Wow are European girls really this freespirited & passionate with a zest for life? Why aren't you guys promoting them?

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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
September 15th, 2020, 10:02 pm
No way Marcos. Impossible. The odds of that are billions to one. Prove it. Show me her blog and video. If shes that intellectual she should have a blog and videos. Are you sure you're not making this up out of whole cloth?
I am really impressed by Mrs Zeitola's cultural interest. He said elsewhere that she is a "product" of the University of the Philippines, a university known for kids from modest backgrounds that grow to become deep thinkers. If that's the case, I am surprised she made the brave choice of going back to her village to be with her family, rather than chasing some career dreams in the big city.

Even without going to those heights, I told you guys I met quite a few Filipinas and Filipinos here, with some deep and solid cultural interests. @Winston, if your stereotype of the Filipino/a is the bargirl of Angeles City, you have probably been used to looking at the rock bottom of filipino society. The moment you broaden your horizons to other social circles, you will probably find quite a few young people here who could easily outgun most of their European peers when it comes to things like learning independently, forming an opinion and being able to articulate it well, in good English.

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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by hypermak »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 16th, 2020, 4:43 am
Here's some of the books on her shelf:
And some more:

Some of the above are on philosophy, some on writing, or science and history. Below are some works on programming; she's into 'deep learning' and currently studies several programming languages:

One in a billion, you say? Or maybe just, you know, a Filipino who does not conform to your stereotypical impressions of her countrymen, based primarily not so much on her nationality as a whole, as much as on the low quality Filipinas you've been with and befriended. Because no offense, but Angeles City is like the dregs of the Philippines, and no, you won't find a lot of deep thinking girls among the trashy bargirl crowd.
Wow, a young woman who has books belonging to at least 4 different areas of knowledge! And you found here in a village in Nueva about hidden gems! Well done you, Marcos! ;)

That's the impression I am getting with @Winston, that his image of the Filipina is that of the under or un-educated, lazy, only interested in hoarding cash so she can buy herself a new phone or stuff her face at the local mall. Even the boys and girls I work with at the hotel are probably not at the level of your wife, but they are fairly well spoken, well educated. A few of them even have Masters and one even has an MBA. Many of them have been working abroad for a number of years and they have learned to be smart and attentive, the "hard way".

I think there's a bit too much polarization, if so we can call it. @Winston, perhaps you have an overly negative image of Filipinos/as and an overly optimistic image of Europeans?
MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 16th, 2020, 4:43 am
Yes, she attended UP Dilliman, a pretty solid school from what I've been told. One of her friends and former classmates was also a strikingly intelligent fellow with a fondness for deep conversation, literature and philosophy. Nowhere near as deep or well-read as my wife, however. She really is one in a million... in the sense that, I've yet to meet a smarter woman anywhere in the world, not in her country, nor in mine.
UP Diliman is, as I heard, the finest public university in the country. I heard a lot of good things from that uni and the 2 people I interviewed and hired from that college are top-tier.
MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 16th, 2020, 4:43 am
Oh and @Winston you mentioned 'playing chess' as another characteristic of 'deep' girls. You said no Filipinas play chess... which is funny because several of my wife's cousins play chess. Female cousins and male cousins alike. One of them, a girl, is particularly good at it. My wife plays, too, but she does not enjoy it particularly much. I fail to see the correlation between playing chess and being the next Albert EInstein, but sure enough, plenty of Filipino people play it. And some of those are smart.
Filipinos actually are among the best chess players in Asia. Ferdinand Marcos himself was a good chess player and a personal friend of Bobby Fischer's.

This chap, Wesley So, is Filipino and is a top-10 Grandmaster. He was number 2 at one point.

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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

Marcos Zeitola,
I asked you several questions in my earlier post here:


Did you forget to answer them? Were you going to answer them later? Just a reminder. You only addressed one point but didn't address the others in my post above.

Btw do European girls still kiss guys on both cheeks when they greet them? Or was that a custom of the past? Do they do that only with close friends or all friends and acquaintances? If so, in which European countries do girls do that in? Of course they don't in the UK, but what about Netherlands and other countries? Hollywood likes to show this stereotype of European women in movies of course, and as we all know, Hollywood loves to exaggerate stereotypes. How much of the stereotype is true and to what degree?
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

That's a lot to reply to. I'll have to do it in stages. First, I wanna hotly contest your claim that me and the guys here in this forum are all "average and mediocre and nothing special". How can you contest that we are not even intellectuals? LOL. Are you batshit crazy? LOL. Do you think average mainstream types post on a forum like this? LOL

Most people are not intellectual at all. They are focused on survival and following the sheeple herd. We all know that. That's common sense. Who do you think you are fooling? Let me prove it to you. Try this:

Find an average guy of average intelligence in Asia or America. Offer to pay him to come to this forum and post his intelligent observations or opinions WITHOUT copying or pasting stuff, ORIGINAL posts only! You will find that most average people cannot take you up on that offer, because they have no intelligent opinions to add here and even if you pay them, cannot think of anything to write. No kidding. Try it and you will see. I know this because most mainstream people I've met cannot hold an intelligent conversation here or add intelligent observations or opinions here even if you paid them. Especially in Asia where people are taught not to have any opinions at all. Especially China, Taiwan, Japan. Try it and you will see. Average people definitely cannot participate here. Why do you think the spammers here only post form letters or copy and paste links and advertising text only? lol

