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Praises from viewers:


“Your photo album made this freestyle form of dating appealing as it provided me glimpse of how social dynamics work there, so Winston you did a great job.”


“Hi! My name is Kevin. I'm from the Philippines. I spent the last two days reading (or rather looking) at your pictures. It was a like movie!!!!”





Russia Trip Updates 2002 (Word doc)           Russia Trip Updates 2003 (Word doc)          Russia Trip Updates 2004 (Word doc)




Reruns of my three epic Russian adventures from 2002 – 2005 for you to relive or experience for the first time if you’re new!  Here my Russia journal updates are reposted as blogs.  Experience the excitement, intrigue, wonder, suspense, drama, comical mishaps, and unsavory characters of my early love seeking expeditions once again.  Read about the character building experiences, trials and tribulations, that make me what I am today.  Now includes pictures of the scenes and characters described.  Subscribe now at the link above to watch!






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