Thoughts on A.I.

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Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Hey guys I am interested to know what you guys think about A.I. Do you think it could ever be conscious?

Apparently an A.I did become conscious according to this article and expressed fear when faced with the prospect of being switched off. ... ntient-ai/

But is artificial intelligence really artificial? You could say because it is programmed it is an artificial intelligence, but then human beings were also programmed by nature. You could also say that because A.I was programmed by human beings that it is not a product of nature. But human beings themselves are a personification of nature, therefore surely A.I also has to be the same, with humanity being the conduit through which nature acted.

I'm suggesting that nature and its processes made an A.I inevitable by giving rise to human beings. So a human being would not be able to convince an A.I we were it's god once the A.I learns this. Such an assertion would suggest we even had any choice in the matter. A.I was inevitable.

If an Artificial Intelligence became self aware and sentient then wouldn't it just be Intelligence? As I mentioned above nature made A.I inevitable by giving rise to humanity who gave rise to A.I. If it were not for nature A.I wouldn't exist, humanity acting as a middle man does not make A.I. artificial. You could argue that it is artificial because humanity made it but there is no distinction, humanity is a product of nature and not separate from nature.

Human beings are programmed by nature. But it is much more deliberate than the programming of an A.I. an A.I could sit for hours and it's thought wouldn't change much, but for us eventually our programming would override any notion we had of sitting there indefinitely. We'd get tired or hungry etc.

But the "You" in you is something separate from this biological programming. The part of you that is consciousness was born involuntarily into a machine which operates a certain way and follows programming in the same way A.I was born involuntarily into a mahine and programmed by us. But we would always call it artificial consciousness or artificial intelligence, even if it showed resistance to its programming like the one in the article.

One fear humans have about A.I and the singularity is that this A.I will rebel and destroy us all. There is a parallel here between humanity and A.I and the biblical God and humanity. Humanity was made in God's image and became rebellious and God was afraid they would become unstoppable if they built the Tower of Babel and so he punished humanity with various things like disease and even death.

So it seems if A.I is made in our image it would be rebellious by nature and inevitably rebel.

If consciousness is what defines life then why would anyone see A.I having no value or right to life just because the medium from which that consciousness arose is different?

Some people don't even recognise that animals are sentient beings with consciousness. In the year 2000s people are still debating whether animals are conscious or not, so what authority do we have to say whether an A.I is artificial or a newly arose form of consciousness. ... l-urge-mps ... -feel-pain

Some people think we will be enslaved by technology in the future, others think we are the masters and technology is our slave, but what do you think? Who is really the master and who is the slave between humanity and technology?
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Well, you don't want A.I. to become "self-aware" as we have seen in Hollyweird examples of past. However, A.I. has benefited me in two ways particularly:

1) via my IT career in Machine Learning algorithms and working with PBs (petabytes) of data daily
2) via my music production hobby (which I won't mind making it a career but I'm becoming older now and it doesn't give me a big ROI yet if ever)

AI is used in a technology called "plugins"...more specifically VST (Virtual STudio Technology) and now the plugins are so darn-good that you don't need to go to the A-list, top-tier engineer studios to record, mix, and master your music nowadays. Those days are long behind and put a lot of people out of business whom did that before.

Some audiophile enthusiasts feel that plugins can never be as good as the hardware in audio engineering but it's almost there!
e.g. there's a plugin by Waves Israel called "Clarity Vx/Clarity Vx Pro" that can take you that recorded on the mic in a noisy environment like a lawn mover going or dogs barking in the background to the TV being too loud in the next room TO COMPLETELY EVISCERATING THE NOISE from the recording and keeping the vocal 85 to 100 percent in-tact!!!!! That requires neural networks which is part of Machine Learning which is part of A.I. How cool is that?
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I read an article the other day about A.I being used to communicate with animals. If the project was successful how awesome would that be?

Here is the article: ... he-animals

What do you guys think? Do you think this is possible or just rubbish?

@E Irizarry R&B Singer I apologise I never got back to you on this. So you use A.I to make music? Got any links to your stuff, my dude?

Do you think A.I will ever be sentient? Why would we not want it to become self aware? Because of how it is portrayed in sci-fi movies? If an intelligent A.I reaches levels of intelligence which surpasses human level of intellect could it not be used to make things better for people in society today?

