Other benefits of living in Philippines society besides women/dating

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Other benefits of living in Philippines society besides women/dating

Post by ladislav »

"Oh, yeah, he is here for cheap beer and to date pretty ladies". Bla bla bla.

1. Low levels of mental illness, not many crazy people, basically. Most people appear to be normal, patient, and emotionally balanced. It is very rare that a Filipino must go to a shrink.
2. Low incidences of suicide.
3. Loneliness is gone. There is always a group that you can find to plug into and people to hang out with. Friendships are easy.
4. Greater freedom to be yourself. High levels of tolerance ( and even acceptance) of people who are different, be it by race, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, height, weight, personal habits, etc. Low incidence of social ostracism.
5. The concept of true love still exists and families formed are usually very strong. The family structure is functional.
6. Great languages to learn and very good literature in those languages- but you need to look for it. Great music, too.
7. Stress on compromise and conflict avoidance rather than stubborness and arguments.
8. A lot of kindness and humanity. I once fell down in SM and immediately many hands picked me up. Just common people came to my aid.
9. While there are bad people here, there are also many absolutely great, conscientious and honest folks. You will meet them, too.
10. Very good social skills and an ability to communicate and get along with others.
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Re: Other benefits of living in the Philippine society.

Post by kangarunner »

ladislav wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 3:25 am
"Oh, yeah, he is here for cheap beer and to date pretty ladies". Bla bla bla.

1. Low levels of mental illness, not many crazy people, basically. Most people appear to be normal, patient, and emotionally balanced. It is very rare that a Filipino must go to a shrink.
2. Low incidences of suicide.
3. Loneliness is gone. There is always a group that you can find to plug into and people to hang out with. Friendships are easy.
4. Greater freedom to be yourself. High levels of tolerance ( and even acceptance) of people who are different, be it by race, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, height, weight, personal habits, etc. Low incidence of social ostracism.
5. The concept of true love still exists and families formed are usually very strong. The family structure is functional.
6. Great languages to learn and very good literature in those languages- but you need to look for it. Great music, too.
7. Stress on compromise and conflict avoidance rather than stubborness and arguments.
8. A lot of kindness and humanity. I once fell down in SM and immediately many hands picked me up. Just common people came to my aid.
9. While there are bad people here, there are also many absolutely great, conscientious and honest folks. You will meet them, too.
10. Very good social skills and an ability to communicate and get along with others.
Add the great, sunny weather. The Philippines seems like a relaxed, natural place to live. Thanks for this.

I made a list of 10 Social Benefits of Vietnam Culture:

1 - Friendly, cheerful locals

2 - Welcoming and non-judgmental

3 - Warm, sunny weather

4 - Be yourself, no pressure to fit in

5 - Social flow, social cohesion

6 - Peaceful, easy-going vibe

7 - Foreigners are treated very well

8 - Peaceful with low level of physical violence

9 - Doing things in groups

10 - Vietnam has a healing power
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Re: Other benefits of living in the Philippine society.

Post by publicduende »

I can't speak for Vietnam, as I only visited Ho Chi Minh once, for a few days. The Philippines have a lot of dark and unpleasant sides to it, which become evident as soon as you decide not to live like a hermit in the deep jungle and want to have a semblance of an urban lifestyle, including mingling with locals.

You take a step back and realise a few things.


Filipino people are friendly if, and only if, they need favours from you, usually "loans" (their codeword for "entitlement cash that shall never even be mentioned in a conversation, let alone returned") - most "friendly" Filipinos are working and lower middle-class people who are constantly looking for free giveaways, no surprise.


Filipino people of some socio-economic status generally don't need any favours from foreigners and are, therefore, uninterested in any meaningful interaction with them, especially those who turn up with uneducated girls 30 years their junior (and that's a majority).

The only exceptions I have seen are the occasional social gathering or business conferences, where a few barong-clad foreigners with some business interest here in the Philippines add an "exotic touch" to the event. In these cases, you can expect some random chit-chat and even a halo of warm inclusivity. Business cards may be exchanged, promises to meet again may be made, and you can be sure that, on the following day, they won't even remember who you are.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Philippine society embraces the worst aspects of American culture, which they absorbed over the past century, and takes them to almost caricatural levels.

Like Americans, they like functional relationships and socialising for business, yet they are nowhere near as hard-working, risk-prone, perseverant and creative as the Americans. Like Americans, they like to organise expensive mutual back-patting events to celebrate their vision, their achievements and their alleged status of pioneers and leaders of this and that. Then, when the party ends and they have to get down to work, all they can produce is mediocre at best and inconclusive, non-existent in the base case. They are more interested in other people knowing that they're up to something good, or interesting, rather than actually doing it.

Like Americans, they like to project themselves as hard-working, honest, family-oriented, visionary people who work tirelessly for the good of the country, or their community. In fact, they are all, inevitably, hypocritical and corrupted to the bone. They won't do or even facilitate anything if there's not something in for them, often not a simple intermediation fee but the lion's share. As I learned, the best way to get a contractor to overcharge you is to have him introduced to you by a "trusted party". The "trusted party" will always tell the contractor to inflate the price by at least 30% so he can get a big chunk of money for the mere "privilege" of texting you a name and a phone number.

