Why are you guys feeding the troll? The whole point of this forum is to get raw, unfiltered, unpopular opinions on everything. Several times already this troll has come in and tried to dictate what we should and shouldn't be discussing. He told Winston he wouldn't tolerate it.

Who the f**k made this dweeb emperor? And why is he still here if he won't tolerate it? He previously said he's never coming back, and yet like a cancerous tumor ..here he is again. GTFO IntoTheTroll and don't let the door hit you on the way out!
It's amazing how many demented control freaks there are telling us we are all losers, and yet they can't get enough. A lot of close-minded individuals have a love-hate relationship with this unorthodox forum. It's like the one nail that sticks out. And they desperately want to smash it, even if it means their source of possible salvation will be destroyed. Since they haven't conquered their own demons, they try to take their anger out on this forum. Which is very pathetic when you think about it, but these are the kind of people we're dealing with.
When there's something you don't want to read, (maybe because your guilt is making you uncomfortable), SKIP OVER IT. 95% of what you hear these days will glorify sex without love, homosexuality, inter-racial dating, and so on. The whole point of being online is being able to get another viewpoint that isn't allowed on tv. You can call it
oldthink, which has been phased out in the mainstream media and schooling system in exchange for
newspeak. The few guys on this forum who post about living another way to the currently popular one aren't "preaching". They're putting out opinions that need to be considered. They need be floating around cyberspace, even if no one values them, because there needs to be a balance.
Think about how many people sent Winston emotional thank you letters when they discovered his site. Why did they do this? Because his articles presented opinions which were suppressed. Millions of people had them, but they never heard anyone else discuss them, so they were led to believe they were crazy or delusional for having them. If you agree or don't agree with someone's opinion is completely irrelevant. Most westerners are too uncomfortable speaking about politically-incorrect issues in daily life. Society needs to cultivate strong characters with convictions not conformist drones. Without contrary opinions to the popularly accepted ones people aren't given a choice. Today many are pushed to view being sexually promiscuous as the only way to live. Maybe 100 years ago the opposite was true. The average man had no choice because it was get married to one woman for life or no sex at all.