Should 20-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

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Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
Even if guys who are highly intelligent, physically strong, and socially charismatic exist, they are a very very small percentage of the population. Half of everybody with an IQ above 140 is autistic. The median autistic IQ is 110 and 16% of autistic people have an IQ above 130 compared to 2% of the general population. Given that autists represent 25% of all people with an IQ above 130, that means the chances of a neurotypical having an IQ above 130 is only 1.5%. Suppose a neurotypical did have an IQ above 130 and thus had good social skills. Approximately 70% of Americans are overweight and another 5% are underweight. Most people with a healthy/normal body weight are not really muscular either. So the number of individuals who could possibly fit the fold of a muscular, socially skilled person with an IQ above 130 is probably about 0.1%, maybe 0.2% at most.
My point was that a man can combine various virtues at the same time and become a more complete and more valuable man as a result. Our attributes are not fixed. We can consciously cultivate them and broaden our own virtues. We don't have to be one-dimensional.

A smart guy can develop his body through physical training and become both more athletic and more sexually attractive to women. An athletic guy can take up reading and become learned. One can pursue excellence in various areas. A man who excels in both intellect and physique/athleticism is obviously superior to a guy who only has intellect.

For some reason, this seems to be lost on you. You don't want to recognize this because you only have intellect but not physique or other forms of attractiveness and so it throws a massive wrench in your pretension to superiority. It shows that you are not as great a man as you like to believe.

I myself on the other hand was smarter about things. I didn't adopt a "nerd" identity (which is nothing more than a cultural construct, by the way) and claim that my intelligence was all that I needed and that I should be valued for it; I took on physical training as well and did my best to cultivate a good physique and athleticism. I've even tried to work on my social skills. I've always had a more realistic view of the world while you would rather whine about how women don't value one-dimensional men like you for their intelligence and that they're "degenerates" because of it. :roll:

The statistics that you cite above about overweight Americans and autism and such are irrelevant. They don't detract from my point because my point is that people can cultivate multiple virtues at the same time through conscious effort. The key is self-improvement.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
@Mercer Its funny that Lucas says I'm a midwit for being "one dimensional." He has said this in the past...
Outcast is undoubtedly intelligent and admits that he's a bit of a nerd. Even though I rarely agree with him, I recognize that he is more than capable of writing out coherent arguments and expressing himself well. Intellect is definitely his strong point in contrast to his lack of physical development and primal masculinity. I don't know what field of expertise Outcast has but he's mentioned that he graduated from college and seems to read a lot.
I didn't just graduate from college. I got through it while admittedly having atrocious studying habits. I probably only studied two hours a week. I've mentioned before how much I hated college, being extremely unmotivated was a big part of my life there. I did not feel like there was any point in me being there, I was only doing it because I felt compelled to finish what I had started. Despite terrible studying habits, I still ended up getting B average grades. This is despite the fact that some assignments, I simply didn't do at all. Some classes, I got an A in despite not having read a single page of the textbook. The college I went to is also a pretty competitive school. The reason I got fairly good grades was because I am extremely good at essay writing. Any essay I got, I could get an A in. Even the multiple choice exams, I could usually figure out what the answer was based on simply knowing the subject matter well enough to get the correct answer. Other students I met simply couldn't believe how well I was able to do with such horrible studying habits. Pretty much everybody else I knew who acted like I did failed out. I knew one guy who studied for an exam for two days straight. He wouldn't do anything, he spend all day studying for two days. A total of 24 hours. He got a grade of 78%. I studied for the same exam for about two hours and got 92%.

I have never bothered to get a real IQ test, but my father has... His IQ is 136. I don't believe mine is quite that high. My dad when he was my age did have slightly stronger intellectual abilities, some that would appear almost superhuman. He could, for example, remember a ten minute speech word for word. I can't do that, I have pretty good memory but it isn't quite that precise. Intelligence, however, is mostly determined by genetics and having a father with an IQ of 136 pretty much guarantees a highly intelligent son.
I don't deny that you're above average in terms of intelligence (I used the colloquial term "midwit" more for its dramatic and provocative effect), but at the same time I don't think that you're as smart as you think you are. Lol!

