To All the Winston Lovers/Haters

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To All the Winston Lovers/Haters

Post by ozmodius »


It's funny it's it? I haven't seen any posting(besides my own) about foriegn women and how to met them and/or romance them. I thought this board was supposed to be about how to meet such women and perhaps have a relationship with them.

Instead all we have in juvenile "bitching and whining" back and forth between the Pro-Winston and the Anti-Winston groups. Hell, nobody has even responded or gave any comments on my post "My thoughts on foreign women". I've given up on Winston answering any of my questions about his behavior, which I admit to posting so you all could get over Winston's behavior and get on to serious discussions about the topic of foreign women vs western women and the relationship pitfalls of each. I guess I didn't realize that this board, in addition to the website, also was a monument to the ego of Winston Wu.

This leads me to believe that all of you fall into three categories....

1.)Winston lovers who are ONLY interested in "banging" young foreign chicks to make up for their low self-esteem, constant "teasing" in High School, and overall "ickyness" factor you project to any women who comes within 20 feet of yourselves. Here is a little insight gentlemen: If you are a social pariah here, you will be a social pariah there. Unless, of course, you open your wallet, and pay to play like so many pathetic men just like you do. You don't need Winston to do this, just hop a plane, disembark in your third world country of choice, and flash those Benjamins..... SAD!

2.)Winston haters who seem to THRIVE on giving him negative attention. Juvenile insults really get old after awhile. Hashing up "Winston" episodes gets old after awhile. Thinking of new ways to slam "Winston" is just pathetic. If you really want to help anybody on this board, give them some useful advice instead of insulting them. Just shows how immature you all are. I understand you have all had problems with Winston, but isn't it time to perhaps move on and let Winston's karma take care of Winston? You are not going to change him, or convince him he is wrong in anything, so why bother? I know all the stories about Winston, but if anybody is so pathetic, ignorant and desperate enough to follow any of his advice, then I believe they deserve what they get. I agreed with some of his views, but after reading his ebooks, I realized exactly what kind of person he is, and therefore I disregard anything he has to say. You are just feeding your own little egos by feeding his. It's a vicious cycle that grown men shouldn't be a part of. PATHETIC!

3.And last but not least, the porn spammers. Keep up the good work gentlemen!!!! FUNNY!

In closing, I wish to state that I won't be back because I have decided that playing with my own feces is more desireable and more interesting then reading the juvenile crap on this board.

To anybody here that is seriously interested in foreign RELATIONSHIPS, read my previous posts for much better sites then this pathetic joke of a site.

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Post by Jack »

The board is still pretty new, and I don't think it's quite in full swing yet but I'm optimistic that it will have some good discussions about finding women abroad in the future.
Hell, nobody has even responded or gave any comments on my post "My thoughts on foreign women".

I read your post, but there wasn't much someone could say, in terms of a response. I mean, it was a good post but it seemed more like an introduction to yourself rather than the start of a debate or a question. It mostly just listed facts about finding foreign women that I think most of us already knew.

Anyway, I hope you'll swallow your pride and give the board another chance.
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Post by LukeSkywalker »

Ozmodius, I'm glad you're going to be gone because you had absolutely nothing of any value to say on this board.

And it's not true that people weren't talking about foreign women. I was talking about Polish women, Winston was talking about Filipina women, and gmm567 was talking about German women. Just because nobody responded to your particular post doesn't mean that nobody was interested in foreign women.

All you did Ozmodius was bash Winston and label people into groups, which is what you did in your departing post.

I am only going to respond to your part about the Winston fans, because I am a Winston fan.
1.)Winston lovers who are ONLY interested in "banging" young foreign chicks to make up for their low self-esteem, constant "teasing" in High School, and overall "ickyness" factor you project to any women who comes within 20 feet of yourselves. Here is a little insight gentlemen: If you are a social pariah here, you will be a social pariah there. Unless, of course, you open your wallet, and pay to play like so many pathetic men just like you do. You don't need Winston to do this, just hop a plane, disembark in your third world country of choice, and flash those Benjamins..... SAD!
You know what really is sad? That we continue to hear only about supposed "pathetic men", but we never hear about "pathetic women", even though that is pretty much the way it is in America. You are towing the PC line here because you want to look good in front of the crowd by jumping on the bandwagon of putting men into the category of "pathetic men." That in itself is pathetic, and I'm not buying it. I've actually read, I don't remember whether it was here or somewhere else, that bar-girls from the Philippines will actually show you more affection than you would ever get from an American girlfriend. And I'm going to go over there to see for myself whether or not that is true, and I don't give a damn about silly people such as yourself and your PC blabber.

You contribute nothing to this board. You do nothing but come up with bullshit reasons to shame men who want better in their lives and are willing to do something about it. I think that that is complete trash. I hope Wu bans you along with the rest of the haters, because you deserve to be banned too.
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Post by gmm567 »

Let's not make this board about pathetic women in the US, but lets recognise what social pariahs they have become. Banging hooldums and thugs?Squeezing out babies from the what is the worst elements of society? Destructive degeneracy..that's what we've got.

