



Politically Correct Fanatics

Their denial of patterns and genetics


By Winston Wu



You may be reading this because you've made one or some of the following politically correct statements:


1.  "Not all of them are like that.  It depends on the individual.  You generalize or stereotype."

2.  "There is good and bad (or anything being contrasted) everywhere."

3.  "Stereotypes and generalizations are bad, harmful, and wrong."

4.  "I know this person or that who doesn't fit your generalization."

5.  "People are the same everywhere you go." or "We are all unique individuals, so it is wrong and inaccurate to make generalizations or stereotypes." (a seeming contradiction)


The "politically correct" crowd today is imbued with a mentality that denies any sort of patterns in people, and denies the whole science of genetics, seems prevalent among many people today, especially in the US. Though odd and illogical, it has spread widely and in various degrees among the world's populations into popular thought today. For some reason, these people, in their idealistic cause to appease and unify the people of the world with political correctness, are willing to deny facts and reality to support their politically correct beliefs. They seem to care more about political correctness than accuracy. It's like a religion to them. They seem inclined to ignore all differences in people, in order to unify all, get agreement from all, and offend none. Thus, in effect, when it comes to choosing between truth and political correctness, they choose the latter. For terminology purposes, we will call these kinds of people "PC fanatics". (Many PC fanatics are also Attitude Fanatics) For some reason, PC fanatics tend to be women, young, and leftist liberals.


These PC fanatics, however, are tedious to debate, because they bring up the same protests over and over again (such as the statements above) and even when you point out why they're wrong, getting them to admit it sometimes too, they still bring up the same points again later. It becomes tedious and repetitive. I've gone through that with them countless times. Therefore, I've written this article to knock some sense into them, and to save me time from having to repeat the same arguments to them over and over again.  I cut to the chase and tell it like it is. 


PC fanatics' denial of patterns among people


PC fanatics are people who are religiously against defining or labeling people in any way. They usually have no problem with labeling objects and things, but when it comes to people, they seem to take it personally and act like you've broken some sacred rule. Any observation of differences or patterns in people is immediately labeled as "generalizing" or "stereotyping", and rebuked by one of the five PC statements above. They use straw man arguments by claiming that such observations are “generalizations” and “stereotypes”. There are so many PC fanatics, especially among Westernized liberals. As such, I find that when I make an observation about people or cultures, I am put between a rock and a hard place, because on the one hand, PC fanatics and liberals will take offense and attack me for it. But on the other, if I say that there are no group differences and that people are all the same, that would obviously be a false statement. Thus I am forced to choose between lying and offending them.


The fact of the matter is, patterns and differences in people do exist. Contrary to what PC fanatics insinuate, people who make observations about others are never claiming that ALL people in that group are like that. They are merely reporting and defining general PATTERNS in people based on their experiences, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Patterns exist, even in people, so it is illogical for PC fanatics to constantly deny them. Scientists observe and define patterns in people, as well as statisticians, researchers, marketers, businessmen, insurance companies, and even sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, historians, etc. Observing patterns in people is useful in so many ways that are too numerous to even list, adding to one’s understanding of things.


For instance, auto insurance companies conclude that young males are higher risk drivers than young females, so they set car insurance premiums for young males higher. So does that mean that these insurance companies claim that "all" young males are high risk drivers, as PC fanatics would protest? No, of course not. It's merely a statistic that they need to properly assess risk and cost, or else the business would go belly-up. If only PC fanatics would get that.


It is true that we are all individuals (especially in individualistic cultures like America) but PATTERNS of differences DO EXIST between people of different regions, cultures, situations and groups. So yes, individual differences exist, but so do group differences. The examples that could be given are infinite. For instance, if you go to a sewing class you will notice mostly women and few or no men. That's not generalizing, it's simply a pattern and reality that anyone can observe. Likewise with yoga classes or psychic fairs. But if you go to a NASCAR racing event or a boxing match, you will notice far more men than women there. An example of a national difference is this: America has about a 50 percent divorce rate, but the divorce rate in most other countries is lower. That's an example of a national difference. So again, individual differences do exist, but so do group differences. Politically correct fanatics don't seem to get that.  