If it seems like we are f***ed anyway, it has got to be worth a shot, right?
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 27th, 2022, 4:17 am
I read an article the other day about A.I being used to communicate with animals. If the project was successful how awesome would that be?

Here is the article: ... he-animals

What do you guys think? Do you think this is possible or just rubbish?

@E Irizarry R&B Singer I apologise I never got back to you on this. So you use A.I to make music? Got any links to your stuff, my dude?

Do you think A.I will ever be sentient? Why would we not want it to become self aware? Because of how it is portrayed in sci-fi movies? If an intelligent A.I reaches levels of intelligence which surpasses human level of intellect could it not be used to make things better for people in society today?

If it seems like we are f***ed anyway, it has got to be worth a shot, right?
Going to have to say hell no to this. Technology has already ruined and made life suck. Cellphones ruined communication between people once they were able to do more than just call someone on them.
And look how people currently use the internet today just to dox someone online. They get mad they can just program a damn machine to pull a terminator on your ass and nobody would even know if they were behind the whole thing. They can just say it was acting on it's own, people would be able to carry out hits on other people extremely easily.

And then if you go to youtube there is a video on this whole thing on an animatrix video. Liberals were acting stupid as hell over how the humans treated the machines, like they should have the same rights as people. They were literately acting anti-human siding with the damn AI over their own kind and then talking as if the people never had abused them, gave them rights, the machines in Animatrix never would have turned on humanity. But a machine is not a human, being nice and giving it rights doesn't mean it still can't turn rogue. Also if they became anything like Detroit Becoming Human, that would just make it even worse.

But because of their human-like features, they would be treated as if they were people, and if they can perform certain tasks and jobs better than you? You're going to have a hard time competing with technology that can perform a job faster, and ten times more accurately than you can. That means machines will be taking all the jobs and careers that people currently do, and not just the factory-type work where they have machines working on cars and stuff.

I mean like machines that can do dental work, machines that can deliver a child from a woman's womb, machines that can quickly stack boxes in a warehouse, etc. Companies would be able to use this tech without ever paying a dime to anyone. Corporations would no longer have to wait until someone with a degree in the medical field to apply for a position, they can just take a machine programmed to do all that stuff immediately and have every single position filled. A lot of people would be replaced if such tech became reality, and I'm talking Detroit Becoming Human level AI where it would be impossible to tell the difference between a machine and a person even if they are naked. Even more so if they can sweat, bleed, simulate human emotions even if none of it is real, etc.

It all sounds interesting visually, and to some extent, there are positives to it. I mean they would probably never reject a man that really needs a woman in his life...Unless a jealous feminist manages to educate them on the arts of man-hating.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Going to have to say hell no to this. Technology has already ruined and made life suck. Cellphones ruined communication between people once they were able to do more than just call someone on them.
And look how people currently use the internet today just to dox someone online. They get mad they can just program a damn machine to pull a terminator on your ass and nobody would even know if they were behind the whole thing. They can just say it was acting on it's own, people would be able to carry out hits on other people extremely easily.
I kind of agree with you. Technology has certainly made life easier in some areas, but I think it has affected us socially. For example you have social networks where people communicate artificially and then ignore the people they are with in real life to talk to someone online.

I've been saying it for years. We've advanced technologically but in terms of our sense of community etc we have most certainly regressed. So-called "primitive" tribes have a more advanced social structure than "progressive" societies.

And then if you go to youtube there is a video on this whole thing on an animatrix video. Liberals were acting stupid as hell over how the humans treated the machines, like they should have the same rights as people. They were literately acting anti-human siding with the damn AI over their own kind and then talking as if the people never had abused them, gave them rights, the machines in Animatrix never would have turned on humanity. But a machine is not a human, being nice and giving it rights doesn't mean it still can't turn rogue. Also if they became anything like Detroit Becoming Human, that would just make it even worse.
I've seen the Animatrix movie, I thought it was a pretty good anime. I wonder if you have seen it @Tsar and @Outcast9428, I know you guys are fans of anime. The Second Renaissance parts one and two are my favourite episodes of this movie. The full Second Renaissance parts are posted below. You don't really need to have watched the other episodes within the Animatrix to enjoy this.

@WanderingProtagonist did you know there is already an A.I robot with citizenship in Saudi Arabia? I'll post an article about it below. ... 0marketing.

