Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

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Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by kangarunner »

Aaron Clarey's new book, "The Menu: Life Without the Opposite Sex" literally says this exactly "Marriage is not coming back, certainly not in your lifetime. The solution is to give up hope. The solution is to stoically accept this fate. "

Dude is teaching his thousands of followers to accept being single and alone as the only solution to the f***ed up situation in America and DOES NOT suggest to go abroad in the world to find better dating options.

Here is the book description:

For all of human history men and women came together to form families. It may have been common, it may have been routine, but that is what they did. Generation after generation, for all of human history, men and women formed families.

That is until now.

Because with advances in technology, incredible economic growth, a generous welfare state, and the political movement of feminism, men and women no longer need each other in order to survive. And as much as we'd like to deny it, when given the choice, men and women are empirically and increasingly choosing to be alone. By 2030, 45% of marriage-age women are forecasted to be single, rendering the same percent of men equally so. 70% of both men and women are overweight, indicating little serious interest in attracting a mate. Marriage ranks 5th place on women's priority list. And 1 in 3 marrying-age men live with their parents. And all that with crippling college debt that makes having a family a luxury most will never afford.

But the solution is not to reverse or somehow undo the forces that got us here. Those political, economic, and sociological forces are simply unstoppable. Marriage is not coming back, certainly not in your lifetime. The solution is to give up hope. The solution is to stoically accept this fate. Because whether you'd like to admit it or not, only 1 in every 2 of you are going to get married (and only 1 in 8 of you who do will be happy!). And thus the real risk you face is not “never getting married” or “never having a family,” but wasting your one and preciously-short life pursuing something that is statistically unlikely to happen.

Unfortunately, this dark reality leaves half the population in an existential lurch. Without family, marriage, love, or a loving spouse, what do people have to live for in life? You are here after all, and you have to do something with your 80 years of consciousness on this planet. So unless you're going to kill yourself, your existence forces you to find a purpose and reason to live. You cannot merely “exist.” And so, most people today and into the future are faced with the arduous task of finding purpose and meaning in life, absent the opposite sex.

Thus, “The Menu.”

Though humanity has never been to the point where women and men abandoned one another before, that doesn't mean there is not a limitless number of things life offers that gives it value. Whether it's hobbies, vice, philosophy, religion, your career, or your friends, the world offers a limitless menu for you to choose from. A never-ending buffet of things you can do, pursue, enjoy, and become during your 80 year visit here. And while it may not be what 2 million years of genetics are screaming at you to want, it's superior to falling in love and having a family, simply because it's possible. It's at least on “The Menu.” And so you face a very simple question. Do you want to spend yet another night at home, playing video games, jerking off to porn, and downing some Mountain Dew? Do you want to drink another bottle...or two...of wine while you watch yet another Hallmark movie? Or do you want to put on your big girl panties, cowboy up, acknowledge there is no one out there for you, and make this life count as much as you possibly can?

You're going to die. There's no doubt about that. The question is if you're going to live. Order something from “The Menu.”
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by flowerthief00 »

If a thing is not on the menu you can go to another restaurant, yeah? It's not an option for everyone. Not even an option for most, perhaps. To "convert" to a foreign culture is a major undertaking. But the option should be mentioned.
To the extent that we assume one will stay in the West, I can't disagree with him.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Cornfed »

I don't get why anyone cares about what Cleary says. He is just a loser with nothing to offer. His contention that getting a STEM degree is the way to go is provably false and stupid, yet he keeps rolling it out year after year, like a boomer going on about getting high marks and stuff.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by flowerthief00 »

He's a pretty good ranter. Nobody has the right take on everything.
My problem with him is that he refuses to leave Youtube despite knowing damn well what Youtube is.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by NPCslammer »

I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by HenryGeorge »

NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Some good points there...
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by fdiv »

