What is your solution to blacks?

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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

publicduende wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 1:17 am
Yohan wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 10:57 pm
Black people in USA are acting often as crybabies, claiming to be victims, accusing white people for their shortcomings, solely because their great-grandfathers more than 100 years ago were working as slaves, they also envy Asian American people who are economically much more successful and commit by far less crimes etc.
That's because,in the US there, for a good decade now there has been an agenda to promote black culture over their own (WASP). @Cornfed isn't that wrong in saying that blacks and the "black" mentality (which includes expecting free handouts for contributing next to nothing) is destroying the host culture. The nuance here is that this not being perpetrated by the black themselves.

It's the elites who are weaponising blacks, in fact every ethnical minority, against the remaining, non-Jewish, non-elite upper and middle class. Classic divide and conquer agenda, spiced up by the woke message that "we need more inclusivity and equality". That's what's destroying the US and much of the "progressive" West.
That's right, except that it's not only just for the last few decades, since it's the exact same thing jewish Bolsheviks did to the white Russians and later to the Germans (among other European groups).
And it's also a point worth re-emphasizing that it's not just the blacks being weaponized at this point, but every other "minority," with the latest craze being the jewish campaign to destroy nuclear families accelerating via promoting "sexual minorities," as well as cause constant racial and cultural chaos with ethnic "diversity."

Another aspect of the matter worth a comment: They're flooding white and some Asian countries full of migrants and rapefugees while constantly claiming that the actual native ethnicities in those countries are the epitome of evil and "racism" if they're not bending over backward to accommodate the incoming third world hordes.
However, in some cases the hordes they disgorge into these subverted nations also come from countries the jews have destroyed in proxy wars, as is the case with many of the middle easterners (notably Syria in very recent years, which was actually showing promise before the jews destroyed their country and weaponized their population against any Europeans cucked out enough to allow jewish mass-immigration into their own ex-nations).
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 3:35 pm
Black people in the Segregation era had their own banks, churches, stores, schools, etc and Black people were much well adjusted and happier under U.S segregation. The Jews destroyed all that prosperity and forced Blacks to integrate into the mainstream while being subsidized by the Zog government. You can search on Youtube black people lives under segregation. People were much happier both blacks and whites.

Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

Yes, it's a fact the black American nuclear family was largely intact before the jews ruined everything and then filled all their neighborhoods with drugs and pumped millions into promoting gang warfare, crime, pimping, etc through their control of the media (all while jews claim to be the saviors of the blacks).
For example, the jews bankrolled and essentially created the gangsta rap phenom starting in the early 1990s on purpose:
Before that black Americans made music like Motown that was about black love and so on, not promoting young black men to go around dealing drugs, pimping, raping and killing all the other black people including women and children in their own neighborhoods (and of course killing non-black people elsewhere too).
Then here we are in the 2020s where the jews brought out Weimar 2.0 Bolshevism full force to make all the goys fight with each other.

Tommy Sotomayor made that point in a good long interview he did with David Duke where he pointed out the jews basically used black communities as guinea pigs to learn how to subvert and destroy them, and are now pushing all the same tactics on the whites.
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

This is silly to have you keep wasting time on blacks (why are you so fixated on blacks anyway when you came from New Zealand and now are in northern Mexico??) when all these white nations and their societies are being destroyed by jews:
Cornfed wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 6:20 am
So it appears that the general feeling is that we need to continue pretending that blacks are people just like us, absorb all the resulting misery and in due course let the elites use black savages to destroy our societies. Absolutely disgusting.
The only reason why there's immigration of a bunch of foreigners in any Gentile country is because the inhabitants either let the ZOGs take over everything and promote mass-immigration (which is the norm), and sometimes the natives like the weak Europeans are such cuckolds they don't even try to resist the foreign invasion.

Like I mentioned, blacks are only one of the groups of people that the jews are trying to weaponize to destroy white countries (and selected others like Japan, but they won't be the only ones if the population goes soft and tolerates mass immigration, and their leadership sells out).

EU is obviously the most catastrophic recipient of throngs of middle easterners, particularly after the ZOG destroys all those middle eastern countries on purpose so they can weaponize the populations (as well as exploiting them through utter evil like organ harvesting operations, before the throngs are sent into the EU as part of the jews' attempt to genocide the whites out of their own countries).