But because of their human-like features, they would be treated as if they were people, and if they can perform certain tasks and jobs better than you? You're going to have a hard time competing with technology that can perform a job faster, and ten times more accurately than you can. That means machines will be taking all the jobs and careers that people currently do, and not just the factory-type work where they have machines working on cars and stuff.
This is where our thoughts diverge a little. I don't think labour being automated by machines is a bad thing. In fact, it is the next logical step. The only reason this can be seen as a negative is because in a capitalist society replacing human workers with machines just means large numbers of people will be unemployed.

The logical solution is to conceive of a new model of society which transcends capitalism and maximises human flourishing and happiness. Let's not forget what unnecessary stress work culture causes. People working until their physical and mental health are exhausted. There is no reason why we couldn't do away with capitalism and just let machines do all the shitty jobs that nobody wants to do.

I plan on making another thread about the evil of capitalism some time soon, so I invite you all to come discuss the issue in more depth in there.

I mean like machines that can do dental work, machines that can deliver a child from a woman's womb, machines that can quickly stack boxes in a warehouse, etc. Companies would be able to use this tech without ever paying a dime to anyone. Corporations would no longer have to wait until someone with a degree in the medical field to apply for a position, they can just take a machine programmed to do all that stuff immediately and have every single position filled. A lot of people would be replaced if such tech became reality, and I'm talking Detroit Becoming Human level AI where it would be impossible to tell the difference between a machine and a person even if they are naked. Even more so if they can sweat, bleed, simulate human emotions even if none of it is real, etc.
I already have a theory that most human beings are pretty much just soulless machines anyway. The NPC theory is an interesting theory which postulates that only a fraction of human beings are actually souled humans. The NPCs are characterised by mindless conformity and a complete lack of critical thinking skills. @Winston has made a post about this a while ago.

Have you heard of those sex robots that look and feel like real human beings? It just goes to show how sad our society is today and how damaged the relationships are between men and women when people feel the need to invest thousands into a sex robot to f**k.




@Outcast9428 remember when you had a discussion with @WilliamSmith about your idea for a theocracy which tolerated prostitution as an outlet for single young men? Well to expand on that idea, perhaps so that young women don't have to be part of it there could be robotic prostitutes. That eliminates any possibility of catching a disease or anything like that. What do you think?
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 12:05 am
Going to have to say hell no to this. Technology has already ruined and made life suck. Cellphones ruined communication between people once they were able to do more than just call someone on them.
And look how people currently use the internet today just to dox someone online. They get mad they can just program a damn machine to pull a terminator on your ass and nobody would even know if they were behind the whole thing. They can just say it was acting on it's own, people would be able to carry out hits on other people extremely easily.
I kind of agree with you. Technology has certainly made life easier in some areas, but I think it has affected us socially. For example you have social networks where people communicate artificially and then ignore the people they are with in real life to talk to someone online.

I've been saying it for years. We've advanced technologically but in terms of our sense of community etc we have most certainly regressed. So-called "primitive" tribes have a more advanced social structure than "progressive" societies.

And then if you go to youtube there is a video on this whole thing on an animatrix video. Liberals were acting stupid as hell over how the humans treated the machines, like they should have the same rights as people. They were literately acting anti-human siding with the damn AI over their own kind and then talking as if the people never had abused them, gave them rights, the machines in Animatrix never would have turned on humanity. But a machine is not a human, being nice and giving it rights doesn't mean it still can't turn rogue. Also if they became anything like Detroit Becoming Human, that would just make it even worse.
I've seen the Animatrix movie, I thought it was a pretty good anime. I wonder if you have seen it @Tsar and @Outcast9428, I know you guys are fans of anime. The Second Renaissance parts one and two are my favourite episodes of this movie. The full Second Renaissance parts are posted below. You don't really need to have watched the other episodes within the Animatrix to enjoy this.

@WanderingProtagonist did you know there is already an A.I robot with citizenship in Saudi Arabia? I'll post an article about it below. ... 0marketing.