Things and people are NOT in the same percentages everywhere.  For instance, in Holland a greater percentage of men are over 5 ft 7 than in Vietnam. That's not generalizing, but a measurable and well documented fact and "pattern". There are more Blacks than Whites in Africa, and in Asia there are more Asians than Whites. Overall, Whites tend to be taller and bigger size-wise than Asians in general; Americans tend to be fatter than Chinese people are, etc.  Again, that's not generalizing or racism.  It's just reality, a pattern fully established and easily observable.  Did I say that all Dutch men are taller than 5 ft 7 or that all Vietnamese men are shorter than 5 ft 7?  Did I say that there were no whites in Africa or Asia?  Did I say that 100 percent of Whites are taller than 100 percent of Asians?  No!  So again, technically I'm not generalizing.  The point is: Patterns and differences are a reality. Why deny truth in favor of political correctness? I prefer the truth.


Those are all observable patterns that the most simple and ordinary person could observe and agree with.  In addition, there are an endless number of contrasts you could make between cultures, mentalities, lifestyles, behaviors, etc. among people of different nations and geographic regions.  None of them claim that "all" members of a group or category fit these tendencies.  Therefore, to say “not all are like that” is both useless and irrelevant.  It is merely a false straw man argument; in other words, putting words into their mouth that they never said in order to knock it down easily. 


PC fanatics like to point out that stereotypes and generalizations hurt people by misjudging them, and they add that people’s behaviors cannot be categorized or formulized.  They are right in that sense.  Trying to predict people’s behaviors by putting them into formulas often fails, even when done by the world’s top experts.  However, one who observes and defines patterns in others does not necessarily generalize or stereotype, for he/she does not claim absoluteness. 


Let’s give the simplest example to illustrate what I mean.  Suppose I saw eight X’s and two O’s fall into a grid.  Now, it would be fair for me to honestly report that there are eight X’s and two O’s.  And I could logically predict that when the next character falls into the grid, there will be an 80 percent chance it will be an X and a 20 percent chance it will be an O.  Now that is not stereotyping or generalizing.  It is merely reporting the pattern observed.  One who does this can still keep an open mind and know that he/she could be wrong.  It’s as simple as that.  But there is no need to try to pretend that there are an equal number of X’s and O’s or that no pattern exists, just to please the beliefs of PC fanatics and avoid offending their beliefs that patterns don’t exist.


Debunking the 5 PC statements


Now let’s dissect each of the five PC statements with another simple illustration.  Here below you see two boxes, A and B.  In box A, you see eight + plus symbols and two * asterisks, while in Box B, you see seven * asterisks and three + plus symbols.


Box A

+ + + + + * + + + *


Box B

* * * + * * + + * *


Now, suppose PC statement # 1 came into the picture:  "Not all of them are like that.  It depends on the individual.  You generalize or stereotype."  If I said that "Box A tends to have pluses in them and Box B tends to have asterisks" or "Most symbols in Box A are pluses, and most in Box B are asterisks" and PC fanatics respond by with, "You can't generalize like that.  There are pluses are asterisks in both boxes." or "Not all symbols in Box A are pluses.  Not all symbols in Box B are asterisks."  What would that accomplish?  Those typical PC statements, though true, do NOTHING to refute the statements I made, identifying patterns I observed in those two boxes.  Yet they are presented as a denial or challenge.  Again, they are both USELESS and IRRELEVANT.  Instead, all they do is create a false straw man, insinuating that the pattern observer claimed that 100 percent all symbols were one or the other, when in fact, he/she did no such thing!


Do you see how trifling silly this is?  Yet, it's EXACTLY what so many PC fanatics do!  I've seen and heard it so many times, that I could say, "If I had a dime for everytime I heard that, I'd be rich."


Let's look at PC statement # 2:  "There is good and bad (or anything being contrasted) everywhere."


This again is another common false straw man.  Though true, it does nothing to refute any statement of observation, and only puts words again into the mouth of the accused.  No one denies that there is "good" and "bad" everywhere, or any other qualities being contrated.  That was never contested.  But just because there is "good" and "bad" everywhere doesn't mean they are in the same PERCENTAGES everywhere! 