Now Marcos, keep in mind that your OPINION is only YOUR OPINION. Not fact. Do you understand? You may think we are "average and nothing special" but I don't agree and others do not agree either. What makes you right and others wrong? Furthermore, why do you say your wife is brilliant and smart but we are just average and normal? Why isn't your wife average and normal and nothing special too? lol. Isn't that due to your bias? Why do you cite your narrow opinions like they are facts? What is your evidence and basis to say that we are just average and normal like the mainstream? lol. I can give you lots of evidence to the contrary. For example:

1. Have you seen this list of quotes about me being the most freethinking Asian? They are REAL third party quotes about me. Some are from this forum too and linked here, others are from people I met in real life and talked to, and some are from other authors and truth seekers. I swear they are all REAL quotes. ... ton-Wu.htm

How many "average people" do you know who have quotes like that about them? Lol. None? lol. Does your intellectual wife have such quotes about her? lol. Please read those quotes at the link above if you have never seen them. Then you will see that you are WRONG for sure and you can eat your fallacies words.

2. Also, do average people have 10 UNIQUE accomplishments like I do? See here: ... hments.htm

How many unique accomplishments do you and your wife have Marcos? Zero? One? If one, show me please. Otherwise you are way out of line and way out of your league and NOT qualified to judge who is intellectual or not. BUSTED!

3. All the posters here have one thing in common. We all think OUTSIDE the box. Whether you want to call us smart or not, or intellectual or not, we definitely post observations and opinions that are OUTSIDE the box and mainstream. That is a CERTAINTY and undisputable, and something we all have in common here. Everyone here either thinks outside the box or has an affinity for those who do. It's evident from all the posts here, even if you call us "whiny losers" (which is YOUR opinion only, not fact) That includes you too MarcosZeitola, because otherwise you wouldn't be here, and you'd be in some mainstream forum like City Data Forum, where mainstream normal people post. If you look at City Data Forum, you will see that the people there think INSIDE the box and only say politically correct things and have superficial observations, not deep one. So if you are here Marcos, you either think outside the box, or you have affinity for those who do.

4. I may not have genius 150 IQ like Einstein or Tesla. But my 120 IQ is well above average, that's for sure. So you are wrong to call me "average, mediocre and nothing special." Why don't you call your wife that too? How is she any better than me? You may love her and not me, but how does that make her more wise or intellectual than me? lol. Why not be honest and admit that I am above average at least in intelligence? I'm definitely not average or mainstream. No one here would agree with you I don't think.

Now I don't put a lot of stock in IQ either. Because there are different kinds of smarts and intelligence. Some guys are smart with computers and dumb with people and others are vice versa. Some are good in math but terrible in philosophy and vice versa. But you can't deny that I am very intellectual and wise in some areas, even if not every area. I am definitely not "average". Hell no. No way jose. You are 1000 percent WRONG about that.

5. If you look at my YouTube videos where I talk, in the comments section you will also see many comments saying that my points were "brilliant and spot on" etc too. So you see, some people think higher of my intellect and wisdom than you do Marcos. What makes everyone wrong and you right? Others are entitled to their opinions too right? Why are yours fact and the only truth? Have you thought about that?

6. If you read my fan letters and testimonial letters you will see many praises about me too, and my insights. Do average mediocre people get these kind of letters and fan mail? lol

Do you have fan letters like that about you Marcos? Does your wife? If not, who are you to judge me as though you are the God and arbitrator of who is intellectual and who is not? lol. Aren't you out of line and out of your league Marcos?

You've never even met me. If you and I and your wife sat down and had a deep conversation and shared many ideas, then you could judge how intellectual I am, and you may change your mind too. But if you never met me, how can you judge? Why don't you ask guys who know me well, and have hung out with me many times, like Alex, Mr S, Rock, Ladislav, Falcon, zboy1, ethan_sg, WorldTraveler, etc?

Why don't you ask @hypermak if he thinks I'm "average, mainstream and nothing special"? lol He is neutral right? Ask him what he thinks.

Why do you think @Spencer calls me "Wiseton"? He recognizes that I have a lot of deep insights and wisdom of course, which average people do NOT have. Ask him if he thinks I'm an average guy. He will disagree strongly of course.

In fact, Spencer has copied and pasted a lot of your quotes showing that you have contradicted yourself many times and you never admitted it. Why couldn't you be honest and admit that you changed your mind or were wrong before? Why so stubborn and arrogant? Why not be wise and mature and honest Marcos?

7. Btw, me and Alex have many ORIGINAL ideas and theories and hypotheses. Do you and your wife Marcos? Or is everything you know copied from others, like Mark Twain said? Perhaps it is YOU who are average Marcos, not me, and you are merely trying to project your averageness onto me? LOL. Either way I see no qualifications from you to judge how intellectual someone is.

