Canadian Women Are No Better than Americans, Please Read

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Canadian Women Are No Better than Americans, Please Read

Post by mac9 »

Hello everyone,

I must say that at the moment I am writing these words, I am feeling extremely bad, on the verge of depression. I feel so alienated, so small, insignificant, not wanted or needed in this society, it's like my presence here is meaningless. My main goal with this post is to send a message: dating is just as bad up here in Canada. I will proceed to tell you my experience as a white man born and raised in Toronto, Canada. I am 32 years old.

Toronto is hell on earth. I hope none of you ever move here. This city is steeped in misandry, materialism, social status and gold diggers.

There is misandry in the media. Misandry in our legal system. Misandry in our social life. Misandry in education.

Misandry is part of our everyday lives. It's in the media, once a week a new article comes out on how bad men are, how stupid, how perverse, how unfair, how violent, how primitive, how loud, etc etc etc. It's the only form of hate that is openly accepted: the hate towards men.

If you are a man in Toronto, you have no rights. A woman can call the police and say you beat her up and the police will take you away and check later, maybe. Torontonian women are sadistic by nature. They love destroying men's lives, teasing them, ignoring them. It's not just an option for them, it's like a medal of honor to display in front of their feminist friends: "look how I got this f***ing man in prison just because he dared see himself as our equal".

I don't even know where to start my endless list of f***ed up encounters with Toronto women. All I'm going to say, just to give you guys an example is, in this city, you cannot go to your destination without being snubbed by a woman on your way there somehow.

The moment you walk out the door, you feel the immediate pressure and necessity to become cold and distant just to not get hurt further by the people's rude behavior. What does this mean ? For example, in Toronto, a woman will look the other way on purpose just to show you how much she wants to ignore you, just to remind you that you are nothing, just to make sure you don't even dare to even remotely think about possibly considering talking to them. Women in this city love to look the other way even if you're not looking at them. Even if you're just walking down the street, looking at street signs because you don't know where you are, or reading a subway station sign, anything at all, a woman will turn her head the other way (to look at nothing) just so that there is not a chance in hell you can make eye contact with her. Even if you're not looking at her, she will still create a scenario that doesn't exist in order to transmit hatred into you.

This city is so unbelievably perverse. I've heard the phrase "I want a rich husband" like a thousand times. To which I always respond "well, rich guys like hot girls" and I kid you not, Toronto women will not hesitate to tell you to go f**k yourself. Especially when I say that, more than one girl YELLED at me "f**k you! f**k you!" with the most manly voice you could ever imagine.

I encourage you to visit this blog (Toronto Men Unite) in which the author and men who live in Toronto talk about how horrible it is to date in this city.

Does anyone have an advice for me ?

I want you guys to know that I am decided to move out of this city, maybe out of this country altogether. I cannot stand this any longer. I am losing my self-esteem, I haven't done anything to any woman yet they treat me like I'm the worst piece of shit in the universe. I feel like scum, insignificant disgusting creature that doesn't deserve to live. My friends are all single too. They're guys in their 20's and 30's, they all look healthy, they're funny, nice people, but somehow they are not good enough for the bitches of this city. Nobody I've ever met has been good enough for the girls here.

I need some help. If you have nothing positive to say to me, please just don't say anything, because I don't need you to kick me while I'm down, I get enough of that here as it is.

I just dream of arriving in a place where women and men will not hate each other and where I can get a fresh start.

Is there such a place ? What can I do ?
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Post by S_Parc »

Mac9, seeing escorts is legal in Canada. Thus, you have ways of having fun from Brampton to Scarborough. But honestly, the real top shelf GFE stuff is in Montreal. This is not in option in most US states w/o possibly running into the men in blue.

The key here is that just like in the Boston to DC corridor, you need to find a way of actively avoiding CLCs (castrating lesbian cunts, a.k.a. the Femi-Nazi seven sister collegiate type of so-called 'intellectually enlightened' women), so that you can get through the day w/o beating yourself over the head. As long as you actively engage them, they'll always make you miserable because that's their lot in life. They're internally miserable people and misery loves company.

