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Post by Winston »

David Icke on Reptilian Possession and Elite Bloodlines - Live in New York City 10/17/10

Last edited by Winston on January 30th, 2012, 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Here is a new video with messages about deprogramming/global awakening from David Icke and other truth seekers. The part near the end about good being the flame on a match that vanquishes the darkness of evil is very eloquent.

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Post by Winston »

Here is a nice new David Icke video about stillness and remembering who you really are. It ends with a nice feel good song at the end.

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Post by Winston »

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Post by Winston »

Check out this British interviewer playing devil's advocate with David Icke. He sounds a lot like Rock. lol. I think Rock will like this one. lol Nevertheless, Icke brings up a lot of good points and overwhelming information that at the end, the interviewer says he is getting a headache from trying to take it all in. lol

Check out this one hour interview with David Icke on Croatian TV. It's very compelling and informative.

Here's an excerpt from one of his public lectures where he explains how global warming is a scam.

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Post by Winston »

Check out this 7 hour presentation by David Icke called "The Lion Sleeps No More". It's about the truth about the control system we live under, who our rulers really are, and how to break free. It's mind blowing and easy to understand. If you've never heard David Icke before, you will learn more from this than anything you ever have. Guaranteed! It's a must see!

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Wow...7 hours of this...I have to put an evening aside to take a listen....

It is amazing how many people write david off despite so much of what he presents is accurate.

I offered to help David not pay his alimony bill and even his own SUPPORTERS refused to pass that message along.
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Post by Winston »

I posted the following idea in the David Icke forum about getting David Icke to try to expand into Asia. What do you think? Is this a good or feasible idea?

"To moderators: Can you please pass this along to David Icke? Thanks.

Hi all,
I'm in Asia now, more specifically Taiwan, and I've been wondering about something.

Is there any way to get David Icke to start doing his presentations in Asia? No one here knows who he is. People here don't know anything about conspiracies, NWO or Illuminati.

However, when I present some of David Icke's teachings, and that of other conspiracy/alternative researchers, to people here in Asia, a lot of people DO in fact seem interested and open to hearing about them. So I think a potential mass interest in Asia is possible.

Has David Icke and his management team looked into doing presentations in Asia? It seems he only does them in Western countries - UK, USA, Australia. Why doesn't he expand into other countries? All he needs is a professional interpreter to interpret everything he says into that country's language.

Asia definitely needs an awakening and an awakener like David Icke. In Chinese culture, people are brought up to be robots and slaves. From birth they are taught only to "obey, conform, work hard, live for money, never stop working until you've reached old age, don't think for yourself, don't have your own opinions, agree with others" etc. There is virtually no free thought here, and discussions always revolve around practical things. All people here know is work and materialism (despite ancient Chinese wisdom and philosophy). There is no concept of "non-conformity" and I don't think that word even exists in most Asian languages.

In spite of that, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans have the highest IQ's in the world. See this world average IQ chart here:


As you can see, the top five are:

Hong Kong 107
South Korea 106
Japan 105
Taiwan 104
Singapore 103

So, with the highest IQ's in the world, I strongly believe that the Asian masses would be very receptive and fascinated with alternative intellectual teachings that awaken and free them, such as that of David Icke or others like him.

Is there anyone else in Asia on this forum too? If so, have you thought about the same thing? I'm not sure the government in China would welcome him, since they don't even allow free speech, but maybe the other Asian countries might?

Since my mission and soul purpose is also to be an awakener/liberator, I would love to be an "Asian awakener" in Asia myself. However, I don't have the orating talent and charisma that David Icke does.

I would be interested in organizing a David Icke speaking event here in Asia, but I can't do it alone. Plus I have no experience in this kind of thing either. Is there any way to gauge the interest of people here? Since no one here has even heard of David Icke, the potential turn out would be highly unknown, so it would be a risky venture I guess. There would have to be a lot of marketing and publicity involved, along with the help of the media.

How feasible is all this? Is it possible at this point for David Icke to expand into Asia? What do you all think?

PS - Moderators, please pass this along to David Icke. Thanks."
Last edited by Winston on June 20th, 2012, 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Hi Winston,
David has just been screwed over in divorce and is being forced to pay his ex alimony.

