL SECRETS and that no secret can exist unless YOU know about it, since you are an all knowing God? LOL. So f***ing arrogant and pompous and idiotic!!!!!!!!!! SO DUMB!!!!!!!

A smart person would just say he doesn't know and remain open to the possibilities, not jump to conclusions and say that there was no conspiracy involved. DUH! SO f***ing STUPID!!!! Why did God create so many stupid people like youi????!!!!!!

Suppose someone had proof that Covid-19 was engineered and a conspiracy and named names. So what? Those who are named will just LIE and DENY it. They would never confess it. DUH! So then what? It remains "just a theory"? LOL

If I deny that 2+2=4 does that mean it's "just a theory? LOL

Watch how EASY it is to lie. I will lie right now:


See how EASY it was to lie? ANYONE CAN DO IT! DUH!!!!!!!!

You guys are stupider than children I swear!

Anyone can come up with evidence for anything, it's up to us what evidence we accept or believe in and which we don't. Who is the ultimate arbitrater of truth? YOU? Why? Because you are the smartest man in the universe? LOL. NOT! So who determines which conspiracy evidence is valid and which isn't? Not an easy question to resolve of course. But definitely the answer is NOT YOU!
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

WorldTraveler wrote:
September 16th, 2020, 12:06 am
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 8:32 pm
Cornfed wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 7:11 pm
I'm not sure how people can continue to deny conspiracy theories when the most audacious and damaging conspiracy in human history is being played out before our eyes. If anyone had predicted the corona hoax a year ago almost everyone would have dismissed them as a raving whackjob conspiracy nut.
Well why don't you enlighten us and describe in detail:

- Specifically WHO is behind the coronavirus conspiracy? And when I say specific, that does not mean naming some diffuse groups like bankers, Jews, or elites. It means naming names and citing evidence of culpability, not just your spewing your opinion.

- What exactly is the goal of the conspiracy and where is your evidence for citing that as a goal? Again, your opinion is irrelevant here. Cite EVIDENCE.

- What is your evidentiary proof that the Corona hysteria was a conspiracy instead of chance opportunism to blame and embarrass Trump and affect the election?

- What is your proof that a conspiracy was internationally coordinated so that most countries around the world worked in concert to establish precautionary quarantine and lockdown policies instead of configuring them on their own based on lack of scientific knowledge at the time?

If you don't have intelligent answers to these basic questions, just shut up and quit blaming everyone and everything for why you mope about the house and can barely function as a responsible adult while dreaming about starting some wacky "business" pipe dream.

If there is any evidence about a Coronavirus conspiracy, it was the Chinese who knew about the virus' release and their intentional spreading of information so that the had a chance to obtain and hoard medications, personal protection equipment, and medical equipment. That is credible because several Chinese medical officials disclosed this and this was corroborated by timelines and verified international purchases of this equipment.
@Contrarian Expatriate , thanks for taking this one on. It makes no sense that the Coronavirus is a conspiracy. QAnon is the stupid's thing I've ever heard. I know people that believe this garbage. Believing in conspiracy theories is no diffent than believing in a fundamentalist religion or some cult. It make the believer think he important when he is nothing.

@Winston I have given you the names of books about Conspiracies in history and they are not theories, but they are not bizarre enough for you. Lincoln was killed by a conspiracy and this is accepted.
Why does it make no sense? Many things make no sense but are true. Reality is strange. We all know that. Look at quantum physics and you will see what I mean.

If your goal is to shut down every country and wreck the world economy, then yeah it makes sense to start and engineer a pandemic. If your goal is to depopulate the world then ditto. If your goal is to vaccinate everyone, then ditto. So yeah it can make sense depending on what your goal is. Just because it's not your goal doesn't mean there's not some sicko out there who thinks otherwise. There are some evil people in this world. Denying it doesn't make it not so. Anyone can deny. It doesn't mean anything.

Also some conspiracies are partially true. They are not either 100 percent true or 100 percent false. So don't fall into the trap of black and white extremist thinking.

You said that you have some books about real conspiracies in history. Who determines which conspiracies are true and false? Historians? Academics? Governments? What's your barometer of which conspiracies are true and which are false? Not an easy question to answer of course. Is Wikipedia your source? Are you saying Wikipedia can't lie? My late friend Loyd Pye had a Wikipedia page on him which contained many lies. He listed them all on his website before he passed away. So yes, Wikipedia can lie and post false info about someone.