It's ozmod if you only want to only have sex in a relationship, lots of us are more flexible, and if noone gets hurt there's nothing wrong with it.
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Post by Redd_Hitler »

A pathetic man barely begins to describe you Lukey. In gmm’s case one could make the case that as he has never ventured abroad, he may see the light and how stupid Wu is when he does make that leap. As for you though, you have been abroad but still wallow in your pathetic loser status. So pitiful is your self esteem you need to seek out the company of whores for companionship.

Now Lukey, it was Wu who said that about bar girls. Only someone as dumb as Wu would say that. And how frigging stupid can you be? Honestly mate. You’re as dumb as Wu. Do you think these bar girls are going to be stand-offish? Of course they are going to be friendly. Do you have any concept of sales? To sell something you suck up to the customer. The bar girls are selling their bodies so they suck up to you, flattering you and making you feel special. At the end of the day though it is all an act. An act designed to part you with your hard earned (bludged in Wu’s case). Have a good read of Wu and his encounter with a Vyborg prostitute. So sweet and cute until she got paid then the charade ended. Classic example.
Q. Why does Winston like to play his video’s of his whore exploits backwards?

A. Because he likes to see the whore’s giving him money.
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Post by LukeSkywalker »

Redd_Hitler wrote:A pathetic man barely begins to describe you Lukey. In gmm’s case one could make the case that as he has never ventured abroad, he may see the light and how stupid Wu is when he does make that leap. As for you though, you have been abroad but still wallow in your pathetic loser status. So pitiful is your self esteem you need to seek out the company of whores for companionship.

Now Lukey, it was Wu who said that about bar girls. Only someone as dumb as Wu would say that. And how frigging stupid can you be? Honestly mate. You’re as dumb as Wu. Do you think these bar girls are going to be stand-offish? Of course they are going to be friendly. Do you have any concept of sales? To sell something you suck up to the customer. The bar girls are selling their bodies so they suck up to you, flattering you and making you feel special. At the end of the day though it is all an act. An act designed to part you with your hard earned (bludged in Wu’s case). Have a good read of Wu and his encounter with a Vyborg prostitute. So sweet and cute until she got paid then the charade ended. Classic example.

I believe in Wu. Wu was right about the Polish girls and them being really friendly and giggling and blushing. Wu was right about being able to go over to the girls' tables and immediately go and sit with them. Wu was right about the society being more open in Poland than in America. WU WAS RIGHT!!!

Fulley, I have seen pictures of those bar-girls in the Philippines. They are gorgeous and I want them. I don't know why that makes you label me all of a sudden. If it's all an act, fine, who cares.

Fulley, Wu's going to come back on and ban you. Nobody wants to listen to you Fulley.

Up until now I was really trying to listen to you equally. And at times you even said something that was helpful. I was really trying to find out whether you had a legitimate grievance against Wu. I now see that it's clear that you don't. You don't have even the slightest legitimate grievance against Wu.

Wu is a man who moved abroad so that he could live a better life. You guys are really messed up for knocking that.

If I were Wu, I would take all mention of you and your little club off of my website, and I would take all of you off of my forum. I wouldn't even MENTION you Fulley.

Fulley you need to be banned. I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Wu is trying to help other people's lives. And he helped my life because I stumbled upon his website and read his stuff and I was inspired in part by his website to try Poland. AND IT WORKED!!!!! WU WAS RIGHT!!!! WU WAS CORRECT!!! YOU WERE WRONG!!!

Oh, I miss Poland so bad.................................................

You suck Fulley.
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Post by gmm567 »

In gmm’s case one could make the case that as he has never ventured abroad.

Wrong again. I've been to Russia 5 times but not to date. I lived in London for 6 months where I worked for a Member of Parliament. Too bad I never met more natives , but I lived in a american dorm of 90 women and 10 guys and I was kept busy. I've been to Italy, Germany, Norway, but just for vacation.

I've had a bunch of other people validate what Wu says in general about European Culture. The last guy I talked with posted that message about Spain and the women he met. He too is confirming what Wu has said.

Enough of you.
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Post by Redd_Hitler »

And instead of going back trying to pursue attractive intellectual women in place like Poland, you choose to chase uneducated bar girls in the Philippines with god know what STD’s. They love GI Joe long time with all his greenbacks. Dumb arsed metal head wannabe never-will-be loser. LOL! You are too funny.
Q. Why does Winston like to play his video’s of his whore exploits backwards?

A. Because he likes to see the whore’s giving him money.
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Post by Redd_Hitler »

gmm567 wrote:but I lived in a american dorm of 90 women and 10 guys and I was kept busy.
By the guys or the girls you fag.
Q. Why does Winston like to play his video’s of his whore exploits backwards?

