Why I Favor Paganism

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 2:10 pm
What I never understood why are Far Right leaders so willing to support these people despite they put them down? Is it really just the money they get why they don't mind selling out to them?
I think that there are three main reasons why the right wing tends to be pro-Jewish and support Zionism and the Jew World Order:

1. Money – the political leaders receive hefty sums of money from the Jewish elite in exchange for pushing their agendas and therefore align themselves with the wealthiest and most powerful

2. They buy into the whole chosen people myth and biblical prophecy BS through the influence of Christianity and therefore literally believe that god is on their side (e.g., versus the "evil heathen Muslims" :roll: )

3. They erroneously believe that Jews and Israel are part of the "civilized West" and therefore side with Jews against Muslims and the Middle East
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 2:14 pm
It sucks that these videos on X all have so little views or even comments. I'm interested in what people have to say about all of this on a larger scale, yet these videos are hardly viewed and barely have any comments so either people see these Jewish clowns as a joke or the guy posting all of these just isn't as popular as that military guy Lucas Gage. He actually claimed that the FBI showed up to his house because of the stuff he was saying about the Jews, and even going as far as impersonating his wife, threatening him, etc.
Seethroughitall is a relatively new channel and so I suppose that his content is still not very well-known. Lucas Gage's channel, on the other hand, is much bigger. I found about him through @WilliamSmith who recommended his BASED content to me in an email conversation.

Adam Green of Know More News also mentioned in one of his videos that many people dismiss the rabbi clips as just the ramblings of some extremists on the fringes of Judaism. However, I've been studying the Kabbalistic literature for a while now and I can unequivocally confirm that these bizarre and supremacist teachings are commonly found throughout the religious texts. They're not fringe beliefs at all. They're what this tradition teaches.

Judaism always was a supremacist cult with apocalyptic insanity and a Messianic vision of the people of Israel vanquishing and ruling over all of the nations. Chabad-Lubavitch is simply attempting to restore that same Messianic vision and make it a reality.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
December 8th, 2023, 7:07 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 1:45 pm
Mention these days are just feminised faggots who couldn't fight their way through a wet slice of bread without complaining about breaking a nail. Men today are truly lamentable and reprehensible cowards who blindly submit to authority and willingly sacrifice all their freedoms on a silver platter for "the greater good"...
You cherry-picked your pictures, stuff artists came up with out of their own minds. Jesus was a carpenter, likely very fit, since He walked all over Galilee. Most people in real life don't look like Greek statues. I have no idea whether the demons that accept the worship made to these pagan gods whose images these artists came up with are buff or not.

But speaking of 'faggy' worshipping demons through idolatry is how feminized faggotry got into mankind in the first place. Men did not righty honor the true Creator, so He let them pursue their own lusts and they turned to perversion and such. You have a picture of Zeus. In mythology, he had a young male cup bearer and lover named Ganymede or Catamitus in Latin. It's where the word catamite comes from. They even had myths about sex with animals Greek culture had all kinds of homosexual perversion in it... until Christianity came in.

I read in one of the myths Thor had a homosexual partner, but I don't know the 'primary' source that is earlier source of the myth. The Norse also had human sacrifices, but after Christianity came in, when have you heard of such a thing among Scandinavians.

Hinduism has men that get castrated and dress like women, will come and claim babies that fit their criteria.

Paganism brings in perversion.
Paganism espouses values of strength and empowerment for the individual. Christianity encourages weakness, passivity and subservience. In most Pagan mythologies the gods and goddesses had the noble goal of helping humanity ascend as gods themselves. Yahweh opposed that. He wants us to live as slaves who exist only to worship. You and other Christians always use the free will argument to defend Yahweh's actions, but what free will does Yahweh actually allow when all he wants is blind worship from Christians.