Have you heard this saying:

"Small minds talk about people. Mediocre minds talk about current events. Great minds discuss ideas."

Well anyone can see that we discuss IDEAS here, so we are among the level of "the great minds" type. Not to brag, but it's true.

In fact, if you study Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell and other great mythologists and psychologists, you will find that my conclusions on the universe and God closely match theirs too. That should tell you something, that great authors and philosophers who are very intellectual and see the big picture, come to common conclusions about GLU - God, Life and Universe. And about religion too. So if my conclusions are similar to men like Jung and Campbell, then I'm in a very high league, definitely NOT mediocre or average like you FALSELY claim Marcos.

Why do you tend to say things that are 1000 percent FALSE Marcos? Do you have an affinity for LIES MARCOS?! Are you not a truth seeker? If you aren't a truth seeker, why you here?


Anyway, I don't wanna keep talking about myself and keep self-aggrandizing. But you get the point. I'm definitely NOT average or mediocre or "nothing special". If my observations and writings and thoughts were that of the average American or Asian, do you think the guys here would find this an interesting website or forum? Lol. Ask the guys here about that. If this was just an average site and forum with average mainstream people, would any of the misfits or intellectuals post here at all? LOL. No way jose. Think about it.

Try putting up a bunch of essays on a website Marcos with your "average common opinions" that are the same as everyone else's and very politically correct, and then add a forum to the website, and see how many people you attract Marcos. LOL. See what I mean? LOL. GOTCHA!

Why do I have to waste time arguing about things that you should already know and are obvious? Geez. It's like I have to waste time telling you that 2+2=4 or something. Very annoying. Shouldn't you already know all the above? Shouldn't it be obvious to you?

You should also learn to be balanced Marcos and give credit where credit is due, and talk about both my strengths and weaknesses, my virtues and faults, etc. Not just focus on trying to bring me down and telling me I'm "nothing special" and downlplay everything about me. That's dishonest and looks agenda driven. An honest person wouldn't do that Marcos. No offense. But it's true. Think about it.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola and hypermak:

Two more examples I forgot to mention in the 7 point post above:

8. When I was in Las Vegas I got some Star Trek collector's item from Ebay. The seller was from Montana. He wanted me to call him to discuss shipping it. So I called him. We ended up having a long conversation about politics, people, social culture and everything. He was very impressed and said I was unusually bright. He compared me to Dinesh D'Souza, the right wing Indian American political activist and author and Christian, who is considered very intellectual, and very bright and aware. He was impressed so he decided to send me the Star Trek collectible for free. I felt very flattered.

Stuff like that doesn't happen to average Americans or Asians, that's for sure. Nor does the average American get compared with Dinesh D'Souza either. (You guys know who that is?) That's for sure. So no Marcos, you can't say I'm average and nothing special or different from the norm.

9. In my profile on Couchsurfing and Hospitality Club, there are comments in my profile from hosts who say that I am very outside the box and that they learned a lot of new things about me.

So you see, there is good evidence and testimonials from others that I am intellectual and think outside the box. You can't say that of average mainstream people who only care about surviving and making money and being "popular and trendy and cool" etc. lol. Definitely not. Get real man. Add up all the 9 points above and you will see that I am very unique, more than you know. :)

Btw, when I say unique, I don't mean things like "unique fingerprints" which everyone has. I mean unique qualities and accomplishments. My solution on HA is also unique. No one in the truther movement is promoting it, nor the New Age/self-help industry, nor the mental health industry, nor the weight loss industry, etc.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 17th, 2020, 8:50 pm
Sure, @Winston I will get to those other points later. But do say what you think of my wife's book shelf. Ever seen such a book shelf with any of your Filipino, Russian or European girls in the past? :wink: You might want to try and get over some of your innate biases and admit that, sure enouhgh, while it may be rare, it IS possible for a Filipina girl to be a deep and original thinker interested in philosophy. It's not a miracle. Just a genuinely smart young woman. Does it physically hurt you to admit it, she's on par with your beloved 'free-spirited' European chicks? :lol:
Hi Marcos,
Your wife's bookshelf looks interesting. I have several comments though. Hope this doesn't take too long.

1. First, no offense Marcos. But no one here has ever met you. When me and Rock tried to meet you, you kept making strange excuses. Why is it so hard? Rock says that if someone here has not met up with anyone we know, then they are NOT vouched for. Therefore we should take anything they say with a grain of salt. Technically that's true. We can't know if your wife is what you say, or if your bookshelf and claims are all made up or not. We simply can't know. Nothing personal. But if you were in my shoes you'd have to conclude the same thing.

All I know about you is that I talked to you once on Skype, and you sound normal and down to earth. That's all I know. And you sent me some pics of you. I saw your curly hair and big build. I think I saw your petite wife too in the pics. I don't remember. But I cannot gauge her intellect or knowledge without talking to her first. Why don't you arrange a Skype call with me and you and your wife? Why don't you ask her if she'd be up for it? Why don't you ask her to read my website and articles and forum posts and YouTube videos and ask her what she thinks? Why don't you copy and paste some of her articles here so we can see?

