Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

re85with wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 7:28 pm
I would like if you ask this question to my friend, translator, and business partner (Elizabeth) of "Foreign Chat Web" business.

Here is our photo together:

Ukrainian women are among the best women in the world, all things considered. What I sense from men who don't like them is they could only manage to deal with scammers, prostitutes, and older single mothers with more baggage than their children.

High quality Ukrainian women are thoughtful, intelligent, traditional-minded, and they appreciate man of the means who can take care of them. They are also giving and generous with their time, attention, affection, and otherwise.

But to say they "suck" is to express the proverbial "sour grapes," pure and simple.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by hypermak »

Judging from those I met, I don't think Ukrainian women "suck", but they shouldn't be idolised as the most heavenly women on Earth. I have met sweet, intelligent and morally sound girls from Ukraine but also from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Azerbaijan, of course here in the Philippines, etc.

I think the rule of thumb is to be a good person and have good intentions. Most decent women can sense it when a man is not being honest with himself and them, or just wants to play with their bodies or feelings. Yes, in some cases they might be attracted to him and a fling might tickle their fancy. In most cases, they will actively avoid those kinds of men.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

hypermak wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 9:13 pm
Judging from those I met, I don't think Ukrainian women "suck", but they shouldn't be idolised as the most heavenly women on Earth. I have met sweet, intelligent and morally sound girls from Ukraine but also from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Azerbaijan, of course here in the Philippines, etc.

I think the rule of thumb is to be a good person and have good intentions. Most decent women can sense it when a man is not being honest with himself and them, or just wants to play with their bodies or feelings. Yes, in some cases they might be attracted to him and a fling might tickle their fancy. In most cases, they will actively avoid those kinds of men.
And the mentally ill trolling continues.....
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by hypermak »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 9:20 pm
hypermak wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 9:13 pm
Judging from those I met, I don't think Ukrainian women "suck", but they shouldn't be idolised as the most heavenly women on Earth. I have met sweet, intelligent and morally sound girls from Ukraine but also from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Azerbaijan, of course here in the Philippines, etc.

I think the rule of thumb is to be a good person and have good intentions. Most decent women can sense it when a man is not being honest with himself and them, or just wants to play with their bodies or feelings. Yes, in some cases they might be attracted to him and a fling might tickle their fancy. In most cases, they will actively avoid those kinds of men.
And the mentally ill trolling continues.....
Are you going to pollute every thread with your retarded one-liners?

Senile crybaby, you can't accept anyone else's opinions... :)

Last edited by hypermak on August 10th, 2020, 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by hypermak »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 8:51 pm
Ukrainian women are among the best women in the world, all things considered. What I sense from men who don't like them is they could only manage to deal with scammers, prostitutes, and older single mothers with more baggage than their children.
Your surefire method not to deal with them is to only deal with high-end prostitutes. So long your US pension lasts...yeah...
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 8:51 pm
High quality Ukrainian women are thoughtful, intelligent, traditional-minded, and they appreciate man of the means who can take care of them. They are also giving and generous with their time, attention, affection, and otherwise.
Yes. Too bad it looks like you're none of those things, as a man. Lockdown is turning your brain to mush, and it shows...
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Jinmichigan75 »

Jonnyblond wrote:
July 2nd, 2019, 6:42 am
I still stand by the saying all women are gold diggers, users, scammers, pro-daters until the right guy comes along. It reminds me of the movie casino where this prostitute marries a rich casino executive and pretty much uses him but still is in love with her pimp who beats her and treats her like crap, yet she still does everything he asks which he’s basically using her. It doesn’t matter if your rich or good looking. Yes you get your foot in the door faster and it helps but it comes down to dominance and leadership. This Canada weekend I got the evil eye from all my sisters and my brothers wives because my wife was making them all look bad. It’s because she served me and acted just like a wife would from days long past.

I watched this video on a Ukrainian woman saying how western women lost their feminine aura or energy over here and it’s true. I’m a divorced man but my god I’m so glad but just from standing back and looking at the situation I was all made sense why it didn’t work so I let it implode to the point that it ended and I said “never again”. If any of you guys have ever been married and then divorced. You might actually step back and say..but I was a good man. I did everything any woman could possible want..hell even the ex wife’s friends gave her compliments on how great of a husband she had. I was a wonderful father and I even did dishes, laundry, cleaned, woke up everyday and drove my son to daycare to make sure the ex could be on work on time while I ended up late but you know what...Thats what good husband does. You would think..was it appreciated..even when the ex went through post partum depression and didn’t take to my son.I stepped up and made sure he was going to be alright by feeding him, bathing, changing them, when they got sick stayed up all night, etc. doing all the things a good wife should have done. I also I gave up my dreams and goals of going to Berkeley to get into music production. It ended up with them thinking that maybe there was something better out there.