I think most forms of paganism even as far back as Hinduism have been corrupted. But why condemn them and then choose to ignore all the atrocities Yahweh committed singlehandedly in the Bible? That doesn't make sense. So what if there are trannies in Hinduism, they've always been about and the Hindu gods didn't condemn them for it. They probably didn't give a shit.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 3:13 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 2:10 pm
What I never understood why are Far Right leaders so willing to support these people despite they put them down? Is it really just the money they get why they don't mind selling out to them?
I think that there are three main reasons why the right wing tends to be pro-Jewish and support Zionism and the Jew World Order:

1. Money – the political leaders receive hefty sums of money from the Jewish elite in exchange for pushing their agendas and therefore align themselves with the wealthiest and most powerful

2. They buy into the whole chosen people myth and biblical prophecy BS through the influence of Christianity and therefore literally believe that god is on their side (e.g., versus the "evil heathen Muslims" :roll: )

3. They erroneously believe that Jews and Israel are part of the "civilized West" and therefore side with Jews against Muslims and the Middle East
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 2:14 pm
It sucks that these videos on X all have so little views or even comments. I'm interested in what people have to say about all of this on a larger scale, yet these videos are hardly viewed and barely have any comments so either people see these Jewish clowns as a joke or the guy posting all of these just isn't as popular as that military guy Lucas Gage. He actually claimed that the FBI showed up to his house because of the stuff he was saying about the Jews, and even going as far as impersonating his wife, threatening him, etc.
Seethroughitall is a relatively new channel and so I suppose that his content is still not very well-known. Lucas Gage's channel, on the other hand, is much bigger. I found about him through @WilliamSmith who recommended his BASED content to me in an email conversation.

Adam Green of Know More News also mentioned in one of his videos that many people dismiss the rabbi clips as just the ramblings of some extremists on the fringes of Judaism. However, I've been studying the Kabbalistic literature for a while now and I can unequivocally confirm that these bizarre and supremacist teachings are commonly found throughout the religious texts. They're not fringe beliefs at all. They're what this tradition teaches.

Judaism always was a supremacist cult with apocalyptic insanity and a Messianic vision of the people of Israel vanquishing and ruling over all of the nations. Chabad-Lubavitch is simply attempting to restore that same Messianic vision and make it a reality.
It truly is a shame it's come down to this...Honestly. I use to agree with some of the far right leaders on some things...But once I found out all I needed to know I realized they really are no better than the leftist despite they parade around and act like they are above them because of the agendas the left promote that the right usually criticize them for (Abortion, gay rights, etc). Yet after what Nethanyl did, how can you criticize abortion? They've totally lost their ability to criticize the left for that after supporting Nethanyl's genocide campaign. But the left can't judge either because they support abortions. So both sides can f**k each other off on who is the worse.

I actually saw a clip of Biden bending his knees in front of a Jewish woman and a jewish man like they were humiliating him and he had a smile on his face like he was really getting turned on by it and they were smirking at him like "Look at this bitch serving us." Biden looked like he was about to kiss the woman's hand or her feet.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 3:17 pm
MrMan wrote:
December 8th, 2023, 7:07 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 1:45 pm
Mention these days are just feminised faggots who couldn't fight their way through a wet slice of bread without complaining about breaking a nail. Men today are truly lamentable and reprehensible cowards who blindly submit to authority and willingly sacrifice all their freedoms on a silver platter for "the greater good"...
You cherry-picked your pictures, stuff artists came up with out of their own minds. Jesus was a carpenter, likely very fit, since He walked all over Galilee. Most people in real life don't look like Greek statues. I have no idea whether the demons that accept the worship made to these pagan gods whose images these artists came up with are buff or not.

But speaking of 'faggy' worshipping demons through idolatry is how feminized faggotry got into mankind in the first place. Men did not righty honor the true Creator, so He let them pursue their own lusts and they turned to perversion and such. You have a picture of Zeus. In mythology, he had a young male cup bearer and lover named Ganymede or Catamitus in Latin. It's where the word catamite comes from. They even had myths about sex with animals Greek culture had all kinds of homosexual perversion in it... until Christianity came in.

I read in one of the myths Thor had a homosexual partner, but I don't know the 'primary' source that is earlier source of the myth. The Norse also had human sacrifices, but after Christianity came in, when have you heard of such a thing among Scandinavians.

Hinduism has men that get castrated and dress like women, will come and claim babies that fit their criteria.

Paganism brings in perversion.
Paganism espouses values of strength and empowerment for the individual. Christianity encourages weakness, passivity and subservience. In most Pagan mythologies the gods and goddesses had the noble goal of helping humanity ascend as gods themselves. Yahweh opposed that.
Does ancient Hindu mythology emphasize their gods wanting to make humans gods? Greek mythology has stories of certain humans chosen for good looks for purposes of sexual exploitation or half-breeds allowed immortality for powerful deeds or other reasons. I haven't heard of Norse gods allowing people to have immorality. I don't think your broad brush description of paganism is accurate. I also recall Prometheus getting punished quite harshly for giving man fire in Greek mythology.

