Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

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Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by boixos24 »

I'm in my late 20s and I’m reaching an age where I need to start looking for a partner/wife.

My dilemma is idk if I should marry outside my race or not?

I currently live in Egypt but have been making plans on immigrating to Norway soon.

I have lived abroad before in many countries so I have seen all kinds of people and races. Frankly, I find white girls the most beautiful. However Egyptian women do come close.

Marrying an Egyptian woman:
1. Easier to find an attractive girl (including girls “out of my league”) due to my social and economic status. I basically live like a king here due to earning USD currency making everything super cheap as a result
2. I could live comfortably (in terms of money) if I stayed with her in Egypt
3. She will be obedient and loyal (no cheating) her whole life due to cultural and societal norms
4. She’ll love being a stay-at-home wife. Egyptian women don’t have much aspirations in life due to #3.
5. Most likely virgin upon marriage
6. Physically speaking:they’re very, very curvy on average. Massive boobs and ass. Body made for breeding. This makes it easier to find a woman with my physical preference.

1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
2. Lower genetic value. Genetically speaking, Egyptian women basically all have curly black hair and black eyes. I want to “improve” the genetics of my family tree and hence find someone with blue/green eyes and non-black hair. With such “desired” features, my future offspring would be better off in life, especially in a discriminatory society like Egypt which caters to looks so much. The problem is that it’s really hard to find an Egyptian girl who has “European” features. Because they’re rare, women with such features tend to come from rich families. And thus they’re high maintenance, and also have lots of potential suitors wanting to marry them. Meaning stiffer competition for prettier girls.

Marrying a Scandinavian woman:
1. Great genetic value. Physically speaking, white women (especially those in Norway) have pale white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. All very attractive features, let’s be honest. Not sure if they’re curvy on average, but I’ve personally seen a lot that have big boobs in Scandinavia.
2. Greater intelligence. I think Europeans are better educated and are smarter on average. This is important not only for genetic reasons but also for day-to-day life. It will get tiresome if a woman can’t think on her feet and make decisions on her own sometimes. Also, it’s important that my future partner - who I’d be spending the rest of my life with - is able to converse on all sorts of topics on the same intellectual level.
3. I get to live in their home country, which opens doors for more connections and helps improve my socioeconomic status in all aspects of life.
4. Prettier in general, imo.

1. Very low chance of finding a partner. Although I don’t look distinctly Arab, I definitely don’t pass as European. I’d say I look Italian with my white skin, but that’s it. The only thing I have going for me is I’ve unsolicitedly been told I’m handsome by plenty of people, including blonde white girls. I’d rate myself as a 7/10. I know there rightfully is a stigma against Arabs in general hence white women probably avoid Middle easterners altogether. This doesn’t bode well for my chances.
2. Tougher competition: Nordic men are taller than me (I’m 5’10) and simply have better genetic features (I have got black hair and eyes). However, I’ve read that people who live in white homogeneous populations like Poland find those of other ethnicities very attractive as they posses traits that are not common in their population. Maybe my exotic black hair and eyes may help me if I move to Norway.
3. Girls are more liberal and hence less “obedient” and more likely to cheat I guess, based on what I’ve read on here.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple

TL;DR: would you marry an Egyptian girl, who would be less “genetically” attractive (still hot, but doesn’t have desired European features) but more loyal and obedient (aka great, loving house wife) or would you marry the genetically more attractive Norwegian woman, improving your family genetics, but at the cost of being with someone who is more liberal and has higher standards?
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by publicduende »

boixos24 wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 6:51 am
I'm in my late 20s and I’m reaching an age where I need to start looking for a partner/wife.

My dilemma is idk if I should marry outside my race or not?

I currently live in Egypt but have been making plans on immigrating to Norway soon.

I have lived abroad before in many countries so I have seen all kinds of people and races. Frankly, I find white girls the most beautiful. However Egyptian women do come close.

Marrying an Egyptian woman:
1. Easier to find an attractive girl (including girls “out of my league”) due to my social and economic status. I basically live like a king here due to earning USD currency making everything super cheap as a result
2. I could live comfortably (in terms of money) if I stayed with her in Egypt
3. She will be obedient and loyal (no cheating) her whole life due to cultural and societal norms
4. She’ll love being a stay-at-home wife. Egyptian women don’t have much aspirations in life due to #3.
5. Most likely virgin upon marriage
6. Physically speaking:they’re very, very curvy on average. Massive boobs and ass. Body made for breeding. This makes it easier to find a woman with my physical preference.

1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
2. Lower genetic value. Genetically speaking, Egyptian women basically all have curly black hair and black eyes. I want to “improve” the genetics of my family tree and hence find someone with blue/green eyes and non-black hair. With such “desired” features, my future offspring would be better off in life, especially in a discriminatory society like Egypt which caters to looks so much. The problem is that it’s really hard to find an Egyptian girl who has “European” features. Because they’re rare, women with such features tend to come from rich families. And thus they’re high maintenance, and also have lots of potential suitors wanting to marry them. Meaning stiffer competition for prettier girls.

Marrying a Scandinavian woman:
1. Great genetic value. Physically speaking, white women (especially those in Norway) have pale white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. All very attractive features, let’s be honest. Not sure if they’re curvy on average, but I’ve personally seen a lot that have big boobs in Scandinavia.
2. Greater intelligence. I think Europeans are better educated and are smarter on average. This is important not only for genetic reasons but also for day-to-day life. It will get tiresome if a woman can’t think on her feet and make decisions on her own sometimes. Also, it’s important that my future partner - who I’d be spending the rest of my life with - is able to converse on all sorts of topics on the same intellectual level.
3. I get to live in their home country, which opens doors for more connections and helps improve my socioeconomic status in all aspects of life.
4. Prettier in general, imo.