You've even gone on record to say that people here should listen to your observations and that your observations are usually right because you're "much smarter than most people", or so we are supposed to believe (lol!); however, as I mentioned in my previous post, you often have no understanding of deeper nuances, display simplistic black-and-white thinking, and are quick to insistently project your own little pet theories onto everything including things that you know little about (e.g., your insistence that I should have adopted nerd culture just because I'm autistic despite my having grown up in a different environment to yourself and you knowing relatively little about my life history - one of many examples, by the way). Those things aren't the hallmarks of extremely high intelligence or of a perspicacious thinker. I find it unlikely that you are as smart as you claim to be. Lol!

On this forum you have a tendency to vastly overestimate your own intelligence and competence in certain areas of knowledge while underestimating those of others. I think that you're a classical case of the Dunning-Kruger effect! :lol:
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
While I am sure Lucas is 120+ in IQ, I doubt he is 130+.
Pure speculation. You literally know next to nothing about my academic history, study habits, any possible uncanny cognitive abilities, intellectual achievements, biological kin, etc. and now you seem to think that you can estimate my IQ score. Lol!

But you've never really cared about reality or objectivity too much, have you?
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 9:46 pm
Lucas seems to believe that you can just switch parts and place them wherever you want and expect the computer, or in this case, human organization system... To work. Any criticism of this way of thinking is deemed as black and white thinking by him and lacking in nuance. The truth is, his ideology is a disaster and he doesn't even seem to fully understand what his ideology is. He displays a deficiency in his ability to see how ideas that may technically be different flow together and enhance one another. Not only that but he seems fundamentally confused as to what his ideas actually stand for ...
The rest of your post is just waffle which might as well be summarized as "Lucas can't be that smart because I don't find his ideology coherent enough". I think that this is a reflection of your own prejudices of how/what you subjectively believe an intelligent person ought to think more than anything else. That is clearly the case when you start waffling on about the right-left spectrum, antisemitism and the Abrahamic religions. Lol!

Yes, I'm somewhat of an eclectic thinker, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

I have the ability to compare and contrast different ideologies and evaluate the beneficial and negative aspects of all of them. I am more open-minded as opposed to dogmatic. I don't claim to have all of the answers and so I am constantly exploring new ideas and information. I have arguably a more mature way of thinking. You on the other hand are indeed closed-mindedly ideological and do believe that you have all of the answers despite being a 25 year-old guy with meager life experience and almost no intellectual maturity. But I guess that's just the Dunning-Krugerite within you!

I have more flexibility of thought and have no interest in narrow dogmatism. I am also naturally suspicious of ideologues. You on the other hand have zero flexibility of thought and can only fathom things from a narrow America-centric political perspective. That's why you still believe in the US right as the solution despite the US right having always had a major boner for Israel and Zionism. You're not even perspicacious enough to see beyond the limited cultural framework of your own culture of birth (and the cultural framework of contemporary America is indeed notoriously limited).

But, at any rate, thanks for the comedy, buddy. It's been hilarious hearing you trying to convince us about how smart you are! :wink:

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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by fschmidt »

Tsar wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 11:31 pm
1. Anabaptists undermined traditionalism, created or at least collaborated with predatory capitalism, supported democracy and republics, and are responsible for the destruction of the environment. Puritans were Anabaptists. Only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are most authentic Christians. Protestantism is too individualistic and doesn't have the same doctrine as the original theological branches of Christianity (Catholicism and Orthodox).
You have no idea what you are talking about.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Shemp »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 8:30 am
..., he stands to lose nothing if he tries,
He stands to lose time and energy. He would be better advised to explore opportunities with high probability of paying off moderately well, versus moon shots that have very low probability of paying off spectacularly well.
but will gain more than he does from debating inane revenge fantasies on HA into perpetuity.
This is true.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Give me a break @Lucas88 you are not mature. Your ridiculous ideas remind me of the kind of crap I believed in when I was 17/18. You remind me of a teenage boy. Wanting girls to lez it up like we’re all living in a porn film. And talking about how you’re gonna militarily overthrow ZOG and my hypothetical Christian theocracy with your band of neopagans.

I’ve already seen where your type of thinking goes. It creates shitholes. You give the same tired old advice that all the PUAs do and then act like you invented something new just because there are tiny differences in the details. And if I point out that your ideas are basically the same as a bunch of other shit that doesn’t work you say “no you don’t understand nuance!” There is no nuance to it. Changing small details doesn’t make that much of a difference. You think the same way all the frat guys at my college do you just won’t accept it because you think the tiny differences in the details make you special. They don’t. You’re basically the same as they are.