Men cannot ontologically be the same as YHWH. But men can become sons of God and joint heirs with the Messiah through faith in Him, and attain immortality.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 1st, 2024, 10:19 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 3:17 pm
MrMan wrote:
December 8th, 2023, 7:07 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 1:45 pm
Mention these days are just feminised faggots who couldn't fight their way through a wet slice of bread without complaining about breaking a nail. Men today are truly lamentable and reprehensible cowards who blindly submit to authority and willingly sacrifice all their freedoms on a silver platter for "the greater good"...
You cherry-picked your pictures, stuff artists came up with out of their own minds. Jesus was a carpenter, likely very fit, since He walked all over Galilee. Most people in real life don't look like Greek statues. I have no idea whether the demons that accept the worship made to these pagan gods whose images these artists came up with are buff or not.

But speaking of 'faggy' worshipping demons through idolatry is how feminized faggotry got into mankind in the first place. Men did not righty honor the true Creator, so He let them pursue their own lusts and they turned to perversion and such. You have a picture of Zeus. In mythology, he had a young male cup bearer and lover named Ganymede or Catamitus in Latin. It's where the word catamite comes from. They even had myths about sex with animals Greek culture had all kinds of homosexual perversion in it... until Christianity came in.

I read in one of the myths Thor had a homosexual partner, but I don't know the 'primary' source that is earlier source of the myth. The Norse also had human sacrifices, but after Christianity came in, when have you heard of such a thing among Scandinavians.

Hinduism has men that get castrated and dress like women, will come and claim babies that fit their criteria.

Paganism brings in perversion.
Paganism espouses values of strength and empowerment for the individual. Christianity encourages weakness, passivity and subservience. In most Pagan mythologies the gods and goddesses had the noble goal of helping humanity ascend as gods themselves. Yahweh opposed that.
Does ancient Hindu mythology emphasize their gods wanting to make humans gods? Greek mythology has stories of certain humans chosen for good looks for purposes of sexual exploitation or half-breeds allowed immortality for powerful deeds or other reasons. I haven't heard of Norse gods allowing people to have immorality. I don't think your broad brush description of paganism is accurate. I also recall Prometheus getting punished quite harshly for giving man fire in Greek mythology.

Men cannot ontologically be the same as YHWH. But men can become sons of God and joint heirs with the Messiah through faith in Him, and attain immortality.
Are you really going to preach to me about "broad brush descriptions of paganism"? How much research have you actually done into any of these mythologies or religions? The divine fire handed to man by Prometheus is the same forbidden knowledge given to mankind by Enki or the Biblical serpent of genesis. Shiva acts as the Adiyogi and taught humanity the esoteric means to achieving godhood and everlasting life. Enki, Shiva and Prometheus are all the same being.

Your God Yahweh opposed those esoteric practices being taught to humanity because he's evil. He just wants humanity to exist as weak and servile slaves denied of their true potential. Yahweh is an evil and bloodthirsty God. The lies in the Bible are so blatant that even a blind man can see them, but fools refuse to.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 1st, 2024, 10:19 am
Does ancient Hindu mythology emphasize their gods wanting to make humans gods? Greek mythology has stories of certain humans chosen for good looks for purposes of sexual exploitation or half-breeds allowed immortality for powerful deeds or other reasons. I haven't heard of Norse gods allowing people to have immorality. I don't think your broad brush description of paganism is accurate. I also recall Prometheus getting punished quite harshly for giving man fire in Greek mythology.
Well, no description of "Paganism" is accurate unless one qualifies it and specifies what type of pre-Abrahamic religion they are talking about. Paganus emerged as a derogatory term used by silly Jewdeo-Christians for anybody who didn't believe in their bizarre Jesus blood sacrifice cult and Torah Messianism and who remained faithful to the old traditions of their ancestors. It carried the connotation of "country bumpkin", something that is obvious to anybody familiar with Latin or a Romance language. Today Paganism is often used as an umbrella term for non-Abrahamic religions.

But, as I already argued, the term is essentially meaningless unless the exact religious tradition is specified. Strangely, it is indiscriminately applied to all kinds of pre-Abrahamic religions from state religions focused on civil order, superstitious folk mythologies, sophisticated philosophical religions (e.g., Hermeticism and Neoplatonism), and various mystery cults.