Then the final straw was support. When I finally put my guitars under the bed and let go. I thought I’ll go to school and take plumbing/pipe fitting but she also wanted to take it because it was heading into a new age where women are in the trades too...well..let me tell you a little about that. You end up doing their job for them because they can’t lift anything up the stairs such as fixtures, toilets, etc and you have to go behind them and tighten all the screws and stuff, etc. so when they complain how come they don’t make as much as’s because we do ours and their job for them. Do I hate women. No..I think they are just are going against nature and it’s not benefiting anyone. But when the ex went to school I did something she didn’t do when I wanted to pursue was just a dream. I wasn’t being realistic. Wake up and go get a normal job like everyone else. I could say I should have resisted because if I had..she would most likely would have stayed but I’m glad I took the path that I did because I ended up with an amazing wife who outclasses my ex in looks times 1 million. But when when she went to school and got teased and harassed by even the teachers saying plumbing wasn’t for her...I supported her. I made her believe that don’t listen to prove them all wrong. Even her parents and family insulted her choices yet I still stood by her. What was my thanks after being a great supportive man and great wasn’t good enough but karma works in wonderful ways..she’s been single for the last 5 years and complains to my mother which she stays in touch with as to how come I get to have fun and go to Ukraine and party and be married and live a good life yet hers in in ruins..well..but that’s what happens when your a good man but it does wake the manly part about you up. It’s like I tell my wife and I love her reply..I say I don’t do dishes, laundry, cook or clean..that’s a woman’s job..she says what’s the point of being married if a girl doesn’t do those things...ohhh my god..I almost cried myself to sleep when I heard that.

When I looked for women. I didn’t care where they were from. When I say I searched the world. I really did. But most men just look for the hottest most beautiful girl. So being 36 at the time. I went to the bar first to gauge what I could still get. I was just sitting drinking a beer and this little 21 year old university student walked up to me and said how come your sitting alone. I said that I was watching the game and that I didn’t need people to enjoy doing things. We got talking and somehow I asked her what she was into which to me meant hobbies but she took it the wrong way or maybe she didn’t...I said what are you into and she said “rope”...I said are they a good band and she laughed and said no..that’s what I’m into..I finally caught on and said..ohhhh...that’s cool pretending that it was nothing. Then she got up and went back to her group of I was checking her out from time to time thinking..she’s a little rocket but every time she would walk by to go outside or to the bathroom she would poke me on my side and laugh...the guy sitting next to me said..I think she likes ya. I this..I had no idea what I was thinking but I said..let’s do this..I got up and split the hipster crowd like Moses parting the sea. Grabbed her and went into makeout mode...let’s just say it blew her mind..then I just walked back to my seat and then felt kinda bad because it was was the first girl I kissed since being with the ex wife for 12 years. But at the same time it verifies to me that I still had it and I most likely could get a rocket still being my age. I would never try something like that at this day in age but it was cool. So the international hunt began.

Like I said really have to know what you want. I wrote down the type of girl I was looking for. It was incredibly demanding but I wouldn’t settle for less if I was going to get married again. I believe that there’s someone out there for everyone and may get burned a few times or less but if you really want someone bad’ll find them. Hell my wife almost didn’t come to be if it wasn’t for her getting pissed at me. I was dropping my kid off at the ex’s place and he was in tears saying he wanted to live with me. I didn’t know how to handle that other then to go buy 24 beer and get obliterated. It kinda sucked too that when he came to my apartment. I told him to use his imagination because I had invisible furniture and it’s the new style and cool. Which meant I gave the ex everything so my son felt like he was going into a home while I just settled for a blanket and pillow..sounds rough and tragic but I knew that you have to lose everything to get everything you want. Trust’s true. I knew what I was I was pretty trashed and I thought..let’s see what this little Ukrainian vixen is up to. So I called her but forgetting that our timezone was way different. She said she was working..I said to bad..your talking to me...hahaha..she said we talked for quite a bit before she came to the conclusion that I was hammered and said just call her tomorrow. When I woke up the next day and seen my conversation on Skype..I was like..crap..well..that was fun...looks like I was a fool..I then deleted her as I was already talking to 10 other looking vixens from her country as well..the next day she had seen that I deleted her off Skype. She said at first she didn’t care but for some reason it bothered her and she said she was going to say something to me about it...

