Why bringing a foreign bride to America is bad for her

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Why bringing a foreign bride to America is bad for her

Post by Winston »

Why Bringing Your Foreign Bride to America May Be Bad and Harmful To Her

Hi all,
I'm not sure if this has been seriously discussed or not, since I don't keep up with every thread (who does?). But I just realized something important that we've overlooked or not discussed much.

We all congratulate the forum members here who found their foreign soulmate and brought her to America. And we've praised Romance Tour operators like Mark Davis for helping American guys find their brides overseas, usually to bring back home. He now has great success story testimonials on his site such as these: http://dreamconnections.com/testimonials/

All that sounds great. But aren't we all overlooking one crucial thing?

Isn't it harmful, selfish and wrong to bring a foreign woman into a highly toxic and diseased country like America, just to alleviate your loneliness? I mean think about it. You are bringing a woman from a culture with natural social connection, authentic culture, and good family values, into a culture that we all know is diseased, inauthentic, soulless, toxic, insane, unhealthy, disconnected, spiritually and morally bankrupt, etc. and controlled by a Satanic Illuminati (or something similar) just to ease your loneliness.

You are doing this without consideration of what it might do to her. It would be like taking a healthy person to a radioactive waste dump or to where a nuclear reactor has just exploded, and thus exposing her to radiation and harmful toxins. Even if she has a good soul and good values, you run the risk of contaminating and poisoning her, both in mind and body. Why would you do that to someone you love?

Taking all this into account, wouldn't you be endangering her mind, body and soul, by bringing her to live in America? If so, isn't that inconsiderate on your part? Why aren't the guys bringing brides back to America considering this?

We all know that once she's in America, the system will attempt to crush her soul and mechanize her into a working drone who is all business and no soul. She will gradually lose her natural playfulness, sweetness and authentic personality after coming to America, because such traits do not fit into modern America, so they will be filtered out. Likewise, the same will be done to your children as well. This is what the system has attempted to do to us since our school years, and many of us have suffered greatly for it, unless we succumbed to it.

Why would you want to do that to her, and also to the children you would have with her? If you value your soul, and hers, shouldn't you take this into consideration? Why do many guys bring back their brides as if it were the most wonderful thing, without taking this into consideration?

Not only will her soul be at risk, but her health and body will be as well. Food in America is filled with harmful toxins, chemicals, GMO's, growth hormones and who knows what else. As a result, America is the most obese nation in the world with the highest rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. So why would you want to subject a woman you love to such an unhealthy environment of the sickest nation? See these two article excerpts below:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00631.html
Study Shows Americans Sicker Than English

CHICAGO -- White, middle-aged Americans _ even those who are rich _ are far less healthy than their peers in England, according to stunning new research that erases misconceptions and has experts scratching their heads.

Americans had higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, strokes, lung disease and cancer _ findings that held true no matter what income or education level.
http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/111 ... er-011013/
Americans Are Sicker And Die Younger Than People In Other Developed Countries

A new report shows that Americans live in poorer health and die at younger ages than people in other developed countries–and researchers say the gap is steadily growing. The report also shows that Americans are also dying at far higher rates due to guns, car accidents and drug use than their foreign counterparts.
Geez. Is the sickest nation among developed nations, really a place that you want to bring your foreign bride to? Do you really want to do that to the woman you love? Think about it.

As you have probably observed, most foreign women who come to America become fat, especially around the hip and thighs. They lose the slimness they had in their home country. Isn't that obviously bad for her? Do you really want to poison her body like that?!

It might have been ok to bring a foreign bride back during the 1970's and prior to that, when America was more wholesome and natural. But modern America is more toxic and diseased now than ever, in more ways than you can imagine. Everything is inverted: good is bad and bad is good, truth is a lie and lies are truth, being degenerate is cool, trash culture is normal, tattoos are mainstream, fakeness is standard, wholesome character and authenticity is fringe and weird, etc.

What's striking and sad is that in the 1970's and prior, a woman in America could be tall, beautiful and even look like a model, yet be sweet, caring, affectionate, kind, innocent and wholesome at the same time. That was normal for a female back then, and you can see this in all the wonderful wholesome TV shows of the 60's and 70's. But in modern America, a woman cannot be hot, gorgeous or sexy without becoming a bitch with an attitude. If she tries to be, she will be told by other women that, "You are not acting the way you look." It's very sad and ridiculous. America has clearly degenerated and deteriorated in many ways. But as they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Do you really want to conform to that?

Anyone can observe in America how foreign girls who arrive quickly change. They become less sweet, less authentic, and less natural. Gradually they become unfriendly, closed, paranoid and uptight. It's very sad. Remember that you are bringing her into an isolating, disconnected, lonely environment where people are much more paranoid and uptight than in her home country. If you were a foreigner, would you want that to be done to you?

Your foreign woman can't be the person she was in her home country, because America will squelch her natural qualities that don't fit into what the Satanic Illuminati wants her to become -- superior to men, entitled, masculine, competitive, isolated, dissatisfied, self-absorbed, selfish, narcissistic, overly materialistic, living only for money and consumerism, devoid of soul or authenticity, and lacking any desire to connect with others.

These are all disgusting qualities of course, which are unnatural and unfeminine. But these are the qualities that the modern toxic diseased American culture (and its Satanic elite) condition women to be. So you gotta ask yourself: Is this what you want your woman to be like? If not, then when she adopts these qualities, and you do not share them, how will you two get along?!