The men and their wives cry scandal if they see a foreign man with a young girl but they're the first who would jump at the opportunity to have sex with underage girls.


For as much as I wanted to believe in any progressive future for this country, and that was not until long ago, I feel defeated and have to say my wife is right. This is a country of impoverished, under-educated people and an elite of uber-rich people, often of family legacy, who have done very, very little to deserve their wealth and success. In fact, most of them predicate that wealth and success on exploiting the vast, impoverished and under-educated majority.

In the middle, there's a rising "urban middle class" who conveniently ignores the many problems of their society and does some semi-decent work in the hope of ascending towards that coveted elite status.

The Philippines are hopeless. They have been easily overtaken by Thailand and Malaysia, despite both being mired by a deep recession. Vietnam is already steaming ahead, if anything because of their Communist-like dirigism. Indonesia is catching up fast and, I believe, it's just a matter of time before Cambodia and Myanmar do, to.
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Re: Other benefits of living in the Philippine society.

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 2:52 pm
He told me, with a twinkle in his eye: "She'll let me f**k a teenager for my birthday!"
He lets his wife say who he can f**k? Damn manginas.
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Re: Other benefits of living in the Philippine society.

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 2:46 pm
Sometimes I feel as if the people in power want the Philippines to remain the way it is; hopeless, as you described it. To create this infinite cycle of poverty, provide the world with cheap nurses and doctors and engineers for decades more to come, keep the birth rates high and keep the population powerless while those with money come over for short stays, tourism, sexual thrills and cheap entertainent. Perhaps this is what benefits the world most... a hopelessly destitute, perpetually poverty-stricken Philippines. An endless well of despair and fun. Fifty percent videoke, fifty percent Ginebra gin, kept going by Christianity and whatever faint hopes it still provides people.
Those nurses, doctors and engineers are the lucky ones because they get to leave and, return, maybe, in their 60s or 70s. As their careers pick up and the ties with their families back home grow more tenous, they are usually able to create a good life for themselves and their new families over there. Many, but not all, don't even like to be called Filipinos and associated to their homeland.

For those who remain here and don't belong to the elite, it's either purgatory or hell. It surely benefits the elite, especially those making money from cheap, unspecialised labour, to have a never-ending pool of day labourers, old ladies easy to scam, and pretty girls ready to open their legs for peanuts.
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Re: Other benefits of living in the Philippine society.

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 2:52 pm
I'm reminded of a cousin of my former father-in-law... he proudly declared that his wife had "given him a special birthday gift this year". I inquired what it was that his wife had promised him that was so very special and wonderful. He told me, with a twinkle in his eye: "She'll let me f**k a teenager for my birthday!" Turns out he'd have the hots for this sixteen year old girl and his wife would turn the other way if he wanted to have his way with her. Which weirded me out because even by Filipino standards, that's a bit, overly generous of the wife. Perhaps she was tired of him never changing his ways, perhaps she was worn out by how overactive and "maniac" this man was (he reportedly has little beads in his penis for "extra stimulation") which makes his dong look like it has tumors but apparantly "does the trick" from what I've been told.
Considering how jealous Filipina wives are, chances are, she used that "gift" as a bargaining chip to have something similar in return. That, if she hasn't been cheating on him already.

Haha, the legendary bolitas...it's very common with Filipino seafarers, who get to only have sex once every few months, usually when they land in Brazil or other South American port city. Many of them are overly keen to show off their masculinity and, if you look at the average length and girth of a Pinoy weenie and compare it with the province-wide butts of a mulatto whore, their performance anxiety is not surprising.
MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 2:52 pm
So, yeah, in summation... the Filipino people are crazy, they are wild, and many of them are wildly immoral. And while I once viewed the country through rose-tinted glasses, those days are no more. Reality has taken the sheen off of things, and what remains is just this tropical Sodom and Gomorrah, full of perverts, maniacs, scammers, transvestites galore and the most disgusting dregs of Western and Eastern society lecherously crawling through it all in search of their little fountain of eternal youth in the form of whatever "exotic" little thing they can get their grubby little hands on...
There's something vaguely ancestral-tribal in the emotional mind of a Filipino (Filipinas to a much lesser extent). It's like their basic instincts, from gluttony to greed and lust, are still at caveman level while they are forced to at least put up the face of a civilised member of society. If, most of the times, this didn't end up in almost farcical actions, it would be scary.
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Re: Other benefits of living in Philippines society besides women/dating

Post by Winston »

I posted these three major psychological benefits of living in the Philippines to Filipina Pea since she doesn't usually cover them. I also posted them to her FB page in case YT deletes it.


Hi Pea, I want to add some KEY PRICELESS psychological benefits of being in the Philippines that I don't think you covered yet. Benefits besides women and lower cost of living. Feel free to use this comment in your videos. See below.

