Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne

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Post by Winston »

ALIBABA wrote:
Winston wrote:I had to remove the link to the ebook because I received a copyright claim by Mrs. Browne. She requests that you all get the ebook off her website at
what would happen if you ignored the claim?
Nothing probably. It's hard to enforce a copyright claim. Though it's doable, it'd involve a lot of trouble. But why do you ask such a strange question? If she holds the copyright, then she has the right to demand that it gets removed.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Post by Think Different »

Winston wrote:
ALIBABA wrote:
Winston wrote:I had to remove the link to the ebook because I received a copyright claim by Mrs. Browne. She requests that you all get the ebook off her website at
what would happen if you ignored the claim?
Nothing probably. It's hard to enforce a copyright claim. Though it's doable, it'd involve a lot of trouble. But why do you ask such a strange question? If she holds the copyright, then she has the right to demand that it gets removed.
Plus, it's really mean and bad karma to cheat a widow.
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Post by Hook »

Winston wrote:
momopi wrote:Harry Browne is the author of Fail-Safe Investing, in which he advocated the Permanent Portfolio
What is that? Can you elaborate on it?
I also have the fail safe investing book. Basically it says that you are never going to outsmart the markets in the long run. You should take the average return of the general market, which is around 8% over the long run.

He says the easiest way of diversifying is putting 1/4 of your money in an index mutual fund, 1/4 into gold, 1/4 into bonds, and 1/4 into cash or money markets.

Over the last 40 years, the strategy has averaged 9% per year, and only lost money in 2 of those years.

I bought a bunch of gold in 2002 for 360/oz and now it is as 1650/oz.
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Re: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne

Post by Winston »

Here's a chapter from the book that DiscoProJoe posted long ago.


Here's one of my favorite chapters from my favorite book. Great, great matter where you go in the world. :)

Chapter 17: Freedom From Social Restrictions

by Harry Browne

from *How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World* (1973)

It's easy to feel that you have no chance to live your own life, that society imposes too many restrictions upon you. Employers, friends, lovers, family, and strangers seem to gang up on you to tell you how you must live.

Of course, "society" is a nonentity. It has no mind, no interests, no motivations. It is simply a collection of many *different* individuals who have different minds, interests, and motivations. So "society" can't restrain you.

The problems come from individuals -- people who want you to act in certain ways and cause problems for you if you don't.

I think the first step in freeing yourself from social restrictions is the realization that there is no such thing as a "safe" code of conduct -- one that would earn everyone's approval. Your actions can always be condemned by *someone* -- for being too bold or too apathetic, for being too conformist or too nonconformist, for being too liberal or too conservative.

So it's necessary to decide *whose* approval is important to you. If you just assume that must have the approval of those nearest to you, social restrictions will be a very real problem.

But there are millions of people within your reach -- people of all different types. Included in those millions are undoubtedly many people who wouldn't demand the artificial attitudes you may think you have to display. They would want you as you really are.

I've often heard someone say that if such people exist, he's never seen them. But the problem is usually that he hasn't looked in the right places, or that he's given those people no chance to see *him*.

If you want to find someone who is much like yourself in attitude, tastes, and interests, you have to look where such a person is likely to be found. And you can't expect him to recognize you if you hide your identity behind a mask in order to get along with the people you're with.

Obviously, if you like rock music, you aren't likely to meet a kindred soul at the opera house. In the same way, if you're looking for someone who's honestly selfish and individualistic, you're not likely to find him at meetings of the local Improvement League or the Young Democrats Club.

Whatever your personal standards, the best place to find like-minded people is in the same place where *you* would most like to be. If you crave companionship that's more intellectual, for example, you might try college or night-school courses in the subjects that have always interested you.

And since you could also run into potential friends almost anywhere, it's important to display your standards openly and honestly *wherever* you are. Only then can others recognize you as a kindred soul.

For if you wear a "socially-acceptable" mask, those whom you seek will walk right by you. And those whom you *do* attract with the mask will only add to the pressure that you be something other than yourself.