1. Very low chance of finding a partner. Although I don’t look distinctly Arab, I definitely don’t pass as European. I’d say I look Italian with my white skin, but that’s it. The only thing I have going for me is I’ve unsolicitedly been told I’m handsome by plenty of people, including blonde white girls. I’d rate myself as a 7/10. I know there rightfully is a stigma against Arabs in general hence white women probably avoid Middle easterners altogether. This doesn’t bode well for my chances.
2. Tougher competition: Nordic men are taller than me (I’m 5’10) and simply have better genetic features (I have got black hair and eyes). However, I’ve read that people who live in white homogeneous populations like Poland find those of other ethnicities very attractive as they posses traits that are not common in their population. Maybe my exotic black hair and eyes may help me if I move to Norway.
3. Girls are more liberal and hence less “obedient” and more likely to cheat I guess, based on what I’ve read on here.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple

TL;DR: would you marry an Egyptian girl, who would be less “genetically” attractive (still hot, but doesn’t have desired European features) but more loyal and obedient (aka great, loving house wife) or would you marry the genetically more attractive Norwegian woman, improving your family genetics, but at the cost of being with someone who is more liberal and has higher standards?
I am Italian and had a few Egyptian friends when I was living in Milan, where there's a large Egyptian migrant population. I remember most of them being Copts, though. I never understood how tell them apart in terms of physical appearance, besides of course their religious beliefs which don't impose any body-covering outfits on their women.

I would say I would have no trouble falling in love and marrying an Egyptian girl. Even the Copt girls I met seemed way more demure and traditional than the average Italian woman of the same age. It so happened that my previous girlfriend before moving to Milan was a Japanese and I still had a soft spot for Asians :-)

I know that middle Eastern traits are very welcome and loved by Northern European women. Can't speak for Norwegian women but I have seen this predilection on British and Dutch girls. I lived in the UK for more than 10 years and I can tell the local girls have no problems dating a "brown" man, ranging from middle Eastern to sub-Saharan African and Afro-Caribbean, to Indian and Pakistani. If anything, it's the Southern European looks that come across as "boring" as they are more common in the melting pot.

The thing is, though, you talk about marriage, not just dating, and even having children. That's where the problems start. Miracles do happen but try and marry and independent, ultra-liberal and liberated Norewegian woman and I am not sure how long said marriage will last. Will you be there to pick up the pieces, when it happens?

It may well be stereotypes but, as you yourself write in your pros/cons lists, marrying an Egyptian woman, perhaps one who has great looks, may be your best bet if you care about a long lasting relationship. In terms of kids, I might be wrong, but I personally would prefer kids from a same-ethnicity couple who grow up with a real family, than kids who looks more exotic and perhaps "genetically privileged", as you want to put it, but end up growing in a broken family.

How about marrying a relatively more open-minded local woman and then move abroad together. You would then have the quality of life of a European country and the loving wife/family afforded by a Muslim woman.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by Yohan »

This is not an easy question, likely everybody you ask will give you a different reply, different people, different opinions to exchange.
I currently live in Egypt but have been making plans on immigrating to Norway soon
I would recommend you first of all to move over to Norway alone, settle down, and AFTER look for a reasonable woman.
1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
My experience, living as an European man in Japan and married with a Japanese woman since more than 40 years is that you never should take out a woman from her own country (especially not if this county offers a low living standard in general) and bring her over to Western society. It does not take long and the woman will show up with the same behavior as any other Western woman and often to the disadvantage of her husband.

As you notice yourself, your own comment above, it might result in various problems if you do this.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple
I don't think this is such a big issue while in Europe. Nothing really to worry about.

About myself, coming from Central Europe, race means nothing to me. My only requirement of a female partner was always - as I am a straight man - that my female partner must be a straight woman born as a woman. This requirement was never negotiable for me.

However about her looks otherwise, it's not really so important for me. I was open always to a nice female partner of any race, any looks, any religion welcome (I am an atheist), no preference about language etc.

I don't know of course about you, but I can say, your dreamgirl is hardly to find. You don't know about your future. You might find somebody totally different from what you expected.

Again, my advice, first move over to your new country, make sure you have all required documents OK, regular job, good accommodation etc.
and AFTER think about looking for woman - the best for you at this moment is to postpone your search for a female for a while until you are really ready for it.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by MrMan »

I'm married. Back when I was single, I didn't think in terms of adding something genetically to the family tree. If a girl looked good to me, she looked good to me for looks. I liked a small percentage of whites, east Asians, south east Asians, south Asians, and middle easterners for looks. Some Latin American girls look good, especially if they were more European looking. Rarely did the looks of a girl of African descent appeal to me. Maybe 5% or so of young thin girls of those ethnic stocks appealed to me. If you marry a pretty Egyptian girl, you might have pretty kids. But you might not. Sometimes plain parents have pretty kids and sometimes good-looking parents have plain kids. People are more than their looks.

And that is important in looking for wife, too. For me, looks and a thin figure were 'table stakes.' I wasn't interested if the looks weren't appealing. But having the same faith was also table stakes, and so was good character. I didn't want a girl with tattoos, either. And she had to be a virgin. These were bare minimum requirements. I might have budged a bit on a virgin if she'd been a widow and hadn't slept around outside of marriage. If I had never married and were looking now or something like that I might consider virtuous widows also, but not widows who whored around (including for free) with men before marriage or after her husband had passed away. Younger girls might be more moldable, maybe even more 'controllable', which are desirable traits, but if an older woman embraces the concept and practice of submitting to a husband she may be easier to deal with than someone else.

It would be crazy to marry a woman with a different religion since I care about my faith and it is an important part of our lives, our source of common values, and how we raise our kids. It sets the ground rules of what is expected of me and of her in marriage. For example, she knows that she has to submit to me. That wouldn't just come naturally for my wife. Some women are naturally shy, demure, etc. My wife is a bit of dynamo in a lot of ways, and women like that need to have a set of values about how to treat a husband. They all do. Not cheating also has to be deeply engrained or you may be in for a world of trouble and a mess of a married life. That applies to a woman wanting to get married also.