2. Second, yes it's true that Angeles City has the lowest scum and low class girls. However, all blunt Western expats think Filipinos are dumb, not just me. The average national IQ in the PH is 80 remember? That's less than America. So you can't expect otherwise.

Rock lives in a nice area of Makati. Mr S lives near Quezon City. They don't live in Angeles City. Yet they have COUNTLESS stories of Filipino stupidity that has messed them up and f***ed things up for them. Countless. Some of their stories are unbelievable, and show that some of them are dumber than dogs even. LOL. Many expats in the PH have countless stories like that. They are too common.

3. It's true that many Filipinos are good at chess. I saw some trike drivers playing in Angeles City and they were pretty good, even though they were uneducated. I went to a chess club in Angeles City too and saw some girls that were pretty good too. So I've seen what you mean. When I brought up chess, I was referring to how European girls can play but American girls aren't interested in it at all. I wasn't referring to Filipinos. The average European can beat the average American in chess it seems. In America chess is not popular and not part of the culture.

4. You said your wife was top notch in the PH. But we are just average. Are you saying she's smarter than us or on our level? Which is it? Sounds contradictory. A lot of guys here are well read too and know a lot about philosophy too. You know? We definitely do not represent the average American who watches basketball or football you know?

5. Who do you consider to be brilliant, intellectual and a genius Marcos? Besides your wife of course? Do you understand that just because someone is famous doesn't make them smart? They are just good businessmen. For example, if you read the writings of Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, they are not deeper or more intellectual than the posts you read here. They are not more educated or philosophical or insightful. They do not contain any deep insights into God, the universe or life. They are just geniuses with computers and good in business. But not great philosophers. Rich successful people are not more insightful or deep in their views or essays than us. Just read them and see. They are just better in business. Most CEO's are above average in IQ of course and more intelligent than average, but they aren't more deep and insightful than we are. Just read their writings and memos and letters and you will see. They are educated, but doesn't make them more intellectual than us. They don't have deep insights that we don' thave.

Futhermore, some great business men, like Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co., share the views of Cornfed and Moretorque regarding Jews and conspiracies too. So some successful CEO's are on our page and in agreement with us. See "The International Jew" by Henry Ford.

Btw, did you know that most of the smartest people are not even online or famous at all? For example, in my last year of college, I met an atheist philosopher who could rebut every point I made and answer any question I gave? The most famous atheists today, such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, cannot do that. In their public debates, they dodge 80 percent of the questions by the Christian side. YouTube the two debates between "Christopher Hitchens and Frank Turek" and you will see what I mean. Hitchens lost big time and had his ass whipped and dodged 80 or 90 percent of the questions posed to him, because he had no answer or counterpoint. He was a stupid f**k and not even an intellectual. So why was he famous? Some people are famous just because they have connections or are part of some dumb university. That's all.

You gotta remember that some of the smartest people in the world do not seek any fame at all and do not like attention or spotlight. They don't even like email. That atheist man in my acting class in college who could address any point I made, was like that. He didn't like email or computers so he could not give me any email. So I could not keep in touch with him after college. Unfortunately. Otherwise, I would like to ask him a lot of new questions. Unlike famous atheists like Dawkins and Hitchens, he was not afraid to tackle tough questions head on.

University academics tend to be rigid too, that's why they cannot think outside the box like we can, or formulate new theories. Nor would they want to because if they did, they risk ostracization if they don't tow the party line. Any time you are employed, that is the case.

Dawkins also got stumped many times and exposed as a fraud. Google the video where Dawkins was asked to name even ONE random mutation that was beneficial and added information to the genome. He paused for a long time but could not think of anything. Nailed! Christians and Creationists flaunted that video everywhere. He also lost a debate with New Ager Deepak Chopra in Spain. You can see it on YouTube. Even a New Ager like Chopra who is not even good at debate, totally whipped Dawkins. Dawkins looked stupid and ignorant and did not even know that Freeman Dyson said that atoms are conscious entities. LOL. He doesn't keep up with anything and only cares about atheistm and scientism because that's all there is to know in his book. LOL. Stupid. These atheists are dumb as f**k.

Yet Dawkins is the most famous atheist. Go figure. The one I knew in college could address all my points. So you see, the smartest people it seems are not famous or part of any university or YouTube video. Many of them don't like public attention or spotlight and don't even use email. Haven't you met someone super smart before who wasn't famous and didn't like any attention or have any presence online?

6, You said your wife has an Amazon Goodreads account and posted some reviews. Can't we at least see some of her reviews then? Surely if she's intellectual she has something, even online reviews or commentaries?

7. I have more to say about your wife's bookshelf. But I will do that in the next post. This is already too long.

To be continued.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 2:01 am
MarcosZeitola and hypermak:

Two more examples I forgot to mention in the 7 point post above:

8. When I was in Las Vegas I got some Star Trek collector's item from Ebay. The seller was from Montana. He wanted me to call him to discuss shipping it. So I called him. We ended up having a long conversation about politics, people, social culture and everything. He was very impressed and said I was unusually bright. He compared me to Dinesh D'Souza, the right wing Indian American political activist and author and Christian, who is considered very intellectual, and very bright and aware. He was impressed so he decided to send me the Star Trek collectible for free. I felt very flattered.