Even Japan is now getting violent rioting mobs of kurds apparently: I saw a young Japanese nationalist posting videos of both Kurds and Africans rioting and harassing Japanese natives in their streets.
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 6:56 am
Cornfed wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 6:20 am
So it appears that the general feeling is that we need to continue pretending that blacks are people just like us, absorb all the resulting misery and in due course let the elites use black savages to destroy our societies. Absolutely disgusting.
Let Europe, Canada absorb them since both of them are liberal places. Canada would gladly take in millions of blacks because they are afflicted with white guilt. However, you got to build a wall around the Canadian border because once Canadian government collapses, those nigs will try to cross back. Germany is also good candidate because they are also afflicted with white guilt. You can also ship all the nigs back to each african states and redistribute them.
Well like I mentioned, black Americans have deeper roots in the States territory (as well as in the Caribbean obviously) than most of us who were Americans (or still are in NBC's case since he is still in the USSA). So most of them aren't going anywhere unless they want to repatriate to get away from the drama here by their own choice.

But when it comes to who ends up inundated with immigrants though (not just black Americans, most of whom I'd predict aren't going anywhere), then it is definitely the case that whichever weak nation states are already the most judaized white guilt cuckolds are already the ones who will be receiving the most boatloads of 3rd world immigrants.

Other comment since you mentioned repatriation (or in your words "You can also ship all the nigs back to each african states and redistribute them"):

There are some good black Americans who have repatriated happily to both Africa and the Caribbean and are now much happier there, so I should mention that to hit the positive note.
However, as those "Foundational Black American" types sometimes point out, a lot of the black African nations don't actually want black Americans to go to their African nations either, and some of them are overtly prejudiced against black Americans (maybe sometimes for unfair reasons, but on the other hand at least in part because they don't want Americans acting pugilistic and making trouble in the streets there). *shrugs*
I recall an interesting video of an angry black American guy in an SUV who I think had rear-ended a Ugandan, and they got in an altercation with the Ugandan yelling in their cool-sounding accents that the American wasn't even from Uganda and didn't belong there. :o
I also recall a video of some black Nigerian guy insinuating he was better than black Americans by birth and saying something like "I am not a neegar, I came over on ze' flights, not on a sheep [ship]," and adding that they weren't of the same blood and there was a difference between them.
(Until I saw that video I thought only Ukrainian or perhaps Russophone neo-nazis called black Americans "neegars," but then I saw this black Nigerian guy doing it... Darned "black white supremacists," LOL.)
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:18 am
Canada will still take in blacks. Remember all the black slaves escaped to Canada via underground railroads with Harriet Tubman, all the black abolitionists fled to Canada, all the draft dodgers escaped to Canada, and Canada is now taking in Indians into their country. Canada won't mind
because it's a liberal wasteland. You got to build a wall around the Canadian border once you exiled all the blacks there.
LOL, Cucknada will take in anyone as long as it's not whites. :lol:
There's also so many teeming throngs of Chinese in there already that I actually saw an Asian nationalist writing about how they actually have a good chance of taking large parts of the place over (since Chinese are also racist a lot of the time and tend think all the other "minorities" are too stupid to get organized and actually govern themselves). :lol:

I didn't actually know that about Harriet Tubman helping escaped black slaves escape to Canada back in the day though... good for her. :D
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:39 am
@publicduende is right in what he is saying about the slave trade. The slave trade justified slavery by developing racist beliefs to justify their self-interest and greed. European investors enslaved people through the Transatlantic slave trade to support the massive tobacco, sugar, and cotton industries in the Americas. Slavery was cheaper than indentured servitude, so slavery was a business decision, not a reflection of hatred or bigotry.

Chesapeake, which grew tobacco, provides a good example. For a while, land owners used indentured servants, most of whom were young men who signed a 4-7 year contract. Servants were exploited during their contract, but after their time was over, they were free. The first Africans, some of whom worked as indentured servants, likely arrived in 1619. However, by the 1660s, the number of indentured servants from Europe dwindled, so tobacco plantation owners began to rely on slavery to raise profits. What could justify the ownership of other humans? Defenders of slavery had a list of racist reasons, saying that slavery was part of God’s plan, it "civilized" Black people, and that some races were so inferior they were meant to be slaves.

