Why I Favor Paganism

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
That seems pretty ridiculous 'we believe' as if you can speak for all pagans. There are many types of pagans, and they are probably less uniform than any other religion category you can think of.
I was speaking for myself and Pixel--Dude. I think that by now everybody here knows that we come as a pair or a tag team. Lol!

Yes, you're correct. "Pagan" is simply an umbrella term which refers to a myriad of non-Abrahamic religions and is utterly meaningless without any further context.

Pixel--Dude and I don't speak for all "Pagans". We are Enkists. We recognize Enki and the original gods of antiquity as the true gods of Gentile humanity. Our original gods revealed authentic spiritual knowledge to us and taught us the arts of civilization in an age prior to the Kali Yuga but were then ousted by Yahweh and other illegitimate gods after the invasion at the hands of the latter. We Enkists are obviously loyal to Enki and the original gods and view Yahweh and his followers as enemies.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
And where would you get your belief system anyway? What are you taking at face value? What the odds that whatever little bit of pagan literature from one source that you kind of like so believe is true, combined with all the other random little bits and pieces you choose to accept are true?
We have studied the extant texts and mythologies of various pre-Christian cultures and have found a common theme of a conflict between two different factions of deities: one which sought to elevate Gentile humanity and another which sought to subjugate and enslave us.

The earliest example is that of Enki who revealed to Adapa the knowledge of the Anunnaki against the will of Anu. According to Sumerian religion, Enki was a benevolent god of wisdom who gave humans civilization and even taught us occult knowledge.

Then there is the Greek myth of Prometheus. Prometheus gave us the proverbial fire of the gods and made us like them but was subsequently banished for such a deed.

Hinduism recognizes a cosmic war between the benevolent Devas and the malevolent Asuras. It is told that we once lived in a Golden Age with the Devas and flourished greatly and developed great psychic abilities and a high level of consciousness but now the world is under the rule of the Asuras and we have been in the dark age of Kali Yuga since.

Then, of course, the Bible and its apocrypha talk about a War in Heaven and the story of the Watchers. The Watchers revealed all kinds of knowledge and even "the secrets of heaven" to the daughters of men but were exiled by the "angels" of Yahweh and imprisoned in the abyss. This version of the story is obviously from an Abrahamic perspective.

We don't take anything at face value. We don't just regurgitate religious propaganda texts like Christians do. We are capable of comparing and contrasting concepts. We observe that various mythologies preserve a narrative of a cosmic war between two groups of deities. The biblical version is simply one of many. Each text/mythology obviously tells the story from the perspective of its authors and therefore includes their own biases and theological agendas. Having examined the evidence, we have come to the conclusion that it is actually Enki/Prometheus/the Serpent and his gods who are the good guys and our true gods while the biblical version is simply a false version written by the bad guys who simply wish to deceive and spiritually enslave us. History is written by the victors. It's just a case of an evil impostor deity attempting to elevate himself as sole creator of the universe while simultaneously slandering the true gods who he ousted. This is evident when one reads how Enki gave knowledge and civilization to Gentile humanity while even the Bible itself depicts Yahweh as a bloodthirsty and psychopathic tyrant and uses fear and psychological manipulation.

Who prohibited occult knowledge? Yahweh.

Who required blood sacrifices and holocausts for the supposed atonement of sins and appeasement? Yahweh.

Who ordered countless genocides against non-believers including men, women, children and even newborns? Yahweh.

Who instated an ultimate blood sacrifice in the form of his supposed firstborn son? Yahweh.

Who threatens his "children" with hell and eternal damnation for any form of supposed disobedience? Yahweh.

Who controls the entire financial system and is currently conspiring to subvert all Gentile nations for the establishment of the "Messianic Age"? Yahweh's people - the Jews (they are simply following the blueprint outlined in their own religious texts).

Pixel--Dude and I are Gentile souls who have a natural connection to Enki and heard his call. We saw through the deception and perversion of Christianity and had the instinct to seek further. We are not brainwashed Christian slave souls living in fear of a psychotic and evil Jew god or submitting to a fear-based religion.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
You are also missing my point. Demons have some power. You are just a man. If you believe there are demons out there, why would you want to anger them? YHWH is no demon, and He is powerful. It is foolish for you to go around angering spirits that can harm you or justly judge you.

Again, I have God to protect me. In your belief system, why would you want to insult God or any spirit?
Those abusive entities will attempt to harm us anyway. They see us as nothing more than cattle. After bodily death, some slavish souls conditioned by deceptive religions will submissively go into the light and comply with the instructions of the false angels, but rebellious souls know that it is better to flee. Some souls might comply with the logic that "maybe they'll be lenient towards me if I just surrender" but, as I've already explained, they'll attempt to abuse us anyway. In my view, it's better to be outright rebellious in the face of tyranny and do our best to resist. Those entities aren't all-powerful. They just want us to think that they are.