I remember there was a pretty Egyptian girl in college. I think I met her once and saw her walking around campus. I'd say she was on the bottom end of 'marriage-ably good-looking' for me except for a bad complexion. She wasn't the especially curvy type. I'm was more attracted to slender or else model shaped women. I remember she had curly hair. I don't know about her religion, personality, etc. I have just known or met few Egyptians and she was one of them. I went to school with a Coptic girl-- okay looking but a bit stout. I think one of the people in the Arabic-speaking community I met through an Arabic class and his wife were Egyptian. She was rather round, but she was middle-aged. I remember seeing a 'Miss Egypt' in Miss Universe maybe 30 years ago and she was the only kind of fat one on the stage. If by 'curvy' you man fat, it should be easy for you to find a wife. There are lots of those around (no pun intended). I'm not sure if there are a lot of fat Scandinavians. You could probably find some similar-looking fatter women of Scandinavian descent in the UK or the US.

Character, values, etc. are actually more important than looks in life. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy being married to a pretty women. And it is enjoyable in the bedroom. I like a thin woman, and my wife has kept a pretty good figure into the latter part of her 40's. She's never been anyone someone would look at and say she was fat. She didn't even put on that much except for baby weight during pregnancies. So all the looks and physical stuff is good. But the character issues are far more important. It is also good to have a kind, compassionate, nurturing-type woman.

Also, if I were single, widowed, etc., I wouldn't marry a woman who did not believe she was supposed to submit to her husband. It's just so essential to keep things running smoothly. What happens if you don't agree? If she realizes it is morally wrong for her not to submit to you, then she knows if you reach an impasse, she's got to give. It's like a steam valve outlet that keeps things from blowing up. I generally try to make my wife happy if I can, give her what she wants, needs, etc. That's a good vibe to have in a relationship, going both ways. Like you come home and she made something for you you like, some food or whatever, and says, "I made this for you." You go out to eat and you take her to the restaurant she likes... because she likes it. It is good to be kind to one another. But if you but heads with a feminist and you can't let it go on a matter of principal or because you think the idea is stupid, and she's stubborn.... where do you go from there? That must be an awful place to be in. These guys may have to give up their rights as a man to lead their families. It would be better to be with a 7 or 8 who knows you are the boss than a 10 for looks who is a stubborn feminist.

Any woman who complains about 'the patriarchy' and isn't joking should be out of your consideration set unless you can persuade her otherwise. And don't waste time on impossible cases just because they look good.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

boixos24 wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 6:51 am
u]Marrying an Egyptian woman:[/u]
1. Easier to find an attractive girl (including girls “out of my league”) due to my social and economic status. I basically live like a king here due to earning USD currency making everything super cheap as a result
2. I could live comfortably (in terms of money) if I stayed with her in Egypt
3. She will be obedient and loyal (no cheating) her whole life due to cultural and societal norms
4. She’ll love being a stay-at-home wife. Egyptian women don’t have much aspirations in life due to #3.
5. Most likely virgin upon marriage
6. Physically speaking:they’re very, very curvy on average. Massive boobs and ass. Body made for breeding. This makes it easier to find a woman with my physical preference.

1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
2. Lower genetic value. Genetically speaking, Egyptian women basically all have curly black hair and black eyes. I want to “improve” the genetics of my family tree and hence find someone with blue/green eyes and non-black hair. With such “desired” features, my future offspring would be better off in life, especially in a discriminatory society like Egypt which caters to looks so much. The problem is that it’s really hard to find an Egyptian girl who has “European” features. Because they’re rare, women with such features tend to come from rich families. And thus they’re high maintenance, and also have lots of potential suitors wanting to marry them. Meaning stiffer competition for prettier girls.
Holy !@#$ man, are you serious?
If that's half-accurate, that sounds like you just listed every anti-feminist MGTOW guy's fantasy woman on there + she even has a nice big ass and a nice set of hooters, LOL? :mrgreen:
And you're already living "like a king" there because of your USD earnings??
As long as she's not jewish that sounds great to me, I just hope your future Egyptian babe doesn't ever find your post here referring to her as having "lower genetic value," LOL.
boixos24 wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 6:51 am
Marrying a Scandinavian woman:
1. Great genetic value. Physically speaking, white women (especially those in Norway) have pale white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. All very attractive features, let’s be honest. Not sure if they’re curvy on average, but I’ve personally seen a lot that have big boobs in Scandinavia.
2. Greater intelligence. I think Europeans are better educated and are smarter on average. This is important not only for genetic reasons but also for day-to-day life. It will get tiresome if a woman can’t think on her feet and make decisions on her own sometimes. Also, it’s important that my future partner - who I’d be spending the rest of my life with - is able to converse on all sorts of topics on the same intellectual level.
3. I get to live in their home country, which opens doors for more connections and helps improve my socioeconomic status in all aspects of life.
4. Prettier in general, imo.

1. Very low chance of finding a partner. Although I don’t look distinctly Arab, I definitely don’t pass as European. I’d say I look Italian with my white skin, but that’s it. The only thing I have going for me is I’ve unsolicitedly been told I’m handsome by plenty of people, including blonde white girls. I’d rate myself as a 7/10. I know there rightfully is a stigma against Arabs in general hence white women probably avoid Middle easterners altogether. This doesn’t bode well for my chances.
2. Tougher competition: Nordic men are taller than me (I’m 5’10) and simply have better genetic features (I have got black hair and eyes). However, I’ve read that people who live in white homogeneous populations like Poland find those of other ethnicities very attractive as they posses traits that are not common in their population. Maybe my exotic black hair and eyes may help me if I move to Norway.
3. Girls are more liberal and hence less “obedient” and more likely to cheat I guess, based on what I’ve read on here.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple

TL;DR: would you marry an Egyptian girl, who would be less “genetically” attractive (still hot, but doesn’t have desired European features) but more loyal and obedient (aka great, loving house wife) or would you marry the genetically more attractive Norwegian woman, improving your family genetics, but at the cost of being with someone who is more liberal and has higher standards?
I'm not mean to white women or anti-white, but don't know why so many non-white guys are obsessed with poaching white women, especially with practically everyone on the net (and quite a few offline) claiming they're a bunch of feminist ball-breakers these days?!
However, that's a true fact by DNA that white women have the statistically biggest wracks. :)
That's also true that actual white women (the nordic/germanic types) have the highest biological intelligence alongside East Asian women, but if you wanted brains, get yourself a East Asian woman, since they're not all f***ed up by jewish psy-ops like second wave feminism, jewdeo christanity, communism, and porno, among many others.