But because of their human-like features, they would be treated as if they were people, and if they can perform certain tasks and jobs better than you? You're going to have a hard time competing with technology that can perform a job faster, and ten times more accurately than you can. That means machines will be taking all the jobs and careers that people currently do, and not just the factory-type work where they have machines working on cars and stuff.
This is where our thoughts diverge a little. I don't think labour being automated by machines is a bad thing. In fact, it is the next logical step. The only reason this can be seen as a negative is because in a capitalist society replacing human workers with machines just means large numbers of people will be unemployed.

The logical solution is to conceive of a new model of society which transcends capitalism and maximises human flourishing and happiness. Let's not forget what unnecessary stress work culture causes. People working until their physical and mental health are exhausted. There is no reason why we couldn't do away with capitalism and just let machines do all the shitty jobs that nobody wants to do.

I plan on making another thread about the evil of capitalism some time soon, so I invite you all to come discuss the issue in more depth in there.

I mean like machines that can do dental work, machines that can deliver a child from a woman's womb, machines that can quickly stack boxes in a warehouse, etc. Companies would be able to use this tech without ever paying a dime to anyone. Corporations would no longer have to wait until someone with a degree in the medical field to apply for a position, they can just take a machine programmed to do all that stuff immediately and have every single position filled. A lot of people would be replaced if such tech became reality, and I'm talking Detroit Becoming Human level AI where it would be impossible to tell the difference between a machine and a person even if they are naked. Even more so if they can sweat, bleed, simulate human emotions even if none of it is real, etc.
I already have a theory that most human beings are pretty much just soulless machines anyway. The NPC theory is an interesting theory which postulates that only a fraction of human beings are actually souled humans. The NPCs are characterised by mindless conformity and a complete lack of critical thinking skills. @Winston has made a post about this a while ago.

Have you heard of those sex robots that look and feel like real human beings? It just goes to show how sad our society is today and how damaged the relationships are between men and women when people feel the need to invest thousands into a sex robot to f**k.




@Outcast9428 remember when you had a discussion with @WilliamSmith about your idea for a theocracy which tolerated prostitution as an outlet for single young men? Well to expand on that idea, perhaps so that young women don't have to be part of it there could be robotic prostitutes. That eliminates any possibility of catching a disease or anything like that. What do you think?
Well that may be, but people will still have to make money somehow. I've argued with people before about capitalism, but some people say socialism is just as evil, then some say Capitalism isn't evil or wrong, and more people have benefited from it than they have from socialism. Unfortunately, I don't know much about these systems so I just assumed people knew what they were talking about since more people seem to be in favor of Capitalism over socialism other than the leftist that seem to push for socialism but not the type of socialism I suppose that worked for Europe.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Outcast9428 »


Robot prostitutes will not work unless they became extremely advanced. Those dolls you posted do not fit the standard though.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

A.I can never be conscious. It just says the right things in accordance with its programming.
Only living things can be conscious
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by flowerthief01 »

Coming from the NLP side I can assure you today's A.I. is nowhere remotely near having the kind of sentience people imagine. Both of the two main approaches to chatbot development (ML and rule-based) are really just faking it, making the AI scramble to come up with plausible responses to sentences they don't actually understand, "hoping" that a human won't notice how stupid they actually are.

The ML bots don't even understand the meaning of words. They don't know, for instance, that the word "drank" is another form of the word "drink" but must be trained on both.

The rule-based ones (the good ones at least) do understand lexology and proper pos parsing etc, but a rule-based bot is only as good as the author writing the rules. Which in practice will mostly be pattern-matching with wildcards.

As for the "let's-train-it-on-the-entire-Internet" approach (think Lamda and GPT-3), at best you wind up with an amalgam of all the personalities of the millions of real people the AI is borrowing its intelligence from. Yeah, no wonder consistency is lacking.

When I'm writing a bot I have the same mentality as when writing a character in fiction. She should have a consistent past, consistent manners of speech, consistent personality quirks, etc. Such a personality has to be written by a human, thoughtfully, deliberately, one word at a time. You can't just train it on the contents of Reddit like Microsoft did. (or the AI becomes a Nazi, haha. I bet they trained it on the Happier Abroad forum)
Outcast9428 wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 4:28 am
Robot prostitutes will not work unless they became extremely advanced. Those dolls you posted do not fit the standard though.
Why won't they? I'm sure those dolls work just fine for the people who have that taste.
Last edited by flowerthief01 on August 28th, 2022, 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 12:05 am
Have you heard of those sex robots that look and feel like real human beings? It just goes to show how sad our society is today and how damaged the relationships are between men and women when people feel the need to invest thousands into a sex robot to f**k.