Being flexible about ideologies and picking and choosing whatever you want from each shows you don’t understand how ideologies work. You might as well identify as a radical queer Nazi because that’s about how coherent your ideology is. People like that are made fun of in any circle of people who are actually serious about politics and social change because of the utter ridiculousness of thinking you can just mix ideas together that were born out of radically different philosophies and often had the complete opposite end goal. If you mix a whole bunch of ideas from ideologies that all had radically different end goals then you’re gonna end up with a mess that doesn’t accomplish anything.
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Re: Should 20%-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Lucas88 »

Wow, I was just looking through some old threads and stumbled across this rather controversial one (what else do you expect from our resident philosopher king @Tsar? :lol: ) and realized that I never responded.

To be honest, I don't know if this guy still lurks around these parts since he hasn't posted in a while, but I'm feeling a little bit high right now and wanna reply just for the fun of it. :wink:
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 11:21 am
Give me a break @Lucas88 you are not mature. Your ridiculous ideas remind me of the kind of crap I believed in when I was 17/18. You remind me of a teenage boy. Wanting girls to lez it up like we’re all living in a porn film. And talking about how you’re gonna militarily overthrow ZOG and my hypothetical Christian theocracy with your band of neopagans.
Your reactionary ideas pertaining to a hypothetical theocracy are just a regurgitation of the same ridiculous ramblings that low IQ autistic incels and other bottom-of-the-barrel alt-right neckbeards waffle on about in your insufferable echo chambers on 4chan. They're the same kind of utter cringe and nonsense which that laughable closet-homo grifter Nick Fuentes spews out and which only emasculated virgin Zoomers believe in. No respectable person wants anything to do with any such joke of a movement.

You're not going to overthrow the ZOG with US right-wing politics. The Republican Party has for a long time been an unfaltering supporter of Israel and even the purported outlier Trump—the supposed Messiah of America—is nothing more than a puppet of the apocalyptic Kabbalah cult Chabad-Lubavitch. That's not to say that the Democrats are good—their leadership is also extremely zealous in its support for Zionism, even though now the Democrats' support base is becoming increasingly more critical of Israel. Go figure! My point is that there is just no hope in mainstream partisan politics—both sides are under the control and influence of the same Zionist cabal.

I don't know how exactly Gentiles will overthrow the Zionist cabal if such a thing ever does happen. We're by no means guaranteed to thwart their envisioned Messianic Age of enslavement and mass extermination since most Gentiles are unaware and unorganized. However, if there is an overthrow of the cabal, it will most likely be initiated by movements of ordinary people—not fringe extremists—who will be primarily concerned with issues such as starvation, mass poverty and the devastation caused by Zionist wars.

The overthrow of the cabal will only be possible when a large percentage of the population realizes what's going on and becomes willing to respond in the face of absolute desperation. Any movement that may boldly endeavor to lead an uprising against the ZOG will have to appeal to normal people, not just a minority of hysterical alt-right loons. As of now, there is no political party or organized movement in existence that has even the slightest chance of taking down the cabal.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 11:21 am
I’ve already seen where your type of thinking goes. It creates shitholes. You give the same tired old advice that all the PUAs do and then act like you invented something new just because there are tiny differences in the details. And if I point out that your ideas are basically the same as a bunch of other shit that doesn’t work you say “no you don’t understand nuance!” There is no nuance to it. Changing small details doesn’t make that much of a difference. You think the same way all the frat guys at my college do you just won’t accept it because you think the tiny differences in the details make you special. They don’t. You’re basically the same as they are.
You don't have any serious understanding of the fundamental cause of the 21st century's incel problem. That's not surprising since you obviously don't have much intellectual acuity.

The reason why so many young men today are low-value incels who incessantly whine about how they can't get a woman isn't simply because of feminism, social media or "women having too much power"; more fundamentally, the cause lies in toxin exposure—we have been increasingly exposed to myriad pollutants and endocrine-disruptors (e.g., Bisphenol A and other garbage found in common plastics) since the mid 80s and that has negatively affected the health and constitution of recent generations of males, causing testosterone levels to fall dramatically together with a significant increase of developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD. Epigenetic changes might also be involved as well. Needless to say, the unfortunate result of this phenomenon is the current crop of unhealthy, ill-constituted, mentally fragile and autistic males.