I'd definitely take the Egyptian, if I were you though.

Egypt also ranked somewhere around #14 out of about 100 countries as the most "anti-semitic" by the ADL bloodsuckers' big worldwide survey too: So Egypt is "Based!" as they say these days.

I don't want to enrage the religious natives by womanizing over there (I'm not into monogamy, personally), or else I'd LOVE to be where you are.

I never gave much thought to what Middle Eastern women looked like because of seeing the religious ones shuffling around inside big cloth tents (or else some would stick their faces out from underneath the cloth with no makeup, and had noses that looked too much like a jewess for comfort), but lately I saw an Arabian looking woman with nice hair and makeup here in the states, walking around with a nice big ass bouncing around in a pair of light beige-colored pants. Looked good, LOL! :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by boixos24 »

publicduende wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 7:15 am
boixos24 wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 6:51 am
I'm in my late 20s and I’m reaching an age where I need to start looking for a partner/wife.

My dilemma is idk if I should marry outside my race or not?

I currently live in Egypt but have been making plans on immigrating to Norway soon.

I have lived abroad before in many countries so I have seen all kinds of people and races. Frankly, I find white girls the most beautiful. However Egyptian women do come close.

Marrying an Egyptian woman:
1. Easier to find an attractive girl (including girls “out of my league”) due to my social and economic status. I basically live like a king here due to earning USD currency making everything super cheap as a result
2. I could live comfortably (in terms of money) if I stayed with her in Egypt
3. She will be obedient and loyal (no cheating) her whole life due to cultural and societal norms
4. She’ll love being a stay-at-home wife. Egyptian women don’t have much aspirations in life due to #3.
5. Most likely virgin upon marriage
6. Physically speaking:they’re very, very curvy on average. Massive boobs and ass. Body made for breeding. This makes it easier to find a woman with my physical preference.

1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
2. Lower genetic value. Genetically speaking, Egyptian women basically all have curly black hair and black eyes. I want to “improve” the genetics of my family tree and hence find someone with blue/green eyes and non-black hair. With such “desired” features, my future offspring would be better off in life, especially in a discriminatory society like Egypt which caters to looks so much. The problem is that it’s really hard to find an Egyptian girl who has “European” features. Because they’re rare, women with such features tend to come from rich families. And thus they’re high maintenance, and also have lots of potential suitors wanting to marry them. Meaning stiffer competition for prettier girls.

Marrying a Scandinavian woman:
1. Great genetic value. Physically speaking, white women (especially those in Norway) have pale white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. All very attractive features, let’s be honest. Not sure if they’re curvy on average, but I’ve personally seen a lot that have big boobs in Scandinavia.
2. Greater intelligence. I think Europeans are better educated and are smarter on average. This is important not only for genetic reasons but also for day-to-day life. It will get tiresome if a woman can’t think on her feet and make decisions on her own sometimes. Also, it’s important that my future partner - who I’d be spending the rest of my life with - is able to converse on all sorts of topics on the same intellectual level.
3. I get to live in their home country, which opens doors for more connections and helps improve my socioeconomic status in all aspects of life.
4. Prettier in general, imo.

1. Very low chance of finding a partner. Although I don’t look distinctly Arab, I definitely don’t pass as European. I’d say I look Italian with my white skin, but that’s it. The only thing I have going for me is I’ve unsolicitedly been told I’m handsome by plenty of people, including blonde white girls. I’d rate myself as a 7/10. I know there rightfully is a stigma against Arabs in general hence white women probably avoid Middle easterners altogether. This doesn’t bode well for my chances.
2. Tougher competition: Nordic men are taller than me (I’m 5’10) and simply have better genetic features (I have got black hair and eyes). However, I’ve read that people who live in white homogeneous populations like Poland find those of other ethnicities very attractive as they posses traits that are not common in their population. Maybe my exotic black hair and eyes may help me if I move to Norway.
3. Girls are more liberal and hence less “obedient” and more likely to cheat I guess, based on what I’ve read on here.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple

TL;DR: would you marry an Egyptian girl, who would be less “genetically” attractive (still hot, but doesn’t have desired European features) but more loyal and obedient (aka great, loving house wife) or would you marry the genetically more attractive Norwegian woman, improving your family genetics, but at the cost of being with someone who is more liberal and has higher standards?
I am Italian and had a few Egyptian friends when I was living in Milan, where there's a large Egyptian migrant population. I remember most of them being Copts, though. I never understood how tell them apart in terms of physical appearance, besides of course their religious beliefs which don't impose any body-covering outfits on their women.

I would say I would have no trouble falling in love and marrying an Egyptian girl. Even the Copt girls I met seemed way more demure and traditional than the average Italian woman of the same age. It so happened that my previous girlfriend before moving to Milan was a Japanese and I still had a soft spot for Asians :-)

I know that middle Eastern traits are very welcome and loved by Northern European women. Can't speak for Norwegian women but I have seen this predilection on British and Dutch girls. I lived in the UK for more than 10 years and I can tell the local girls have no problems dating a "brown" man, ranging from middle Eastern to sub-Saharan African and Afro-Caribbean, to Indian and Pakistani. If anything, it's the Southern European looks that come across as "boring" as they are more common in the melting pot.

The thing is, though, you talk about marriage, not just dating, and even having children. That's where the problems start. Miracles do happen but try and marry and independent, ultra-liberal and liberated Norewegian woman and I am not sure how long said marriage will last. Will you be there to pick up the pieces, when it happens?