Overall, American culture brings out the worst in people. So for sure it will be a bad and toxic influence on your foreign woman, as well as any children you raise with her. Even if you try to, it may not be easy to protect them from being contaminated or affected by it. The media will infest her with feminist values, and encouraged her to treat you as her competitor. She will be told that being selfish and narcissistic is ok, and that she is entitled to nothing but the best. She will even be taught that ultimately she doesn't really need you. Being sweet, feminine, kind, caring and affectionate (as American women were allowed to be in the past) will NOT be encouraged by the new liberal America where "assholes rule".

Here's an example of what I mean. Below is an image still from the remake series of the Bionic Woman. Notice that the new Bionic Woman grabs her boss to intimidate him and show him who's boss. This is how women in America are encouraged by the media and pop culture to treat men.


Now, is this how you want your foreign woman to be encouraged to treat you? In modern America, men and women are conditioned to be competitors, not partners. There is a stupid thing in American culture called the "battle of the sexes", which has a definite negative effect on relationships. And men are programmed to obey women as their masters, and emasculate themselves.

In contrast, back in the 70's, the original (and real) Bionic Woman played by Lindsay Wagner had a caring, affectionate relationship with her boss, as you can see in the image still below. Back then, men and women were encouraged to cooperate with each other, love and care for each other and be good to each other. But not today.


Also, America is not good for children anymore either. In public school, your children will be placed into an oppressive environment surrounded by kids with highly toxic and dysfunctional personalities. If your kid is nice, soft, genuine, shy, withdrawn, or doesn't act tough enough, he/she may end up being bullied by insecure bullies. It's far too easy to get bullied in America because kids are raised to feel insecure, and some react to that by becoming bullies where they try to act tough and bring others down. Additionally, your children will be surrounded by trashy degenerate youth culture that they will feel obligated to conform to, even if it's bad for them, lest they become isolated and lonely.

Moreover, the school system will try to turn your children into memorization machines who live to conform and obey and fear what others think. And if your kids resist, they will be given drugs like Ritalin to keep them in line. Government laws will also force your children to be vaccinated excessively (36 vaccines last I heard) which is very hazardous for their health.

Your children will also grow up eating food that is poisoned with chemicals, toxins, growth hormones and GMO's which makes them fatter and sicker at an earlier age, and messes with their hormones as well. Apparently the cabal running the US government sees your children as a testing ground for their nefarious experiments in genetic mutation, eugenics and population control. (According to Alex Jones, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, Alan Watt, etc.) Now do you really want to let them do that to your kids?! To do so would be insane!

The thing is, everything in America keeps getting worse and worse ever year, and has been for the last few decades. In the past, everything was better, cheaper and more natural: People were more real and down-to-earth, life was simpler, social relations were more true and genuine, friendships were more real, products were simpler and longer lasting, prices were lower, houses were easy to pay off, food was healthier, movies and acting were higher quality, etc. So the America of the past may have been better to raise kids in. The only things that have continually improved are technology, digital products, telecommunications, and movie CGI. Not a very good trade-off if you ask me.

The only reason such areas have improved is because the elite's agenda is to turn humanity more and more artificial and robotic, and possibly cybernetic, to make them less rebellious and more controllable and manageable. (look up "transhumanism") And also to give the elites more power and capability in tracking and monitoring everyone via technology. It is in their interest to turn the world into an artificial one that they can more easily control. Thus the improvements in technology work to their benefit.

But in all other areas of life in America, everything has gone down - the quality of everything has descended while prices and costs have soared (especially in healthcare). So ask yourself: Why would you want to raise your children in an America where everything has gone downhill and degenerated to the lowest point, and where everything has become overpriced and crazily expensive?! Aren't you selfish, reckless and unwise for doing that? Logically, people should be LEAVING America, not coming to it, which would be insane! You don't try to board the Titanic when it's sinking! Come on people.

Furthermore, your foreign woman will inevitably miss her family and friends, and feel isolated as well, because America is a highly isolating and disconnected place, as we all know. Even if you have a lot of friends to introduce her to, they are your friends, not hers. And even if she makes friends of her own, they may not replace her friends and family back home, especially since friendships in America are not as good or lasting.

Moreover, she may not fit into American culture. Many foreign women don't. America is not a culture where everyone fits in, contrary to what it claims. Many foreign people do not like the fakeness, isolation, soullessness, lack of culture, and overly commercialized culture in America that is all about money. America is wrong to assume that everyone fits into that.

I guess everyone is different. Some foreigners fit into America ok. Others don't. And some don't like it but tolerate it anyway. Perhaps many others suffer in silence too and don't talk about it. Or they may suffer but be tricked into thinking that the problem is them, and not with America, as many Americans do.

In my observation, it seems that the strong materialistic types of women are the ones that fit in America the best. (and these are the hardest to get along with too) But the ones with rich souls, a sense of culture, and into spirituality are the ones that do not fit in. It also depends on the woman's age. Younger women are more malleable and changeable, but older women who are more mature will not change as much. Some women also corrupt more easily than others, especially if they have no inner life. Also, women (and immigrants in general) who only care about working and making money may not be concerned with any of the above.

Regardless, it's fallacious to assume that every foreign woman can fit into America, as if it were an all inclusive culture that suits everyone. That's a false assumption. Some foreign women do not fit into America and have written me about it. Here are some examples.

