Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

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Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 24th, 2024, 10:55 am
@Yohan, you offered many good counter arguments and I really enjoyed that, but the rest of the people here just calls me names and were being annoying little twats instead of offering valid counter arguments to my main premise which is Ukraine is screwed whether anyone likes it or not. Please don't think I am a pro-russian, Z-bot and a Russian spy. :lol: Name calling is the only option for those who can't form good arguments!
Exactly. That is why a warning was put on your account.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 6:45 am
Like I need any advice from you, you f*cking twat. :lol: You make me laugh.
You get the f*ck out, you annoying little c*nt. No body cares what you think because your just a Grade "A" c*cksucking dumbass.
F*cking f@ggot. Go fight in the trenches in Ukraine then you stupid jerkoff instead of posting that Western properganda bullsh*t movie, you dipsh*t. I'll be watching how well you fight and dodging Russian artillery shells and glide bombs. If you talk the talk, you better walk to walk. F*ckboy.
EXACTLY. I could not have said it better myself. Name calling is the only option for those who can't form good arguments!
Last edited by Voyager1 on March 25th, 2024, 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Voyager1 has opened up harassing, unsubstaintiated thread about me. It's against the forum rules number 3, 4 and 5.
Please take care of this. He is being a bully, calling me names, constantly provoking me and even when I put him in ignore feature this guy is still persistent, won't stop misquoting me and still won't stop being a nuisance. Please take this malicious thread down and give voyager1 a warning.

The second quote I wrote was my response to his provocation. Telling me to get the f**k out of this forum.

Voyager1 wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 4:50 am
NBC you don't know what war means. Get the F out of this forum.

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Last edited by Natural_Born_Cynic on March 25th, 2024, 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

I haven't violated any of the forum rules in my posts, but you have. Everything that I've said is true. I haven't said anything that is untrue.

Do you think they're going to take down this thread on your whim and command?
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


:lol: He is still at it again. Please kindly take this thread down and give voyager1 a warning.
I was minding my own business and going on my day when some guy post such crap like this for everyone here to see.
I am not the one who attack first. I was just defending myself and I am pretty much a nice guy, but voyager1 won't stop his obsession over me for some reason. He is not even the moderator but he keeps on reporting Yohan and other people like he runs the whole place. Please put an end to his rampage. He is driving members away.

If he hasn't violated any rules, why does he post crap like this?
"Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?" That's not really cool. How would you like it if I post "Is Voyager1, Pixel Dude or Winston is a biggest hypocrite on the forum?" That's open libel.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

I did not post that you're the biggest hypocrite on the forum. I posted it in the form of a question. It's up for the members here to decide. I have not committed any libel. I have not said anything that isn't true. I have posted the corroborating evidence.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

I did suggest that you leave the forum as you were celebrating the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers. That is not the place for this. Obviously you didn't leave the forum so that had no effect and therefore I have not violated any forum rule.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


So why do you think he ask this kind of question? It seems that his intention is clear. He wants to use other members of this forum as his "personal army" to command on his whim and tries to intimidate me and make me change my political stance regarding Ukraine. :o

Other members of the forums are not your personal army to command and Voyager1 isn't even a designated moderator here. If he doesn't like my opinion then he can provide me with counter arguments or just simply put me into ignore feature. He doesn't need to bypass my ignore feature and post thread like this. I'll comment no more, as further interacting with this guy will lead me down to a deeper rabbit hole and waste of my time.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 6:45 am
Like I need any advice from you, you f*cking twat. :lol: You make me laugh.
You get the f*ck out, you annoying little c*nt. No body cares what you think because your just a Grade "A" c*cksucking dumbass.
F*cking f@ggot. Go fight in the trenches in Ukraine then you stupid jerkoff instead of posting that Western properganda bullsh*t movie, you dipsh*t. I'll be watching how well you fight and dodging Russian artillery shells and glide bombs. If you talk the talk, you better walk to walk. F*ckboy.
For this outburst you were merely given a light warning. IMO you should have been given a 7 day, 30 day or permanent lifetime ban for your flagrant disregard of forum rules. You've been given warning after warning after warning and still you push the limits to see what you can get away with. The truth is you couldn't give a shit about Winston's rules. Your posts proves this.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


:lol: You wannabe moderator. Keep barking like a petty tyrant that you are.
No one is going to be part of your personal army because they just don't give a f*ck what you think anyway.

I'm just reporting you to Winston and Pixel dude just to give you the taste of your own medicine and posting crap like this and thinking that you run the entire place. In your dreams, buddy. Your just a two bit busy buddy.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 25th, 2024, 11:16 am

:lol: You wannabe moderator. Keep barking like a petty tyrant that you are.
No one is going to be part of your personal army because they just don't give a f*ck what you think anyway.

I'm just reporting you to Winston and Pixel dude just to give you the taste of your own medicine and posting crap like this and thinking that you run the entire place. In your dreams, buddy. Your just a two bit busy buddy.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Keep on whining though. The people here will see you for what you are.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Yohan »


Please both of you, calm down. I always try to get along with both of you and I cannot complain, I have no issues with both of you.