You see how difficult it is to know what's true and what's false, especially if powerful people want to cover it up? Who's the arbitrater of what's true and what's not? You? Government? Wikipedia? Experts? If so which experts? There are experts with Ph D's on all sides of the issue.

Also anyone can DENY anything. I can deny that 2 and 2 is 4. Does that mean anything? You gotta learn to think for yourself, not jump to conclusions based on your presumptions. What if you're wrong? What if others are SMARTER than you and know more? Did you consider that? Why do you believe that your beliefs MUST be right and the ultimate answers and are unquestionable and that you have all the answers? LOL
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
September 9th, 2020, 7:28 pm
I think there are different classes of conspiracy theories. Those implying that a (100%) human power elite is running the show quietly and behind the scenes are probably partly or completely true. Then you have the wackier ones about aliens and demons, subterranean bases and a hollow planet hosting ancient civilisations.

I personally am not such an expert about them and I have perhaps read 1/100th of what @Winston and some of you guys have. One thing I can imagine, though: believing in conspiracy theories can feed our sense of criticism and mistrust towards our rulers and rules, our authorities, and the standard narrative that those rulers and authorities rain on us on a daily basis. That can only be a good thing.

The problem I think most eager believers in conspiracy theories have is, though, what to do with them? Once we get convinced that the "reality" or the "truth" is all about us being constantly force-fed propaganda, manipulated, controlled, enslaved...what can we do about it?

Do we have the power to get our guns and march against the centres of power, if that even made sense in a world of "invisible" powers? Do we barricade in our farms, with cattle and rifles, and stack our shelves waiting for the police or the army to knock on our doors? Do we pretend none of this ever exists and continue a normal life of mortgages, family cars and dogs? Do we ignore them and just focus on the small world that matters to us: our family, our close friends, our community? Do we choose to live dangerously and just for ourselves, as if the world were to end tomorrow and nobody and nothing else mattered?

Whatever the elites are up to, their strategies will be infinitely more successful if we live fragmented, disenfranchised from the community or communities we belong to. This is what interaction only via social media, artificial rifts created over religion, race, politics, ideology, is doing to us.

Remember than the English world "devil", "diavolo" in Italian, comes from the Greek diabolous, which means, literally, "the divider". Evil has always existed but it can more easily prevailed in a divided society.
One more important point. You insinuate above @hypermak that claims about people in power doing corrupt things and trying to establish a NWO global government are plausible and realistic, while aliens, demons and underground bases are all "crazy theories".

Well the thing is, if you do some serious researchers, you will see that that's just not so. Lots of government whistleblowers have claimed that subterranean bases exist or that aliens and UFO's exist, including Prime Ministers like the Canadian prime minister Paul Hellyer and Nick Pope, secretary of defense of the UK, etc. Look up Disclosure Project by Steven Greer of 2001. Over 400 government and miltary officials, including highly credible names, testified at the Disclosure Project hearing in Washington DC. That's definitely credible evidence. I can name you many good UFO documentaries that contain serious credible evidence attested to by many people, including an entire class of students and teachers in Africa. Also the notion of underground bases is not implausible. Some do exist.

So don't jump to conclusions and assume that all alien/UFO's are "crazy theories" that are all untrue or ridiculous. If you do some serious research you will see that's not so.

Also there are are very credible cases of UFO abduction like the Travis Walton case. Walton and 7 of his friends have all taken multiple lie detector tests and passed with flying colors, so it's impossible for them to be lying about the incident. Every skeptic who investigated the Travis Walton case has concluded that it's legit and a genuine abduction case that cannot be explained away. Even government debunkers who investigated the case eventually become believers. It's too well proven and documented. If you seriously research the case, you will agree. I'll bet you any money on it. Watch any documentary about it and you will see what I mean and agree, guaranteed.

So you see, don't jump to preconceived notions that everything in one category, such as UFO's are all false and not credible. Do serious research first. Don't jump to conclusions like the simpletons on this forum do, such as your old enemy CE.

Just something for you to consider.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

@Contrarian Expatriate and @WorldTraveler:

Question for you both. Suppose some group or team did engineer the coronavirus in a secret conspiracy to wreck the world economy and help bring about totalitarianism. Just suppose it hypothetically speaking. How would YOU know about it? Do you expect them to pick up the phone and call you and tell you about it? LOL. Even if they did, you'd consider them to be a crank or crackpot right? If they called CNN they'd think they were a crackpot too. So how would you know?