1) First, in America everyone judges you and analyzes you constantly. You never feel truly relaxed or at ease. You are constantly told "you are not good enough" even though it's indirect and implied usually, which degrades your self-esteeem and mental health over time. But in the Philippines, people don't judge or analyze you (not the way Americans do at least), they just let things be the way they are. They don't keep trying to change you like Americans do. They don't tell you "you should be like this or like that". No one tries to change who you are in the PH. So you feel a big sense of RELIEF and PEACE OF MIND that you never have in America. This means you can wake up everyday in the PH with a peace of mind and ease that you can never do in America. This is very LIBERATING to our soul and mind and psyche, and PRICELESS too. I know it from experience of course.

2) Second, niceness is seen as a weakness in America, unless you work in customer service. But in dating, niceness is seen as a negative thing that makes you weak, needy, and boring. But in the Philippines and most other countries, niceness is appreciated and seen as a plus in your favor. It has no negative stigma. That's very liberating and nice (pun intended). Also being codependent and needy for love is normal in Asia, whereas in America it's seen as a defect that needs to be fixed and changed. Because America doesn't accept human nature, but the PH does. Basically, in the PH if you are nice to everyone, then everyone tends to be nice to you too, it's a simple formula which isn't true in America.

3) Third, if you are eccentric or a misfit or wired differently because you have aspergers or are just not neurotypical, you don't get punished in the Philippines or most foreign countries like you do in America. You don't get ostracized or shunned or kicked out of social life. In fact the beauty of the Philippines is that every eccentric misfit feels welcome and accepted there, and not judged or criticized. As long as you are nice and respectful, no one cares if you are different or eccentric. I noticed that eccentric expats tend to like the PH the most because they feel accepted there. Hence it's a deep psychological benefit.

Anyway Pea, feel free to use the above in your videos if you find them significant. I would be happy to talk about the above if you interview me too sometime. Thanks, Winston
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Other benefits of living in Philippines society besides women/dating

Post by Winston »

kangarunner wrote:
October 29th, 2022, 10:05 am
Add the great, sunny weather. The Philippines seems like a relaxed, natural place to live. Thanks for this.

I made a list of 10 Social Benefits of Vietnam Culture:

1 - Friendly, cheerful locals

2 - Welcoming and non-judgmental

3 - Warm, sunny weather

4 - Be yourself, no pressure to fit in

5 - Social flow, social cohesion

6 - Peaceful, easy-going vibe

7 - Foreigners are treated very well

8 - Peaceful with low level of physical violence

9 - Doing things in groups

10 - Vietnam has a healing power
Wow @kangarunner those are great psychological benefits. You should make a video where you talk about all the above on the list. People love videos like "10 things..." or "10 reasons..." etc. Those videos get more exposure.
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Re: Other benefits of living in Philippines society besides women/dating

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
April 9th, 2024, 1:15 am
I posted these three major psychological benefits of living in the Philippines to Filipina Pea since she doesn't usually cover them. I also posted them to her FB page in case YT deletes it.


Hi Pea, I want to add some KEY PRICELESS psychological benefits of being in the Philippines that I don't think you covered yet. Benefits besides women and lower cost of living. Feel free to use this comment in your videos. See below.

1) First, in America everyone judges you and analyzes you constantly. You never feel truly relaxed or at ease. You are constantly told "you are not good enough" even though it's indirect and implied usually, which degrades your self-esteeem and mental health over time. But in the Philippines, people don't judge or analyze you (not the way Americans do at least), they just let things be the way they are. They don't keep trying to change you like Americans do. They don't tell you "you should be like this or like that". No one tries to change who you are in the PH. So you feel a big sense of RELIEF and PEACE OF MIND that you never have in America. This means you can wake up everyday in the PH with a peace of mind and ease that you can never do in America. This is very LIBERATING to our soul and mind and psyche, and PRICELESS too. I know it from experience of course.

2) Second, niceness is seen as a weakness in America, unless you work in customer service. But in dating, niceness is seen as a negative thing that makes you weak, needy, and boring. But in the Philippines and most other countries, niceness is appreciated and seen as a plus in your favor. It has no negative stigma. That's very liberating and nice (pun intended). Also being codependent and needy for love is normal in Asia, whereas in America it's seen as a defect that needs to be fixed and changed. Because America doesn't accept human nature, but the PH does. Basically, in the PH if you are nice to everyone, then everyone tends to be nice to you too, it's a simple formula which isn't true in America.

3) Third, if you are eccentric or a misfit or wired differently because you have aspergers or are just not neurotypical, you don't get punished in the Philippines or most foreign countries like you do in America. You don't get ostracized or shunned or kicked out of social life. In fact the beauty of the Philippines is that every eccentric misfit feels welcome and accepted there, and not judged or criticized. As long as you are nice and respectful, no one cares if you are different or eccentric. I noticed that eccentric expats tend to like the PH the most because they feel accepted there. Hence it's a deep psychological benefit.

Anyway Pea, feel free to use the above in your videos if you find them significant. I would be happy to talk about the above if you interview me too sometime. Thanks, Winston
LOL what's with this obsession with Filipina Pea, all of a sudden? :)
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