Our own spirituality is all about spiritual practices for the strengthening of the aura, the opening of the chakras, the cultivation of our own spiritual power and the elevation of the vibrational frequencies of the soul. We need to make ourselves strong and powerful in order to be able to resist the evil entities who want to subject us to their abuse.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
Who is 'we'? Whatever random racist ideas you pull out of your backside are representative of all pagans now? That doesn't make any sense.
Racist? The Jewish elite literally believes that you and I and everyone else outside of their bizarre little tribe are cattle created to serve them and are now working to take the New World Order to its final stage for their envisioned tikkun olam of universal Gentile enslavement. Their perverse Kabbalah teaches that all Gentile souls originate from the dark side of dualistic creation (or Sitra Achra in Hebrew) and are therefore inherently evil and must either be annihilated or enslaved to the Jews in the Messianic Age. That's what they openly think about us and are working towards! But all you can say is that I'm "racist" because I oppose such a hostile and subversive tribe and religion??? Man, you really are a lowborn, Jew-cucked, foolish Christard, aren't you?
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:09 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm

Pixel--Dude and I don't speak for all "Pagans". We are Enkists. We recognize Enki and the original gods of antiquity as the true gods of Gentile humanity. Our original gods revealed authentic spiritual knowledge to us and taught us the arts of civilization in an age prior to the Kali Yuga but were then ousted by Yahweh and other illegitimate gods after the invasion at the hands of the latter. We Enkists are obviously loyal to Enki and the original gods and view Yahweh and his followers as enemies.
Your Enki must be pretty dinky compared to YHWH to get ousted by him. Why would you worship an ousted spirit? If he isn't powerful enough to prevent that, what's the point of worshipping him? If Enki is too dinky to resist YHWH, why would you write evil things about YHWH? That seems like a foolish thing to do.

This sounds made up-- Gentile humanity? It sounds like mainly unrevealed religion- where you just make up some story line. It reminds me of the saying, 'Choose the religion that is right for you, and reality is sure to follow." But that doesn't work out well.
We have studied the extant texts and mythologies of various pre-Christian cultures and have found a common theme of a conflict between two different factions of deities: one which sought to elevate Gentile humanity and another which sought to subjugate and enslave us.
Sounds rather far-fetched. Ancient pagan texts on 'Gentile humanity.' So you think you can arrive at a true history of the spirit world by picking and choosing from ancient texts.
Who prohibited occult knowledge? Yahweh.

Who required blood sacrifices and holocausts for the supposed atonement of sins and appeasement? Yahweh.
Blood sacrifice was a part of ancient paganism, also. There were and are sacrifices in Hinduism. Hindus used to burn widows before India came under Christian missionary influence. And of course it was part of Greek paganism. There is at least a one-off case of human sacrifice in Greek paganism, and triumphs could end in an execution in Rome that seemed a bit human-sacrificy. The Norse sacrificed people. So did Aztec pagans. Canaanite paganism involved people sacrificing their own children, and there are polemics against this in the Bible. In Christianity, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but you aren't required to make blood sacrifices of your children.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
You are also missing my point. Demons have some power. You are just a man. If you believe there are demons out there, why would you want to anger them? YHWH is no demon, and He is powerful. It is foolish for you to go around angering spirits that can harm you or justly judge you.

Again, I have God to protect me. In your belief system, why would you want to insult God or any spirit?
Those abusive entities will attempt to harm us anyway. They see us as nothing more than cattle. After bodily death, some slavish souls conditioned by deceptive religions will submissively go into the light and comply with the instructions of the false angels, but rebellious souls know that it is better to flee.
What reason do you have to believe in right and wrong? Ethics as being combined with faith is a Judeo-Christian thing. Baal and Ashura worship involved making sacrifices and doing the rituals to appease them. It's not about morality. They sacrificed the babies and did the sex rituals to supposedly get what they wanted from the deities, to appease them to get what they wanted done. Greek paganism's Zeus wasn't a moral husband.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
Who is 'we'? Whatever random racist ideas you pull out of your backside are representative of all pagans now? That doesn't make any sense.
Racist? The Jewish elite literally believes that you and I and everyone else outside of their bizarre little tribe are cattle created to serve them and are now working to take the New World Order to its final stage for their envisioned tikkun olam of universal Gentile enslave. Their perverse Kabbalah teaches that all Gentile souls originate from the dark side of dualistic creation (or Sitra Achra in Hebrew) and are therefore inherently evil and must either be annihilated or enslaved to the Jews in the Messianic Age.
Well, I'm not Jewish and I didn't grow up in a synagogue, but I think you are painting with a broad brush. Not all Jews read the Kabbalah. The Talmud has conflicting opinions. All Jews don't believe all opinions. Jews say where there are two Jews there are three opinions, or have different numbers for similar sayings.

While you might find quotes from individual Jews who thought that way, that doesn't seem to be the majority or standard opinion.

That's what they openly think about us and are working towards! But all you can say is that I'm "racist" because I oppose such a hostile and subversive tribe and religion??? Man, you really are a lowborn, Jew-cucked, foolish Christard, aren't you?
No, I wrote that because you are racist.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

Your Enki must be pretty dinky compared to YHWH to get ousted by him. Why would you worship an ousted spirit? If he isn't powerful enough to prevent that, what's the point of worshipping him? If Enki is too dinky to resist YHWH, why would you write evil things about YHWH? That seems like a foolish thing to do.