Would it take the US government or media to officially announce it in order for it to be true? lol. So if something isn't on TV then it isn't true? Surely you aren't that dumb or dense right? lol. Are you naive to expect that a group of conspirators would make their conspiracy public? lol. Of course not. So how would you know then???!!! Think about it. You wouldn't right? So where do you get off claiming that a conspiracy can't exist unless you know about it, and a secret can't exist unless you know about it? Isn't that totally arrogant and pompous to ridiculous extremes? lol. At least be honest and admit that you simply DON'T KNOW. Just be honest. It's better than pretending to be God and knowing for sure that all conspiracies theories and claims are bollocks and untrue. That's BS and an extreme unwarranted claim and you know it.

Plus you're not an expert in virology or biology, and even experts who are, have differing views. So you aren't qualified to comment. Better to be honest and admit you don't know then to be pompous and pretend that you know for sure either way.

Let me leave you with one last hypothetical example to think about:

Suppose I had you killed and put an open bottle of drugs next to your body, like in the opening scene of the movie "Enemy of the State" starring Will Smith. Then the police find your body and label you a suicide or drug overdose, just as I made it look like. Then one of your friends asks me if I killed you and I say "Of course not! How dare you accuse me!" But your friend doesn't believe me, so he/she goes to the public and spreads claims that I killed you and covered it up by making it look like a drug overdoes. In response I ridicule your friend and say that he or she is "spreading crazy conspiracy theories" about me, using the dreaded term "conspiracy theory" to marginalize his claims.

Ok so at what point is my murder of you become a fact or a theory? Which is it in this case? What if I destroy all the evidence that I murder you so that no one can find it, thus committing the perfect crime? Does that mean you really did die of suicide even though in reality I killed you? Simply because the evidence was cleverly dispensed of by me, and the authorities did not charge me? In this case, is my murdering of you a "conspiracy theory" or a "conspiracy fact"?

Think about this and you will see how fallacious you have been. Hope that helps open your eyes and make you think. But as we know, people only change their minds if they are open and willing to, but not if they don't. For those who want to believe something, any evidence will do. For those who refuse to believe, no amount of evidence will convince them. Both are extremes. Take the middle ground if you want to be balanced and real. Think about it.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

My new blog post to conspiracy deniers about why they are in an inescapable dilemma.

To Conspiracy Deniers: Corruption or Conspiracy? Either Way You Are WRONG and You LOSE! Your Inescapable Dilemma. ... -lose.html
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Check out this hilarious sarcastic rant by the late great George Carlin from his Art Bell interview about denying conspiracies in America. It's so hilarious and true and totally OWNS and PWNS the conspiracy deniers. lol

System 2 Thinker
1 year ago (edited)
I'm definitely printing this out and putting it on my fridge, that was amazing! I heard him mention this in his standup but I've never heard this recording, excellent upload!!!

"They try to make it so that a belief in a conspiracy makes you somehow outside the norm, that you’re a kook, that you’re a conspiracy buff, they say "He’s just a conspiracy buff." Well, I’d like to read you something that I wrote: Do I believe in conspiracies? Nahhh. Do I believe powerful people would get together and plan for certain outcomes? Nahhh. Do I believe powerful interests would operate outside the law and maybe even kill people? Nahhh. Do I believe secret government agencies might feel the need to assassinate a person and cover it up? Nahhh. I think everything in America is open and clean and above board and powerful people always play by the rules ;) " - George Carlin
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Taco »

These people live in different countries but they all have the same script writer...

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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

I posted this comment below some of Dr. Todd Grande's videos:

"Why are you Todd Grande fans so GULLIBLE? Grande is NOT a critical thinker. He is an AUTHORITY WORSHIPPER. All he does is DEFEND the ESTABLISHMENT. He doesn't follow the data or think for himself. That is NOT critical thinking. It's authority worship. That's ALL Grande is! Nothing impressive! Anyone can do that. It requires NO critical thinking ability at all. You people are very gullible and LOW IQ. No offense, but it's true. You are what you are. It's obvious to anyone who is aware and awakened to what's going on. Grande is no different than Michael Shermer who is a pure propagandist. Notice how these men NEVER criticize government, establishment or the medical industry, even when they LIE and COVER UP stuff. They NEVER expose the establishment. NEVER! That should tell you something. Ask Grande this simple question: Name even ONE government conspiracy that is true that the government refuses to admit it (Iran Contra doesn't count). Just one. He can't because it goes against his programming that authority/establishment is ALWAYS correct. So he will not be able to name even one real conspiracy, and that speaks volumes! That is NOT critical thinking you gullible sheep!"