It may well be stereotypes but, as you yourself write in your pros/cons lists, marrying an Egyptian woman, perhaps one who has great looks, may be your best bet if you care about a long lasting relationship. In terms of kids, I might be wrong, but I personally would prefer kids from a same-ethnicity couple who grow up with a real family, than kids who looks more exotic and perhaps "genetically privileged", as you want to put it, but end up growing in a broken family.

How about marrying a relatively more open-minded local woman and then move abroad together. You would then have the quality of life of a European country and the loving wife/family afforded by a Muslim woman.
Copts are prettier and more authentic in natural beauty.

I have read up a lot on Norwegian culture and social practices and i feel like i was supposed to be born there. I identify with the Scandinavian way of life so much.i cannot see myself having a culture clash after marriage or when raising kids. Im not the typical backwards minded Arab

The thing is my moms side of the family have balkan roots and they've been hinting that i should be the one to marry a foreigner as all my other siblings have already married Egyptians. They see me as the one to take the leap foreword and restore the European-ness of the family. And i kind of agree. Why settle for less in life when you can obtain more. Isn't one of the points of reproduction to enhance your genes?
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by boixos24 »

Yohan wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 9:35 am
This is not an easy question, likely everybody you ask will give you a different reply, different people, different opinions to exchange.
I currently live in Egypt but have been making plans on immigrating to Norway soon
I would recommend you first of all to move over to Norway alone, settle down, and AFTER look for a reasonable woman.
1. Hard to convince her to leave Egypt as she’d want to live with her family. Means I’d still have strings attached to Egypt and I’d have to visit the country often, which sucks because Egypt is an absolute shithole.
My experience, living as an European man in Japan and married with a Japanese woman since more than 40 years is that you never should take out a woman from her own country (especially not if this county offers a low living standard in general) and bring her over to Western society. It does not take long and the woman will show up with the same behavior as any other Western woman and often to the disadvantage of her husband.

As you notice yourself, your own comment above, it might result in various problems if you do this.
4. Racial discrimination for being an interracial couple
I don't think this is such a big issue while in Europe. Nothing really to worry about.

About myself, coming from Central Europe, race means nothing to me. My only requirement of a female partner was always - as I am a straight man - that my female partner must be a straight woman born as a woman. This requirement was never negotiable for me.

However about her looks otherwise, it's not really so important for me. I was open always to a nice female partner of any race, any looks, any religion welcome (I am an atheist), no preference about language etc.

I don't know of course about you, but I can say, your dreamgirl is hardly to find. You don't know about your future. You might find somebody totally different from what you expected.

Again, my advice, first move over to your new country, make sure you have all required documents OK, regular job, good accommodation etc.
and AFTER think about looking for woman - the best for you at this moment is to postpone your search for a female for a while until you are really ready for it.
You make valid points which i have already taken into account.

Obviously looks come after character and personality. Didn't really feel a need to mention that.

What kind of disadvantagesare you suggesting if id bring an Arab woman to the west?

Maybe you didn't experience discriminatory behavior because you're white?
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by boixos24 »

MrMan wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 4:36 pm
I'm married. Back when I was single, I didn't think in terms of adding something genetically to the family tree. If a girl looked good to me, she looked good to me for looks. I liked a small percentage of whites, east Asians, south east Asians, south Asians, and middle easterners for looks. Some Latin American girls look good, especially if they were more European looking. Rarely did the looks of a girl of African descent appeal to me. Maybe 5% or so of young thin girls of those ethnic stocks appealed to me. If you marry a pretty Egyptian girl, you might have pretty kids. But you might not. Sometimes plain parents have pretty kids and sometimes good-looking parents have plain kids. People are more than their looks.

And that is important in looking for wife, too. For me, looks and a thin figure were 'table stakes.' I wasn't interested if the looks weren't appealing. But having the same faith was also table stakes, and so was good character. I didn't want a girl with tattoos, either. And she had to be a virgin. These were bare minimum requirements. I might have budged a bit on a virgin if she'd been a widow and hadn't slept around outside of marriage. If I had never married and were looking now or something like that I might consider virtuous widows also, but not widows who whored around (including for free) with men before marriage or after her husband had passed away. Younger girls might be more moldable, maybe even more 'controllable', which are desirable traits, but if an older woman embraces the concept and practice of submitting to a husband she may be easier to deal with than someone else.

It would be crazy to marry a woman with a different religion since I care about my faith and it is an important part of our lives, our source of common values, and how we raise our kids. It sets the ground rules of what is expected of me and of her in marriage. For example, she knows that she has to submit to me. That wouldn't just come naturally for my wife. Some women are naturally shy, demure, etc. My wife is a bit of dynamo in a lot of ways, and women like that need to have a set of values about how to treat a husband. They all do. Not cheating also has to be deeply engrained or you may be in for a world of trouble and a mess of a married life. That applies to a woman wanting to get married also.

I remember there was a pretty Egyptian girl in college. I think I met her once and saw her walking around campus. I'd say she was on the bottom end of 'marriage-ably good-looking' for me except for a bad complexion. She wasn't the especially curvy type. I'm was more attracted to slender or else model shaped women. I remember she had curly hair. I don't know about her religion, personality, etc. I have just known or met few Egyptians and she was one of them. I went to school with a Coptic girl-- okay looking but a bit stout. I think one of the people in the Arabic-speaking community I met through an Arabic class and his wife were Egyptian. She was rather round, but she was middle-aged. I remember seeing a 'Miss Egypt' in Miss Universe maybe 30 years ago and she was the only kind of fat one on the stage. If by 'curvy' you man fat, it should be easy for you to find a wife. There are lots of those around (no pun intended). I'm not sure if there are a lot of fat Scandinavians. You could probably find some similar-looking fatter women of Scandinavian descent in the UK or the US.