This sounds made up-- Gentile humanity? It sounds like mainly unrevealed religion- where you just make up some story line. It reminds me of the saying, 'Choose the religion that is right for you, and reality is sure to follow." But that doesn't work out well.
Some of the ancient texts and mythologies that I mentioned such as those of the Sumerians predate the Bible by at least a millennium. Moreover, even modern scholarship recognizes that some of those ancient myths were copied by the authors of Genesis. The Eden story of your "holy book" is literally just a rehashing and distortion of much older stories. But for some reason you feel the need to dismiss or mock older versions of the story just because you consider them "Pagan". You're not really a truth seeker at all, are you, MrMan? You're just a fanatic and blindly believe whatever the Bible and your own theological persuasion tell you to regard as truth, don't you?

Why do you believe that you can simply find the truth packaged all nicely for you in some book purported to be "holy"? Do you really think that things are that simple? Don't you ever suspect that the authors of that book could be lying to you? You always claim that other people's religions are made up or inspired by demons or negative entities. But that same argument can just as easily be applied to your own unholy book. There's plenty of red flags in the Bible in the form of all of its bloody atrocities ordered by Yahweh. But you never stop to consider that. How curious. :?
Blood sacrifice was a part of ancient paganism, also. There were and are sacrifices in Hinduism. Hindus used to burn widows before India came under Christian missionary influence. And of course it was part of Greek paganism. There is at least a one-off case of human sacrifice in Greek paganism, and triumphs could end in an execution in Rome that seemed a bit human-sacrificy. The Norse sacrificed people. So did Aztec pagans. Canaanite paganism involved people sacrificing their own children, and there are polemics against this in the Bible. In Christianity, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but you aren't required to make blood sacrifices of your children.
We've told you this before. Pixel--Dude and I don't follow Greek Paganism, Canaanite Paganism, Norse Paganism, Aztec Paganism or any of those religions. All of those things are just late developments in the thoroughly corrupt world of Kali Yuga long after the invasion at the hands of Yahweh and other evil entities and the banishment of our original Gentile gods. They have nothing to do with us.

Obviously Judaism and Christianity are not much different from any of the morally questionable Pagan traditions which you cited. They're just another current of barbaric and gruesome blood sacrifice cults which worship a batshit-crazy authoritarian deity and which are followed by masses of ignorant and morally retarded people. It's just the same old perversion with a different façade. :roll:
What reason do you have to believe in right and wrong? Ethics as being combined with faith is a Judeo-Christian thing.
My sense of right and wrong comes from my own elevated spiritual consciousness and my pursuit of wisdom and study of ethics. Consciousness is the basis of our thoughts and actions. Our level of innate nobility and goodness is directly proportionate to our soul's level of evolution. I don't intentionally harm or deceive others because my own innate nobility tells me that that would be wrong. I behave ethically without any need for that Jewdeo-Christian BS.

Furthermore, I have enough spiritual consciousness and innate nobility to tell me that the blood sacrifices and countless other atrocities of the Bible as per the orders of the Hebrew god are thoroughly sick and evil and that Yahweh is an absolute monster from a moral standpoint. The same thing cannot be said for the hordes of perverse and morally retarded Christians and other Abrahamists who condone all of that horrific depravity and then say with a straight face that their god is "loving" and "righteous". :roll:
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:30 pm
Well, I'm not Jewish and I didn't grow up in a synagogue, but I think you are painting with a broad brush. Not all Jews read the Kabbalah. The Talmud has conflicting opinions. All Jews don't believe all opinions. Jews say where there are two Jews there are three opinions, or have different numbers for similar sayings.

While you might find quotes from individual Jews who thought that way, that doesn't seem to be the majority or standard opinion.
You need to take your head out of your ass concerning the Jews if you don't want to end up in a worldwide Jewish Messianic dystopia within the next decade. The Jewish elite who controls the world follow a religious doctrine which literally teaches that we Gentiles are all cattle to be enslaved and exterminated and that they have a mission to bring about what they call the tikkun olam for the enslavement and subjugation of the nations. People need to wake the fcuk up!
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 8:54 pm
The Jewish elite who controls the world follow a religious doctrine which literally teaches that we Gentiles are all cattle to be enslaved and exterminated and that they have a mission to bring about what they call the tikkun olam for the enslavement and subjugation of the nations. People need to wake the fcuk up!
Does this term in Judaism mean that to anyone else in the world besides you?


I'm not saying you couldn't find a one-off references to an offensive concept with that label, but your comment seems a bit misleading.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 29th, 2023, 7:37 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 8:54 pm
The Jewish elite who controls the world follow a religious doctrine which literally teaches that we Gentiles are all cattle to be enslaved and exterminated and that they have a mission to bring about what they call the tikkun olam for the enslavement and subjugation of the nations. People need to wake the fcuk up!
Does this term in Judaism mean that to anyone else in the world besides you?