"So Todd, basically all conspiracies are a mental illness even when they are true and have evidence to back them up? lol. Are you serious or kidding? lol"

"What Todd doesn't understand is that truth NEVER lies in extremes, it's usually somewhere in the middle. That's a basic truth he doesn't get. He is a terrible philosopher obviously."

"Todd, what about delusional people like YOU who deny all conspiracies? Isn't that delusional too? Truth NEVER lies in extremes. It tends to be in the middle. That's a basic truth you are blind to. Sorry. No offense man, but it's true. You are definitely delusional."

"Todd, what about real conspiracies that have plenty of evidence to back them up? Is it rational to believe in them then? Or does that not exist in your narrow mind? lol"
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Another Dr. Todd Grande video on conspiracies. Apparently, in his narrow mind no conspiracies exist at all and anyone who believes in one is mentally ill? lol. What he doesn't understand is that truth never lies in extremes, it tends to be somewhere in the middle. It's a basic truth that he doesn't understand. He's full of false assumptions and is delusional himself.

This video answers the questions: What is a conspiracist? Is there a relationship between belief in conspiracy theories, the Dark Triad Traits, and schizotypy?

There is no single agreed-upon definition for a conspiracy belief, which makes studying the phenomenon somewhat difficult. Here are two definitions that appear in the research?

1. The unnecessary assumption of conspiracy when other explanations are more probable.

2. An unverified and relatively implausible allegation of conspiracy, claiming that significant events are the result of a secret plot carried out by a preternaturally sinister and powerful group of people.

Over 50% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Outcast9428 »

I think its illogical to believe that nothing going on in the world was planned behind the scenes and everything is out in the public for people to learn lol. Nobody secretly plots things and all information about the world is public knowledge? C'mon, that's just ridiculously naive. Everything is a conspiracy "theory" until it is revealed to be true and a lot of conspiracy theories lately have been coming true.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Outcast9428 wrote:
June 29th, 2021, 1:54 am
I think its illogical to believe that nothing going on in the world was planned behind the scenes and everything is out in the public for people to learn lol. Nobody secretly plots things and all information about the world is public knowledge? C'mon, that's just ridiculously naive. Everything is a conspiracy "theory" until it is revealed to be true and a lot of conspiracy theories lately have been coming true.
Yes plus in other countries conspiracies are common knowledge and commonly accepted as a part of life. Only in mind controlled USA do some people deny them. In other countries, people are more real and no-nonsense, like Russia for example. Even in the Philippines, where education quality is low in a third world country, everyone knows conspiracies exist and are a real part of life. Because people are more real, not as mind controlled as people like Dr. Todd Grande.

Keep in mind that corruption and conspiracy go hand in hand. Corruption by definition is one type of conspiracy if you go by the dictionary definition. So Dr. Grande contradicts himself when he says he believes in corruption but not conspiracy.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Gali »

Bret Weinstein has probably the status of a reasonable guy dealing with conspiracy theories because of the Wuhan lab leak theory.

I like this comment about delusions:
2 years ago (edited)
I have read somewhere that psychotic symptoms, and in particular delusions, have some adaptive function, where an individual's initial experiences are chaotic, disorganized and too stressful to deal with, and so the individual unconsciously organizes that chaotic input into some causal, explanatory, story-like, structure that is consistent with their negative emotions, which is an actual delusion. And although the contents of that hastily constructed story is disconnected from a shared reality, it still gives that individual some relief from the prior chaotic experiences. This concept of the "primary gain" obtained form delusions suggests that we experience uncertainty (chaos) worse that almost any certain scenario, even if that scenario is delusional. Is that intolerance of uncertainty due to an unacceptably high energetic demand of interpreting disorganized perceptual input?
I guess this vid of Dr. Grande should be watched before the conspiracy video:

This might be also helpful it is about creepiness might be connected to the topic of ct.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Dear all,
After doing some thinking the last few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that maybe @WorldTraveler was right in a sense. Not because conspiracies don't exist. But because the mindset of conspiracy truthers and Christian truthers is based on a lot of faulty premises and fictional good vs. evil characterizations which are largely a perception and not objective fact. Let me explain.