This Lithuanian girl told me:
“Hi Winston,
nice to hear u like lithuania and it's people! and yes, i live here most of the time, but i'm travelling a lot as well and this fall i'm leaving for half a year. i've spent two summers in the states as well, so i do understand why u liked lithuania or europe in all, i could never live in that country, honestly, i guess i'm just love europe too much and couldn't get used to that feeling that everything and everyone was so fake over there, sorry if my opinion about the states seems rude, but i'm just being honest:)
talk to u later, got many things to do!
take care,
So true. Compared to Eastern Europe, everything in America does feel "so fake". But of course, you have to be authentic to sense this, since fakeness does not sense fakeness very well.

Later on, when I inquired deeper, she vociferated:
“hi Winston,
first of all, sorry that i'll be a bit distant for a while, because i have exam session and don't have any time to write mails. still, i do hope u're not gonna find me rude, cause i don't wanna be, but please, do NOT SEND me anymore ANYTHING ABOUT THE STATES. i really don't wanna hear what people say/think/feel etc. about it. i have been there, have my own opinion and my feelings to it are not positive at all, therefore i'm trying to forget all that and delete it from my memory and sorry, but ur mails don't help me too much with that. i had some really bad experiences there and everytime u make me relive those bad emotions, what i have no wish to do. if people in the states are proud to be americans and think it's the best country in the world (when their knowledge of the world reach maximum 5 miles around their farms)-let it be, cool, i'm telling them: live and be happy ever after. i'm out from there. for long. PERIOD.
I hope u understand that i'm not saying "don't write me", i just don't wanna hear about usa anymore.�
Another Lithuanian girl described how isolating the US was for her:
“The longest period that I have spent abroad was like 6 months. I was in the states. Unfortunately (as most Americans would put it), I was in NJ this very little town called Stone Harbor. I don't think you would know it though. It was hell... being stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no wild nightlife....I still remember it as a worst nightmare.�
A Portuguese girl wrote me the following email about her disassociation in America:
“Dear Winston,

If so many immigrants feel this way about Americans, why do they show us such a false, ingratiating face when they meet us, and pretend to love us so? There are some Americans, like myself, a Portuguese-American, who feel exactly the same way many foreigners do about this dead, soulless country. When we meet non-Americans who share our feelings, we are never let know it. We have no one to talk to about our views. It's as though all Americans are stereotyped as exactly the same: we're all dead inside, we all have dead eyes, we all march in lockstep behind our belligerent, hate-filled, racist nation. "Therefore why even talk to them? They're all subhumans and they're all together and in on it." But that's profoundly untrue. Not all of us march in time to America's sick rhythm.

As an American who noticed the strange dead eyes of most other Americans early in my life, as a child, I feel very bad that more non-Americans I have known did not simply open up a conversation with me about how they felt. They would have been amazed to learn that some Americans also feel the way they do about America; and we, the minority, are trapped here.

My sister and I are two of about perhaps ten people we know who can see through the fog of deadness hovering over this country. Life for us as native-born Americans has been a steady hell. From childhood it is as though "normal Americans" could perceive our differentness. We were hunted, bullied, tortured, lied about and betrayed for our perception. My suffering as an American outsider has lasted for decades. Again and again I find myself encountering Americans who find it routine and okay to lie to me, lie about me, steal from me, betray me, try to manipulate me, use me, and discard me. There is no soul behind their eyes; their eyes are empty and blank, and all they care about all their bellies, their wallets, and the next (must be wealthy, thin and attractive!) sex partner.

If I could, I would leave America. I long to go to Portugal, the land of my ancestors. But right now I am trapped under a business that I built and can see no way of continuing it in another country: yet. If I hit upon an idea, I will be out of here and living across the world far away from this terrible land. Between Bush, Christians, the war in Iraq, the growing fascism, the media and the worsening inhumanity in the very streets here, I despise and feel sorry for this place.

America is very much an asylum for the mentally ill. My sister and I ask each other every week - literally, every week, in the wake of yet another betrayal or assault from a dead-eyed American near us - if the entire country has gone collectively insane.

You wonder why Americans don't know their own neighbors? They're more Americans - would YOU want to get to know them?

Portuguese-American longing to escape,
Here’s what my friend’s ex-Filipina wife wrote in her blog about why she was unhappy in Hawaii and returned to the Philippines with him:
http://rosas23.blogspot.com/2008/02/phi ... erica.html

�Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Philippines? Or America?

Well, I prefer Philippines more than here. Maybe I love the people there more, more than the people here, this is the difference. see in list..

1.) I like Philippines because they have Respect, Kind, and Happy people.
2.) My Family's there.
3.) I have a lot something to do in Philippines more then here.
4.) Have people around who can help me.
5.) And maybe I grow up there.


1.) Because too far to Neighbor.
2.) Don't have stuff to do. Only using Computer, Looking my Baby, Cooking, Cleaning, sleeping, Eating, hehehe!
3.) It's hard to having Baby when you don't have people around can help you.
4.) I miss Filipino food.
5.) I miss going Mall. hahaha

As you can see, the other KID here in America are no respect. I prefer more the KID's there where I grow up. My Brother and Sister fighting together but have respect. Not like here, They not respect the Parents Or Old people. LOL, how you can live in Country the KID's they not respect you? well, for me I can't live Country like this. hehehe I'm annoyed!