As for Hinduism, the mainstream schools of thought such as Vedanta and Samkhya don't emphasize the development of godlike powers or becoming gods but rather the pursuit of moksha -- i.e., liberation from the cycle of samsara and a return of the soul to its primordial source Brahman, the preexistent Ultimate Consciousness and foundation of all being. On the other hand, practices which emphasize Kundalini Yoga and the cultivation of Siddhis exist among some of the esoteric Tantra traditions on the peripheries of the Hindu cultural milieu. This is where the secret occult knowledge lies in contrast to the more abstract philosophical religion of the mainstream scholars or the folk religion of the masses.

However, these same types of occult practices, though largely unknown to most people, are also preserved to some degree in the inner alchemy traditions of both Western esotericism, which can be traced back to the Alexandrian Hermeticism of the Ptolemaic period; and the more esoteric side of Chinese Qi Kung practices. Both of these work with the body's subtle anatomy, involve advanced meditations and techniques that circulate the "inner fire", and claim to teach methods of attaining higher spiritual perfection, supreme enlightenment, apotheosis and/or immortality at the highest level.

For those who have studied those esoteric traditions and understand the symbolism, these practices involve working with what in the East is known as Kundalini and Prana/Qi (i.e., the body's and soul's natural lifeforce energy). This same occult knowledge was symbolized in various cultures (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, etc.) by the serpent and was associated with higher divine consciousness and godlike abilities. It was known by some initiates but was subsequently suppressed by religions and power hierarchies which wanted to keep people ignorant and submissive (Jewdeo-Christianity is a prime example of this).

Religion, whether it be "Pagan" or Abrahamic, is simply for the most part a collection of myths and superstitions, or philosophical systems at best. Real occult knowledge is practical and concrete and can be directly experienced by the practitioner.
MrMan wrote:
January 1st, 2024, 10:19 am
Men cannot ontologically be the same as YHWH. But men can become sons of God and joint heirs with the Messiah through faith in Him, and attain immortality.
To those of us who are not foolish or crazy enough to actually believe that the bloodthirsty, psychopathic and jealous Hebrew tribal deity is the foundation of all being or that a bizarre and barbaric blood sacrifice could ever offer salvation, statements such as "men cannot ontologically be the same a YHWH" and "men can become sons of God and joint heirs with the Messiah through faith in Him" are meaningless.

Certain ancient peoples whom silly Jewdeo-Christians arrogantly and disrespectfully disparage as "Pagans" -- e.g., the Egyptians -- already had far more ancient and more sophisticated conceptions of the Supreme Being than a bunch of backward xenophobic and supremacist Israelites in the desert. The Egyptians conceived the Supreme Being as the autogenous Atum which emerged from the dark inert chaos or pure potentiality of Nun and then brought forth and organized the world through various divine principles (i.e., the Ogdoad). This extremely ancient Egyptian cosmology is thought to have inspired the later emanation cosmologies of Hermeticism and Neoplatonism with their concepts of the Monad/One/All and the autogenous Nous or Divine Mind/Intellect which fashions the sensorial world and all phenomena, as well as the much later concept of Ein Sof and emanation cosmology of the Kabbalah. Similar cosmologies also emerged in the East.

Sorry bro but some "Pagans" already had a coherent and sophisticated concept of a Supreme Being or monistic Transcendental Absolute and fashioner of worlds long before your beloved Heeb savages started to abandon their primitive henotheism and promote their deranged tribal deity as "sole cosmic creator" while coming up with some laughable bullshit about "ethical monotheism". Lol! :lol: I think that it's clear that we're the truly spiritual reverers of divinity and the Supreme Being, not silly Jewdeo-Christians who recognize a blood-lusting, murderous, psychopathic tribal deity of an alien tribe that hates them as "creator", worship a tortured and mutilated Jew on a cross as "god", and symbolically partake in a Jewish ritual sacrifice with symbolic cannibalism and vampirism. You guys are the real demon worshippers and "Satanists"! LMAO! :lol:

In fact, after leaving Christianity more than a decade ago, I quickly began to suspect that, through the doctrine of Jesus' sacrifice and the institution of the Holy Supper, Christians were tricked by Jews into participating in some kind of Jewish black magic ritual for their unconscious self-hexing and spiritual enslavement and/or destruction. The Jews have always wanted to destroy the Gentile peoples and to rule over the world. That's what their whole Yahweh cult is about.


