And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

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And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by HenryGeorge »

The forever-head of the US NIAID, Tony Fauci, has repeatedly demanded that the public “trust the science” as he shifts his own science opinion from one positon to another. What is never mentioned in mainstream media in the West or almost anywhere in the world is the scientific record of the major global vaccine making pharmaceutical giants. In short, it is abysmal and alarming in the extreme. That alone should prohibit governments from pushing radical untested experimental injections on their populations without extensive long-term animal and other testing to assure their safety . ”

This past April as the US vaccination program was in high gear, the Biden chief covid adviser, 80-year-old Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) since 1984, announced that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had decided to order a “pause” on giving the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine in order to examine reports of blood clots. It turned out that there were six reported blood clot cases of some seven million who then had had the J&J covid jab. Fauci in his press remarks declared, “one of the things that’s, I think, such a good thing about our system here, is that we’re ruled by the science, not by any other consideration.” There is good reason to question Fauci.

That was supposed to reassure people that the authorities were being ultra-careful with the experimental covid medications which, after all, never have been mass-tested on humans before and have only gotten “emergency use authorization,” provisional FDA approval. The FDA quickly lifted the pause as J&J agreed to print that its vaccine could cause blood clots.

Yet at the same time, rival vaccine makers, Pfizer and Moderna, both using a hyper-experimental genetic treatment known as mRNA, were not being paused by “the science” despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of alarming vaccine-related severe reactions, including official data of several thousand deaths from both, had been recorded by CDC data base, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).

According to the CDC such “adverse” events, post-vaccine, include anaphylaxis, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, pericarditis, and death. For the week of July 16 the CDC VAERS reported an alarming 9,125 reported deaths since late December from the COVID-19 vaccinations. Never in history have such high death totals been associated with any vaccine, yet the media is deafeningly silent about this.

Their dismal science record

The wording of Fauci is precise and deliberately manipulative. It suggests that there exists some fixed thing we can call “The Science,” like some Vatican religious dogma, whereas the real scientific method is one of continuous questioning, overturning past hypotheses with newly proven ones, adjusting. Yet when it comes to “Science,” the handful of giant vaccine makers, sometimes known as Big Pharma, a cartel not unlike Big Oil, have a record of fraud, deliberate doctoring of their own tests, as well as widespread bribing of doctors and medical officials to promote their various drugs despite “Science” results that contradict their assertions of safety. A look at the major global pharmaceutical giants is instructive.


We begin with the Johnson & Johnson Company of New Jersey. On July 21, 2021 J&J and three other smaller drug makers agreed to pay a staggering $26 billion damages to a group of US states for their role in causing America’s opioid epidemic. Of that J&J will pay $5 billion. The CDC estimates that use of the highly-addictive opioids as painkillers caused at least 500,000 deaths between 1999 and 2019. Johnson & Johnson is accused of pushing the deadly painkillers for excessive use and downplaying their addiction risks. They knew better.

The same J&J is in a huge legal battle for knowingly using a carcinogen in its famous baby powder. A 2018 Reuters investigation found J&J knew for decades that asbestos, a known carcinogen, lurked in its baby powder and other cosmetic talc products. The company is reportedly considering legally splitting its baby powder division into a small separate company that would then declare bankruptcy to avoid large payouts. The J&J covid vaccine, unlike that from Pfizer and Moderna, does not use mRNA genetic alteration.

The two global covid vaccine makers which have by far the largest market to date are the two being personally promoted by Fauci. These are from Pfizer in alliance with the tiny German BioNTech company under the name Comirnaty, and from the US biotech Moderna.


Pfizer, one of the world’s largest vaccine makers by sales, was founded in 1849 in the USA. It also has one of the most criminal records of fraud, corruption, falsification and proven damage. A 2010 Canadian study noted, “Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.” That’s serious. Note that Pfizer has yet to make fully public details of its covid vaccine studies for external examination.