If you make your own actions consistent with the standards you really admire, you'll know which people are compatible -- just by their reactions to you. Those who disapprove will seek someone different to be with, and those who have standards similar to yours will react favorably toward you.

In effect, you let others tell you about themselves through their reactions to what you are.

So it's important to reveal yourself as you really are. If you're ambitious and show it, people who appreciate ambition are more likely to notice you. Or if you're careful to respect the property of others and clearly want the same treatment for your own property, you're less likely to wind up with thieving or freeloading friends.

When you act as *you* want to act, you stand a far greater chance of meeting the people who could be valuable to you. But when you let others determine your conduct, you acquire nothing but restrictions.

The Alternatives

At this point, standing up for yourself might seem like a gamble with long odds against you, but I've never known anyone who's used this principle without achieving spectacular results. And this way offers hope and opportunity; hiding your identity offers nothing but more restrictions.

I think that many people hide their identity, tolerate restrictions, and remain in bad relationships because they're afraid of being lonely. But I wonder what they mean by "lonely." Aren't they *very* lonely when they deal with people who don't understand and appreciate them? I know *I'd* be lonely in such a situation.

I've also been lonely sometimes while looking for compatible people. But that loneliness was usually short-lived and more than rewarded by the discovery of people who wanted me for what I am. Around them, I *am* understood and appreciated in a way I never could have been among people with different standards.

There are many, many people in the world. You don't have to please any one person. There are other employers, other business prospects, other potential friends, lovers, and spouses.

And when you find them, you'll have relationships that impose no restrictions upon you. You'll be among people who will *want* you to be as you are.

Your Value

As you look for compatible people, it might be important to remind yourself that you have more value to offer than those around you may have led you to believe. They might have rejected much that is a part of your nature (or would have rejected it if you'd allowed it to be seen).

That can lead you to believe that you're out of touch with the world. And your lonely feelings can be worsened as you look at the popular trends, fashions, and interests -- if those things aren't what you want.

You can believe that if you don't dance the new dances, no one will think you're much fun. Or if you don't join in the cries for "ecology," no one will think you're very knowledgeable. Or if you haven't been to an orgy, no one could think you're sexy.

But the popular trends are only a part of the General Market. In fact, they're usually not even representative of the majority of people; they are simply given a lot of publicity.

There are plenty of people who dance in the old way -- or who don't dance at all. There are undoubtedly millions of Americans who don't join social causes and couldn't care less about your involvement in them. And I suspect that plenty of people still participate in sex on the old one-to-one basis.

I once met a young woman who had very long, lovely, wavy hair. I complimented her, but she replied that she was trying to straighten it. When I asked why, she said, "Wavy hair isn't fashionable these days; everyone likes straight hair."

Well, *I* much preferred her wavy hair, but then maybe I wasn't enough of a market to please her. So I pointed out that in the city of Vancouver (where we both live), there are perhaps 100,000 eligible men and about the same number of eligible women.

If straight hair is more popular, maybe as many as 90% of the men prefer it. If most all the women have straight hair, those 100,000 women will be competing for the attentions of 90,000 men.

So she could be one of 100,000 women competing for the attentions of 90,000 men. Or she could leave her hair the way it is and be *uniquely* attractive to 10,000 men. The odds are far greater in her favor when she's in a minority than when she tries to be a part of the majority.

What she didn't realize was that her differences can often be her most powerful marketing assets. There's no reason to create artificial differences, but there's also no reason to suppress natural differences. By being willing to be in a minority, she could do away with most of the competition for the market that was hers.

Finding Others

What you are is the most valuable asset you possess for finding others. And the best way to find those people is to *advertise* what you really are. Not by running an ad in the newspaper, but by being honest about who you are.

No matter where you go, you never know whether someone you're seeking might see you. What a shame it would be if that person passed you by because you didn't reveal the qualities that both you and he admire most.

To reveal those qualities, you have to be willing to accept the disapproval of those you *aren't* seeking. It takes courage to overcome the embarrassment, self-consciousness, and even ridicule that might result from honest exposure of your nature -- *at first*. But that shouldn't last long; soon, you'll form associations that are far more rewarding than what you've tolerated in the past.