Smh :roll:

Anyway, my suspicions were recently confirmed when I stumbled across a certain Kabbalistic interpretation of Jesus exposed by Kabbalah expert Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Bjerknes identifies in the Kabbalah a secret doctrine according to which Jesus is regarded as a false Messiah from the dark side or sitra achra who arrived to deceive the Gentiles, lead them to their destruction, and ultimately place them under the yoke of Israel before turning on them and rejoining the Jews as a double agent. Lol! :lol: Moreover, according to Bjerknes, the symbolism of the Messiah who treads the winepress (Jesus) esoterically symbolizes the false Messiah killing those who fall for his sinister deception, bathing in their blood, and feasting on their souls. Hence a deeper and more esoteric reason why wine is used for the Holy Supper. According to Bjerknes' research, you guys are literally worshipping the false Messiah and executioner of a tribe that loathes you and desires your complete physical and spiritual destruction. LMAO! :lol:

And you guys defend this perverse and sick blood sacrifice cult as though it were something noble??? :?

Sorry MrMan, but your own "religion" consists of nothing more than a Jewish blood sacrifice cult and rolling around on the floor like a maniac while claiming to be "speaking in tongues". ROFL! :lol: How you can mock other people's religions and call them "demon worshippers" is beyond me. :?
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

It sounds like Bjerknes has ideas that I do not agree with.

Your posts are ironic. As a pagan, why don't you embrace black magic and human sacrifice?

Christ was crucified, but He was resurrected immortal. Those Who are His are also to be resurrected immortal, also. You try to achieve godhood, but reject the path to son-of-godhood.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Roccia »

A white Christians is as bad or worse than a nigger, only jews are worse, imo.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 2nd, 2024, 8:04 am
Your posts are ironic. As a pagan, why don't you embrace black magic and human sacrifice?
Because I'm not f***ing insane or perverse unlike the typical Christian degenerate whose entire religion is literally a blood sacrifice ritual!!!

You Christian degenerates unironically embrace a blood sacrifice ritual, not me. And then you people have the audacity to accuse others of exactly the same thing that you people do! LMAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Typical Jewdeo-Christian accusatory inversion. :roll:
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 1st, 2024, 6:36 pm
Are you really going to preach to me about "broad brush descriptions of paganism"? How much research have you actually done into any of these mythologies or religions? The divine fire handed to man by Prometheus is the same forbidden knowledge given to mankind by Enki or the Biblical serpent of genesis. Shiva acts as the Adiyogi and taught humanity the esoteric means to achieving godhood and everlasting life. Enki, Shiva and Prometheus are all the same being.
Of course you have no evidence for these claims that these are the same spirits. There were lots of demons. "Paganism" is a broad term to describe various religions and their worship of demons. And the concept of demons, at least the concept I am talking about, may not actually align exactly with a concept in paganism. The first century Greek-speaking pagans would have been familiar with a related term to 'demons', and the word had meant something different in the classical period.

Witholding fire from man to keep him warm is different from mankind staying in a state of innocence.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 2nd, 2024, 1:23 pm

Of course you have no evidence for these claims that these are the same spirits. There were lots of demons. "Paganism" is a broad term to describe various religions and their worship of demons. And the concept of demons, at least the concept I am talking about, may not actually align exactly with a concept in paganism. The first century Greek-speaking pagans would have been familiar with a related term to 'demons', and the word had meant something different in the classical period.

Witholding fire from man to keep him warm is different from mankind staying in a state of innocence.
I am very busy revising for a test I have so I'm severely pushed for time at the moment. On top of work and other things I haven't had a lot of free time at all so I apologise for my delayed response to you and I apologise if I come across as half-assed. I'll do my best to give you a concise answer which I can add more evidence at a later time.

But to answer your question briefly I do have evidence. The evidence I have to support this theory (yes, it is my theory and I confess I could be wrong.) Is testimony! In philosophy epistemology is the branch of philosophy all about how we obtain valid knowledge. And for me testimony is one way we obtain valid knowledge. Everything we know in life is information we receive through testimony. For example lessons you learn from your parents as a child etc.

I've told you this before but I don't think you answered me, ancient mythologies from around the world all share common themes (evidence provided later if you want) such as a creation story, a flood myth and some god bestowing forbidden knowledge upon mankind. This includes the Bible.