So she messaged me and it was on fire..she was mad ranting on how if she gave me her Skype then I shouldn’t have deleted her because she didn’t give it just to anyone and she loved having me as a friend..I said you want to be friends..I’m game...long story short I was getting emails from other girls but I found myself opening hers first and enjoying them...then I just said if anyone on this planet can get out of the friendzone it’s me..I said I’m through with being friends with ya...I want to go more deeper so just letting you know I’m coming to Ukraine so let’s take a bit to get to know each other really well...god lord I could write all day. My memories never fade. But yep..we’re married now and it’s kick butt. Sure there’s bad Ukrainian and Russian women.,actually the majority of women are bad but there is some good ones out there.

This is like a mix between a rant and rave infused with whatever. Yes most women suck especially the western ones. Since we are on the subject of surveys...this actually came out the other day and I couldn’t agree more. But I’m biased... ... dfmYzTaXsA

I used to be a former nice man but those days are gone. I grew passed that stage and now do things on my own terms...I’m not joking when I say sometimes you have to lose everything before you get everything you truly want in life. Its all good.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by re85with »

No, I have to disagree with you.

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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Kalinago »

Poland,is much better than ukraine and russia for women.for both white guys and nonwhite guys.

Culture is boring and food is bland.

for decent looking guys ,and non-genetic abominations,Portugal is also great and women are very classy and sweet and innocent,plus you have everything from light brown Latina mediterennean exotic women to blonde women that look like they came from norway.

Every Light haired girl wi9th a dude was with a average looking darker portuguese guy.portuguese men are not handsome,but the women are all hot as f**k.

they do hate non whites and non-mediterenneans though.

about 40% of women there in lisbon are natural nordic types,but mostly with tans and more mediterennean or middle eastern features.Portuguese people have a very exotic mix of different european or middle eastern racial features.

the north is all nordic.

Portugal is great if you like white women,but prefer a latina disposition in your woman.

they look more like this Image

As a euro-latino looking guy I def get way more more good-will and interest from white women in portugal and in general than darker white women and women of color,but if I do marry a more nordic white woman she will be goodlooking and have a southern european or Balkan culture.
Last edited by Kalinago on March 25th, 2023, 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Kalinago »

White women in portugal care very little for a man's looks.not tolerating obese balding seniors like filipina cheap sluts,but I meran average and below average slim guys that are groomed etc

A 7/10 man in america will be a 9/10 in portugal.

a 6/10 woman in protugal will be a 8.5/10 in america.

Btw,A portuguese incel confirmed all this to me when I called him out for claiming incel when such thing doesn't exist in portugal.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Kalinago »


Do you agree with this?is this true in spain too?I think portugal is conservative in a more romance sense,while spain women are agnostic ,feminazi and 'liberated'?

if I get with a proper and real white woman,unfortunately they are the most good-willed to me while darker white women ,middle eastern women,light south asians and euro-latinas are the least,they have to be from a Latin or Balkan culture for sure.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Portugal sounds good. I was thinking of Ukraine, but they are at war right now...
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:23 pm

Do you agree with this?is this true in spain too?I think portugal is conservative in a more romance sense,while spain women are agnostic ,feminazi and 'liberated'?
Portuguese people are generally more congenial, more chilled out and more easy-going while Spaniards tend to be more individualistic, more fiery and more assertive.

In Portugal, there are two main phenotypes: the light-skinned Nordic and the swarthy Mediterranean. In Spain, on the other hand, more people have dark hair, olive skin and the Mediterranean phenotype.

In Spain, a great deal is made about "progressive values" and "gender equality" yet at the same time Spanish feminism is less misandric than Anglo feminism and isn't opposed to male sexuality. It's more about women asserting their independence and saying "we can do it too!" and less about hating men. Still, Iberian Spanish women aren't really ideal. They have a reputation for being brash, or borde as the local men say, and many of them wish to postpone motherhood to their mid 30s. I've never dated an Iberian Spanish woman and they don't interest me; when I was in Spain, I only dated Latinas from the diaspora community. Latinas are softer, sweeter and more feminine.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:28 pm
Portugal sounds good. I was thinking of Ukraine, but they are at war right now...
I think that Portugal would be a great option if you have remote work or passive income. The economy is poor but the cities are really beautiful (much nicer than anything in Ukraine), the climate is good, the people are friendly, and there are decent-looking women not only from Portugal itself but also its former colony of Brazil.


In Portugal this phenotype is quite common:

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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:27 am
Kalinago wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:23 pm

Do you agree with this?is this true in spain too?I think portugal is conservative in a more romance sense,while spain women are agnostic ,feminazi and 'liberated'?
Portuguese people are generally more congenial, more chilled out and more easy-going while Spaniards tend to be more individualistic, more fiery and more assertive.

In Portugal, there are two main phenotypes: the light-skinned Nordic and the swarthy Mediterranean. In Spain, on the other hand, more people have dark hair, olive skin and the Mediterranean phenotype.