I've spent some time in Toronto and let me tell you, women in Boston & New York City are actually worse. There are at least a few women from others provinces (Nova Scotia, Quebec) or countries (Brazil, China, etc), which makes the Canadian side a little better than the eastern seaboard of the US. But again, as soon as they discover that their worth is quite high in a western urban dystopia, they also develop an attitude. The difference perhaps is that Canada doesn't have a nativist sentiment, so in reality, a lot of visitors don't get assimilated whereas in the US, most women get Americanized within a few short years. There are no barriers to American-hood for women in the states.

If anything, the guys in Toronto (who I'd met) & had girlfriends there, wouldn't be able to get those women in Boston.
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Post by philosophical_filipino »

Toronto, Miami, & Chicago are my favorite American cities. I know it's tough out there for a pimp. Keep soldiering on.

North American hemisphere is very difficult dating scene. Divorce rates are thru the roof. This whole "independent" movement promoted by feminism has ruined the graceful nature of women. It's a sad reality.

Here's some advice @mac9: Travel South America & Eastern Europe. Find a country you could imagine living. And make the necessary plans to move permanently abroad. It's very doable. Look at the forums of working overseas to get some ideas.

I am still waiting for my Anya to come back from Colombia.
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Post by Will N. Dowd »

A very well written article. I am in Vancouver and it's the same here. This is pretty much how it is all over Canada. It really is disturbingly awful. The only action I get is with foreign exchange students. On top of that, Canada is way too big, cold, expensive, taxed and materialistic. It really doesn't matter if you are in the USA or Canada. If you are man in either of those countries it is hell on earth. I'm planning my escape asap!
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Re: Canadian Women Are No Better than Americans, Please Read

Post by jamesbond »

mac9 wrote:Toronto is hell on earth. I hope none of you ever move here. This city is steeped in misandry, materialism, social status and gold diggers.

There is misandry in the media. Misandry in our legal system. Misandry in our social life. Misandry in education.

Misandry is part of our everyday lives. It's in the media, once a week a new article comes out on how bad men are, how stupid, how perverse, how unfair, how violent, how primitive, how loud, etc etc etc. It's the only form of hate that is openly accepted: the hate towards men.

I don't even know where to start my endless list of f***ed up encounters with Toronto women. All I'm going to say, just to give you guys an example is, in this city, you cannot go to your destination without being snubbed by a woman on your way there somehow.

The moment you walk out the door, you feel the immediate pressure and necessity to become cold and distant just to not get hurt further by the people's rude behavior. What does this mean ? For example, in Toronto, a woman will look the other way on purpose just to show you how much she wants to ignore you, just to remind you that you are nothing, just to make sure you don't even dare to even remotely think about possibly considering talking to them. Women in this city love to look the other way even if you're not looking at them. Even if you're just walking down the street, looking at street signs because you don't know where you are, or reading a subway station sign, anything at all, a woman will turn her head the other way (to look at nothing) just so that there is not a chance in hell you can make eye contact with her. Even if you're not looking at her, she will still create a scenario that doesn't exist in order to transmit hatred into you.
Canada sounds a lot like the US. The women are unfriendly and anti-social. The only way to meet women is through your friends. Time to check out some foreign countries before we go insane! :lol:
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Re: Canadian Women Are No Better than Americans, Please Read

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

mac9 wrote: The moment you walk out the door, you feel the immediate pressure and necessity to become cold and distant just to not get hurt further by the people's rude behavior. What does this mean ? For example, in Toronto, a woman will look the other way on purpose just to show you how much she wants to ignore you, just to remind you that you are nothing, just to make sure you don't even dare to even remotely think about possibly considering talking to them. Women in this city love to look the other way even if you're not looking at them. Even if you're just walking down the street, looking at street signs because you don't know where you are, or reading a subway station sign, anything at all, a woman will turn her head the other way (to look at nothing) just so that there is not a chance in hell you can make eye contact with her. Even if you're not looking at her, she will still create a scenario that doesn't exist in order to transmit hatred into you.