I'm not saying you couldn't find a one-off references to an offensive concept with that label, but your comment seems a bit misleading.
Yes, it means what I say it means to the Kabbalists and the batshit-crazy cabal which spearheads the Jewish conspiracy/New World Order. Do you really think that you're gonna find this information on Wikipedia? Lol! Just because you might find some Jewish groups that don't agree with this interpretation of tikkun olam doesn't mean that it's not a problem for us Gentiles. An inner core of the Jewish elite does indeed believe in this interpretation and is being motivated to conspire against our nations because of it. That's all that matters.

I made a thread with various well-presented videos about the esoteric teachings behind the Jewish conspiracy not too long ago:


Like I said before, people need to wake up to what is going on before it's too late!
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this interesting video by Pro-White Aryans about the Pagan gods and why they are REAL deities and not archetypes or symbols like modern people and Jewish created religions try to claim. Very interesting. @MrPeabody will love this.

Are pre-Christian, pagan gods simply archetypes? Aspects of your subconscious mind? Symbols? The following clips will go into this subject in more detail, alongside the flaws of atheistic paganism, and how the New World Order pushes this type of pasteurized form of spirituality to disempower Europeans.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. Apparently the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton must have been a crypto Jew or Hebrew, because he used the Jewish modus operandi to try to subvert the culture and religions of Egypt. First he forced monotheism on the Egyptian people, then he started a cultural revolution to subvert Egyptian culture, religion, and strength. Sound familiar? Also, many scholars including Sigmund Freud have linked Moses and Akhenaton, so he definitely was connected to the Hebrews if not one himself. Freud's last book was called "Moses and Monotheism" which made the connection. So apparently this MO of the Kabbalists and Jewish elites was even going on 3,000 years ago in Egypt.

The same MO also brought down the Roman Empire too, which is why Christianity led to the deterioration of the Roman Empire, whereas the Pagan religions made the empire strong. That's something historians will never dare tell you. And of course the same MO has created all the cultural revolutions today starting in the 60s with the Beatles. This is all very eye opening and enlightening, but blood boiling too. @MrPeabody will love this video.

The following documentary will explain exactly how Akhenaton, the strangest pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was operating as puppet to destroy the Indo-European spirituality and culture of that region.

You'll also find out how the (((tribe))) how consistently pushed spiritual revolutions like Atenism, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity, all as a way to usher in their eventual domination of society, similar to the NWO we live under nowadays.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 8:54 pm
Your Enki must be pretty dinky compared to YHWH to get ousted by him. Why would you worship an ousted spirit? If he isn't powerful enough to prevent that, what's the point of worshipping him? If Enki is too dinky to resist YHWH, why would you write evil things about YHWH? That seems like a foolish thing to do.

This sounds made up-- Gentile humanity? It sounds like mainly unrevealed religion- where you just make up some story line. It reminds me of the saying, 'Choose the religion that is right for you, and reality is sure to follow." But that doesn't work out well.
Some of the ancient texts and mythologies that I mentioned such as those of the Sumerians predate the Bible by at least a millennium. Moreover, even modern scholarship recognizes that some of those ancient myths were copied by the authors of Genesis. The Eden story of your "holy book" is literally just a rehashing and distortion of much older stories. But for some reason you feel the need to dismiss or mock older versions of the story just because you consider them "Pagan". You're not really a truth seeker at all, are you, MrMan? You're just a fanatic and blindly believe whatever the Bible and your own theological persuasion tell you to regard as truth, don't you?

Why do you believe that you can simply find the truth packaged all nicely for you in some book purported to be "holy"? Do you really think that things are that simple? Don't you ever suspect that the authors of that book could be lying to you? You always claim that other people's religions are made up or inspired by demons or negative entities. But that same argument can just as easily be applied to your own unholy book. There's plenty of red flags in the Bible in the form of all of its bloody atrocities ordered by Yahweh. But you never stop to consider that. How curious. :?
Blood sacrifice was a part of ancient paganism, also. There were and are sacrifices in Hinduism. Hindus used to burn widows before India came under Christian missionary influence. And of course it was part of Greek paganism. There is at least a one-off case of human sacrifice in Greek paganism, and triumphs could end in an execution in Rome that seemed a bit human-sacrificy. The Norse sacrificed people. So did Aztec pagans. Canaanite paganism involved people sacrificing their own children, and there are polemics against this in the Bible. In Christianity, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but you aren't required to make blood sacrifices of your children.
We've told you this before. Pixel--Dude and I don't follow Greek Paganism, Canaanite Paganism, Norse Paganism, Aztec Paganism or any of those religions. All of those things are just late developments in the thoroughly corrupt world of Kali Yuga long after the invasion at the hands of Yahweh and other evil entities and the banishment of our original Gentile gods. They have nothing to do with us.

Obviously Judaism and Christianity are not much different from any of the morally questionable Pagan traditions which you cited. They're just another current of barbaric and gruesome blood sacrifice cults which worship a batshit-crazy authoritarian deity and which are followed by masses of ignorant and morally retarded people. It's just the same old perversion with a different façade. :roll:
What reason do you have to believe in right and wrong? Ethics as being combined with faith is a Judeo-Christian thing.
My sense of right and wrong comes from my own elevated spiritual consciousness and my pursuit of wisdom and study of ethics. Consciousness is the basis of our thoughts and actions. Our level of innate nobility and goodness is directly proportionate to our soul's level of evolution. I don't intentionally harm or deceive others because my own innate nobility tells me that that would be wrong. I behave ethically without any need for that Jewdeo-Christian BS.

