Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

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Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Interesting video about Marcion Christianity, which posits that the God of Jesus was not the God of the OT, and that the God of the OT was actually Satan and a bad guy. This puts a whole new light on the verse where Jesus tells the Pharisees that "You are of your father the Devil."
What if God is actually the Devil? What if the very foundations of Christianity was built on a shocking secret that the church doesn’t want you to know? Marcion, the man who compiled the world’s first Bible, believed that the God worshipped by the church today is actually an evil being enslaving humanity and we’ll discovered that Jesus himself reveals that god is the devil in the banned gospel of Judas. Is this actually true and has the world been deceived into worshipping an evil being? We’re going to find out right now.

Billy Carson, a New Age Ancient Aliens podcaster, explains why the God of the Bible could actually be Satan in this presentation below.

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by MrPeabody »

He is nothing more than a low vibration spiritual entity that resonates with anger and revenge. He controls the world because this is an age of spiritual ignorance - the Kali Yuga.
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

The Trial of God: Was He Invented? | Judging Yahweh, the God of the Bible

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

MrPeabody wrote:
September 6th, 2023, 10:28 am
He is nothing more than a low vibration spiritual entity that resonates with anger and revenge. He controls the world because this is an age of spiritual ignorance - the Kali Yuga.
I heard he's just an entity or lower deity in the 4th dimension that parasites energy off of Christians like a pyramid scam. That's why he keeps asking Christians to recruit more people, just like how a pyramid scheme or MLM operates. Sarah Elkhaldy from the Alchemist Channel explains this very well in her videos about the Trap of worshipping God and the False Light Trap too.

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by MrPeabody »

Winston wrote:
September 6th, 2023, 10:42 am
MrPeabody wrote:
September 6th, 2023, 10:28 am
He is nothing more than a low vibration spiritual entity that resonates with anger and revenge. He controls the world because this is an age of spiritual ignorance - the Kali Yuga.
I heard he's just an entity or lower deity in the 4th dimension that parasites energy off of Christians like a pyramid scam. That's why he keeps asking Christians to recruit more people, just like how a pyramid scheme or MLM operates. Sarah Elkhaldy from the Alchemist Channel explains this very well in her videos about the Trap of worshipping God and the False Light Trap too.
The desire of Christians to convert is absolutely fanatical. There is nothing like it. Their low vibration God has a big appetite. It was also Christians who invented MLM by the way.
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow this will blow your minds too. Apparently, there is a good case for why Jesus and Lucifer are the same person too. See below for the details and evidence. Wow I didn't know that in the Secret Gospel of John, Jesus even said that he caused Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Wow. See below. This will blow the socks off of @MrMan. lol
The Church wants you to believe that Jesus and Lucifer are enemies but what if they were actually the same being? Not only does the bible itself contain evidence towards this conclusion but there exist many secret gospels and Christian books that corroborate this that were banned and destroyed by the Church. Why did the Church destroy these so-called blasphemous and heretical books? Because many of them claimed to contain the secret truth. Could Jesus, the self-proclaimed “Light of the World” and “Morning Star” be the same being as Lucifer whose name in Latin literally means Lightbringer and morning star? And could they have the same mission, to set humanity free and ultimately overthrow God?
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

I got a question. Isn't this what the Freemasons and Illuminati believe too? According to William Cooper and other Truthers, that's what the Illuminati and the powers that be believe too, that Lucifer was the good guy. If so then why are the Illuminati trying to enslave us into an oppressive NWO? Can someone explain? This is very confusing. There must be some kind of misdirection here. Are the Illuminati and Freemasons Gnostic or do they serve the Demiurge?
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow this guy is really interesting. Could angels really be demons and Earth be hell? This sort of makes sense and would explain a lot, even though it's total anathema and blasphemy to @MrMan. What do you think @Lucas88? I think you will resonate with it even if you don't have the same exact views on everything.
Are Angels actually demons? That’s exactly what an ancient heretical book banned by the church and excluded from the bible reveals. This shocking book is known as the Reality of the Rulers and its purpose is to alert the reader to a dark secret. What is that secret? That the angels are really demonic rulers here to keep you imprisoned on earth because you’re actually in hell right now. This is what the Church doesn’t want you to know.

The Reality of the Rulers, also known as the Hypostasis of the Archons, is an ancient book associated with a group of heretical Christians known as the Gnostics who claimed to hold secret knowledge of the truth of existence. They believed the rest of the world had been utterly fooled by what would become mainstream Christianity and that it was a trap spread by the Rulers to keep you on earth which is hell. But there is way to escape earth—to escape hell and that’s exactly what we’re going to find out at the end of this video.
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Check out this video about a Gnostic text that gives the Serpent's side of the story and explains why God was the villain and bad guy, not the Serpent. It sort of makes sense if you think about it.