Of course, women naturally aren't attracted to such low-test and ill-constituted males. Women sense that such guys are unhealthy and of low biological quality and understandably don't want anything to do with them. Who can blame them for not being attracted to today's crop of low-test incels with dweeby physiques, effeminate minds, weak will and autistic social functioning?

The palpable decline of the biological quality of males in the last three decades or so is the primary reason for the current incel epidemic. However, you don't want to recognize this reality. That is because you yourself, like many other males of your generation, are an unhealthy, ill-constituted, low-test, autistic dweeb of low biological quality, which is the real reason why for many years you were an undesirable incel and why no females wanted your genes. But you are in denial of this due to the effect of your huge delusional ego.

This is the real reason why you fantasize about a ridiculous Christian theocracy in which your contemptible ilk has free rein to deprive women of all independence and possibilities for their own income and force them to marry your sorry asses—you resent that they're obviously not choosing you dysgenic alt-right losers. :roll:

In my opinion, the most apt solution to the problem outlined above isn't some regressive authoritarian system conceived in the warped minds of the reactionary right, but rather a wholesale restoration of our living environment (removal and banning of all known harmful toxins and endocrine-disruptors) and then eventually the widespread application of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing for the improvement of genetic health, which is now the cutting edge of genetic technology.

I'm a forward-thinking futurist thinker, not a simple-minded alt-right reactionary.
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 11:21 am
Being flexible about ideologies and picking and choosing whatever you want from each shows you don’t understand how ideologies work.
The contrived ideologies which you mental midgets quibble over in this decade will be outmoded and of absolutely no relevance a few decades from now. The future in 2044 will look completely unrecognizable with the advent of AGI (artificial general intelligence) and the resulting shift to post-labor economics, unprecedented breakthroughs in all areas of science, and the widespread adoption of preimplantation embryo selection and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing for human enhancement. None of the current ideologies is prepared for any of this even in the slightest.

The unprecedented changes that will result from the incipient AI, big data and genetics revolution will undoubtedly necessitate the development of new ideological frameworks—we are on the verge of an overarching paradigm shift whether most people understand it or not.

The technological direction of the future is already clear and any nation or superpower that is to remain competitive will be forced to adapt. Those who don't implement new innovations such as AGI and gene editing will simply fall behind. There is no stopping this now, save a worldwide catastrophe.

The Kabbalists aim to create an AGI-driven techno-utopia, but only for themselves and a few hundred thousand Noahides—they intend to exterminate everyone else (all non-Noahide Gentiles who they regard as unclean souls originating from the Qliphoth) for the fulfillment of Tikkun Olam and the inauguration of the Messianic Age.

Nevertheless, even if hypothetically an opposing Gentile group manages to defeat and exterminate the Kabbalists, any Gentile society that follows will still possess all of the rapidly evolving technology that we have today and will be able to use it for good purposes. Intelligent and forward-thinking Gentiles could still use AGI, genetic technology and other emerging sciences to engineer our own techno-utopias, solve many of the problems that our species is currently facing, and vastly improve our own genetic quality. In this scenario the future could be extremely bright and hopeful. :D

Meanwhile, myopic and retrograde alt-right troglodytes like you will continue to drag your knuckles along the ground and schizopost about religion and imaginary Christian theocracies for other bottom-of-the-barrel low IQ morons.
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Re: Tsar's Polygamous Lesbo Utopia

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 14th, 2023, 11:21 am
Being flexible about ideologies and picking and choosing whatever you want from each shows you don’t understand how ideologies work. You might as well identify as a radical queer Nazi because that’s about how coherent your ideology is. People like that are made fun of in any circle of people who are actually serious about politics and social change because of the utter ridiculousness of thinking you can just mix ideas together that were born out of radically different philosophies and often had the complete opposite end goal. If you mix a whole bunch of ideas from ideologies that all had radically different end goals then you’re gonna end up with a mess that doesn’t accomplish anything.
I actually do have a coherent vision of future possibilities and the direction in which I think human civilization should advance—one which takes into account cutting-edge scientific developments and realistic future predictions and therefore transcends the limited and obsolescent ideologies of today—not just a jumble of disparate ideas.