Stuff like that doesn't happen to average Americans or Asians, that's for sure. Nor does the average American get compared with Dinesh D'Souza either. (You guys know who that is?) That's for sure. So no Marcos, you can't say I'm average and nothing special or different from the norm.

9. In my profile on Couchsurfing and Hospitality Club, there are comments in my profile from hosts who say that I am very outside the box and that they learned a lot of new things about me.

So you see, there is good evidence and testimonials from others that I am intellectual and think outside the box. You can't say that of average mainstream people who only care about surviving and making money and being "popular and trendy and cool" etc. lol. Definitely not. Get real man. Add up all the 9 points above and you will see that I am very unique, more than you know. :)

Btw, when I say unique, I don't mean things like "unique fingerprints" which everyone has. I mean unique qualities and accomplishments. My solution on HA is also unique. No one in the truther movement is promoting it, nor the New Age/self-help industry, nor the mental health industry, nor the weight loss industry, etc.

I can't speak for @MarcosZeitola but, as far as I am concerned, I have never said that you're not an intelligent, bright and insightful person who loves deep and intellectual conversations.

I simply said that you can't assume that all deep thinkers and geniuses are introverted, awkward and socially dysfunctional people. You can't assume that they are deep thinkers and geniuses because they are introverted, awkward and socially dysfunctional people. Some of them might be, sure, but there are plenty of very intelligent and bright out of the box thinkers who manage to be that within the context of a well adjusted professional and social life.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

To continue on...

Now Marcos, regarding your wife's bookshelf in the images above, it looks to me that she is one of those academic atheists or agnostics with an interest in Eastern spirituality. Kind of like Sam Harris. Is that true? If so, that is common in academia today. It's trendy too. How is she a freethinker with original ideas? Does she have her own theories, or does she just go with whatever atheists consider trendy?

Why does she have several books from Richard Dawkins? He is a fraud and has been exposed and is not even an intellectual. Have you seen his books? They are full of ridicule and insults and ad hominem attacks on God believers only. No logical arguments. Try this: Go pick up Dawkins major book "The God Delusion" and find me even ONE logical argument he proposes for why God doesn't exist. You can't, because he has NONE. All he does it ridicule and insult religious believers in that book. Go figure.

His only claim is that because the God of the Old Testament Bible committed many atrocities, that therefore he cannot exist, which is not even a valid argument that a child would buy. That's like saying that because you and your dad disagree on how he does things, that therefore he doesn't exist. Try telling a child that his or her dad doesn't exist because he's an asshole and does a lot of things we don't agree with, and see if the child will buy that. Of course not! So why would "educated" university professors buy that? Because they are crazy and brainwashed and atheism/communism has hijacked the university system in America and Britain, that's why atheists think, mistakenly, that they have already won the debate, even though they have ZERO good arguments about why God doesn't exist. LOL. Insane isn't it? LOL

So why would she have several of his books? What do they offer? Only ridicule and ad hominem attacks. Ask her this: Has she read the other side from those who have debunked Dawkins? Like Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, author of "The Science Delusion" or Dr. Stephen Meyer, the chief proponent of intelligent design in the Creationist movement? Both of those men can easily whip Dawkins in a debate and he knows it, so he will not dare touch those men in any way.

If your wife is truly an intellectual, she should read Rupert Sheldrake's "The Science Delusion" too. It totally demolishes Dawkins. Show her this post and ask her if she has. You can get it free from torrent sites in audiobook format too, or ebook format.

Also ask her to see the documentary "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" on YouTube. I'll bet she hasn't right? A truth seeker should research both sides. And ask her to see the "Science Uprising" series on YouTube too. It also totally demolishes Dawkins.

Did you know the LA District Attorney who prosecuted Charles Manson, Vince Bugliosi, wrote an agnostic book called "Divinity of Doubt" where he bashed both Christianity and Atheism? In the first few chapters, he totally exposed Dawkins and Hitchens, and how weak their books were, they contained no good philosophical arguments against God. You can download the audiobook of it online for free. You will love it. If you can't find it online, I can send you a copy from my Google Drive.

The thing is Marcos, you said you are atheist or agnostic too. Isn't that why you and your wife get along? If she was a New Ager who believed in God, universal consciousness, NDE's, reincarnation, old souls, infinite consciousness, etc would you and her get along? lol

Does she believe in conspiracies? What about occult, metaphysics, God, afterlife, NDE's, reincarnation? Does she even know about Theosophy or Gnosticism? Or Christian mysticism? Does she know about Madame Helena P. Blavatsky or Manly P. Hall? Every esotericist and mysticist intellectual knows those. Does she even know the New Age theories by David Icke, Deepak Chopra, etc? lol

Or is she just a typical atheist in academia who thinks atheism is cool and trendy and the ultimate truth and she doesn't need to read the other side? LOL. Because since atheism/communism has hijacked the university system, then it has won and there is no more debate? LOL

Why don't you show her this post and ask her to comment and reply to my questions above? If she's an intellectual, she should have intelligent answers to the above, not just dismiss it all and say "nah that's bullshit" etc. Or like you and most atheists do, just ignore the questions completely? That's what Yohan does, when something refutes his atheist beliefs or his beliefs that conspiracies don't exist, he dodges it and pretends he doesn't see it. Contrarian Expatriate does that too. So do you. When I brought up the long list of questions and cases about reincarnation and NDE's that were very compelling and couldn't be explained away, you dodged the whole thing too Marcos, and pretended not to see them. If you have no answer to them, does your wife, since she's so intellectual?