For example, there is much higher percentage of scammers, criminals, and thieves in Florida than there are in Wyoming.  There are good and bad in both areas, but not in the same percentages.  Likewise, there are tall and short men in Holland and in Japan, but that doesn't mean the percentages are the same.  And there are Democrats and Republican voters in all US states, but that doesn't mean the percentages are the same in all states.  That's why political commentators call some states as more strongly Republican more Democrat.  Again, they are merely looking at statistics and PATTERNS, not generalizing or stereotyping.  An infinite number of further examples could be given, but hopefully you get the point.


As in the Box analogy, if you applied PC statement # 2 and said, "There are pluses and asterisks in both boxes" it does absolutely nothing but falsely accuse the pattern observer again.


As for PC statement # 3: "Stereotypes and generalizations are bad, harmful, and wrong" well they are when PC fanatics make create them and put them into the mouth of those who are merely observing patterns they've experienced.  In that sense, the PC fanatic is the one stereotyping and generalizing, not the pattern observer.  However, while it is true that stereotypes can be harmful and unfairly categorize minorities and genders, that is not the issue I am refuting here. 


But even regarding harmful stereotypes, it’s been said even that, "Every stereotype is based on some grain of truth".


Now for PC statement # 4:  "I know this person or that who doesn't fit your generalization."


Again, this does not refute the pattern being observed and claimed.  Sure everyone knows or can find exceptions to the patterns being identified, and in most cases even the pattern observer can.  However, a few exceptions does NOT refute or falsify a general pattern.  For example, you can find a few people in India who are rich, but that doesn't change the fact that most there are poor.  You can also find homosexuals and lesbians, but that doesn’t change the fact that most people are heterosexual.  Similarly, you can find white people in China, but that doesn't change the fact that most people there are Chinese.  These are all very simple and elementary things, but PC fanatics need to have it constantly beaten into them for some reason.


And as in the Box analogy, you could take PC statement # 4 and point out the minority of pluses or asterisks that are the exception to the pattern, but it wouldn't change the majority pattern of the symbols in the boxes.


Finally, we come to PC statement # 5:  "People are the same everywhere you go." or "We are all unique individuals, so it is wrong and inaccurate to make generalizations or stereotypes." (a seeming contradiction)


The first sentence is blatantly false (the composers of the oldies song "Ebony and Ivory" ought to be ashamed to put that sentence into their lyrics), and anyone could bet all their money against it and easily win.  Usually though, those who utter it are saying that everywhere you go you can find good and bad people.  But that was already addressed in PC statement # 2.


And in regard to the second sentence, sure we are all individuals and unique (i.e. no two fingerprints and EEG brain waves are exactly alike) but one cannot deny that patterns of differences exist among people of varying regions, nationalities, or genders.  Likewise, dogs and cats are individuals and each has its own quirks.  Though they are not all the same, there does exist general patterns of differences between them (e.g. dogs are more dependent and needy while cats are more independent; cats instinctively chase mice and birds while dogs don’t; etc.)


Hypocrisy of PC fanatics


When PC fanatics become defensive, they often resort to sly and ridiculous arguments such as “Have you met everyone in the world to know this?” or “Not all are like that.  It depends on who you meet.”  The first statement is a classic case of raising the bar to an impossible standard that no one could meet to try to discredit the claim being made. 


One does not have to know or meet everyone in the world, over six billion people, in order to honestly report or define patterns in people.  Funnily, if I proclaimed to PC fanatics that “most parents would not want their children to be kidnapped” or “most people would prefer not to be shot by a gun”, they somehow mysteriously do not feel the need to resort to this statement.  Obviously, PC fanatics are inconsistent in their logic, and highly selective of what they choose to demand proof for and what they don’t.  They seem to only use the "you can't generalize or stereotype" accusation when someone identifies a pattern they don't agree with or like, but don't use it when they themselves agree with the described pattern.  In a way, this is a double standard, for this type of semi-PC fanatic will demand scientific proof from the one they disagree with, but when they agree with the pattern, then they don't need proof for it, and in fact base it on nothing but their own observations as well.


The second statement ploy is again merely a pure straw man argument, for no one who observes or defines patterns in others is claiming “all are like that” nor is he/she claiming that everyone is the same.  So the statement is a moot point that is bred more out of emotion than rationality.