Furthermore, I have enough spiritual consciousness and innate nobility to tell me that the blood sacrifices and countless other atrocities of the Bible as per the orders of the Hebrew god are thoroughly sick and evil and that Yahweh is an absolute monster from a moral standpoint. The same thing cannot be said for the hordes of perverse and morally retarded Christians and other Abrahamists who condone all of that horrific depravity and then say with a straight face that their god is "loving" and "righteous". :roll:
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:30 pm
Well, I'm not Jewish and I didn't grow up in a synagogue, but I think you are painting with a broad brush. Not all Jews read the Kabbalah. The Talmud has conflicting opinions. All Jews don't believe all opinions. Jews say where there are two Jews there are three opinions, or have different numbers for similar sayings.

While you might find quotes from individual Jews who thought that way, that doesn't seem to be the majority or standard opinion.
You need to take your head out of your ass concerning the Jews if you don't want to end up in a worldwide Jewish Messianic dystopia within the next decade. The Jewish elite who controls the world follow a religious doctrine which literally teaches that we Gentiles are all cattle to be enslaved and exterminated and that they have a mission to bring about what they call the tikkun olam for the enslavement and subjugation of the nations. People need to wake the fcuk up!
This site would be so boring without you around, Lucas.
The things you have said is part of the reason why my own eyes are open now. If you had of said any of this on Roosh's site when it was active, he would have gotten mad and banned you for saying all of this. And while he has allowed people to criticize Jews, I still think the way you explained things would be too hardcore for such a platform. Either way I enjoy reading your responses. Sometimes I'll even read them twice.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 7:09 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
That seems pretty ridiculous 'we believe' as if you can speak for all pagans. There are many types of pagans, and they are probably less uniform than any other religion category you can think of.
I was speaking for myself and Pixel--Dude. I think that by now everybody here knows that we come as a pair or a tag team. Lol!

Yes, you're correct. "Pagan" is simply an umbrella term which refers to a myriad of non-Abrahamic religions and is utterly meaningless without any further context.

Pixel--Dude and I don't speak for all "Pagans". We are Enkists. We recognize Enki and the original gods of antiquity as the true gods of Gentile humanity. Our original gods revealed authentic spiritual knowledge to us and taught us the arts of civilization in an age prior to the Kali Yuga but were then ousted by Yahweh and other illegitimate gods after the invasion at the hands of the latter. We Enkists are obviously loyal to Enki and the original gods and view Yahweh and his followers as enemies.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
And where would you get your belief system anyway? What are you taking at face value? What the odds that whatever little bit of pagan literature from one source that you kind of like so believe is true, combined with all the other random little bits and pieces you choose to accept are true?
We have studied the extant texts and mythologies of various pre-Christian cultures and have found a common theme of a conflict between two different factions of deities: one which sought to elevate Gentile humanity and another which sought to subjugate and enslave us.

The earliest example is that of Enki who revealed to Adapa the knowledge of the Anunnaki against the will of Anu. According to Sumerian religion, Enki was a benevolent god of wisdom who gave humans civilization and even taught us occult knowledge.

Then there is the Greek myth of Prometheus. Prometheus gave us the proverbial fire of the gods and made us like them but was subsequently banished for such a deed.

Hinduism recognizes a cosmic war between the benevolent Devas and the malevolent Asuras. It is told that we once lived in a Golden Age with the Devas and flourished greatly and developed great psychic abilities and a high level of consciousness but now the world is under the rule of the Asuras and we have been in the dark age of Kali Yuga since.

Then, of course, the Bible and its apocrypha talk about a War in Heaven and the story of the Watchers. The Watchers revealed all kinds of knowledge and even "the secrets of heaven" to the daughters of men but were exiled by the "angels" of Yahweh and imprisoned in the abyss. This version of the story is obviously from an Abrahamic perspective.

We don't take anything at face value. We don't just regurgitate religious propaganda texts like Christians do. We are capable of comparing and contrasting concepts. We observe that various mythologies preserve a narrative of a cosmic war between two groups of deities. The biblical version is simply one of many. Each text/mythology obviously tells the story from the perspective of its authors and therefore includes their own biases and theological agendas. Having examined the evidence, we have come to the conclusion that it is actually Enki/Prometheus/the Serpent and his gods who are the good guys and our true gods while the biblical version is simply a false version written by the bad guys who simply wish to deceive and spiritually enslave us. History is written by the victors. It's just a case of an evil impostor deity attempting to elevate himself as sole creator of the universe while simultaneously slandering the true gods who he ousted. This is evident when one reads how Enki gave knowledge and civilization to Gentile humanity while even the Bible itself depicts Yahweh as a bloodthirsty and psychopathic tyrant and uses fear and psychological manipulation.

Who prohibited occult knowledge? Yahweh.

Who required blood sacrifices and holocausts for the supposed atonement of sins and appeasement? Yahweh.