Btw Marcos, did you see the list of logical arguments why my cousin Susan was wrong when she said that "foreign women are only friendly and approachable to you because they NEED something from you"? See here:


Do you think if I sent it to Susan and her mom, that they could rebut it point by point? LOL. What would you bet? Most people, even smart clever Asians, cannot debate something like this point by point. Only a true intellectual can. Even Asians who get straight A's in school cannot debate something point by point. It's not in their nature to do that. But the guys here can do that. So why not smart Asians? LOL. Most smart Asians are not intellectuals, so they cannot rebut me point by point, even if they tried. That's not how normal Asians or Americans are. All they know is to memorize stuff in school and take tests, they cannot refute a list of logical arguments point by point.

Can your wife refute those points of mine, point by point, Marcos? What if I pay her? Can she do it? LOL. That's the real test of intellect Marcos. Most people who are smart by conventional standards could not refute a list of logical arguments point by point. You know that? None of my cousins who get straight A's in school could. LOL. Because straight A students are not true intellectuals, they are just copy machines. A copy machine is not an intellectual who can debate point by point logical arguments. Show the link above to your wife and ask her if she can rebut it. There's the true test and challenge Marcos. I'd like to see evidence that she is a great intellectual, not just your words alone. Remember you love her, so you are biased toward her. Not objective.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 2:42 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 2:01 am
MarcosZeitola and hypermak:

Two more examples I forgot to mention in the 7 point post above:

8. When I was in Las Vegas I got some Star Trek collector's item from Ebay. The seller was from Montana. He wanted me to call him to discuss shipping it. So I called him. We ended up having a long conversation about politics, people, social culture and everything. He was very impressed and said I was unusually bright. He compared me to Dinesh D'Souza, the right wing Indian American political activist and author and Christian, who is considered very intellectual, and very bright and aware. He was impressed so he decided to send me the Star Trek collectible for free. I felt very flattered.

Stuff like that doesn't happen to average Americans or Asians, that's for sure. Nor does the average American get compared with Dinesh D'Souza either. (You guys know who that is?) That's for sure. So no Marcos, you can't say I'm average and nothing special or different from the norm.

9. In my profile on Couchsurfing and Hospitality Club, there are comments in my profile from hosts who say that I am very outside the box and that they learned a lot of new things about me.

So you see, there is good evidence and testimonials from others that I am intellectual and think outside the box. You can't say that of average mainstream people who only care about surviving and making money and being "popular and trendy and cool" etc. lol. Definitely not. Get real man. Add up all the 9 points above and you will see that I am very unique, more than you know. :)

Btw, when I say unique, I don't mean things like "unique fingerprints" which everyone has. I mean unique qualities and accomplishments. My solution on HA is also unique. No one in the truther movement is promoting it, nor the New Age/self-help industry, nor the mental health industry, nor the weight loss industry, etc.

I can't speak for @MarcosZeitola but, as far as I am concerned, I have never said that you're not an intelligent, bright and insightful person who loves deep and intellectual conversations.

I simply said that you can't assume that all deep thinkers and geniuses are introverted, awkward and socially dysfunctional people. You can't assume that they are deep thinkers and geniuses because they are introverted, awkward and socially dysfunctional people. Some of them might be, sure, but there are plenty of very intelligent and bright out of the box thinkers who manage to be that within the context of a well adjusted professional and social life.
But hypermak, every intellectual I know of is not well adjusted or happy. I haven't met any that fit your bill. But I'm talking about philosophers that think outside the box. Not just anyone that's famous or successful. Do you understand? All the philosophers on School of Life fit what I described too. See here: ... ilosophers

I never said all. Just all the ones I know and have heard of. That's all.

Nietzsche definitely fits what I said. So did all the great classical composers, like Mozart, Beethoven, etc. So did great artists like Vincent Van Gogh. You know all that right? See this BBC documentary about Nietzsche.

Also, have you heard of the book "Thus Spake Zathustra" by Nietzsche? Here's a summary of it. It says that philosophers of higher consciousness and wisdom will become lonely and misunderstood, because when you climb a high mountain, the view will be spectacular but you will be lonely because few people, if any, are with you there. Don't you agree? If so, why are you debating this? Even Nietzsche agreed with me on this and that was the morale of his book below. Once you've woken up, the masses cannot understand you any longer, you are on a different wavelength. That's true isn't it? If so, why do you debate it?

Schopenhauer was not happy either. He was a staunch pessmist. See below.

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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

Russian authors and philosophers tend to have sad tragic lives full of suffering and misery too. That's what made them deep. See below about the lives of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy for example.