But I also agree with @MarcosZeitola and his interpretation of this. Movements like the BLM are not truly about equality or fighting racial hatred etc. It's all a means to both make money and cause further division. So I'm not on board with BLM. Even my girlfriend thinks this movement is bullshit. She said when she was at school they used to talk about slavery and black history month all the time and it just made black kids and white kids hostile towards each other.

Good post! I'm pretty sure that's all right, based on what I have read about the subject.

Also read the Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews volume I to see the proof of jewish guilt in their extensive involvement in the slave trade. As the black scholars who compiled it said:
"Deep within the recesses of the Jewish historical record is the irrefutable evidence that the most prominent of the Jewish pilgram fathers used kidnapped Black Africans disproportionately more than any other ethnic or religious group in New World history and participated in every aspect of the international slave trade. The immense wealth of Jews, as with most of the white colonial fathers, was acquired by the brutal subjugation of Black Africans..."
The techniques of dehumanization to justify enslavement you mentioned was also used by the jews on the Irish:
The jews caused the Irish famine and then enslaved lots of white Irish and then published hateful propaganda to dehumanize their Irish victims in order to justify enslaving them.

I don't remember if the NOIRG included this fact in their excellent book or not, but another observation is that it was that kike Las Casas who originally suggested black and white slaves be used as the labor force in the Caribbean plantations to replace the Taino. That was supposedly suggested as a relief effort for the benefit of the Taino who were indeed being brutally mistreated by the evil Spaniards, but then this jew's solution is mass enslavement of blacks? That shows you what kind of supposed savior of blacks and "people of color" jews tend to be in reality. :wink:
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:39 am
But I also agree with @MarcosZeitola and his interpretation of this. Movements like the BLM are not truly about equality or fighting racial hatred etc. It's all a means to both make money and cause further division. So I'm not on board with BLM. Even my girlfriend thinks this movement is bullshit. She said when she was at school they used to talk about slavery and black history month all the time and it just made black kids and white kids hostile towards each other.

I'm not going to pretend that a large percentage of black people aren't responsible for crime and shit like that. But I tend to judge people based on personal merit rather than lumping everyone into the same category just because they all have the same colour skin or because they all have a vagina (MGTOW for example). I guess I just don't have it in me to hate people enmass for being different to me. I judge people based on their own individual actions.
The organized branches of BLM were set up and funded by jews.
Lots of Soros funding, and the grotesque Susan Rosenberg is one of the main culprits behind it. They also get tons of corporate funds from big companies with managerial boards full of jews.
Here's what happened on the old Twitter (when the head of "trust and safety" was that jewish pedophile Yoel Roth) when a black woman asks why a jew is in charge of BLM, then the jews delete her account for "antisemitism":
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Cornfed wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 10:13 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 9:42 am
What are you waffling about? How are "packs of feral savages" going to destroy humanity and rape all the white women. You seem to be forgetting that white people can be rapists and murderers and "feral". You're starting to sound like a paranoid madman.
Do you have any understanding of the situation? In the US more that 20k white females per year have been raped by blacks per for decades as against essentially zero rapes the other way round. It is a qualitative difference. There is a whole civilization in South Africa built from the ground up that is being genocided. Comparing black crime to white crime is like comparing children mauled to death by chihuahuas to children mauled to death by pit bulls. You are just a stupid punk posting stupid platitudes. You deserve to be killed by blacks.
I haven't ever gone out of my way to research this subject in depth, but as far as I've always read when I saw crime statistics pop up, blacks are only somewhere around 20-23% of the USSA population (something like that) but black men commit over half the violent crimes in the entire country, so it is hugely disproportionate. A lot of that problem would be solved if the blacks were allowed to have their own state like Farrakhan and other black separatist leaders have called for, since then they wouldn't feel they were somehow under white/non-black oppression, and then the black cops in their own state could stop kangz from the hood stealing everything, raping, robbing, killing, dealing drugs, pimping, etc all while still considering themselves the victims of "yt man."