Who ordered countless genocides against non-believers including men, women, children and even newborns? Yahweh.

Who instated an ultimate blood sacrifice in the form of his supposed firstborn son? Yahweh.

Who threatens his "children" with hell and eternal damnation for any form of supposed disobedience? Yahweh.

Who controls the entire financial system and is currently conspiring to subvert all Gentile nations for the establishment of the "Messianic Age"? Yahweh's people - the Jews (they are simply following the blueprint outlined in their own religious texts).

Pixel--Dude and I are Gentile souls who have a natural connection to Enki and heard his call. We saw through the deception and perversion of Christianity and had the instinct to seek further. We are not brainwashed Christian slave souls living in fear of a psychotic and evil Jew god or submitting to a fear-based religion.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
You are also missing my point. Demons have some power. You are just a man. If you believe there are demons out there, why would you want to anger them? YHWH is no demon, and He is powerful. It is foolish for you to go around angering spirits that can harm you or justly judge you.

Again, I have God to protect me. In your belief system, why would you want to insult God or any spirit?
Those abusive entities will attempt to harm us anyway. They see us as nothing more than cattle. After bodily death, some slavish souls conditioned by deceptive religions will submissively go into the light and comply with the instructions of the false angels, but rebellious souls know that it is better to flee. Some souls might comply with the logic that "maybe they'll be lenient towards me if I just surrender" but, as I've already explained, they'll attempt to abuse us anyway. In my view, it's better to be outright rebellious in the face of tyranny and do our best to resist. Those entities aren't all-powerful. They just want us to think that they are.

Our own spirituality is all about spiritual practices for the strengthening of the aura, the opening of the chakras, the cultivation of our own spiritual power and the elevation of the vibrational frequencies of the soul. We need to make ourselves strong and powerful in order to be able to resist the evil entities who want to subject us to their abuse.
MrMan wrote:
January 28th, 2023, 5:24 pm
Who is 'we'? Whatever random racist ideas you pull out of your backside are representative of all pagans now? That doesn't make any sense.
Racist? The Jewish elite literally believes that you and I and everyone else outside of their bizarre little tribe are cattle created to serve them and are now working to take the New World Order to its final stage for their envisioned tikkun olam of universal Gentile enslavement. Their perverse Kabbalah teaches that all Gentile souls originate from the dark side of dualistic creation (or Sitra Achra in Hebrew) and are therefore inherently evil and must either be annihilated or enslaved to the Jews in the Messianic Age. That's what they openly think about us and are working towards! But all you can say is that I'm "racist" because I oppose such a hostile and subversive tribe and religion??? Man, you really are a lowborn, Jew-cucked, foolish Christard, aren't you?
Well what are your thoughts on real Satanism since you mentioned Christianity being false, what do you think of the story regarding Lucifer that defies this GOD who you say is Yahwe. I honestly had no idea about any of this really.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 12:59 am
Well what are your thoughts on real Satanism since you mentioned Christianity being false, what do you think of the story regarding Lucifer that defies this GOD who you say is Yahwe. I honestly had no idea about any of this really.
The story of the illuminating rebel who opposes a tyrannical god and bestows upon mankind forbidden knowledge goes back much further than the Book of Genesis.

The story can be found most famously in the Greek myth of Prometheus and the Theft of Fire. According to this myth, Prometheus, the rebellious titan, gave man the "Fire of the Gods" against the prohibition of heaven, before being banished to the mountains of the Caucasus for his act of defiance.

However, the most ancient version of this story is the Sumerian myth of Enki and Adapa (the Sumerian precursor of the biblical Adam) according to which Enki, the god of wisdom, revealed to Adapa the Design of Heaven and Earth. Enki taught mankind the various arts of civilization (this can be seen in a Sumerian text called Enki and the World Order) as well as secret knowledge which only the gods/Anunnaki possessed, thus angering the sky god Anu.

This same Sumerian myth is the earliest known version of the story of the illuminating rebel and recounts how a rebellious god went against the others and gave mankind some form of higher knowledge.

However, the whole biblical Satan narrative from the time of the New Testament, which conjures up the image of a fallen angel who spreads evil throughout the world and looks to steal people's souls, is nothing more than a late Jewish parody of the rebel figure of a much more ancient pre-biblical story. If you want to know who the evil one is, just read the Old Testament and take a look at the countless atrocities attributed to the god of the Jews (i.e., Yahweh).

The modern Satanist phenomenon, as well as the so-called "Left-Hand Path" occultism of the last few centuries, is simply an esoteric current born out of the "dark side" of the Jewish Kabbalah and which incorporates the whole Jewish/Christian parody of Satan the evil horned devil and his demons of hell. It's all just a Kabbalistic invention.

The Kabbalah features a unique cosmology. You might be familiar with the diagram of the "Tree of Life" which is supposed to represent the higher worlds of creation and the divine with the 10 Sephirot (vessels or divine attributes/emanations), each ruled by a particular archangel.