Posted by "rosa" at 1:51 PM�

A Russian woman who moved to America for marriage shared these thoughts with me after seeing my website about the emptiness and ignorance she sees in the US:

I by chance (looking actually at a completely different forum) encountered your site, and decided I simply HAVE to add my story/point of view...have to say it is all within the lines of what I've read (how immigrants view America/Americans...

I moved here 13 years ago, never planned, but that man met me in my home city, and couldn't leave alone for 2 years, which eventually ended up in marriage (me being very young, unaware of life, without life's wisdom)...we first lived in Texas...boondocks. I am from Russia, country of soul, of mystics, of rich inner world, of great culture, literature, etc....What striked me to the point of not possible to put in words there: IGNORANCE (enough was said in your page there. same things, ppl not knowing the map of the world, geography, their own culture not talking about other cultures...back in Russia I did not even KNOW such things, this level of ignorance, is possible in the world...

2. Fakeness...again, ppl are not real, all wear masks, all pretend, a huge fake hypocritical, cold, indifferent, spiritless world. I felt I was communicating with lunatics or imbeciles. In Russia, no matter what profession or education one has, such thing as common sense is always present in a person, in every plummer, every peasant, every cleaner, etc. Here, even ppl with college degrees have no common sense in them. The very few OK Americans I met were from university from the Languages Dept, those who were deeply in touch with European cultures, people, mentality...

Anyway, then 9 years ago we moved to Arizona; Arizona is MUCH better than TX I have to admit, but the general American tendencies are no less ever present here, too.

Coldness, indifference, hypocrisy, lack of refinement, of culture, of common sense, of spirituality, of compassion are the most horrible characteristics of this country and its ppl. I would agree also to call it "insane asylum". This inner emptiness drives them to horde malls on the weekends, to look for their "bargains" and "specials", and to pass by others of their own kind that are in need.

I feel it is a Devil's place, a Devil's Kingdom on Earth par excellence. This world sucks on the whole, but in other places of this dark planet there is some soul lives on, some Spirit dwells in people's hearts still, and that soothes the trials of our every day existence. Here, in the US, the cruelty of their empty human hearts, which they call "individualism" is beyond belief. They are empty, cruel, soulless, spiritless, fake, dead ppl, automatons, bio-robots. What else one can say...

Thank you for creating and bringing to the world your site, for the honesty and sincerity. Blessings“

I can certainly relate to how she feels. I spent a lot of time in Russia and it is definitely more soulful and passionate than in the US, which resonated with me instantly because I am a very soulful passionate person myself. Thus I can see where’s coming from in her perspective. But of course, if you’ve never left the US and been immersed in a more passionate liberated culture, you wouldn’t understand.

In her next letter, she related even deeper thoughts about my website and movement:
“Hi, Winston,

thank you for your prompt reply; I don't know where do you find time to do the site maintenance and the correspondence:-) Yes, if you think it is best to put my observation/opinion on your Forum and on the Website, that is OK. I wrote basically on an impulse, I never write to a public space as am very private.

But what got me in your site that it is very deep; it looks at a problem of insanity (again, stated by those who are from abroad, or Americans who tasted life/cultures abroad; Americans themselves are in a delirious oblivion about themselves and their "culture") of Americans, their life style and "culture" at every angle, in depth, diagnosing the insanity, looking at the possible causes of it, and offering suggestions to cure.

It was by far the most comprehensive and cumulative work I've ever encountered on the subject. Big thanks to you for that, for devoting your life to this cancerous world's problem. At first I thought that emphasis on dating is a bit shallow and might repel some thinking, deep people, but the more I looked at it, I came to think that it might just do the opposite...tell the guy/person who is love/sex/normalcy starved in this country, dying inside and craving for life and love that he should go read some philosophy he'd send you on a familiar route...however, if the same love/sex/normalcy starved individual is told he should look at this site to find love, he'd go, but later, he'll maybe look at philosophical, spiritual pages, and, hopefully, will be on the road to enlightenment. So, it might actually work to attract more readers who otherwise wouldn't bother to look. )

But the site on the whole is very profound. I believe you should collage all the material and publish it, public just needs to know all that.

I could write volumes on the subject of America, mine and my Slavic friends' experiences here, but perhaps not at once, if you forgive me for time-lacking:-) so, I might do by bits. Sure, I can join your Forum, I hope it is not a difficult procedure.

II. About your adviser and just HOW (in his opinion - is he a male?) Russian women (and rest of Slavic for that matter) are HAPPY here...ooofff, what a British Encyclopedia we could just write. You know, your site for for guys (as primary, level 1st target audience), and you speak from guys' experiences...well, we could just say the same of American men, just the same...we cannot find happiness with them...they are too shallow, ignorant, controlling, empty, materialistic, and all within the lines.

Slavic women suffer in their relationship with American guys. I have Serbian, Polish, Bulgarian (girl)friends, and it is like we all say just the same things, and have same emotions in our American circumstances. To put it short, it is like having this creature (in a female form), that is so alive, and spirited, and lovely, and smart, and with common sense, and with good taste, culture, education, etc., and here is her American guy...did you read J. Fowles novel, the "Collector"? Well, if you did, that's the picture, nothing more to add to this. It's a murder, slow, painful, and torturous murder, a crucifixion of a creature in a Slavic human form. There were times when I almost died from depression (I read thru ur cult testimonial, and very much the same symptoms I had myself), and I am not sure as to what degree of sanity I managed to keep intact to be honest. If I survive, few of my friends and I are moving back there once it is logistically possible.