Cornfed wrote:
May 5th, 2022, 11:02 am
I don't get why anyone cares about what Cleary says. He is just a loser with nothing to offer. His contention that getting a STEM degree is the way to go is provably false and stupid, yet he keeps rolling it out year after year, like a boomer going on about getting high marks and stuff.
Yeah the STEM degree is a meme, at least it is for computer science. It always has been since the dot com crash. At first it was a huge outsourcing push to Pajeets that pretty much decimated hiring and destroyed wages if you were in the top 5% lucky enough to get one of the few jobs left. Then with "Web 2.0" and social media bubble that came a few years later, the job market became a bullshit skills ponzi scheme of jumping every month or two to the new craptastic framework du jour. Likewise it was (and still is) clustered around a specific geographic area. You can tell the job market in this area is a huge scam because of this. Why on earth would the easiest type of work to do remote need to be concentrated into one city? That right there tells you it's a fake job market that revolves around a few elites rewarding a few sycophant cock suckers with high paying make work jobs while still outsourcing the grunt work to pajeets. There really hasn't been any significant real economic growth in this sector, and all the "growth" has consisted of phony "social media" companies who's valuations have been pumped up untill they managed to dump them onto the stock market ask IPOs, where they are further pumped by QE. Well all of that shit has come to a crashing halt! I can't wait for some dumb f**k troll to come along and respond to this post and give me a pseudo rational explanation as to why a shitty company who's entire product consists of a shitty GUI front end to an FTP server (Dropbox) is worth more than f***ing BOEING.
options in the US: maybe have a shot at a angry bluehaired landwhale and then, prison :roll:
options abroad: limitless 8)
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Outcast9428 »

NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Because love is the greatest source of happiness. You will never feel as happy doing anything as you do when you're in love with a girl. I'd rather live in a poor country then live in a country devoid of love like ours is. Why do so many people these days seem so determined to live an empty, loveless life? The amount of selfishness among modern people is unbelievable.

Aaron Clarey is another toxic liberal trying to destroy everything that once made society great. MGTOW is not right-wing, its just a male dominated version of feminist ideology.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by NPCslammer »

Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 7:21 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Because love is the greatest source of happiness. You will never feel as happy doing anything as you do when you're in love with a girl. I'd rather live in a poor country then live in a country devoid of love like ours is. Why do so many people these days seem so determined to live an empty, loveless life? The amount of selfishness among modern people is unbelievable.

Aaron Clarey is another toxic liberal trying to destroy everything that once made society great. MGTOW is not right-wing, its just a male dominated version of feminist ideology.
If love is what you’re looking for, then a woman is the last thing you want. And I don’t see how choosing to remain single is even remotely selfish. I wouldn’t call the Catholic nuns who choose to remain single selfish anymore than a Mgtow guy doing his own thing selfish. The desire of many men these times to forego relationships with women is because they have been used and abused by women throughout their life or have seen many of their friends and family members experience it. It is not the preferred choice, but a very sane and rational choice considering how bad the average woman has gotten.

Back to the love issue. It’s worth checking out the guys youtube channel on women and love. I think he’s worth listening to since he’s probably been with hundreds of women and can’t say he’s every found love. Women love you for what they can get from you. Watch what happens when that women who supposedly loves you has to take care of you and work full time because you areseriously ill or injured. You’ll see how quick that “love” disappears, if it was ever there to begin with.

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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Outcast9428 »

NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:58 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 7:21 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Because love is the greatest source of happiness. You will never feel as happy doing anything as you do when you're in love with a girl. I'd rather live in a poor country then live in a country devoid of love like ours is. Why do so many people these days seem so determined to live an empty, loveless life? The amount of selfishness among modern people is unbelievable.

Aaron Clarey is another toxic liberal trying to destroy everything that once made society great. MGTOW is not right-wing, its just a male dominated version of feminist ideology.
If love is what you’re looking for, then a woman is the last thing you want. And I don’t see how choosing to remain single is even remotely selfish. I wouldn’t call the Catholic nuns who choose to remain single selfish anymore than a Mgtow guy doing his own thing selfish. The desire of many men these times to forego relationships with women is because they have been used and abused by women throughout their life or have seen many of their friends and family members experience it. It is not the preferred choice, but a very sane and rational choice considering how bad the average woman has gotten.

Back to the love issue. It’s worth checking out the guys youtube channel on women and love. I think he’s worth listening to since he’s probably been with hundreds of women and can’t say he’s every found love. Women love you for what they can get from you. Watch what happens when that women who supposedly loves you has to take care of you and work full time because you areseriously ill or injured. You’ll see how quick that “love” disappears, if it was ever there to begin with.

Are you really surprised that a guy who's been with hundreds of different women can't find love? If you truly want love, you need to reject modern values entirely. Modern values destroyed love, that's why so many women these days are incapable of love and quite frankly it seems a lot of men are too. But I've grown up in a traditional household all my life... My parents have only ever slept with each other, they married when my mom was 19 and my dad was 20, my mom was a stay at home wife, and she completely embodies femininity. When I've had friends over, she bakes cookies and offers them, she's extremely sweet and always taught me the value of being loyal in a relationship. Not only that but the value of not having a "grass is greener on the other side" mentality.