The list of Pfizer crimes has gotten longer since 2010. It is currently engaged in lawsuits related to charges its Zantac heartburn medication is contaminated with a cancer-causing substance. As well, Pfizer received the biggest drug-related fine in US history in 2009 as part of a $2.3 Billion plea deal for mis-promoting medicines Bextra and Celebrex and paying kickbacks to compliant doctors. Pfizer pleaded guilty to the felony of marketing four drugs including Bextra “with the intent to defraud or mislead.” They were forced to withdraw their arthritis painkiller Bextra in the USA and EU for causing heart attacks, strokes, and serious skin disease.

Clearly in a move to boost revenue, Pfizer illegally paid doctors kickbacks for “off-label” use of more than one of its drug which resulted in patients being injured or killed. Among them were Bextra (valdecoxib); Geodon (ziprasidone HCl), an atypical antipsychotic; Zyvox (linezolid), an antibiotic; Lyrica (pregabalin), a seizure medication; its famous Viagra (sildenafil), an erectile dysfunction drug; and Lipitor (atorvastatin), a cholesterol drug.

In another court trial, Pfizer subsidiaries were forced to pay $142 million and release company documents that showed it was illegally marketing gabapentin for off-label use. “Data revealed in a string of U.S. lawsuits indicates the drug was promoted by the drug company as a treatment for pain, migraines and bipolar disorder – even though it wasn’t effective in treating these conditions and was actually toxic in certain cases, according to the Therapeutics Initiative, an independent drug research group at the University of British Columbia. The trials forced the company to release all of its studies on the drug, including the ones it kept hidden.”

In 2004 Pfizer subsidiary Warner-Lambert was forced to pay $430 to settle criminal charges and civil liability arising from its fraudulent marketing practices with respect to Neurontin, its brand for the drug gabapentin. Originally developed for the treatment of epilepsy, Neurontin was illegally promoted off-label for the treatment of neurological pain, and in particular for migraine and bipolar disorder – even though it wasn’t effective in treating these conditions and was actually toxic in some cases. Neurontin for unapproved uses made up some 90% of the $2.7 billion in sales in 2003.

A New York Times report disclosed in 2010 that Pfizer “…paid about $20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals in the United States for consulting and speaking on its behalf in the last six months of 2009.” It paid another $15.3 million to 250 academic medical centers and other research groups for clinical trials. In the US legal practice it is seldom that corporate executives actually doing the criminal deeds are prosecuted. The result is that court fines can be treated as “business costs” in this cynical milieu. In eight years of repeated malfeasance through 2009, Pfizer accumulated just under $3 billion in fines and civil penalties, about a third of one year’s net revenues.

In 2020 as its covid vaccine was in development, Pfizer paid $13,150,000 in lobbying Congress and officials in Washington among others. Also notable is the fact that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation own shares of both Pfizer and their partner in the leading mRNA vaccine, BioNTech of Germany.


The third covid vaccine producer today with FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is Moderna of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It has yet to be sued for illegal practices unlike J&J or Pfizer. But that fact is likely only because before its EUA for its mRNA experimental vaccine, in its ten years existence since 2010 it had failed to get FDA approval to market a single medicine, despite repeated failed attempts. However Moderna has a red neon sign that reads “conflict of interest” that should give pause.

Moderna and Fauci’s NIAID have collaborated on development of vaccines using Moderna’s mRNA platform and NIAID of Fauci on coronaviruses including MERS, since at least November, 2015. On January 13, 2020, before the first case of a supposed Wuhan, China “novel coronavirus” was even detected in the United States, Fauci’s NIAID and Moderna signed an updated cooperation agreement which described them as co-owners of a mRNA based coronavirus and that they had finalized a sequence for mRNA-1273, the vaccine now being given to millions for supposedly averting the novel coronavirus. That means that Fauci’s NIAID and perhaps Fauci personally (it’s allowed in the US) stood to reap huge financial benefits from emergency approval of the Moderna jab, yet Fauci has never admitted to the conflict publicly when he was Trump corona adviser, nor as Biden’s.

Ten days later on January 23, 2020 Moderna announced it was granted funding by CEPI, a vaccine fund created by Bill Gates’ foundation along with Davos WEF among others, to develop an mRNA vaccine for the Wuhan virus.