A. Because he likes to see the whore’s giving him money.
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Post by gmm567 »

yeah, I am gay. WTF?
Dr. Atuw
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Post by Dr. Atuw »

gmm567 wrote:yeah, I am gay. WTF?
You're on the wrong forum then.
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Post by Dr. Atuw »

LukeSkywalker wrote:Wu is a man who moved abroad so that he could live a better life.
Correction: Winston is a man who bummed a ride with me to the Philippines and now can't afford to (a) return to the US or (b) live in the US if he ever did return. He also can't afford to import his pregnant whore fiancee... not that earning $1,000 per year meets the Affidavit of Support requirements anyway.

Having become bored of $200 and $500 whores in the US, he was lured to Asia by cheaper ones. He's now finding out that whoring isn't everything there is to life... and most likely getting all sorts of shit about his lifestyle from his and Dianne's families.

It will be interesting to watch what he does now, and to watch you fall into the same trap.
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Post by LukeSkywalker »

I'm just curious Stefan, had you traveled with Wu before you went with him to the Philippines? I mean, did you travel with him to Russia and stuff?
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Post by I_PatriaTexefor_efl »


Do you REALLY want to follow in the footsteps of a complete imbecile who would probably have to ask his Daddy to pay for his trip home?? Listen to what Dr. Atuw has said with regards to Winston leaching a ride off of him to the Philippines. Hell, word on the street has said that The Great Lord Wu proved himself worse than useless in pretty short order.

So, sell all your worldly goods(of course, don't forget a generous donation to Wu for his priceless advice :twisted: ) and live the dream in the Philippines....

Ya know what, Redd_Hitler?? This LukeWarm has got to be dumber than Wu by a Texas Country Mile......bwahahaha!!

OJ Simpson got away with murder, but he couldn't outrun KARMA.................
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Post by Winston »

LukeSkywalker wrote:
Redd_Hitler wrote:A pathetic man barely begins to describe you Lukey. In gmm’s case one could make the case that as he has never ventured abroad, he may see the light and how stupid Wu is when he does make that leap. As for you though, you have been abroad but still wallow in your pathetic loser status. So pitiful is your self esteem you need to seek out the company of whores for companionship.

Now Lukey, it was Wu who said that about bar girls. Only someone as dumb as Wu would say that. And how frigging stupid can you be? Honestly mate. You’re as dumb as Wu. Do you think these bar girls are going to be stand-offish? Of course they are going to be friendly. Do you have any concept of sales? To sell something you suck up to the customer. The bar girls are selling their bodies so they suck up to you, flattering you and making you feel special. At the end of the day though it is all an act. An act designed to part you with your hard earned (bludged in Wu’s case). Have a good read of Wu and his encounter with a Vyborg prostitute. So sweet and cute until she got paid then the charade ended. Classic example.

I believe in Wu. Wu was right about the Polish girls and them being really friendly and giggling and blushing. Wu was right about being able to go over to the girls' tables and immediately go and sit with them. Wu was right about the society being more open in Poland than in America. WU WAS RIGHT!!!

Fulley, I have seen pictures of those bar-girls in the Philippines. They are gorgeous and I want them. I don't know why that makes you label me all of a sudden. If it's all an act, fine, who cares.

Fulley, Wu's going to come back on and ban you. Nobody wants to listen to you Fulley.

Up until now I was really trying to listen to you equally. And at times you even said something that was helpful. I was really trying to find out whether you had a legitimate grievance against Wu. I now see that it's clear that you don't. You don't have even the slightest legitimate grievance against Wu.

Wu is a man who moved abroad so that he could live a better life. You guys are really messed up for knocking that.

If I were Wu, I would take all mention of you and your little club off of my website, and I would take all of you off of my forum. I wouldn't even MENTION you Fulley.

Fulley you need to be banned. I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Wu is trying to help other people's lives. And he helped my life because I stumbled upon his website and read his stuff and I was inspired in part by his website to try Poland. AND IT WORKED!!!!! WU WAS RIGHT!!!! WU WAS CORRECT!!! YOU WERE WRONG!!!

Oh, I miss Poland so bad.................................................

You suck Fulley.
W: I applaud Luke's decision to go to Poland. Going there was an enlightening step for him into the world beyond the US matrix.

If you want to see the real Fuller, here are his rants against me from years past:

The bar girls are gorgeous, but most of them are nice girls who just want to find a nice boyfriend who is not a player. That's what they will tell you. They are in the entertainment business, but they are not prostitutes in that they will not go with anyone who pays. They only go with guys they like.

It's not true love but it's not all business either, it's something in between.

That's what expats here will tell you.

My friend Jeff is here with a bar girl that he met, who has already decided to quit working the bar to be with him. She is a very nice sweet girl. And YOU Luke, can find someone like that too.

Ozmodius complained about the lack of advice on this board. My advice is to GO ABROAD, and just be a nice sweet civilized looking guy, and you'll do fine.
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