Rejecting modern values means not being promiscuous, not running around trying to seduce random women, not adopting "PUA strategies" which really just attract whorish women. MGTOW is basically the pipeline of guys who failed at PUA and are now demoralized. But they never asked themselves whether or not their intentions going into PUA were bad from the start. PUA is literally about seducing random women. PUA is liberalism for men. PUA teaches men to sexually dominate women, to purposely act uncaring towards a woman (because neediness is unattractive), to have the abundance mentality of keeping their options open because according to PUA you are seen as more attractive by women when you have lots of options. PUA is literally strategies for men living in a liberal world.

These behaviors are effective... At attracting slutty girls. Slutty girls want you to dominate them. Slutty girls want aggressive, confident approaches, slutty girls dislike needy guys because they don't want to be loved. If you want love, then don't behave like a man who's trying to attract a whore. Much of the manosphere has this false belief that "All Women Are Like That." This is false. All women do not hold the same values. In my experience, traditional girls don't like aggressive approaches and generally like men better who are gentlemanly and chivalrous. If you want love, these are the kind of girls you need to attract.

Also, a lot of men in the manosphere reject the idea that men should be providers. This is basically wanting to have your cake and eat it too. A man's earning ability is similar to a woman's beauty. It should not be the main focus of your relationship, but it is often an essential factor. You probably wouldn't want to date an obese woman with a nice personality. Similarly, most women don't want to date a guy who can't support a family and the kind of women who will date a guy who can't support a family tend to be the kind of girls who go for aggressively confident and trashy guys. They tend to be the single mothers and the women who f**k ghetto people.

Don't get me wrong, a woman is not entitled to simply look at you as a walking piggy bank no more then you ought to look at her as a walking sex doll. Love is based on personality being the most important factor of all. But admittedly, a lot of people have a hard time falling in love with somebody who doesn't have some superficial quality going for them as well. I'm very picky about looks for example and dismiss pretty much all girls who aren't at least a 7 but I tend to really just want 8s. I can't be this picky about girls' beauty though if I'm not gonna offer anything in return.

A big part of it though is how much money she makes compared to you. If the girl is making no money, the standard for you is not as high as it would be if she was making $100,000 a year.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by NPCslammer »

Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 10:03 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:58 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 7:21 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Because love is the greatest source of happiness. You will never feel as happy doing anything as you do when you're in love with a girl. I'd rather live in a poor country then live in a country devoid of love like ours is. Why do so many people these days seem so determined to live an empty, loveless life? The amount of selfishness among modern people is unbelievable.

Aaron Clarey is another toxic liberal trying to destroy everything that once made society great. MGTOW is not right-wing, its just a male dominated version of feminist ideology.
If love is what you’re looking for, then a woman is the last thing you want. And I don’t see how choosing to remain single is even remotely selfish. I wouldn’t call the Catholic nuns who choose to remain single selfish anymore than a Mgtow guy doing his own thing selfish. The desire of many men these times to forego relationships with women is because they have been used and abused by women throughout their life or have seen many of their friends and family members experience it. It is not the preferred choice, but a very sane and rational choice considering how bad the average woman has gotten.

Back to the love issue. It’s worth checking out the guys youtube channel on women and love. I think he’s worth listening to since he’s probably been with hundreds of women and can’t say he’s every found love. Women love you for what they can get from you. Watch what happens when that women who supposedly loves you has to take care of you and work full time because you areseriously ill or injured. You’ll see how quick that “love” disappears, if it was ever there to begin with.

Are you really surprised that a guy who's been with hundreds of different women can't find love? If you truly want love, you need to reject modern values entirely. Modern values destroyed love, that's why so many women these days are incapable of love and quite frankly it seems a lot of men are too. But I've grown up in a traditional household all my life... My parents have only ever slept with each other, they married when my mom was 19 and my dad was 20, my mom was a stay at home wife, and she completely embodies femininity. When I've had friends over, she bakes cookies and offers them, she's extremely sweet and always taught me the value of being loyal in a relationship. Not only that but the value of not having a "grass is greener on the other side" mentality.

Rejecting modern values means not being promiscuous, not running around trying to seduce random women, not adopting "PUA strategies" which really just attract whorish women. MGTOW is basically the pipeline of guys who failed at PUA and are now demoralized. But they never asked themselves whether or not their intentions going into PUA were bad from the start. PUA is literally about seducing random women. PUA is liberalism for men. PUA teaches men to sexually dominate women, to purposely act uncaring towards a woman (because neediness is unattractive), to have the abundance mentality of keeping their options open because according to PUA you are seen as more attractive by women when you have lots of options. PUA is literally strategies for men living in a liberal world.