John Rambo put a post onto his forums pointing out that I have proven alimony is a voluntary payment and that I can show him how to not volunteer.

The moderators claimed that since I did not go through the proper procedure to contact him that they would not pass that information along. Friends like that who needs enemies, right?

Further. I have been banned off Davids forums by a woman no less.

Yet David himself has stated publicly that no persons voice should be silenced. Yet here is a woman silencing a mans voice for telling the truth on Davids forums.

This means one of two things.

1. Davids forums have mods who are in truth agents who remove things that they do not want people to see and David simply does not know this is the case.


2. David is a fake and knows that this is the case and refuses to deal with women who ban people telling the truth on his forums.

I would like to believe #1 is the case.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

PS. Winston,
One of the MAIN reasons I think David himself is legitimate can be explained as follows. It is a long read so only bother if you are interested.

From the time I was 16 I have been guided in my life by forces unknown to me. Because I was young and impressionable and was "praying" like the good christian boy I was the first time I heard such a voice I had believed that perhaps this was some form of "messenger of God" as it were. All my life I kept this secret from everyone but my wife as obviously in the west anyone who says "I hear voices" or "I get messages from non human beings" is immediately classed as a "nutter". You are not going to get any more jobs, right?

Funnily enough, in eastern europe you are classed as an "idiot" of you do NOT believe there are spirits that are living in your house.

Anyway. I met another woman after I separated and she told me of experiences she had which were almost EXACTLY reflective of mine. We were BOTH very spooked about this. We had both hidden this from virtually all we knew.

Then, after a few more years, I started having people come to me and tell me that they had been told to tell me their non-human experiences or "spirit world" experiences. These people were often quite distressed about these experiences and felt that I would call them "crazy".

So....I was working on my first book in 2010. I had more than 200 pages of materials but I could not put them together...I would sit at my computer for hours and hours and NOTHING was happening. There was no flow, no structure, no overarching comprehensive strategy that made any sense....it was just a jumble of evidence and articles and it was, in short, rubbish.

For some reason it was not time to write the book. I had no idea why not.

Then David released his book "Get Off Your Knees" and I bought a copy to see what he had to say now. Funnily enough he went into his early days. Not something that I had heard him talk about much. He talked of his illness that ruled him out of soccer and he talked of how that distressed him but how, in hindsight, it was what needed to happen. Then he said something that was my "ah-ha" moment. He said words to the effect..."Infinite love does not always give you what you want, but it gives you what you need to become who you are intended to become". He talked of his awakening moment in South America where he was told by a disembodied voice that he would be shown the way.

When I was 16 I was riding my pushbike down a hill in my home town of Wagga. I was just rolling along with the wind in my hair and the sun in my eyes and the most overwhelming message came into my head. It was very simple “You are destined for great things�. It was not a voice, it was just an idea implanted by some external being that was as clear as a bell. This has happened to me many times so it is something I have come to recognise is happening.

I had no idea what these “great things� were. I was actually feeling pretty sorry for myself because I had grown very fast, nearly 7 inches in one year, and I had injuries to my knees, hips and back because of this rapid growth and I could not play football any longer. I had to take a year off from my football as I simply could not stand up and walk with any reliability. I would collapse just walking along due to the pain in my hips and back. Obviously not footballer material, right.

As I was reading Davids book I was struck by the remarkable similarities in our young lives. I was suddenly struck by the realisation

“Damn, my whole life has been pre-arranged to a large extent.�

I was both happy and angry at the same time. Who DARE pre-arrange my life for me to a large extent mixed with “why have I been selected to have my life pre-arranged for me? What is about to happen that I do not know about?�

I had thought that “you are destined for great things� had been my life to date. Finding the “woman of my dreams� (which turned into a bit of a nightmare), having a great family, having great kids, the great work opportunities I got, my contribution to my society through my work. I mean, I was at the “top of the tree�, surely these were the “great things� that I was told about when a lad, right?

And then I was reading some stuff from Michael Tsarion and he pointed out that there was a small rate of death from encephalitis from the triple antigen vaccine that is administers around age 6. Small numbers of children, usually boys, contract encephalitis after this vaccination. I think it is polio, measles, mumps. But it is DEFINITELY mumps.