This city is so unbelievably perverse. I've heard the phrase "I want a rich husband" like a thousand times. To which I always respond "well, rich guys like hot girls" and I kid you not, Toronto women will not hesitate to tell you to go f**k yourself. Especially when I say that, more than one girl YELLED at me "f**k you! f**k you!" with the most manly voice you could ever imagine.
I know exactly what you mean. It the same here in the East Coast.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

@"Everybody here"....

I almost married a Torontonian BBW 4 years ago. Good thing that she and I had fell out (i.e. had a fall-out) because I decided to travel to 15 different countries before returning to N. America.

I was on my 3rd year traveling aborad, and she finally gave up and cut me off and never returned my calls. I guess I dodged a bullet. I f***ed her with a vazz, no kids with her (or anybody for goodness' sake), and didn't become incarcerated over her. I G-O-T OVER! BAHAHAHAHAA MGTOW!

....and I got a lot of FW p***y abroad. Jajajaajjaajajajaaa!!!
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Post by Adama »

Essentially there is no difference between Canada and USA. Canadians like to pat themselves on the back and talk of how much more enlightened they are than Americans. The only real difference is hockey and their "eh" instead of "huh." Canada is like the diet version of the USA. That's it.
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Post by lavezzi »

I live in another Capital city of a different Anglo country where it's the same situation. It used to really bother me day-to-day too. But now, I've completely shifted my attraction from Caucasian women to Asian woman. So when some stuck-up Caucasian bitch ignores me on the street I laugh. Only when an Asian women does it do I get in any way upset.

You can achieve this too; just go to, set up a profile and experience what humble, feminine woman are like for the first time in your life. Then you'll see that these arrogant, masculine cunts we have in our home countries aren't worth grieving over. After that you can start planning a trip to Asia to experience it's women for real. Like with getting in a swimming-pool, the colder you are, the warmer it will seem when you get in. Similarly the more horrible the dating environment you're used to is, the more tremendous a non-dysfunctional one will seem.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I was in Canada for six months in the Vancouver area. One thing I noticed was that there were tons of young immigrant oriental women from Japan, China, and other countries. There is a large Buddhist temple in Richmond, which is just south of Vancouver. They also have a service for English speaking people. Maybe you could end up meeting someone there.

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Post by philosophical_filipino »

Compare hot Asian girl Misa Campo vs. a horde of hot Latinas

The only hottest Asian girls in my opinion are the half Asian-euro girls like Misa Campo, otherwise they cannot compete at the level of hotness of the Latina horde.
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Post by Adama »

lavezzi wrote:I live in another Capital city of a different Anglo country where it's the same situation. It used to really bother me day-to-day too. But now, I've completely shifted my attraction from Caucasian women to Asian woman. So when some stuck-up Caucasian bitch ignores me on the street I laugh. Only when an Asian women does it do I get in any way upset.

You can achieve this too; just go to, set up a profile and experience what humble, feminine woman are like for the first time in your life. Then you'll see that these arrogant, masculine cunts we have in our home countries aren't worth grieving over. After that you can start planning a trip to Asia to experience it's women for real. Like with getting in a swimming-pool, the colder you are, the warmer it will seem when you get in. Similarly the more horrible the dating environment you're used to is, the more tremendous a non-dysfunctional one will seem.
Even if I were into Asian women, I dont know if I'd even want one who was fluent in English. To me that would just increase the likelihood that she'd eventually morph into an AW. It seems to me it is no coincidence that the Anglophone world has the worst case of feminism, the most draconian anti-male laws, and the most stuck up, asexual beings masquerading as real women.
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Post by Fenix »

In my opinion, Canadian women are better than American women. I prefer Canadian women over American women any day of the week. I have talked to many Canadian women and they don't act like American women at all. I have had great experiences with Canadian women. I almost moved to Canada in 2006 because of the girl I was feeling. It was that serious. I chose to come to Arizona instead, but I was going to head to Canada.

I can't use this excuse, "Maybe because I am black..." Black Canadians are prevalent there, so that's not it.

Canadian women > American women.
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