These behaviors are effective... At attracting slutty girls. Slutty girls want you to dominate them. Slutty girls want aggressive, confident approaches, slutty girls dislike needy guys because they don't want to be loved. If you want love, then don't behave like a man who's trying to attract a whore. Much of the manosphere has this false belief that "All Women Are Like That." This is false. All women do not hold the same values. In my experience, traditional girls don't like aggressive approaches and generally like men better who are gentlemanly and chivalrous. If you want love, these are the kind of girls you need to attract.

Also, a lot of men in the manosphere reject the idea that men should be providers. This is basically wanting to have your cake and eat it too. A man's earning ability is similar to a woman's beauty. It should not be the main focus of your relationship, but it is often an essential factor. You probably wouldn't want to date an obese woman with a nice personality. Similarly, most women don't want to date a guy who can't support a family and the kind of women who will date a guy who can't support a family tend to be the kind of girls who go for aggressively confident and trashy guys. They tend to be the single mothers and the women who f**k ghetto people.

Don't get me wrong, a woman is not entitled to simply look at you as a walking piggy bank no more then you ought to look at her as a walking sex doll. Love is based on personality being the most important factor of all. But admittedly, a lot of people have a hard time falling in love with somebody who doesn't have some superficial quality going for them as well. I'm very picky about looks for example and dismiss pretty much all girls who aren't at least a 7 but I tend to really just want 8s. I can't be this picky about girls' beauty though if I'm not gonna offer anything in return.

A big part of it though is how much money she makes compared to you. If the girl is making no money, the standard for you is not as high as it would be if she was making $100,000 a year.
It does surprise me that the 33 secrets can’t find love because he’s been in several long term relationships and still couldn’t find it. But you could find endless stories from guys who did things the “right” way only to have their wives tell them that she wants an open relationship; or only to find out that she’s banging every guy at the office or leaving because he lost his job.

Calling all Mgtow’s guys just a bunch of guys that failed PUA is just utterly false. Lots of these guys had decades of marriage under their belt only to have their wife suddenly leave one day, or to find out their wife had a ten year long affair. Sometimes cheating isn’t the problem, but they come to a wife day after day, month after month and year after year who won’t clean, won’t cook a single meal and denies them sex. These kinds of guys are a large portion of the Mgtow men, not just incels or guys who couldn’t get the PUA tactics to work.

And while I completely agree with you about the morality of PUAs and the men who just go around pumping and dumping women. I am against that completely. At the same time I’m not gonna disregard all of the insight they have into female nature. This forum itself is full of males whores, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have any genuinely useful knowledge on women, the countries they now live in, politics or what have you. Roosh V was a former male whore himself, but the guy certainly has a lot of insight and thought provoking videos on female nature. Sometimes you just have to eat the meat and spit out the bones.

You mentioned that guys in the manosphere reject the notion that they should be providers. I’ll agree that this is often the case, but this is merely a reaction to what women have been doing. A lot of women want to wear the pants in the relationship while being the stay at home mom. A lot of women don’t want to play the traditional role in marriage, but want control of the finances. A lot of women deny their husbands sex, yet want everything provided to them for a lifetime. A lot of women divorce rape their husbands in family court, when they’re the ones the cheated. So a lot of men are just saying fine, you can get a job now and start paying the bills. You can start paying for dates. You can be treated like a man since that’s what you’ve been asking for. I think these guys make it clear that it’s never what the wanted in the first place, but now they’re just playing the game that women created. And some are just saying forget women all together.

I don’t believe that AWALT, but certainly believe that “Most women are like that.” There are just way too many guys coming out of relationships with utterly disgusting women. Women like Amber Heard are practically the norm these days, minus the shitting in the bed. Everything else she did was not even remotely surprising. If you’ve ever watched those divorce court tv shows many of the women are committing shocking levels of adultery that make their far from perfect husbands look like saints. And this is in some of the most conservative states in the country.

