What are the best places for Indian/South Asian men?

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What are the best places for Indian/South Asian men?

Post by Seeker »

I'm a 30 year old guy from the UK of Pakistani ethnicity. Having grown up in England and having lived in the Philippines and Thailand as well as visiting many other countries I can confidently state that if you're South Asian (meaning from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh) the UK is probably the worst country for you, other Anglosphere countries seem to be similar. I'd heard many bad things about the treatment of South Asians in Thailand but I was pleasantly surprised by my own experiences. We're supposed to rank bottom here behind Thais, other Asians, whites and blacks but for me personally getting women (for free) is effortless. I think that by far the main factor in this is my appearance which could be described as facially above average with a slim, muscular build. I'm also seen as a farang rather than a "khaek" though I have been asked if I was an Indian on occasion (to which I can truthfully say no!).

The Philippines was a similar experience though I did get somewhat more attention there in normal places like malls and the streets than I do in Bangkok, perhaps due to the relative lack of younger foreigners like me there. Having said that I think I would do better there if I was a white or East Asian guy of similar looks. Serge Kreutz of the asiatour website told me that the best place for South Asian men my age is Guangdong in China, specifically Guangzhou, I've yet to test this. I've also heard that being South Asian or Arab looking can be an advantage in Indonesia which has strong Indian and Islamic influence especially if you're relatively light skinned and have a Bollywood star look.

Regarding non-Asian places I've never really tried the scene there but online I've gotten a lot of attention from women from Eastern Europe, particularly the Baltic states for some reason. Even other West European countries like France are a lot better than England though, I get a ton more IOIs there than I do in England.

Any South Asians or otherwise knowledgable people here want to add their thoughts?
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Re: What is the best place for South Asian men?

Post by Rock »

Seeker wrote:I'm a 30 year old guy from the UK of Pakistani ethnicity. Having grown up in England and having lived in the Philippines and Thailand as well as visiting many other countries I can confidently state that if you're South Asian (meaning from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh) the UK is probably the worst country for you, other Anglosphere countries seem to be similar. I'd heard many bad things about the treatment of South Asians in Thailand but I was pleasantly surprised by my own experiences. We're supposed to rank bottom here behind Thais, other Asians, whites and blacks but for me personally getting women (for free) is effortless. I think that by far the main factor in this is my appearance which could be described as facially above average with a slim, muscular build. I'm also seen as a farang rather than a "khaek" though I have been asked if I was an Indian on occasion (to which I can truthfully say no!).

The Philippines was a similar experience though I did get somewhat more attention there in normal places like malls and the streets than I do in Bangkok, perhaps due to the relative lack of younger foreigners like me there. Having said that I think I would do better there if I was a white or East Asian guy of similar looks. Serge Kreutz of the asiatour website told me that the best place for South Asian men my age is Guangdong in China, specifically Guangzhou, I've yet to test this. I've also heard that being South Asian or Arab looking can be an advantage in Indonesia which has strong Indian and Islamic influence especially if you're relatively light skinned and have a Bollywood star look.

Regarding non-Asian places I've never really tried the scene there but online I've gotten a lot of attention from women from Eastern Europe, particularly the Baltic states for some reason. Even other West European countries like France are a lot better than England though, I get a ton more IOIs there than I do in England.

Any South Asians or otherwise knowledgable people here want to add their thoughts?
Sounds like you're asking the wrong question. From what you've said, you don't look much like a prototypical South Asian and already have some evidence of where you personally are more popular with women. So instead of trying to find 'the place' where South Asian men are absolutely the most popular, why not exploit some of the sources already on your radar - Thailand, Phils, Baltic states? The other arease you mentioned - Guangzhou and Indonesia - may be worth a visit too if you wanna expand you're playground. Focus more on places which have women who are most attractive according to your taste.

BTW, the case for Indonesia sounds plausible but I don't understand how a South Asian would have a relative advantage in any part of China outside of Muslim minority fringe areas (where they might assume a South Asian is Muslim?). But anyway, the South Asian situation is not necessarily so relevant to you given what you've said about your personal appearance.