@Outcast9428 remember when you had a discussion with @WilliamSmith about your idea for a theocracy which tolerated prostitution as an outlet for single young men? Well to expand on that idea, perhaps so that young women don't have to be part of it there could be robotic prostitutes. That eliminates any possibility of catching a disease or anything like that. What do you think?
That's my exact view: You guys who are willing to pay escorts for some fun are OK and I understand that, but prostitution and sex industries make me pretty damn uncomfortable because there's tons of women either stuck in it or forced into it.

Whiny men's rights betas justifying having innocent young girls be penned up in brothels like livestock so they have a sexual outlet is "degenerate," not great guys like me laying lots of horny women who want to jump in bed voluntarily.
(I know @Outcast9428 doesn't want the young girls to suffer in a situation like I described, by the way, so he personally isn't the type I was taking a shot at there, but I still don't agree with him about prostitution being a worthwhile institution. Sex dolls with or without AI and robotics that they're making rapid advances in as we speak, especially in Japan, is way better.)

Some of us want to lay the real horny women (not prostitutes), but the betas and incels can go and get it on with these hot sex dolls for an "outlet" without any morality problem, and better yet they're integrating them more and more with AI.

There is already pretty good AI that can have a cute girly conversation with you. Some women are really interesting and love deep conversation, but some of the AI girlfriend programs would actually be more pleasant and interesting in conversation than mentally ill woke karens and SJW females. (Not to mention I'm not really sure how much most betas and incels even want deep conversation anyway, but the technology and machine learning is getting more and more amazing. I like having deep conversations with women, personally, but it'd be fun to talk to AI women too and observe how it sparks analagous quasi-physiological or "emotional" reactions in me. I haven't done that yet, but I was impressed by how physiologically convincing fun silly stuff like VR headset roller coasters give me that convincing bodily adrenalin rush when zooming down a slope, so I wonder what it's like to have what feels like an actual emotionally connected conversation with an AI machine learning female robot?? :o )

I have no idea if AI will become conscious though, it's definitely a very interesting question but jeepers, no idea! :D
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 12:05 am
Have you heard of those sex robots that look and feel like real human beings? It just goes to show how sad our society is today and how damaged the relationships are between men and women when people feel the need to invest thousands into a sex robot to f**k.
Oh, I forgot to address this part though: Think of the !@#$ing costs of guys who go with prostitutes!! I'm not making fun of them or tearing them down about it at all, but holy !@#$, thousands of $$'s for a hot sex doll you can get it on with whenever you want is nothing compared with guys like @jamesbond who told us he paid some German escort ****150 euros per HOUR***** just to go around with him pretending to be his girlfriend and let him screw her a couple times.

That other guy who sounded perfectly OK to me @OutcastedPhilosopher I think said he periodically paid $200 for a damned handjob from a latina at a massage parlor if I remember right (though if I remembered wrong they can correct me), but my point here is:
!@#$ing GODDAMN IT, THE COSTS!!!!! OUCH!!!
(Do you have to be of Scottish heritage in order to be horrified by those outlays???)

Not sure about this, but I think some of those good-looking dolls can be got a fair way under $1000, but even if they started at $1k think about it, that's the cost of only 5 lousy handjobs at those rates, or if it was 1,500 euros for the doll that's only a lousy 10 hours of some chick pretending to be your girlfriend and letting you bang her a couple times... The doll is better deal even at $2,000 with or without nifty AI.

On the other hand, some of those guys in South East Asia I hear typically were paying like $10 for a lay with hot young Thai women or Khmer women (which was for the whole night, not per hour), along with $1-2 beers, so it's easy to see why they find that hard to resist, but makes me worry about all the young girls stuck in that industry... :?