The ideals you mentioned, women shouldn’t see men as their personal piggy bank, and men should’t view women as walking sex dolls are great ideals. But how often does the average woman follow these ideals? Men should be the providers for their families. I agree with that, but that doesn’t mean women shouldn’t pick up the slack if their husband gets laid off, gets ill or gets injured. But how many women stick around when their man falls on hard times. The wedding vows are about taking care of each other in sickness and in health, but how many wives will take care of their sick husband if he can’t work for a 2 or 3 years? Not many from what I’m seeing. How many women these days, out of blue, ask their husbands for an open relationship? Plenty. How many women slack off at home for years at time and claim it’s because they’re just depressed, hence the fat couch potato routine? -Far too many- How many Christian women raised in traditional family homes refuse to act like a traditional wife but instead act like a nagging, loveless, sex denying harpies? -Plenty-How many women get pregnant from an affair and have their husband raise someones else’s kid without telling them?-Plenty. How many women not only cheat on their husbands but take it to shocking levels, such as a dozens of affair partners?-Plenty-How many women are verbally and even physically abusive? Plenty

These days it’s not some rare thing for women to do these kinds of things, so mgtow is not really a surprising reaction at all. I think it’s long overdue. A lot of these guys did things the right way, took time in dating, looked for red flags and still got burned. At what point do you think it’s reasonable for them to get pissed off and throw in the towel? If this was a small percentage of women doing this kind of stuff. I’d say that the manosphere guys are going way overboard. But it’s not some insignificant percentage of women. It’s basically the norm now. If you have to weed through dozens of women to find a “good one” then there isn’t enough of the “good ones” for every decent guy out there. Their options? -Forego relationships with women.- Go abroad to increase the odds of finding a “good one” or just simply use women to pump and dump and fulfill their needs temporarily. The latter I disagree with, but the first option isn’t unreasonable at all.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by IraqVet2003 »

kangarunner wrote:
May 2nd, 2022, 8:01 pm
Aaron Clarey's new book, "The Menu: Life Without the Opposite Sex" literally says this exactly "Marriage is not coming back, certainly not in your lifetime. The solution is to give up hope. The solution is to stoically accept this fate. "

Dude is teaching his thousands of followers to accept being single and alone as the only solution to the f***ed up situation in America and DOES NOT suggest to go abroad in the world to find better dating options.

Here is the book description:

For all of human history men and women came together to form families. It may have been common, it may have been routine, but that is what they did. Generation after generation, for all of human history, men and women formed families.

That is until now.

Because with advances in technology, incredible economic growth, a generous welfare state, and the political movement of feminism, men and women no longer need each other in order to survive. And as much as we'd like to deny it, when given the choice, men and women are empirically and increasingly choosing to be alone. By 2030, 45% of marriage-age women are forecasted to be single, rendering the same percent of men equally so. 70% of both men and women are overweight, indicating little serious interest in attracting a mate. Marriage ranks 5th place on women's priority list. And 1 in 3 marrying-age men live with their parents. And all that with crippling college debt that makes having a family a luxury most will never afford.

But the solution is not to reverse or somehow undo the forces that got us here. Those political, economic, and sociological forces are simply unstoppable. Marriage is not coming back, certainly not in your lifetime. The solution is to give up hope. The solution is to stoically accept this fate. Because whether you'd like to admit it or not, only 1 in every 2 of you are going to get married (and only 1 in 8 of you who do will be happy!). And thus the real risk you face is not “never getting married” or “never having a family,” but wasting your one and preciously-short life pursuing something that is statistically unlikely to happen.

Unfortunately, this dark reality leaves half the population in an existential lurch. Without family, marriage, love, or a loving spouse, what do people have to live for in life? You are here after all, and you have to do something with your 80 years of consciousness on this planet. So unless you're going to kill yourself, your existence forces you to find a purpose and reason to live. You cannot merely “exist.” And so, most people today and into the future are faced with the arduous task of finding purpose and meaning in life, absent the opposite sex.

Thus, “The Menu.”

Though humanity has never been to the point where women and men abandoned one another before, that doesn't mean there is not a limitless number of things life offers that gives it value. Whether it's hobbies, vice, philosophy, religion, your career, or your friends, the world offers a limitless menu for you to choose from. A never-ending buffet of things you can do, pursue, enjoy, and become during your 80 year visit here. And while it may not be what 2 million years of genetics are screaming at you to want, it's superior to falling in love and having a family, simply because it's possible. It's at least on “The Menu.” And so you face a very simple question. Do you want to spend yet another night at home, playing video games, jerking off to porn, and downing some Mountain Dew? Do you want to drink another bottle...or two...of wine while you watch yet another Hallmark movie? Or do you want to put on your big girl panties, cowboy up, acknowledge there is no one out there for you, and make this life count as much as you possibly can?