Remember even Buddha saw life as suffering and was disillusioned, so he left his luxurious palace home and became a monk in search of truth and a remedy for suffering. A happy man would not do that of course.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Winston »

This Medieval philosopher who suffered a lot of loss wrote a philosophy book about how to cope with loss and tragedy and regret.

The Consolation of Philosophy is the name of one of the greatest and most useful books ever written, the work of the Roman statesman and philosopher Boethius, who wrote it in prison as a way to ward of despair and regret. The lessons of the book remain hugely applicable to our own times - and deserve to be known to all of us in the face uncertain times.

Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy

Btw, the founder of Stoicism, Zeno, also suffered a lot of great loss and tragedy, which led him to found the philosophy of Stoicism.

Did you guys know that? @hypermak

For more on Stoicism, see this thread:


Btw, have you read "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius? It is VERY pessimistic and grim about life. I couldn't stand it. Most Americans probably could not stand it either.

Perhaps you guys are thinking of happy go lucky New Age authors? If so, those aren't great philosophers. They are commercialized BS positivity cult gurus.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
September 14th, 2020, 8:47 pm
To @hypermak and @Yohan and @halnovemila and any other European male here:

Check out this movie I recently saw called "The Face of an Angel"? .....


Also, how could you guys leave Europe when there are super open/friendly girls like that who are very freespirited, open minded, fearless and uninhibited? You can't find girls like that in Asia or America, that's for sure. Girls in America or Asia are way too uptight to act that open or uninhibited, no way. So my question to you is: How can you leave Europe where there are girls like that, and where there is beautiful European architecture too, hence the BEST of both worlds, girls and scenic architecture? Isn't that crazy? Don't you guys ask yourselves that question too? lol

Especially you Yohan. I mean, in Japan you will NEVER EVER see girls that open and freespirited and fearless and uninhibited. NEVER. I'm sure you know that. So why would you go to Japan which is far more repressive and closed minded and socially closed than Europe? Isn't that insane? Don't you wonder that too?
You cannot compare a movie with the reality of life, especially not a movie about Europe today with Europe after WWII, in poverty and divided into West and East, so-called Iron curtain. I was living 20 miles away from the Hungarian iron curtain.

I left Europe with Germany still divided (Berlin Wall), and without any European Union existing.

I left also for other reasons, like cold winter, strong influence of the Catholic Church, inconvenient shop opening times, also to be away from many of difficult femily members and other useless people nearby....

Western European women are open, freespirited, fearless and uninhibited? Depends what is your definition about, I am not happy to socialize with a woman who has plenty of boyfriends and will leave you anyway when she does not like this and that...

Of course you might argue, Western Continental European women are so much better than women in the USA/UK, but you don't need much to be a little bit better than the worst of the worst. I was maybe better off than many other men, as I never made it up even for a girlfriend for 30 minutes.

Look a little bit around in the MGTOW related blogs, what men from Western Europe will tell you about their women.

In my own native country peak of divorce a few years ago was 52 percent in rural areas and 68 percent in the few larger cities.

About beautiful architecture, this might be true if you see such buildings from outside, but I don't miss them, I was living in such a building with my parents. Roof was leaking during rain and snow, toilet outside, water frozen in winter-time, no bathrooms and no hot water, very poor electrical standard, very high ceilings and huge heating costs... When I left Europe it was clear to me that I never want to live in such 'historical buildings' again in my life.


Of course there is some difference between USA and Continental Europe.
The social system in Europe is better, but taxes are high - however in return no need to worry about medical bills and retirement.
About feminism, it's better regulated in Europe, women also take money from you after divorce, but this is in percentages of your income, you will never be bankrupt and live in a van. In general women are not into lawsuits, there is not so much to gain from them, and there are no racist issues as you see them in the States. But otherwise?

For me Europe is a part of my past, not even a nice part of my past. As I said often, I will never return, not even for a short visit.
Nowadays Europe has also its problems about immigration with plenty of illegals everywhere and no-go zones and street violence.
Last edited by Yohan on September 19th, 2020, 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by hypermak »

Yohan wrote:
September 19th, 2020, 3:14 am
You cannot compare a movie with the reality of life, especially not a movie about Europe today with Europe after WWII, in poverty and divided into West and East, so-called Iron curtain. I was living 20 miles away from the Hungarian iron curtain.

I left Europe still with Germany still divided (Berlin Wall), and still without any European Union existing.

I left also for other reasons, like cold winter, strong influence of the Catholic Church, inconvenient shop opening times, also to be away from many of difficult femily members and other useless people nearby....

Western European women are open, freespirited, fearless and uninhibited? Depends what is your definition about, I am not happy to socialize with a woman who has plenty of boyfriends and will leave you anyway when she does not like this and that...

Of course you might argue, Western Continental European women are so much better than women in the USA/UK, but you don't need much to be a little bit better than the worst of the worst. I was maybe better off than many other men, as I never made it up even for a girlfriend for 30 minutes.

Look a little bit around in the MGTOW related blogs, what men from Western Europe will tell you about their women.

In my own native country peak of divorce a few years ago was 52 percent in rural areas and 68 percent in the few larger cities.