...attraction...all Slavic women are beautiful...but...what to say...? you know, from my experience, the men who looked at me, or payed attn to me here (in a "normal", European way), are Europeans themselves!!!! American guys just don't see it! ( I have access to European community here, and so, that is where I find normal men!)..they are not Americans!! I maybe got attn 2 or 3 - not more, times from American guys..agn, what do you define attention..? a glassy look? Or an intelligent interest? well, glassy looks I got, and maybe desire to sleep, but those 2 or 3 American guys were again studying languages and so a bit more animated than "normal" American guys. I am not really sure yet...it looks like American guys/ppl are so dead inside they are incapable of discerning beauty, because only spirit can do that. I stopped dressing well here, make-up, etc....it takes so much effort and imagination, and they are not even able to discern the beautiful things in front of their eyes...

I have few friends here, Russian, other Slavic. We gather together sometime, for tea, pies, etc...every time inevitable the conversation turns to "imbeciles" (our term for Americans)...we give resolutions to stop it, to try to be happy, and it doesn;t work, because every time you go out, to a job, to a grocery store, simply driving in traffic here you here stressed and have to deal with imbeciles in every corner. So, depression, depression, depression for Rus women. So, in terms of attention - they are not capable to give real, intelligent, with good sense of humor and sensitivity, attention. I stopped having anything to do with American guys, period. I am going thru a divorce now, and my soon to be ex-husband is a cult member also (Christian, conservative), and I suffered unimaginable shallow mindedness, control, imbecility, and total, killing lack of spirit. The more religious a person is, the less spiritual he is, that is it.

Let me see where I found a link for your site...let me check my bookmarks...I believe it was this one: http://www.culturechange.org/cms/index.php no..?

I have to go now from work, and will write more later on, thanks for reply, and again, for tremendous work on enlightening crowds on the "American" issues. Tatiana�

So you see, not every foreign woman fits into America. Many suffer silently, and some leave and go back home too. Others have a love/hate relationship with it.

You gotta consider this as well.

What do you all think? Why are all these guys, including on our forum, overlooking all of this? They think that if they find "the one" abroad and bring her back, they will live happily ever after. But they overlook all the above and don't take them into account. Why? Am I right?
Last edited by Winston on October 13th, 2014, 10:36 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by Cornfed »

Are you serious? This must have been discussed a million times.
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Post by Winston »

Cornfed wrote:Are you serious? This must have been discussed a million times.
Even so. How come the Romance Tour companies and foreign bride sites never discuss this or consider it? Perhaps pointing out all these problems with America is taboo. Instead, there is this underlying assumption that all foreign women on the sites will fit into America.

It's as if they assume that once a foreign woman finds her man, then fitting into America is not an issue. That's not true. But what I describe above, about how bringing your foreign partner to America may be harmful and toxic to her in many ways, seems to be largely ignored and not considered.

Perhaps the reason is that most men seeking foreign brides cannot, or will not, live in her country. They have a job or business in the US that they are attached to, or too many obligations, or they cannot adapt to a foreign country. So their only option is to bring her back with them. If the Romance Tours and foreign bride sites don't cater to these guys, then they will not have enough business to keep operating.

That is probably the logical reason why they do not draw attention to this issue. Another is that they are probably not experts on the cultural problems of America, as we are. lol

But why aren't the bride seekers themselves, including the ones on this forum, considering this issue? Perhaps they have no choice.
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Post by Bao3niang »

I've always been categorizing this:

A) You find a foreign woman in the Anglo country-You are still not escaping the toxic social environment, and the foreign women are likely to be heavily influenced by Anglo culture. Only benefit is that it saves money, but even this may not be true because these women can be extremely entitled, no different from their Anglo counterparts.

B) You find a foreign woman in her own country and bring her back to the USA-I agree with Winston that it is selfish, plus that you are still not escaping the Anglosphere. Completing all the visa/immigration papers is extremely long, tedious, frustrating, and costly.

C) You find a foreign woman abroad and live with her in her own country-This is one of the routes I opt to go for. This route solves both the issue of finding a good woman AND finding a country that matches your inner soul.

D) An extension of Plan C. If both you and the woman like traveling / adventure, you both reach a mutual decision to move to a non-Anglo, relatively non-corrupted place or go on extended travels. I may aim for this route, depending on the woman I settle with.
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Winston, who's that girl in your avatar? Your wife?
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Post by Winston »

Bitch_Slapper wrote:Winston, who's that girl in your avatar? Your wife?
She's a girl I had in Angeles City.

Please don't deviate from the serious topic of this thread. I'm going to delete the other posts by you and Red that are garbage and detract from the topic.
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Post by rudder »

There are way too many assumptions and logical fallacies in your post for me to even address in a timely manner. I think someone should simply link you to the threads that offer contradictory viewpoints. But since you asked I will give you a piece of my mind. And remember - this is not trolling, because you asked for it.

I'll sum up my points in a nutshell, because to address every single one of your fallacies would take too long. Nevertheless, it looks like you realize your own fallacies as you started contradicting yourself in your own post:
I guess everyone is different. Some foreigners fit into America ok. Others don't.
Yes, I've met many foreigners back in California who lived there for many years, who amazingly managed to retain their soul despite the all-encompassing, abysmal, satanic, illuminati repression of modern American. These were some of my best friends, and the people I connected with the best. Even some foreign women still managed to retain the same level of attraction towards me that they would have had in their native country. Honestly, some people just paint this crazy picture and then hypnotize themselves to the point where they can't even see any evidence that their world view is flawed. I have a hard time believing that you really believe all the BS that you spout on about. I don't think you're that obtuse.

