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First Name :   Paul


Comment :   Cheers Winston, Keep the faith!As Teddy Roosevelt said,The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.You live your beliefs while your critics just sit back and second guess you...Godspeed!


First Name :   Paul

URL :   

Comment :   I am glad you got home. Grass is not green as you once thought. There is hope for you yet.


First Name :   david hills


Comment :   just wanted to say that you are a very intersting individual- i have not fully explored your writings but what i have read thusfar (and seen) has been very interesting. i like your philosophy and am very intrigued by your russian trip (#2).. youve got the


First Name :   Winston

URL :   

Comment :   To Keoki, I wasnt mad at Katya for cheating on me, but for forcing me to buy her a lot of expensive presents, breaking her promise to have sex, and the big scam at the end.


First Name :   Keoki

URL :   

Comment :   Hi Winston - its Keoki from WTR. Youre apparently infamous among online expat communities in Russia, and I recently skimmed through your journals. What I dont understand is why you got angry at Katya for supposedly cheating on you, while youd been traveli


First Name :   Johnny


Comment :   Thanks for the insight...


First Name :   Ravinia

Comment :   Winston your views of daily married American life are really depressing. So many American Families are famously happy, perhaps we like our flat panel TVs and BMWs a bit much, but ITS ALL GOOD with the right attitude. START ENJOYING THE JOURNEY, IT MAY BE


First Name :   Chris

URL :   

Comment :   US Citizens who are victimized abroad can usually apply for aid at the local US Embassy. Perhaps you could look into this, rather than beg for money through the internet. To anyone considering sending Winston monetary funds, please request VERIFICATION


First Name :   Brian


Comment :   Hi Winston, I was a student in Russia from 2001-2003 and might go back for another two years. Please add my travelogue to your links section. thanks! Brian


First Name :   The Riddler

URL :   

Comment :   What does Wu watch his home made pornos backwards?...Because he like to see the hooker give him his money back.


First Name :   Alex Fong

URL :   

Comment :   Hang tough, brother


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   Hey Winston, Me and a few mates from Australia were lucky enough to stumble across your shared photos from your trip to Russia. Hope you dont mind us viewing them but they are a hit :-) . Your photo collection is fantastic and we were very impressed


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   hello Winston, Im a big fan of your stories, youre quite the interesting character. I cordially invite you to join the Green Rabbit forums and share your adventures with our community Register at


First Name :   Peter Wang

URL :   

Comment :   Dear Mr. Wu, Thank you very much for your extensive and straingt-to-fact review article on multi-level and network marketing. I have, from time to time, approached by my Chinese friends or colleagues to pressure me to join certain types of MLM schemes. Y


First Name :   Steve

URL :   

Comment :   Although I think you really need to reflect on the difference between your true motives and the ones that you use to ease your conscience, I have found your journals entertaining as well as quite educational. Good luck.


First Name :   TurnipFish


Comment :   Hope things work out for you. Keep it real. I want to dedicate a blog to you.


First Name :   TurnipFish


Comment :   I have to add you into my blog. I feel for you, so I want to spread the word of your plight. Keep the faith.


First Name :   TurnipFish


Comment :   Hi Winston. I feel for you, I really do. I am going to do a blog dedicated to you in the hopes that someone out there will be able to help you out. Hope everything works out for you. Keep the faith alive.


First Name :   Cathal

URL :   

Comment :   You inspire me! Never change!!


First Name :   Moon

URL :   

Comment :   Winston - what a fantastic site. Your trip to Russia makes me weep tears of laughter. Keep it up (as it were).


First Name :   Joe

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, You get what you deserve in Russia - your approach to women there is disgusting. Why do you think you are only meeting the gold-diggers and prostitutes? Youre heading for trouble. I advise you to go back home


First Name :   Dr H

URL :   

Comment :   Reasonably well-constructed site compared to the norm out there. Now if Winston would only use his talents to further rationality and critical thinking... oh well. Well Hell, you gotta admire Winstons persistence if nothing else. :-)


First Name :   Dr. Stavos Keniculus

URL :   

Comment :   Is this for real? I read your papers on Debunking the Skeptics and Debunking Christian Dogma. How do you go from that to going to Russia and getting scammed by every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet? And ending up having to ask for donations on your website.