In some recent posts, I have discussed a man's race/ethnicity a bit as it applies to attracting women. In those posts, I expressed a strong belief that it is generally much less important than the physical package he presents as an individual - looks, height, age, etc. As long as you avoid certain extreme areas and environments, your race/ethnicity will be overshadowed by your own personal appeal.
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Post by Seeker »

Thanks for your response. I'm interested both in what would be the best places for me personally and also what are they best places for South Asian guys in general. There's a lot of discussion on what are the best places for white, black and East Asian men so I'd be keen to have some views on what are the best places for South Asians. In particular I'd like to know what it's like in China. I'm currently living in Bangkok.
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Post by wuxi »

Theres more women than men in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they might be good places to look for a girlfriend. If you can speak chinese it will open up a lot of dating opportunities for you.
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Post by Kunold »

In the US (Seattle) I see South Asian guys with white women all-the time, Microsoft employees most of them
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Post by Seeker »

Who stickied this and when? :lol: Thanks for that but it's a real shame nobody has any more information to add. There must be some South Asians on here surely? I only know which places among the ones I've been to are good for me personally. I forgot to mention that I got a hell of a lot of stares in Beijing, it was quite ridiculous. Why do Chinese stare so much? Got a fair bit of attention in Kenya as well, but again, that's just MY experience.
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Re: What are the best places for South Asian men?

Post by zboy1 »

Seeker wrote:I'm a 30 year old guy from the UK of Pakistani ethnicity. Having grown up in England and having lived in the Philippines and Thailand as well as visiting many other countries I can confidently state that if you're South Asian (meaning from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh) the UK is probably the worst country for you, other Anglosphere countries seem to be similar.
When I was stationed in the U.K., while I was in the Air Force, I was shocked to see the level of racism directed against Pakistani and the South Asian community in the country. Every time I would turn on British news, I would hear about some sort of racial tension and incident involving White British and South Asians going on. The racist Brits also love to say "Paki" as a ethnic slur and attack and beat up on South Asians a lot. By the same token, I noticed how racist South Asians can be when they're in a group when they go and gang up and attack random whites in the street. Also, many South Asian Muslims refuse to assimilate into society, and call for jihad on Western countries, which causes a lot of tension in many British communities.

What I found it funny was that "Asians" in the U.K. referred to Indians and Pakistanis, while in the U.S.--they refer to Orientals. Also, East Asians seem to have much more favorable views on them in comparison to the U.S..
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Try It Out In Person; Go Where You Like That Kind Of Woman

Post by WorldTraveler »

I have many Indian friends in the US. They all do better in the West Coast, DC, and NYC, because they are associated with smart and money. One of my friends when he goes to Texas, they think he’s a Mexican. We went to Florida and a girl asked him “what he was�. I guess she’d never seen an Indian. This friend only likes white girls so 90% of the girls he goes out with are European, because American girls don’t seem to like him. My friend says he doesn’t like Indian or Asians, but that maybe just because he’s never had any luck with them.

Outside of America, I think you get a better reception in Thailand because they are familiar seeing Indians with money. I don’t think they know much about Indians or Pakastani in Philippines. I could see where you think you’d have an advantage in Indonesia and it’s an exotic beautiful country. I think you need to just go and try to meet them and see what works for you.

Try It Out In Person; and Go Where You Like That Kind Of Women
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Post by ALIBABA »

south asian men get all the white women in hong kong. i havent seen too many Pakistani/GZ couples, although i argue there ought to be more. most Chinese don't even know who their allies and enemies are
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Post by FinalShots »

Indian dude here and I have known Indian guys to have success in

Czech Republic
and France

One of my Indian friends is really fit and ripped and he did decent in Italy of all countries which is admirable. He said that Italian Blondes have a thing for exotic looking men.
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Post by FinalShots »

Update: I am not joking, Indian men can DEFINITELY do great in France, I mean it!
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Post by Falcon »

Here's a secret little-known in the West.

Malaysia and Indonesia, hands down. Many of the women there have "Brown Guy Fever." Malaysia and Indonesia are to South Asian guys as the Philippines is to white guys. I can personally attest to this, as I've heard Indonesian women giving me highly positive opinions about South Asian men.