All Cornfed's "feral savages and subhumans" talk is still bullshit though:
Some all-black African countries are actually safer with less crime than the crime mess in the jewnited states (since the all-black police in those countries are allowed to do their job, unlike here where the jewish media and bolshevik jew funded groups like BLM and antifa try to say cops of any color doing their jobs is rooted in "white supremacist oppression," so send crime rates soaring while other jews make a profit of their involvement in everything from drugs and alcohol to gansta rap and pornography, pimping and human trafficking, etc).
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

willymonfrete wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:52 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:01 pm

I know how you guys feel about black people. I won't censor any of your opinions or ban you for having these opinions even though I disagree with them. But don't be like that shameless piece of shit @Cornfed and make shit personal by talking about my partner like that. It's unnecessary. Keep those opinions to yourselves please.
Cornfed crossed the line.I definately understand your ire for what he did.Unlike him I rarely ever talk about this topic anyway,and unlike him I live smack in the middle of the ghetto,he doesn't even have to deal with blacks,so I don't understand his obsession with them.
I wondered that about Cornfed's obsession with blacks too.
He was from New Zealand and is now in northern Mexico (if I remember rightly).... ?

Sometimes anti-ZOG noticers also get disingenuously accused of being "obsessed with jews," but that is because the ZOG bankers set up the bank cabal, funded both sides of wars including the world wars, mass-murdered everyone in the Bolshevik era, played a leading role in the slave trade and then try to weaponize desendants of slavery, did 9/11 and started the "Neocon" zionist forever wars and also the war against Russia over the Ukraine ZOG, subvert and destroy nations on purpose and even have Soros and Rockefeller types gloating about it even though they try to make it illegal for goys to say that, did the entire Covid agenda (both the virus and the vaccine), etc etc.
But black men (or women) are not the movers and shakers behind any of those things. So it seems a bit odd for Cornfed to be fixated on blacks...
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Huh, what?! :o :? LOL, interesting comedy plot twist in this already eventful thread:
fschmidt wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 10:40 pm
kangarunner wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 10:31 pm
Hmm, I know that there are many, many good-natured, kind, and compassionate people in the world. I see them here in Peru and I've been around good people in all the countries I've lived in.

As for my enemies, I've literally spent countless hours in my mind thinking of new ways to torture them. I love to think of how I can use physical pain and psychological pain to make them endure the most painful mental and physical torture possible. I've thought about taking a knife and carving one guy's face and then showing him a mirror and then saying "How do you like your new face?"

Knowing that there are good people in the world does give me hope. Living in SE Asia literally saved my life from the awful, selfish bastards in America.
Good people should be able to create good things. What good things do these people that you mention create?

To my knowledge, Anabaptist furniture is the only thing of quality currently being produced in the world (and my software, of course).
So kangarunner's saying he has hope there's good people in the world at the same time as posting deranged fantasies about torturing some guy's face with a knife in a mirror, then @fschmidt implies South East Asians aren't creating anything good, and that the only worthwhile things being created are Anabaptist furniture and his own computer software?!?!
(I'm not doubting you write good software, but Anabaptist furniture, ROFLMAO?! Where did that come from? :lol: )
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by WilliamSmith »

publicduende wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 11:25 pm
fschmidt wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 11:07 pm
My solution to blacks? Exterminate most of them. Of course that's my solution to all races, and to humanity in general.
If it was for you, everybody but you, your mom and your sister would have to die because they don't deserve to be alive :)
Don't forget at one point @fschmidt was also saying something called "Mennonites" were apparently also on his rare exception list of the very few people who he thought didn't "deserve to be executed" (though of course he may have changed his mind).
I don't know what either Mennonites or Anabaptist furniture are right now, but maybe I'll become more informed on a future HA session even though I'm out of time tonight. :mrgreen:
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by publicduende »

