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First Name :   Chris

URL :   hello

Comment :   ur my hero winston, i cant believe you have a page dedicated to your enemies, please never take down this website, it will be the subject of much comedy for me and my can i get on your enemies list?


First Name :   Mike

URL :   

Comment :   Hi Winston.Your are right on bro!I agree with you that American women are some of the worst women in the world.I have been rejected by American women all my life.I am avery nice person and women see that as a sign as weakness.The only type of men who can


First Name :   Mike

URL :   

Comment :   Winston you are so right about American women.They are the most stuck up women in the world.I am a white male 6 foot tall 40 handsome.I have one strike against me(I am a very nice guy.The women here prefer the bad boy player type guys over me).I live in t


First Name :   Alli

URL :   

Comment :   Dude, American women dont find all men creepy. They just find you creepy because you are ugly, fat, and psycho. I mean, seriously, only a psycho could write a 91-page essay about why he cant get laid in America.


First Name :   RussianWomen

URL :   

Comment :   I only wished I would have read your article before I married a Russian woman (who was already in the US). She extored 45 thousand from me. They do lie and if they see the opportunity, their true selves come out.


First Name :   James Wang

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, Well, if an ugly dude like you can get laid abroad, then, I concur with you that it is quite better there than in America. Paying for hookers doesnt count ofcourse.


First Name :   theo


Comment :   i was enthralled to see someone else who finds the sears agreement to be nothing more than a pocket liner. congratulations on getting out of that hell!


First Name :   Wu Cares

URL :   

Comment :   Anyone who is leaving positive comments about Mr. Wu has never met him -- and certainly not spent any significant time with him. His self-made media image is totally different from reality.


First Name :   Woo Weasel


Comment :   You suck!


First Name :   Sephardic-Male

URL :   

Comment :   what happened to your e-bok at somebody took it down


First Name :   Robert

URL :   

Comment :   Hi Winston. I realy enjoy reading your material and could not agree more with your analysis of American society as compared to European and Russian society. Could you please send me the photos of the Villains Gallery. My email is thank


First Name :   Pratap


Comment :   Thought Provoking


First Name :   Matt


Comment :   Winston, thank you for taking the time to share your personal experiences, thoughts, and precautions about Eastern Europe. I find your detailed write-ups very interesting as it truly describes your own account of your time spent in Eastern Europe.


First Name :   Michael

URL :   

Comment :   I am a former employee of Sears. I used to work in the electronics department and everything you say is true. Preach on brother!


First Name :   Mike

URL :   

Comment :   I have been married to a russian woman for four years. I would not recommend it to a westerner. For one their cooking is crude (be ready to live on a cabbage and onions diet), and they are indeed very familiar with double standards, wanting everything fro


First Name :   Abe

URL :   

Comment :   Great site Winston. Your words on pseudo skepticism were fantastic. Keep up the good work!


First Name :   J

URL :   

Comment :   Winston, keep up the good work. Dont let the haters stop you. Am thinking of moving to another country myself. Everything you said about the shallowness of American society and culture is spot on. Trying to decide which Asian or European country to move t


First Name :   Vlad

URL :   

Comment :   Mr. Wu, I am deeply disturbed after perusing through your website. You treated Russia as your personal playground and Russian women as your personal playthings. Your main interest was not on Russia, her culture or her people, but your own ego. You us


First Name :   celia


Comment :   Dear Winston, I have just read your article Propaganda vs. real life in America. I only wish I could be so eloquent - its as if you have been reading my thoughts. I came here for over 20 years ago searching for the stars with my 2 kids. I was born


First Name :   James Chu

URL :   

Comment :   Youll love this video Winston... Funny and true...


First Name :   Elizabeth

URL :   

Comment :   You said this is a site for those who think outside the box?? This is a site for those who cant think outside of your box Winnie Fuckwad Wu!!


First Name :   Denis

URL :   

Comment :   The most self absorbed and wirthless site came across ever. Looks like you have nothing to give to this world except talk about your own self. You are so self absorbed and are madly advertising yourself up. Any same writer/reader can clearly see the truth


First Name :   Sharon

URL :   

Comment :   You are not to be taken about a scam artist! LOL Actively and shamelessly FORCED me against my will to pay for her meals many times, even at her invitation, giving me no choice about it, and putting me on a guilt trip if I complained,


First Name :   Todd

URL :   

Comment :   No where else will you find a more comprehensive, honest, helpful, and detailed account of traveling to Russia or Ukraine than here. An amazing site with a great insight into the dating scene.


First Name :   Ross


Comment :   A GREAT WEB SITE! Thanks for the many hours of work it took to put together. Also I curse you for the many hours Ill spend reading it all. ;) Thanks again.


First Name :   Elena

URL :   

Comment :   Hi Winston, I found it very interesting and rather refreshing to read your views on Russia and Russian women. I would agree with most of what youve said. I have never been to the USA and I do not have the slightest desire to move there, in spite of having


First Name :   Kevin

URL :   

Comment :   Its time to grow up and face the reality, Winnie. Ignorance is not a bliss. Stop thinking how much more intellectual and open-minded you are than other Asians. You are nothing, but a simple-minded horny loser with low self-esteem.


First Name :   Paul


Comment :   Cheers Winston, Keep the faith!As Teddy Roosevelt said,The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.You live your beliefs while your critics just sit back and second guess you...Godspeed!




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