In Spain, a great deal is made about "progressive values" and "gender equality" yet at the same time Spanish feminism is less misandric than Anglo feminism and isn't opposed to male sexuality. It's more about women asserting their independence and saying "we can do it too!" and less about hating men. Still, Iberian Spanish women aren't really ideal. They have a reputation for being brash, or borde as the local men say, and many of them wish to postpone motherhood to their mid 30s. I've never dated an Iberian Spanish woman and they don't interest me; when I was in Spain, I only dated Latinas from the diaspora community. Latinas are softer, sweeter and more feminine.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:28 pm
Portugal sounds good. I was thinking of Ukraine, but they are at war right now...
I think that Portugal would be a great option if you have remote work or passive income. The economy is poor but the cities are really beautiful (much nicer than anything in Ukraine), the climate is good, the people are friendly, and there are decent-looking women not only from Portugal itself but also its former colony of Brazil.


In Portugal this phenotype is quite common:

Absolutely agree.I coudln't handle a spaniard.I like portuguese women and latinas.

Do you agree portuguese women do not care about looks in men that much?hot girls everywhere with ugly guys.

obv because thats all there is.I was getting blatant iois everywhere.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:48 am
Absolutely agree.I coudln't handle a spaniard.I like portuguese women and latinas.

Do you agree portuguese women do not care about looks in men that much?hot girls everywhere with ugly guys.

obv because thats all there is.I was getting blatant iois everywhere.
Iberian Spanish girls are okay as friends since many of them are well-educated and intellectual and have substantial topics of conversation (they are better than Anglo girls); however, I'm not too attracted to the Iberian phenotype with its somewhat harsh facial features and I also find Iberian Spanish girls a bit too brash and unfeminine. I agree that they're generally not good girlfriend material. Instead I prefer the cuter and more neotenous facial features of Latinas courtesy of their indigenous blood as well as their sweeter and more feminine disposition. I love Spain as a country and Valencia in particular is a magical city but I only want to date Latinas. There are many Latinas in any major Spanish city.

It's not that Portuguese women don't care about looks but rather that they have more realistic standards, I think. Portugal is not a rich country by any means but it's not tremendously poor or desperate either. Moreover, with its laid-back Mediterranean culture, it's not a hypercompetitive society like other parts of the West. Maybe this encourages people to accept simplicity and have more realistic expectations.
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Re: Can't we just admit that Ukrainian women suck?

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:31 am
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:48 am
Absolutely agree.I coudln't handle a spaniard.I like portuguese women and latinas.

Do you agree portuguese women do not care about looks in men that much?hot girls everywhere with ugly guys.

obv because thats all there is.I was getting blatant iois everywhere.
Iberian Spanish girls are okay as friends since many of them are well-educated and intellectual and have substantial topics of conversation (they are better than Anglo girls); however, I'm not too attracted to the Iberian phenotype with its somewhat harsh facial features and I also find Iberian Spanish girls a bit too brash and unfeminine. I agree that they're generally not good girlfriend material. Instead I prefer the cuter and more neotenous facial features of Latinas courtesy of their indigenous blood as well as their sweeter and more feminine disposition. I love Spain as a country and Valencia in particular is a magical city but I only want to date Latinas. There are many Latinas in any major Spanish city.

It's not that Portuguese women don't care about looks but rather that they have more realistic standards, I think. Portugal is not a rich country by any means but it's not tremendously poor or desperate either. Moreover, with its laid-back Mediterranean culture, it's not a hypercompetitive society like other parts of the West. Maybe this encourages people to accept simplicity and have more realistic expectations.
IDK I've seen some really hot spanish girls from spain in amsterdam,with soft features,but many that looked like men with long hair.

dark portuguese women and men have super soft and 'cutesey'features imo

I think european descendiente latinas are way more attractive and feminine.about Mestizas,that's interesting because I found the caribbean and coastal triracial women that looked psuedo-mestiza like yovanna ventura to be the most feminine and exotic,not indigenous women or pure mestizas,which had too harsh features.I was attracted to maybe 4 indigenous-mestiza looking women in miami,and they looked more like exotic Indian or brown moroccan girls.

the psuedo-mestiza women are maybe my favorite type of latina,maybe tied with Cuban,venezolana,colombiana ,dominican and rican castizas.

I find black mixed dominican women to be very exotic,and have a great look and mixture of features,very sexy giving me boners when walking by.

As a Sagitarrius I of course have no concrete or stable real 'physical'or racial type lol we like variety too much and are too open-minded.

latin culture just vibes most with our natural Sagittarius disposition.
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