Reading this went off like a BOMB in my head. I had encephalitis just before my 7th birthday. But the most amazing thing about it was that I somehow contracted MUMPS while in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. Yep…I was in solitary confinement as soon as I was diagnosed with encephalitis but I developed mumps TEN DAYS LATER.

Everyone was at a total loss to explain this. The prognosis was that I would die, 50/50, and that if I lived I would be mentally retarded. Of course, my parents were very upset. I had no idea what was happening to me of course. I was just a kid. It turned out I suffered NO ILL AFFECTS AT ALL.

Everyone was amazed at my most remarkable recovery.

So I called my Dad and asked him if, per chance, did I have a vaccination in October or November of 1970. He said sure I did, the triple antigen. He remembered it well because it was RIGHT BEFORE I got encephalitis and he was assured that the vaccination had NOTHING to do with my illness.

Now comes the REALLY interesting bit. In the MIDDLE of 1st class, in june or july, in Australia in those days ALL students to IQ tests. These tests are then marked and fed back to the department of education so as to “more effectively teach the students�. My IQ test comes back off the charts as was expected. 145.

But here is the thing. ALL students in 1st class in the WHOLE STATE get these IQ tests. I was BY FAR the top student in my local region. I was the ONLY kid in my region to “mysteriously� contract encephalitis. Here is the thing. Encephalitis is a HIGHLY TRANSMITTABLE DISEASE. That is why as soon as you are diagnosed with it you are put in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.

Guess what? NO ONE ELSE IN OUR REGION WAS REPORTED WITH THIS DISEASE. No other adult, no other child.

Somehow, I, and I alone, had managed to contract a HIGHLY CONTAGEOUS DISEASE without ANY other person in the region having it inside the infection period. We had only ONE major hospital in the region and if there was another case that person would have been there. There were also no other cases for many months afterwards.

What does this point to? This points to the “golden needle� idea. That the Illuminati test the sheeple for IQ scores in the middle of 1st class. If some child is OFF THE CHARTS and is NOT part of the program his vaccination is a “golden needle� to give him an illness that will cripple his IQ.

And that is what I believe happened to me. Some may call that “crazy conspiracy theory� but if I were them that is EXACTLY what I would do. The MOST dangerous person to the Illuminati is a very smart person who is not part of the program. If I were them I would make sure that any smart kids that were not part of the program were removed as a threat before ANYONE could even suspect that any sort of foul play was at foot. It makes complete sense.

So…if, and I would be willing to put good money on it, there was an attempt to kill me or maim me at a young age because of my IQ, how was I spared? Because the consensus was a 6 year old with encephalitis that makes a full recovery was very unusual indeed. I believe I was spared because I was supposed to be spared.

So I sat around thinking about all this. I could not believe it could be true. I mean it was such an unbelievable story that who could believe they could be in the middle of it, right? I mean, I would sound like a “nutter� as well as something of a very arrogant man if I were somehow come to believe that I was so “special� an attempt was made on my life when I was 6 and I was somehow spared by some unknown force.

And then an even MORE strange thing happened. I went, as usual, to try and work on what I had called “my book�….and out of nowhere this voice started telling me what to type….or not so much a voice as some entity planting ideas in my head…..this went on for a few days…and looking back…I can not honestly remember if it was 2 days or 4 days….I just typed what I was told to type….and after some time the draft was there. It was simply there.

I then did the editing and minor alterations of cutting and pasting….but this stream of consciousness had told me to remove more than half the content I had been working on and just present what it told me to present.

I can assure you that this is a VERY spooky feeling when it happens. This is why I stopped calling it “my book� and started calling it “THE Book�. I can hardly take credit for it, right?

Once the book was finished I read over it and it slowly dawned on me…..everything in my life that had EVER happened was a necessary thing to happen for this book to be brought into existence by someone whose credibility was beyond question. Whose integrity was beyond question. The only way this book could come into existence was via a man who had lived a life like I had lived my life. A man NOT like that would be attacked and his credibility questioned so as to discredit the book.

So I knew then that my integrity would be slandered, my character would be slandered, I would be attacked by many, many people who served the Illuminati for bringing “The Book� into existence….and so it has been.