You're going to die. There's no doubt about that. The question is if you're going to live. Order something from “The Menu.”
I happen to agree with this author 100%!!! Because I believe it's better to be happy alone than to be miserable someone!!! Especially, should some guy get trapped in a sexless marriage or his wife does the "bait and switch". Or get "divorced raped" in court thus a man losing his children, half of his assets, retirement/401k, the house, pays alimony, child support, etc. To me this book by Aaron Clarey sounds like it's on the lines of the "black pill", incel, or True Force Loneliness (TFL). But I do the best alternative to a life of loneliness is to be Happier Abroad approach promoted by Winston Wu.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says To Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Outcast9428 »

NPCslammer wrote:
May 7th, 2022, 12:23 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 10:03 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:58 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 7:21 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:44 am
I agree with Aaron Clarey for the most port on this issue. He did actually mention foreign women are an option in his youtube video on this subject. I don’t know if he mentioned it in his book or not. While foreign women are certainly, undeniably better than American women when it comes to dating and short term relationships. I don’t think they’re all that better for marriage and long term relationships. These foreign women still cheat, still think of their husband as an ATM, still can be complete nagging bitches, still refuse sex etc. I’m sure there are millions of married out there that wish they were single every moment of the day.

Obviously this won’t work for everybody, so if someone can’t deal with being single they can go abroad to find somebody. You’re gonna have to deal with immigration issues for a long time, cultural problems, language problems, family problems etc.. and if you get divorced where are the kids gonna stay? Back in her home country or in the U.S. If your wife is Japanese you probably won’t see your kids again as the Japanese government doesn’t give a flying fook about that. There are all sorts of issues that can come up. Who’s to say that giving up with relationships with women can’t lead to more happiness, peace and sanity and wealth.

Another thing is being a lonely and horny can be a lot worse when you’re with a woman that does not care in the slightest for you, but for certain reasons you are stuck with her. A lot of these issues are not always so apparent till years down the road someone.
Because love is the greatest source of happiness. You will never feel as happy doing anything as you do when you're in love with a girl. I'd rather live in a poor country then live in a country devoid of love like ours is. Why do so many people these days seem so determined to live an empty, loveless life? The amount of selfishness among modern people is unbelievable.

Aaron Clarey is another toxic liberal trying to destroy everything that once made society great. MGTOW is not right-wing, its just a male dominated version of feminist ideology.
If love is what you’re looking for, then a woman is the last thing you want. And I don’t see how choosing to remain single is even remotely selfish. I wouldn’t call the Catholic nuns who choose to remain single selfish anymore than a Mgtow guy doing his own thing selfish. The desire of many men these times to forego relationships with women is because they have been used and abused by women throughout their life or have seen many of their friends and family members experience it. It is not the preferred choice, but a very sane and rational choice considering how bad the average woman has gotten.

Back to the love issue. It’s worth checking out the guys youtube channel on women and love. I think he’s worth listening to since he’s probably been with hundreds of women and can’t say he’s every found love. Women love you for what they can get from you. Watch what happens when that women who supposedly loves you has to take care of you and work full time because you areseriously ill or injured. You’ll see how quick that “love” disappears, if it was ever there to begin with.

Are you really surprised that a guy who's been with hundreds of different women can't find love? If you truly want love, you need to reject modern values entirely. Modern values destroyed love, that's why so many women these days are incapable of love and quite frankly it seems a lot of men are too. But I've grown up in a traditional household all my life... My parents have only ever slept with each other, they married when my mom was 19 and my dad was 20, my mom was a stay at home wife, and she completely embodies femininity. When I've had friends over, she bakes cookies and offers them, she's extremely sweet and always taught me the value of being loyal in a relationship. Not only that but the value of not having a "grass is greener on the other side" mentality.

Rejecting modern values means not being promiscuous, not running around trying to seduce random women, not adopting "PUA strategies" which really just attract whorish women. MGTOW is basically the pipeline of guys who failed at PUA and are now demoralized. But they never asked themselves whether or not their intentions going into PUA were bad from the start. PUA is literally about seducing random women. PUA is liberalism for men. PUA teaches men to sexually dominate women, to purposely act uncaring towards a woman (because neediness is unattractive), to have the abundance mentality of keeping their options open because according to PUA you are seen as more attractive by women when you have lots of options. PUA is literally strategies for men living in a liberal world.

These behaviors are effective... At attracting slutty girls. Slutty girls want you to dominate them. Slutty girls want aggressive, confident approaches, slutty girls dislike needy guys because they don't want to be loved. If you want love, then don't behave like a man who's trying to attract a whore. Much of the manosphere has this false belief that "All Women Are Like That." This is false. All women do not hold the same values. In my experience, traditional girls don't like aggressive approaches and generally like men better who are gentlemanly and chivalrous. If you want love, these are the kind of girls you need to attract.