About beautiful architecture, this might be true if you see such buildings from outside, but I don't miss them, I was living in such a building with my parents. Roof was leaking during rain and snow, toilet outside, water frozen in winter-time, no bathrooms and no hot water, very poor electrical standard, very high ceilings and huge heating costs... When I left Europe it was clear to me that I never want to live in such 'historical buildings' again in my life.


Of course there is some difference between USA and Continental Europe.
The social system in Europe is better, but taxes are high - however in return no need to worry about medical bills and retirement.
About feminism, it's better regulated in Europe, women also take money from you after divorce, but this is in percentages of your income, you will never be bankrupt and live in a van. In general women are not into lawsuits, there is not so much to gain from them, and there are no racist issues as you see them in the States. But otherwise?

For me Europe is a part of my past, not even a nice part of my past. As I said often, I will never return, not even for a short visit.
Nowadays Europe has also its problems about immigration with plenty of illegals everywhere and no-go zones and street violence.
Great insight about what Europe, or at least some of Europe, used to be in the 70s. I was told the UK wasn't a great place to be, including London. Dirt and urban chaos everywhere, racial tensions, tensions with the Irish separatists ending up in bombings, poverty. Those were the famous times of the "sorpasso", the overtaking of the Italian economy over the British one.

By early 80s Italy had a veritable, well-deserved spot as the 5th world economy. By the time Margaret Thatcher and her ultra-liberalist policies started to take effect, we had lost Bettino Craxi, possibly the last proper political Leader (with a capital "L") Italy has ever had. Things started to reverse and revert to what they are today.

I think Italy has always been a great place to live a quiet, serene life, especially as a middle or upper-middle class family. Winters are milder than in some of the Central and Eastern European countries, so many of the problems you mention with historical and old buildings weren't so common.

About the women, I think the youth started to change during the "cultural revolution" imported from the States, which kicked in at different times. In some of the northern Italian regions with a history of resistance against Catholicism, like Veneto, Tuscany, and Emilia Romagna, women would usually be less conservative and more liberal. At the time my parents were married, in the mid-70s, marrying a woman who wasn't a virgin wasn't so uncommon at all. Of course we're talking about one previous boyfriend, who perhaps had left her broken-hearted, nothing like the cock carousel of today. :)
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote: ↑Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:47 pm
To @hypermak and @Yohan and @halnovemila and any other European male here:
Also, how could you guys leave Europe when there are super open/friendly girls like that who are very freespirited, open minded, fearless and uninhibited? You can't find girls like that in Asia or America, that's for sure. Girls in America or Asia are way too uptight to act that open or uninhibited, no way. So my question to you is: How can you leave Europe where there are girls like that, and where there is beautiful European architecture too, hence the BEST of both worlds, girls and scenic architecture? Isn't that crazy? Don't you guys ask yourselves that question too? lol

Especially you Yohan. I mean, in Japan you will NEVER EVER see girls that open and freespirited and fearless and uninhibited. NEVER. I'm sure you know that. So why would you go to Japan which is far more repressive and closed minded and socially closed than Europe? Isn't that insane? Don't you wonder that too?
hypermak wrote:
September 19th, 2020, 3:40 am
Yohan wrote:
September 19th, 2020, 3:14 am
You cannot compare a movie with the reality of life, especially not a movie about Europe today with Europe after WWII, in poverty and divided into West and East, so-called Iron curtain. I was living 20 miles away from the Hungarian iron curtain.

I left Europe still with Germany still divided (Berlin Wall), and still without any European Union existing.

I left also for other reasons, like cold winter, strong influence of the Catholic Church, inconvenient shop opening times, also to be away from many of difficult family members and other useless people nearby....
Great insight about what Europe, or at least some of Europe, used to be in the 70s.
Let me add a few sentences and also some links.

People like Winston in the States have really no idea, no knowledge about how people in Austria and Hungary were living in poverty past WWII.
WWII was ending 1945, but poverty continued and for our Eastern neighbour, Hungary, located on the other side of the iron curtain, situation became even worse past 1955. This area became a looting and rape zone for the Sowjets past 1945 for more than 10 years.
I do not hate anybody - nobody who survived WW2 in that region was 'normal' - neither the winner nor the losers - everybody had a mental damage.

Some links: ... in_Austria ... on_of_1956

As a fact, many in Austria - those people who really had nothing - just left. Destinations were mainly USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa....some moved into Africa to the French colonies.

Reports indicates that about as many as 500.000 left my native country over those years....but it was not so easy, without good airlinks, money exchange issues, missing information, expensive phone calls etc. - But it was legal to leave if you were lucky living on the Western side of the iron curtain. -

If you were living on the Eastern side, in some areas you were risking your life if you tried it out - for example over the Berlin Wall and this dangerous situation continued up to 1989...

and believe me, girls overseas were the last issue thinking about

I was choosing a rather unusual destination around 1972 - Malaysia and Japan....not many did this, maybe less than 100 people from my country...
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Re: Wow are European girls really this open/fearless/freespirited/wild/adventurous? How could you Euro guys leave it?

Post by ElPajaro »

Kasich a "far superior politician" :lol: :lol: ? Come on Marcos.
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