I'm sure no one here denies that conspiracies exist. After all, we all agree that the US government, and other governments in the third world, are corrupt. And corruption by definition is a form of conspiracy, especially if it's under the table and unofficial. So corruption and conspiracy are intertwined. Because political corruption is a form of conspiracy and it takes a conspiracy to create corruption in politics and government. So I don't think anyone denies that. And of course, some events are well documented conspiracies, such as the JFK and RFK assassinations, and probably the Princess Diana assassination too. I think even WorldTraveler will admit to that. There's nothing extraordinary or implausible about powerful people taking someone out that they view as a threat, and then covering it up. That happens all the time in CIA and mafia and shadow government.

However, the real question I think is this: Is there a secret cabal that runs the world or America? I mean like a secret cult that runs everything from the shadows behind the scenes? Like they show in The X-Files and other movies, such as Wander (2020). If so, to what extent do they control everything exactly? That's the real issue. If there is no such cabal, then could it be partially true or metaphorically true then? Is it 100 percent false? Or just overly exaggerated? If so, to what extent?

I think those are the crucial questions here. Not whether conspiracies are everywhere or nothing is a conspiracy because conspiracies don't exist. People on both sides who make such extreme claims are like the Christians fundamentalists vs. the dogmatic Atheists, both of which are highly flawed and make a lot of false assumptions. So I think it's a false dichotomy to make the issue into whether everything is a conspiracy or nothing is a conspiracy. People who claim that it's all or nothing are extremists who are naive and don't take into account the big picture and one obvious truth, which I will get into later in the next post.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories Are Illogical

Post by Winston »

Anyway to continue on, I do think conspiracies obviously exist in some form, whether it's corruption in business and politics, dirty secrets, or just certain secrets that have to be kept from the public, etc. However the main issue I have with the truth movement is this:

They are too much like Christian fundamentalists in that they see the world as a cosmic battle between good and evil. Even non-Christian truthers like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and Mark Passio view the world in that way and have the same mindset. It's not just religion, but movies & TV shows and government war propaganda also foster this notion of us good vs them evil. But if you think about it, that perception is mostly fictional for one simple obvious reason: NO ONE SEES THEMSELVES AS EVIL. No one sees themselves as the villain or the bad guy who wants to take over the world and do evil just for the sake of doing evil, like the villains do in superhero cartoons, movies, and comics. Can you think of anyone, even one person, who sees themselves as evil and wanting to enslave everyone? Not even Hitler saw himself as evil, only American war propaganda did, he saw himself as a Savior and victim of Jewish Zionist oppression. Muslim terrorists do not see themselves as evil either, they see themselves as freedom fighters and victims against oppression and injustice done to them and their people. You may see them as evil, but THEY DO NOT. So it's YOUR perception, not theirs.

So you see, no one sees themselves as evil or the bad guy who does evil just for the sake of it. That's only in fiction and religion and in our PERCEPTION. You see, you only call someone evil when their agenda opposes yours, or they do something you don't like which threatens you and your freedom. So it's mostly a PERCEPTION and a label you slap onto others you fear or hate or perceive as dangerous. It's not a label anyone slaps onto themselves. This is a sense is GOOD NEWS because disproves the fearmongering notion in the truth movement that there is an evil group of elites and cabals out there that is conspiring with evil intentions to enslave everyone and create a one world government where everyone's freedoms are gone, just for the sake of being pure evil. That sounds like fantasy and has been around for ages. The notion that "dark forces are coming to take away your freedoms" is a fantasy that has been around for ages, and a paranoid one at that, but it never comes true in the literal sense. And that's good news. Because it's a perception, and one that is not objectively true, because no one sees themselves as an evil villain trying to take away everyone's freedoms. If you think about it, it's all a PERCEPTION, not literal objective fact.