If you've been hiding your collection of James Bond books for the sake of your cultural friends, get them out, go to "007" movies, and be free to enjoy yourself and find the people who won't pressure you. Chances are you won't miss the evenings of "culture" and you'll soon forget the people you weren't in tune with.

And why should you suppress your desires when having sexual intercourse? That way you'll *never* experience it in the way you dream of it. Do it the way you've always wanted to do it -- cry or laugh or shout if you want to -- ask for what you want. Sure, *someone* may laugh at you, deny you, or even condemn you. But is *that* the person who can fulfill your dreams? One of these times someone's going to respond enthusiastically and gratefully -- and you'll know you've found someone wonderful.

The best method of advertising is simply to live the way *you* want to live.

Once you see the benefits of doing things *your* way, you may want to extend this practice to every area of your life. You might be encouraged to start handling your job the way you've always wanted to but for which you'd assumed there was no market.

And you might take seriously the thought that somewhere out there is someone with whom you could happily spend the rest of your life.

You are what you are. Your greatest pleasures will be those you experience when you can be yourself completely. Only then will you be free to enjoy every good thing the experience has to offer you. And you'll be more likely to find those experiences if you act sincerely at all times.

Being yourself is actually a skill. It takes time to become thoroughly acquainted with yourself, to throw off a lifetime of pressures, to relax and accept what you see in yourself (no matter how it may conflict with social standards), and to learn to act in ways consistent with your nature.

Advertising is a skill, too. It takes practice to learn how to advertise yourself. There are techniques to acquire and to practice until they become comfortable.

One of those techniques is to emphasize your differences. Try to reveal frequently the things about yourself that distinguish you from most others.

Your best prospects will respond when they see in you something they want that hasn't been available before. So advertise what makes you unique and what is most important to you -- and those who respond favorably will most likely be the ones you're looking for. If others respond unfavorably, they're simply disqualifying themselves from your interest.

What is commonly thought of as good advertising is usually very ineffective advertising. Superlatives -- words like "best," "quality," or "sensational" -- have little impact. Most people know intuitively that it may not mean "best" for the prospect.

Good advertising isn't flashy or imposing. Simply learn to reveal your qualities as they are appropriate to the situation. Let your differences be brought out in conversations -- without trying to demonstrate that you're different.

I can give you a good example. For years, whenever it was appropriate in conversations, lectures, and writing, I've casually mentioned one or more things such as: I'm single; I have no interest in governments, groups, crusades, or religions; I'm crazy about opera and other forms of classical music; I'm lazy and have learned to live with it and enjoy it; and I see nothing wrong with being selfish. (See how easy that was.)

I'm never evangelical about these things. I simply let them be known, one at a time, as appropriate.

Of course, I *could* join in the usual conversational attacks upon greed and selfishness, act as if I were a fervent believer in God and country, and show my interest in the prevailing social issues. But where would that get me? My competition would be overwhelming and my rewards inappropriate to me.

Far better to be honest. By doing so, I've been approached by many individuals who were glad to find that they had a friend in what they had thought was an alien world.

In fact, I've also made many friends whose ideas are considerably different from mine in some matters. They're quite willing to accept the things we have in common and leave the other matters alone. They don't pressure me to change my views -- probably because I'm not self-conscious about them and therefore not a likely convert.

A Natural Monopoly

As I've indicated, far from cutting down your market, revealing yourself as you are *increases* your best market -- whether you're concerned about personal or business relationships.

I was once asked by another writer if the uniqueness of my ideas didn't make me lonely. Wouldn't I feel more comfortable if more writers agreed with my views?

Obviously, no. My ideas may be the opposite of the popular views, but that doesn't mean there's no market for me. My market is bigger than it would be if I joined the crowd in an attempt to sell the more popular viewpoints.

My first book, published in 1970, suggested that the dollar would be devalued and that the economy was in bad shape -- the opposite opinion from literally dozens of contemporary books on the subject. By looking only for a publisher who already shared my viewpoint, I spared myself the grief of being rejected by the more orthodox publishers. The second one I contacted bought the book eagerly.