WilliamSmith wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 5:07 pm
publicduende wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 11:25 pm
fschmidt wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 11:07 pm
My solution to blacks? Exterminate most of them. Of course that's my solution to all races, and to humanity in general.
If it was for you, everybody but you, your mom and your sister would have to die because they don't deserve to be alive :)
Don't forget at one point @fschmidt was also saying something called "Mennonites" were apparently also on his rare exception list of the very few people who he thought didn't "deserve to be executed" (though of course he may have changed his mind).
I don't know what either Mennonites or Anabaptist furniture are right now, but maybe I'll become more informed on a future HA session even though I'm out of time tonight. :mrgreen:
Remember that @fschmidt is himself a Jewish man, albeit on a much broader understanding of world religions. "Salvation for the few" is a typical American obsession, from Mormons to Scientologists. It's American exceptionalism sublimated to the spiritual/salvific level. We Europeans just don't have a clue what to make of it. We just stare...
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by willymonfrete »

WilliamSmith wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 5:03 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:52 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:01 pm

I know how you guys feel about black people. I won't censor any of your opinions or ban you for having these opinions even though I disagree with them. But don't be like that shameless piece of shit @Cornfed and make shit personal by talking about my partner like that. It's unnecessary. Keep those opinions to yourselves please.
Cornfed crossed the line.I definately understand your ire for what he did.Unlike him I rarely ever talk about this topic anyway,and unlike him I live smack in the middle of the ghetto,he doesn't even have to deal with blacks,so I don't understand his obsession with them.
I wondered that about Cornfed's obsession with blacks too.
He was from New Zealand and is now in northern Mexico (if I remember rightly).... ?

Sometimes anti-ZOG noticers also get disingenuously accused of being "obsessed with jews," but that is because the ZOG bankers set up the bank cabal, funded both sides of wars including the world wars, mass-murdered everyone in the Bolshevik era, played a leading role in the slave trade and then try to weaponize desendants of slavery, did 9/11 and started the "Neocon" zionist forever wars and also the war against Russia over the Ukraine ZOG, subvert and destroy nations on purpose and even have Soros and Rockefeller types gloating about it even though they try to make it illegal for goys to say that, did the entire Covid agenda (both the virus and the vaccine), etc etc.
But black men (or women) are not the movers and shakers behind any of those things. So it seems a bit odd for Cornfed to be fixated on blacks...
right,if I lived far away from black americans,I would largely just blissfully forget about them.They wouldn't affect me.It's kind of like those low IQ conservotards that spew hatred on 'wetbacks',when Latinos in the states have lower crime rates than whites according to Ron Unz.

I don't lie and say I like every culture of people,but if I don't have to deal with them,I am fine with them co-existing,trading and even minor tourism in my area,I don't like indians much,but I don't go on about how indians are 24/17 because I don't have to really deal with them,and the few I know are islamic and I have no problem with islamic indians or pakistanis.

As for obsession with Jewish people,well when someone is ruining everything that affects you,the world and also plans on eliminating your people,implemented the vaccine to kill billions of people that didn't deserve to die and were Upright(I am glad the vax is killing the liberals in the west no doubt,but not everyone else)then of course you would have hatred against them.

I don't even hate jews lol I am attracted to sefardic women and would date a jewish woman if she was attractive and conservative.

I had 3 jewish girlfriends in my life anyway.
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:39 am

Yeah, that was going a bit too far. Winston said this kind of discussion is discretionary. I honestly just try to stay out of this kind of topic. I prefer to allow freedom of speech and just ignore topics I dislike.

So, you can talk about how you dislike black people and why. You can provide statistics and data to back up your argument. Just try not to go too far next time please. A friendly request, not an order.
@Natural_Born_Cynic, since you have a forgetful memory. Since I mistakenly thought you gave a shit about my opinion I simply asked that you toned it down. I never threatened to warn or ban. So don't misquote me next time.
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: What is your solution to blacks?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 3rd, 2023, 9:18 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:39 am

Yeah, that was going a bit too far. Winston said this kind of discussion is discretionary. I honestly just try to stay out of this kind of topic. I prefer to allow freedom of speech and just ignore topics I dislike.

So, you can talk about how you dislike black people and why. You can provide statistics and data to back up your argument. Just try not to go too far next time please. A friendly request, not an order.
@Natural_Born_Cynic, since you have a forgetful memory. Since I mistakenly thought you gave a shit about my opinion I simply asked that you toned it down. I never threatened to warn or ban. So don't misquote me next time.
I understand, I'll be careful next time.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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