Illuminati servants who are embedded in our society attack me with a ferocity that clearly indicates that they are Illuminati servants. I was recently described on The Spearhead as “coming across like a homicidal maniac�. This description was allowed to stand despite the fact that no less than 4 men offered to have Jennifer meet a sticky end and I absolutely forbid them from harming one hair on her head. A man PROTECTS his criminal wife from those who would be quite happy to do her harm so as to ensure she is brought to justice and is seen to be brought to justice…..and he is “coming across like a homicidal maniac�. Suuuuurrrrreeeeeee.

That is one reason why I am so unconcerned at all the slander being thrown at me. It is thrown by the very stupid or it is thrown by agents. Does it really matter which?

I now know that my entire life was used, in many ways pre-arranged, as part of my “destined for great things�. And there has been no greater achievements in my life than to bring forth these two books. It is obvious that I HAD to suffer through the criminal abuse of my wife and virtually ALL my family and friends in order for the books to be produced with the authenticity they are produced with.

Since David does not know me from a bar of soap and since he precedes me by many years in what he is saying, and since I know I am honest, and since our experiences are so amazingly similar? I rather think he is genuine.

Now…might we BOTH be victims of a supernatural scammer? Sure. I wrote that in the first book. But I do not think so. I think that what ever has been telling me what it is I am being asked to do has my best interests and the best interests of good men at heart. I have NO PROOF OF THAT. I just think that is the case. The whole thing seems FAR too elaborate to be anything else.

I can tell you one thing Winston. It is a very, very strange feeling to know that for some unknown reason you have been selected to bring into existence ideas and books that are some how this important.

This is why I do not worry about those who do not read the books and listen to what is in them. I think they are a test. I think they are a “self select� test. Those who use the ideas will have one outcome, those who ignore the ideas will have another outcome. There are so few people using the ideas that I can only imagine that those who do not use the ideas will have an outcome that might best be described as “negative�. Again. I have NO PROOF OF THAT. That is just what I think.

There you go…that is why I think David is legitimate. There are FAR too many similarities to his life and his reported experiences to my life and my experiences for him to be a fake. The chances that he made up a story that I have been living all my life are so remote that I think they can be dismissed.

At least that is my opinion and I am sticking to it.
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Post by Winston »

Here is what many consider David Icke's best presentation "Freedom or Fascism". It's 7 hours of mind blowing information that will help you see the big picture. Even if you aren't a spiritual person or conspiracy person, you can't help but accept that he's definitely onto something.

Part 1 of 3:

Last edited by Winston on August 4th, 2012, 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

David Icke's incredible 6 hour presentation "Beyond the Cutting Edge":

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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

Winston wrote:David Icke's incredible 6 hour presentation "Beyond the Cutting Edge":

Here is the real truth:

David Icke, like everyone else you see and hear, is the enemy. There isn't one single person whom you see or hear that is not the enemy....

You see, a 33rd Degree Mason has a thousand times your level of intellect, and that's only if you're really super smart to begin with. To the average person living in the USA they have a million times their intellect.

David Icke is what's called a "patsy", that is to say they are used by the Mason's for a purpose, just like everyone else you see or hear such as Glen Beck or Alex Jones for instance.

David's Icke purpose, similar to Alex Jones, is to tell you some truth to get you to follow them, but then lead you to the wrong place so that you lose in the end.

And David Icke, just like Alex Jones, are going to lead you to the wrong place, they are going to lead you straight to the king of the 33rd degree Mason's....

One thing that every person reading this should take note of, I'm a scientist, I'm smarter than all of you put together, and I'm here to tell you the following that is absolutely 100% true:

The reptilian eyes phenomenon is real, make no mistake, I have been researching this to find the truth for myself and it's 100% real.

Hugo Chavez talked about this on TV and contracted cancer shortly thereafter....

Hugo Chavez said "there are people in the USA government who look like people but are not humans"....

Everybody you see is actually one of them.....

You saw the movie "They Live"?

That wasn't just a movie, it's a allegory being used for real life....

I'll feel sorry for all of you, I really truly do, because of your own ignorance you don't understand what is truly going on, and can so easily be swayed by these people for you don't know who they are....