When it was published, it far outsold any of the books that expressed the more popular opinions. The other authors may have felt comfortable in their conformity, but they didn't make as much money from their books.

Should I feel sad that I held the minority opinion? There were literally millions of Americans who felt as I did about the future and who wanted suggestions for dealing with a sagging dollar and a vulnerable economy. They were an eager market and I was the only one offering anything to it.

There's no one in the world exactly like you. And when you find the market that wants what you are, your position is a solid as you could ever hope for. You have a *natural monopoly* in that market -- one that exists just because of what you are and requires no artificial devices to limit competition.

When you fight to compete with the crowd, competition is all around you and there's no way you can keep it out. But when you emphasize what *you* are, your market won't want anyone but you.

When you find the lover who's been looking for you, you won't need to restrict competition in any way -- for no one else will be able to provide what that person needs most. Any exposure to others will only point up your unique value by comparison.

When you emphasize your unique professional talents, your customers won't be interested in the competition because it won't be offering what you offer.

In any area of life, you have a natural monopoly of the unique combination of traits that you possess. The only effective way to rule out competition is to find the market that wants your traits above all others. And you'll find it and keep it by having the courage to stand up for what you are.

When you find that market, you'll wonder why you ever restricted yourself in order to get along with those who were incompatible with you.

Dealing With Restrictions

Most social restrictions are self-inflicted. Your life is yours to live as you choose. If you give up what you want because of someone's disapproval, you have only yourself to blame -- because *you* made the choice; he didn't. He told you what he wanted, but he has no power to enforce it.

You can do with your life what you want. You don't have to work at a "normal" job. You can try your luck at anything. Do you want to be an artist? Tour guide? Gigolo? Do what you want to do -- so long as you can make enough to survive while you're doing it.

You don't have to spend money on a new car and a respectable home to impress your neighbors, business associates, and friends. Why should you? Let them eat TV dinners in their new cars while you use your money to take the vacation you've always wanted.

Do you want to grow a beard or have longer hair? Do it. If your employer objects, look for a job where that's not a problem. Don't expect your employer to forsake his self-interest for you; but neither is there any reason for you to forsake yours for him.

If your social contacts object, so what? How important are they to you? If their approval is based upon matters of fashion, are you sure they have anything to offer you?

Is it necessary to go to parties and attend other social functions in order to be accepted? That depends upon whose acceptance you're seeking. Go where *you* want most to go; you're most likely to meet the people you seek there.

Do you want to smoke marijuana? Do it. Since it's legally prohibited, don't do it at the Policeman's Ball -- but that might not be where you'd expect to find new friends anyway. Don't make a social movement out of your personal tastes and you won't get into trouble. Just smoke it quietly with those you value and trust.

Do some people get upset when you express your emotions -- if you cry when you're moved, laugh when you see something ridiculous? Don't be bullied by those who say you shouldn't be so emotional. Find those who understand such things and appreciate your honesty.

Do those in your social circle make you feel pressured to live up to certain intellectual standards? If so, you may be in the wrong place. It might be that you haven't yet accurately identified your own beliefs and standards -- and these people seemed to be of the type you wanted. One way to tell whether they are is by noticing if that kind of pressure exists. If it does, keep trying to recognize yourself more clearly, and then look for people like that.

There isn't any society to disapprove, to disallow, to denounce, or to ostracize you. It's a myth. I wonder how many millions of lives have been tossed onto the junkpile to appease an entity that never existed.

Be honest with yourself and with others and act toward others as you'd like to be treated, and you'll have a far greater chance to attract people valuable to you. The others are unimportant to your future -- if your future is to be free.

There's a beautiful world out there. Why clutter it up with relationships that don't belong in your life?

It's an easy life. Why complicate it by trying to be all things to all people?

Adopt the image that's most effective -- your own.

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

Hook wrote:I have the hardcopy from 10 years ago. It has a lot of good advice, although I wouldn't go to the extremes he suggests.

Harry Browne (the author) was the Libertarian presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000.