Character, values, etc. are actually more important than looks in life. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy being married to a pretty women. And it is enjoyable in the bedroom. I like a thin woman, and my wife has kept a pretty good figure into the latter part of her 40's. She's never been anyone someone would look at and say she was fat. She didn't even put on that much except for baby weight during pregnancies. So all the looks and physical stuff is good. But the character issues are far more important. It is also good to have a kind, compassionate, nurturing-type woman.

Also, if I were single, widowed, etc., I wouldn't marry a woman who did not believe she was supposed to submit to her husband. It's just so essential to keep things running smoothly. What happens if you don't agree? If she realizes it is morally wrong for her not to submit to you, then she knows if you reach an impasse, she's got to give. It's like a steam valve outlet that keeps things from blowing up. I generally try to make my wife happy if I can, give her what she wants, needs, etc. That's a good vibe to have in a relationship, going both ways. Like you come home and she made something for you you like, some food or whatever, and says, "I made this for you." You go out to eat and you take her to the restaurant she likes... because she likes it. It is good to be kind to one another. But if you but heads with a feminist and you can't let it go on a matter of principal or because you think the idea is stupid, and she's stubborn.... where do you go from there? That must be an awful place to be in. These guys may have to give up their rights as a man to lead their families. It would be better to be with a 7 or 8 who knows you are the boss than a 10 for looks who is a stubborn feminist.

Any woman who complains about 'the patriarchy' and isn't joking should be out of your consideration set unless you can persuade her otherwise. And don't waste time on impossible cases just because they look good.
Thanks for sharing a bit about your life andyour thought process.

I clearly prioritize intellect the most. A key indicator of intelligence is when the person rises above stubborness and becomes self aware of their actions and words. Things like this become easily identifiable in a date or two. I know from experience and interest in psychology.

By curvy i mean large ass, large breasts, and wide hips. These are ideal physical features for reproduction, pregnancy, and nurturing.not to mention being sexually arousing to the husband even when she's in her 50s and her facial attractiveness has declined massively.

Yeah i agree with you on a woman needing to be submissive and understanding of her role as a wife. these things are much more important than looks
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by Outcast9428 »

boixos24 wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 1:04 pm
I have read up a lot on Norwegian culture and social practices and i feel like i was supposed to be born there. I identify with the Scandinavian way of life so much.i cannot see myself having a culture clash after marriage or when raising kids. Im not the typical backwards minded Arab
I don't know what exactly you are thinking of when you say "typical backwards minded Arab." In your country you may be considered kind of liberal, but based on what you've written here, I can tell right off the bat you are not cut out for Swedish women and if you try to date one, it will be a disaster. Sweden will feel like a completely alien culture to you. Reading about life in another country is very different from experiencing it yourself because no author of a blog or whatever can explain all the details and nuances that go with living in another country. Also, many of them are not honest enough to talk about the unpleasant aspects of another culture. I don't know what you've read but trust me, you have no idea what living in a liberal culture is like. There will be a huge cultural clash. This thread to me sounds like the equivalent of saying "hey guys, I like women who are virgins, but I am also considering going for girls who have f***ed 1,000 guys in her past? Which one do you think I should go for?" You are evaluating Sweden from an extremely conservative worldview and assuming Sweden will be "kind of different but mostly the same."

It won't be, you are underestimating to an extreme extent how severe your culture shock will be. I would only recommend an extremely liberal Arab move to Sweden, as in the kind of person who truly hates Arab culture and everything it stands for. Not just an Arab with slightly more liberal views then the majority have. Even as an America, moving to different areas of the US can be such a culture shock that I absolutely hated the place I visited. This happened to me first just going from my suburban neighborhood to a college campus in my own state. The culture shock of going to college was really bad and I despised the experience. It happened again when I visited Florida. I absolutely hated Florida because it was so liberal compared to Virginia where I live.

Talking about the genetic value of your wife will immediately put them off. Liberal people do not believe that there is such a thing as superior genetics to begin with and they get very angry about this subject. They will accuse you of being a Nazi if you talk this way in-front of them. Believing women should submit to their husbands or "understand their role as a wife" is a huge no no in liberal countries. If you say anything along those lines to a Swedish girl you will be packing your bags tomorrow.

If you tell her basically anything, you might be packing your bags the next day. If she tells you she's slept with 100 guys in her past, she expects you to accept that and if you don't you are a slut shaming sexist. If she wants you to slap her during sex and you think that's perverse, she will think you are boring and lame and find a guy who will do that. She might even think you are sexist or backward simply for expecting fidelity during marriage. She might think you are backward for expecting marriage in the first place. Sweden has an extremely high rate of single motherhood. If you expect regular sex during marriage she will call you entitled. If you speak about women's looks she might call you sexist. If you point out that biological and mental differences between men and women even exist she may call you sexist.

If you tell her you think homosexuality is just... Not as good as heterosexuality, she will call you a bigot and get very angry. If you tell her that non-binary genders are fake, made up nonsense she may get angry at that too. You will be walking on eggshells for the rest of your life, and most of the time you probably won't even know what you did wrong. Trust me, anything is better then dating a feminist woman. Even liberal men can't stand them, a guy who's not used to that sort of behavior will find it especially mind boggling and difficult to handle.

And don't think to yourself "I just need to find a conservative Norweigan woman." They do not exist. You will not find a Norwegian woman who's social views are even close to what you're familiar with. "Conservative" to her might mean not believing in fake genders, not using ze/zir pronouns, or thinking that women should not be actively forced to reject their femininity (but she probably personally rejects her femininity). The kind of women you describe in Egypt are the type of women that people here have difficulty even imagining exist anymore. Trust me, you are much better off marrying an Arab woman and using your USD to be a big fish in a small pond.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by boixos24 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
April 19th, 2022, 10:55 pm
boixos24 wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 1:04 pm
I have read up a lot on Norwegian culture and social practices and i feel like i was supposed to be born there. I identify with the Scandinavian way of life so much.i cannot see myself having a culture clash after marriage or when raising kids. Im not the typical backwards minded Arab
I don't know what exactly you are thinking of when you say "typical backwards minded Arab." In your country you may be considered kind of liberal, but based on what you've written here, I can tell right off the bat you are not cut out for Swedish women and if you try to date one, it will be a disaster. Sweden will feel like a completely alien culture to you. Reading about life in another country is very different from experiencing it yourself because no author of a blog or whatever can explain all the details and nuances that go with living in another country. Also, many of them are not honest enough to talk about the unpleasant aspects of another culture. I don't know what you've read but trust me, you have no idea what living in a liberal culture is like. There will be a huge cultural clash. This thread to me sounds like the equivalent of saying "hey guys, I like women who are virgins, but I am also considering going for girls who have f***ed 1,000 guys in her past? Which one do you think I should go for?" You are evaluating Sweden from an extremely conservative worldview and assuming Sweden will be "kind of different but mostly the same."

