A Degenerate Tale of Captain Skelebob in Brazil

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The Last Asian Ladyboy

Post by Tsar »


Ten years ago, the world changed when Tsar secretly set a master plan into motion and was the power behind a new Putsch in Europe. NATO nations of Europe had their leadership arrested and executed by the new Fuhrer during the coup. Then there were consecutive wars across the world and the United States eventually fell. Only Mexico remained as a refuge for the Jews, Undesirables, and Lebenswertes Leben who managed to flee their home nations.

Captain Skelebob, an American Smuggler, tried to smuggle Asian Ladyboys to Mexico, but the brothel was eventually bombed killing all the ladyboys he saved. Now, he's rushing back to try to save more. However, the last 1000 at the Pol Pot Concentration Camp were executed first in a stadium constructed where all around were Reich soldiers who had automatic weapons. Then when all the ladyboys were wounded or dead, a flamethrower unit went to burn them with a napalm substance, and the ladyboys not yet dead were screaming in the horror from being burned alive. The Reich televised the momentous cleansing of the trash humans from Asia similar to how they cleansed Europe and got the Africans and Middle Easterners to also cleanse their trans populations.

However, there were still a few dozen ladyboys hiding out in remote areas of the Philippines and Thailand and Reich soldiers were on the hunt. The last ladyboy in Thailand was hunted when the Waffen SS decided to burn down a home on suspicion, several minutes before Captain Skelebob was going to arrive. The ladyboy's body was found in a secret room and tossed into a mobile cremation unit that traveled around to finish destroying the body. The family that was harboring the ladyboy was shot beginning with the children then the parents. Anyone who harbors Lebenswertes Leben or Undesirables were executed to send messages to others who would give refuge to the human vermin and living trash.

Captain Skelebob set his sites on rescuing the last in the Philippines but when he arrived, only one village of ladyboys was surviving.

Captain Skelebob tried to recruit people on the forum to help try to save that village so Asian ladyboys wouldn't go extinct. But, in terror of the Reich, he had to go at it alone.


In a remote unnamed village, the ladyboys started screaming when gunfire began. The Reich had located the last village in all Southeast Asia with ladyboys. Captain Skelebob was still climbing up the mountain.

One ladyboy, in an outhouse was too afraid to exit and decided to jump into the latrine pit after lifting up the toilet, it's body getting bathed in stinky shit that was warm from the tropical temperatures. It smelled so profusely putrid that the ladyboy wanted to throw up but had to instead swallow vomit. Throwing up would alert the Reich soldiers and they could to throw nerve agent bombs or grenades into the latrine pit.

On the surface one ladyboy who was shot in the legs and thighs was on the ground, trying to crawl away before being kicked and then turned to look up at a Reich soldier and beg for mercy crying "Please! Please don't kill me!"

The Reich soldier laughed and said "Lebenswertes Leben! Human vermin! Shut your begging! You have no life and you are unworthy of life!" and he thrust the bayonet into the ladyboy's throat, blood bursting out from the wound and the ladyboy choking on blood, unable to speak, before dying.

Another ladyboy who was trying to play dead by putting the body of a dead ladyboy on itself found tricks don't work.

Another of the Reich soldiers said "Seems we have two dead ladyboys..."

He took his bayonet and cut off an ear of the ladyboy that was playing dead. It screamed and he said "Not dead? Didn't think so!"

It didn't know what to do and then it was shot in the knees and elbows, and then it's other ear was cut off. Then the soldier used his automatic rifle to turn the ladyboy's arms and legs into a bloody swiss cheese appearance. The ladyboy was crying and the Reich soldier said "We're not just Waffen SS, we're the infamous Butcher Torture Unit!" Then he got a hammer and bashed the teeth of that ladyboy. Then he used that hammer to break the skull of the ladyboy.

Another ladyboy who still clung to Catholicism was praying to Jesus. One soldier of the Butcher Torture Paramilitary Unit with Waffen SS authority said "We've got a prayer! Stupid trans should know their modified Jew cult religion is against trans! Let's give this trans the Jesus death!"