BTW, you should buy it from because it supports his widow, Pamela Browne.
Why do you want to support his widow? She didn't write the books and is just leeching off his accomplishments, which women love to do of course. I took a look at the site and she is charging a lot for his ebooks and audio lectures. It looks like she really wants to make money off his work. She certainly isn't pricing them less so more people can afford them.

What I don't understand is, if Harry Browne was such a good investment advisor and investor, then he should have left plenty of money for his wife as a nest egg for her. So why can't she charge less for his ebooks and lectures, or make them free? She should be able to afford to give them away if Harry left her enough to live off of, which he should have done i he were a great investor right?

Anyway, I'm gonna post the download link to this ebook from a free file sharing torrent site, so those of you who don't have credit cards or PayPal accounts can download and read it. This ebook is priceless and one of my favorites. It's too good to put a price on. This is really a must read book for freedom lovers. In fact I would call it "the Bible for freedom lovers". It's very empowering and reads like your friend. It's also easy to read and follow, as well as simple and straightforward. No nonsense. That's my kind of style.

Here is the link to download it for free: ... rry_Browne
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World is a Handbook for Personal Liberty — showing you how to use libertarian principles to make your life much freer right now. It presents a unique libertarian view of morality, government, society, and human nature. Part I identifies the mental traps that are so easy to fall into — traps that prevent you from being as free as you could be. Part II provides specific techniques you can use today to obtain greater freedom from government, from societal restrictions, and from business, personal, and family problems. Part III shows how to make necessary changes to a freer life right now.

While Harry waited and hoped for a free society, he made sure that his own life was as free and happy as possible. Using the same libertarian principles that would underlie a free society, he created a successful and joyous life for himself and his family. He put these principles and techniques into his book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. In the book you’ll find ways to obtain greater freedom from government, freedom from social restrictions, freedom from business problems, personal problems, family problems, and freedom from the treadmill.

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World will not only put you on the path to a freer, happier life, it will inspire almost anyone to take greater responsibility for his own life — to quit focusing on the shortcomings of others and use the sovereignty one does have to take control of one’s own life and make the most of it. How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World can make your life much freer and happier.
Here also is another book he wrote called "Why Government Does Not Work": ... s_Not_Work
This book demonstrates persuasively why government programs:

* Have a failure rate over 99%,
* Never live up to their promises,
* Too often do the exact opposite of what was promised for them,
* Always cost far more than their initial estimates, and
* Create the conditions that justify enlarging themselves and adding more government programs.

The book provides answers to numerous questions that are sometimes perplexing:

* Why so many people keep falling for political promises,
* How America went from the land of the free to the land of government dominance,
* Why new government intrusions always wind up hurting the innocent more than the guilty, and
* How to get people to give up their favorite government programs.

And the book offers some surprising conclusions:

* How the civil rights laws have turned into a national nightmare,
* How America has an overwhelming national offense, but practically no national defense,
* How school vouchers could destroy private schools,
* Why America has no missile defense after 20 years of the government working on it,
* How government regulation makes your life less safe, and
* Why every political complaint about our "free market" health-care system is a reason to get the government completely out of health care.

In addition, the book shows why the libertarian message should resonate with the young, the elderly, the poor, the rich, people of every religion, people on welfare, reformers, and even government employees.

There are chapters on education, welfare, health care, law enforcement, the military, Social Security, family values, and the income tax. There's a plan for freeing you immediately from the Social Security tax, without having to deny retired people what they've been led to expect.

There's even a Freedom Budget - showing how the federal government could get by on just $100 billion a year, and how we can get from here to there quickly.

Written in Harry Browne's patented easy-to-follow style, sprinkled with his good humor, and with every detail covered, this book is guaranteed to help you become a more persuasive salesman of liberty.
Here also are links to download Harry Browne's libertarian radio show archive of audio files. ... _Show_Arch

And the archive of his investment show podcast. ... tment_Show

I wonder why his widow doesn't try to reprint his books in paperback format. Some prefer paperback.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne

Post by Winston »

Here is the book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" on Amazon in Kindle format. Paperback copies are out of print or too expensive. ... 00M20I134/
In 1973 Harry Browne sent a simple message -- that you can live the life you want to live. Forty years after the publication of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, it is now being reissued in digital format -- to reach the millions of people around the world that are still seeking a point of view that is as refreshing, and liberating as it was when it first appeared on the scene.