It won't be, you are underestimating to an extreme extent how severe your culture shock will be. I would only recommend an extremely liberal Arab move to Sweden, as in the kind of person who truly hates Arab culture and everything it stands for. Not just an Arab with slightly more liberal views then the majority have. Even as an America, moving to different areas of the US can be such a culture shock that I absolutely hated the place I visited. This happened to me first just going from my suburban neighborhood to a college campus in my own state. The culture shock of going to college was really bad and I despised the experience. It happened again when I visited Florida. I absolutely hated Florida because it was so liberal compared to Virginia where I live.

Talking about the genetic value of your wife will immediately put them off. Liberal people do not believe that there is such a thing as superior genetics to begin with and they get very angry about this subject. They will accuse you of being a Nazi if you talk this way in-front of them. Believing women should submit to their husbands or "understand their role as a wife" is a huge no no in liberal countries. If you say anything along those lines to a Swedish girl you will be packing your bags tomorrow.

If you tell her basically anything, you might be packing your bags the next day. If she tells you she's slept with 100 guys in her past, she expects you to accept that and if you don't you are a slut shaming sexist. If she wants you to slap her during sex and you think that's perverse, she will think you are boring and lame and find a guy who will do that. She might even think you are sexist or backward simply for expecting fidelity during marriage. She might think you are backward for expecting marriage in the first place. Sweden has an extremely high rate of single motherhood. If you expect regular sex during marriage she will call you entitled. If you speak about women's looks she might call you sexist. If you point out that biological and mental differences between men and women even exist she may call you sexist.

If you tell her you think homosexuality is just... Not as good as heterosexuality, she will call you a bigot and get very angry. If you tell her that non-binary genders are fake, made up nonsense she may get angry at that too. You will be walking on eggshells for the rest of your life, and most of the time you probably won't even know what you did wrong. Trust me, anything is better then dating a feminist woman. Even liberal men can't stand them, a guy who's not used to that sort of behavior will find it especially mind boggling and difficult to handle.

And don't think to yourself "I just need to find a conservative Norweigan woman." They do not exist. You will not find a Norwegian woman who's social views are even close to what you're familiar with. "Conservative" to her might mean not believing in fake genders, not using ze/zir pronouns, or thinking that women should not be actively forced to reject their femininity (but she probably personally rejects her femininity). The kind of women you describe in Egypt are the type of women that people here have difficulty even imagining exist anymore. Trust me, you are much better off marrying an Arab woman and using your USD to be a big fish in a small pond.
What are the chances you are overexaggerating a tad bit due to bad experiences? I know from first hand experience with Norwegian women that not all of them are hardcore fememinists

I am quite open minded and have lived and dated in liberal societies. Without going into details, i definitely know what to expect, what im looking for, and how to identity it.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by Outcast9428 »

@boixos24 Like I said, conservative in Norway would mean not believing in fake genders and stuff like that. The system is extremely feminist, the tax code is written specifically to make it extremely difficult for a woman to be a stay at home wife. Scandinavian countries regularly feature in surveys as the most promiscuous countries in the world. They will put your kid in daycare and immediately start teaching him or her that gender isn’t real, how Sally has two mommies, that it’s perfectly healthy for your son to get his genitals mutilated and call himself a woman.

There’s a reason why none of us want to live in these kind of cultures anymore. Sweden is literally ranked as the loneliest country in the world for expats, I imagine Norway is not far behind. ... for-expats
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by MrMan »

boixos24 wrote:
April 19th, 2022, 11:18 am
By curvy i mean large ass, large breasts, and wide hips. These are ideal physical features for reproduction, pregnancy, and nurturing.not to mention being sexually arousing to the husband even when she's in her 50s and her facial attractiveness has declined massively.
A woman has to be shaped like a woman, or she isn't appealing. But I have also read that wider hips also correspond with African women supposedly have narrower hips on average (big buts with narrow hips I suppose)... and tighter... well,you know... on average, and give birth to babies with smaller heads. Wider hips probably make it easier to have the babies, though. If it prevents tearing, there is a benefit there to both husband and wife.
Yeah i agree with you on a woman needing to be submissive and understanding of her role as a wife. these things are much more important than looks
These are things to consider when you think about marrying a western woman. Among Christians, one can find women who believe wives should submit to their husbands who take that seriously, but the cultural examples in the media and maybe in their own home, along with rhetoric they heard in school has taught them against women submitting to men all their lives. You'd need to find a woman whose thinking on this is counter cultural or who is just naturally submissive and doesn't like to make decisions. But if you went with the 'naturally submissive' woman, she might also lack initiative in areas entrusted to her.

My wife is Asian, and from when we were dating, she realized she was supposed to be a submissive wife. But I had to set some expectations for what I expected in terms of respect and submission. I kind of had to set the boundaries, and I got started on that later than I probably should have. Some Americans, women included, can kind of be harsh with their joking or teasing. My wife isn't that way, but I wouldn't want a wife to 'dis' me as a joke if she were into that. My wife generally calls me for major purchases and asks if it is okay, depending on how we are doing financially. The dollar amount she calls me about changes based on how we are doing.