Please listen to me:

Voyager1 is a man living in USA and was living under Soviet rule in Ukraine before and I have full understanding for his situation, nobody in his situation wants to live again under a Russian controlled government.


natural_born_cynic - Honestly, reading back your comments,

I found you are from South Korea, now living in USA, and you are not a supporter of North Korean communist ideology and even not fond of former South Korean president Moon Jae-In, who was always dreaming about unification of North and South Korea.

I have no idea why you are so much supportive to Russia and why you see Jews everywhere in Ukraine and elsewhere. But not everybody in Ukraine is a Jew...not everybody in USA is a Jew...


Just my opinion, but neither Ukraine nor Western Europe (NATO, EU members) are a lost case.

It was Russia which invaded Ukraine, but failed so far to be successful. Who can deny this?

After more than 2 years Russia (which is a very large area and has much more population and military power compared to Ukraine) was unable to invade and take control of the entire country and to remove its government by military force.

Ukraine of course suffered also huge damages, plenty of people died, but so far Ukraine defended its territory fairly good, still in control of 80 percent of its territory and is sending plenty of Russian soldiers home in body bags or severely injured. Ukraine also destroyed a large part of the Russian Black Sea navy and is able to resume again import and export by shipping.


Again, please calm down, both of you, just post about the war and what you think about it, but refrain from personal abusive comments.

Thank you, Yohan
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


@Voyager1 was the one who started all this shenanigans. I didn't attacked him first. First he called me a "dumbass", then he told me to "get the f*ck out of the forum" and now he made a provoking thread like this just to enlist other members of this website to attack me and make me change my political stance towards Ukraine. I have already reported to Winston and Pixel Dude about this. Posting this nonsense personal attack threads like this is nothing but intentional provocation and harassment. Yohan, how would you like it if I post "Is Yohan the biggest hypocrite in the forums?" Wouldn't you get upset?
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


So, are you saying Voyager1 is Ukrainian who moved to America and lives there?
:lol: That explains it.

I never said Ukraine is full of Jews, where did you get that idea from? :o
I just said Ukraine is screwed whether anyone likes it or not. If you don't think so, you can feel free to refute me.
That's what I have said. I'm not a pro Russian, Z-bot. But all the Ukrainian members here get upset and throw a temper tantrum at me.
So much for free speech right? Jesus Christ. If they don't like what I'm saying then just click the ignore button, simple as that.
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Yohan »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 27th, 2024, 9:00 am
Yohan, how would you like it if I post "Is Yohan the biggest hypocrite in the forums?" Wouldn't you get upset?
I had a lot to do with people from Eastern Europe in my past and I can tell you that everybody I met and who made it out of the Russian occupied countries - often risking the own life if coming from certain nations like former East Germany where the border guards had to follow 'shoot on sight' orders - will react very angrily if you try to defend Russia.

Russia is clearly a country with untrustworthy politicians where contracts with foreign nations are nothing but worthless empty papers, where soldiers on duty are allowed to loot and rape, where every Russian who openly thinks differently is risking his own life.
The ordinary Russian man, especially those living in remote areas of this huge country is often impoverished, low morality, violent, into alcohol and with a rather low life expectancy.

You ask me about
Yohan, how would you like it if I post "Is Yohan the biggest hypocrite in the forums?" Wouldn't you get upset?

Try it. I don't care, it's only a forum.... and I got abusive comments already more than enough in my life.

Don't ask me about what kind of replies I receive when arguing for men's rights, or when I married an Asian woman, or when my 50/50 daughter married an Japanese American man in USA...

If I take all mistreatment, abusive actions I suffered as a child and if I take all hateful comments against me I received as a student/young employee in Europe seriously, I would be the best candidate for committing suicide. However I found my way out... life is going on...time is moving forward, never backward and my life now is so much better than ever before....
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Re: Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?

Post by Voyager1 »

Yohan wrote:
March 27th, 2024, 8:51 am
Voyager1 is a man living in USA and was living under Soviet rule in Ukraine before and I have full understanding for his situation, nobody in his situation wants to live again under a Russian controlled government.
This is not correct. I don't know what gave you that impression. I was born in North America and have spent a lot of time in the FSU chasing skirt. Different countries - Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova.

My first visit to the FSU was to Moscow in 1994, well after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

So I don't know whatever gave you the impression I lived under the control of a Russian controlled government unless you count the time I lived in Moscow. So yeah that would be me living under a Russian controlled government.

I posted the question "Is Natural_Born_Cynic the biggest hypocrite on the forum?" as he stated "Name calling is the only option for those who can't form good arguments!" but as I pointed out that is EXACTLY what he does.
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 6:45 am
Like I need any advice from you, you f*cking twat. :lol: You make me laugh.
You get the f*ck out, you annoying little c*nt. No body cares what you think because your just a Grade "A" c*cksucking dumbass.
F*cking f@ggot. Go fight in the trenches in Ukraine then you stupid jerkoff instead of posting that Western properganda bullsh*t movie, you dipsh*t. I'll be watching how well you fight and dodging Russian artillery shells and glide bombs. If you talk the talk, you better walk to walk. F*ckboy.
I'm not making stuff up here. Then he denies even making the abusive name-calling post.
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