From the book:

Freedom is the opportunity to live your life as you want to live it. And that is possible, even if others remain as they are.

If you’re not free now, it might be because you’ve been preoccupied with the people or institutions that you feel have restrained your freedom. I don’t expect you to stop worrying about them merely because I suggest that you do.

I do hope to show you, though, that those people and institutions are relatively powerless to stop you — once you decide how you will achieve your freedom. There are things you can do to be free, and if you turn your attention to those things, no one will stand in your way. But when you become preoccupied with those who are blocking you, you overlook the many alternatives you could use to bypass them.

The freedom you seek is already available to you, but it has gone unnoticed. There probably are two basic reasons you haven’t taken advantage of that freedom.

One reason is that you’re unaware of the many alternatives available to you.
Here's Harry Browne's other book of a similar theme about becoming free. All of his books on Amazon have a near perfect rating. Wow.

Rule Your World! Finding Freedom & Living Profitably ... 00M1BZXGW/
In 2007, Harry Browne's widow discovered a box in their storage building containing eight large reel-to-reel tapes labeled, "The Art of Profitable Living, Harry Browne, 1967, Long Beach and Hollywood, California."

After listening to the master tapes she was convinced that others would find the thought-provoking course as beneficial to them as it was to her. So the tapes were transferred to CDs and then transcribed as this book, retitled, "Rule Your World! Finding Freedom and Living Profitably". This exciting course is available for the first time in exclusive e-book format.

The book, based on the eight lecture series, examines individual happiness, morality, decision-making, developing a code of conduct, freedom, and many other important topics.

The course's concepts, on which Harry's principles were based, were developed by him beginning around 1953 when he was only twenty years old. A dozen years later, when he presented the course, he was already a top-notch speaker who spoke without notes, moved along at a rapid pace, and fielded questions brilliantly in the question and answer periods that followed the lectures. More importantly, each lecture was full of thought-provoking ideas with applications that had never before been made in public.

In Harry's own words....."I put your principles on the block to see if they hold up on the foundation on which they're based."..... "I pin your beliefs against the wall, invade your mind, and disturb your views"..... "I examine principles, make applications, and then see how they work in areas of decision making, religion, love, marriage, sex, working for freedom, parent/child relationships, unraveling complicated decisions, etc."

Although forty years have passed since Harry presented his course, his philosophy of life, ideas, and principles are as relevant today as they were in 1967.

And even if you've read How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry's 1973 self-help book that explains how individuals can take responsibility for their own lives) your life will be forever enriched if you read this book.

Rule Your World! will provide you with the tools you need to live your life the way you see fit. It will put you on the path to a freer, happier life, it will inspire you to take greater responsibility for your life — to quit focusing on the shortcomings of others and use the sovereignty you have to take control of your own life and make the most of it. Rule Your World! can make your life much freer and happier.

In Harry's first lecture he asks .... "Could anything be more important than getting a clean start now?" Then later he exclaims .... "What treasures could possibly be greater than the freedom to act on your own life. You can be you - because there is no one who has a claim on you any more!"
Another good one.

Why Government Doesn't Work ... 00M20HSDS/
Available for the first time on Kindle, Harry Browne's Why Government Doesn't Work is the 1995 book that transformed so many readers into Libertarians - and gave existing Libertarians the arguments and explanations that enabled them to convert their friends to Libertarian ideas.

This book demonstrates persuasively why government programs:

-- Have a failure rate over 99%,
-- Never live up to their promises,
-- Too often do the exact opposite of what was promised for them,
-- Always cost far more than their initial estimates, and
-- Create the conditions that justify enlarging themselves and adding more government programs.

The book provides answers to numerous questions that are sometimes perplexing:

-- Why so many people keep falling for political promises,
-- How America went from the land of the free to the land of government dominance,
-- Why new government intrusions always wind up hurting the innocent more than the guilty, and
-- How to get people to give up their favorite government programs.