If you go into the relationship and she thinks she has 50% of the decision-making authority and you are just supposed to compromise, eventually that can lead to conflict. What's worse is if she is controlling or headstrong and insists on getting her way, and you either overlook it--blinded by love-- or else don't see an example of it before you marry. The western woman isn't operating from the same 'cultural script' as a middle easterner. Her assumptions may be different, and you may not realize the disconnect until you are married. Young couples may easily agree on just about everything, but at some point in the marriage, you reach an impasse. She has to enter in with the understanding that he is the boss.

In the US, there are domestic violence centers for abused women. Some of these are run by feminists. The literature they follow has models of domestic abuse that include such things as their man 'withholding' money. There are people out there who will tell a western woman she is being abused if her husband controls the family finances or is the boss in the relationship. My wife is a Christian, so we have common ground. We have the Bible. If she were to read an abuse 'wheel' model that quoting scripture to a wife to submit to her husband is 'abusive' then we both have a common basis for rejecting that as a bad philosophy to hold to about marriage.

A lot of women get their ideas of morality from social media, TV, the movies, and college courses, and the home which can be terrible sources... even the home... depending on the subject matter and depending on how they were raised.
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

boixos24 wrote:
April 20th, 2022, 5:35 am
What are the chances you are overexaggerating a tad bit due to bad experiences? I know from first hand experience with Norwegian women that not all of them are hardcore fememinists

I am quite open minded and have lived and dated in liberal societies. Without going into details, i definitely know what to expect, what im looking for, and how to identity it.

I also tend to think many anti-feminist and MGTOW guys paint with an overly broad brush when they start saying ALL the women in an entire country are supposedly that terrible, since there are millions of women and no uniformity of opinion, and always some holdouts of conservatism and traditionalism somewhere.
However, assaults on traditional families and family values + hardcore pushing of globohomo and transgender indoctrination is definitely a major issue impacting all Western countries, so Outcast9428 is not overstating that danger, as far as what degenerate cultural influences your family would be surrounded by if you moved to Scandinavia or any other woke countries.

Also, IMO most women want to be sexually submissive by choice (as long as the leading man she's with is taking a masculine enough approach to getting her turned on), but must say that someone having the expectation that a woman be submissive and obedient in a traditional wife's role is pretty much total anathema right now in the 'West.' Scandinavia is reputedly among the worst areas for that kind of PC indoctrination, despite infamously becoming some of the world's "rape capitals" by letting in zillions of foreign rapists and then giving them free money and subsidized housing and so on to encourage their criminality.
Still, you never know. Good luck man. :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

boixos24 wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 6:51 am
Marrying an Egyptian woman:
6. Physically speaking:they’re very, very curvy on average. Massive boobs and ass. Body made for breeding. This makes it easier to find a woman with my physical preference.
I did a little research on this point in case this was some devious conspiracy by some yids to lure me into Egypt and then take me out with an Israeli drone strike or something when I hit the streets in search of generously endowed Arabian women, but while I can't be sure these girls are specifically Egyptian, these women do appear to be blessed with some very nice hourglass figures and back-end real estate. Black women will remain my own first preference during life's travels, but I now have another reason to hold the Middle East in very high regard in addition to their based "antisemitism."




If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Arab woman vs Scandinavian woman

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
April 20th, 2022, 7:37 pm
boixos24 wrote:
April 20th, 2022, 5:35 am
What are the chances you are overexaggerating a tad bit due to bad experiences? I know from first hand experience with Norwegian women that not all of them are hardcore fememinists

I am quite open minded and have lived and dated in liberal societies. Without going into details, i definitely know what to expect, what im looking for, and how to identity it.

I also tend to think many anti-feminist and MGTOW guys paint with an overly broad brush when they start saying ALL the women in an entire country are supposedly that terrible, since there are millions of women and no uniformity of opinion, and always some holdouts of conservatism and traditionalism somewhere.
However, assaults on traditional families and family values + hardcore pushing of globohomo and transgender indoctrination is definitely a major issue impacting all Western countries, so Outcast9428 is not overstating that danger, as far as what degenerate cultural influences your family would be surrounded by if you moved to Scandinavia or any other woke countries.

Also, IMO most women want to be sexually submissive by choice (as long as the leading man she's with is taking a masculine enough approach to getting her turned on), but must say that someone having the expectation that a woman be submissive and obedient in a traditional wife's role is pretty much total anathema right now in the 'West.' Scandinavia is reputedly among the worst areas for that kind of PC indoctrination, despite infamously becoming some of the world's "rape capitals" by letting in zillions of foreign rapists and then giving them free money and subsidized housing and so on to encourage their criminality.
Still, you never know. Good luck man. :D
I've only met two girls who were comfortable with guys who think the way OP (and myself) does. One girl married a friend of mine who was very anti-feminist. The other is my ex-girlfriend. My ex girlfriend is the closest I've ever come to finding a girl with truly, 100% conservative views. She actually told me once that she'd never vote for a woman to be president because women were too emotional. She did say that men were the leaders and caretakers of women. She was opposed to all perversion and degeneracy. She was very cutesy and feminine. I couldn't help but tell her many times how much I loved her voice because it was so squeaky and cute. And she did tell me that she'd be okay with being a housewife.

But it was weird, all that and she'd still occasionally say things like "I support female empowerment." Ultimately, part of what ended up ruining our relationship was that she put her career above me.

Also, I think a big part of why she is the way she is was because she's an immigrant from the Philippines. I mean, she barely remembers living there, but her parents really were hardline 1950s style traditionalists. Her parents wouldn't even let her play sports because they said that sports were for boys.

The vast majority of girls have reacted very negatively when I share my views with them. Some of the few girls I've met who don't have a negative reaction were all foreign born. And this is in the United States where there really are still some traditionalist holdouts. I have a really difficult time believing there are any genuine conservative holdouts in Sweden or Norway though. Its already so difficult to find them in the US I can't even imagine how difficult it'd be in Norway. Maybe they exist somewhere but searching for one would be so time consuming that its essentially not worth it.
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