Suggested solution


The best solution seems to be to honestly observe patterns in people, while keeping an open mind that one could be wrong, and that there are always exceptions.  That would be the logical view.  But it wouldn’t be logical to just pretend that people are the same everywhere, or that patterns don’t exist in people, just to appease the beliefs of PC fanatics.  If one observes that men in general tend to be physically stronger than women, that most who use cosmetics tend to be female, that white people tend to be taller than Asian people, or that most of the people who attend psychic fairs in America tend to be women rather than men, etc., then one should have the right and freedom to report such observations honestly, without feeling like they are violating some type of morality imposed by PC fanatics.


After all, since the observant of patterns is never claiming absolutes in his/her definitions, the PC fanatics technically have no case to gripe about.  The absolutes seem to only exist in the minds of PC fanatics, not in those who define or observe patterns.


Where there is disagreement among those identifying patterns, one should state their opposing experience or observation, and try to back it up.  In this way, it makes for much more constructive discussion or debate.  But for God sake, please don't use one of the five PC statements, which serve no purpose other than creating false straw mans.


In such cases, those who disagree on their experiences and the patterns they observed ought to compare their qualifications - namely, a) the vastness of their experiences, b) how well-traveled they are, and c) the number of people they've known or met, in relation to the subject at hand.  Those with higher qualifications in these areas ought to be considered more credible, and ought to be able to back it up as well.  For example, as it applies to a and b, someone who's been to a hundred countries (such exist by the way, for I have met them) is far more qualified to make culture comparisons, observing and identifying patterns between them, than someone who has never left their own city, state/province, or country.  And likewise, someone who has lived in a foreign country for at least a year, immersing themselves with its culture and people while living amongst them, is far more qualified to be stating patterns than the typical American who only knows about that country from their media. 


Now when you know or have met many people who are well traveled, you will notice that patterns exist among their stories and experiences.  For example, as a traveler myself who has met many others, here are some common consensuses I've noticed.  Most Americans who have been to Spain, Italy, Greece or similar countries have reported that people there are far more festive, lively, and open than in the US.  Most Europeans I know who have been to the US usually cite their dislike of how fake and clicheish the way people smile and greet each other there.  Therefore, if you cite a pattern yourself that other well qualified people have agreed with, it gives the pattern even stronger credibility, which you can argue.  And even if you find a minority of qualified people who disagree with that observation, you can logically overrule them based on the numbers, but to be fair, you should nevertheless take note of the minority opinion into consideration (e.g. 8 out of 10 people I know find Spain more lively and festive than the US; 7 out of 10 Spaniards I've met dislike American culture and their fake smiles and clicheish greetings).


PC fanatics' denial of the science of genetics


Another feature of PC fanatics and liberals is that they seem to deny the existence of genetics altogether, dismissing and ignoring an entire branch of science.  They have this fanatical belief that everyone is born a blank slate and that their personality, behavior, characteristics, mindset, and beliefs are completely determined by their environment, culture, and how they were raised.  In simple terms, in the nature vs. nurture debate, they completely side with nurture.  They have little or no evidence or sound reasoning to base this on, yet believe it fervently, even ignoring all contrary evidence.


This belief is especially prevalent in Western cultures, where the values of individual liberty, freedom, and "taking control of your destiny" dominate popular thought and culture.  But around the world, it varies though, for in some countries (e.g. Asia and Africa) people lean more toward destiny, fate and karma. You can see in this graph here what people in different nations believe about fate:


The truth though, is that most of the research by science in the field of genetics and heredity have concluded that our personalities are determined about 50/50 by nature and nurture. The evidence, tested, observed, and researched for many years, indicate this. Yet most PC fanatics believe that it's nearly all nurture. Perhaps they have a need to believe that they are in control, and despise the notion of being a slave or prisoner to their genes.


The research which proves the PC fanatics wrong, is well documented.  Most of it indicates that its about 50/50.  See the following:


It is clear that there is a genetic or inherited element involved in our personalities, temperament, and in what makes us "tick".  For example, two siblings can grow up in the same families and environment, yet turn out to be totally different in personality and beliefs.  Also, studies have shown that fraternal twins who were reared apart tend to still have striking similarities in personality, habits, choices, etc. some of which are very eerie.  That strongly favors nature over nurture, for example. 