That ladyboy was stripped naked and then held down, as they crucified it to a cross and they hung it in the village. Then it was stabbed in the side with a bayonet instead of a spear, and instead of a crown of thorns, nails were nailed into it's skill like a crown of nails.

Other ladyboys were burned alive with napalm.

The dozens of ladyboys were brutally slaughtered before the Butcher Torture unit burned most of the village except for the outhouse.

Captain Skelebob arrived to find the village burning and realized he was too late...until he saw a person covered in excrement shambling towards him.

Captain Skelebob puked but realized it was the last ladyboy of all Southeast Asia. He could still save one and would smuggle it to Mexico.

First, he told the ladyboy to kneel down and he pissed, giving the ladyboy a golden shower on it's face to wash away the excrement.

They heard bombs and gunfire from a nearby town. The Waffen SS knew that without assistance from that town, the ladyboys would have never survived so as punishment, all the children would be gunned down first then the parents and other people of the town.

Captain Skelebob thought it was a good distraction to give him time to escape. They eventually reached the port.

Frank, who took up sailing after fleeing to Mexico, decided to go to help Captain Skelebob with his own ship. Frank hated the Reich and the World Government led by Tsar who did an Emperor Palpatine move with the help of the Reich. Now, Frank was stuck in Mexico, so he decided to save an enemy of the Reich.

Captain Skelebob was a wanted man but Frank was just a sailor, so he had Frank transport the ladyboy to Mexico while he acted as a decoy.

Captain Skelebob was captured because he was heavily wanted by the Reich as a known ladyboy smuggler. People who had abetted him had been captured in Thailand and tortured to give up information.

The Butcher Torture Unit was called to the docks of Manila where Captain Skelebob's boat was brought with a tugboat.

He saw naval ships of the Reich and the People's Republic of China docked at the port.

Then he was escorted into a warehouse and strapped to a chair.

The lead torturer said "Captain Skelebob, the infamous smuggler! Your luck has run out. We know you were attempting to smuggle the ladyboy out of Southeast Asia. We'll allow you to live if you turn in this Lebenswertes Leben!"

Captain Skelebob replied "Ladyboys deserve to live!"

Then a big German man with metal reinforced boxing gloves punched Captain Skelebob in the stomach. It was so hard that he coughed up blood and his eyes saw dots and almost turned black from the pain.

The interrogator said "No, ladyboys deserve total extermination and you will learn this, you stupid American!"

"Tell me, are they going to Mexico again? Your last attempt at saving ladyboys was bombed! Now there's only one last Asian ladyboy who will soon die!"

Captain Skelebob was silent and the interrogator said "You'll lose pieces of yourself for every question you don't answer! Beginning with your penis!"

Captain Skelebob said "I won't betray the last Asian ladyboy!"

Then the interrogator shouted "Cut off his testicles! He's a Lebenswertes Leben and shouldn't reproduce anyway!"

A gay Asian man who was given one year of deferred execution pulled out Captain Skelebob's testicles and then one expert torturer held metal pincers and then squeezed brutally hard. Captain Skelebob was screaming and his face turned red with pain. His testicles fell to the floor of the warehouse and blood spurted out from his lower penis. Then a man with a flamethrower burned the wound closed.

The gay Asian man held Captain Skelebob's testicles and the interrogator said "Now Captain Skelebob, should we move onto your fingers and toes? Or your teeth and tongue?"

Captain Skelebob was crying and the interrogator said "We told you what was going to happen. You shouldn't be surprised!"

Captain Skelebob said full of remorseful betrayal "They're going to Mexico. Frank."

"What can you tell me about this Frank?"

"He goes by the name Shemp as a codename. He frequents Yiddish Yick's The Downing Street Pub in Mexico. There's a group of exiled expats who hate the Reich and the World Government. Frank use to go to Europe before the Reich had the Putsch and then he became poor when America fell, and he hates the World Government led by Tsar."