And the book offers some surprising conclusions:

-- How the civil rights laws have turned into a national nightmare,
-- How America has an overwhelming national offense, but practically no national defense,
-- How school vouchers could destroy private schools,
-- Why America has no missile defense after 20 years of the government working on it,
-- How government regulation makes your life less safe, and
-- Why every political complaint about our "free market" health-care system is a reason to get the government completely out of health care.

In addition, the book shows why the libertarian message should resonate with the young, the elderly, the poor, the rich, people of every religion, people on welfare, reformers, and even government employees.

There are chapters on education, welfare, health care, law enforcement, the military, Social Security, family values, and the income tax. There's a plan for freeing you immediately from the Social Security tax, without having to deny retired people what they've been led to expect.

There's even a Freedom Budget - showing how the federal government could get by on just $100 billion a year, and how we can get from here to there quickly.

Written in Harry Browne's patented easy-to-follow style, sprinkled with his good humor, and with every detail covered, this book is guaranteed to help you become a more persuasive salesman of liberty.
Harry Browne also has books that teach you how to invest money and make profits safely without risk. Sounds too good to be true, but his books all make a lot of sense and have nearly perfect ratings. See here for all his titles.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne

Post by Winston »

Some book reviews and discussions about Harry Browne's book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World".

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

Post by Winston »

Here is Harry Browne in a speech talking about The Unselfishness Trap and other Anti-Freedom Traps in society, that tell you that it's wrong to serve yourself and that you should only serve others, which everyone pays lip service to, but no one actually does in reality. It also goes against our innate instinct for survival and self-preservation, hence societal morality becomes our enemy.

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

Post by Winston »

Wow check out Harry Browne's video during the 2000 Presidential Campaign talking about what he and the Libertarian party want to offer America. It sounds so good and ideal. Libertarianism sounds like the ideal system that would make America far better. Too bad there can never be a true Libertarian president in the US. Do you think such a system of small limited government can ever really work?

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

Post by Winston »

Philosophy video explaining how we can be free in an unfree world.

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
August 13th, 2017, 11:37 am
Wow check out Harry Browne's video during the 2000 Presidential Campaign talking about what he and the Libertarian party want to offer America. It sounds so good and ideal. Libertarianism sounds like the ideal system that would make America far better. Too bad there can never be a true Libertarian president in the US. Do you think such a system of small limited government can ever really work?

American libertarians are very low key from what I observed. I'm not experienced or that knowledgeable in American pork politics myself though.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne

Post by Winston »

Someone read the whole book on YouTube, creating an audiobook version of it. See here. It's over 6 hours though.

Here's another audiobook version by another reader broken down in parts: ... kpZSiqB7mv

Or you can just see this summary of it.

You can download the audiobook in mp3 format at:

This book actually supports the claims in my unique movement and message about leaving America for a better and freer life overseas, which can also solve many of your problems. It's a very unique solution because I'm the only one that advocates changing your LOCATION as the key to changing your life, not just changing your thoughts like all other self help authors do. However, this is a taboo solution most Americans cannot consider for some reason, so they tune me out even though my message is solid and provable and logical. But there is a key quote from Harry Browne's book that I used in my books, websites, and videos which supports my message. Here it is:

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

You guys are all missing one key thing. It's not government that takes away your freedom like Americans assume. It's that you have to be financially independent to be able to do what you want. Not rich, just financially independent. Does Harry Browne's book address this?
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne

Post by Winston »

@kangarunner this chapter from the book is for you. It makes good points about your "unselfishness trap".

The Unselfishness Trap

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Must Read! How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
August 9th, 2023, 12:10 am
@kangarunner this chapter from the book is for you. It makes good points about your "unselfishness trap".

The Unselfishness Trap
You, @Rock and all the other slimy, sleazy scumbag expats in the Philippines are a bunch of greedy, sexaholic, takers. You are nothing but a taker. You go to poor countries and take advantage of the women. You're on their land and all you do is behave sleazy and slum it down with the other nasty expats.

You take, take, take and give nothing back.

You contribute nothing. Useless piece of shit.
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".
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