There's no question this makes more sense than the Christian version. Think about it. Which makes more sense: That all our problems are due to an evil god that manipulates us and parasites energy off us by manufacturing conflict, suffering, and stress? Or that a dumb couple named Adam and Eve caused all our problems by eating a fruit off the forbidden tree? Obviously the former makes 1000 times more sense than the later -- which makes zero sense and is absurd when you think about it -- and would explain a lot and clear up a lot of confusion about why this world is so unjust. The latter which is the Christian version sounds like a cheap SCAM and copout used to try to make us feel GUILTY and try to pin the BLAME on us for our ancestor's actions. There is also zero evidence and zero sense in the standard Christian story. All it is based on is the standard fallacy of appeal to authority.

Btw check out the 2021 movie "The Unholy" in which a girl is possessed by both God and Satan and it turns out both are bad and evil. There is a great line in the movie that you will love that goes like this: "Where God is, the devil soon follows behind." That speaks volumes. Here is the trailer for the movie.

Also don't forget that Jesus said "Be wise as serpents" indicating that serpents were wise too.
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. In the Gnostic text "Apocalypse of Adam", Adam reveals that God is actually the Devil! Wow. No way!

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. This Christian pastor says that the NIV version of the Bible says that Jesus is Lucifer! Isn't the NIV more accurate than the KJV Bible?

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow Jesus reveals that God is the Devil in the banned Gospel of Judas!

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Wow look at the terrible things the god of the OT did. Absolutely horrible. How do Christians like @MrMan sleep at night knowing these things? See the list below.

No matter how angry people get at me they can not erase the evil contained in the book and to follow it will mean they follow evil. Study it out before it is too late !
Yhwh did all the following things, yet people believe he is the FATHER in heaven that Jesus taught?
He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16: 23, 18: 10);
He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12);
He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2);
He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13);
He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20);
He sent serpents to bite and kill people (Num 21:6)
He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27);
He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10);
He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14);
He spread dung on people's faces (Mal.2: 3);
He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22);
He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10);
He changed his mind (Jonah 3: 10).
He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12);
He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2);
He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21: 6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10);
He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5);
He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8);
He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15);
He wasn't omnipresent (Gen. 4:16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12);
He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31);
He often repented ( Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12);
He played favorites ( Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22);
He sanctioned slavery ( Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17);
He did abortions (Numbers 5)
He harden hearts so he could do more horrors to the Egyptians (Exo 7:3, 14:4)
He turned/transformed their hearts to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants (Psa 105:25)
He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23)
He makes people blind and deaf (Exo_4:11)
He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2);
He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18);
He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5:9);
He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, Jo 12:39 – 40).
He supported human sacrifice (Judges 11, Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20:26);
He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9);
He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36);
He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56).
He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6).
He sanctioned violation of the enemy's women (Deut 21: 10 – 14);
He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21);
He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22: 28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1);
He ordered the burning of human feces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5);
He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25);
He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14);
He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15);
He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10);
He is indecisive ( Gen. 18: 17)
He kills over 2 million in the OT
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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by Winston »

Dr. David Litwa, author of "The Evil Creator" explains why the early Gnostics saw the creator as an evil deity, which was suppressed and banned from orthodoxy. One hour interview with him below on MythVision Podcast. This guy looks very intellectual and scholarly.

Dr. David Litwa on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio. Full interview below.

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Re: Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? Did Jesus Have a Different God?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
September 13th, 2023, 1:57 am
Wow look at the terrible things the god of the OT did. Absolutely horrible. How do Christians like @MrMan sleep at night knowing these things? See the list below.

No matter how angry people get at me they can not erase the evil contained in the book and to follow it will mean they follow evil. Study it out before it is too late !
Yhwh did all the following things, yet people believe he is the FATHER in heaven that Jesus taught?
He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16: 23, 18: 10);
He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12);
He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2);
He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13);
He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20);
He sent serpents to bite and kill people (Num 21:6)
He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27);
He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10);
He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14);
He spread dung on people's faces (Mal.2: 3);
He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22);
He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10);
He changed his mind (Jonah 3: 10).
He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12);
He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2);
He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21: 6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10);
He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5);
He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8);
He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15);
He wasn't omnipresent (Gen. 4:16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12);
He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31);
He often repented ( Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12);
He played favorites ( Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22);
He sanctioned slavery ( Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17);
He did abortions (Numbers 5)
He harden hearts so he could do more horrors to the Egyptians (Exo 7:3, 14:4)
He turned/transformed their hearts to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants (Psa 105:25)
He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23)
He makes people blind and deaf (Exo_4:11)
He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2);
He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18);
He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5:9);
He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, Jo 12:39 – 40).
He supported human sacrifice (Judges 11, Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20:26);
He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9);
He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36);
He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56).
He ordered horses to be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6).
He sanctioned violation of the enemy's women (Deut 21: 10 – 14);
He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21);
He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22: 28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1);
He ordered the burning of human feces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5);
He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25);
He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14);
He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15);
He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10);
He is indecisive ( Gen. 18: 17)
He kills over 2 million in the OT
Some of those are false. For example, the verse you cite about slavery requires that one who beats a slave to death be punished, the opposite of what you wrote. You also treat some curse/punishment/consequence type verses as commands. Numbers 5 does not mention abortions.

Rapists were required to marry victims who had been virgins, but that was on the rapists part. The father of a daughters whose virginity had been taken could take the bride price and not marry off his daughter.
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