I'm a forward-thinking futurist—my goal is the creation of a higher form of human civilization through the use of AGI, gene editing and other emerging areas of science.

Science and technology alone are the reason why we live in a decent world since the latter half of the 20th century and are likewise the only thing that will propel us further and solve many of our collective problems. We are currently on the verge of an unprecedented and far-reaching technological revolution—the entire structure of our civilization will be shaken up beyond recognition in just a matter of decades and none of the current ideologies will be prepared to deal with the radical changes to come.

1. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Post-Labor Economics

We are only one year into the "AI Boom" and it is becoming increasingly more apparent that AI will soon be able to do most people's work more efficiently and cheaply than a human ever could. There are now Language Processing Models that can understand and generate fluent human-like text and speech; Computer Vision that can allow for data analysis, object recognition and therefore automated tasks; and Generative Models that can create realistic textual, audio and visual content in mere seconds. And this is only the beginning.

Within 5-20 years, depending on the speed of progress, AGI—a form of AI with the ability to learn, understand and apply knowledge comparable to or surpassing a human—is expected to emerge, and once it is developed, it will give life to all kinds of new robotics and automated systems and make the vast majority of jobs obsolete. AGI's efficiency and economy will be far superior to anything we know today. This will lead to a shift to a novel arrangement of post-labor economics since human labor will no longer be necessary for the most part.

Unlike the retrograde troglodytes of the right—and even the left to some degree—who fear the prospect of "being replaced by robots" or cling to some unfounded moral notion of a supposed "duty to work", I as a forward-thinking futurist view automation as an opportunity for humans to liberate ourselves from the alienating monotony of tedious labor—the pointless modern existence of living just to work and pay bills in a neverending cycle—and afford ourselves the time for self-cultivation of the highest order as well as more leisure time. Those of us of a superior mental constitution and who see the pointlessness of the rat race should embrace post-labor economics in light of the advent of AGI.

2. Gene Editing

Concurrent with the AI revolution is the genetics revolution. The last decade has seen major breakthroughs in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing techniques and this will likely be used to actively edit the genomes of humans in the next few decades.

CRISPR-Cas9 is expected to be used to edit the genomes of embryos prior to implantation in order to select for traits deemed desirable such as intelligence, athleticism, beauty, health and longevity. It should even be possible to select for desirable behavioral dispositions. This will be the future of eugenics.

I myself am a eugenicist—albeit not the racist kind that many people today associate with the term. I believe that humans of the future should use gene editing techniques in order to vastly improve our genetic fitness, intelligence, physical constitution and beauty among other things. Of course, we should use them to cure genetic disorders and genetic diseases too. We should aim to become a superior form of humanity rather than accepting the miserable hand then many of us have been given.

3. Miscellaneous Considerations

The outlook of such a futurist vision should be scientific, pragmatic and rational and aimed at people with such a style of thinking. No need to appeal to alt-right fringe ideologies.

The form of governance will probably have to be democratic to a large degree. We live in a time in which democratic values are taken for granted and authoritarian regimes are not popular with the majority of the population—at least not in the Western world.

Individual freedom should be recognized to a large degree but there should be some level of public standards enforced by such things as anti-obscenity laws. In my opinion, society functions best when there is a balance between individual freedom and decency, not the extremes of authoritarianism or libertinism.

Separation of religion and state. Religion/spirituality is a personal matter*. Nobody has the right to impose their own religion upon anybody else.

*I myself, by the way, favor the more esoteric forms of religion along the lines of Hermeticism with philosophical sophistication and occult energy practices for initiates, not "bands of neo-Pagans". Lol!

Transition towards an AGI-driven "Techno-Utopia"

AI technologies (especially AGI) and gene editing will prove so revolutionary in the next few decades that all nations/governments will be forced to adopt them in order to remain competitive. If, for example, the US doesn't, then China or Russia will. This makes their adoption inevitable.

The inevitability of such developments in the mid-term future means that entirely new ideological frameworks will have to be developed in order to accommodate the rapidly changing technological landscape. It is possible—in fact highly probable—that different factions or schools of thought will emerge and propose divergent visions with regard to how societies will implement the changes and go about things, but the themes of AGI and gene editing will necessarily be included. Such will be the future of ideology.