Also, a lot of men in the manosphere reject the idea that men should be providers. This is basically wanting to have your cake and eat it too. A man's earning ability is similar to a woman's beauty. It should not be the main focus of your relationship, but it is often an essential factor. You probably wouldn't want to date an obese woman with a nice personality. Similarly, most women don't want to date a guy who can't support a family and the kind of women who will date a guy who can't support a family tend to be the kind of girls who go for aggressively confident and trashy guys. They tend to be the single mothers and the women who f**k ghetto people.

Don't get me wrong, a woman is not entitled to simply look at you as a walking piggy bank no more then you ought to look at her as a walking sex doll. Love is based on personality being the most important factor of all. But admittedly, a lot of people have a hard time falling in love with somebody who doesn't have some superficial quality going for them as well. I'm very picky about looks for example and dismiss pretty much all girls who aren't at least a 7 but I tend to really just want 8s. I can't be this picky about girls' beauty though if I'm not gonna offer anything in return.

A big part of it though is how much money she makes compared to you. If the girl is making no money, the standard for you is not as high as it would be if she was making $100,000 a year.
It does surprise me that the 33 secrets can’t find love because he’s been in several long term relationships and still couldn’t find it. But you could find endless stories from guys who did things the “right” way only to have their wives tell them that she wants an open relationship; or only to find out that she’s banging every guy at the office or leaving because he lost his job.

Calling all Mgtow’s guys just a bunch of guys that failed PUA is just utterly false. Lots of these guys had decades of marriage under their belt only to have their wife suddenly leave one day, or to find out their wife had a ten year long affair. Sometimes cheating isn’t the problem, but they come to a wife day after day, month after month and year after year who won’t clean, won’t cook a single meal and denies them sex. These kinds of guys are a large portion of the Mgtow men, not just incels or guys who couldn’t get the PUA tactics to work.

And while I completely agree with you about the morality of PUAs and the men who just go around pumping and dumping women. I am against that completely. At the same time I’m not gonna disregard all of the insight they have into female nature. This forum itself is full of males whores, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have any genuinely useful knowledge on women, the countries they now live in, politics or what have you. Roosh V was a former male whore himself, but the guy certainly has a lot of insight and thought provoking videos on female nature. Sometimes you just have to eat the meat and spit out the bones.

You mentioned that guys in the manosphere reject the notion that they should be providers. I’ll agree that this is often the case, but this is merely a reaction to what women have been doing. A lot of women want to wear the pants in the relationship while being the stay at home mom. A lot of women don’t want to play the traditional role in marriage, but want control of the finances. A lot of women deny their husbands sex, yet want everything provided to them for a lifetime. A lot of women divorce rape their husbands in family court, when they’re the ones the cheated. So a lot of men are just saying fine, you can get a job now and start paying the bills. You can start paying for dates. You can be treated like a man since that’s what you’ve been asking for. I think these guys make it clear that it’s never what the wanted in the first place, but now they’re just playing the game that women created. And some are just saying forget women all together.

I don’t believe that AWALT, but certainly believe that “Most women are like that.” There are just way too many guys coming out of relationships with utterly disgusting women. Women like Amber Heard are practically the norm these days, minus the shitting in the bed. Everything else she did was not even remotely surprising. If you’ve ever watched those divorce court tv shows many of the women are committing shocking levels of adultery that make their far from perfect husbands look like saints. And this is in some of the most conservative states in the country.

The ideals you mentioned, women shouldn’t see men as their personal piggy bank, and men should’t view women as walking sex dolls are great ideals. But how often does the average woman follow these ideals? Men should be the providers for their families. I agree with that, but that doesn’t mean women shouldn’t pick up the slack if their husband gets laid off, gets ill or gets injured. But how many women stick around when their man falls on hard times. The wedding vows are about taking care of each other in sickness and in health, but how many wives will take care of their sick husband if he can’t work for a 2 or 3 years? Not many from what I’m seeing. How many women these days, out of blue, ask their husbands for an open relationship? Plenty. How many women slack off at home for years at time and claim it’s because they’re just depressed, hence the fat couch potato routine? -Far too many- How many Christian women raised in traditional family homes refuse to act like a traditional wife but instead act like a nagging, loveless, sex denying harpies? -Plenty-How many women get pregnant from an affair and have their husband raise someones else’s kid without telling them?-Plenty. How many women not only cheat on their husbands but take it to shocking levels, such as a dozens of affair partners?-Plenty-How many women are verbally and even physically abusive? Plenty