Moderna was created by a venture capitalist, Noubar Afeyan along with Harvard professor Timothy A. Springer, and others. In 2011 Afeyan recruited French businessman and former Eli Lilly executive Stephane Bancel as CEO of the new Moderna. Despite having no medical or science degree nor any experience running a drug development operation, Bancel lists himself as co-patent holder for a hundred patents of Moderna tied to the different vaccines. Beginning in 2013 the tiny Moderna was receiving grants from the Pentagon to develop its mRNA technology. As of 2020 just prior to its receiving emergency use authorization from the US Government FDA, fully 89% of Moderna revenues were from US Government grants. This is hardly an experienced company yet it holds the fate of millions in its hands. As Fauci says, “Trust the Science.”

In February 2016, an editorial in Nature magazine criticized Moderna for not publishing any peer-reviewed papers on its technology, unlike most other emerging and established biotech companies. The company remains ultra-secretive. That same year, 2016 Moderna got $20 million from the Gates Foundation for vaccine development using mRNA.

Up to its receiving EUA approval for its covid mRNA product in December 2020 Moderna had only made losses since its founding. Then curiously, following a March 2020 personal meeting with then-President Trump where Bancel told the president Moderna could have a vaccine ready in a matter of months Moderna luck changed.

On May 15, Trump announced creation of Operation Warp Seed to rollout a COVID-19 vaccine by December. The head of the Presidential group was a 30-year R&D veteran of the large UK drug firm GSK, Moncef Slaoui. In 2017 Slaoui had resigned from GSK and joined the board of none other than Moderna. Under Slaoui’s Warp Speed, some $22 billion of US taxpayer money was thrown at different vaccine makers. Moderna was a prime recipient, a brazen conflict of interest but nobody seemed to care. Slaoui funneled some $2 billion in government funds to his old company, Moderna, to develop the mRNA covid vaccine. Only under public criticism did Slaoui sell his stock in Moderna, making millions in profit from Moderna’s role as a covid vaccine leading candidate. Shortly after resigning at the end of the Trump presidency, Slaoui was fired by his old firm GSK from a company subsidiary following charges of sexual harassment of a female employee.

In February 2020 Trump Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) to exempt Moderna, Pfizer, J&J and any future covid makers from any and all liability arising from damage or death caused by their vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus. The legal protection lasts until 2024. If the vaccines are so good and safe, why is such a measure needed? Azar was former head of the US drug giant Eli Lilly. There are some serious questions that must be raised openly regarding the vaccine makers who are now pushing experimental highly controversial gene-edited formulations in human experiments.

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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by gsjackson »

VAERS is reporting about 15,000 deaths from the jab in the U.S. to this point and hundreds of thousands of injuries. These are all self-reported by the victims or their families, and a Harvard study found that self-reported injuries are anywhere from one to 10 percent of the actual total, which would mean we have an actual pandemic now of the vaccinated injured.

In my own experience, of the nine people I know for a fact have gotten the jab, there have subsequently been two who got strokes, and one who died "unexpectedly" just days after inviting people to his lavish new home provided they were "fully vaccinated."
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by jerryrigged »

At this point most people with a scientific education background in health science is at least having cognitive dissonance but if you say one thing out of line with fauci's version of covid science or mandatory vaccines you risk losing your entire career. So you have to keep your f***ing mouth shut or else. There are some practitioners who are simply lazy bastards and whatever their health org and medical podcasts etc say about the bug is "good enough for them" and thus never do their own research. So if you present them CDC and nih studies in contrary to the present media narrative e.g. "taking a vaccine protects other people", you might get the same response you might get from a CNN viewer who knows nothing about health sciences and gets all of his info from Don lemon and gang. However, most of us in these kinds of fields are having cognitive dissonance, at the very least. I believe covid is a real thing but I don't think it's killed anywhere near 600k people in America. Just look at all of the nursing shortages being made worse by vaccine mandates. This shit is " off the hook"
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by Yohan »

jerryrigged wrote:
September 28th, 2021, 9:33 am
I believe covid is a real thing but I don't think it's killed anywhere near 600k people in America.
USA with its 333 million people reported 719.037 deaths, world record. You might or might not believe that - from where are this data coming from? Something is mixed up or counted two or three times maybe.
USA has no insurance system for all its citizens, no centralized databank for all US citizens, regardless where in the country they are living...
I can comment only about Japan and South Korea, both countries have very good medical care and an obligatory medical national health insurance for all citizens, the figures are very realistic. Every citizen is registered in the National Health Insurance system.