And, some are born with phobias that have no environmental learned cause.  For instance, I've always had a paralyzing fear of heights, and as a little child was even afraid to go down slides in the playground, whereas other kids had no problem with it. Yet I had no bad experiences or trauma that caused this. I was born like that, and did not learn it. And some are born with natural talents as well, that aren't learned (e.g. Mozart could play the piano as a child without ever having been taught it).


Another consensus among behavioral scientists and specialists is that behavior and habits are mostly learned and therefore changeable.  That is the good news, which is that undesirable behavior, bad habits or cyclical addictions, can in fact, be changed by behavioral modification techniques.  However, our basic core personality, who we are, and what makes us tick, usually remains fixed, only enhanced to varying degrees.  Though we or others may try to change who we are, we simply end up coming back to being the same as before.  There is a saying that "people never change" and it does have some basis in truth, but those who utter it ought to understand that behavior and habits can be changed. 


So what I don't get is: Why do liberals and PC fanatics always seem to deny the genetic factor in human behavior, even though science says that 50 percent of our personality/behavior comes from our genes? What drives them to be so irrationally against the science of genes and their effect? Why do they have a need to believe that everything is a social construct conditioned by culture and that we are all born a blank slate? Some even go so far as saying that there are no differences between men and women other than cultural and biological differences, which is totally insane. It doesn't make sense. What's their motivation for denying something so obvious?


Whenever I ask PC fanatics the following questions, they get stumped:


1. If all our behaviors are conditioned, why was I born with a fear of heights ever since I was a toddler? Who or what conditioned me to have a fear of heights?


2. Why is there a proven correlation between race and IQ that transcends environment or upbringing? See here:


3. Why do adopted children have IQ's that are closer to that of their biological parents than of their adopted parents?


4. Why do fraternal twins separated at birth develop many of the same habits, personalities, choices and names, as studies show?


They can never address these questions or answer them. Why is that? Why can't they change their beliefs to fit the facts, rather than deny the facts that don't fit into their beliefs (aka cognitive dissonance)?


Furthermore, why do they emphatically claim that there are no differences between races or groups of people, other than cultural or individual differences? Consider this: We acknowledge that animals, such as dogs and cats, have different behaviors and temperaments based on their breed and color. A German Shepherd for example, has a very different personality than a Golden Retriever. And black cats are more wild and independent than white cats, while tabby cats are more friendly, warm and cuddly. Obviously, these animal differences are not due to culture or environment. So if different colors and breeds are correlated with different animal traits and temperaments, why wouldn't it be the same for human races? Why are innate differences between human races a taboo? What's the logic behind that?


Do PC fanatics and liberals even care about truth? Or are they all about not offending others? What is the rationale or logic behind political correctness? Does the politically correct crowd really think that political correctness=truth? And why is political correctness so popular, especially among young people, and especially among females? It's almost like a fad or trend among young people (especially females) to hold politically correct views such as "there are no differences between groups or races, only cultural and individual differences exist" etc. They seem to adopt such views like a religion, without thinking and without regard for evidence, logic or science.

It's really weird and doesn't make sense. And it's one of the reasons why I often feel alienated around young adult crowds (in addition to their superficial conversation around lighthearted topics only, and their expectation of having to act positive about everything). It's like whenever I describe differences I observe, they become argumentative, as if I've violate some holy ground of theirs. Very weird.

Anyway, I think this article on accurately summarizes the relation between genetics and environment:

"The most fundamental way to rationalize my opinion is quite comprehensible. It is that heredity determines one’s potential, but environment devises how far one will reach that potential. “Nature designs blueprints and nurture modifies them each step of the way” (Dempsey and Zimbardo 164). “(For instance), some genes increase our risk of heart disease: but if we know this and eat less fat, we reduce the risk” (Tudge)."


Since it is not always easy to recognize the difference between what is changeable and what isn't, perhaps this well known serenity prayer applies:


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference"


Thank you for reading.





Addendum:  Also see Attitude Fanaticism - A New Wave of American Delusion

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