As another example, I've had friends that were very much world travellers and really loved living in other countries, who are now happily married to American women. Oh my Gosh! I'm speaking blasphemy to the church choir! That's right American women that were good enough for people who had previously dated many foreign women. How am I going to keep the lynch mob at bay!?

My hunch is that a large percentage of people waving the "happier abroad" flag on this forum have never actually lived abroad for longer than a few months (i.e. longer than what is commonly referred to as the "honeymoon" period). And you yourself, Winston, are certainly guilty of having complained about how awful it is to be in a place like Taiwan.

It is certainly possible to find yourself in shitty, depressing circumstances anywhere in the world. I have travelled enough and lived abroad enough now to conclude that I can be miserable anywhere in the world. Why choose to live in a place where the streets are shitty, I don't have my own means of transportation, trash is everywhere, there are insane amounts of noise pollution, the people aren't even any friendlier than Americans (seriously I think the lack of friendliness of Americans is totally overblown by this forum), there are serious tropical illnesses such as dengue, dietary variety is considered by the locals to be multiple different recipes of rice with chicken without any fresh vegetables, the local jobs don't even really pay enough for local people to live and they're certainly not going to hire a foreigner over a local, a foreigner either has to spend his savings, work online as a computer nerd, teach English, or start some viable business assuming they have a ton of seed capital and the international business know-how, you constantly find yourself getting intestinal parasites even though you tediously treat all the water you drink and take anti-parasite drugs, you can't even find basic household items like ziplock bags, and everytime you go shopping to buy something specific you spend all day running around to a million different locations because no one has the item.

But I suppose it's all worth it, because girls are higher quality than back home....So what!? Who cares? What are you going to do? Are you going to stay with one and continue to suffer in the tropical wasteland, or do you go back to a society where you, the man, are more comfortable and will have an inherently easier time accumulating the resources necessary to cultivate a comfortable relationship and care for your wife. Another reason to consider is that by taking her to your world, you are leading her and you are not bending or sacrificing your life around her simply because you believe that the girl would be better off in her own country. She may or may not be better off, but a masculine man finds a woman that is willing to cater to his desires, because the man knows best.

You could stay with your wife in the shithole she's from and watch as you barely save up enough money to get by doing jobs that you don't even enjoy, while you watch your health deteriorate from all the parasites, pollution, depression, stress and crappy food.

The problem lies with how much people romanticize the idea of living in another country. Please put your cirtical thinking hat on. As someone on this forum once said, "No country has it all." Most countries are great retirement destinations for people that don't need to worry about making anymore money, but for a young man without a successful career to relegate himself to living in the third world just because of some woman he loves is very short-sighted.

I mean what percentage of the people on here who promote the idea of living with a foreign wife in her country have actually done this over the long term? Certainly not you, Winston. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is Mr. Happier Abroad?

I'm not going to deny some of the drawbacks of living in the USA. And while I don't want to subject my future wife to retinal scans, full body groping by goons, chemtrails, GMOs, etc. I think there are some sacrifices that need to be made for our long-term success. I mean if I love her with all my heart but I hate living where she's from, then the only solution is to move somewhere else with her.

I personally was doing fine back home. My only issue was that I didn't have a love-life. Everything else, however, felt like I was on the right track.
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Post by FinallyLeaving »

I'm a scientist and philosopher and I agree 100% with everything said here. And yes bringing a women back to the USA is a recipe for disaster. It's a good post Winston......
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Post by FinallyLeaving »

I would also like to add, I'm a business man running a business on the Internet. I sell courses on how to do things via the Internet and I have clients from all over the world. Over the last 5 years I have noticed a very clear pattern. People from Canada, Japan, Singapore, Europe, South Africa, Australia, etc don't have any problems learning what I teach, but roughly 50% of all Americans who purchase my course cannot understand it and never do. This has shown me that truly Americans are dumber than the rest of the world, there is absolutely no doubt about that in my mind, they are simply stupid ignorant people, especially when they're from Oklahoma or some hillbilly place like that. In fact these people are so dumb I think they must be putting something in the water there or they are inbred or something is wrong, there has to be some logical reason why these people are so dumb and cannot think....
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Post by Winston »

rudder wrote:There are way too many assumptions and logical fallacies in your post for me to even address in a timely manner. I think someone should simply link you to the threads that offer contradictory viewpoints. But since you asked I will give you a piece of my mind. And remember - this is not trolling, because you asked for it.

I'll sum up my points in a nutshell, because to address every single one of your fallacies would take too long. Nevertheless, it looks like you realize your own fallacies as you started contradicting yourself in your own post:
I guess everyone is different. Some foreigners fit into America ok. Others don't.
Yes, I've met many foreigners back in California who lived there for many years, who amazingly managed to retain their soul despite the all-encompassing, abysmal, satanic, illuminati repression of modern American. These were some of my best friends, and the people I connected with the best. Even some foreign women still managed to retain the same level of attraction towards me that they would have had in their native country. Honestly, some people just paint this crazy picture and then hypnotize themselves to the point where they can't even see any evidence that their world view is flawed. I have a hard time believing that you really believe all the BS that you spout on about. I don't think you're that obtuse.