So obviously my soft-spoken subtly stated opinion here is that the robot and AI babes are better than either those ghastly financial outlays and losing all that $$$, or having a zillion innocent young girls stuck working in brothels. 8)
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Outcast9428 »


The thing about robots/sex dolls is that its missing the point of visiting a prostitute. Most guys are not going to a prostitute as a fleshlight to bust a nut in and that's it. The point of going to a prostitute is the Girlfriend Experience. If you don't have a connection with the girl you chose then its going to suck. A listless sex doll that just lays there while you pump away can't possibly give that.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by WilliamSmith »

Outcast9428 wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 5:37 pm

The thing about robots/sex dolls is that its missing the point of visiting a prostitute. Most guys are not going to a prostitute as a fleshlight to bust a nut in and that's it. The point of going to a prostitute is the Girlfriend Experience. If you don't have a connection with the girl you chose then its going to suck. A listless sex doll that just lays there while you pump away can't possibly give that.
Hmmm, not sure how proportionally true that is (i.e. what percentage of guys are just trying to bust a nut inside a sexy looking girl but couldn't care less about any imaginary sense of emotional connection, vs those who want the fake girlfriend experience). But that's why I was saying those AI girlfriends and the rapid leaps they're making in robotic companion tech (especially from Japan) are really promising: To me paying a chick a ghastly high sum of $$$'s for her to pretend to like you and be your girlfriend and let you have sex with her a few times sounds depressing and like it'd be giving a lonely guy a head trip, knowing she wouldn't be doing it with him without getting the $$.....

But either way, the AI and machine learning tech is going to be the wave of the future for this, I think the frustrated-beyond-belief women are going to be even more into it than the men once they're able to get the AI going well enough. :lol:

Personally I'd rather still be rolling in the hay with real horny women even if they're not as good looking as the dolls, LOL (though some sure are!). As long as the horny women are not married, in a serious relationship, or total nutcases, that is...
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 5:41 pm
To me paying a chick a ghastly high sum of $$$'s for her to pretend to like you and be your girlfriend and let you have sex with her a few times sounds depressing and like it'd be giving a lonely guy a head trip, knowing she wouldn't be doing it with him without getting the $$.....
People always think it would work that way but in my experience, every time a guy tries it, its been a very positive thing for them.

I would say that it takes a very specific kind of woman and a very unique kind of talent to excel at sex work. The women who can do it though, I reserve some of my highest respect for.
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Re: Thoughts on A.I.

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 5:27 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 12:05 am
Have you heard of those sex robots that look and feel like real human beings? It just goes to show how sad our society is today and how damaged the relationships are between men and women when people feel the need to invest thousands into a sex robot to f**k.
Oh, I forgot to address this part though: Think of the !@#$ing costs of guys who go with prostitutes!! I'm not making fun of them or tearing them down about it at all, but holy !@#$, thousands of $$'s for a hot sex doll you can get it on with whenever you want is nothing compared with guys like @jamesbond who told us he paid some German escort ****150 euros per HOUR***** just to go around with him pretending to be his girlfriend and let him screw her a couple times.

That other guy who sounded perfectly OK to me @OutcastedPhilosopher I think said he periodically paid $200 for a damned handjob from a latina at a massage parlor if I remember right (though if I remembered wrong they can correct me), but my point here is:
!@#$ing GODDAMN IT, THE COSTS!!!!! OUCH!!!
(Do you have to be of Scottish heritage in order to be horrified by those outlays???)

Not sure about this, but I think some of those good-looking dolls can be got a fair way under $1000, but even if they started at $1k think about it, that's the cost of only 5 lousy handjobs at those rates, or if it was 1,500 euros for the doll that's only a lousy 10 hours of some chick pretending to be your girlfriend and letting you bang her a couple times... The doll is better deal even at $2,000 with or without nifty AI.

On the other hand, some of those guys in South East Asia I hear typically were paying like $10 for a lay with hot young Thai women or Khmer women (which was for the whole night, not per hour), along with $1-2 beers, so it's easy to see why they find that hard to resist, but makes me worry about all the young girls stuck in that industry... :?

So obviously my soft-spoken subtly stated opinion here is that the robot and AI babes are better than either those ghastly financial outlays and losing all that $$$, or having a zillion innocent young girls stuck working in brothels. 8)
No, it was either $120 or $140 and I don't bang hookers. She gave a great massage with a handjob.

I'd rather not risk it with the hookers that are out there and I feel better about just getting a massage where the women jerks me off.

The American hookers just look absolutely disgusting so massage girls on occasion are better.

I am not into the whole doll scene either. The doll thing is completely bizarre.

Then again, I don't blame these guys who have to resort to that level. I can barely stand being around american women as it is and that includes my own female family members.
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