"To hate Tsar is treason just as much as it's treason for volk of the Reich to hate the Fuhrer. The Reich serves the Reichsfuhrer of Europa and the Tsar of Earth. When we capture this Frank and the last ladyboy, we will have him torture this ladyboy in front of you and he will do it because if he doesn't, he will die!"

Captain Skelebob shouted "You bastards!"

The interrogator looked to the big German man with the metal reinforced gloves. He punched Captain Skelebob in the stomach several more times, breaking Captain Skelebob's ribs.

Captain Skelebob threw up more blood and the interrogator said "Give the name of the location Frank will dock or be offloading the ladyboy!"

Captain Skelebob spit to the warehouses floor and said "Never!"

Then he lost a finger. Then another, and another. Until his left hand was fingerless. Then, his fingerless hand was cut off. Captain Skelebob was screaming and then gave the information.

A Chinese man had dibs in one of Captain Skelebob's kidneys and half of his liver for research. Lebenswertes Leben often had pieces of them removed for medical research. So he was sedated and the Chinese surgical team performed surgery to remove the organs.

Mexican authorities deferred to the World Government of Tsar who receives a request from the Reich for permission to have the Butcher Torture Unit arrest Frank and the last Asian ladyboy.

Frank and the ladyboy were arrested and deported from Mexico to Manila. Where exactly as the interrogator said, Frank mercilessly tortured the Asian ladyboy, cutting off every toe, every finger, destroying teeth, using a surgical tools to hack off limbs of the ladyboy, slicing the tongue out of the ladyboy so it couldn't scream, sodomizing it with a bayonet, and burning it's flesh with a blowtorch.

Captain Skelebob was writhing watching the brutality and was helpless to do anything. If he didn't watch, he would lose the rest of his fingers and his eyes. So he watched the brutality and horror.

Frank hated himself for doing what the Reich wanted but he wax no Skelebob, he was a man who wouldn't sacrifice parts of his body for defiance.

When he was over, Frank was given a handgun with a single bullet. He looked the dismembered mutilated ladyboy in the eyes, and with a look of pity as one might look at a wounded animal, Frank put it between the ladyboy's eyes and shot point-blank.

Captain Skelebob was crying and shouting, and screaming "I'll never forgive you, Frank! You monster! You Judas!"

Frank looked at Captain Skelebob and said "I know..."

Before walking out of the warehouse with an armed escort because he would be shipped to the Alcatraz Prison Camp of the American Reich to stand trial.

Captain Skelebob was in an Asian gulag for a year before he and some Asian prisoners escaped. He eventually had a prosthetic hand placed on a hook like a pirate and got in testosterone replacement therapy which was needed because he no longer had his testicles.

Frank and other prisoners of Alcatraz escaped the prison with the help of the last of the Black Rebels and the Feminist Underground. Frank fled back to Mexico and got drunk daily, distracting himself from the memories of his brutality against a ladyboy he was supposed to help save. Frank buried himself in booze at Yiddish Yick's The Downing Street Pub and his Ashkenazi Jewess Sugar Baby, the closest thing he'd ever have again to an Eastern European girl.

Captain Skelebob went to Mexico to enjoy a Brazilian ladyboy while remembering the good old days of his times with Asian ladyboys.
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Re: The Last Asian Ladyboy

Post by CaptainSkelebob2 »

Very good, fella. Ive gotta hand it to you, your quite a creative little bastard. LOL

I'm alpha enough to mount sexy feminine ladyboys like a real man. Theyre f***ing hot, fella!

What about you??? You come on here talking about how you want to be a hot girl. You know what, CaptainSkelebob 100% agrees and fully supports your choice!

You really should become a girl. You should get HRT, breast implants and gender reasignment surgery and become a sexy ladyboy like all the other beta faggot incels. Maybe if your hot enough you can even have a place in CaptainSkekebob's ladyboy harem where you can be a cumdumspter for real alpha males like me. Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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A Degenerate Tale of Captain Skelebob in Brazil

Post by Tsar »

Captain Skelebob was sailing his ship and wearing a tricorn. He was commanding Scurvy Ladyboy Scallywags who had big dicks and his First Mate was a fat Jewish guy who flog Captain Skelebob as a Fifty Shades of Gay type experience. Captain Skelebob was going to Brazil to loot some ladyboy booty.