This is good news of course since it means the truther's paranoid fears are mostly imaginary and just a classic Christian style fantasy of good vs. evil which is only in fiction, movies, and religion, not in reality. Because in real life, everyone thinks they are doing what they think is justified and right and doing the best they can. No one thinks they are the bad guy, it's always someone else they see as the bad guy, never themselves. However, even though this is good news, truthers may not want to accept it because their beliefs form their identity and once adopted become deeply ingrained and become a part of them. And besides no one wants to be wrong. As Mark Twain said: "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they were fooled".

Now I'm not saying that there aren't bad people who do bad things. But that's because they are misguided and twisted, like Hitler was. Or addicted to bad things like greed, corruption, lust, power, violence, etc. Some people are sick. Some are addicted to killing too, like Josef Stalin or Pol Pot or serial killers. If you listen to interviews with serial killers like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, they said that they had an addiction to killing people that they could not control. They don't say that they were evil and did evil for the sake of it, like a monster in a horror movie. They merely had dangerous addictions they could not control. That's what they say. Of course we perceive these people as evil and monsters, because from our vantage point, they are, but that doesn't mean they are "evil" in the objective factual sense or in the religious sense that Christians perceive.

Does evil truly exist? It really depends on how you define "evil". If by evil you mean they are bad or dangerous, then yes, that is real. But if by evil you mean someone who loves doing evil for the sake of it and sees themselves as evil for the sake of being evil, then no that doesn't seem to exist. Because no one perceives themselves that way, not even Hitler did. It's a fiction in our minds and in movies. So this is good news because it means that objective evil doesn't exist. But bad people and dangerous people do exist of course. So it really depends on you define evil.

The Christian definition of evil, which is adopted by truthers whether they are Christian or not, seems to be mostly a fiction in their own minds, because no one sees themselves as objectively evil by the Christian definition. Even if Satan existed, he would not view himself as objectively evil either. Just like in the TV series "Lucifer" he would see himself as the victim of an unjust God, not as an agent of pure objective evil that does evil just for the sake of being evil. So Christians have created this false dichotomy of good vs. evil in their own minds. Hence their inner demons are the evil they perceive in others. It's not objective or factual. It's their perception in their minds and is their inner demon. That seems to be the case if you think about it. This appears to be the case with big name truthers like Alex Jones and David Icke, which if you think about it, refute their own claims of a great evil running the whole world, because if their claims were true, they would have been taken out long ago and not allowed to speak publicly. So their claims are in a sense self-refuting, if you think about it.

Now the thing is, this NWO one world government conspiracy could be true in a metaphorical sense, because power does like to centralize its power and maintain its control and consolidate its resources. That is natural, since power corrupts and seeks to preserve itself. But if that's the case, then the world is ALREADY ruled by a one world government in a certain sense and has been for a long time now. So it's not "gradually becoming a one world government", but already is in a sense, because in today's globalist world, everything is interconnected and interlaced. So it's almost like a global government in a sense.

Now if there is a global elite that rules the world, they would not do it openly by creating a one world government and making it official. They would do it by proxy by controlling all major governments on a puppet string, like through the IMF bank, and maintaining the illusion of national sovereignty, which is what people want. They would not openly declare an official one world government, because that would be declaring an open dictatorship and they are not dumb enough to do that. Open dictatorships don't work anymore, they are a thing of the past. No one would welcome it or accept it. It would be too obvious. So the global elite would do go that route of course. They would just control everything or influence everything by proxy, like they have with this Covid pandemic. So it would be far smarter for them to let everyone think their country or local government is sovereign, when in fact they are controlled by proxy and bought up by central bankers or whatever.

I'm speaking hypothetically of course. I don't know if the global elite or top 1 percent of the rich really work together or not, and if so to what extent. That is an open question that remains to be seen. I'm sure at some level they definitely collude and work together for their own mutual shared interests. Sure. That is natural and to be expected. However, that doesn't mean they are involved in an "evil plot" to enslave the world and create a one world Luciferian/Satanic dictatorship where all personal freedoms are gone and everyone is a zombified slave. What would be the point of that? Especially if they already own the world now, in a metaphorical sense, even if by proxy. They have no need to declare an open dictatorship of a one world government and announcing it publicly. That would be foolish and serve no purpose and would only incite rebellion and resistance. It's not like the global elite are going to go on TV and announce:

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today we announce the formation of a one world government. Your rights and freedoms are gone. You are now servants of the state. Resistance is futile. Anyone who resists will be hauled off to a concentration camp. Troops are now being dispatched and on their way to make sure you comply. You now live in an Orwellian dictatorship. There is nothing you can do. Resistance is futile and will be dealt with harshly."