As for the gods and goddesses themselves, I'm pretty sure you can connect certain gods and goddesses through what they are gods of and what actions they take within their certain mythology etc. For example Inanna from Sumerian mythology became known as Ishtar by the Akkadians. This same goddess would be Isis in Egyptian mythology and Athrodite in Greek. All these goddesses were associated with love, beauty, fertility and also war.

So there you have it: 1. Common themes throughout mythology across the world. 2. Similarities between gods and goddesses throughout these mythologies.

Now I have a question for you. Why do you discredit all these ancient cultures as evil Pagans? Why is their testimony invalid, but the word of the Bible is absolute? Even though it contains the same themes. Why is the testimony of the Bible valid as evidence for the word of the Bible being true? It's not the same as testimony of several cultures across the world all saying the same stories, some of which contain the same themes as the bible but predate the bible by thousands of years.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Winston »

@Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88:

Check out this good video by Aewar about why the European soul is split between Paganism and Christianity and the internal struggle within every European soul that's not an atheist. What do you think? He has some great insights. His video is called "The Two Souls of Europe".

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
January 29th, 2024, 12:17 pm
@Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88:

Check out this good video by Aewar about why the European soul is split between Paganism and Christianity and the internal struggle within every European soul that's not an atheist. What do you think? He has some great insights. His video is called "The Two Souls of Europe".

I watched the video (indeed I've seen other content by the same author); however, to be honest @Winston, I didn't find his argument very cogent.

Aewar throughout the video tries to sell us the idea that there is an internal struggle between the Pagan and Christian spirit in every soul that isn't an atheist, but that isn't really true and probably only applies to a subset of Christians like himself who believe in the Bible yet still revere Pagan symbolism and feel a connection to the cultures of their pre-Christian ancestors. It certainly doesn't apply to non-Christians like myself who perceive the Bible and all of its characters as nothing more than an alien religion from the Judean desert. I can assure you that I don't feel any such internal struggle. No form of Abrahamic religion resides in my soul.

In fact, when I was a Christian in the early 2010s and regularly attended church and Bible study groups, I soon began to perceive the spirit of the religion as very alien to my soul. Things such as the world as fallen, a Jewish Messiah being sacrificed for humanity's sins, eternal damnation of the unsaved, apocalyptic prophecies of death and destruction, demand for unquestioning faith and dissuasion from free thought, blind fanaticism, disdain for materiality and classical virtues, rituals simulating the cannibalization of the crucified Christ's corpse, etc. all struck me as extremely bizarre and of a different frequency to my true inner nature and eventually started to fragment my psyche as though a foreign virus program had been inserted. I became increasingly more depressed, anxious and psychologically unstable until I decided the leave the religion.

No part of my soul is Christian and the religion's spirit is completely incompatible with me.

Aewar around the midway point of the video asserts -- falsely, in my opinion -- that European morality is Christian and that Christianity abolished the practice of human sacrifice with its introduction of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus -- a sacrifice to end all other sacrifices.

I find this assertion problematic for two reasons:

1. Human sacrifice was already extremely rare among civilized nations by that time whether it be Rome, Persia, India or China. A strong cultural disapproval of earlier traditions of that sort seems to have been a characteristic of the Axial Age. Rome banned human sacrifice by senatorial decree in 97 BCE, although the practice had long fallen out of custom and was almost universally viewed as uncivilized. Even earlier, religious movements in India from around 800 BCE strongly developed the concept of Ahimsa and began to look down on all forms of blood sacrifice. The more civilized "Pagans" were already moving away from such cruel and immoral traditions.

2. Christianity itself is a covert cult of human sacrifice with the crucifixion of the suffering Messiah for the sins of humanity -- now reenacted merely in symbolic form with the host and the wine representing the body and blood of Christ. Christians will argue that Jesus was a sacrifice to end all other sacrifices and that Christianity therefore abolished sacrifice, but this argument doesn't take away from the fact that the biblical religion itself has always required blood sacrifice going back all the way to the earliest books of the Old Testament.

Finally, Aewar concludes that Europeans need to discover a new form of religion that harmoniously blends Christianity and the ancestral Pagan spirit. But this is a red herring. Why do we Europeans even need the alien religion in the first place? It's possible that we could adopt a purely "Aryan" or even a philosophical religion that promotes virtue, elevation of the soul and communion with the Divine maybe along the lines of some form of Hermeticism, all without any Jewdeo-Christian components. I think that we Europeans can do way better than a bizarre and grotesque Semitic sacrifice cult. Lol! 😂
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