All the ladyboys of Thailand and the Philippines were exterminated by a curse. Tsar used an ancient magic to destroy every transgender degenerate. Captain Skelebob was crying for months until he decided to go to Brazil.

There, he went to a beach and saw a phat assed Brazilian ladyboy wearing a bikini. The shemale's big fake basketball size tits and big she-tyrone dick were nearly about to pop out of the bikini.

Captain Skelebob knew that he-woman would be his new nigress-ladyboy.

However, the ladyboy told him that if he wanted to win "her" over, then he would need to first satisfy a donkey as a sign he was serious.

So, Captain Skelebob was led to a donkey with a big erection and then told to satisfy it.

He knelt down and began to lick the donkey dick and suck it. His tongue licked the tip and precum began to come out. The donkey made a sound and then Captain Skelebob stood up to pop the head of the donkey dick into his ass after he lubed it up and lubed his ass.

The head was difficult to pop in because it was huge but after he did, the donkey made another sound and started thrusting, and Captain Skelebob's ass was getting destroyed.

The donkey's dick soon flared inside him and started to cum. Captain Skelebob was screaming and moaning more than a whore in a whorehouse.

The donkey dick popped out of his ass with a loud pop and a lot of donkey cum gushed out. He screamed as the giant flared head of the donkey dick exited.

The Brazilian nigress ladyboy patted Captain Skelebob on the head and said "Good boy!"

Captain Skelebob looked at the ladyboy and imagined a wonderful night with her, pounding each other's ass. The ladyboy told him to meet at a hotel for drinks.

That night, he met the ladyboy and he didn't know this but he was drugged. He was transported to an underground surgical clinic and turned into a cunt-boy. His dick was removed and turned into an artificial cunt. When he awoke the next morning, he felt pain and like his dick was missing. He looked down below and started screaming.

The Brazilian nigress ladyboy told Captain Skelebob that he's been trans-formed into her cunt-boy and from now on he'll be using his ass to please big ladyboy dick and that's why he no longer needed a penis of his own.

Captain Skelebob became depressed but continued using his ass until he wondered what to do about his terrible situation.

He decided to end his life by going into a Brazilian ghetto, finding a group of young black Brazilian thugs, and he said "Niggers!" and gave them the middle finger.

They looked at him, charged him, and then started to kick him when he was down, until they stabbed him dozens of times. He bled out in the alley and was pissed on by a stray dog.

Shemp aka Frank was again cursed by a gypsy who told him that he would birth the second coming of a degenerate ladyboy lover from his ass.

Frank was screaming one night in Spain when a magic allowed his ass to stretch to unrealistic limits as he pushed out a baby from his ass. Once the unnatural birth was completed, he watched by the baby rapidly age, and Captain Skelebob introduced himself and said that he's back.

Now, as you'll remember, Captain Skelebob was missing for a long time and the reason for the absence is because of this story and these events.

He returned to Brazil and tied his nigress ladyboy, raping her ass, and slapping the phat ass. He was disciplining the ladyboy and training it into being a good crew member of his Captain Skelebob which was commonly known as The Black T-Gurl.

The Brazilian shemale was a dominant top and became tamed by having it's ass used so much.

As a reward for successful training, he led it to the donkey and made it use it's shemale ladyboy ass. The ladyboy was an expert at pleasing donkeys so it splattered the shemale with donkey cum then ejaculated inside the shemale's ass.

Captain Skelebob then pushed his dick into the donkey creampied shemale ass and quickly cummed from using donkey cum as lube.

He led the Brazilian nigress ladyboy shemale and her donkey to his ship, where they would have degenerate dalliances while sailing the world for ladyboys.
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Re: A Degenerate Tale of Captain Skelebob in Brazil

Post by rudder »

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