However, what most people don't know is that the Kabbalistic cosmology also includes an inverted counterpart of the Tree of Life – the "Tree of Death", which represents the lower hellish realms with its own qliphoth (vessels or emanations of evil) which correspond to each of the Sephirot of the higher realms and are said to be governed by different demons. The Kabbalah is therefore dualistic, with Angelic vs. Satanic realms.


In the Renaissance period, the Jewish Kabbalah became popular in European esoteric circles and this led to synthesis of Jewish mysticism and European Hermeticism (which is ultimately Greco-Egyptian in origin). One of the main representatives of this Renaissance syncretism was the philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The result of this unholy mixture was the European Qabalah (written with a "q"), which would ultimately infect the autochthonous European esoteric milieu for centuries to come and would influence all of the subsequent well-known occult societies from the Rosicrucians and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (and, by extension, Alistair Crowley's Thelema) to Freemasonry and Theosophy.

Many of these occult societies claim to work with the Qliphothic forces of the dark side of the Kabbalah. For this reason many people consider them "Satanic" and practitioners of the "Dark Arts".

Nevertheless, I am of the view that both sides of the Kabbalah – both Angelic and Satanic/Qliphothic – are really just two sides of the same coin, both evil systems created by the same demonic entity (Yahweh) and which put practitioners in contact with the same negative Kabbalistic spiritual energy. In other words, it's just a false dualism.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 9:54 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 12:59 am
Well what are your thoughts on real Satanism since you mentioned Christianity being false, what do you think of the story regarding Lucifer that defies this GOD who you say is Yahwe. I honestly had no idea about any of this really.
The story of the illuminating rebel who opposes a tyrannical god and bestows upon mankind forbidden knowledge goes back much further than the Book of Genesis.

The story can be found most famously in the Greek myth of Prometheus and the Theft of Fire. According to this myth, Prometheus, the rebellious titan, gave man the "Fire of the Gods" against the prohibition of heaven, before being banished to the mountains of the Caucasus for his act of defiance.

However, the most ancient version of this story is the Sumerian myth of Enki and Adapa (the Sumerian precursor of the biblical Adam) according to which Enki, the god of wisdom, revealed to Adapa the Design of Heaven and Earth. Enki taught mankind the various arts of civilization (this can be seen in a Sumerian text called Enki and the World Order) as well as secret knowledge which only the gods/Anunnaki possessed, thus angering the sky god Anu.

This same Sumerian myth is the earliest known version of the story of the illuminating rebel and recounts how a rebellious god went against the others and gave mankind some form of higher knowledge.

However, the whole biblical Satan narrative from the time of the New Testament, which conjures up the image of a fallen angel who spreads evil throughout the world and looks to steal people's souls, is nothing more than a late Jewish parody of the rebel figure of a much more ancient pre-biblical story. If you want to know who the evil one is, just read the Old Testament and take a look at the countless atrocities attributed to the god of the Jews (i.e., Yahweh).

The modern Satanist phenomenon, as well as the so-called "Left-Hand Path" occultism of the last few centuries, is simply an esoteric current born out of the "dark side" of the Jewish Kabbalah and which incorporates the whole Jewish/Christian parody of Satan the evil horned devil and his demons of hell. It's all just a Kabbalistic invention.

The Kabbalah features a unique cosmology. You might be familiar with the diagram of the "Tree of Life" which is supposed to represent the higher worlds of creation and the divine with the 10 Sephirot (vessels or divine attributes/emanations), each ruled by a particular archangel.


However, what most people don't know is that the Kabbalistic cosmology also includes an inverted counterpart of the Tree of Life – the "Tree of Death", which represents the lower hellish realms with its own qliphoth (vessels or emanations of evil) which correspond to each of the Sephirot of the higher realms and are said to be governed by different demons. The Kabbalah is therefore dualistic, with Angelic vs. Satanic realms.


In the Renaissance period, the Jewish Kabbalah became popular in European esoteric circles and this led to synthesis of Jewish mysticism and European Hermeticism (which is ultimately Greco-Egyptian in origin). One of the main representatives of this Renaissance syncretism was the philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The result of this unholy mixture was the European Qabalah (written with a "q"), which would ultimately infect the autochthonous European esoteric milieu for centuries to come and would influence all of the subsequent well-known occult societies from the Rosicrucians and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (and, by extension, Alistair Crowley's Thelema) to Freemasonry and Theosophy.

Many of these occult societies claim to work with the Qliphothic forces of the dark side of the Kabbalah. For this reason many people consider them "Satanic" and practitioners of the "Dark Arts".

Nevertheless, I am of the view that both sides of the Kabbalah – both Angelic and Satanic/Qliphothic – are really just two sides of the same coin, both evil systems created by the same demonic entity (Yahweh) and which put practitioners in contact with the same negative Kabbalistic spiritual energy. In other words, it's just a false dualism.
So all this time GOD is this Yahew being? I have to say after hearing you talk in full detail about this stuff, I have learned a lot.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 10:18 am
So all this time GOD is this Yahew being? I have to say after hearing you talk in full detail about this stuff, I have learned a lot.
The entity who Christians regard as "god" is indeed Yahweh – the bloodthirsty and psychopathic god of the Old Testament.