As for the topic of the NWO and Jewish elite, it is true that the Kabbalists wish to create an AGI-driven techno-utopia of their own using the fruits of the labor of the major tech companies; however, they want it just for themselves and a few hundred thousand Noahides—everybody else must be exterminated before the Messianic Age may begin because, according to the warped Kabbalah, all goyim are impure souls who originate from the Qliphoth of the Sitra Achra. The Kabbalists literally desire our extermination prior to the creation of their own envisioned techno-utopia—that is the shocking true nature of the "Jewish agenda".

Nevertheless, even if a movement of Gentiles whoever that may be is able to identify and thwart the Kabbalist plan before it's too late, any Gentile nation/government that may form thereafter will still inherit all of the same advanced AI and gene editing technology and even continue further with scientific and technological development. As a result of this, transition towards an AGI-driven techno-utopia will remain inevitable and Gentile nations/governments will create their own, hopefully in an intelligent and harmonious manner that will be beneficial to their people.


All of the above is my own coherent vision of a future society and analysis of possibilities based on current technological developments and future predictions extrapolated from these.

Now let's analyze your own proposed "Christian theocracy" and see how myopic, absurd and out of touch with reality it is in the 21st century!

1. Centrality of Male Labor and Exclusion of Women from the Workforce

You silly fools believe that if you exclude most women from the workforce you can achieve full employment for men and then force women to depend on you for access to resources. Lol!

Wrong! The development of AGI is going to make the vast majority of jobs obsolete for both men and women since it will simply be far more efficient than any human at most tasks. In the future post-labor economics will be the norm and few humans will be needed for civilization to function.

Furthermore, your catastrophist fantasies about civilization collapsing because of incel men refusing to work will remain just that—fantasies, since the advancement of AI is only going to make a far greater percentage of the population superfluous from an economic standpoint.

2. Concerns with Sexual Selection—Now Obsolete!

With the widespread application of gene editing techniques in conjunction with preimplantation embryo selection that is likely to become the norm a few decades from now, your concerns about what you consider "dysgenic breeding", IQ, Blacks, etc. will begin to sound utterly juvenile.

In the genomic age, prospective parents will be able to screen their own embryos and select the one with gene variants associated with desirable traits such as intelligence, athleticism, health, even psychological traits such as empathy and agreeableness, or even edit the embryo's genome with CRISPR-Cas9. Traditional sexual selection will become obsolete as humans take our genetic destiny into our own hands.

Also, human genetic enhancement will be a way to improve the aesthetics and biological quality of men and prevent future incel epidemics. Of course, for this the practice of gene editing will need to be democratized, which is to be expected as such technology becomes commonplace—even more so if it becomes a central focus of the civilization's ethos.

3. Complete Lack of Understanding of the Incel Problem's Primary Cause

The reality of a serious decline of testosterone levels and health due to myriad environmental toxins and endocrine-disruptors is completely lost on you.

Just look at the endocrinological studies such as Travison et al. (2007) and Wu et al. (2020).

Anecdotally, also look at how much better-constituted the men were in the 80s in comparison to today's cohort of pitiable low-test dweebs. Then ask yourself why women aren't attracted to the latter.

4. The Declining Popularity of Religion

Most people in the modern Western world aren't interested in authoritarian theocracies and take democracy as a given. Not even most conservatives. A theocracy wouldn't have much support.

Furthermore, I recently saw a chart that shows that religious belief has sharply declined among Millennials and Gen Z. Unfortunately for you would-be theocrats, less young people are interested in Judaic myths.


As any reasonable person should be able to observe (regardless of whether or not they agree with all of my ideas), I do indeed have a coherent vision—one which is certainly far more forward-thinking, sophisticated and high IQ than your simplistic and outmoded low IQ "tradcon theocracy", which looks like it was thought up by a mildly retarded 14 year old. Lol!

If you are still lurking around here, you should swallow your pride and take back your accusation that I have no coherent ideology. Lmao!
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Re: Should 20-40% of Male Babies Be Aborted?

Post by Jonny Law »

SORRY :( We Are Not There Yet!

I am disappointed in the Murderous American Women!

3,660,000 Births Per Year USA
625,978 Abortions Per Year USA
= 4,285,978 Pregnancies

:evil: We Have An Abortion Rate of ONLY 14.6%
(as of year 2021)

:) If you do not like people murdering their babies
Then For You it is a Good Thing American Women Are Stupid and Worthless and cannot complete tasks
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