As another example, I've had friends that were very much world travellers and really loved living in other countries, who are now happily married to American women. Oh my Gosh! I'm speaking blasphemy to the church choir! That's right American women that were good enough for people who had previously dated many foreign women. How am I going to keep the lynch mob at bay!?

My hunch is that a large percentage of people waving the "happier abroad" flag on this forum have never actually lived abroad for longer than a few months (i.e. longer than what is commonly referred to as the "honeymoon" period). And you yourself, Winston, are certainly guilty of having complained about how awful it is to be in a place like Taiwan.

It is certainly possible to find yourself in shitty, depressing circumstances anywhere in the world. I have travelled enough and lived abroad enough now to conclude that I can be miserable anywhere in the world. Why choose to live in a place where the streets are shitty, I don't have my own means of transportation, trash is everywhere, there are insane amounts of noise pollution, the people aren't even any friendlier than Americans (seriously I think the lack of friendliness of Americans is totally overblown by this forum), there are serious tropical illnesses such as dengue, dietary variety is considered by the locals to be multiple different recipes of rice with chicken without any fresh vegetables, the local jobs don't even really pay enough for local people to live and they're certainly not going to hire a foreigner over a local, a foreigner either has to spend his savings, work online as a computer nerd, teach English, or start some viable business assuming they have a ton of seed capital and the international business know-how, you constantly find yourself getting intestinal parasites even though you tediously treat all the water you drink and take anti-parasite drugs, you can't even find basic household items like ziplock bags, and everytime you go shopping to buy something specific you spend all day running around to a million different locations because no one has the item.

But I suppose it's all worth it, because girls are higher quality than back home....So what!? Who cares? What are you going to do? Are you going to stay with one and continue to suffer in the tropical wasteland, or do you go back to a society where you, the man, are more comfortable and will have an inherently easier time accumulating the resources necessary to cultivate a comfortable relationship and care for your wife. Another reason to consider is that by taking her to your world, you are leading her and you are not bending or sacrificing your life around her simply because you believe that the girl would be better off in her own country. She may or may not be better off, but a masculine man finds a woman that is willing to cater to his desires, because the man knows best.

You could stay with your wife in the shithole she's from and watch as you barely save up enough money to get by doing jobs that you don't even enjoy, while you watch your health deteriorate from all the parasites, pollution, depression, stress and crappy food.

The problem lies with how much people romanticize the idea of living in another country. Please put your cirtical thinking hat on. As someone on this forum once said, "No country has it all." Most countries are great retirement destinations for people that don't need to worry about making anymore money, but for a young man without a successful career to relegate himself to living in the third world just because of some woman he loves is very short-sighted.

I mean what percentage of the people on here who promote the idea of living with a foreign wife in her country have actually done this over the long term? Certainly not you, Winston. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is Mr. Happier Abroad?

I'm not going to deny some of the drawbacks of living in the USA. And while I don't want to subject my future wife to retinal scans, full body groping by goons, chemtrails, GMOs, etc. I think there are some sacrifices that need to be made for our long-term success. I mean if I love her with all my heart but I hate living where she's from, then the only solution is to move somewhere else with her.

I personally was doing fine back home. My only issue was that I didn't have a love-life. Everything else, however, felt like I was on the right track.
That is an unfair and unbalanced assessment. You could have at least admitted that there was a lot of great truths in my post.

The truth is, EVERY theory and belief out there has some truth to it, and some flaws you can pick apart as well. And you can always find exceptions to everything.

But the problems I described with America are all real, obvious and provable. I can give many examples and I already have. And I have personally experienced them all. Many here have as well.

So how can they be flawed or wrong? They aren't. You have not logically explained why my statements are wrong or inaccurate.

Now, I'm open to being wrong. Maybe I missed something. But you haven't demonstrated that I am wrong.

Isn't it also flawed to assume that "everyone fits in America" as the media and foreign bride agencies presuppose?

Did you read the letters I posted above from Foreign women in their own words?

We all know that women in America change for the worse. That's a fact that is easily provable. How is that flawed?

Sure some are happy in America, but the ones that aren't don't have a voice and aren't given any attention. Hence I put up this page:


Everything can be flawed if you want to look for flaws. You can find flaws in anything and everything. But you have not demonstrated that I'm fundamentally wrong about the toxicity and bad influence of American culture and media and the vibe as well.

Your last statement is wrong. I have lived with a Filipina partner in the Philippines for 3 years. That is long term to me. Longer than any other relationship. You should not make assumptions about my life based on the past year. That, as you say, is heavily flawed. You don't seem to know anything about me. Next time, ask or read my biography.

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Post by rudder »

Well, I for one would really like to hear from the guys who have lived with a foreign bride in the USA for a long time. Surely there are successful examples.

Yes, Winston, I agree that some women will have a difficult time in America and may become less sweet over time as they succumb to a toxic foreign culture. As you yourself stated, it just depends on the individual, so I don't understand why you think citing a few anecdotal examples of disgruntled women is conclusive proof of anything.

I don't see anything specific about america that would turn a foreign woman rotten as opposed to any other country. Is it possible that there are other factors at play, such as maybe the couple wasn't meant to be anyway, and since the relationship has matured both parties no longer behave as well as they once did? In any case, these are things that can't be proven one way or the other, because it is all based on subjective experience and observation.