However, in my opinion, Yahweh isn't really god in the sense of the universal creator. The Jews just want to make the world believe that he is so that everybody will willingly accept their world domination agenda. That's all part of the religious scam that is Christianity. "Yahweh is the one true god", we are told. "Jesus is the savior, the Bible prophecies reflect god's salvific plan, and anybody who doesn't believe this will go to hell!" Thus the Jewish redactors of the New Testament gaslight us Gentiles with fear and the threat of eternal torment.

Who is the Jewish tribal deity Yahweh? One can only speculate, but my assumption would be that he's some kind of lesser demonic entity from another dimension who masquerades as the universal creator in order to deceive any human that will listen and has chosen the Jews for some diabolical plan for reasons that go beyond the comprehension of us mere men*. The Yahweh cult, whether it be the religion of the Torah, Christianity or the Kabbalah, is like a demonic virus which spreads and takes over people's minds.

*Curiously, or perhaps shockingly, some Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis themselves openly admit on video that they commune with entities from another dimension in altered states of consciousness and even describe those same entities (shadim, seraphim, etc.) as reptilian beings and the archangel "Metatron" as a type of borg-like hivemind. Very creepy stuff. :o

As for the true universal creator, various far more ancient religions and philosophies such as those of the Egyptians, Hindus and pre-Christian Europeans recognize a Primordial Consciousness which manifests the cosmos and brings into being all forms of matter and soul (e.g., the Egyptian Nun, the Hindu Brahman, and the Neoplatonic One via the divine Nous). All of these conceptions of the universal creator predate the Bible by centuries.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »


Also Christian values only serve to weaken man and make him a weak subservient slave who is unquestioningly obedient to authority. Check out the picture I shared above that @Winston sent me of ancient Pagan gods and how they inspire strength and encourage the warrior spirit in man. Look how warrior-like and manly they are when compared to that weak p***y Jesus christ. :lol:

Mention these days are just feminised faggots who couldn't fight their way through a wet slice of bread without complaining about breaking a nail. Men today are truly lamentable and reprehensible cowards who blindly submit to authority and willingly sacrifice all their freedoms on a silver platter for "the greater good"...

The gnostics had the right idea about Yahweh and his army of demonic angels who pose as the benefactors of man. Below is a video you guys should check out. You should watch it too @MrMan many ancient cultures were Pagan and predated Christianity. I don't understand how Christians such as yourself can justify in your mind that the Bible is proof of the Bible being real :roll:

You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 1:45 pm

Also Christian values only serve to weaken man and make him a weak subservient slave who is unquestioningly obedient to authority. Check out the picture I shared above that @Winston sent me of ancient Pagan gods and how they inspire strength and encourage the warrior spirit in man. Look how warrior-like and manly they are when compared to that weak p***y Jesus christ. :lol:

Mention these days are just feminised faggots who couldn't fight their way through a wet slice of bread without complaining about breaking a nail. Men today are truly lamentable and reprehensible cowards who blindly submit to authority and willingly sacrifice all their freedoms on a silver platter for "the greater good"...

The gnostics had the right idea about Yahweh and his army of demonic angels who pose as the benefactors of man. Below is a video you guys should check out. You should watch it too @MrMan many ancient cultures were Pagan and predated Christianity. I don't understand how Christians such as yourself can justify in your mind that the Bible is proof of the Bible being real :roll:

That list is false because that isn't God in the last image. That's Jesus, the son of GOD. So they made a mistake with that list.
In which case the bible never fully even explains what God actually looks like. Even in Bible stories we use to see as kids in Sunday school they would only have GOD speak to those who could hear him in those religious cartoons but they never actually showed what he looked like. Even in Religious art no one ever shows what GOD looks like. So that Hippie Jew in that list of GODs, is really Jesus, Not God himself. One thing about European GODs though is that they had a lot of them. Even their female GODDESS were equally as powerful as the male ones were. lol I mean Jesus did some stuff despite being all wimpy looking. He walked on water, don't that count for something? :o

But honestly I believe European nations have been neutered really bad...Either because their lack of faith or due their years of social engineering similar to what's going on here in the U.S.
Theres so much at stake these days. But I saw another article that said "Will Europe become Europe again?" Where it spoke of them reclaiming the power they once had.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 2:01 pm
That list is false because that isn't God in the last image. That's Jesus, the son of GOD. So they made a mistake with that list.
In which case the bible never fully even explains what God actually looks like. Even in Bible stories we use to see as kids in Sunday school they would only have GOD speak to those who could hear him in those religious cartoons but they never actually showed what he looked like. Even in Religious art no one ever shows what GOD looks like. So that Hippie Jew in that list of GODs, is really Jesus, Not God himself.
Actually, most Christians today, whether they be Catholic or Protestant, believe that Jesus is literally god due to the Trinity doctrine – i.e., Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three distinct aspects of the same being.

The image in Pixel--Dude's post depicts Jesus as a Jewish hippie because Jesus taught servility, meekness, "turn the other cheek", and "slaves obey your masters" – a great set of values to teach to those who you wish to conquer and subjugate.

Meanwhile, the Old Testament is nothing more than a blueprint for Jewish world domination. :?
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