First Name :   the truth

URL :   

Comment :   you are a loser


First Name :   Bill L

URL :   

Comment :   Ive enjoyed reading about Winstons adventure.After reading some resent post. Ive come to a conclusion . First off , I think Wu should move to a major city far away from parents.Then marry a shemale . Winston will have the best of both worlds . He can m


First Name :   Dave F

URL :   

Comment :   Hey Brad, rather be a drunkard than a convicted child molester and wife beater like you. Go stuff a doughnut you fat cunt


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   Paul, I think Winston is a waste of time. He wrote girls from my site before. Never paid always looking for something for free. He gets scammed trying to look for girls who too good looking for him. He probably deserves some of it trying to be gre


First Name :   Armen

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, Merry Christmas and a happy New year. Ignore all the negative comments on your guestbook. Most of these people are fucking loosers who see faults in everyone but themselves. Russian chicks are HOT and America needs your good work over there.


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   Clark Williams is a fucking thief. He abandon his wife in Izhevsk. Does not pay his child support and owes money everywhere including me.


First Name :   IS

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, YOU ARE MY HERO. Nobody can understand you and your noble quest unless they have lived in Russia. What drove you will drive any real man who goes there, but you had the courage and balls to stick out horrible shit that comes along with the beauti


First Name :   Raysputin

URL :   

Comment :   WOOOO HOOOOO ! WOOOOOOO HUUUUUUUU ! we wango-tango mango dango ? Hooty Hu would you bungeholey moley Wu Wu DoDo Huusti Tuustii boppa mau-mau howdydoody !


First Name :   Ro

URL :   

Comment :   Hey Winston...I see youre famous. Maybe not quite receiving the positive feedback that you might have been hoping for but nevertheless, you can see how much your stories of your adventures and thoughts have affected others. As I always say, the show must


First Name :   Toni

URL :   

Comment :   And after all of this you have the audacity to write guides on how to travel in Russia and meet Russian women? How long have you been out of touch with reality you fucking schizo??


First Name :   LE


Comment :   winston, even though i do agree with all you are doing there, i do support your adventures and would to commend you doing what many guys are far too chickens*** and cowardly to do my hat is off to you and i would like to hear more about your times a


First Name :   Brad

URL :   

Comment :   Ignore Fuller. Hes a useless asshole and drunkard. Although its clear from your behavior that you REALLY arent looking for a nice girl and a long-term relationship I wish you success in your pursuits and desires such as they may be.


First Name :   Winnie the Wu

URL :   

Comment :   Winston you are one sorry fucktard!


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   He looked at Katya and said 200 dollars, ok? and Katya nodded and said ok. So we both left the table and went to the ATM machine nearby in the hotel plaza. - You are one BIG DUMB FUCKING LOOOOOOSER. You deserve all the shit you got.


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   OhmyGOD I just read your notes you are the biggest SUCKER in the world. And all those girls are WHORES. You are one pathetic loser. But I guess you Wow! I felt like some celebrity here. I thrive on that!


First Name :   

URL :   

Comment :   I wanted to ass this: Seems like you like to be raped, and made a fool of. Obvious scams and Bs...why dont you just leave? Cause you like it. So why should we pay for your whim?


First Name :   FakeDOH!

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, it seems that you are actually enjoy all this shit happening to you, so you can have a story to tell to others. At first i was somewhat sympathetic to you, but now I realized you are a poor sap, who enjoyes being taken advantages by cheap russian


First Name :   Dave F.

URL :   

Comment :   Seasons Greetings Winnie. Cant wait to read your post on how miserable New Years is in Russia, and fix your guestbook to include the full message fool.


First Name :   Eduardo

URL :   

Comment :   Winston you are pathetic I hope you die soon.


First Name :   Dave P.

URL :   

Comment :   Hey little Wu... sorry no one takes you seriously about anything in Russia/ Ukraine, women, experiences, thoughts, insights... your views are immature like a insensitve teenage boy who only wants to use girls as toys for his pleasure, but then you have he


First Name :   Chuckster

URL :   

Comment :   Merry Christmas!


First Name :   Sveta

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, you are Comedian? I laugh when I read guide to meeting russian woman. Russian woman want real man not scared little boy or durak. Russian women want gentleman who bring lady flowers romantic, not durak who take lady to mcdonalds. You will never f


First Name :   Ryan

URL :   

Comment :   Good luck in Russia, you need it. Fuller is right for the most part, you need to grow up. Your childhood was not that bad/traumatizing. When I read about your failure to save your family, yes it was sad, but to imply that God then proceeded to torment you


First Name :   Gits

URL :   

Comment :   You rock! Keep up the great work! Fuckwad Fuller is a cocksmoker!


First Name :   Tom

URL :   

Comment :   Good Luck in your travels Winston. I wish you well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! A lot of information you have written and placed on your site. Thanks. Tom



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