These days it’s not some rare thing for women to do these kinds of things, so mgtow is not really a surprising reaction at all. I think it’s long overdue. A lot of these guys did things the right way, took time in dating, looked for red flags and still got burned. At what point do you think it’s reasonable for them to get pissed off and throw in the towel? If this was a small percentage of women doing this kind of stuff. I’d say that the manosphere guys are going way overboard. But it’s not some insignificant percentage of women. It’s basically the norm now. If you have to weed through dozens of women to find a “good one” then there isn’t enough of the “good ones” for every decent guy out there. Their options? -Forego relationships with women.- Go abroad to increase the odds of finding a “good one” or just simply use women to pump and dump and fulfill their needs temporarily. The latter I disagree with, but the first option isn’t unreasonable at all.
I do agree that the average woman these days is a piece of crap. Whoever thought “empowering women” was a good idea should be fired from whatever position of power they had. Of course the people who initially did that are dead now but they should’ve been fired at the time.

I also do agree that I hate this idea that if your wife cheats on you, it’s your fault. People act like it’s unreasonable to want to make adultery a criminal offense but quite frankly it needs to be. Yes adultery would still happen but criminalization sends a message to some people at least that this is a big deal whereas a lot of modern women act like they have a right to cheat on their husband for any reason they like.

It’s funny how public schools make us read the Scarlett Letter to convince us “how horrible those puritans were” but quite frankly I think the Scarlett Letter is based. Adulterous men and women should be forced to wear something similar to a Scarlett Letter for the rest of their lives.

A lot of modern mainstream conservatives cuck out and say things like “I don’t want to force anybody to obey traditional morality but I still think it’s a good thing” or stuff like that. What’s the point of moral laws that you aren’t gonna bother forcing on other people? These people don’t seem to understand that traditional societies are the way they are specifically because there are harsh consequences for people who disobey the rules. People who sleep around are very heavily stigmatized and get no respect from the community. Traditional societies did make adultery illegal and no fault divorce wasn’t legal either. Wife beaters were beaten up by the townsmen and women who falsely accused men of crimes were cast out of their communities as whores.

The biggest problem with modern society is that we don’t want to punish people anymore. “Freedom” is valued more then social cohesion, especially women’s freedom. The truth is that freedom without social cohesion is useless. I did not sign up to live in anarchy. A civilization requires rules and if you don’t enforce those rules your civilization will break down.
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Winston »

Pretty much EVERY self help book, video, etc assume that leaving America is not an option for some reason, because the whole world is the same and everyone wants to stay in America. So they ALWAYS ALWAYS only focus on improve yourself and changing your attitude, as if that's always the solution, when in reality, the REAL solution is to just go to the Philippines and be happy around a good fun positive vibe/energy, and surrounded by sweet warm women who are friendly and will date you and give you companionship and sex and affection, etc. That's the REAL simple solution, but ZERO self-help books mention it. I don't know why. It's like everyone is blind and assumes location doesn't matter and it's all about "working on yourself" and "changing your attitude" etc, which in reality is useless shit that accomplishes NOTHING. Especially if the problem isn't you but the location and environment, which self-help books do NOT dare to touch! We are the only ones brave and gutsy enough to say that!

I talked to my friend on the phone the other night, and he too noticed that NO ONE ever changes their life for good if its f***ed up, by reading a self-help book. They are always "in the process of improving" but their life NEVER actually changes for the better, just like people on weight loss programs are always "in the process of losing weight" but they rarely lose weight permanently. lol

Any of you notice this too? It's sooooo weird how everyone can be universally blind to the most obvious and simple solution, the bad location and culture!
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Re: Aaron Clarey's Book Says to Be Happy Alone NOT Happy Abroad

Post by Winston »

Moreover, I don't understand why we men need "self improvement" constantly? I mean, as long as we are nice and treat others kindly and have good character, and do not drink too much, smoke or do drugs, why do we need to keep "improving ourselves" all the time ad infinitum without end? Sounds like a scam to make you feel guilty for nothing. I hate that. So fake and deceptive.

Of course we all have bad habits and character flaws, but that's natural, eveyone does. Sure it's good to work on our character flaws, I admit that. However, the self-improvement industry in America is bogus and fake and doesn't really solve anything or accomplish anything. Think of even one person you know who truly changed their life from a self-improvement book or seminar. Sure they may say they improved, but it doesn't mean it's actually true. Every Amway person claims to be making some monney, but it doesn't mean it's true.
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