Go to any other country, and you'll find countless examples of men and women treating each other with rotten behavior and taking each other for granted.

I'm just trying to illustrate with my own personal experience that the act of immigrating to any country can be seriously detrimental to one's psyche. That's why most people around the world choose to stay in their native country. We're the weird ones for thinking we'd be better off living somewhere else. Just look at my examples of the things I have to deal with where I am in Peru right now. My options are severely limited, and my mental as well as physical health feel like they are deteriorating.

Honestly, those same women who were whining about living in America in your post, would probably not do any better in the Philippines, Mexico, Peru, etc. So yes, I concede that it's probably not in her best interest to take a foreign woman to any other country. So, if neither of you are happy in each other's country, then why would the relationship work out?

At least some of the men on here, realize that they would not be successful in their wife's country so they are willing to try another option. Why should they condemn themselves to the first option knowing that it isn't ideal for them?
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Post by rudder »

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Post by RollingStone »

Stats show most foreign brides have left the USA within 2 years of coming here...
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Post by marklambo »

I agree with everything and at the same time I disagree. Bringing a foreign bride to America carries it's risks of course. The toxic influences of America may or may not affect the bride but it highly depends on her personality, how strong of a person she is, how easily influenced she is to her surroundings in general as a person, etc. How affected she becomes is all based on her. There is no doubt that she will become at least "somewhat Americanized" simply due to the fact that things are just simply done differently in America vs other countries....just your normal day to day things. A foreign bride becoming fat is not the fault of being in America. There are fast food places in other countries too. There's a Mc Donalds everywhere you go. It's all up to her if she decides to let herself go or not. Yes, there are more temptations here for shitty food but it's all about self control.

In regards to her losing her feminine touch...sure that can happen but again it all depends on her. If she's a strong person inside, she will not change much of her ways. The thing we need to also remember and I believe this was mentioned by many people is the fact that how Americanized she becomes is based on how she is also already pre-Americanized without even coming here first. The American toxic culture and influence is widespread everywhere. Any country you go to, you will be able to see something on tv from America. It may not be in high volumes in comparison to living in America obviously, but the fact of the matter is that it's already there. There is also tons of garbage on the internet that is readily accessible to almost anyone. There are many foreign girls that are closet feminists and pre-Americanized already. The moment those girls come here, they come out of that closet and become infected full force. It's usually not too difficult to detect those signs from the beginning. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

Bringing a foreign bride to America I believe yields about 25% - 50% chance that she becomes an infected witch. But in any case, the odds are still much more favorable as opposed to marrying an American raised cunt.
I don't believe it is selfish to bring a foreign bride here. Every guy has a different financial situation. Some guys simply will not be able to provide a normal lifestyle if they moved to their foreign wife's country. A man who really loves his woman will want to provide the best life possible for his bride. If his only option is to bring her here to provide that life, it's not selfish at all. In fact, it's the opposite. If he was not financially capable of living overseas and goes there anyway, he will have a much harder time to survive and provide for his new bride. The relationship may have some major problems. Every situation is going to be different. In the eyes of the man and woman, they may decide it's better to live in America together than to not live together at all. Sometimes a "not so great" choice may be the only choice and it shouldn't always be looked down upon. It's all case by case and how you make of it.

Think about it for a moment...there are all different types of American guys too. Some are so glued to American society and culture. They are so full of themselves, have no manners, ignorant, selfish, thinking because they are in America that they are superior to all. But then there are a good amount of guys from America who are the complete opposite. They understand and have been exposed to other cultures and are not the typical American douchebag. They are not influenced and controlled by the toxic shit in America. A lot of this has to do with themselves, their personalities, their ways of thinking, their inner character. They will not be manipulated by stupidity and ignorance. So why can't a woman from abroad be the same? Just because she comes here, it does not mean 100% that she will make a complete U-turn and become the typical American feminist cunt. Every person is different and it will always be case by case. The whole idea is to choose the foreign girl wisely. If you are marrying a closet feminist or pre-Americanized girl, you'll just see her true self in a bigger way. If you are marrying a girl that you know has a strong character with strong values, your chances are good that she won't really change much or at all. Nothing is guaranteed. It's not guaranteed that she will become a full blown American cunt, and also not guaranteed that she will remain the same exact girl that you met from her home country. Your results will vary....
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Post by Hero »

I've said it before, and I've said it again: Filipinas turn to shit when they get here. A few examples:

I know a 46-year-old Filipina in NYC who won't date a man over 50. If she were back in the Philippines, she'd settle for any guy who still had a pulse

Then there was the time when a friend gave me the email address of a 43-year-old, divorced Filipina nurse with 2 kids. We exchanged a couple of emails, then she just cut off the correspondence without a word of explanation. I couldn't even score a lunch date with her.

Then there was the widowed Filipina I dated. After her husband died, she got herself a boyfriend who turned out to be a con artist who took every penny she had. She and her family now live in poverty. Oh, and he also got her pregnant before he took off. I can't imagine the agony her kids must be going through, to first lose their father and then realize that their mom is a dumb slut. Her husband must be rolling around in his grave.

Finally, there was the Filipina GF I had in Florida, who let me feel her up on the second date, gave me a BJ on the third date, and was ready to sleep with me and let me shack up with her within a month. Then, after I broke up with her, she went nuts and starting harassing my boss at work in an attempt to get me fired. She got herself arrested a couple of years ago (don't know the charges, though).
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