Covid-19 in Japan and South Korea is considered to be a new disease. The virus itself was isolated many times. No fake, no hoax.
There is a lot of research going on now in both countries to develop new vaccines and new medicine against covid-19. ... ic-vaccine
Taiwan is already testing its own vaccine with humans, including the president of Taiwan...

Vaccination data comparing Taiwan with USA

In Japan and South Korea there is also testing with humans going on and medical factories are prepared by local pharma industries to get away from imports from Pfizer (main supplier) and Moderna (used only by the Japanese military for vaccination of both military staff and civilians)

Here in Japan, with 125 million people, despite a very large part of elderly citizens and badly hit by Chinese tourists which imported covid-19 to Osaka and Sapporo, there are up to now 17.683 deaths recorded. However there was never a lockdown, domestic travel etc. was open, no restrictions to go out anytime...

South Korea, in a similar position as Japan, with 52 million people, recorded 2.504 deaths.
Taiwan also has a similar organization as Japan, with 23 million citizens, recorded 854 deaths.

As you see, I share your opinion, something cannot be right with the data from USA about deaths.

If you consider population in USA is about 2.5 x highter than in Japan, USA should have no more than maybe 50.000 deaths.
Who created the figure of 719.039 deaths, out of what source of information?


About vaccine: I cannot comment about sinovac.

In Japan sinovac vaccine is out of question and wll not be used because of political reason and also because of strong rejection by the public.
All Japan is really angry with China, infecting Japanese people by Chinese tourists, withholding medical information, controlling the WHO, and now China wants even to make a business out of it by selling masks, desinfection materials, and even vaccine...
China is not considered in Japan ever to become a supplier of covid-19 vaccine.
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by Moretorque »

Yohan wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 9:45 am
jerryrigged wrote:
September 28th, 2021, 9:33 am
I believe covid is a real thing but I don't think it's killed anywhere near 600k people in America.
USA with its 333 million people reported 719.037 deaths, world record. You might or might not believe that - from where are this data coming from? Something is mixed up or counted two or three times maybe.
USA has no insurance system for all its citizens, no centralized databank for all US citizens, regardless where in the country they are living...
I can comment only about Japan and South Korea, both countries have very good medical care and an obligatory medical national health insurance for all citizens, the figures are very realistic. Every citizen is registered in the National Health Insurance system.

Covid-19 in Japan and South Korea is considered to be a new disease. The virus itself was isolated many times. No fake, no hoax.
There is a lot of research going on now in both countries to develop new vaccines and new medicine against covid-19. ... ic-vaccine
Taiwan is already testing its own vaccine with humans, including the president of Taiwan...

Vaccination data comparing Taiwan with USA

In Japan and South Korea there is also testing with humans going on and medical factories are prepared by local pharma industries to get away from imports from Pfizer (main supplier) and Moderna (used only by the Japanese military for vaccination of both military staff and civilians)

Here in Japan, with 125 million people, despite a very large part of elderly citizens and badly hit by Chinese tourists which imported covid-19 to Osaka and Sapporo, there are up to now 17.683 deaths recorded. However there was never a lockdown, domestic travel etc. was open, no restrictions to go out anytime...

South Korea, in a similar position as Japan, with 52 million people, recorded 2.504 deaths.
Taiwan also has a similar organization as Japan, with 23 million citizens, recorded 854 deaths.

As you see, I share your opinion, something cannot be right with the data from USA about deaths.

If you consider population in USA is about 2.5 x highter than in Japan, USA should have no more than maybe 50.000 deaths.
Who created the figure of 719.039 deaths, out of what source of information?