I can tell you this, don't follow the crowd. If everybody is running North, you should run South. If they run West, then run East, don't do what the masses are going to do or you will lose....

I realize most of you are still not ready to accept reality, and the funny part is it goes a million times deeper than this, so much so if you knew you would go insane....


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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

DevilsAdvocate wrote: I can tell you this, don't follow the crowd. If everybody is running North, you should run South. If they run West, then run East, don't do what the masses are going to do or you will lose....

I realize most of you are still not ready to accept reality, and the funny part is it goes a million times deeper than this, so much so if you knew you would go insane....


Devils Advocate
Hi DA,
I find myself agreeing with you very strongly. The question I have about David is why is he not proposing that we simply put these people on trial and remove them from office so as to set up guvment services that are OPTIONAL and can be subscribed to by anyone who chooses to....and those who do not choose to can choose not to subscribe to those guvment services.

I hunted around in all this for a long time...

What I noticed was NO ONE was proposing a SOLUTION or a REMEDY...until I came across shaefer cox and Rob menard talking about new courts....so I did a lot of reading about courts and ways that people have maintained the peace in various societies over the millenia. Turns out that MOST of them did the SAME thing.....resorted to a panel of elder men to decide issues.

Today we call that a "jury trial" and as far as we know no one has a better idea than to use a panel of older men of impeccable character to decide issues of criminality or dispute.

So why do NONE of these truthers talk of jury trials.

Alex Jones, David Icke, Allan Watts, Michael Tsarion etc....NONE of them talk of jury trials....but Shaefer Cox has had these going for a couple of years....Robert Menards has been trying to get these going in Canada for a couple of years. Roger Hayes in the UK has been trying to get these going for a couple of years...

I myself have been working on this for three years in Ireland and Australia.

Anyone calling for jury trials is a tiny, tiny player in the "truth" movement. Look at me...banned even off David Ickes forums!! LOL!!!

THAT is enough to make me think he has agents as moderators right there.

So yes..while everyone else was running in the group hug direction of Jones, Watts, Icke, Tsarion et al....I decided to strike out my own way.

The conclusion that I have come to is that a man can only be free if he governs himself....if he does NOT follow anyone else but seeks to guide himself through his life for his own ends and his own purpose so long as he does not cause injury, harm or loss to others.

Those who clamour for "leadership" and "leaders" are but sheeple who can not govern themselves and they are best left alone.

I think all the intelligent men who wish to be free in this place have already joined the MBA....

The MBA is the future....it may take some time...and it may be post apocalypse ... but MBA is where the future lay for young men of some intelligence and some means and some will to live in freedom. The rest of the sheeple will most likely be killed off.

I have come to the opinion that the first book, living free, must be some sort of test....and that those who do not choose to live in freedom are doomed to either death or slavery....that is my best guess. Of course, no guarantees....


PS. If you are so smart? Feel free to share your ideas of how to live in freedom in the future....I have given it my best shot and am working on my best shot....if you are smarter? Please feel free to improve on my ideas.
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Post by Winston »

DevilsAdvocate wrote: Here is the real truth:

David Icke, like everyone else you see and hear, is the enemy. There isn't one single person whom you see or hear that is not the enemy....

You see, a 33rd Degree Mason has a thousand times your level of intellect, and that's only if you're really super smart to begin with. To the average person living in the USA they have a million times their intellect.

David Icke is what's called a "patsy", that is to say they are used by the Mason's for a purpose, just like everyone else you see or hear such as Glen Beck or Alex Jones for instance.

David's Icke purpose, similar to Alex Jones, is to tell you some truth to get you to follow them, but then lead you to the wrong place so that you lose in the end.

And David Icke, just like Alex Jones, are going to lead you to the wrong place, they are going to lead you straight to the king of the 33rd degree Mason's....
What do you mean? How exactly is Icke leading people astray? He preaches love, spirituality, and non-compliance with tyranny, NWO, vaccines, etc. How can that possibly be leading people astray?

How come David Icke and Alex Jones walk around freely and nothing ever happens to them, despite them exposing so many ugly forbidden taboo truths? Isn't that kind of weird?
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