Only in Christian and conspiracy fiction do the global elite make that kind of an official announcement to the world. And in sci fi dystopian movies too of course. Why would the global elite be dumb enough to announce that? Nothing good would come out of it. They aren't that stupid. It'd create mass panic and hysteria and would create a huge backlash. It's not in their interest to create an open Orwellian dictatorship like that. It'd far better for them to create something like "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, where people think they are free but are not, and have many pleasures to distract them. And in fact, some in the Truth movement say that there are two factions of elites - one that wants an Orwellian dictatorship and the other that want a Brave New World soft dictatorship, aka a "scientific dictatorship". I don't know if that's true or not but it's interesting.

Now I'm sure some elite powerful people really do want an Orwellian dictatorship and have wet dreams about it. Look at the Chinese Communist government for example. It seems very Orwellian. But that is because they can get away with it in Asia, since in Asia, people are super conformist and collectivist by nature and culture, so it's easy for the elites there to conduct mass control, which would not work in Western countries. But alas, all dictatorships eventually collapse, because they are not natural, or they gradually wean off. Eventually they self-implode as mass consciousness and awareness arises. Again I'm not saying that there aren't bad people in power doing bad things. Sure they are. But it's not in the manner that Christian and Truther literature/media portray as a cosmic battle of pure good vs. pure evil.

So this NWO conspiracy of an evil elite wanting to enslave the whole world, seems to be a fantasy created by fiction, movies, and the Christian religion and mindset, which sees the world as a cosmic battleground between God and Satan, between 100 percent good and 100 percent evil. Yet we know in real life that no one is 100 percent good or bad, everyone is a mix of both to some degree. We all have a dark side, sure, but no one is 100 percent objectively evil like Christian folklore and theology presumes.

So this extreme dualistic view and polarity seems to be a creation of fiction. But it's not just religion and conspiracy theorists that are to blame, because Hollywood, mythology, legends, fairy tales, and even government propaganda depict this fabricated dichotomy of good vs. evil too. For example, in most movies there is always a group of bad guys or evil villains trying to take over the world, who lust after power and wealth. And in fairy tales, mythology, and legend, there are always villains whom the heros have to fight and defeat, who are evil for the sake of being evil. And during WW2, US government propaganda portrayed the Germans and Japanese as "the forces of evil" and "the bad guys" which was naive and fictitious, but necessary as war propaganda. And today US government propaganda portrays Muslim terrorists as "the forces of evil" too, without ever trying to understand them or asking what they did wrong to cause terrorists to oppose them, as if the US is blind to its own faults and wrongdoing and assumes it is blameless, which is sheer denial of course. So it seems to be human nature, since even governments and media do it too, not just Christians and conspiracy theorists.

Why this is both good news and bad news

So this is good news and bad news. It's good news in that it means that there is no pure evil group out there wanting to enslave you for the sake of being evil. All that was a fiction in your head, fostered by movies, fiction, and religion of course. So you can finally drop it and release it and let go of such a burden in your paranoid fantasies. But it's bad news in that you were wrong (and no one likes to be wrong) and you are not going to "prevail over evil" and extinguish it when Jesus comes back to vanquish evil for all time, or when good ETs come to rescue us, or something like that. Because we all have good and bad traits in our human nature and most likely it will always be like that, so we have to find a healthy balance that keeps both in check and does not allow our dark side or inner demons to run amok, because they are part of us and always will be. We cannot suppress our dark side like a wild beast, so we have to deal with it in a healthy manner or find a proper outlet for them.

Now how do I know that cosmic forces aren't coming to vaniquish evil for all time, like the end times prophecies in the Bible predict? Simple, because it's based on faulty premises. No one sees themselves as evil, as I said, so the whole cosmic battle between good and evil thing was fiction to begin with. But that doesn't mean that some disaster might not come to wipe out the world and reset it again, like what happened with the dinosaurs, or maybe the global deluge that happened in ancient times. That could always happen and has happened in the past, according to archaeologists and paleontologists. But that would just be like a cyclical reset, like what's described in the Indian Hindu Kali Yuga cycle. It would be part of the great year or great cycle, which ancient legends say lasts 25,000 years and then resets, if true that is.

Do you guys agree? What do you think?
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