South Asians have been intermarrying with Malays and Indonesians for centuries. In fact, the name "Indonesia" literally means "islands of India."

http://rashedin.blogspot.com/2006/03/ba ... -sexy.html
Malaysian girls can hardly resist the charms of Bangladeshi guys (same here in UK) and fall in love head over heels.
But if you're a polished Bangladeshi dude with good English and know how to carry yourself - you are a hot potato. Getting chicks won't be a problem. And going to Malaysia was an eye opener.

http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BN ... 32074.html
Take a 22-year-old construction worker whose sharp features and boyish good looks could pass him off as a Bollywood star.
I have been approached by many Filipino and Indonesian maids who wanted to be my friend.

"I'm not interested to have one but they insisted in giving me their phone numbers," he said with a smile.
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Re: What are the best places for South Asian men?

Post by green1976 »

I don't think in France,the Indian look is appealing to many women.
If you are quite on the white side..you can be mistaken as an Arab and this is not so good too.
I'm Latin but my look can be as an Arab or from some Mediterannean countries.

France is a multicultural land..more if you go in the big cities so no men is like some kind of novelty.

Women are in a passive mode..i don't see really what type of men would stand up against the others unless he is exceptionnaly handsome and even there don't expect to catch some eyes on the street.
In France,the guys who are doing quite well are the mixed black white.
If they are tall and fit..they can have some little sucess
The most important things are the attitude,the social circle,the money you have.

In my opinion you should stick to what you know..South East Asia.

If you want to find other welcoming women countries..i don't think you will find something a lot better.

As somebody who is quite tanned i won't go to Eastern Europe and also because i dislike the way of being of most Eastern European women.

When i go to Pattaya,they are plenty of Russians there..i don't and i won't try anything..their closed faces are a turn off for me but i recognize many are quite pretty.

In Thailand it was a good thing to see not only the blonde blue eye Western man is considered pretty.
Many Thai ladies like the Italian look and black hair.
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Re: What are the best places for Indian/South Asian men?

Post by willymonfrete »

Seeker wrote:I'm a 30 year old guy from the UK of Pakistani ethnicity. Having grown up in England and having lived in the Philippines and Thailand as well as visiting many other countries I can confidently state that if you're South Asian (meaning from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh) the UK is probably the worst country for you, other Anglosphere countries seem to be similar. I'd heard many bad things about the treatment of South Asians in Thailand but I was pleasantly surprised by my own experiences. We're supposed to rank bottom here behind Thais, other Asians, whites and blacks but for me personally getting women (for free) is effortless. I think that by far the main factor in this is my appearance which could be described as facially above average with a slim, muscular build. I'm also seen as a farang rather than a "khaek" though I have been asked if I was an Indian on occasion (to which I can truthfully say no!).

The Philippines was a similar experience though I did get somewhat more attention there in normal places like malls and the streets than I do in Bangkok, perhaps due to the relative lack of younger foreigners like me there. Having said that I think I would do better there if I was a white or East Asian guy of similar looks. Serge Kreutz of the asiatour website told me that the best place for South Asian men my age is Guangdong in China, specifically Guangzhou, I've yet to test this. I've also heard that being South Asian or Arab looking can be an advantage in Indonesia which has strong Indian and Islamic influence especially if you're relatively light skinned and have a Bollywood star look.

Regarding non-Asian places I've never really tried the scene there but online I've gotten a lot of attention from women from Eastern Europe, particularly the Baltic states for some reason. Even other West European countries like France are a lot better than England though, I get a ton more IOIs there than I do in England.

Any South Asians or otherwise knowledgable people here want to add their thoughts?
the best place is central europe like czechoslovakia and poland.especially poland.polish women have a fetish for swarthy guys.its like eastasia or peru for white men.
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Re: What are the best places for Indian/South Asian men?

Post by Jamessmith0901 »

As a South Asian man, I understand the struggles of dating and socializing in the UK and other Anglo countries. But hey, it's great to hear about the positive experiences in Thailand and the Philippines. Appearance does play a role, which is unfortunate. Has anyone tried Guangzhou as a hotspot for South Asian men? Indonesia, with its Indian and Islamic influences, sounds intriguing. Let's explore different options and keep an open mind when it comes to dating. Personally, I haven't ventured outside of Asia, but I find it fascinating to hear about the attention from women in Eastern Europe. Share your knowledge and experiences, fellow South Asians or anyone else!
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