About vaccine: I cannot comment about sinovac.

In Japan sinovac vaccine is out of question and wll not be used because of political reason and also because of strong rejection by the public.
All Japan is really angry with China, infecting Japanese people by Chinese tourists, withholding medical information, controlling the WHO, and now China wants even to make a business out of it by selling masks, desinfection materials, and even vaccine...
China is not considered in Japan ever to become a supplier of covid-19 vaccine.
Yohan this entire thing is to cover their tracks to cover the fact the entire financial house of cards is coming down. This is going to kill probably over a billion plus people so the KILL shots will help put alot of people out of their misery....... :roll:
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by Neo »

jerryrigged wrote:
September 28th, 2021, 9:33 am
At this point most people with a scientific education background in health science is at least having cognitive dissonance but if you say one thing out of line with fauci's version of covid science or mandatory vaccines you risk losing your entire career. So you have to keep your f***ing mouth shut or else. There are some practitioners who are simply lazy bastards and whatever their health org and medical podcasts etc say about the bug is "good enough for them" and thus never do their own research. So if you present them CDC and nih studies in contrary to the present media narrative e.g. "taking a vaccine protects other people", you might get the same response you might get from a CNN viewer who knows nothing about health sciences and gets all of his info from Don lemon and gang. However, most of us in these kinds of fields are having cognitive dissonance, at the very least. I believe covid is a real thing but I don't think it's killed anywhere near 600k people in America. Just look at all of the nursing shortages being made worse by vaccine mandates. This shit is " off the hook"
It used to be that only sick people were quarantined, to protect other people from catching a particular disease (any contagious disease).

Now it is that everyone must be quarantined, even if they are not sick. That makes no sense to me.

Also, it is now said that neither immunity nor the vaccination itself protect from catching Covid. So what is the point of taking the vaccine if the person can still get sick and still pass it on?

Also, how can a vaccination confer more immunity than having had the disease already?

Another thing is, we know that not everyone marked down as having died from Covid actually died from Covid. Many died from other causes and had comorbidities and were already very elderly, even above the average life expectancy. People who died of a comorbidity are marked down as having died of Covid.

It is also said that even though a person had died in a car accident, they could be marked down as having died of Covid.

It is also said that there is no longer any flu. The flu is now reclassified as Covid. That is, the numbers of people diagnosed with the flu have supposedly been simply diagnosed with Covid instead. This also inflates the Covid numbers.

Also, people do die of cold, flu and pneumonia yearly, which many people have forgotten.

Then there is the issue with the Covid diagnostic tests, the PCR test, which does not test for disease at all.

Also regarding tests, a person could test positive, and then immediately retake the test and be negative, then take the test and be positive, and take it over again and be negative. It is a completely bogus test.

Medical science for diseases is not trustworthy. I don't know why everyone blindly believes it. It is just like anything else. People in prominent places can all get together and decide on a certain thing, then teach it to others,and promote it in schools and in the media. All of a sudden, everyone starts to believe it, although none of it is true, and neither can it be verified. Anyone who looks closely should be able to see it, but cultural programming often blocks the interest in the bud.
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by jeniferbet »

Why not? I mean I always trust my doctor who prescribe a really good meds which is alwuas help me in any cases. For example I now I have a really bad seasonal allergy. Like really bad. And my doctor prescribed me to buy Ryaltris Nasal Spray which is so useful and help to live and enjoy these summer days, May be we should not trust all the pharma's industries but we should trust our doctors
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by Moretorque »

jeniferbet wrote:
June 19th, 2023, 1:28 am
Why not? I mean I always trust my doctor who prescribe a really good meds which is alwuas help me in any cases. For example I now I have a really bad seasonal allergy. Like really bad. And my doctor prescribed me to buy Ryaltris Nasal Spray which is so useful and help to live and enjoy these summer days, May be we should not trust all the pharma's industries but we should trust our doctors
The old school doctors who have private practices, these new doctors who are carrying debt forget it.
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Re: And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

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